#... but you'll get some thorough answers within the story in time
I’ve never read moby dick in my entire life but seeing you post about it so much made me want to give it a try! any warnings before I go into it? :D
oh my god gbskxjs okay first of all im honored that my mad posting has had this effect :DD!! you are so powerful for this, genuinely 💙💙
and secondly YEAH ok i can absolutely give some warnings!!!! this answer got long tho so I'm gonna put it under the cut 🐳💙
Firstly: the main thing most people struggle with in Moby Dick (myself included) is how utterly rambley the narrator is.
there WILL be pages upon chapters at a time where he simply Cannot get to the point, which is frustrating!!! something that helped me to keep in mind, though, is that Ishmael is doing that on purpose to avoid having to relive his trauma. It helped me to think of his whale rants as either a friend infodumping, or a desperate plea for the story to stop repeating.
if that doesn't help, you can always look up a summary for a chapter to see if there's any plot you'll miss by skipping it lmao
The Racism. This is a novel written by a white man in the early 1800s. There is some bullshit in this.
Although Melville does try to be conscious abt race and stereotypes, and has a very diverse cast, he still majorly fucks up. He regularly refers to several major characters as "s*vage", uses outdated terminology for Black people, throws out all sorts of shitty descriptors for folks, and rarely lets the characters of color speak for themselves. It's important to be aware of that going in.
This one is a weird dichotomy though, bc like. on one hand. all of that is infuriating. but on the other hand, the love interest of the narrator is literally a Pasifika man who is a gorgeous character that undercuts a ton of stereotypes and is allowed to be a nuanced person with a life that exists outside of the white characters. There's several characters of color who get to be People and have nuanced experiences and vibrant lives!! Pip and Tashtego and arguably Ahab himself are all fascinatingly nuanced folks that are not entirely bound by stereotypes!!
However comma, there's also an entire character who isn't allowed to exist outside of "evil zoroastrian stereotype" so hgbbjggbngmdhhf. it's a whole thing. Be aware of it.
Animal death — this is a book about whaling gbsjfjjf
Seriously though a significant portion of the book is dedicated to violently killing and then harvesting the corpses of whales. It does get sad! Some whales are killed more brutally than others. There is gore.
Rope violence/strangulation
This is just a safe one to mention. Lots of shit goes wrong with the rigging/harpoon lines in the book. Several characters are seriously injured or killed directly due to this.
Suicidal themes/tragedy
The first chapter literally starts off the book with this gbskfjwjd but it is a present theme throughout, and especially in regards to the final tragedy. A significant portion of the story involves characters thinking that they have no choices left but to die.
In tandem with that, this book is a tragedy. Like a "everybody dies" kind of tragedy. Do not go into this story thinking that you're getting a happy ending out of it LMAO. there's love and joy and good times within the story, but it ultimately ends in tragedy.
This is a long ass post, but hopefully it's thorough enough to give you answers!!! On the more uplifting side: I did have a fantastic time reading this. The characters are all super compelling, the queer rep is incredible for the time, the narrative is truly awesome, and it genuinely left a huge impact on me. It definitely earns its place as a masterpiece of American literature imo.
I will also note that if you would prefer to engage with an adaptation of MobyDick that is not narratively racist to its characters, generally more accessible, and also gorgeous, I will always recommend @pocketsizedquasar 's Moby Dick (Or, The Webcomic)! It is, as of yet, unfinished, but they're currently releasing pages weekly, and it's what got me to read the book in the first place. There's a ton of heart here.
But yea thanks for reading this long ass ramble, and definitely do whatever you need to keep yourself safe! 💙💙💙 happy reading if you choose to!!! :D 🐳
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yukipri · 1 year
Hi! I'm currently rereading the Prime Override (I really love the story!) and m trying to get a more thorough understanding of Jango in this story. I'm currently stuck on one Canon scene and was wondering if you could elaborate Jango's thoughts there for me?
