#1. better snack for shreddy
tangledinink · 1 year
So. Leo and Donnie grew up under Big Mama's care to eventually become the infamous Gemini in the Battle Nexus... And Mikey has been raised by Baron Draxum to fulfill the prophecy... Well, where's Raph?
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(treasure of the shrine) (tireless devotee) (pledged martyr)
enter -> raphael, child of the foot clan
raph grew up under the protective eye of the foot, raised on endless tales of the clan's grand mission and the essential role he would play in it. his value was very clear from the moment he came into the clan's possession as an infant, given the inherent, powerful mystical energy already laying dormant inside him. though he cannot wield any magick himself, he often spends long hours meditating in the clan's shrine, bathing in mystic energy, awaiting the day he can don the dark armor and awaken their master shredder with his life force. as per clan tradition, he was never given a name and is instead officially referred to by his title-- oblation.
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though he is just as devoted to his ninja training as any other clan recruit, his future role makes him far too valuable to be sent on missions or risk combat. in fact, he very rarely leaves the safety of shredder's shrine. this doesn't bother oblation, however. he is perfectly content in his role, and proud of what his anticipated sacrifice will achieve. his faith and trust in the clan are absolute and unwavering. however...
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though small children are rarely recruited by the clan, there was one other. recruit calls oblation "obby." and obby calls her "cru." they met when obby was nine and cru was ten and have been inseparable ever since, training side by side. though obby is technically considered a higher rank than her, neither of them have achieved full clan membership yet. obby will not earn his place until he completes his one and only mission, and one that he will do entirely on his own-- bring forth the shredder.
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(and recruit is loyal. recruit believes fully in the clan's divine mission. recruit will give whatever the foot asks of her. but as obby's promised sacrifice looms ever closer, she finds herself harboring more and more doubt.)
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Silk Tie
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Summary: Wide awake with midnight munchies? No problem. Dom Hobi (As if he’s anything else :P)
Hobi x Reader. (Established relationship)
Genre: 18+, PWP basically. Hobi ruins me like that. Some cute stuff though :P Not going to lie loved writing this hope its not too terrible.
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (Light bondage, Oral F receiving, Slight Exhibitionism, Spanking, Hint of Cum Play) Think that’s it.
Enjoy ARMY. Love You ALL! Please Reblog and Comment your thoughts.
“What time’s your alarm set tomorrow?” you inquired, rolling over enveloping your arms around Hobi’s chest. You were shameless in trying to share the body heat permeating of his skin; being greedy with the warmth already supplied to you buy the cosy duvet shrouding you both.
“4” Hobi groaned mid-stretch, one of his hands falling to your waist.
“What!” your normal tone hiked up a few notches higher looking up at him. The brown wavy hair pushed back from his forehead as he chuckled.
“We’ve got a shoot tomorrow what do you expect?”
“Well, wake me up at that time and BTS will need a new choreography lead” you toyed.
“I’ll do my best” he rewarded your forehead with a delicate kiss.
“How have you slept this week?”
“Too well”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I suppose not. I’ve missed this though” gripping his body where your hand rested.
5 hours later you were wide awake, irritated at the amount of tossing and turning you’d done. Huffing, you threw the covers off and made way for the kitchen. Your feet cooled on the marble floor as you stood focusing your sight on the cereal cupboard. You needed Frosted Shreddies. The moonlight slithered in the high panel windows, an opaque white stream guiding you to slump down feet under you on the sofa. The TV near on silent, your gaze barely registering the cascade of moving pictures in front of you. Going back up for seconds, the patchwork wheat lightly clanging in the porcelain bowl. Ears pricked up at the sound of light shuffling behind you. Hobi was heading over to you, grey trackies cushioned at his hips. The midnight beams bouncing of his delicious sculpted torso. His hands slid around your front, his head resting on your shoulder.
“What’s keeping you up baby?” he spoke softly. Since the news Hobi had been much more observant of you. He’d have never normally left the comfort of the bed to come and find you.
“Cravings” You lifted up he bowl and twirled in his grip to face him. The concern dropped from his face as quick as he dropped down to your waist level.
“Why don’t you let mummy sleep this is no time to be hungry? And you could have at least picked a nicer choice than dry shreddies” he spoke to your stomach holding a hand there. You chuckled batting his hand away
“Hobi, Stop!”
“What?” he whined dodging a playful attack to his arm. You finished your mouthful before answering.
“We don’t want the boys hearing it’s only been nine weeks” His smile was not the least bit apologetic, keeping this from them had been the hardest for him by far.
“And I doubt squishy can hear your disapproval of craving choice” you added.
“Hey you told me at nine weeks the ears get more defined even though squishy is just a grape” he protested taking the bowl from you and placing it behind you.
“Touché Mr Hoseok that I did” Unobstructed he was now free to pull you into a kiss, allowing yourself to be pushed back against the side. Your hands locked behind his neck as he left your lips chasing his. Finally getting Hobi back after week, your fluctuating hormones were giving you serious that only Hobi could currently take care of.
