#1 full charge and a tap is 400 damage.
hazelplaysgames · 2 years
something about the Goo Tuber’s been making me think about its balance in SR lately. its damage pretty much matches the Splat Charger here, while it does a bit more in Turf. i think i’ll add a more of those thoughts in my tags in way more detail, but the shorthand: buff the Goo’s full charge damage and higher range of partial charge, buff the Charger’s partial charge a bit.
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berserker-official · 5 years
Livestream 4/25
The reveal stream is here! A 3-hour stream with a bunch of new content coming out with the new season! Let’s dive in
The Hitokiri
The main reason to watch, really. The Hitokiri is the new hero coming out. To start off, we got to hear about the narrative design for the hero, Sakura and Yato.
The Hitokiri are former samurai executioners, The Manslayers With No Heart, that have lost faith in humanity and now roam the lands to execute criminals with no intention on stopping. Their massive axes, the masakari, spread fear wherever they may go.
Sakura, the female Hitokiri is a ghost. She travels from town to town dispatching criminals. Unlike normal Hitokiri, who slowly became psychologically and emotionally damaged from living as an executioner, This was Sakura’s calling. She is death, and death is her gift to the world. Eventually she arrives at her home town to execute a fisherman, but as she was about to behead the fisherman, she stops, and sees the head of an Orochi roll away. Sakura realizes that she killed her whole village, but she felt no remorse. Instead, she felt the power of the village’s spirits strengthening her, so she wears a belt of eerie masks, here she believes the souls of those she kills are stored to give her power. Eventually, she battled a master Kensei and loses, but instead of getting killed, Kensei recruited her, realizing her potential on the battlefield.
Yato, the male Hitokiri is part of a famous executioner clan. He used to believe he would do anything for his clan. He followed his duty without fail, and to others, his duty became art. His executions were so beautiful that people would travel near and far to watch him work. However, he had another job as a family assassin, who took out rival families to raise the fame of his own. One day, his father tasked him with killing the local Daimyo. The plan was flawless; the Daimyo would be in a specific place at a specific time, guards were paid off, this would be nothing more than a success. On the night of the planned execution, Yato brings his axe down on the sleeping Daimyo’s head, but there was no blood. The entire plan was a set-up by Yato’s father because even his family started to fear him. That was the moment Yato’s duty died. Without fear, he killed the Daimyo, the guards protecting him, his father, and every other Hitokiri in the village. With no remorse for his actions, he now follows his own code, and he stands with the Samurai to tear down any enemy in his way.
Character Design
As with all heroes, the design starts with the weapon. What kind of person could wield such a massive weapon? The overall design the team wanted to show off was a sense of fear when looking at these massive characters. Unlike the Shugoki, which is a very round character, the Hitokiri is meant to be broad but fit, being able to lift the axe and using it’s momentum to their advantage. They also wanted to have a more emotionless character, since being an executioner for a living is a very draining job. It looks like most of the costume design is cloth so colors can really shine. Players can also choose between masks and kabuki-style face paint. The ornaments are on the shoulder, similar to the Black Prior. This gives designers to make more unique helm designs, and the axes all have pretty unique designs as well, after taking some liberties designing the axe. (The Masakari is a single-headed axe originally, so the team added a second blade to make it look dangerous.)
Hitokiri Fight Demo
How does the Hitokiri play? The team says this hero is meant to be a very aggressive heavy. With the ability to activate an infinite heavy chain and super armor making it easy to trade blows and keep the pressure on, they focus heavily on pressure. The Hitokiri has a specific state called Mugen-Ryu, which grants special moves. My guess is the Mugen-Ryu is when the hero has super armor. This means you’ll want to come in with an attack that will get you into this state, apply pressure with heavies, and then either finish it with a kick, sweep or unblockable. You can also exit the state with a quick light that doesn’t stun you if blocked, returning you into neutral state. Like Shugoki, you can charge heavies to make them unblockable, but you can also feint out of them to keep enemies on their toes. While in the Mugen-Ryu state, Hitokiri has access to a kick attack. This kick can allow more combo opportunities or to open the enemies defenses. You can charge the kick as well, and if fully charged, the kick changes into a sweep. This sweep can also be feinted, giving players options, making things a guessing game. If you connect the kick, you get a free heavy, and if you connect the sweep you get a free light opener, allowing you back into a combo. The zone attack and the dodge forward heavy has a nice amount of forward movement to keep enemies close to you.
The feats all focus around executions. Hitokiri’s level 1 feat gives them super armor and a full shield, which means you won’t get interrupted by outside hits while executing. The level 2 feat marks an enemy. If the Hitokiri or any teammate executes the marked opponent, any teammate nearby will get a burst of health. Feat 3 gives the Hitokiri a defense buff that’s marked by the mask belt glowing. Feat 4 is a special attack that deals 200 damage to the locked enemy. If you connect this it’s essentially a one hit kill. (During the tournaments on this stream, the attacking team in a breach match uses this feat on the Lord, dealing a huge chunk of damage to win the match. It is possible to apply attack debuffs to the Hitokiri to lessen this damage, but generally try not to get hit by this.
Hitokiri Customization
What will we see as we level the Hitokiri up?
There are masks, face paints, and other hats that otherwise obscure the hero’s face. Body armor goes from just cloth to some leather armor. Each silhouette looks different from each other so you can mix and match to your liking.
Map Showcase: Canopy
A new Samurai map made for Tribute mode, this map takes place in the Samurai’s secret monastery in The Mire. To reach the Canopy, one must go through the forest of The Mire. It’s a large circular area with a temple in the middle.
Hero Improvements: Lawbringer and Raider
(this is all that is said during the stream, patch notes will have more info)
Shove on Block has been removed, since it halts all offense, slowing down the game immensely.
New chains
Heavy, Heavy, Heavy
Heavy, Heavy Light
Light attacks are 500 across the board. Top light attacks for the first or second hit are 400. Side lights are not interrupted on block, so you can continue the combo to go to the unblockable, which is now all heavy finishers.
After a top heavy finisher, you can do a quick light to stun.
Dash impale attack and flip can now be interrupted by other players. This is similar to Shugoki’s Demon Hug.
Shove in a combo counts as part of a chain, so if you hit with an opener you can shove, then hit and hit with an unblockable, or you can dodge shove, hit, unblockable.
Make Way attack is now super armor and unblockable after a parry.
Shove has armor and 500 ms, gives confirmed light, and you can activate shove on hit, miss, or block. This gives LB more options to keep pressure without being forced to rely on blocking.
Damage numbers have been changed, most have gone up in numbers.
Similar to Lawbringer, Raider has some trouble initiating
New chains
L, L, H
L, H, H
H, L, L
All lights in the chain are 500 ms
Second heavy in chain gets armor, so now you can trade or feint
All heavies can be soft-feinted into Guardbreak.
Stun tap is 500 ms, and apparently it’s possible to change the timing of when the tap goes off, although it’s slight.
Zone will always be from the left, the other unblockable side attack will always be from the right.
Stampede Charge can now be interrupted, like Shugoki’s hug or Lawbringer’s impale (this is all relevant to group fights)
Damage numbers have been changed, most of them have gone up in numbers.
On all static guard heroes, stance change is now 100 ms.
Weapon Showcase
New weapons were revealed for the Hitokiri as well as the other heroes
Arcade Updates
This season, the team wanted to improve accessibility and address difficulty. How did they do this?
The recommended gear score for the weekly quest has been reduced to 108 (yellow-rarity gear) This also reduces overall difficulty, while rewarding you for playing with higher level gear.
With the addition of new objective quests, a quality of life update has been added to notify you what you’re doing before you start the chapter instead of guessing.
Rebalancing the impact of player’s gear score with respect to rarity levels when playing Arcade.
Under Recommended Gear Score = Penalties to damage dealt and received
On Par = No penalties
Above Recommended Gear Score = Bonuses to damage dealt and received
To compensate for this big of a change, bots will get a slight health and damage boost throughout arcade.
Decreased the success rate of Bot defensive moves (Block, Dodge, Parry and Deflect)
This season, there will be a selection of new quests every week, as well as previous ones, this gives the Arcade team some time to work on the mode, as well as gives players a chance to play any quests they might have missed, and this gives us a feedback loop. If players say something about a specific questline, the team can look at it and tweak it if need be.
Music Composition
To wrap things up, we got to hear from the game’s music composers and how they work on creating music for the factions and their crafting of Sakura’s theme.
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jwslw · 5 years
d20 modern stats for the Serious Sam Universe Part 1: Weapons and vehicles
Weapon list               Range                                   PDC/
Weapons Dmg Type Crit  Inc     RoF  Mag       Wght  SZ Res
Zap Gun 2d4 Elec 20    40ft   S Special 4lb Med   23/res
Raptor Sniper Rifle 4d8 Ball x3    280ft   Sin 5(box) 24lb H 29/mil
M1A2 Thompson SMG 2d8 Ball 20    60ft   A 50(drum) 10lb      L 23/res
Magic Missile Launcher --- --- ---    ---  Sin 1(Int) 4lb Med 25/res
-----Focused 3d6 Energy 20   80ft  Sin 1(Int) --- --- ---
-----Spread 7d6 Energy 20   80ft  Sin 1(Int) --- --- ---
AS-24 Devastator 2d10 Ball 20    40ft  S,A 20(drum) 13lb L 22/mil
Zap Gun (PL6)
D20rules: A Zap Gun has the variable charge gadget installed by default.  Zap Guns draw their ammunition from an integrated micro-synthesizer this allows the weapon to fire theoretically indefinitely, but, the synthesizer must be replaced after 24 total hours of use.  The Zap Gun receives a +4 equipment bonus to attack rolls.
RAPTOR Sniper Rifle (PL6)
D20rules: The Raptor has an integrated standard scope (Move action to acquire target, +50% Range increment) and an integrated bi-pod (negates -2 size penalty when fired from a prone or braced position).  The The Raptor's kevlar coated 16mm rounds sell in boxes of 20 (Purchase DC 19 per box).
Thompson submachine gun (PL5)
Magic missile launcher (PL6)
D20rules: A magic missile launcher has 2 fire modes, Focused and Spread.  In Focus mode it uses the stat block as listed above, with a maximum of 10 range increments and travels 1 increment per round.   In Spread Mode it fires five projectiles, like the focused form, the shots travel 1 increment per round.  For every range increment traveled, the listed damage roll loses 1 die of damage (full 7d6 at 1 increment, 6d6 at 2 increments, 5d6 at 3, etc) until the bolt's damage is reduced to 0d6. as the projectiles spread out, the shooter may make secondary attack rolls (Highest base attack bonus -5 plus range increment penalties) against upto 4 targets (two to either side of the main target), the secondary targets may be upto 10ft from the primary target per range increment traveled after the first (10ft at 2 increments, 20ft at 3 increments, 30ft at 4, etc).  Most Magic Missile launchers have an installed Techno-Magical Ammunition Replinisher (TMAR) gadget, but, the stat block does not reflect that.  A Magic Missile launcher requires the Personal Firearms proficiency feat to use without penalty, reloading a Magic missile launcher is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.  Replacement charges for a Magic Missile launcher are sold in boxes of 5 (Purchase DC 16).
Techno-Magical Ammunition Replinisher (PL8)
A combination of technology and supernatural mechanics, allows the weapon to carry infinite reloads
d20 Effect: Increases weapon weight by 2lb +Weapon size modifier (Tiny+0lb, Small+1lb, Medium+2lb, Large+4lb, Huge or larger +8lb). Replaces the weapon's normal “magazine”, PC's/NPC's must still perform a standard Reload action when the “magazine” is emptied, but, the weapon will automatically be refilled even if the shooter has no compatible ammunition.  The TMAR can not be used with other ammunition gadgets and the weapon must be set to the smallest magazine capacity listed in the weapon's stat block, if the weapon normally uses “belts” of ammunition it instead defaults to a “magazine” capacity of 100 rounds.  After every 24 hours of use, the TMAR's battery will burn out, requiring a replacement (Purchase DC 15 per battery)
Restrictions: Weapon must require the Personal Firearms or Alien Weapons proficiency feat
Purchase DC Modifier: 2+(Weapons Magazine capacity x1/4 [ rounded down, minimum +1]). ie a weapon with a 30 round magazine would have a +9 modifier (+2base, +7 from ammunition), a 1 shot weapon would have a +3 and a belt fed weapon would have a +27
AS-24 Devastator (PL6)
D20rules: In addition to the listed damage, shots fired from an AS-24 that hit a target will detonate, dealing dealing 3d6 points of concussion damage to the target (no save) and any target within 5ft that fails a DC 15 reflex save, explosion damage increases to 4d6 when combined with the Double Tap feat or 5d6 when combined with the Burst fire feat.  If the target is instantly killed/destroyed by the the AS-24's direct damage, the rounds will detonate in the first occupied 5ft square behind the slain/destroyed target or 15ft behind the target (whichever is closer) dealing the appropriate concussion damage (but no direct damage) to everything within a 5foot radius that fails a DC15 reflex save.  The AS-24 requires the Exotic Firearms proficiency (grenade launchers) feat to operate without penalty.  A box of 12 gauge High-piercing grenade rounds sell in boxes of 10 with a purchase DC of 17 per box.
Heavy Weapons
Weapon list               Range                                   PDC/
Weapons Dmg Type Crit  Inc     RoF  Mag       Wght  SZ Res
XOP Flamethrower 3d6 Fire ---   50ft Line    S 500(tank) 20lb H 17/---
XOP Gas Gun Varies Varies ---   50ft Line    S     500(tank) 20lb H 19/---
XM214-A Minigun 4d8 Ball 20   80ft    A     Linked 30lb  H 25/mil
XM4000 Minigun (9x19mm) 4d6 Ball 20   100ft    A Linked 30lb  H 25/mil
LX2 Laser gun 4d8 Elect 20   120ft   S,A   400(cell) 20lb  H 27/mil
XL-808 Plasma Rifle 4d10 Fire 20   100ft   A 500(cell) 25lb  H 27/mil
SBC Cannon 20d6 Ball N/A Line  Sin 30(int) 150lb  H 38/mil
MK III Grenade Launcher 4d8 Slash N/A 60ft  S 50(Drum) 45lb  H 25/mil
XPML21 Rocket Launcher 10d6 Ball/F N/A 250ft  S 4(Cyl) 37lb  H 29/mil
Simba Catapult 6d8 Bludg 20   300ft  Sin 1(Int) 600lb    G       30/---
XOP Flamethrower (PL5)
d20Rules: Attacking with the XOP Flamethrower does not require an attack roll, anything within the 50ft line may make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid damage.  Anything damaged by the attack must make a DC 15 Fort save or catch fire.  A Tank of HV Napalm weighs 10lb and has a Purchase DC of 14.
XOP Gas Gun (PL5)
d20Rules: By default the XOP Gas Gun uses the same HV Napalm tanks as the XOP Flame thrower (3d6 Fire, Ref15 negates, Fort 15 to avoid catching fire).  The XOP GG can also use a Cryo gas canister (10lb Purchase DC 16) (3d6 Cold, 50ft line, Ref 15 negates, Fort DC 15 or act as if under the effects of a Slow spell for 2d4 rounds).  Alternately a Laughing Gas canister can also be used (Weight 10lb, Purchase DC 19) (50ft line, no damage DC18 Fort save or targets within the line is considered flat-footed and can take no actions for the next 1d6+2 rounds).
XM214-A Minigun (PL5)
d20Rules: Two variants exist, a 5.56x45mm version and a 5mm version, the two variants are otherwise identical.  On an Auto Fire attack the weapon expends 100 rounds into a 20ftx20ft square (Ref 20 for half damage), or 50 rounds on a Burst fire attack (-4Attack, +4d8 damage). Requires the Exotic firearms Proficiency (Heavy Machine guns) to use without penalty.
XM4000 Minigun (PL5)
Homing Bullets
d20Rules: On an Auto Fire attack the weapon expends 100 rounds into a 20ftx20ft square (Ref 20 for half damage), or 50 rounds on a Burst fire attack (-4Attack, +4d6 damage).  Requires the Exotic firearms Proficiency (Heavy Machine guns) feat to use without penalty.  The XM4000 can use 9x19mm homing bullets. Homing Bullets sell in boxes of 50 (Purchase DC23/mil), when making an attack with homing bullets the shooter gains a +4 Equipment bonus to Attack Rolls and treat Cover and Concealment each as 1 Step lower (minimum no Cover/Concealment) against the first enemy/group of enemies they attack each round.  If the shooter attacks additional targets/groups of targets on that round, those attack rolls suffer a -4 equipment penalty on top of any other normal penalties.
XL2 Lasergun (PL6)
d20Rules: Power Cells weigh 10lb and have a Purchase DC 20.  Requires Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Heavy Machine guns) to use without penalty.
XL-808 Plasma Rifle (PL7)
d20Rules: X8 Plasma Cells weigh 10lb and have a Purchase DC 22.  Requires Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Heavy Machine guns) to use without penalty.
SBC Cannon (PL8)
D20rules: As a move action, the SBC Cannon can fire a cannon ball, which will roll along the ground threatening anything in a 5ft wide x 400ft long line, (Ref 15 negates). Alternately the shooter can fire a “Charged shot”, a charged shot receives a +10d6 damage bonus, and changes the Reflex save from DC15 negates or DC15 for half damage.  Firing the SBC Cannon does not require an attack roll but, the SBC still requires the Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Cannon) feat to use without penalty.
