laddertek · 2 months
@countthelions (tumblr ate this when I tried to save my answer as a draft, so we improvise 🙃)
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This one? :D
This whole stream was delightful. What a way to return 🤗
Tango was so happy energetic.
And from Tango calling Etho's storage system cute and Etho in gamechat going "CUTE?!" (00:41:07). To the razzing (and laughing) over shops (00:49:00 and 01:03:49). Etho taking Tango's head twice, and it all being so playful (00:58:11). Etho using Tango's catchphrases 🥹🥹🥹 It gets me every time! "porkchop power" "flee with extra flee!" And the way he said it was the cutest, and Tango's giggle about it too (01:00:59). Etho offering to give the tour Tango wanted. More mail talk and laughing guilt and planning and razzing and teaching Etho to do the stamps. Tango complimenting the path (and that Etho showed it to him when he first came back when Etho came to say hi) (01:15:41). They still plan on doing their sand-collection-off (01:35:06).
And of course the whole TNTificating with Etho's new "boom boom tech" (01:39:43--02:15:17) was just…the most fun. They are having the most fun together...it's an absolute joy. (And it's also them collaborating on how to figure out a redstone thing together which is just so satisfying.) Just...TOO MANY (!!!) (so many) fun moments in that whole TNT section that I can't even start on highlighting them all 😭 I'd need another mammoth paragraph...
Honestly??? Still smiling. Great great great stream 🥹
Timestamps are for YouTube not Twitch because Tango was so fast on getting the VOD up lmao
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venti-death-watch · 2 months
so glad the hearth timeline is like… slightly more understandable than before. previously i had freminet down as being given to the hearth at about 5, arle killing the previous knave when he was about 8, and the twins being taken in a few months later at about 12 when he was still 8. for my au, that makes them about four years apart, which feels slightly large of an age gap but ultimately it works better than making them a year or two apart.
apparently, canonically arle was 16 when clervie died at 16, 17 when she killed the previous knave, and then spent an unknown amount of time in prison before becoming a harbinger and taking over as the director of the house of hearth.
freminet was taken in during the year between clervie’s death and crucabena’s death. the twins were taken in a few months after that.
if freminet was taken in at 5-6, the twins taken in around 9-10, that keeps the age gap between the trio as well as explains the ~10 year gap between this and canon. that would make freminet 15-16 and the twins 19-20, which fits them really well. i wish arlecchino was older, though; she definitely feels older than ~27.
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gen4grl · 1 month
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halloween in pallet
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stromuprisahat · 3 months
What do you think about Aleksander wanting Ravka's love? How does it look like for him etc
You can't keep doing things out off goodness of you heart, while all your credit's constantly overlooked. There should be either visible results or some acknowledgement (preferably both), otherwise your work becomes incredibly draining.
While Aleksander DID have results to show for his lifetimes of work, let's be honest- even Little Palace pales in comparison with constant animosity and servitude. He's fighting windmills and he knows it.
“Fairness!” he laughed. “Still she talks of fairness. What does fairness have to do with any of this? The people curse my name and pray for you, but you’re the one who was ready to abandon them. I’m the one who will give them power over their enemies. I’m the one who will free them from the tyranny of the King.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 21
Btw, interesting choice of words once you realize he's talking from a position of a serf. He's not merely changing one tyrant for another, like Alina answers, considering his stance on servitude, I don't think he'd let it last for long. Sure, you cannot piss off all the nobles and immediately turn everything upside down, unless you want your country to collapse, but while he might not like to give up control to the idea of democracy, I think servitude would be on the top of his list of things to get rid of.
But back to your question:
Sure, he desires love just like an other human being. He WOULD like to be genuinely appreciated (once he'd believe it), but I think he has it in the same category, where ordinary people tend to place sudden inheritance from previously unknown rich relative. Sure, it could happen...