In canon, on Geonosis, Jango joins the battle attacking Mace while he's lost his lightsaber - likely bc a) hatred and b) convenient target since apparently less defense.
However, Jango in the Prime Override has pretty much lost his hatred instead of a thorough dislike. So, does this scene happen as in canon and if yes, what's his reasoning for joining the battle in this way (instead of possibly going for Boba and leaving) - a mix of anger (for being menaced beforehand) and fear (lightsabers are dangerous, but this Jedi doesn't have one right now)? Is he currently feeling more hatred than usual bc he prepared for being near Dooku? Something else I didn't think of?
Also, how does he think about that move afterwards (if he does at all)? Regret (maybe that wasn't the best move he could have made), annoyance (for dying to a Jedi), or maybe indifference (he was supposed to die at some point for the contract, after all)?
I hope this is something you can answer without spoiling anything to come in future chapters in some way.
Also, I really wanted to tell you how much I love your OC's (especially Ashe and Stabber) and positively flailed over the Stabber perspective last chapter XD I kinda want to give him aaaalllll the hugs 😂
I hope you have a lovely day/evening/night/whenever you see this, and take care!
Sorry for the late response! It's been a very rough few weeks for me, and I can't always guarantee I'll respond to Tumblr asks in a timely manner unless they're urgent, especially if they require any thought or a lengthy response, like this one.
At the time of his death in the Prime Override (and tbh, this fic mostly consists of my headcanons for canon), Jango doesn't actively hate the Jedi enough to go and kill them just because of it. He does dislike them enough that if given a good reason, he wouldn't hesitate to kill one if the opportunity arises. He is also heavily relying on the fact that both Tyranus and Sidious believe that he despises the Jedi passionately, and he uses this to hide his true endgame motives while working with them.
So tbh, while I don't consider this moment crucial to the Override plot atm, I think his actions make perfect sense within its context, for the following reasons:
1) On Geonosis, Jango is standing directly behind Tyranus (Dooku), and the entire arena execution was extremely public, so he could safely say that Sidious was also watching. So, Jango would be expected to act the way they expect him to, which is as you say: like he hates the Jedi and wants to kill them.
2) When Mace first appears, he, without prompting, ignites his lightsaber at Jango's neck. Jango was not aggressive or posing an active threat at the time; he was watching the arena with his bucket off, and Boba was right next to him.
Threatening Jango alone, publicly and in front of Jango's employer, is probably more than enough incentive for Jango to go after him. But that's not all; if you watch the scene, you'll see Boba jolt back away from the tip of the blade, and then run behind Jango. I'm sure Mace knew he was there and wouldn't have hit him, but from an outside POV (and that of a protective parent), that laser sword came awfully close to stabbing Boba, and that fact alone, Jedi or no Jedi, is probably plenty of reason for Jango to target Mace specifically.
3) While the lightsaber was held at Jango's throat, Mace's warning/threat is directed at Dooku, Jango's employer. Jango is, in fact, not on Geonosis for kicks and giggles and for introducing Boba to the joys of public executions. He's there on the job, to provide security for his employer. His employer is threatened, it's his job to get rid of the threat. The most clear threat is Mace.
4) Jango isn't stupid, and knows who the top Jedi is. He may or may not know about Dooku's history with Mace personally, but he's no doubt aware of the Head of the Jedi Order. If there's one Jedi of most "value" that the Sith would like killed, it's probably Mace.
Should note, that for a supposedly Jedi-hating guy who would love to kill them all, Jango doesn't start firing at the Jedi when they come pouring out into the arena; he stays back, only shoots Coleman Trebor when he lands on the viewing booth to attack Dooku since again, it's Jango's job to protect his employer.
Seeing Mace potentially at a disadvantage seems like both an opportunity that Jango must take, to keep up appearances, but is also the most convenient target, given both his prestige and the fact that he threatened Jango in front of Boba and Jango therefore has no guilt in killing him. If anything, the fact that Jango only goes after Mace instead of trying to kill as many Jedi as possible seems to give the "he doesn't actually want to massacre the Jedi" theory credence, at least to me.