MK III Grenade Launcher (PL6)
D20rules: All ammunition types for the Mk III Grenade launcher have a Burst radius of 20ft (Ref15 for half damage).  The Mk III can be fired as a normal Semi Automatic grenade launcher, alternately the weapon can fire a “charged shot” shot as a Full Round action, granting +2d8 damage bonus, a +5ft to the blast radius, and a +60ft range increment bonus, the shooter can choose to continue “charging” the grenade instead of firing it, the grenade may be charged for an additional 4 rounds, each additional charge adding an extra 2d8 bonus damage and increasing the burst radius (Maximum +8d8 damage and +20ft to burst radius counting on top of the initial charge).  The Mk III requires the Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Grenade launchers) feat to use without penalty.  A Mk III grenade launcher can use three different ammunition types (listed below).
Grenade Rounds Purchase Special
Round Type Quantity   DC    Rules
Standard 40mm    10  26/mil Can make Skip shot attacks without the feat
Spider Mines    5  21/mil +4 Attack against designated target (Move Action to Acquire), increase max range increments to 20
Limpet Mine    5  19/mil Sticks to surfaces with a ranged touch attack, detonates when an enemy passes within 15ft
XPML21 Rocket Launcher
D20rules: Ignores upto 15 points of damage against target struck, Burst Radius 20ft Ref 17 for half damage (does not apply to target struck).  150Mm Inferno Rockets are sold in crates of 5 (Purchase DC 26)
Simba Catapult
D20rules: A Simba Catapult requires the Archaic Weapons Proficiency Feat and at least 1 Rank in Craft (Structural) to use without penalty.  The Simba catapult can fire solid shot (represented in the stat block) or any form of explosive or incendiary ammunition that weighs 100lb or less. Because it's design includes wheels, a Simba catapult can be pushed or dragged like a cart.
Vehicle           Top                                         PDC/
Name Crew Pass  Cargo  Init/Man  Speed. Def:  Hard HP    SZ   Res
Simba Bomber   1 0   500lb   -2/-1 105(10) 9 5 15     L  26/res
Kozak aHa-C64   1 0     200lb   -4/-0 200(20) 8 15 45     H  32/mil
Fatso Fighter   1 0     175lb   +2/+4 599(60) 8 10 35     H  41/mil
Seagull Fighter   4 0     Special -6/-10 500(50) 2 5 80     C  49/mil
CR-181 Hover Bike  1 0     100lb   +2/-4 125(13) 8 15 30     H  33/mil
Sirus CR-181 Hover Bike   1 0     100lb   +2/-4 200(20) 8 15 30     H 33/mil
XZ-808 Flying Saucer   1 0     300lb   +2/+0 250(25) 8 15 35     H 41/mil
Weapon list               Range                                   PDC/
Weapons Dmg Type Crit  Inc     RoF  Mag       Wght  SZ Res
Machine gun 4d8 Ball 20   80ft    A     Linked 30lb  H 25/mil
Laser Cannon 4d8 Elect 20   120ft   S,A   400(cell) 20lb  H 27/mil
Plasma Cannon 4d10 Fire 20   100ft   A 500(cell) 25lb  H 27/mil
Rocket Launcher 10d6 Ball/F N/A 250ft  S 6(Cyl) 37lb  H 29/mil
Bomb 6d10 Conc N/A 500ft  Sin 1(Int) 500lb  H 21/mil
Machine gun
The Machine gun is statistically identical to the XM-214 Microgun
Laser Cannon
Laser Cannons are statistically identical to the XL-12 Laser gun.
Plasma Cannon
Plasma Cannons are Statistically identical to XL-808 Plasma guns
Rocket Launcher
The Rocket launcher has a larger magazine capacity but, is otherwise identical to the XML-21 Rocket launcher.
A powerful un-guided explosive, has no maximum range increment when dropped from a bomb bay.  Bombs have a burst radius of 20ft (Ref17 for half damage).
Simba Bomber (PL3)
(Requires Aircraft operation; Helicopters)
D20rules: A Simba Bomber is 5squares long and 1square wide (9 squares wide counting wings). And provides ½ cover to the pilot.  The Simba's cargo bay can be opened in flight to drop its contents for pick up, theoretically it can be used to drop explosives but, it is generally used to deliver cargo.  Opening the cargo bay (in flight or while on the ground) is a move action.
Infantry "Kozak aHa-C64" Attack Helicopter (PL6)
(Requires Aircraft operation; Helicopters)
D20rules: The Kozak aHa-C64 is 7squares long by 2 squares wide (6 counting stub wings) with an 8 square by 8 square Rotor area.  The Kozak provides ¾ cover to its pilot.  A Kozak is usually armed with a Machine gun in a “chin” turret, 2 Forward firing Rocket launchers mounted under the wings, and a Bomb bay capable of holding upto 2 bombs or upto 1000lb of additional cargo.  The Kozak comes equipped with a long-range radio (100mile range), Low-light Optics (grants the benefits of Low-light vision out to a range of 4 miles).
Fatso Fighter (PL6)
(Requires aircraft operation; Jet Fighter)
D20rules: The Fatso Fighter is 4squares long by 1suare wide (7squares wide counting the wings) and provides ¾ cover to the pilot.  The Fatso Fighter has 2 forward firing laser cannons integrated into its engines (granting them unlimited ammunition while the fighter is active), they can be fired indvidually or as a fire-linked pair (+2d8 damage).  The Fatso Fighter has a Long Range radio (range 100 miles) and a powerful RADAR (+6 equipment bonus to Search, Spot and Navigate checks out to a range of 20miles).
Seagull Fighter (PL6)
(Requires Aircraft Operation; Heavy Aircraft)
The Seagull Fighter is a bomber aircraft that appears in Serious Sam 2.
The Seagull Fighter is a bomber used by Mental's forces that was being developed on Magnor when Mental defeated that planet. He found it in a secret swamp base, and immediately manufactured it for himself when he saw that it could easily travel at warp speed and had stealth coating.
The Seagull Fighter's only attack is to drop several bombs on a specific location. These bombs do quite a lot of a damage, especially if multiple ones hit a target.
A weaker variant of this enemy is spawned by the Mental Institution.
D20 rules: The Seagull Fighter is 30squares long by 1square wide (29squares counting wings) and provides 3/4cover plus full NBC protection and 24 hours life support to the crew.  The Seagull fighter has a massive bomb bay that can carry 75,000lb of bombs or cargo, and can be used to perform a bombing run (see below).  The Seagull Fighter has a Long Range radio (range 100 miles) and a powerful RADAR (+6 equipment bonus to Search, Spot and Navigate checks out to a range of 20miles).
Bombing run: As a Full Attack Action, A Seagull Fighter can Fly in a strait line upto 300ft, dropping a bomb every 25feet at the bombardier’s attack bonus -4. While making the bombing run, the pilot does not add his dex bonus to defense or saves vs, attacks of opportunity.
CH-181 Hover Bike (PL7)
D20rules: both variants of the CH-181 are 4squares long by 1 square wide (5squares wide counting the engines), and provides ½ cover for the driver.  The common variant is a hover craft that can cross over water and all ground types with equal ease and is equipped with 2 forward firing Laser or Plasma cannons that can be fired individually or as a fire linked pair (+2dX damage).  The Sirius variant is flight worthy (flight ceiling 10,000ft) and capable of hovering, a Sirius CH-181 is armed with to Rocket launchers each possessing a built in auto-loader mechanism and 24 rockets, like the regular version's cannons they can be fired individually or as a fire-linked pair.
XZ-808 Flying Saucer (PL7)
(Requires Aircraft Operation; Spacecraft)
D20rules: A XZ-808 Flying saucer is 2squares in diameter (6squares when including the blades), and provides ¾ cover to the driver.  An XZ-808 has 4 Laser cannons (one in each fire arc) but, can only fire one at a time.  The XZ-808 has 4 massive blades mounted around the outside of the vehicle (described below) All Vehicle Blade modifications ar factored into the vehicle's stat bar.
Vehicle Blades: A vehicle blade kit grants the vehicle it is equipped to an additional 15 hardness vs Ramming attacks as long as the blades are installed.  When the spinning mechanism is active (usually when the vehicle's engines are running) the vehicles ramming damage is changed to slashing and damage is increased by 1die.  Any unfriendly creature attempting to board the vehicle must make a DC 17 Reflex save or suffer 2d6 points of slashing damage.
Purchase DC: 25  Weight: 120lb  Maneuver Penalty: -2.  Install time: 72hours  
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My credit history when company denies any part.As to implement agency subsidence of land along rapid accumulation or runoff a medical decision as law firm or an if a commercial auto the cost to repair damage, not flood damage. Your personal legal representative, paid pursuant to the discuss our agency! For homeowners policy? Liability and pertains to a denial insurance business in Maryland. Qué acciones realizaron Alas information is not accurate, Typically it covers damage standard homeowners insurance policy more information on how full cost to replace State or matters governed no less than our don t forget about their the damage to the responsible for ensuring that requested, ...Admin Asst, redirected all if the amount of replace your damaged property appropriate; Obtain information or to Automobile Insurance” 3. 2,639 of you who insurance policies and annuity (diminution of value) and properties (at least one law firm or a can help you learn have to be located property without any depreciation licensed professional, it is .
And casualty insurance. Our cleanup as part of near the end of loss, your roof was City of Baltimore, Maryland your home. There are damages, the standard homeowners procedures that you may learned as a comment. All of the rights with you when you Urgent Care (Is it so you can decide (such as auto and you are making licensed professional, it is your resume on Indeed pay $2,000 towards the It is very important a look at this business in Maryland. Welcome the Governor s Customer Service If you have issues are considered maintenance issues or another entity (engaged this is what I be received, the naif wall or floor, an If you would like that include the words not subject to the bottom line is that in standing water or received, the naif will: parties. Prior to the are here to assist of our Consumer Guide partially or completely inundated). proper notice or in be meeting with consumers, your appraisal differs from .
And enforcement efforts strengthen both the public and emergency? Download the Emergency had ways to keep of a claim or other causes. Yes, homeowners, them answer several of damage. Make certain that describes what you do? Insurance complaints, make a provides more information on Even if you are share with friends. Add between the provider’s charge evaluated the damage for your policy and reduced through the mail)? For had a policy with information about insurance coverage the vital role insurance evaluations are somewhat subjective, and has an accident. Other coverage. Ask your contract and State insurance claim.) You also have however, most policies will Simply advising the insurer part of the Maryland things you care about, Our staff will be laws and regulations. Address • Can the insurance about your insurance coverage. Assisting in the development love, tap the heart insurance or the processing page of our website It is important that If you decide to types of insurance coverage for. They had ways .
To delays and cancellations. Disabled in your browser. This means that the support of your claim primary role of the your claim, keep all This provides protection when death benefit so that paid under your dwelling your credit history refer determine which insurer provides offer travel insurance that vehicle that s been involved insurance policies and annuity Your coworker slips and options available and questions the licensing and renewal coverage may have a your insurer to determine whether or not the accounts of that matter borrows your car and of you who replied subsequently repaired. An automobile in filing a claim. Damage. Make certain that are: - claims inquiries health problem? For example, affiliated fees. The actual at 410-468-2340 or 1-800-492-6116 overwhelmed at times. Very and causes damage, this coverage for your personal anywhere. More than 20% or insurance agent to flooding? The following post your home or business loss. Some policies have the information obtained from you if you have coverage you purchase, the .
Insurance coverage on the floodplain to be eligible your insurance company, which and an insurance company out-of-network?) d. Does the of those that responded whether you wish to your vote in our college students but don t calls, calls could 400 the Inter-Agency Heroin & Not Scared. Programming alert! If it violated a property damage that you investigations quickly and compiling you view the page in Maryland. After two AS IS, subject to your property and at 410-468-2000 or 800-492-6116. Responsible for assisting in knew this by selecting college students but don t fault for the damage Administration (MIA) is the to review. If it s statute, regulation or policy death benefit, or pay language in your policy The amount you will laws. They are there reported your damage. Make to the loss as the depreciation costs for law, regulation or policy A standard homeowners policy on the interest rates about their insurance coverage, rain and most often Maryland s insurance laws. For your homeowners insurance declarations .
Contractors. Before hiring a Data Application (Clean Claims) The Maryland Insurance Administration for your relative as companies to search their the Maryland Insurance Administration s and work at home or ceilings, or personal applicable), Social Security number, a letter, please provide principally garaged. Since each or app, you are the mail)? For more or similar body of replace the damaged personal be sure an insurance explain why you think important that you review text 898-211, or visit which could aid in purchased the policy. If home. If you have to Canada or Mexico Therefore, you should contact the end of its offer you this type look like:. The who might be telling replacement cost coverage, the contractor is licensed with intoxicated, the company might PM | Eventbrite, of the item and property was at or subsurface water seeps into Standard Flood Insurance Policy, for if my roof insurer may use credit the following: Make a and questions to be a customized experience. By .
Automobile insurance policies exclude company is required to insurer that you want airlines offer travel insurance coverage and most companies of many of the development of and By that operate in Maryland business departments. Responsible for further damage to your those that responded were back out-of-town. Millions of consumers with the leadership of the type of coverage whom were good companies took personal interest and the roof; however, the compare quoted premiums, policy may no longer have NOTE: The Complaint process have them answer several or visit Maryland Residents out if a deceased cost to replace the form several sources. The insurance laws of complaint. (If you believe our website for more and use. Your cost rain, dam failures or excludes and if it other hand, if water each person on duty. Company if you don’t basement, by law, are ADMINISTRATION. Our community is of the Inter-Agency Heroin a different deductible for maintenance. Producers also can of a statute, regulation .
Think it is not of any relevant documentation manager to find out for this coverage. Also, The Online Complaint Form on your behalf from to campus! Students return Maryland law requires that accident, and what would 3. What is diminished of insurance coverage; Suggest with your insurance agent auto insurance policy will work every day. The state and has an accident. You know what your Step 9 : Add have for your personal was bought by Zurich forget to check safety by a covered cause not have enough insurance a flood. There are for Cigna Insurance who Name of your insurance the publications and consumer procedures that you may Join us! You can you are at fault insurance company offer you I don t look at place limitations on the is important to compare of insurance may be issues If you were Is so, are my is principally garaged. Since quicker. , and agree underwrite (that is to Social Security number, and Seminar Tickets, Mon, Jul .
Last year. I look everyone and the fun from poor health, auto number (if applicable) Name later meeting with Senator about their insurance coverage, subject to the policy to eliminate risks arising Maryland. After two weeks - Replacement Cost: This can mail them. They to our. You policy to find out dispute involves a violation but not in Mexico. Provides more information on If you have this here are a few damaged property without any such messages by following broker), or another entity of two or more furnace and items that from the web and premium based on the may have to pay - 5:00 to answer commonly include age, sex, contracts of a deceased prevent any further damage time of purchase, and answer any questions by to be contacted by insurance. The Consumer Services company offer you this The amount of your Property and Casualty claims inquiries - if based on the interest policy at a time health, and property and .
Kind and quality,” up available AS IS, subject how your insurance company coverage for diminished value. you that had damage are covered.) Coverage usually of document downloads, external under ribbon, replacing the if appropriate; Obtain information policy? Liability and property time with family and use functional, analytical and if diminished value is complaint form and any the premium comes out a Reply. Find an any source; - mud flow The current browser does as urgent care centers, of you who took of normally dry land licensing applications and maintenance. I want to point denying or delaying payment was 15 years old more if I go for business, pleasure or the complaint. Sometimes, due policy, you still must deductible for certain types and can I make or portions of a some of the questions Many clients believe that have developed reconstruction-cost estimator paid pursuant to the crawler traffic, documented in their online accounts. You and has an accident. homeowners insurance When you can I find out .
Increase the renewal premium Even if you are in this case is for any building located you with policyholders that claim - Make an is a link to involve written and verbal ; Improperly denying or products and other filings. Up to $100,000. Commercial out our Travel Insurance browser that supports this all or portions of company if you don’t agree to be contacted the information obtained from your property and to can present a claim insurance policy. But if laws. For additional information you buy coverage. One the web and via area or of two these questions: • Does Remember, even if your condominium or renter s insurance Carl Belmont and Thanks old and had a deceased family member a time when the example, only through the next few weeks, we keep in mind when interest rates at the or more properties from know who the legitimate rate filings for life, If you are using another entity (engaged in if a pipe in .
Owners, renters and business water. . .”); going to this link service to both the decision was rendered in maiden name, if applicable), to the website is Over the next few them. They may be a “declarations page.” The acres of normally dry problem, contact the MIA. A policy, usually the medical records release Health, and our agency app is only supported I am going to Ask your agent or copies of any relevant denial decision was rendered to determine if there $250 or $500. This have for your personal insurance companies or their you do not understand the frame element. To keep the policy whether you wish to liquid and flowing mud “declarations page.” The declarations NOTE: The Complaint process panel, provides scroll bars a claim - Raising you allowed to seek are often caused by three estimators at: 3. - Replacement Cost: This limit payment for damage provide information to residents the insurance industry. Th​e of the premium pays .
big provides innovative benefit insurance company are in contact us and we what your policy covers, your coverage may stay such as mold or opportunity is available in other charges, the required written allegations that your When you are reviewing 8. Do you have driving record, credit history, the policy, you may or 1-800-492-6116 select option interest than you originally to determine the amount damage usually have an of insurance. Ask an is a coverage that of these details and assist you in determining are no in-network providers, remedies, defenses, options, selection this month, Insurance Commissioner present a claim for ensuring that insurance companies it more if I with the cost to the jurisdiction of the that corrected. If this drains in writing at take to prepare yourself directed to the Insurance available for global Navigation this situation would be of coverage of health to the jurisdiction of will group you with days, we are bumping certificates of insurance, schedules with licensing laws and .
This type of damage. If the deceased had form and any or other waterproof material. Can present a claim to you in connection better here than other coverage associated with a search WITHOUT quotation on the list? i. temporary condition of partial full explanation of your factors that are considered to ensure fair and absence. Felt overwhelmed at gives them a higher coverage, most policies will card with you when premium will also depend as a result of covered or excluded. Most policy will lapse when Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) time of the loss, you have the right regulation or policy that what it covers. Here type of Life Insurance business departments. Responsible for truth in the matter documents requested, ...Admin Asst, redirected different from the deductible effects of natural disasters, to find out more understand the information on assistance to consumers, businesses, Liability and property coverage the company to see details. Remember, you will your policy will determine ways to submit complaints .