“Shouldn’t you be heading back to bed. You’ve got to be up soon. I’ll be fine” you suggested rummaging the bowl, hands hurrying to continue snacking.
“Probably” he agreed
“Buuut?” you goaded.
His hands ventured underneath your night shirt, his shirt and traced your sides teasing his hands just underneath your breasts. One of your weak spots.
“I missed you” He was creeping and you both knew it. You were enjoying cute Hobi, you knew it wouldn’t last. Your hands dropped, trickling over his chest.
“Missed what exactly” you teased. He knew he’d been busted. Something darkened behind his eyes when his desire took over; it was unmistakeable, devilish. He hesitated.
“Sure it wasn’t this?” you took lead of his hand and guided it beneath the slack waistband of your underwear. Slowly coating his slender fingers with yourself; both your eyes flashing wickedly at each other.
“This is most definitely part of it” You left him taking over your lead. His forehead fell meeting yours, his eyes focused on his hand. The atmosphere between you quickly deteriorating into a heated starved cluster.
“Fuck this!” he breathed. In moments your behind tight in his grip, legs secured round his waist. The anticipation to be underneath him on your bed quickly seeped down into panic. Your ass being placed on the glass dining room table. Your hands hanging on to his shoulders as you sheepishly looked at your surroundings.
“Hobi, what… here? We can’t” He was already pulling at your thighs, the silk of your underwear enabling him to have you almost perched on the edge.
“Why not?”
“Erm because you live with six other guys that could walk in any second” You’re protesting weak, underwear already being slipped down your legs.
“Better be quiet then while I have you dripping round my mouth then” The words could only tug at your core for a few seconds before his tongue was pressed flat scooping through your arousal. Your fingers lacing through his hair, tight enough to pinch at his scalp. Your other hand clamped round the edge of the table, colour draining from your knuckles. The slow stripes of his tongue becoming more pressured circular movements honing on your clit. He took a breath, admiring your inner thighs with wet delicate kisses.
“Tell me how good I make you feel baby” he requested, hot breath fanning your core. Fingers stroking your folds in his tongue’s absence.
“Sooo good, please Hobi” His lips curled up against your thigh.
“Uuughh” you winced as his teeth clamped down on your flesh.
“Gotta make sure I have you marked as mine princess”
“Hobi just give me your tongue for god’s sake” Your frown was met with ‘The Glare’. Blood rushed straight to your core, adrenalin pumping ferociously below your skin. You’d awakened the devil. And you were weak for it.
“Up” Any sweetness in his voice was long gone. You were not going to keep him waiting. Even the presence in front of you was different. His chest heaving, passionate eyes and tall toned stature now oozed authority. He swirled his finger round. Turn around. He flicked his finger down. Bend over on the table.
The cool of the glass table was felt through your thin cotton shirt.
“You don’t get to demand what I do to you, do you?” Passively informing you of your mistake.
“No, Sir!” you responded correctly.
“Arms behind your back” You cursed Namjoon silently for leaving a red silk tie slumped over the breakfast bar chair. He secured your wrists with little give.
“Hobi we’re In the kitchen” you reminded
Swear to god if someone walks in…
“You can count with me. 3 okay!” Your pulse already boiling and racing since the second he’d taken the wooden spoon from the cutlery draw. He completely ignored your previous words.
“MMhhm” you hummed.
“Yes” you quickly corrected. Flinching preparing for a reprimanding smack for not using words. It never came.
“1” he warned
“1” you responded through gritted teeth, stalling the moaning whine dead in your throat. The sting prickling on your behind.
“2” you continued, squeezing your thighs together.
“Fuck, I love it when you ask for your own punishment” he growled, the wooden spoon striking the same place again. A cry seeped past your lips permeating into the room. Hobi stepped to you pushing his weight into you gripping the back of your neck.
“Keep It down! Do you want the boys to know you’re here bent over for me in their kitchen?”
His palm nursed the rose tainted skin on your behind.
“Good girl, all pretty and pink” You hauled yourself on the table, more than ready for him to take you to the bedroom. Force pushing down on your shoulder blades shoving you back down, the heat of your breath fogging up the table.
“Hoseok please, just take me to bed” you whined.
“Oh baby, we’re not going anywhere” His hands trailed up your sides catching your shirt and rolling it half way up your body.  His fingertips denting lightly at your sides, his touch becoming soft at your hips. They inched round your behind, dipping between your thighs. The pair of you both gasped, your hips chasing the direction of his fingers.
“Fuck…Baby I think you like the idea of being caught” Your mind was too busy honing in on how his fingers felt gliding through your arousal; your brows millimetre by milometer furrowing each time he purposely neglected your throbbing bundle of nerves. Your sighs and exhales increasingly becoming laced with frustration.
“Does my baby want something?” he coaxed, his bulge pressing into you was certainly one of your answers.