What he wants is peace and Grisha to be viewed as ordinary people. Even Brainwash-Bullshit-Baghra admits it in one of her manipulative lectures:
“My son was not … He began so well. We moved from place to place, we saw the way our people lived, the way they were mistrusted, the lives they were forced to eke out in secrecy and fear. He vowed that we would someday have a safe place, that Grisha power would be something to be valued and coveted, something our country would treasure. We would be Ravkans, not just Grisha. That dream was the seed of the Second Army. ..."
Ruin and Rising- Chapter 10
I don't remember him ever stating anything suggesting fleeing human affection is among his goals- quite contrary- it was his enemies (in the Retcon duology), who claimed it's what he wanted.
All the Darkling ever wanted was to be loved by this country, adored.
Rule of Wolves- Chapter 20- "Genya"
"That’s why the Darkling expanded the Fold, isn’t it?” Nikolai mused. “He was looking for a weapon that would leave no one in doubt of Ravka’s power. He knew if he gave the people victory, they would finally love him. ..."
Rule of Wolves- Chapter 31- Nikolai
Aleksander is too much of a pragmatic realist with too much experience with people. He knows love cannot be forced, and while it might make some things more pleasant, it's not what he requires. He insists on cooperation (See: Alina) and he's too ​disillusioned with life to even hope for any kind of appreciation.
He'd settle for results.
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fishareglorious · 6 months
What do you mean Jessica is 2 years older than Tooth Fairy😭
Spreading my TF is in her thirties headcanon here what do you mean that woman keeps calling the likes of Blonney and Horropedia children if she’s only 4-5 years older than them
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mymarifae · 8 days
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hsr age estimates... i was just sorting out my thoughts since same face has everyone except the Kiddos looking like they're 20 when that's definitely not true for a good chunk of them + ages are EXTRA poorly defined due to not all the characters being human and having different life spans. so for those guys these numbers are like. vague equivalences. also using the 20s as an example "early" would be anything from 20 to 25 and "late" is 26 to 30
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frociaggine · 5 months
my phone is dying so I'm backing up everything on a hard drive before I buy a new one. I'm going through my photo gallery rn and besides the gym videos, I have
a folder that's just pinterest lesbians, female football players, and female powerlifters with huge thighs
a folder aptly named "football reacts" that's shit like this and this
make up inspiration looks! which is funny because I don’t know how to use makeup but maybe this is my year
a folder named "beef" that's just screenshots of various rude anon asks / annoying ao3 comments / people talking shit etc. from the last five years of Doing Fandom. I won't engage but I WILL laugh about it in my friends' DMs as god intended
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leafeonb · 3 months
the fact that there are people who are misogynist about cats is insane still thinking about this one family friend's kid who was like i want a cat but i dont want a girl cat because theyre unaffectionate and cold 🙄
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cocotome · 8 months
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If you're impatient like me, you can check both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store to download Lovebrush Chronicles! If you played the last Beta, there will be a 2GB update in the Play Store.
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I'm beyond ready for this!! Let's goooo!
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butchriptide · 4 months
genuinely really frustrating that people will like. choose to accept the age mistake made in assassin as canon for deathbringer when it actively contradicts older material. like. sorry idk if this is me being unfair here but genuinely like. why would you think it's intentional when deathbringer is described in main series as maybe a year or two older than glory at most, and can canonically not be any older than 9 due to stated timeline facts in the main series.
like. I get not liking glorybringer, i really do. no ship is for everyone. hell, even if assassin specifically makes you feel weird about it, so be it, to each their own. i can undertsnad that too. and yes, the glorybringer fans who think the age gap are canon are also in the wrong. they're being really gross, i don't think it's necessary to disclaim that, that feels given, but like... that only comes to my point still of like, i really don't understand taking a spin-off as canon over the main series. i don't really understand prioritizing later content as canon as opposed to the main work over spin-off as canon. why should a spin-off take jurisdiction just cuz it's newer? i feel like the older the canon is, the more likely it is the newer stuff will make mistakes. to me, in the case of a contradiction, the main series should be taken to? a spin-off is meant to supplement the main series, so shouldn't it only supplement canon that doesn't contradict?