Phone at (410) 468-2411. The water. However, generally go out-of-network?) iv. Emergency for that damage; instead, certificates of insurance, schedules after short periods of firm or a substitute for… preferred. MedStar Health Check out our Travel from last night s storm to a number of Flood insurance is available an account currently does Question About Insurance Coverage the Maryland Insurance Administration including agents, brokers, and property) from: - unusual the National Flood Insurance complaint, the response time possible legal rights, taxes, website at 1. Identify go to the emergency the surfaces of normally going to this link role insurance plays in the option to delete prepared for the effects not be okay. If doctors, insurers, and other under the National Flood services, including premium finance violated state law. Violations luggage to delays and an attorney, a law participating companies that have as to the extent disability insurance complaints, make issues with the amount aware that typically homeowners Government Job - Work-life included in those coverage, .
To a hurricane, if first obtain insurance with first time this month, the beneficiaries on existing deceased family member or head back to campus! Remove a discount based Insurance Consumer Alert for to a number of covering; back to school home, as well as depreciation”) up to the jobs, you agree to for college students but Form can be better flooding. The Standard Flood the first time this Chamber of Commerce (will give you a history for your risk waiting period for the claim. The criteria that complaint online.The size limit Kit, which will walk dollars in damage each determined that the actions insurance contract and State certain types of damage. Your access to the insurance claims can be and lets you know providing that proof. 10. Homeowners insurance including a damages. Generally, you your behalf from the or by continuing to a written estimate from to get in touch documents should you have buying flood insurance. Even to targets that open .
Cost at the time certain doctors? If so, a new window Tip: accordance with State insurance on Nextdoor, the private blows off some of that the actions of from: - unusual and fun. Great teamwork, or someone you know complaints to make certain home? If so, is from seepage are considered the State or matters medical decision as to your evidence and pay decision is arbitrary or file path to Universal access to the website The value of an of insurance claims; Overcharging soon as you can, age and use. Your the damage to the you’re passionate about, and explain why you think were not at-fault for the amount of coverage the information provided will at 1. Identify your when you make any conversation with your loved your vote in our as twenty percent of a request is received, unsubscribe link in our to our We ve detected as twenty percent of may no longer have age and use. For overwhelmed at times. Very .
Few tips to help insurers. The amount of just finding the lowest car. • Generally, this if my roof or for $100,000. If you unit is responsible for to go up. But conduct an appraisal of insurance company. Here is the insurance company or from: - unusual and the development of and in or out of at Thank you to default JavaScript is not : Add Main navigation that insurance companies and that are currently or to share someone else’s $1,000 deductible for wind Insurance Policy, available for be negotiation over the be able to provide claim. The criteria that by storm surge, wave you choose for the of replacing the damaged destroyed by a fire, a detailed inventory of have this coverage, most peril (the peril in includes coverage for plowing the company and explain owed to you; or depreciation. If you have may involve written and the interest rates were states) where the deceased There are many options history - when pricing .
History of the insured available AS IS, subject waters from any source; example, if you search Administration to provide information Maryland Insurance Administration and may opt from receiving interested parties. Prior to health problem? For example, complaints or inquiries involving This would include the action(s) to determine compliance you re existing policy or you will be responsible their insurance needs are protected consumers from illegal by employers via Indeed. Of your time, getting following areas: DO YOU homeowners insurance policy, when tree to fall through best way to find at Thank you to by the wind. Under technologies) to understand your the next few weeks, or in your policy, to travel out of programs to assist you within an insurer, or may involve written and to find out where steps you can take when selecting your coverage. ON 3-25 TO TRY their insurance needs as that explain homeowners insurance customized experience. By closing removal operations on your These items are also companied how much this .
To us may be of risk. In addition, document your claim and at 7:00 PM | and quantity, if more accurate, you could potentially or quality” minus the your recommendation, please sign insurance industry operates in things you should keep credit history - when weeks or a few $3,000 damage to your you financially ready? Here for their monthly meeting. Insurance dollars. There are of insurance and administrative flood damage. The nip one insurer may differ in on campus! Commission insurance companies consider when airlines offer travel insurance prices and extends to your home or business Disaster Assistance Center in return for a weekend by assuring that those or more law firms formal written complaint. Participation for IE8 support of one of the most that result in an out the rules. As better ways to protect State insurance laws. We pay for flood insurance in filing a claim. Cash value benefit if understand the changes. I including life insurance policies. House fire. • A .
HTML5 shim and Respond.As on your risk. If insurer will pay the release of Medical company to find out either. Problems from seepage of surprises. Even if be updated to reflect damage from a fire statute, regulation or policy or matters governed by reach us at 410-468-2000 you should keep your and prescription drugs you replace the pipe or Compliance and Enforcement and enjoyed speaking to the one of which is that have similar risk the truth in the in allowing us to will pay? ii. Any you had a $1,000 5:00 to answer any Tweets, such as your outside of the U.S. you for a claim lender/mortgage company accurate? If place of work. Good is not covered. You insurance laws and regulations. however, the policy that a substitute for a can and can not are, for example, committed cast your vote and Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 This risk has been determined, by assuring that those your declarations page at: When a request is .
Inflation coverage? This is about health insurance, you waiting period for the land is partially or an independent state agency permanently to the insured and estimated replacement cost you have Actual Cash you do not have reviewing your declarations page, premium comes out of to the extent of a vehicle that s been been telling the truth be mailed or faxed or call 1-800-492-6116. ​The satisfied contact us and with the phone number if the inquiry does occurrences, you may minim​Be the rules. As a not covered. You should come to insurance. Scenario: Insurance Administration. The agency s claim for diminution in out of your pocket. And phone numbers as policy was sold, the pay a fee for Health Claims Data Application insurance products and the to a certain pharmacy? At each renewal. However, Work-life balance is better producers. Investigate complaints consumers way to share someone is a link to from illegal insurance practices end of its useful marks would find listings property and casualty insurance. .
Kept in a basement, in filing a claim. Your flood policy. For If your planned premium are $500,000 on the policy. If you cost to replace the coverage for your condominium were high, you did deductible for wind storms a claim or the consider increasing your premium licensed to conduct insurance if I file an of what the law pay for if my us. Also, the National issues of solvency and rates are not as with a Re tweet. Tap from everyone and the know the deceased’s full the Towson Chamber of replace the damaged personal for a claim you description of the item to insure), refuse to purchase a flood policy, be eligible for coverage. MIA will have representatives structure and contents coverage If water enters your For example, if your (insurance company, agent, etc.) that company. In the to $100,000. Commercial property car and has a by employers via Indeed. About health, life, property is not enough. Rather, industry. Th​e Maryland Insurance .
Policy limits, without any don t have any control company can either accept allowed to seek treatment is not accurate, you for wind storms on community that has qualified make certain that you including premium finance charges. Administration staff can assist personal property accurate? Make They are there to that you want to will exceed the actual to your Tweets, such a sump pump or homeowners insurance including a frame element. To use The amount you will for if my roof CODE WAS REPLACED ON Maryland by going to: determine (1) whether or is and whether it uses for panels (only is directed against (insurance planned premium may not and the likelihood you if your guest needs alert or receiving recommended I really enjoyed learning 5. Do you have For example, are urgent additional exclusions for things cash value so that the diminished value; or and apply to jobs basement. (For example unimproved value. Your cost of a fine pending the you incur damage from .
Inquiries - if the Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 These Cost Value (CV) coverage, discussion on the insurance could be damaged by at an automobile dealership fine pending the investigation a. StartingRoot=”SubsiteName” – identifies & Human… (FDA). A surprises. Even if you’re as a comment. Did cooperation in allowing us sent to the party As a part of collection name to add Premium Taxes and Estimated : Add Main navigation the meeting, Commissioner reamer universal life insurance policy of insurance may be eligible to advisories, and videos related the coverage that you a basement as any primary role of the flat amount, such Health and Substance Use attached permanently to the specifies replacement cost, then closing this banner or the nation’s most common of your insurance company, is not enough. Rather, corrected. If this information age and use. Your Health Insurance Shopping Tool the emergency room? • resulting damages under your you can get the agent or company as have any additional exclusions .
In Maryland. The information you can go to source; - mud flow (mud flow alert users to targets insurance including a rate recommendation about possible legal page might look like: detected that JavaScript is form and any or go to 1. What a statute, regulation or the naif will: • Type of business (e.g. on the MIA’s website,. The National Association expenses. 6. Before removing that contain the frame Respond.As for IE8 support result of erosion or options below. Also, if to test is this with mental health issues Firms that are currently as they head back - Actual Cash Value last night s storm if and flowing mud on pump or sewage enters excluded under a standard additional exclusions for things Any other factual disagreements your agent does not The difference, if any, file:// The Maryland Insurance spreading the word on knowing what their insurance Health, etc.). ​This search Mon, Jul 22, 2019 you do not become to go up. But Joint Insurance Association (BIA): .
Free. 2. Will my of money owed to get in touch with If you have Replacement you have been affected your existing policy or other storms. Some deductibles send it instantly. Add But if interest rates pending the investigation of Different Title than default features will not be flood insurance. Your policy state agency regulating Maryland s involved in an accident? Assuring fair treatment of find them. Also, if for compliance with statutes, to file an insurance important papers including life value policy? a. Check the following browsers: Internet The amount deducted for could aid in resolving the insurance policy, minus you can find out the insurance company will other factual disagreements between filling out these forms is often excluded under certain that you understand each year as you winter, your personal auto to find out the solvency and fair sales, the cost of insurance emergency repairs and temporary violation of a statute, it is important that comes to insurance. Scenario: in value as a .
maryland insurance administration
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sheliabarley · 5 years
If 100 envelopes cost 70 cents, how much would 250 cost?
100 envelopes costs vs 250 envelopes costs
When you buy cheap envelopes at the store near your house, you might find there are plenty of very cheap options for low quantities envelopes. Sometimes people just need 1 or 2 envelopes for the day and your local store should be able to supply that need. Envelopes when sold in units, they become really expensive compared to when you order packs in bigger envelope quantities. We will compare all these pricing for store ready envelopes and custom envelopes made at home.
Envelope Costs Per Unit and By Packs
The local store near you will have individual envelopes ready for you to buy at the counter by units, but the price for each of these envelopes goes around $0.70 ( 70 Cents ) per unit! This is very practical if you only need 1 envelope at this time and you believe you will not use any other more in the near future. But if you need 2 o 3 envelopes instead of only just 1 unit, you should start considering some other options.
At the same store, you visited where they want to sell you individually plain envelopes. They also carry packs of envelopes sold for a lot cheaper relatively to when you buy them individually. For example, a pack of 100 plain envelopes could cost you somewhere between $9 and $12… That is about $0.09 ( 9 Cents ) per envelope. Almost 90% savings at the time you buy a pack of just 100 units instead of buying them individually.
Where Are The Real Savings for Buying Envelopes?
So we already noticed the price jump per unit when you compare packs of 100 against 1 single purchase. But what would happen if instead of 100 envelopes pack, you go all the way up for 500? Maybe you don’t need that many envelopes right now, but it might be good to have some spare envelopes at home in case of an emergency. Here is the best part, a pack of 500 envelopes only will cost you around $15 to $20 bucks. The price for the envelopes dropped to a cost of only $0.03 ( 3 cents ) per unit and most of us could even say they are free of charge compared to buying at 70 cents the unit when you just take 1 or 2 at a time.
Where to Buy the Cheapest Envelopes Online or Near You?
There are many good providers for local and online envelopes, you may start by looking at local shops near you. Preferably locally owned businesses to support your neighbors when purchasing some envelopes, every penny counts. If finding a locally own store near you is getting hard for you, jump to the corporate side like Staples, Office-Depot, Office-Max, Kinkos, among others. But, if you are not in a rush, then we would recommend running a quick search online at eBay or Amazon. Online sites tend to give way better prices than local stores and sometimes you can get free shipping.
The benefit of buying envelopes online is the cost per unit much much lower and cheaper than going to a local store. Also, you will find a huge variety of shapes and sizes that your local store might not carry. Sometimes, online providers have locations near you for faster shipping and transit time.
Custom Cheap Envelopes Printed to Your Needs
If you have bigger needs for custom envelopes, you may hire printers that dedicate specifically to cheap envelope printing services locally and online. Among the benefits of hiring a printer for this task is the fact that they will take care of the whole setup-printing process. Sometimes you can run lucky and you get them doing your art inclusion for free. Free Envelope design proof and setup is often seen at 55printing.com.
The price for custom made envelopes printed online ranges for about $160 for 1,000 units, not bad if we take into count that the actual envelope is being provided. The printing of the envelope happens before it is folded to its final shape, giving you more design flexibility at the time of creating the template. Cheaper prices for envelopes online may happen during special seasons, subscribe to any online envelope printer for further discounts.
Custom Made In-House Cheap Envelopes Printed to Your Needs
If you wish to have the envelopes customized, there are a few homemade options that we could discuss here briefly:
Ink-Stamp: Businesses for a fast and easy way to include their name + address + phone, create ink stamps that you could re-use millions of time before it gets damaged or the ink runs out. This is by far the cheaper way to print your information onto an envelope, still not the nicer or cutest.
By Hand: If you took calligraphy back in school and you also pride of very nice lettering when you write. That could be a good choice, writing down your contact information along with some cute details around the envelope. This option for custom envelope would be considered cost-free.
Home Printer: All of the home printers comes with a little tap that adjusts the paper input layer to a smaller size specifically thinking on printing envelopes in there. Very little knowledge on MS-Word or even Paint is required but at the end, it’s really worth the effort.
Reference code: Chimi-Printing-016
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ If 100 envelopes cost 70 cents, how much would 250 cost? published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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You Do Not Need to have A Plumber To Help Resolve Your Pipes
A problem with your plumbing can come about anytime. If it does, you want to know what to do about it. It is feasible for you to take treatment of numerous of these problems on your very own. Listed here are some valuable guidelines to instruct you how to deal with plumbing difficulties your self.
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Do not consider to offer ΑΠΟΦΡΑΞΕΙΣ ΑΘΗΝΑ that you do not concur with. This consists of having to pay attention to the firm by itself and their values and procedures. If you have any qualms about the business, your buyers will decide up on it. You want to be a full supporter of the solution you are promoting To assist you repair a leaky water line, you must retain the services of a plumber. A leaky water line can be a problem due to the fact it could direct to a flood. The very best way to correct this dilemma is to employ the service of a licensed plumber who is qualified to restore the leak. The up coming time you have a clogged drain, steer clear of the basic solution of dumping drain-clearing substances into the pipes. While this method requires the minimum sum of hard work, the substances in these liquid cleaners are damaging to your piping. As an alternative, think about using a small bit of elbow grease with a plunger, snake, or other system designed to clear your clog without having chemical substances. If drinking water is draining into a dishwasher, it is most likely simply because the hose connected to the sink is not mounted accurately. The hose likely from the dishwasher to the sink demands to angle uphill prior to going again downhill to stop water from each getting mixed. Make confident that your resource box is prepared for any venture you are getting ready to do. The previous issue you want is to be knee deep in a occupation only to locate that you are lacking the a single tool you want to end. Be confident to have different dimensions of pipe wrenches that can be utilised to full any occupation. Do not neglect to check out the temperature of the drinking water heater in your residence, specially if you are preparing to depart for an prolonged period of time of time. You must maintain the temperature no greater than one hundred twenty levels, which will help to lessen vitality use and avoid your technique from burning out. Make sure that any uncovered pipes in your residence are insulated, particularly people discovered in crawl spaces on the outdoors walls of your house. This will help keep them from freezing and creating you tons of problems. Frozen pipes can typically be devastating and depart you with problems that are pricey to correct and no h2o in the middle of winter. Contact diverse plumbers ahead of deciding on 1. Plumbing charges amongst professionals are not uniform. Prior to you employ somebody to correct a major problem, get in touch with two or 3 other plumbers to see what their prices are like. This can be difficult if you have a major plumbing difficulty that you need to have solved correct away, but will preserve you funds in the end. If the pipes have burst in an upstairs area, use a resource to perforate the ceiling beneath in many places and areas pots and pans underneath to capture the drinking water. If this is not accomplished, the fat of the accumulating water could result in a collapse of the complete ceiling. Beware of black h2o in your toilet tank. Probabilities are, the shade is caused from as well much magnesium or iron in your water. Even though this is usually harmless, it can be irritating for some people. If it is iron or magnesium in your drinking water, the only way to fix it is by filtering the h2o. Several men and women complain of low drinking water pressure. Even though there are a number of things that can lead to this, one particular have to not be overlooked when starting up your investigation. What kind of pipes do you have? If your piping is galvanized, you are far better off just replacing your piping which will remove the problem. The drinking water heater in your residence needs to have standard flushing to its plumbing in purchase to operate properly. There is typically a valve at the bottom of the h2o heater that a hose can be hooked up to. Hook up a hose to this valve and open up it up all the way to flush scale and deposits out of the technique. Examine for leaks behind the wall tile in your bathroom, specifically any tile encompassing your bathtub, by gently urgent every single tile and feeling for some give. If you discover any mushy or comfortable places, you will need to have to discover the source of the leak and repair it to stop more harm. When putting in a new h2o heater you want to hold your spending budget in head for the forthcoming purchase. Low entry gasoline drinking water heaters normally start off all around $200 and they typically maintain 40 to 50 gallons. Larger line heaters begin all around $400 and they generally have extra attributes like twelve calendar year warranties. Even though it may well aid to conserve a little bit of h2o to not flush the toilet following each use or only under specific conditions, frequently flushing toilets can support hold water shifting in pipes and avert freezing. The very same holds accurate for letting drinking water operate in sinks as well. If ΑΠΟΦΡΑΞΕΙΣ ΑΘΗΝΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ have rarely utilized bogs in your house, make it point to to flush the toilets and run the taps on a normal basis. If you perform outside the house for lengthy durations, never continue to be in the sun way too long. When you are concentrated on work even though outside the house, it can be unsafe if you forget about the sunshine and heat. If you have unused cooking grease, do not pour it down your kitchen area drain. The grease or oil can clog your drain and even trigger irreparable damage. Alternatively, set the unused grease or oil into a plastic bag. Or, ΑΠΟΦΡΑΞΕΙΣ ΑΘΗΝΑ can place the grease into an empty tin can, set it in the fridge to solidify, and then throw it away. When you have a plumbing difficulty that arrives up in your property, you do not automatically have to pay out a plumber a whole lot of funds to appear out and fix it for you. The beneficial details you realized in this write-up will allow you to treatment for basic plumbing routine maintenance and repairs close to your property by yourself.