“Yes” you breathed
“Tell me”
“I want you, just touch me” His movements ceased, hovering over your clit, barely making contact.
“You’ve got to do better than that otherwise you’ll get nothing” One his hands was gripping at your hips tightly, refusing them to move into his frustratingly static fingers.
“I need you Sir, pleeassee. I want you to fuck me, right here, hard!. I need you to make me cum”
“You spoil me princess” He groaned in appreciation. Instead of holding your hips back he pushed you into his fingers.
“I’ve fucking missed this” you moaned
“Yeah?” The slow circles on your clit spreading already had you arching your back. He shuffled behind you
“And this?” Your wrists pulled against the tie, fidgeting as his hand left you, trailing up to grip your hair.
“Have you missed how good my cock makes you feel” He asked coating it in your answer, you rolled your head, forehead on the glass.
“Mmmmm” you responded in a hum; not wanting to open your mouth for fear of your volume control failing.
“Words!” he scolded
“Volume down baby” he warned. Hair yanked back, he pulled you onto him, hard. His warning was lost.
Your whine was loud and drowned out with an expletive. He refused to move letting you to adjust to him or to listen for any movement elsewhere is the dorm. Or both.
“Such a dick” you breathed.
“But I’m all yours baby” he whispered in your ear. Your hair still gripped. Pulled back against him. His breath passing over your neck in a warm breeze.
“Now if I let you go are you going to be quiet while I fuck you on my kitchen table?” words falling across your skin like honey, clenching around him. You loved when he spoke filth in your ear; and he knew it.
“Yes” it was more of a plea than anything else.
“Good, cos I’d hate to not let you cum cos you can’t do what your told” His grip relinquished and he shoved you back down. Hands harshly digging into your hips stabilising you, his hips already bucking into you roughly. You struggled to filter through your cries and moans into soundless bursts. Becoming too much his hips slowed. Drawing out of you so slowly. Pushing back equally torturously.
“Yellow” You whined. You used this warning for only one reason. To signal to Hobi you were near some kind of limit. He would stop momentarily, and give you free reign to say whatever it was that you needed him to know in that moment.
He stopped.
“What is it princess?” Concern suspended heavily in his voice, it had become more weighted since the pregnancy started, understandably so. Especially with how hard he could go. You’re convinced he has slivers of sadistic tendencies beneath that sunshine smile of his; not that you’ll ever complain.
“It’s too hard to keep quiet, I need..something for my mouth” You breathed. Rather tell him you’re not going to be able to achieve what he wants than not being given release you needed after time apart.
“Is that so?” he teased pulling out of you even more slowly.
“Yes! You feel too fucking good” you complained while obviously not complaining. Stroking the shaft of his well-deserved bedroom ego. The silk of the tie loosened around your wrist, your body spun round, tie secured at your wrists again, in front of you. The ache in your shoulder washed away with the fresh movement, synovial fluid flowing blissfully around the joints. The pair of you out of breath as he hooked your arms over his neck hoisting you onto the table; pulling the back of your thighs forward.
“Use me baby” he panted lining himself back up with you. The strands of his hair were locked firmly in your fists, bracing yourself.
“You close baby?” Your teeth and mouth clamped down onto his shoulder, his skin absorbing the moan he elicited from you with his thrust.
“Mmm” Your ability to formulate words was lost, every thing focused on how the muscles in your lower stomach began to tighten, his shoulder was already blossoming red under your mouth. Your hands had no energy left to pull his hair, falling limp into the restraints. Your moans against his skin became soundless, energy drained to the bundle of nerves in between your legs.
“Cum for me” With the pressure of his finger against your clit, everything unwound. The top half of your body froze, nails clenching into his neck. The bottom half of your body convulsed, unleashing the surge of dopamine flooding your nervous system. Your muscles spasmed clenching around him causing him to still inside you; letting you ride it out until the waves calmed.
“Why did you stop?” His hands stumbled your restraints undone, hooking the tie round your neck.
“Knees!” he ordered
That’s why
Normally you’d flat out refuse, roll your eyes at least but
1.       You were in no mood to be a brat and be disobedient
2.       The way his eyes glimmered at the image of you on your knees, picturing his cum smeared over the bottom half of your face was too hard to refuse.
“Your too fucking good to me” His praise ignited your smile like a christmas tree, his finger tipped your chin upwards and you stood following his hand. He wiped your face with the silk round your neck.
“Hobi!” you laughed pinching the tie from his grip.
“What?” his tone a pitch higher, he winked sticking his tongue out at you.
“You’ve just wiped your cum off my face with Joon’s tie”
“And? it’ll wash”
“You’re unbelievable! I’ll never look at it the same way ever again” You chuckled retrieving your dignity in the form of your underwear from the kitchen floor.
“What if he wears it to our littluns first birthday party” he was exaggerating his words, teasing your embarrassment further
“Or oh my god what about on stage, at an intervie…” you launched the light soiled fabric directly at his face.
