#2012!raph seeing a feral bitchy version of his big brother: hehe you're coming home with me
tending-the-hearth · 1 year
thinking about how if the 2012 boys met the rottmnt boys, there is ABSOLUTELY a chance that 2012!Raph would see Rise!Raph and just immediately be reminded of Slash and he just... can't relax around him. and the 2012 boys know why he's reacting that way, and they just support their brother in any way they can, but Rise!Raph doesn't get it, and even though he tries to get to know his counterpart, he can't really get past 2012!Raph flinching every time he comes close to him or reaches out towards one of his brothers
and it's not until Rise!Leo figures out that something's up, so he goes to talk to him, and oh, 2012!Raph can't resist this version of his brother, because he's reminded so much of himself, so he absolutely ends up telling Rise!Leo everything, and there may be tears involved.
Rise!Leo being like "omg you're just like me fr" and comparing Guilt™️, and yes their conversation ends with 2012!Raph actually being able to relax and joke around with his counterpart, but now 2012!Raph and Rise!Leo are attached at the hip because they've bonded over their ✨trauma✨, and if anyone tries to separate them they're probably getting bitten
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