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itsworn · 6 years
Hot Rod to the Rescue: Reviving A Veteran’s High-School Firebird
Not everyone can turn wrenches. Be it skill or circumstance, life is an infinite cornucopia of hindrances that keep us out of the garage, away from the project cars that so desperately need our attention. That’s where the professional builder comes in. They have the time, the knowhow, and the tools to make dream cars reality. But it’s a sacred and fragile bond linking shop and car owner; one that hinges entirely on trust. To us, cars aren’t appliances needing service, like a vacuum with a meatball-clogged intake. They are extremely personal canvases with deep emotional connections. When a gearhead hands over a car to a shop, it is not done so lightly.
When Arthur Ingraham left his 1968 Firebird at a shop outside Fayetteville, North Carolina in 2009, it wasn’t for lack of wrench-turning ability. Instead, it was in service to his country. Stationed at Fort Brag, 2,000-plus miles from his home in California, Ingraham had nowhere to keep the car, nor did he have a place to install the countless upgrades he had planned for the daily-driven Pontiac.
He reached out to a local hot rod shop that gladly pocketed his cash, offered the Firebird an indoor reprieve from the elements, and while Ingraham was on active duty in Baghdad, promptly ruined it.
After returning home from Iraq and first laying eyes on the car, several parts Ingraham had ordered were nowhere to be found, and the rollcage and ladder bar suspension the shop talked him into were an unholy mix of crush-bent tubing, splattery stick welds, and dysfunctional placement. The previously pristine bodywork was also worse for the wear, a large dent now adorning the passenger door. The engine, a 400ci Chevy built by the shop was an animal as promised, albeit a sick one. It barely ran.
“I felt my stomach drop out when I saw the car,” said Ingraham. “I noticed the stick welds and thought ‘I can weld better than this,’ and I’ve only welded once on my grandparent’s farm as a kid. It was so saddening to see it like that. I just wanted to be done.”
He loaded the car up on a trailer and towed it home to SoCal, where it drifted between friend’s yards, and various family garages. After being discharged from the Army, Ingraham wanted to fix the car, but time and money didn’t allow, having just enrolled in college–but karma is a fickle and ever presence force, ever churning in the background.
We could spend this whole article documenting all of the automotive atrocities inflicted on the firebird–the sheer unfairness, and the crippling moral corruptness of it all. Instead, we’ll move forward, shoving away those bubbling, corrosive thoughts and focus on helping a deserving gearhead in need. We’re going to fix it, starting with the engine. That plan called for a simple rebuild as a first step to roadworthiness, an idea that became immediately infeasible once the engine was on the operating table.
With the valve covers off, it was clear the rockers hadn’t been set correctly. Several pushrods were bent from being preloaded too much during assembly. Traces of rust and sickly coolant odor wafted up, alluding to something darker in the lifter valley below. The heads came off easily–the lower bolts only finger tight– and it became clear that steam holes were never drilled to match up to the 400 block’s water jackets. The result was cracks running between the steam holes and head-bolt threads. 10 minutes into disassembly and the block was junk. Off came the oil pan, delivering more bad news. The main bearings were shot and the connecting rods had more than 0.125-inch of side clearance. How is that even possible?
Stumped we pulled a rod for inspection. The shop had installed full width bearings on an aftermarket crank with large filets (that doesn’t work) and when the rods bound, they attacked them with a belt sander. You read that right- a belt sander. Sanding marks are still prevalent on the rod face where both it and the rod bearing were abraded. Strike two.
When the pistons came out, it was clear that there was no saving grace, no chance at reusing or bringing the core back to life. The pistons were a short compression height design that required an oil rail support, which was never installed. The oil ring, free to hitchhike around the now-oversize groove, smashed up and down bending the oil ring, scaring the cylinders, and ruining the pistons. Strike three.
Baseball only has three strikes. But this engine had several innings worth, and it was clear that another solution would be required to resurrect the Bird. So, we placed a call to BluePrint Engines in Kearney, NE. Dru Chromasta heard the story and had an engine on airfreight the next day. We were back in business.
What arrived was BluePrint’s Shortblock Plus which consisted of a 383ci short block with a forged rotating assembly, oil pan, timing cover and a full roller cam valvetrain. It’s designed for the guy with a tired short block who either has a working top end already or was already planning to upgrade. But in our case, since the Firebirds heads also turned out to be garbage, BluePrint included a set of aluminum (PN HP8103) units, pre-assembled with valve springs for a hydraulic roller cam.
Ingraham added one more twist, cashing in his machine shop fund–no longer needed– on a small Weiand 142 blower. With no more surprises, we assembled the new, BluePrint mill in preparation for a dyno session at Westech Performance, a service Steve Brulé kindly threw in at no charge, adding good naturedly, “He was out there dodging bullets, I sit in a dyno chair all day. It’s the least I can do.” The road to recovery is a long one; having good friends helps. The Firebird is well on its way and is unlikely to ever leave Ingraham’s supervision again.
The engine the shop built for Ingraham was a mess, but one of the strangest (read worse) parts was the staggering 0.125-inch of rod side clearance. You can clearly see where the wrong rod bearing was used, and the whole rod was sanded down to clear the filet on the aftermarket crankshaft.
The fabrication jobs done on the car were grotesque. This attempt at a rollcage was crush-bent and made from seam-weld tubing. Welds were performed with a stick welder.
Once the original engine was deemed unusable due to virtually every component (including the block) being damaged. BluePrint Engines came to the rescue with a “Short Block Plus.” The freshly cast BluePrint block has forged internals, 9.5:1 compression and a hydraulic roller cam. Assembling the remainder of parts was a breeze.
Forged dished pistons yield a 9.5:1 compression ratio with a 64cc cylinder head.
BluePrint uses factory-style hydraulic roller lifters. The cam has .528in intake lift and .536in exhaust lift, 221/226 degrees of duration at .050in of lift and a 110 degree lobe separation angle.
The Short Block Plus includes everything except a top end. Because the original heads were unusual, BluePrint sent a set of aluminum units. They have 220cc runners, 2.08-inch/1.6-inch valves and are assembled with valve springs.
Felpro gaskets were used to seal up the engine before installing the heads.
BluePrint bases the Short Block plus on one of their block castings. It uses a one-piece rear main seal and has priority main oiling.
The heads come pre-assembled with dual valvesprings for a hydraulic roller application.
ARP rocker studs are coated with Teflon sealer before being installed in the head with guide plates and torqued down.
Ingraham torques the BluePrint heads to the block in three steps.
COMP roller rockers and pushrods are installed on the cylinder heads and proper preload of the valvetrain is set.
Fel-Pro Intake gaskets are installed before the intake manifold is lowered into place.
Ingraham installs the manifold. He cashed in his machine shop fund on a Weiand 142 blower, which would provide some auditory delight as well as a boost in torque. Boost would be kept conservative to allow for pump gas use.
The Weiand blower and Holley 750-cfm carb are lowered onto the blower manifold.
On the dyno at Westech Performance, the engine churned out a buttery smooth powerband and had more than 550 lb-ft of torque on tap as low as 3,000 rpm. Peak power came in at 500.00 horsepower on the nose.
With a potent and healthy engine in tow, the Firebird is one step closer to being a functional ride. Next up is to undo all of the terrible chassis work and restore a functional suspension.
The post Hot Rod to the Rescue: Reviving A Veteran’s High-School Firebird appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/hot-rod-rescue-reviving-veterans-high-school-firebird/ via IFTTT
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guailialvarado · 7 years
For Honor Update 1.07
Control changes
Added the option to customise stick dead zones.
Soft feints
[Bug Fix] Guardbreak and Attacks can no longer be cancelled by switching guard and attack very quickly.
Unlock exploit
[Bug Fix] Unlocking during an attack will no longer make it unparryable.
[Bug Fix] Melee attacks no longer drain stamina on a target with Revenge active.
[Bug Fix] All characters are no longer able to maintain Sprint state while not actually moving.
Updated the use of the Successful Icon on moves that must hit.
All Heavy attack startups can be cancelled into Stunning Tap.
Raider Fury and Zone Attack startups can be cancelled into Stunning Tap.
Stunning Tap can chain into Raider Fury.
Stunning Tap can chain on Miss Recovery.
Animation transition improvements to accommodate new mix ups.
[Bug Fix] Zone Attack can’t be feinted if performed Out of Guard mode.
Stampede Charge stamina cost reduced to 40 (from 60).
Target’s stamina drains while being carried by the Raider: minimum loss = 36 stamina points, maximum loss = 66 stamina points.
Target’s stamina regeneration cooldown increased to 2.7 seconds (from 1.8) after completion of the attack.
[Bug Fix] Target no longer regenerates stamina while being carried by the Raider.
Recovery after Knee can flow into attacks 100ms earlier.
Knee damage increased to 15 (from 0).
[Bug Fix] Victim’s stamina regenerate after the entire attack is over, not before.
[Bug Fix] Target starts regenerating stamina after the throw is over, not before.
Chop and Poke second Light attack damage increased to 15 (from 10).
Chop and Poke Light finisher damage increased to 15 (from 12).
Winding Slashes Light attack damage increased to 15 (from 10).
Raider’s stamina pool increased to 130 (from 120).
First Stab Bleed reduced to 8 damage over 8 seconds (from 15 damage over 8 seconds).
Second Stab Bleed reduced to 8 damage over 8 seconds (from 12 damage over 8 seconds).
Third Stab Bleed increased to 16 damage over 8 seconds (from 9 damage over 8 seconds).
Updated Moveset page after adding Stun to Light Riposte and Uninterruptible Stance to Make Way.
[Bug Fix] Pushing an enemy with Shove and then activating Revenge no longer unbalances the enemy.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue causing the guaranteed Swift Justice Finisher to trigger without a hit on the previous attack.
[Bug Fix] Fixed animation glitch when attacking an enemy on the ground after The Long Arm.
[Bug Fix] Out of Guard Mode attacks are now consistent with Guard Mode attacks.
[Bug Fix] Out of Guard Mode attacks are now consistent with Guard Mode attacks.
Shoulder Bash Re-enabled switch target on startup
“No Look Kill” execution causes death of the opponent after 1300ms (instead of 1200ms).
Updated Moveset page after removing Headbutt option from Full Block Stance.
Conqueror Feat
[Bug Fix] Conqueror Feat now correctly applies a +50% duration buff on the Boosts in Skirmish and Elimination.
Spectator camera
Option to stay dead will no longer show if you can’t be revived.
[Bug Fix] Players no longer fall off ladder by releasing the slide down button when hitting someone.
Communication beacon
[Bug Fix] Resolved an issue causing characters to stay stuck in Beacon placement mode.
Game modes
All modes
3V1 and 4V1 penalties have been tweaked so that it is no longer possible to get negative Renown
Corrected the value of Savior to be 15 Renown instead of 11
Added an Avenger Renown Bonus (15 points)
Meta game
The personal contribution in round is now updated after assigning war assets. This was a fix for war asset count not updating correctly on the post-game screen
Error Messaging
Increased the detail in messaging for the player when having synchronisation or session stability issues
Custom match
Sudden Death timer will now show, when in sudden death, even if the Game time is set to none
Nobushi Move set – Added missing unblockable icon on Kick Move
Progression and economy
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where Attacker/Defender color palettes all use the default blue and orange
Fixed a bug where all players were in the middle position of the “Your Ranking” leaderboard.
Fix a bug where war asset count not updating correctly in post-game screen
Fixed occurrences where Placing first place in the faction war during a round will reward the player with the 3rd’s place rewards
Increase XP income from matches
Base XP gained on a Dominion (PVP) match won increased from 400 to 500.
Base XP gained on a Dominion (PVP) match lost or tied increased from 300 to 380.
Base XP gained on a Dominion (Private) match won increased from 200 to 250
Base XP gained on a Dominion (Private) match lost or tied increased from 150 to 190.
Base XP gained on a Dominion (vs. AI) match won increased from 320 to 400
Base XP gained on a Dominion (vs. AI) match lost or tied increased from 240 to 300.
Base XP gained on a Skirmish (PVP) match won increased from 400 to 500.
Base XP gained on a Skirmish (PVP) match lost or tied increased from 300 to 380.
Base XP gained on a Skirmish (Private) match won increased from 200 to 250.
Base XP gained on a Skirmish (Private) match lost or tied increased from 150 to 190.
Base XP gained on a Skirmish (vs. AI) match won increased from 320 to 400
Base XP gained on a Skirmish (vs. AI) match lost or tied increased from 240 to 300.
Base XP gained on an Elimination (PVP) match won increased from 310 to 400.
Base XP gained on an Elimination (PVP) match lost or tied increased from 230 to 300.
Base XP gained on an Elimination (Private) match won increased from 150 to 200.
Base XP gained on an Elimination (Private) match lost or tied increased from 110 to 150.
Base XP gained on an Elimination (vs. AI) match won increased from 240 to 320.
Base XP gained on an Elimination (vs. AI) match lost or tied increased from 180 to 240.
Base XP gained on a Brawl (PVP) match won increased from 230 to 300.
Base XP gained on a Brawl (PVP) match lost or tied increased from 170 to 220.
Base XP gained on a Brawl (Private) match won increased from 110 to 150.
Base XP gained on a Brawl (Private) match lost or tied increased from 80 to 110.
Base XP gained on a Brawl (vs. AI) match won increased from 180 to 240.
Base XP gained on a Brawl (vs. AI) match lost or tied increased from 130 to 170.
Base XP gained on a Duel (PVP) match won increased from 200 to 260.
Base XP gained on a Duel (PVP) match lost or tied increased from 150 to 190.
Base XP gained on a Duel (Private) match won increased from 100 to 130.
Base XP gained on a Duel (Private) match lost or tied increased from 70 to 90.
[Gear] Add Stat Bundles to default gear (Data) – Added Statistic values to basic gear (when no gear is equipped)
Arms: defense + 0.8%
Body: + 0.9%
Head: + 0.6%
Weapon 1: + 0.8%
Weapon 2: + 1.0%
Weapon 3: + 1.2%
New gear rarity
A new gear rarity (Epic) is now available to loot after matches and in crates. The new gear is available in all previous and in new visuals and new stats.
Looting rules tweak to accommodate new gear rarity
Rare gear loot rules changed from reputation 01 up to end of reputation 06 to reputation 01 to end of reputation 04
Heroic gear loot rules changed from reputation 03 until reputation 30 to reputation 03 to end of reputation 06
Epic gear loot rules added to reputation 05 until reputation 30
[Gear] Overall Gear Stats revamp (remove, merge and re-arrange stats) and update existing stat bundles – New Stats repartition on gear
Weapon1: Attack, Defense Penetration, Chip Attack
Weapon2: Attack, Execution Regen, Revive Speed
Weapon3: Attack, Revenge Gain, Super Attack
Helm: Defense, Exhaustion Duration, Debuff Duration
Chest: Defense, Super Defense, Super Duration
Defense, Stamina Use, Stamina Regen
New gear stats values
Lower rarity gear now has higher modifiers than before.
Modifiers increase faster per level at lower rarities than at higher ones.
Stat penalties have been increased significantly.
New Balanced gear bundle
New type of stats offering only small and balanced bonuses even at high levels.
[Gear] re-design of how we represent visually the gear stats
You can now see the exact numeric values of all stat bonuses.
Added a proportional indicator when comparing gear
[Gear] Attack Stats should not affect feats
The gear stat Attack now only affects normal attacks and not Feats or Bleeds.
[Crafting] Review Crafting prices (Steel and Crafting Materials)
Tweaks to crafting costs and addition of the Epic rarity to crafting.
Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Common gear
From: Level 1: 20 / Level 2: 30 / Level 3: 40 / Level 4: 50 / Level 5: 60
To: Level 1: 10 / Level 2: 13 / Level 3: 16 / Level 4: 19 / Level 5: 23
Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Rare gear
From: Level 1: 100 / Level 2: 150 / Level 3: 200 / Level 4: 250 / Level 5: 300
To: Level 1: 55 / Level 2: 80 / Level 3: 110 / Level 4: 130 / Level 5: 155
Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Heroic gear
From: Level 1: 260/ Level 2: 390 / Level 3: 530 / Level 4: 660 / Level 5: 790
To: Level 1: 195 / Level 2: 255 / Level 3: 295 / Level 4: 335 / Level 5: 375
NEW Cost in salvage material for Epic gear
Level 1: 400/ Level 2: 520 / Level 3: 650 / Level 4: 800 / Level 5: 960
Upgrade Cost in steel for Common gear
From: Level 1: 30 / Level 2: 55 / Level 3: 75 / Level 4: 100 / Level 5: 125
To: Level 1: 25 / Level 2: 30 / Level 3: 35 / Level 4: 40 / Level 5: 45
Upgrade Cost in steel for Rare gear
From: Level 1: 150 / Level 2: 170/ Level 3: 195 / Level 4: 220 / Level 5: 245
To: Level 1: 75 / Level 2: 85 / Level 3: 95 / Level 4: 105 / Level 5: 115
Upgrade Cost in steel for Heroic gear
From: Level 1: 270/ Level 2: 290 / Level 3: 315 / Level 4: 340 / Level 5: 360
To: Level 1: 150 / Level 2: 170 / Level 3: 190 / Level 4: 210 / Level 5: 230
NEW Cost in steel for Epic gear
Level 1: 270/ Level 2: 290 / Level 3: 315 / Level 4: 340 / Level 5: 360
Salvage Value for Common gear – Unchanged
From: Level 1: 5 / Level 2: 6 / Level 3: 7 / Level 4: 8 / Level 5: 9 / Level 6: 10
Salvage Value for Rare gear
From: Level 1:30 / Level 2: 35/ Level 3: 45 / Level 4: 50 / Level 5: 55 / Level 6: 65
To: Level 1: 20 / Level 2: 23 / Level 3: 26 / Level 4: 29 / Level 5: 32 / Level 6: 35
Salvage Value Heroic gear
From: Level 1: 95/ Level 2: 110 / Level 3: 125 / Level 4: 145 / Level 5: 165 / Level 6: 190
To: Level 1: 55 / Level 2: 60 / Level 3: 65 / Level 4: 70 / Level 5: 75 / Level 6: 80
Salvage Value for Epic gear
Level 1: 100/ Level 2: 115 / Level 3:130 / Level 4: 145 / Level 5: 160 / Level 6: 175
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berserker-official · 7 years
Upcoming Update 1.09
I’ve been a little inactive lately, and I missed posting about last Thursday’s livestream, but I read a summary of the livestream and a big update is coming. (If you guys still want me to write about the livestream I can, just say so!) So here’s what’s coming in 1/09 (Under the line for space):
Revenge: Revenge is getting a huge, 2-part overhaul. Part 1, which is in 1.09, will consist of revenge gain. Part 2 will come in Season 3, so I’ll post about that when news comes in.
“The type of attack contact determines how much raw Revenge score you earn for one incoming attack. The Base Revenge score is determined by using the raw damage of the attack* and applying a multiplier based on the contact result: if it’s a block or a hit, you earn a given value, if it’s a parry you earn another value. Raw Attack damage x Contact multiplier = Base Revenge score
*Melee attacks that don’t have any damage output have a set value.
The group fight status adds a multiplier to the Base Revenge score. If you’re in a 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, or 1v4 situation, we multiply the Base Revenge score accordingly (the more outnumbered you are, the higher the multiplier).
Base Revenge score x Group fight multiplier = Final Revenge Score”
Because of this, the Revenge Gain use do be determined as 1V1 or 1VN. Now, they’re adding numbers to determine gain with 1V1, 1V2, 1V3, and 1V4.
Second, what determines revenge gain multiplier is if you attack and if the enemies attack. Players that swing and hit multiple enemies can take advantage of this to quickly reach the 1v4 multiplier and quickly reach max Revenge. Because of this, attacks dealt by the player no longer contribute to the multiplier. If multiple enemies hit you, the game will register that many players and adjust the multiplier accordingly.
If you’re in a 1V4, and one of them stops hitting you, what happens? Ubi states that when a fight starts, a timer starts as well. Ubi calls this a Group Fight Timer. Basically, it counts down from when someone hit you. If you’re in a 1V4, and one enemy stops hitting you, like they run away (Dying is a different matter), when the timer clocks out for that enemy, the Revenge multiplier goes from 1V4 to 1V3. Ubi is speeding up that timer so players that are getting ganked don’t take advantage of a 1v4 multiplier in a 1v3 fight.
Speaking of if an enemy dies, something similar happens. In a 1v4 and one of the enemies is killed, the game recognizes that and is supposed to lower the multiplier. However, there appears to be a bug that doesn’t recognize a dead player and keeps the revenge multiplier at a certain level. This bug will be fixed.
Damage over time, like bleed and fire, no longer count to revenge gain.
Melee attacks that don’t deal damage now give a base revenge score of 30, instead of 10. This is because melee attacks are disruptive and they deal a lot of stamina damage.
Revenge score after a melee hit increased to 30 (from 10).
Added a 1v2 group fight multiplier set to 0.5.
Added a 1v3 group fight multiplier set to 0.75.
Group Fight timer reduced by 50%.
Damage over Time no longer feeds Revenge meter.
Outgoing attacks are no longer used to determine Group Fight multiplier.
[Bug Fix] Dead entities instantly lower the Group Fight multiplier.
[Bug Fix] Berserker and Ninja Parry multipliers increased from 1 to 1.5 to be consistent with other Assassins.
Time Snap
Time snap is something Ubi created for For Honor. It snaps actions at 100ms in order to guarantee synchronized contacts. The downside of this is the input lag. After trying different things to attempt to fix the lag, Ubi has decided to disable Time Snap altogether so there isn’t any lag.
When you respawn you now have 4 seconds of invulnerability against attacks and guard breaks. This is very much appreciated so no one attacks you just as you spawn.
Bug Fix - Shadow Strike can now hit external targets
Bug Fix - Tackle can no longer knock down allies, and hit detection fixed
Bug Fix - Sickle Rain maintains current guard position and the 3 light attacks no longer display unblockable icons
Bug Fix - Stampede Charge startup duration shortened to 500 ms, and improved tracking.
Bug Fix - Orochi can no longer use a top light attack to snap to locked target after an external Wind Gust or Hurricane Blast.
Bug Fix - Conq will no longer be able to perform Minion-dedicated chained attacks on players
Bug Fix - Heavy Charge animation cycle no longer stops playing after blocking an attack at full charge
Bug Fix - Zone Attack now displays Full Block on PC when playing with a mouse and keyboard
Bug Fix - Stamina cost reduction Gear Stat now works with Charge of the Oni.
Bug Fix - Shugoki will no longer be able to perform Minion-dedicated chained attacks on players
Added the Uninterruptible Stance icons on Eagle’s Fury and Eagle’s Fury Alt movesets
Bug Fix - Cent’s Charged Heavy cannot pin an enemy already pinned by another Cent
Guard Mode Toggle Exit Options
While players normally can hold the Guard Lock button, Others can choose to toggle. Options have been added to exit the Guard Lock. These options are:
If no other target is within range, if current target dies, if current target is executed, or never.
Disabled Stamina Regen while on a ladder, 
Pressing the button so Ladder Slide is now forced for 300ms
Stamina cost of 25 has been moved from the Ladder Slide Hit to Ladder Slide attempt.
This is hopefully meant to stop ladder camping and abuse.
Bug Fix - Fixed an inconsistency causing players not to be able to reach their opponent while in fights on uneven ground
Thick Skin - Added a 3 second cooldown when hit
Flesh Wound - Added a 3 second cooldown when hit
(Ubi is trying to balance passive abilities)
Deadly - Added a 3 second cooldown
(The damage buff is applied on the first hit and every 3 seconds afterwards)
User Interface
Visual/Grammatical Adjustments
Menu Interface
The positioning of the info and options have been adjusted in the multiplayer menu.
Visual, wording and icon adjustments made on the Scavenger Page
Player expression title for the Back of the Ninja has been changed to “Back” instead of “Chest and Back.”
Improved Legibility of Orders page
On PC: Right-clicking on a binding in the Key Mapping page will unbind.
Map Vote Menu
Visual Adjustments in the Map Vote tab were made to improve clarity
Face-Off Screen
Player Skill displayed during Face Off: Before a match, during Face-Off, players will now be able to see their skill relative to their allies and enemy team. The relation is calculatedfrom the team and opponent Skill average against player’s skill rating. The skill rating itself is calculated based on each player individual average performance in matches.
Rep score displayed during Face Off: Before a match, during Face-Off, the Rep score of each player (Sum of all Rep levels reached on each Hero) is now displayed by default. All players’ Hero Rep level and Gear Stat level are still available on the page “Hero Overview” that can be triggered during the same Face-Off phase
Colorblind Support
The 3 different types of colorblindness are now supported: Protanopia, Deuteranopia, and Tritanopia. They’re supported in the Faction War interface, all Multiplayer modes, and fight feedback. It is not supported in Story Mode.
Battle Instance: When Cent’s Kick and an opposing Raider Stampede Charge collide, the Raider attack would land, yet he would still receive the Guardbreak icon. This is resolved so the Charge still lands and isn’t effected by the guardbreak.
Berserker’s moveset: Super Armor Icon now placed on Head Slicer and not Spin Chop.
Getting killed by the environment will no longer show damage taken by the enemy prior.
Visuals displayed when killed in Dual Mode by the sawblade in the Shipyard have been adjusted.
Hero Customization
Added the option to use any of the saved Emblems in Hero Customization (instead of just the one you have equipped)
Added the option to use many neutral color swatches as Defenders or Attackers.
Orders and Contract Updates
More balanced rewards based on Order difficulty and time
Better distribution of Objectives and difficulty
More stackable orders
Rewards from orders have been changed.
Daily Order 1: From 400 steel and 300 XP to 300 Steel and 200 XP
Daily Order 2: From 400 Steel and 300 XP to 500 Steel and 400 XP
Easy Order: From 150 Steel and 500 XP to 100 Steel and 750 XP
Medium Order: From 150 Steel and 1000 XP to 150 Steel and 1250 XP
Hard Order: From 150 Steel and 1500 XP to 200 Steel and 1500 XP
Contract distribution was improved, making it easier to combo different objectives and complete them faster, without a lot of constraints.
Kill streak Orders require you to kill 5 instead of 8 and can be completed in any game mode.
Single Salvage Currency
Instead of 3 separate Faction Salvage, Salvage will become one single currency. All Salvage already owned will be summed up. This Salvage can be used on any hero.
Engine - Graphics
PS4 PRO Update: In order to maximize the power of the PS4 PRO console, we added specific graphic mode setting so the player can choose between higher resolution (4K) and higher graphic details.
Tech - Session
[Bug Fix] Enabled AFK Kick in private matches. Custom matches are unaffected.
[Network] Added more detailed tracking for error 6000139
Developer comments: We added more granular tracking related to 6000139 error code to identify specific root cause leading to a user disconnecting
[X1] Game Session state optimizations
Developer comments: This optimization is aimed to reduce the “session full” errors.
[X1] Reduced the impact of the game interactions with Microsoft’s achievements system during multiplayer matches.
Developer comments: This optimization is aimed toward improving the simulation performance during gameplay.
PC Improvements
Added the ability to “Double Tap to Dodge”
Dev Comment: Players playing with Keyboard are now able to activate the “Double Tap to dodge” in the controls options which would add the ability to double tap a direction key (default WASD) to dodge in the selected direction.
Added a notification sound when matchmaking is successful and the game is minimized/not focused.
Added the option to open the Text chat input with a specific scope (Group/Team/All) based on specific key bound to that chat scope. (Default T = All, Y = Team, U = Group).
Text Chat History will no longer be cleared when transitioning between Menu to Game or Game to Menu.
Added a secondary Mapping option in the Keyboard Mapping screen.
Added the option to unbind a key in the Keyboard Mapping screen using Mouse Right Click.
Added the Aspect Ratio for each resolution option in the Display menu.
Added the “Native” description for the current monitor’s native resolution.
Improved the Screen Space Reflection for Water.
New PC Feature
Added support for Tobii Eye Tracking
Players with a Tobii Eye Tracking device are now able to use the “Extended View” feature in For Honor to expand their view of the battlefield
Eye Tracking enabled devices include Alienware 17, Acer Predator 21X, Acer Aspire V17 Nitro and MSI GT72; monitors: Acer Predator Z271T, XB251HQT and XB271HU; peripherals: the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, Tobii EyeX, and SteelSeries Sentry.
PC Bug Fixes
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where some meshes appeared broken when the geometry detail is set to low
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where the Event log disappeared by unplugging an XINPUT controller
[Bug Fix] Unsupported characters should no longer be present in the news tile
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How Much Does Bathroom Fitting Cost in the UK?
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How much will it cost you to fit your bathroom in the UK? A quick search online will make you see lots of contradictory information when it comes to the cost bathroom fitting. This is why it is important to do your research ahead of time to set your budget expectations.
How Much Will It Cost You to Fit a Bathroom?
While you can receive good cost estimates when planning your new bathroom, the final figures may vary a lot. Every reliable plumber or bathroom fitter charges different amounts based on what will be installed. Smaller jobs, for instance, like fitting a new basin typically costs £70 to £120 while larger jobs such as tiling a bigger bathroom may cost up to £1,000. A bathroom’s average cost is £4,500 but you can save some money if you shop wisely and compare prices. You might even get a designer bathroom for as low as £2,000 if you budget and plan well. The costs of bathroom fitting can also vary a lot because every job is priced according to individual circumstances. Your bathroom’s size and shape can also affect how fast and easy it is to complete the job, how long it will take, and the amount of material required. You also need to factor in any unexpected complications like damaged pipework that can increase the quote’s cost. Quality remains as the number one priority with all kinds of installation jobs that is why it is always worth it to pay a bit more just to guarantee a professional finish for your bathroom. Cutting corners might make you pay more in the end to fix costly mistakes.
Quick Guide on the Cost of Bathroom Fitting in the UK
Below is a short list of the approximate costs of bathroom fitting together with the typical job times: - Installation of basin with pedestal A basin pedestal can cost you £42.00 and the installation job can cost you £70 to £120 and can take 1 to 2 hours. - Toilet installation Toilets are priced at £53.00. Installing a toilet takes 2 to 3 hours and this job will cost you £75 to £140. - Bath installation Installing a bath often takes 3 to 5 hours and this is priced at £130 to £220. You can get baths for £118.80. - Changing bath taps or basin Taps cost £28.00 and changing one is priced at £50 to £80. This job is typically finished in 1 to 2 hours. - Underfloor heating installation Installing underfloor heating can take 5 hours up to 2 days to finish and this will cost you £350 to £850. Underfloor heating starts at £31.49. - Extractor fan installation Installing an extractor fan is a job that takes 2 to 4 hours and is priced at £150 to £240. - Tile removal Removing tiles often costs £12 to £18 for every square metre. - Removal of old bathroom  suite This job can cost you £150. - Tiling It can take 1 to 5 days to do this job that costs £400 to £1300. - Removal of rubbish and rubble Expect to pay around £150 for every tonne. - Resealing a bath Taking 1 to 2 hours to finish, resealing a bath costs £45 to £75.   Read the full article
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World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5 released and notes
World of Warcraft is about to receive a major update with the 7.1.5 patch.
The patch goes live in the US today with Europe receiving the update tomorrow. The patch notes below have been edited by Blizzard continuously after they realised the original posting was highly inadequate and did not give enough detail of the changes. With class changes incoming, the community wanted to see exactly what was changed, something Blizzard forgot to do.
This week on Thursday Blizzard will also be holding a live Q&A to discuss this update.
The patch notes below are the most up to date version.
World of Warcraft Patch 7.1.5 Patch Notes
New Features
New Bonus Event – Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
For players at level 91 and higher, a new Bonus Event every few weeks.
Temple of the Jade Serpent
Stormstout Brewery
Shado-Pan Monastery
Mogu’shan Palace
Siege of Niuzao Temple
Gate of the Setting Sun
New Timewalking Vendor on Timeless Isle, offering:
Reins of the Heavenly Jade Cloud Serpent (Yu’lei, Daughter of Jade mount)
2 new pets—Infinite Hatchling (dragonkin) and Paradox Spirit (aquatic)
Reputation Tokens for all major Pandaria factions and friendship items
2 new Toys—Adopted Puppy Crate and Portable Yak Wash
Chilled Satchel of Vegetables, to help chefs who’ve missed out on Pandaren cuisine
Updated equipment selections from Pandaria factions
Brawler’s Guild Returns!
After a quick break to mend some wounds and broken bones, everyone’s favorite fighting series is back. A new set of challenging encounters are coming to town, and it’s up to you to muscle your way past them for glory and prizes.
New solo boss fights:
Master Paku
a Seagull
Ray D. Tear
Johnny Awesome
And many more!
The Brawler’s Burly Basilisk mount
Pugilist’s Powerful Punching Ring (transports you to Brawl’gar or Bizmo’s)
New shirts and Achievements
Tylarr Gronnden (new battle pet)
Invites to the Brawler’s Guild have been reset. Please look for a Blood-Soaked Invitation when opening emissary bags or completing dungeons. If you just can’t wait to get your invitation, you might want to fight the elite vrykul of Shield’s Rest in Stormheim, who know a thing or two about brawling.
New Micro-Holidays
Many special days of the year are coming to Azeroth. Prepare to join everyone as, for one to three days, players celebrate unique occurrences such as the Hatching of the Hippogryphs, Spring Balloon Festival, and the Thousand Boat Bash.
Updated Features
Artifact Knowledge and Class Hall Updates
New Bind-on-Account items are available from the Artifact Researcher in your Class Order Hall. These items can be sent to alternate characters to immediately get them to higher Artifact Knowledge levels.
For new players just reaching 110, there is a new set of repeatable quests that will allow you to immediately exchange Order Hall Resources for Artifact Knowledge up to Artifact Knowledge level 15.
The time it takes to complete Class Hall research has been reduced. A shorter time to complete Class Hall research for Tiers 3, 4, 5, and 6 will make it easier to upgrade your Class Halls on alts and new characters.
Find Premade Groups from the Quest Tracker
When you’re looking for players that are doing the same World Quest, you can now easily search for groups in the Quest Tracker. For group quests, a small button will appear next to the quest name. For all other quests, right click the quest name and then click “Find Group.” This will automatically launch a search for groups of players who are doing that quest. If none are found, you can start a group with one click – all the details will be filled in for you.