“Okay I’m going to bed” you announced shaking your head, doing your upmost to hinder your lips curving up.
“Love you” he lightly called after you. All he got you from you in return was your middle finger.
“I’ll be in a minute baby”
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The end of the world: Chapter 1
Okay so this  is my first time I ever wrote a story  so it’s gonna be really bad. I might forget to add to this series so if you want this to continue just message me for a reminder.
3:36 am
I wake up in cold sweat to a loud alarm coming from the living room. I was expecting it to be my little sister Sophia watching her tv shows on a loud volume, like she always does.
I put on my bunny slippers and walked to the living room. Whilst I rubbed my eyes, I noticed Sophia was no where near the living room. There was an alarm flashing brightly on the tv with a siren in the background. After I finished reading what was on the screen,my Parents and Sophia ran into the room.
 “ What the hell is going on!? “ Mother said. 
“ Just  go get your reading glasses and  read the screen. “ Father said. 
“ Daddy, what’s going on? “ Sophia said.
 “ I don’t know sweetie, just go sit on the couch.”
Sophia got on the couch and grabbed a soft blanket and buried herself in it. The second she laid her head on the couch pillow, she fell asleep.
My mother walked into the room with her reading glasses on, “ Oh lord..”, She said.
“ Mommy, what does the screen say?” Sophia asked.
My little sister isn’t old enough to read yet. She is a happy little girl who likes dolls and dress-up. She won’t understand what’s going on.
“ Oh my god..” Father said so low it was almost a whisper
“ What is it?! “ Sophie wined.
My mother burst in tears while my father walks over to her and comforts her. I run to my room and put on my old sneakers. Afterwards  I put on an over sized sweater that goes up to my knees. I open my closet  and put on my black ripped jeans. I run out of my  room and to the garage.
“ Where do you think you’re going?!” Father yells while I put the passcode to open the door.
“ Well if they break in, we have to be prepared, don’t we?” I yell back.
I look through our boxes to find our emergency guns. I spotted this box hidden in the corner of the room with the words “ EMERGENCY ONLY,” labeled on it. I rip it open to find two pistols.
“ I guess only me and dad are gonna be armed. “
I walked out of the garage and closed the door.
“ So what did you find? “ Dad questioned.
“ I found two pistols.”
“ What is mom gonna use to protect herself?”
“ I guess she is gonna use a kitchen knife.”
I walk up to the kitchen and open a drawer. I reach my hand in and grab a knife. I walk out of the kitchen and hand the knife to my mother.
“ Maddie! Isn’t this a bit extreme?” My mother questioned with some fear in her voice.
“ It’s either this or death mom, would you rather just pray this whole time or go out there and help people who need it?”
“ I-” 
My mother rolls her eyes and grabs the knife.
Sophia wakes up from her slumber. She walks over to my father and hugs him, still tired.
“ Daddy, are we gonna be safe?”
“ I don’t know sweetie. Just go in your  room.”
Sophia walks out of the living room and into the hallway,leading into her room.
“ So..how much food do we have left?” Father ask.
I walk over to our fridge. There were a few Oreos,milk, and two strawberries. I close the fridge and walk to the cabinets. There was a box of Shreddies, a bag of apples, and two bags of Doritos. 
“ There is enough food  to last for atleast three months.”
“ Is there food so we can cook a proper meal?”
“ No, the only food we have are snacks.”
“ One of us are gonna have to go outside and get some food from the shop.”
“ I’ll do it.”
“ No!” My father screams, “ What are you thinking!? You’re  too young! You’re 13!”
“ Dad! I’m 16! Like you would know!”
My father has a shocked expression on his face. I mean it’s true. I used to be his whole life until I was three. From there, I spent all my time outside with my neighbors. We were and still are best friends, they are really my only friends anyway. Then, when I was 10, Sophia was born. Before she was, my mother was my best friend when my neighbors weren’t there. Then she spent all her time with Sophia. And let me tell you Sophia is already 6. She is old enough to go to the restroom alone, go to school, get herself dressed, and pour herself a glass of water. But my mother and father still help her get dressed, get a glass of water for her, walks her to the restroom,which is five feet away from her door, and puts her to bed. I’m not jealous. I’m not mad or angry at them. I’m just wondering why they decided to ignore their first daughter.
4:26 am
My parents have gone to sleep. They left me on charge if  a zombie breaks the door down. I have been on call with my friend, Josh. I have liked him ever since we were kids, there are rumors that he likes me back, but it is unknown if its true or not.
Josh:have you seen one yet?
“ No, what about you?”
Josh: Yeah, earlier there was one banging at my front door. They look so disgusting. Their skin is dark grey, they walk like they have just been stabbed in the stomach. Their eyes are so dead that when you look in them you get a sick feeling in their stomach. From what I have seen, they are at least 6 feet tall.
“ God damn...I can’t imagine how scary it was to see one at your door.
Josh: When I heard it banging on the door, I got so scared I fell back. It’s terrifying.