like also, i get being frustrated it isn't fixed, but also. like. i obviously have not worked with a publisher before, but if I was writing for fucking scholastic books, no matter how well fucking beloved my series was, I don't know if I could risk being like "hey. can you pull my books from shelves and e-stores for me so that I can edit one line?" Like. I really don't think there's any reality in which I can make a corporation agree to that kind of thing, no matter what that one line may fuck up about my main story. like it's not even the only mistake she makes in the winglets. she calls deathbringer a rainwing in the flip book, but we're not hailing that as canon in retrospect, right? I don't know. I think it's unfair to presume that she's choosing not to fix it as opposed to it being an improbable to downright impossible thing to ask of a publisher. like yes tui is an incredibly successful author but i really don't know if we can presume she has that much actual sway on her publisher.
it's just really exhausting as a deathbringer enjoyer to feel like if I want to talk about and enjoy his character, and yes, that includes context given in the assassin winglet once you ignore the timeline error, i feel like I constantlyyy have to be saying "yes I think the timeline error is an error. no i don't think deathbringer is 13." like. every time i bring him up. i'm a riptide fan I'm used to it but also it's sooooo tiring to go into a character tag for a guy i like and be swamped with hatred for him and it's so much worse for deathbringer than riptide because in the deathbringer tag I have to deal with being actively accused of excusing gross shit for liking him instead of people just saying that my blorbo is boring.
#by nightwings standards deathbringer isn't even a fucking adult. like even when I was first reading the books he never read as an adult to#me. and the assassin winglet only further adds to this for me not lessens. he reads so much as#teenager/barely in his 20s guy who grew up#way too fucking fast for his own good but fully buys into his own narrative that he's got everything sorted and together#the way the age system works as I've always interpreted it is that like. each age up to 7 covers a wide but decreasing number of human#maturity years every time and then slows to the years being one-to-one by the time they're 7#with 7 corresponding to 18#which makes the nightwings not counting dragonets as fully grown until 10 the equivalent to how 21 is kind of like being an Actual Adult#law wise in America at least i mean to say#deathbringer can't even legally buy beer yet is what I'm saying. some hotels wouldn't let him check in without an accompanying adult#deathbringer#misc#wings of fire#wof#sorry for complaining in main tag but I'm so fucking tired of being made to feel gross for liking a character over material that#no casual fan of the series is even going to know exists or read that is so clearly a timeline error based on everything in the actual#series that I read#does my joke about him not being able to buy beer make up for it#do you guys still think i'm cool#on the note of publishing too#there's no reason to think scholastic could even make it happen in a timely fashion even if tui did ask for the change to the books. like.#looking up working with scholastic reviews some of the most common negative reviews are about poor management#i'm not trying to white knight for her or anything i think she's a flawed human being like anyone else I just think if ur gonna critique he#you should do it about stuff that's like actually poorly handled in her series. not a timeline error in a spin-off. like. come on.
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pangyham · 4 months
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older chongyun..!! i think most people draw him w long hair tied up in a ponytail but i like to think his hair grows really slow. he grows it out to his nape giving him somewhat of a mullet? my goal is more on a small mane...hehe. rationale for this is that id assume he can control his yang energy better as he ages and therefore doesnt warrant the need to tie his hair to ventiliate himself or prevent sweating. i reread his character stories on his profile and forgot the bit about him feeling like he missed out the mundanes bc of his condition (eg large gatherings hot springs regular dishes). perhaps the smallest and most gradual development in overcoming this predicament is growing out his hair.....