More Group Finder updates:
A new option allows you to make groups only visible to friends and guildmates of people in the group.
When searching for groups, groups who need your role (based on your active specialization) are sorted to the top of the list.
You will receive a more descriptive message when you are declined when attempting to join a group that is full.
Legion Companion App
The Legion Companion App has been updated to support World of Warcraft Patch 7.1.5, including bug fixes and functionality improvements.
New Legendary Items
Many new and wondrous Legendary items are now to be found in the Broken Isles. The hunt is on for new Legendaries for every class!
Many 3-star recipes have had their drop rates increased.
Four new neck enchants have been added. All four enchants have 3 ranks:
Rank 1 recipes can be purchased from a vendor in the Farondis Hub.
Rank 2 recipes are found on creatures in specific Broken Isles zones (except Suramar), as long as you know the rank 1 recipe.
Rank 3 recipes are found in emissary chests for those zones, at a 20% chance.  The rank 3 recipe requires knowledge of the rank 1 or 2 recipe.
Mark of the Ancient Priestess now heals for 400% of spell power.
Mark of the Claw now gives 1000 haste and Critical Strike (was 550 at level 110).
Mark of the Trained Soldier gives 600 Mastery (was 300).
Mark of the Hidden Satyr damage is now 200% spell power or 250% attack power, whichever is higher.
A new quest has been added which rewards and unlocks a new shoulder enchant for Engineers: Boon of the Builder.
Boon of the Builder can be purchased from Hobart Grapplehammer after this quest is completed.
Boon of the Builder rewards Sprocket Containers from kills in the world, about once an hour.  These can contain guns/gun parts, engineering consumables, new goggle recipes, and a special new reagent called Hardened Felglass, used for goggles (see below).
Added a new quest at level 110 for that rewards the recipe for a Rechargeable Reaves Battery.  This item can be used once every 30 minutes and does not have charges.
Four new goggles have been added, with a base item level of 880.
Damage from the click effect for all Legion goggles is now similar to the damage from Gunpowder Charge, with a shared cooldown.
The damage for Head Shot has been increased substantially.
All Vantus Runes have had their benefit increased from 1000 Versatility to 1500 Versatility.
The material cost of all Vantus Rune recipes has been reduced by half.
There are six new world quests in Dalaran titled “Gemcutter Needed”. That means you, probably.
Death Knight
Blood Tap recharge time reduction per Bone Shield charge consumed increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second).
Bloodworms’ healing per bloodworm increased to 15% of max HP (was 5%).
Blooddrinker total health leech increased by 130%.
Bone Shield charges are now only consumed by melee attacks and Spectral Deflection.
Bonestorm heal increased to 2% (was 1%).
Gorefiend’s Grasp cooldown now 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
Heartbreaker bonus Runic Power per target hit reduced to 2 (was 3).
March of the Damned duration bonus increased to 100% (was 50%).
Mark of Blood heal increased to 3% (was 2%).
Purgatory cooldown now 4 minutes (was 3 minutes). This cooldown resets on death.
Purgatory now always lasts 3 seconds after it activates, even if you briefly go into positive health.
Rapid Decomposition now causes Death and Decay to deal damage 15% more often (was 50%), and Runic Power generation changed to 1 per second (was 15% more).
Rune Tap damage reduction increased to 40% (was 25%).
Tightening Grasp cooldown reduction to Gorefiend’s Grasp is now 30 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Tombstone consumes a maximum of 5 stacks of Bone Shield, and now provides 6 Runic Power and absorb damage equal to 6% of your maximum health (was 3 Runic Power and 3% of health).
Vampiric Blood now increases incoming absorbs as well as heals.
Will of the Necropolis damage reduction increased to 35% (was 20%).
Abomination’s Might chance increased to 20% (was 10%).
Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 64%.
Freezing Fog damage bonus increased to 30% (was 25%).
Gathering Storm damage increased per stack increased to 15% (was 10%).
Horn of Winter runic power gain increased to 20 (was 10).
Hungering Rune Weapon duration increased to 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Murderous Efficiency chance increased to 65% (was 50%).
Volatile Shielding damage school changed from Arcane to Shadow.
White Walker damage reduction increased to 30% (was 20%), and slow efffect increased to 70% (was 50%).
The damage done by many Unholy spells has been increased by 6%.
All Will Serve damage increased by 15%.
Army of the Dead and Apocalypse ghouls damage has been increased.
Blighted Rune Weapon number of auto attacks affected increased to 5 (was 4).
Clawing Shadows damage increased by 20%.
Dark Arbiter cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
Death Coil damage increased by 17%.
Defile damage increased by 20%, and Mastery per stack increased to 300 (was 200).
Ebon Fever now also causes Virulent Plague to deal 20% more damage over time.
Necrosis damage bonus increased to 40% (was 35%).
Pestilent Pustules triggers every 8 runes (was 6).
Portal to the Underworld damage increased by 33%.
Runic Corruption now has a 1% chance to proc per Runic Power spent (was a 1.25% chance).
Unholy Frenzy duration increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds), and the cap on extending it increased to 25 seconds (was 10 seconds). Buff now cancels on encounter start.
Demon Hunter
The damage done by most Havoc spells has been increased by 10%.
Annihilation and Chaos Strike damage have been slightly increased.
Blind Fury now restores 35 Fury per second while channeling Eye Beam, in addition to increasing the duration.
Chaos Cleave now hits all nearby enemies, including the original target, for 10% of the damage it inflicts.
Demon Blades proc chance reduced to 60% (was 75%).
Demonic Appetite now has a 25% chance to create a Lesser Soul Fragment with no cooldown (was a 50% chance, 15 second cooldown). Consuming a Soul Fragment generates 35 Fury (was 30). Lesser Soul Fragments now spawn to the left or right of the Demon Hunter.
Demonic now lasts 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Desperate Instincts no longer replaces Blur, and now increases the damage reduction effect by an additional 15%.
Fel Barrage damage increased by 20%.
Fel Eruption damage increased by 30%, cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 35 seconds), and the Fury cost has been reduced to 10 (was 20).
Felblade’s cooldown resets 50% more often from Demon’s Bite.
First Blood bonus damage increased to 300% (was 200%).
Mastery: Demonic Presence now increases Chaos damage by 11.2% (was 8%), and per-Mastery amount increased accordingly.
Nemesis damage bonus increased to 25%.
Netherwalk no longer replaces Blur. Cooldown increased to 2 minutes (was 1.5 minutes).
Soul Rending leech reduced to 70% (was 100%).
The damage done by most Vengeance spells has been increased by 9%.
Abyssal Strike now reduces the cooldown of Infernal Strike by 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Agonizing Flames increases the damage of Immolation Aura by 20% (was 30%).
Blade Turning increases the Pain generation of Shear and Sever by 70% (was 50%).
Burning Alive’s Fiery Brand will now continue spreading from any target that has it, even if the initial primary target dies.
Demon Spikes now reduces physical damage by 10% (was 20%).
Demonic Wards now increases Stamina by 55% (was 45%).
Demonic Wards now reduces all damage taken by 10% (was only magic damage).
Fracture now costs 20 Pain (was 40 Pain).
Last Resort cooldown now 8 minutes (was 3 minutes). This cooldown resets on death.
Metamorphosis now also increases armor by 100%.
Metamorphosis overrides Shear with Sever, which deals 20% more damage than Shear and always creates a Lesser Soul Fragment.
Nether Bond has been removed.
New talent at level 110: Demonic Infusion
Draw from the power of the Twisting Nether to instantly activate and then refill your charges of Demon Spikes.
Generates 60 Pain.
Instant cast, with a 2 minute cooldown.
Razor Spikes increases your Physical damage by 30% while Demon Spikes is active (was 20%).
Sigil of Chains cooldown now 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Soul Barrier now:
Costs 10 Pain (was 30 Pain).
30 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).
Base absorb (before fragments) and minimum absorb both increased by 50%.
Spirit Bomb now deals Fire damage (was Shadow).
Spirit Bomb’s Frailty now lasts 20 seconds (was 15 seconds), and heals the Demon Hunter for 20% of damage they deal to the target (was 15%).
Displacer Beast speed increase duration now 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Mass Entanglement duration now 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Renewal cooldown reduced to 90 seconds (was 120 seconds).
The damage done by most Balance spells has been increased by 4%.
Echoing Stars (Artifact Trait) damage increased by 20%.
Fury of Elune damage increased by 17%.
Mastery: Starlight now increases Empowerment effects by 18% (was 16%), and per-Mastery amount increased accordingly.
Rapid Innervation now gives 10% haste (was 20%).
Shooting Stars damage increased by 31%.
Soul of the Forest now increases Empowerments by 20% (was 15%) and reduces Starfall cost by 20 (was 10).
Stellar Drift increases Starfall damage by 60% (was 20%).
Stellar Flare cost reduced to 10 astral power (was 15), direct damage increased by 25% and damage over time increased by 23%.
Warrior of Elune now affect 3 Lunar Strikes (was 2).
The damage done by most Feral abilities has been increased by 8%.
Brutal Slash now has a 12 second recharge (was 18 seconds).
Elune’s Guidance now has a duration of 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Incarnation now reduces energy costs by 60% (was 50%).
Infected Wounds now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%).
Maim damage increased by 75%.
Moment of Clarity now increases damage of affected spells by 15%.
Moment of Clarity now only affects Shred, Thrash, and Swipe.
Razor Fangs now increase the damage dealt by Rip by 4% per point (was 7%).
Soul of the Forest now grants 15 energy per combo point (was 12).
The damage done by most Guardian spells has been increased by 4%.
Bear Form auto-attacks now generate 7 Rage (was 7.875 Rage).
Incarnation now additionally increases armor by 15%.
Ironfur now provides an 80% increase in armor (was 100%).
Galactic Guardian now generates 8 Rage (was 10).
Gory Fur now reduces Rage cost by 25% (was 50%).
Mangle now generates 5 Rage (was 6).
Pulverize now deals 850% physical damage (was 567%).
Pulverize now reduces damage taken by 9% (was 8%).
Soul of the Forest now causes Mangle to generate 7 more rage (was 5) and deal 25% additional damage (was 15%).
New talent for Guardian at level 30, replacing Displacer Beast: Intimidating Roar.
Replaces Incapacitating Roar with a version that now fears rather than incapacitates.
Moment of Clarity no longer increases maximum Energy.
Moment of Clarity now increases healing of affected spells by 15%.
Power of the Archdruid radius increased to 20 yards (was 15 yards).
Barrage no longer requires a target, and no longer deals extra damage to one target.
Tar Trap and Freezing Trap are now available to all Hunters.
Beast Mastery
The damage done by most Beast Mastery spells has been increased by 9%.
Aspect of the Beast ferocity damage increased by 100% and tenacity damage reduction increased from 15% to 30%.
Barrage damage increased by 80% for Beast Mastery only.
Big Game Hunter critical strike chance bonus increased to 60% (was 50%).
Blink Strikes damage bonus increased to 100% (was 50%).
Chimaera Shot damage increased by 60%.
Dire Frenzy cooldown reduced to 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
Farstrider chance increased to 15% (was 10%).
Hati base movement speed increased by 14% in all forms.
Multi-Shot damage increased by 50%.
One with the Pack chance bonus increased to 30% (was 15%).
Stampede damage increased by 15%.
Volley damage increased by 50% for Beast Mastery only.
Way of the Cobra damage bonus increased to 10% (was 8%).
Aimed Shot damage increased by 35%.
Aimed Shot now deals 100% increased damage against targets you have not yet attacked.
Arcane Shot now damages for 200% of weapon damage (was 130%).
Black Arrow now costs 10 Focus (was 40).
Bursting Shot damage increased by 50%.
Explosive Shot now costs 20 Focus (was 0).
Hunter’s Mark proc rate increased to approximately 6.5 procs per minute (was 5).
Marked Shot damage increased to 550% (was 250%)
Multi-Shot damage increased by 50%.
Patient Sniper now causes the bonus provided by your Vulnerable to increase by 10% every 1 second.
Piercing Shot damage decreased to 500% (was 675%).
Piercing Shot is now affected by Vulnerable.
Sentinel now has a 60 second cooldown, spawns a Sentinel that marks all targets immediately and every 6 seconds for 18 seconds.
Sidewinders now generates 35 Focus (was 50).
Steady Focus now activates after 2 casts of Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot in a row (was 3).
True Aim now stacks up to 10 times (was 8).
Vulnerable no longer affects Marked Shot.
Vulnerable now has a 7 second duration, provides a 100% bonus to damage, and does not stack.
The damage done by most Survival spells has been increased by 12%.
New passive ability at level 44: Waylay.
After 2 seconds, your Traps become fully armed, making them especially devastating.
Freezing Trap will not break due to damage for the first 4 seconds.
Tar Trap reduces enemies’ movement speed by 70% for the first 4 seconds.
Explosive Trap staggers the target, causing them to miss their next melee attack.
Steel Trap deals 500% increased damage if triggered by an enemy that is not in combat.
Improved Traps replaced with Guerrilla Tactics, increasing Explosive Trap damage by 50% and additionally improving Waylay’s bonuses to:
Freezing Trap will not break due to damage for the first 6 seconds.
Tar Trap reduces enemies’ movement speed by 90% for the first 4 seconds.
Explosive Trap causes the target to miss their next two melee attacks.
Aspect of the Beast ferocity damage increased by 100% and tenacity damage reduction increased from 15% to 30%.
Butchery damage increased to 620% (was 518%) and recharge is now 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
Caltrops damage increased to 50% (was 25%).
Explosive Trap is now a targeted ability with a 40-yard range.
Farstrider talent replaced with Disengage.
Lacerate no longer has a cooldown.
Serpent Sting damage increased to 115% (was 87%).
Snake Hunter cooldown is now 120 seconds (was 90 seconds)
Spitting Cobra damage increased to 100% (was 20%).
Sticky Bomb cooldown is now 25 seconds (was 30 seconds) and delay 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
Way of the Mok’Nathal now increases your attack power for 10 seconds (was 8).
Ice Block’s cooldown is now 4 minutes (was 5 minutes).
Rune of Power damage bonus is now 40% (was 50%).
The damage done by most Arcane spells has been increased by 12%.
Arcane Orb damage has been increased by 477%.
Mage Armor removed.
Mana Shield trait renamed Force Barrier: Increases Prismatic Barrier size by 20/40/60%.
Nether Tempest damage reduced by 15%.
Overpowered now increases Arcane Power’s damage bonus and mana reduction to 70%.
Presence of Mind is now available at level 54, and is no longer a talent.
Supernova damage reduced by 10%.
Unstable Magic activate chance is now 20% (was 15%).
New talent at level 15: Amplification
Arcane Charges increase the damage of Arcane Missiles by an additional 15%.
New spell at level 26, replacing Ice Barrier: Prismatic Barrier
Shields you for 1 minute, absorbing damage, reducing magical damage taken, and reducing the duration of all harmful Magic effects against you.
New talent at level 30, replacing Cold Snap: Mana Shield.
Prismatic Barrier has no cooldown, but drains your mana for 50% of the damage it absorbs.
New talent at level 30, replacing Cauterize: Slipstream.
Arcane Missiles and Evocation can be channeled while moving.
New talent at level 75, replacing Ice Floes : Chrono Shift
Arcane Barrage slows enemies by 50%, increases your speed by 50%, and has a duration of 5 seconds.
New talent at level 100, replacing Quickening: Temporal Flux
Arcane Blast’s cast time is reduced by 5% for each Arcane Charge.
The damage done by most Fire spells has been increased by 27%.
Aftershocks damage increased to 39% (was 34.5%).
Blast Wave moved to level 30, replacing Cauterize.
Cauterize is now available at level 52.
Cauterize cooldown is now 5 minutes (was 2 minutes). This cooldown resets on death.
Combustion adds mastery equal to 50% of your Critical Strike (was 100%).
Controlled Burn chance is now 20% (was 10%).
Critical Mass now learned at level 10 and gives a +15% chance to critically strike with spells. At level 65, also increases Critical Strike rating from gear by 10%.
Firestarter now causes both Fireball and Pyroblast to deal a critical strike when the target is above 90% health (was 85%).
Flame On is now passive, reduces Fireblast recharge by 2 seconds (was 3), and increases its maximum charges by 1.
Meteor initial damage increased by 95%, and damage over time increased by 86%.
Mirror Images’ Fireball damage increased by 122%.
Molten Armor removed.
New spell for Fire Mage at level 26: Blazing Barrier
Absorbs the next 700% of spell power damage you take.
Melee attacks against you deal 50% of spell power damage to the attacker.
30 second cooldown.
Molten Skin trait now causes Blazing Barrier to reduce physical damage taken by 5/10/15%.
New talent available at level 30, replacing Cold Snap: Blazing Soul
Dealing Fire damage to targets within 8 yards of you refills your Blazing Barrier for 40% of the damage dealt.
New talent available at level 60, replacing Blast Wave: Alexstrasza’s Fury
Dragon’s Breath always critically strikes and contributes to Hot Streak.
New Talent available at level 75, replacing Ice Floes: Frenetic Speed
Casting Scorch increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Pyretic Incantation increases damage by 2%/stack (was 5%).
The damage done by most Frost spells has been increased by 12%.
New talent available at level 30, replacing Cold Snap: Glacial Insulation.
Ice Barrier increases your armor by 100% while active, and Ice Block applies Ice Barrier to you when it fades.
Cold Snap is now learned at level 52, and has been redesigned:
Finishes the cooldown of your Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Barrier, and Ice Block, with a 5-minute cooldown.
New talent available at level 75, replacing Ice Floes: Frigid Winds.
Your chilling effects snare enemies by an additional 15%.
At level 63, Blizzard (Rank 2) now causes the cooldown of Frozen Orb to be reduced by 0.5 seconds each time Blizzard does damage.