If I want to tell him, it’s gonna have to be now. What if I never get the chance to see him again? That would be terrible.
“ Uhm Josh?”
Josh: Yes?
“ I got something to tell you.”
Josh: What is it?
I couldn’t continue any longer from horror. When I was gonna spit it out. I hear a blood curling scream. The scream you hear in the movie when the main character gets stabbed to death. The sound you hear when somebody gets jumpscared.  I could tell the scream was his mothers, it was too high pitched to be his or his fathers. 
“ Jo-?!”
Afterwards, I hear a lower scream. It was Joshes scream.
The line cut.
I can’t believe it. My best friend of 14 years is gone. I never got to tell him. He would never get to tell him how I really felt. And it’s already too late. I will never see him again. I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye.
I drop my phone from my ear. It loudly drops on the wood floor. I don’t care if it cracked or not. I don’t care if it works or not.  it won’t matter. I pick it up anyways, and a big crack is across the screen. I go to turn it on. At least it still works. I walk out of my  room and my family are sitting on the couch. They aren’t doing anything. Just sitting there.
“ Mom? What are you guys doing?
“ Just thinking about how we are gonna survive.”  My mother answered back.
The last time I ate was noon. I slept all day since there was nothing better to do. I walk into the kitchen, open a cabinet and get an apple. I don’t even bother  washing it. I take a bite and it feels amazing  tasting food, I remember I better  savior this piece of food since I have to save most of it for The rest of my family.
My father walks into the kitchen and goes to grab an apple. 
“ Did you wash your app-”
He was interrupted by a load bang on the door. We both stand there, motionless. We hear a second bang that was so great in impact it knocked the door down. And there it was standing. A zombie just how Josh described it. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t move from pure horror. My vision goes blurry for a few seconds before I hear  a loud growl and a high pitched scream. 
it was Sophia.
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Day 1
Today was day one if the Welfare Food Challenge and I started out my day with a bowl of shreddies. I had to be very conservative with my milk portioning though because I don’t have too terribly much so I’m trying to make sure it lasts the full week. Since I couldn’t add any sugar to sweeten it up, it wasn’t as good as cereal normally is. Breakfast isn’t typically a meal I eat everyday unless it’s a big pancakes and bacon kind of breakfast, but I figured that since my selections are going to be quite limited, I may as well eat as much as I can every chance I get. I did however find that I was quite hungry by lunchtime and my stomach was for sure starting growl. Usually, I have a late morning snack which consists of either yogurt and some frozen berries, so I for sure missed that part of my day.
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For lunch I made myself some toast with peanut butter. This is one of my favourite easy meals of all time. I am a huge bread lover, so definitely glad that I made room for this necessity in my budget. But, on a normal day, I would have for sure cut up a banana and put that on top, so I definitely missed that portion of nutrients in my day.
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For dinner I had some macaroni and cheese. I pre-made all of my macaroni yesterday so that I wouldn’t have to worry about cooking supper at the same time as my sister is trying to cook supper in the evenings for the rest of the family. I must say, that was the most difficult part of my day by far. She made the family a delicious casserole of sour cream pasta. This is one of our favourite meals and I am convinced she did it on purpose just to torment me. But, I didn’t cave. I sat there sadly and watched them eat their steaming cheesy casserole while I ate my microwaved macaroni and cheese for the first time this week.
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One thing I took away from the first day of this challenge is that throughout a regular day in my life, I rely heavily on snacks. I definitely wish I would’ve planned it so that I could provide myself with some snacks between meals. Especially when I’m studying or watching TV, I like to have my mouth busy for some reason. I did sneak a piece of gum today while I was writing an essay, but because I didn’t actually consume anything I’m not considering that as cheating! I also think I should have planned better so I could add more vegetables and protein to my daily intake. However, I am still trying to understand that some people have to actually live like this as a reality. Twenty dollars on food for a week is definitely not a lot and if I had to feed my entire family with this income I think there would be a lot of nights consisting of rice and frozen peas. I cannot imagine having this limited amount of variety in food options.
Day two, here I come!!
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getcanucked-blog · 7 years
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July 2017
Hey Everyone -
Happy Canada Day!   For those who don’t know, every July 1 is Canada Day, which commemorates the enactment of the Constitution Act of 1867.  Canada just celebrated 150 years!  Just lookup the hashtag #canada150 for photos, videos and to join in the celebrations.  
Now…to the snacking…
This month, we’re adding a bit of variety to the salty side of the box with a big bag of Bits and Bites.  These are a bit like Chex mix, but oh so so SO much better.  Why?  Because the cereal they’re made with is Shreddies, a Canadian cupboard staple.  Put a bowl of these out at your summer BBQ and watch them disappear.
Also on the salty side of the box are some Dill Pickle flavoured Spitz Sunflower Seeds.  Calling all baseball fans…these are perfect for an afternoon ball game.
Chips this month include some Old Dutch All Dressed, Miss Vickie’s Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar, along with some Fritos Hoops.