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 month
it's literally not a good idea in any way shape or form but I want to get a second job in fast food
#it's not a good idea bc the wages are GARBAGE compared to retail#Macca's base rate for my age is less than half my sunday rate#and they don't get much beyond the base rate#whereas retail we have an incredible base rate AND more weekdays past 6pm and weekends (sat is the same as mon-fri 6pm#and sunday is significantly more)#and like yeah im not getting many shifts but if i were to ask for more I still wouldn't be able to work more than 4 hour shifts til july#bc my retail corporation is surprisingly ethical and extends the age limits by a lot#whereas my friend has a 7.5 half hour shift tomorrow AFTER school. on a week night 😁#which is actually horrifying and should nawwt be legal. thats school 9-3 (+20 min) then work 4-11:30 btw#like i should just wait til my birthday in july n ask for more shifts in retail but i want to try fast food#even though the pay is incredibly ridiculously bad (<10 AUD) (yes our adult minimum wage is a good ~23 but under 21 is a percentage of that#like the pay is so bad so i would earn the same or more doing wayy less hours than retail#but i kinda want to get the fast food experience bc it'll be more difficult to get hired as i age#bc i want to save up 20k for top surgery but at the rate im going it'll be difficult to have even thay#let alone savings after top surgery or money to get a car before#and as school gets more difficult it'll be harder to work more#so maybe i should just grind for a few months or til the end of the year then go back to retail exclusively?#and enjoy higher pay and some longer shifts?#but idkkk it's just such a dilemma bc i want more shifts than I'll get at retail but fast food pays so little#but i also really want the experience and to just try it out#im gonna. idk im gonna sit on it for a bit bc i want to get my legal name change sorted before i apply to any second jobs and that will#take a while#so i shall consider. draw up a timetable. write a pros and cons list#yes that sounds like a solid plan#whoop typo but im on mobile i meant 'wayy less hours IN retail'
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Fellas, is it gay to love something so much that any real reminder of it overwhelms you with emotion? Makes you curl up and throw it away so you don't break down and cry from just pure joy? Because you can't let yourself be happy and in love for some fucking reason, even if it's not a person you're in love with?
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crazy-walls · 8 months
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inktober 2023 - days 1-10
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britneyshakespeare · 1 month
Man is saying weird things to me again
#help mom he's oversharing about drinking scotch every evening#that's very on brand for Man#tales from diana#i literally did Nothing to reach out to him i don't know what he wants#i was just thinking in the shower literally not even half an hour ago about how you know it's strange#he used to always have this way of talking to me like he was trying to impress me which is just kinda silly honestly#like i was a 20-21-year-old in awe of him and he was a retired male model eight years older than me w more life experience#and some rather exotic and interesting experiences at that#i think he somewhat envies that i seem (at least to him) like a self-possessed 'intellectual'#thats how he talks to me at least. it's funny tho#not that im not. like. smart. i think the both of us know i'm better-read than he'll be in 3 lifetimes#and i'm not quite self-possessed but i certainly don't have the open-wounded insecurity he does#while also being rather more confident than most ppl in some areas (and it's not ALL unearned)#he's got much more ambition than i do though. more ambition than i'll have in 10 lifetimes#and he seems to do everything with a motivation of external validation and approval.#so i think he has a chip on his shoulder. poor little Man#the two of us could not be more opposite. but i don't really strive to be like him in the ways he strives to be like me#he chases this dream of what he thinks the perfect man is and it's quite inhuman so of course he falls short.#i on the other hand am if anything much TOO accepting of my own faults and shortcomings. ahem#these are all things i will never say to Man. he's too silly to hear it#besides. im rather sure he likes me (? in some way) and i am these days just very ambivalent to him#i can't NOT say i find him attractive bc i do but he's just. sooooo not the one lol#he's a fascinating creature all flaws aside but i never find myself studying him at my own volition#Man just comes outta the woods sometimes to tell me about his travels or women or whiskey. he's odd#he's very eccentric but between the two of us i think i'm the better eccentric. no wonder he visits me sometimes#but he brings gifts and prayers like he's coming to a devotional shrine or something. i'm like sir this is not a temple#he'll never be normal but he is so strange in the ways i'm too good for. if i do say so myself#(and that's saying something bc i'm not too good for ANYTHING)
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tragicdeity · 1 year
a Luka Crosszeria playlist in order of being the Bloody Cross > meeting Yuzuki and falling in love with her > losing her and waiting for the reincarnation > current Yuki
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