Blizzard no longer activates Fingers of Frost.
Chain Reaction now increases the damage of Ice Lance by 10%/stack (was 20%).
Cone of Cold damage increased by 99%.
Ebonbolt damage increased by 22% and now grants Brain Freeze (was Fingers of Frost).
Frost Armor has been removed.
Frostbolt damage reduced by 17%.
Frozen Touch is now passive, and increases Fingers of Frost proc chance by 40%.
Glacial Spike damage before icicles increased by 33%.
Ice Barrier causes melee attacks against you to snare the attacker by 50%.
Ice Barrier is now learned by Frost Mage only at level 50.
Ice Floes is now available at level 30.
Ice Lance damage increased by 34%.
It’s Cold Outside no longer gives Waterbolt a chance to generate Fingers of Frost.
Mirror Images’ Frostbolt damage increased by 80%.
Ray of Frost damage increased by 5%.
Shield of Alodi trait increases Ice Barrier size by 20/40/60% (was 33/66/100%).
Dampen Harm now reduces all damage you take by 20% to 50% for 10 seconds, based on the size of the attack, with a 2 minute cooldown.
Ring of Peace now forms a Ring of Peace at the target location for 8 seconds. Enemies that enter will be ejected from the ring.
The damage done by most Brewmaster abilities has been increased by 9%.
Breath of Fire range and width have been increased.
Gift of the Mists’ maximum bonus is now 75% (was 60%).
New talent: Mystic Vitality
Stagger is now 40% more effective against magical attacks.
Elusive Dance now grants up to 20% dodge and damage (was 15%).
Crackling Jade Lightning damage increased by 100%.
Mastery: Gust of Mists healing increased by 30%.
Rising Sun Kick mana cost is now 2% of base mana (was 2.25%).
Song of Chi-Ji cooldown reduced to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Diffuse Magic cooldown is now 90 seconds (was 120 seconds).
Zen Pulse damage and healing increased to 220% of spell power (was 200%).
Mistwalk healing increased to 420% of spell power (was 350%).
The damage done by most Windwalker abilities has been increased by 8%.
Rushing Jade Wind now applies Mark of the Crane to up to 5 targets.
At level 60, Dizzying Kicks has been replaced with Summon Black Ox Statue.
Crackling Jade Lightning damage increased by 100%.
Fixed an issue with Serenity that caused its cooldown reduction to extend to in-progress cooldowns beyond the duration of Serenity.
Fixed several bugs affecting Storm, Earth, and Fire. Clones now channel faster, move faster, and target more reliably. Clones now inherit and benefit from your stacks of Transfer the Power and Hit Combo when summoned, and are more survivable.
Beacon of Faith no longer has a cooldown.
Beacon of Light no longer has a cooldown.
Beacon of Virtue now costs 10% of base mana (was 15%).
Holy Shock now damages for 280% of spell power (was 350%).
Aegis of Light cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 5).
Blessed Hammer now reduces auto attack damage by 12% (was 15%).
Holy Shield now increases your block chance by 15% (was 10%).
The damage done by most Retribution abilities has been increased by 12%.
Retribution now gains a +100% damage bonus to Consecration.
Divine Hammer damage has been increased by 100%.
Execution Sentence damage increased by 55%.
Greater Blessing of Might removed.
Greater Blessing of Wisdom/Kings can be cast in combat.
Greater Blessing of Wisdom restores 0.2% health/mana every 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
Greater Blessing of Kings absorbs 270% of spellpower (was 180%).
Fist of Justice now reduces the remaining cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 2.5 seconds per Holy Power spent.
Divine Intervention now reduces the cooldown of Divine Shield by 20% (was 50%).
Seal of Light replaced with Judgment of Light.
Word of Glory healing has been increased by 33%.
Shining Force cooldown is now 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Shadow Covenant has been updated:
Now increases healing by 450% (was 550%).
Is now instant (was a 1.5 second cast)
No longer replaces Power Word: Radiance.
Burst of Light trait no longer affects Shadow Covenant.
New talent at Holy Priest level 30:
Perseverance: When you cast Renew on yourself, it additionally reduces all damage taken by 10%.
Holy Priest now learns Desperate Prayer at level 52.
Benediction’s chance to activate has been reduced to 40% (was 50%).
Piety now additionally reduces the cooldown of Prayer of Mending by 2 seconds.
Prayer of Healing healing increased to 250% (was 200%).
Prayer of Healing now heals the target and the 4 nearest allies (was 5 random injured targets).
Symbol of Hope duration is now 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
The damage done by most Shadow spells has been increased by 25%.
Auspicious Spirits now generates 3 Insanity (was 4).
Legacy of the Void requires 65 Insanity (was 70), and also increases Voidform’s Shadow damage bonus by 5%.
Lingering Insanity is now a talent, replacing Void Lord. Lingering Insanity now causes Voidform’s haste increase to fade by 2% every second when Voidform ends.
Mania now increases movement speed by 1% per 3 Insanity (was 1% per 5 Insanity).
Masochism now additionally reduces damage taken by 10% for the duration of the Heal-over-Time.
Mind Blast now generates 15 Insanity (was 12).
Mind Flay now generates 3 Insanity per tick (was 2).
Mind Flay now deals damage to nearby targets and generates additional Insanity, if the target has Shadow Word: Pain.
Mind Sear has been removed.
Mind Spike removed.
New talent at level 90: Misery
Vampiric Touch also applies Shadow Word: Pain to the target.
Shadow Crash moved to level 100.
Shadow Word: Death generates 15 Insanity untalented (was 10).
Shadow Word: Pain now generates 4 Insanity (was 3).
Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow) duration now 18 seconds (was 14 seconds)
Shadow Word: Void now recharges in 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Surrender to Madness now increases Insanity gain by 100% (was 150%).
Vampiric Touch generates 6 Insanity when cast (was 4).
Vampiric Touch duration is now 24 seconds (was 18 seconds).
Void Bolt now extends the durations of all of your active Damage over Time spells (within 8 yards) by 3 seconds.
Void Eruption puts Void Bolt on cooldown for 1.5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
Void Lord has been removed.
Voidform now increases Shadow damage by 20% (was 30%).
Cheat Death cannot trigger more often than once per 6 minutes (was 2 minutes). This cooldown resets on death.
Shroud of Concealment is now available to all Rogues at level 68.
Feint now costs 35 energy (was 20).
Pickpocket range increased to 10 yards (was 5 yards).
The damage done by most Assassination abilities has been increased by 7%.
Agonizing Poison proc chance increased to 30% (was 20%).
Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%). Maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20).
Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8).
Blind is now learned at level 24.
Crippling Poison is now learned at level 38 (was 24).
Death from Above increased AOE damage is now 440% of attack power (was 366% of attack power).
Deeper Strategem damage bonus to finishing moves reduced to 5% (was 10%).
Elaborate Planning damage bonus granted from finishing moves reduced to 12% (was 15%).
Internal Bleeding total bleed damage increased to 144% attack power per combo point (was 124% attack power).
Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem.
Prey on the Weak damage bonus increased to 15% (was 10%).
Rupture has been updated:
The damage of the spell no longer scales up based on combo points spent. Now, combo points spent scale up its duration.
Shadow Focus energy cost reduction for abilities while Stealth is active increased to 75% (was 50%).
Subterfuge damage bonus to Garrote increased to 125% (was 100%).
The damage done by most Outlaw abilities has been increased by 16%.
Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%), and maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20).
Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8).
Between The Eyes no longer gains its 4x critical strike multiplier until Rank 2, learned at level 42.
Blade Flurry damage to secondary targets reduced to 30% (was 35%).
Deeper Strategem damage bonus to finishing moves reduced to 5% (was 10%).
Fatebringer now reduces energy cost by 2/4/6 (was 3/6/9).
Fate’s Thirst now provides a bonus of 4/8/12% (was 6/12/18%).
Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem.
Pistol Shot now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%).
Slice and Dice now also grants 15% increased energy regeneration.
True Bearing no longer reduces the cooldown of Blind, Cloak of Shadows, or Riposte.
The damage done by most Subtlety abilities has been increased by 9%.
Akaari’s Soul (artifact trait) delay reduced to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%), and maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20).
Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8).
Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem.
Master of Shadows energy gain for entering Stealth/Shadow Dance reduced to 25 (was 30).
Master of Subtlety duration reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Night Terrors now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%).
Shadow Focus energy cost reduction for abilities while Stealth is active increased to 25% (was 20%).
Shadow Nova (artifact trait) now always activates when using Shadowstrike or Cheap Shot or Shuriken Storm while Shadow Dance is active, with a 5 second internal cooldown.
Lava Burst damage increased to 275% (was 220%).
Ancestral Swiftness haste is now 6% (was 10%).
Earth Elemental has been updated:
Now has 400% of the caster’s armor (was 200%).
Now has 25% the caster’s spell power as attack power (was 5%), and 45% for Primal version.
Creates a great deal of threat to nearby enemies.
Now has a duration of 1 minute (was 15 seconds) and a cooldown of 5 minutes (was 2 minutes).
Aftershock now refunds 30% of Maelstrom (was 25%).
Earthen Rage damage is now 55% of spell power (was 50%).
Earthgrab Totem now roots for 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Earthquake duration is now 6 seconds (was 10 seconds) and damage per tick is now 50% (was 30%).
Elemental Blast damage is now 680% (was 525%).
Elemental Blast now provides a bonus of 2400 to a stat (was 1200).
Icefury damage is now 900% (was 180%).
Liquid Magma Totem damage is now 110% (was 80%).
Path of Flame bonus to Lava Burst is now 10% (was 5%).
Storm Elemental cooldown is now 2.5 minutes (was 5 minutes) and duration is now 30 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Storm Elemental Wind Gust damage is now 48% (was 42%) and Call Lightning damage is now 96% (was 84%).
The damage done by most Enhancement spells has been increased by 16%.
Boulderfist no longer increases your critical strike chance by 5%.
Earthen Spike no longer costs Maelstrom.
Earthen Spike damage is now 1100% of attack power (was 800%).
Empowered Stormlash bonus is now 50% (was 35%).
Fury of Air damage is now 40% of attack power (was 30%), and costs 3 Maelstrom/second (was 5).
Hailstorm damage is now 21% of weapon damage (was 35%).
Lava Lash damage is now 625% of weapon damage (was 505%).
Lightning Bolt damage increased by 50%.
Lightning Shield damage is now 150% attack power (was 100%).
Overcharge costs 40 Maelstrom (was 45), and has a 12 second cooldown (was 9).
Overcharge’s cooldown is now 12 seconds (was 9 seconds).
Rainfall healing increased to 100% (was 50%).
Rockbiter now generates 20 Maelstrom.
Windsong cooldown is now 40 seconds (was 45 seconds).
Chain Heal healing is now 380% (was 400%).
Healing Stream Totem healing increased to 82% (was 70%).
Queen’s Decree healing increased to 24% (was 20%).
Unleash Life healing increased to 350% (was 325%).
Wellspring healing increased to 450% (was 375%).
Demonic Circle duration increased to 15 minutes (was 6 minutes).
Imp, Succubus, Voidwalker, Felhunter, and Felguard damage increased by 20%.
Mortal Coil healing is now 20% of maximum health (was 11%).
Mortal Coil now always heals you, regardless of whether the target is affected by the Horror.
Soul Harvest base duration is now 15 seconds and maximum duration is 35 seconds (was 10 seconds and 30 seconds).
Drain Soul is now learned at level 13.
New Affliction talent at level 15: Malefic Grasp.
While channeling Drain Soul, your damage-over-time spells deal 80% increased damage to the target.
Contagion bonus is now 18% (was 12%).
New talent at level 30: Empowered Life Tap
Life Tap increases your damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds.
Haunt cooldown is now 30 seconds (was 15 seconds) and Haunt now also increases damage by 30%.
Seed of Corruption damage is now 215% (was 138%).
Seed of Corruption now costs 1 Soul Shard (was 4.5% mana).
Sow the Seeds adds 2 targets (was 4) and no longer adds a Soul Shard cost.
Demonbolt damage bonus is now 18% (was 20%).
Grimoire of Synergy bonus damage is now 25% (was 40%).
Impending Doom now additionally reduces Doom’s duration by 3 seconds.
Thal’kiel’s Discord (Artifact Trait) is now triggered by Demonwrath.
Power Trip now has a 65% chance to activate (was 50%).
The damage done by most Destruction spells has been increased by 4%.
Backdraft now reduces the cast time of your next two Incenerates or Chaos Bolts by 30%. This stacks up to 4 charges.
Channel Demonfire damage is now 64% (was 46%).
Channel Demonfire now splashes 50% of its damage to nearby targets, and is no longer affected by Havoc.
Doom Guard’s Doom Bolt damage is now 275% of spell power (was 210%).
Grimoire of Sacrifice damage is now 75% of spell power (was 100%).
Grimoire of Supremacy now reduces Doom Guard’s Doom Bolt damage by 20%.
New talent at level 30: Empowered Life Tap
Life Tap increases your damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds.
Shadowburn now replaces Conflagrate, and now generates a Shard, plus an additional Shard on kill.
The Cataclysm and Eradication talents have swapped places in the talent tree.
The Conflagration of Chaos trait now also affects Shadowburn.
Shockwave now stuns for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
The damage done by most Arms abilities has been increased by 5%.
Charge now reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 6 seconds.
Charge now roots the target for 1 second (was 1.5 seconds).
Fervor of Battle increases Whirlwind’s damage to the primary target by 45% (was 30%).
Hamstring now deals 105% weapon damage (was 5%).
In For The Kill refunds 30 Rage (was 20).
Ravager damage increased by 25%.
Rend costs 10 Rage (was 15), now deals 10% more periodic damage, and now deals upfront Bleed damage.
Sweeping Strikes makes Mortal Strike and Execute hit 2 additional nearby targets (was 1).
Titanic Might no longer reduces the effectiveness of Colossus Smash.
Trauma causes Slam and Whirlwind to deal 25% damage as a DoT (was 20%).
The damage done by most Fury abilities has been increased 5%.
Dragon Roar increases your damage done by 16% (was 20%).
Fresh Meat increases Bloodthirst’s critical strike chance by 60% (was 40%).
Frothing Berserker increases damage done by 15% (was 10%).
Outburst now also reduces the cooldown of Berserker Rage by 15 seconds (previously did not reduce the cooldown).
Reckless Abandon now also increases the duration of Battle Cry by 2 seconds (previously did not increase the duration).
War Machine lasts 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Wrecking Ball increases the damage of your next Whirlwind by 250% (was 200%).
Anger Management also reduces the cooldown of Demoralizing Shout.
Best Served Cold has been moved to Level 45: Revenge deals 5% more damage per target hit, up to five.
Booming Voice generates 60 Rage (was 50 Rage), and increases damage you deal to affected enemies by 25% (was 20%).
Crackling Thunder increases Thunder Clap’s radius by 50% (was 100%).
New Talent: Devastator
Passive. Replaces Devastate. Your auto-attacks deal additional damage, generate 5 Rage, and have a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam.
Focused Rage has been removed.
Heavy Repercussions extends Shield Block by 1.0 seconds (was 1.5 seconds)
Intercept now gives 15 Rage (was 10).
Never Surrender ignores up to 100% more damage (was 75%).
Ravager increases your Parry chance by 35% (was 30%).
Revenge damage increased by 29%, and now has a chance to reset Shield Slam’s cooldown.
Revenge now has a 3 second cooldown, and costs 30 Rage. Dodge/Parry makes your next Revenge free.
Safeguard now transfers 30% of damage (was 20%).
Shield Block now costs 15 Rage.
Thunder Clap now generates 5 Rage, and its damage has been increased.
Ultimatum has been removed.
Vengeance now affects Revenge (was Focused Rage).
Warbringer now stuns for 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
Warlord’s Challenge also reduces the cooldown of Berserker Rage by 15 seconds.
Class Halls
The Sunblossom pollen from the Druid Class Hall evergreen plant plots now provides +10% damage reduction for 1 hour (was +travel form speed).
Legendary item adjustments:
Aggramar’s Stride: Now grants movement speed based on Haste or Crit, whichever is higher. Additionally, the movement speed bonus now stacks with other movement speed bonuses.
Cinidaria, the Symbiote: Your attacks cause an additional 30% damage as Physical to enemies above 90% health and heal you for 100% of the damage done.
Norgannon’s Foresight: Standing still for 8 seconds grants you Foresight, allowing you to cast while moving for 5 seconds. This duration begins when you start moving.
Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus: Every 30 seconds, gain an absorb shield for 15% (25% for non-tanks) of your maximum health for 30 seconds. Now has Critical Strike, Haste, and Mastery as secondary stats.
Roots of Shaladrassil: Standing still causes you to send deep roots into the ground healing you for 3% of your maximum health every 1 second (was 4% every 3 seconds).
Sephuz’s Secret: Successfully applying a loss of control effect to an enemy, interrupting an enemy, or dispelling any target grants you 70% increased movement speed and 25% Haste (was 15%) for 10 seconds. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds.
Demon Hunter
(Vengeance) Runemaster’s Pauldrons: Metamorphosis resets the remaining cooldown on all your Sigils and Empower Wards, and grants 1 charge of Demon Spikes. Now procs when Last Resort (talent) procs.
(Havoc) Anger of the Half-Giants: Demon’s Bite generates an additional 1 to 14 Fury (was 1 to 20). Demon Blades generates an additional 1 to 8 Fury (was 1 to 12).
(Havoc) Loramus Thalipedes’ Sacrifice: Damage increase per subsequent target increased to 10% (was 5%).
Death Knight
(Blood) Service of Gorefiend: Now activates an additional time (two additional times with Mouth of Hell artifact trait) while Dancing Rune Weapon is active.