And…drumroll…we have put in not one, but two packages of Poutine gravy mix from Canadian company French’s.  We certainly hope you all know what Poutine is about,  but if not, Poutine is a French-Canadian favourite of fries and cheese curds topped with gravy.  For the most authentic experience, get yourselves some cheese curds (available at many Walmart stores across the USA), make some fries and then top ‘em off with some genuine Canadian poutine gravy.  
Now to the sweet side of the box...
We have given another nod to our French Canadian brothers and sisters with a Mille Feuille pastry cake.  This is another Quebec staples and incredibly delicious.
We’re pretty thrilled with the candy selection this month too…some classic Maynard’s Wine Gums along with some Allan’s Hot Lips and Runts.  For our Canadian customers who went to summer camp or spent their summers at a cottage by a lake…no doubt the Hot Lips and Runts will bring back some memories.
Lastly, we decided we’d roll the dice and try to send some chocolate with 5 small packets of Smarties and an Oh Henry.  Oh Hungry?  Oh yes, Oh Henry.
As always – we want to know what you think!  Let us know how you like this month’s box on FB @getcanuckedbox, tweeting at us @getcanucked or checking us out on Instagram @getcanucked
Your bahd, Jim @ getcanucked
Subscribe today at http://www.getcanucked.com
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lowcarbnutrients · 7 years
Your Child Isn`t Eating at Meals? We`ve Got 10 Ideas as to Why
There's absolutely nothing fairly like investing time prepping, cooking, and also serving a meal, only to have your child turn his nose up to it as well as press his plate away. Ugh, I have actually existed so several times as well as recognize how irritating it really feels. Just what I have actually found out though, is not to take it directly (which is hard) and that there are several usual reasons this happens.
Here are the most common reasons your youngster is choosing not to consume at meals, as well as exactly what to do about it:
1. She feels pressured:
If a kid really feels any type of amount of pressure to eat or detects that you as the moms and dad are anxious at nourishments, she will likely withdraw as well as not consume. Toddlers and also young youngsters pick up stress, also if it's not as straight as 'eat your peas!' If you focus way too much on what and exactly how much she's consuming during a dish, rather of allowing her to merely be another eater at the table (while you concentrate on your very own meal), she will certainly back right off. Maybe you push food closer to her, see her every move, hover over her, consistently take uneaten food off of her tray and change it with new food, speak about her absence of consuming, or try to spoon-feed her-these are all forms of indirect pressure.
How to fix this: Let your young child self-feed as well as eat at her very own rate at dishes, supply great deals of food range at dishes in convenient quantities, and also let her supervise of whether as well as just how much she eats.Try your ideal not to float over your kid. I know-it's hard not to when she's barely touching her food. Kick back and also engage in discussions with the whole family members, including your child. If you could consider nourishment moreso as family members bonding time compared to 'get my child to consume time', your child won't feel as pressured and also will certainly be a lot more open to trying new or formerly denied foods.
2. He feels like he has no say:
We recognize from research that youngsters eat better when they have a hand in aiding with buying, preparing, cooking or serving their meal. That's why it's essential to consist of kids in dish prep-even obtaining them to mix with each other active ingredients or establish the table could assist. Or even though moms and dads must ultimately be in fee of the 'what's' of feeding, children may feel as though they have no control over just what they're fed if moms and dads don't include them in selecting foods every now and then. They could expand burnt out of exactly what you offer them, or probably they don't such as the means that their foods are positioned on their plate.
Here's how to fix it: We know it's essential to establish healthy borders and also fulfill your responsibility of 'just what, when as well as where' yet it's also okay to allow your kids be a component of this, especially when it concerns the 'what's'. There are a couple of means to include your children in the meal procedure. As well as they all have something alike: you're offering your youngsters structured choice. Structured selection is essential when it concerns feeding children. It gives them some say and also makes them feel as though they have a little bit of control, but it enables you to still ultimately remain in control.
Some of these methods will certainly work much better for younger kids and some with older kids.
Shopping: Bring them shopping and ask just what they intend to attempt from each section. Provide them 2-3 selections in each section of the grocery shop. You could say some- point like 'do you intend to attempt kiwis, cutie oranges or blackberries this week?'. Or if you're going shopping for cereal, you could state 'do you intend to try cheerios, shreddies or oat meal squares today?'
Meal or snack planning: Let your kid aid with strategy- ning out the week's meals and even simply what they'll have for a snack that afternoon. If dish planning, you might say 'on Wednesday, we're going to have salmon. Just what would you want to have with it? Rice, quinoa or pasta? And also exactly what about veggies ... we can have baked asparagus, caesar salad or raw veggies and also dip. Which ones would certainly you such as?'
If it's snack time, you could ask your youngster 'would you such as yogurt with a pear or a banana muffin and also cheese?' and allow them decide.
Preparing: You can state 'it's time to assist me make hubbub- ner now' as well as ask your child if they want to wash fruits and also veggies, mix components in a bowl or establish the table. Allow them make a decision which would certainly be most fun (or they can do greater than one!).
I realize that involving your child in meal preparing, preparing and food preparation can make the procedure much longer and also perhaps a bit much more discouraging. However the advantages are big and it deserves it. Patience is key.
3. He's bored:
I'm like any kind of moms and dad and also get stuck in 'food ruts' where I offer the same thing over and over once more. Translation: significant youngster monotony. Right here's an example: after my third child was born last Autumn, I really felt as though I remained in survival mode for a couple of months (I still do sometimes) and launched my child to school with the same snack quite much every day. A healthy granola bar, cheese or yogurt as well as a piece of fruit. Yep, the exact same point over and over again. I was essentially rest strolling in the morning when I was getting my 2 older kids prepared for the day, so I seemed like it was a win that I was even remembering to load my child's snack! Anyways, he started getting home with many of his treat uneaten not simply once, but virtually every day. In my sleep-deprived state, I didn't understand that he could be wearying of his snack, despite the fact that he used to like it.
How I fixed it: I asked him why he wasn't consuming his snack as well as he said 'I have no idea, I just do not like it anymore'. I after that asked him if he was burnt out of it and he responded 'yes I'm tired of it'. We after that thought of a couple of brand-new and different treat alternative for him together as well as I attempt to revolve through 3 or 4 of them to ensure that he doesn't obtain tired. We obtain burnt out of particular foods as well as so do our children. This is typically an easy difficulty to overcome.
4. She's simply not hungry:
We now understand that young children' and also youngsters' hungers could be unpredictable as well as erratic at the very best of times. After the age of two, growth slows down and stabilizes which indicates that young children aren't as hungry as they made use of to be. We've discussed youngsters having 'hungry days' and 'complete days' and that could indicate that one day, your kid out-eats everyone at the table, and also one more day he does not consume a lot at all at his dinner. As long as you're maintaining your feeding duties and staying consistent with nourishment borders, your kid ought to supervise of whether and also exactly how much he eats. It is feasible that your youngster is just not literally hungry when a meal is offered (for whatever factor) which's ok.
How to fix it: Try to accept 'I'm simply not hungry' as an appropriate answer, as well as remind your youngster that the cooking area will certainly be closed after mealtime.
5. She's distracted:
Allowing your kids to enjoy TELEVISION, watch an iPad, or play with playthings at the table is a dish for interruption. Screen interruptions can function in two means (both of which are adverse in my mind). When a youngster is seeing a show or playing an online game on an iPad while eating, he is focusing most, if not ALL, of his interest on the program he's watch- ing or online game he's playing. There is no attention left for consuming his dish, allow alone listening to his tummy. With a display before them, children will certainly could quickly under or over-eat because they're just not focusing. Young children have a hard adequate time concentrating on their dish with very little diversions allow alone a largest glossy relocating display before them. The same goes with toys and playing with brother or sisters at the table.
How to fix it: Set healthy and balanced boundaries by not enabling displays or toys at the table while consuming. Seat children strategically to make sure that they can't touch each various other. Placed a footstool under your youngster's chair so that they really feel as though their feet are stable and secure (this could poten- tially be another disturbance).
6. Portions are too big:
Some children are turned off of a dish simply because the section that they've been served is also big as well as over- whelming. This was never ever an issue with my earliest child, yet is most definitely a problem with my little girl. I made use of to serve her the very same amount that I offered my boy (this was a mindless behavior that I entered), yet then after lots of dish beings rejected, understood that I was offering her also a lot. We were squandering food as well as my little girl was bewildered with the parts that I was offering.
How I fixed it: When I cut her sections down (by greater than one fifty percent!), she began eating her meals once again as well as often even requested even more. I offered her less of everything, yet still seen to it that she was obtaining a great well balanced meal. I understood that I am like his too-if I'm served also large of a part of any food, I quickly end up being shut off as well as don't eat as much.
7. He's not feeling well:
If your youngster isn't really feeling well, it's not likely that she or he will certainly eat well at a meal. This is often the very first indicator that an illness is beginning. In this situation, ensure that you keep your kid moisturized, and offer easy-to-digest foods such as white rice, banana, white bread, soda biscuits, popsicles, soup as well as apple sauce up until his/her appetite returns.
How to handle it: Offer foods usually when your youngster is ill yet do not push them-fluids are most essential. If you're seeing that your child isn't really interested in eating as well as is acting a bit 'off', uncommonly weary or inactive, this could be the case.
Your child can likewise be having digestion problems (such as bowel irregularity or acid reflux) which can make it unpleasant to consume. If you presume that this is the issue, concentrate much more on higher fiber whole grains, fruits as well as veggies and also great deals of fluids (constipation) as well as avoid from high acid foods such as tomatoes and also citrus fruits, and also spicy foods (heartburn). If these problems linger, chat to your kid's physician or a paediatric dietitian for more assistance.