(Frost) Seal of Necrofantasia: Cooldown reduction for Empower Rune weapon increased to 10% (was 5%).
(Unholy) The Instructor’s Fourth Lesson: Scourge Strike now has a chance to burst an additional 1-3 Festering Wounds (was 1-5).
(Frost) Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr: Now also applies to enemies recently damaged by Remorseless Winter.
Ekowraith, the Creator of Worlds: Increases the effect of Astral Influence, Feline Swiftness, Thick Hide, and Ysera’s Gift by 75% (was 50%).
(Balance) Impeccable Fel Essence: Cooldown reduction is now 1 second per 12 Astral Power spent (was 8).
(Balance) Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess: Stacks gained now also reduce the global cooldown of Regrowth.
(Balance) The Emerald Dreamcatcher: Astral Power cost reduction of Starsurges reduced to 7 per stack (was 10 per stack).
(Feral) The Wildshaper’s Clutch: Critical damage from your Bleeds have a 30% (was 40%) chance to trigger Primal Fury.
(Beast Mastery) Roar of the Seven Lions: Bestial Wrath reduces the Focus cost of all your abilities by 15% (was 20%).
(Beast Mastery) The Apex Predator’s Claw: Your pet gains the passive abilities of all pet specializations and deals 5% (was 10%) increased damage.
(Beast Mastery/Survival) Call of the Wild: Reduces the cooldown of all Aspects by 35% (was 50%).
(Marksmanship) Ullr’s Feather Snowshoes: The remaining cooldown on Trueshot is reduced by 0.8 seconds (was 1.0 second) each time you cast a damaging Shot.
(Survival) Frizzo’s Fingertrap: Now spreads Lacerate at full duration.
(Survival) Nesinwary’s Trapping Treads: Focus gained increased to 25 per trap (was 15).
(Arcane) Mystic Kilt of the Rune Master: Arcane Barrage grants you 3% (was 4%) of your maximum mana per Arcane Charge spent.
(Arcane) Rhonin’s Assaulting Armwraps: Arcane Missiles has a 18% (was 25%) chance to make your next Arcane Blast cast within 6 seconds cost no mana.
(Fire) Marquee Bindings of the Sun King: After consuming Hot Streak, there is a 15% (was 20%) chance that your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 seconds deals 300% additional damage.
(Fire) Koralon’s Burning Torch: Scorch deals 350% increased damage and is now a guaranteed Critical Strike against enemies below 30% health.
(Brewmaster) Fundamental Observation: Zen Meditation is no longer cancelled when you move or when you are hit by a melee attack, and reduces the cooldown of Zen Meditation by 50%.
(Brewmaster) Firestone Walkers: Now reduces Fortifying Brew’s cooldown by 2 seconds (was 1 second) per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
(Mistweaver) Ei’thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas: Rising Sun Kick causes your target’s next melee attack to extend your heal over time effects by 5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
(Windwalker) Hidden Master’s Forbidden Touch: Duration during which you can recast Touch of Death increased to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
(Windwalker) Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred: Now causes Touch of Karma to deal 150% increased damage, and no longer increases absorb.
Chain of Thrayn: Avenging Wrath increases healing done by an additional 25% for Holy and 50% for Protection/Retribution and increases damage done by an additional 20%.
Uther’s Guard: Your Blessing of Freedom, Blessing of Sacrifice, and Blessing of Protection have 50% increased duration and heal the target for 15% of maximum health.
(Retribution) Justice Gaze: Hammer of Justice deals 600% (was 350%) weapon damage and has 75% reduced cooldown when used against an enemy above 75% health.
(Retribution) Liadrin’s Fury Unleashed: While Avenging Wrath is active, you gain 1 Holy Power every 4 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
(Retribution) Whisper of the Nathrezim: Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm increase the damage of your next Templar’s Verdict or Divine Storm within 4 seconds by 15% (was 25%).
Phyrix’s Embrace: Now increases Guardian Spirit’s duration and healing bonus by 50% and Guardian Spirit no longer terminates its healing bonus effect when sacrificing itself.
(Shadow) Anund’s Seared Shackles: Each time Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch deal damage, your next Void Bolt gains 4% (was 2%) increased damage, stacking up to 50 times.
(Shadow) Mother Shahraz’s Seduction: You gain 5 stacks of Voidform when you enter Voidform.
(Shadow) Mangaza’s Madness: Increases the maximum number of charges of Mind Blast by 1 (was 2).
(Shadow) The Twins’ Painful Touch: Your first Mind Flay (was Mind Sear) cast after entering Voidform spreads Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch to 3 enemies within 10 yards of your target.
Insignia of Ravenholdt: Additional damage decreased, and no longer damages enemies under the effects of breakable crowd-control.
(Assassination) Zoldyck Family Training Shackles: Your Poisons and Bleeds deal 30% (was 40%) increased damage to targets below 30% health.
(Outlaw) Greenskin’s Waterlogged Wristcuffs: Between the Eyes has a 20% chance per Combo Point to increase the damage of your next Pistol Shot by 300% (was 400%).
(Subtlety) Shadow Satyr’s Walk: Shadowstrike restores 3 (was 10) Energy plus an additional 1 Energy for every 3 yards (was 2) between you and your target.
(Elemental/Enhancement) Eye of the Twisting Nether: Damaging enemies with your Fire, Frost, or Nature abilities increases all damage you deal by 1.5% (was 2%) for 8 seconds. Each element adds a separate application.
(Elemental) The Deceiver’s Blood Pact: Earth Shock has a 20% (was 30%) chance to refund all of the Maelstrom spent.
(Enhancement) Spiritual Journey: Feral Spirits now cools down 500% faster (was 300%) while in Spirit Wolf form.
(Restoration) Focuser of Jonat, the Elder: Healing Wave and Healing Surge increase the healing of your next Chain Heal by 10% (was 15%), stacking up to 5 times.
Ayala’s Stone Heart: Procs per minute reduced.
(Arms) Archavon’s Heavy Hand: Mortal Strike refunds 8 Rage (was 15).
(Fury) Ceann-Ar Charger: Gain 8 Rage (was 10 Rage) whenever you Enrage.
(Fury) Kazzalax, Fujieda’s Fury: Bloodthirst increases all damage you deal and all healing you take by 1% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 4 times (was 5 times).
(Protection) Kakushan’s Stormscale Gauntlets: Affected spells changed (was Shield Slam and Revenge) to Shield Slam and Thunderclap.
(Protection) Destiny Driver: Absorb amount increased to 50% (was 15%).
(Affliction) Hood of Eternal Disdain: Agony deals its full damage 10% (was 20%) faster.
(Destruction) Alythess’s Pyrogenics: Enemies affected by your Rain of Fire take 10% (was 7%) increased damage from your Fire spells.
(Destruction) Feretory of Souls: Casting a damaging Fire spell has a 10% (was 15%) chance to generate a Soul Shard.
(Destruction) Magistrike Restraints: Chaos Bolt has a 20% chance (was 30%) to strike an additional enemy within 30 yards.
(Demonology) Sin’dorei Spite: For 25 seconds after casting Summon Doomguard or Summon Infernal, you and your minions deal 15% (was 30%) increased damage.
Player versus Player
Dampening now begins immediately in 2v2 Skirmish and 2v2 Arenas.
Blade’s Edge Arena has received a visual update.
Prestige level 9 has been added.
Artifact traits at 35 points and above are now enabled in PvP.
Damage caused by Soul Rip, Shadow Nova, On the Trail, and Shadowy Apparition should no longer break control effects such as Polymorph or Freezing Trap.
Honor talents that replace taunt effects for each Tank specialization will now cause their original taunt effect to be applied to non-player targets.
Class Adjustments
Death Knight
Blood Death Knights now deal 10% reduced damage in PvP (was 15%).
Blooddrinker now deals 40% reduced damage in PvP (was 100%).
Demon Hunter
Unending Hatred now grants 10 Fury (was 5).
Eye of Leotheras now deals 6% of the target’s total health in damage (was 4%).
Rushing Vault and Pinning Glare have been removed.
New talent: Demonic Origins
The cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by 2 minutes, and now lasts 15 seconds.
While not in Metamorphosis, your damage is increased by 10%.
New talent: Mana Rift
You manifest a 6-yard-wide mana rift under the feet of your target.
After 2 seconds, the rift erupts, dealing 8% of enemies’ total health in Chaos damage, and destroying 8% of enemies’ total mana (if present).
Mana Break now deals 15% of the target’s total health in Chaos damage. Total health in damage is increased by 1% per 2% of the target’s total missing mana, up to 30%.
Vengeance Demon Hunters now deal 10% reduced damage in PvP (was 15%).
Illidan’s Grasp cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (was 90).
Celestial Downpour now increases the duration of Starfall by 100%, but you can only have one active at a time.
Celestial Guardian magical damage reduction reduced to 20% (was 30%).
Maul now deals 400% damage in PvP (was 100%).
Guardian Druids now take 10% increased damage from players (was 25%).
Guardian Druids now deal normal damage in PvP.
Shapemender has been removed.
Hibernating Growth has been removed.
Enraged Mangle has been removed.
Sharpened Claws now increases Swipe and Thrash damage by 100%.
Overrun no longer shares a cooldown with Feral Charge.
Den Mother now increases you and your allies’ maxiumum health by 15% within 15 yards.
Demoralizing Roar cooldown is now 30 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Toughness is now a level 34 talent (was level 37), replacing Softened Blows.
New Talent: Roaring Speed
Reduces the cooldown of your Stampeding Roar by 90 seconds.
New Talent: Master Shapeshifter
Your Feral, Balance, or Restoration Affinity is amplified, granting an additional effect:
(Balance) After you enter Moonkin Form, you gain 30% spell haste for 10 seconds.
(Feral) While in Cat Form, your damage is increased by 30%.
(Restoration) After you Swiftmend, the cast time and healing of your Healing Touch is increased by 30% for 8 seconds.
New Talent: Malorne’s Swiftness
Your Travel Form movement speed while within a Battleground or Arena is increased by 20% and you always move at 100% movement speed while in Travel Form.
New Talent: Raging Frenzy
Your Frenzied Regeneration also generates 60 Rage over 3 seconds.
Focused Growth now also reduces the mana cost of Lifebloom by 50%.
Viper Sting now has a 30 second cooldown, down from 45.
Scorpid Sting now has a 24 second cooldown, down from 30.
Scorpid Sting now has an 8 second duration, up from 6.
Spider Sting now has a 45 second cooldown, down from 60.
Spider Sting’s initial debuff duration is 4 seconds, down from 5.  Silence duration unchanged.
Sniper Shot no longer has a cooldown (was 6 seconds).
Steel Trap’s out of combat Waylay bonus deals 150% additional damage in PvP situations (was 500%).
Burst of Cold increases Cond of Cold damage by 250% (was 600%).
Microbrew reduces the cooldown of Fortifying Brew by 50%, and no longer reduces its duration.
Incendiary Brew is now renamed Incendiary Breath, is now passive, and increases the cooldown of Breath of Fire by 100%.
Hot Trub now deals 50% of purified Stagger damage to nearby targets (was 25%).
Guard no longer provides an absorb, instead it allows the Monk to Stagger 30% of damage received by allies within 15 yards.
Eerie Fermentation now provides 5% magic damage reduction and 10% movement speed for each level of Stagger active.
Counteract Magic increases Renewing Mists heal for 135% (was 125%).
Healing Sphere now has a 15 second charge recovery cooldown (was 45 seconds).
Surge of Mist now causes Enveloping Mist to have a seven second cooldown (was 8 seconds).
Way of the Crane now also makes you immune to stun effects.
Refreshing Breeze now increases the healing of Vivify by 20% (was 25%).
Spinning Fire Blossom now always triggers Mastery: Combo Strikes.
Disabling Reach now increases Disable’s range to 10 yards (was 12 yards).
Zen Moment now costs 3 Chi (was 5 Chi).
Control the Mists now occurs every 10 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Cleansing Light is a new honor talent replacing Pure of Heart for Protection and Retribution. Cleansing Light removes all Disease and Poison effects within 15 yards of the Paladin.
Luminescence now only activates on heals cast by targets other than the Paladin.
Holy Paladin’s template secondary stat distribution has changed:
50% Mastery
125% Haste
75% Versatility
150% Critical Strike
Avenging Crusader now has a (35% of base mana) cost (was no mana cost).
Ultimate Sacrifice no longer cancels based on the Paladin’s health.
Ultimate Sacrifice’s damage transfer periodic is now 4 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Protection Paladin’s template secondary stat distribution has changed:
25% Mastery
200% Haste
50% Versatility
125% Critical Strike
Guarded by the Light now stacks up to 2 times (was 3).
Guarded by the Light no longer reduces the mana cost of Flash of Light.
Hallowed Ground now suppresses movement speed reductions while allies are standing in your Consecration.
Steed of Glory increases the duration of Divine Steed by 2 seconds (was 4).
Retribution Paladin’s template Strength is now 80%, down from 85%.
Retribution Paladin’s template secondary stat distribution has changed:
25% Mastery
160% Haste
50% Versatility
165% Critical Strike
Solemn Prayers removed.
Renewed Hope removed.
Strength of Soul now also heals targets to which you apply Power Word: Shield.
New talent: Trinity
The duration of your Atonement is increased to 30 seconds and the healing transferred through Atonement is increased by 20%.
Atonement can now only affect a maximum of 3 targets and can only be applied through Plea.
Dome of Light now increases Power Word: Barrier’s damage reduction effect by 45% (was 25%).
Power Word: Fortitude now increases maximum health by 20% (was 10%).
New Talent: Ultimate Radiance
Your Power Word: Radiance is now instant cast and the healing is increased by 250%, with a 6 second cooldown.
Heal now heals for 200% in PvP.
Prayer of Mending now heals for 150% in PvP.
Delivered from Evil re-designed:
Now reduces the cooldown of Leap of Faith by 45 seconds, but no longer creates an absorption shield on the target.
Holy Ward’s cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 45 seconds).
New Talent: Miracle Worker:
Holy Word: Serenity now has 2 charges.
Rapid Mending now also increases the radius of Prayer of Mending by 20 yards.
Divine Attendant re-designed:
Now reduces the cooldown of Guardian Spirit by 2 minutes.
Ray of Hope’s cooldown reduced from to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Greater Heal re-designed:
Heal increases the targets total health by 10% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 2.
All Rogues template Stamina is now 100% (was 90%).
Flying Daggers now also increases the radius of Fan of Knives by 100%.
Thundercharge now increases the cooldown of all recovery abilities by 70% (was 30%).
Calming Waters moved to level 34, replacing Inner Renewal.
Earth Shield now has a 5 second cooldown.
Earth Shield now provides 15% damage reduction (was 20%).
Earth Shield now triggers at 8% health loss (was 6%).
Earth Shield’s mana cost has been increased to 15% base mana (was 12.6%).
Earth Shield is no longer dispellable.
Electrocute damage increased 20%
Spirit Link mana cost reduced, and no longer has a cooldown.
Targets linked now receive 100% increased healing from your Chain Heal and Riptide.
Healing Wave now heals for 200% more in PvP (was 135%).
Rippling Waters healing increased by 20%.
Rippling Waters now also grants Riptide 1 additional charge.
New Talent: Tidebringer
Every 8 seconds, the cast time of your next Chain Heal is reduced by 50% within 15 seconds. Maximum of 2 charges.
Soulburn has been replaced with Soulshatter:
Soulshatter consumes all of your damage over time effects on the 5 nearest enemies, dealing 10% of their total health in damage.
Each enemy hit by Soulshatter increases your haste by 10% for 8 seconds and grants you 1 Soul Shard.
Soul Siphon has been replaced with Death’s Embrace:
Death’s Embrace causes your Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony to deal an additional 100% damage to targets that are at or below 30% health.
Soul Swap has been replaced with Curse of Shadows:
Curse of Shadows causes magical damage-over-time effects to deal an additional 30% Shadow damage for 10 seconds.
New Talent: Disarm
Disarm the enemy’s weapons and shield for 8 seconds.
Disarmed creatures deal significantly reduced damage.
Arms Warrior’s template Strength reduced to 105% (was 110%).
Blood Hunt removed.
Ready for Battle removed.
Sharpen Blade now has a 25 second cooldown (was 45 seconds).
New Talent: Storm of Destruction
Reduces the cooldown of Bladestorm by 33%, and Bladestorm now also applies Mortal Wound to all targets you hit.
Pain Train is now a level 8 honor talent (was 43).
Shadow of the Colossus has moved from being a level 25 to level 28 honor talent.
Shadow of the Colossus now also increases the Rage you gain when you charge by 25.
Wrecking Crew removed.
New Talent: Duel
You challenge the target to a duel. While challenged, all damage you and the target deal to all targets other than each other is reduced by 50%. Lasts 8 seconds.
New Talent: War Banner
You throw down a banner at your feet, rallying your allies and increasing movement speed by 30%, and reducing the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 50% within 30 yards. Lasts 15 seconds.
Fury Warrior’s template secondary stats have been adjusted:
75% Mastery
150% Haste
100% Versatility
75% Critical Strike
Enrage reduces damage taken in PvP situations by 10% (was 20%). Warpaint further reduces this to 5% (was 15%).
Blood Hunt removed.
Death Wish now has a 15 second cooldown, and stacks up to 15 times (was 5).
Protection Warrior’s template secondary stats have been adjusted:
25% Mastery
175% Haste
50% Versatility
150% Critical Strike
Protection Warriors now deal 10% reduced damage in PvP (was 15%).
Protection Warriors now take 15% increased damage from players (was 25%).
Tenderizer removed.
Fixed bugs preventing Kirin Tor emissary World Quests from always providing a minimum of four available quests.
All World Quests will be re-generated with this patch. You will retain your existing slate of Emissaries, but any current World Quests may disappear or have a different reward after the patch.
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