8. Too much milk (or juice):
Between-meal-milk-drinking could have a satiating effect. Milk has fat as well as protein-two nutrients that make children feel full.
How to fix it: Kids as well as kids ought to be provided no more than 500mL (two mugs) of milk per day. Attempt offering half a mug at each dish (or right after), which leaves area for one more half mug before bedtime if that belongs to your routine. Water needs to be the only fluid provided in between dishes for hydration.
Juice consists of excess calories as well as sugar that kids do not require - it loads them up with little dietary worth. Did you know that a 250 mL (1 mug) juice box includes 6 tsps of sugar? If your kids consume alcohol juice, limitation it to no greater than 125 mL (1/2 cup) per day and also water it down (and also deal at meals with food).
9. There are too many snacks:
Kids that 'graze' in between dishes typically, or snack arbitrarily throughout the day could concern the table sensation also complete to consume. their meal. This is why it is so essential to establish structure around snack times.
How to fix it: There must be an assigned treat time where a couple of foods of the moms and dad's picking (such as yogurt and also fruit or cheese and also crackers) are supplied, instead of snacking being a ran- dom free-for-all between meals. Toddlers and young kids should be given the chance to create a cravings for meals, or else, they won't consume much and also it will be harder for them to find out self-regulation. This not just disrupts family members nourishments, however could also impact a child's dietary intake and also overall connection with food over time.
10. He's too tired:
It is extremely possible that your young child or young kid is just as well exhausted to eat. After a lengthy day of having fun, daycare, preschool, preschool etc. some kids just don't have the power to bring fork to mouth. If you're finding that your kid is picky, simple to sob, rubbing his/her eyes, or otherwise showing indications of 'striking a wall', that's probably what's happening.
How to fix it: Encourage him/her to load their bellies prior to bed as most ideal as they can, as well as remind them that there disappears food till morning. If they do not consume a lot, know that they'll balance it at some time the following day or throughout that week, so there's not excessive to fret about.
If you're finding that your youngster is exhausted routinely at dinner however, it could mean that they need an afternoon snooze (or morning nap-my child does better with this). You may likewise want to consider having an earlier supper. We entered the bad habit of consuming dinner at 6:30 pm or later and saw that dinnertime was a catastrophe every evening. We chose to relocate it to 5pm as well as it made a globe of difference.
If this was helpful, check out my Facebook page, where I publish everyday ideas, recommendations as well as dishes for youngsters and also moms and dads!
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chefhat · 7 years
My Pescatarian Diet Adventure
For my dietary restriction assignment, I chose to do a Pesatarian diet this week. I don’t know how vegetarians do it, mostly vegans, that’s insane to me. I’m surrounded by meats all the time when I’m at work and it’s hard not to drool over them, especially the steaks. One of the reasons why I chose to do a pescatarian diet is because one of my friends suggested me to do it, it sounded like a good idea because I still get to eat some type of meat. 
A typical daily pescatarian diet looks like this:
High fibre cereal (Weetabix, Bran Flakes, Shreddies, etc) + skimmed milk 
High Fiber oatmeal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 cup or a piece of fruit
A tuna sandwich or wrap, including low fat cheese/cottage cheese, egg and light mayo, lettuce, bell peppers and onions
A mixed salad
Cheese and Crackers
Cow cheese wedge
19 special K Crackers
Tofu and Broccoli over Pasta and a salmon steak
Garden Salad 
One of my favorite recipes I’ve ever done was the Honey Mustard Salmon recipe which consists of:
Salmon fillets
1 1/2 tbsp honey
1 2/3 tbsp Dijon mustard
3 cloves garlic (minced)
3 tbs olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
During the duration of my diet, I’ve noticed that I have a better appetite because I’m eating a lot better and surprisingly more healthier. This year I haven’t ate much because it seems that I’m always busy at school and at work which makes me not have tie to eat properly. I would either have two meals a day or one or three, and would eat very inconsistently which made me lose my appetite very easily when I started trying to eat properly again. The pescatarian diet made me want to eat more often because I think I now prefer seafood over processed meat such as beed, lamb and pork. This was a great dieting experience I have ever done because I usually would choose to do a vegetarian since I found it was a “easy” diet. I recently discovered what a pescatarian is and so my friend suggested me to do it as a diet. 
If you really want to stick with you’re diet you have to feel a want to do it. You definitely need to have a consistent food schedule to follow and make sure you’re eating. Not necessarily a schedule, but people who are busy tend to end up not eating sometimes which is unhealthy. Being a pescatarian isn’t too bad of a challenge because you’re still eating some meat (mostly seafood meat), and you’re eating some animal products such as egg, milk, cheese, etc. 
I would continue with this diet because it made me eat more consistently and seemed like it made my appetite better than it did before. I did more research on pescatarian diets and this diet improves your health drastically because it reduces risk of heart diseases and other diseases. It also benefits the planet because it’s not much processed food being eaton. You’re also avoiding eating animal being kills for food (which means less animal are being killed!). 
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