Lastly, this isn't really much to do with Jango's reasons for killing Jedi or no, but I should mention that in the Override, Jango did have specific orders to get himself killed. Part of this is admittedly me trying to justify why Jango would take such a risk/not put up a better fight and live up to his reputation, but in general the characters in my head are a lot more competent than they're portrayed on screen. (I have similar justification headcanons for why Boba went out the way he did in ESB lmao)
I feel like I didn't answer all parts of your question, but I hope this answers enough and gives you some food for thought! If this moment does become more relevant to the Override, it will be covered in greater depth there.
Thank you so much for enjoying my work and reading my story!
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Hi Seyary! First of all, I wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying Gladiator. And because I'm bored and a sucker for angst in ff, here's a hypothetical question - how would the following characters react to an (almost successful) assassination attempt on Azula - Sokka, Ozai, Zuko, Mai, ty lee and toph? (sorry if the list is too long lol, the first two reactions would be most interesting anyway I presume) thank you!
Hypothetical, huh...? <.<
*innocent whistling* *hides her future plans under her bed*
XD alright, nothing I have in mind is quite as literal as what you’ve described... but I will say there’s going to be a similar situation coming up in the final arcs of Part 2. So, um... if you’d like angst, stick around because we’ll have plenty in the future :’D
So! How would they react...:
Sokka: kills the culprit. Outright. Immediately. If he can do it before the assassin even reaches her, better yet! Still, Sokka would be willing to discard his “no killing” policy for Azula without the slightest hesitation. He has already gone quite far to protect her, as he did in Gladiator Brawl... after that arc, he has determined he won’t hold back and will do whatever is needed to save Azula. He’ll pay the price eventually, if there’s a price to be paid... but he won’t hesitate to do whatever it takes for her. Emotionally, however? Sokka would be absolutely devastated and panicking horribly if Azula is ever in mortal danger. He’ll most likely blame himself (even if it’s not his fault), he’ll be restless and desperate to do anything to help... basically spiraling just as badly as Azula was in 126 when she nearly lost him. It would take a long time for him to calm down, and even then, the latent fear of not being strong enough to protect her will probably never fade away. Even though he hasn’t had the well-known canon-based trauma caused by Yue’s death, Sokka won’t get over a potential near-death-experience of Azula’s easily, and he’ll be even more frantic about making sure she’s fine, healthy and happy than he already is, barely leaving her side because he feels anxious if he’s not close enough to protect her of any dangers, big or small or insigificant as they may be. He’s always been an instinctive protector of everyone he loves, so I imagine he’d train himself harder yet after this happens, hoping to polish his skills to the utmost, so nothing like this can ever happen again.
Ozai: we already saw a glimpse of this (if just a small one) in the White Lotus Attack arc, where he was completely blown away upon finding out his daughter had been in danger of kidnapping + was badly sick. The combination of factors triggered an unusually emotional response from Ozai... unusual because it wasn’t rage, of course. That’s basically the only emotion Ozai experienced for years, until that scene with sickly Azula happened. That his daughter was in such danger, that he didn’t know about it until it was too late... it actually worried him, badly. Enough that, despite his disbelief at Azula’s claims that Sokka saved her and fixed everything, he offered to repay Sokka for saving his daughter, and he actually followed through with Sokka’s requests. An assassination attempt, then, would see Ozai reacting similarly. Unlike Sokka, who would immediately kill the assassin, I think Ozai would prefer capturing it and then executing it as painfully as possible, probably after a severe torture session :’D he won’t let anyone who tries to harm his daughter get away with it unharmed, despite he doesn’t entirely understand the source of his wrath towards anyone who could hurt her. He would likely recommend Azula never lowers her guard again, perhaps even lightly scolding her for letting someone come that close to killing her... yet he’s more concerned for her than he wants to admit, and he’ll even ease up his pressures on her, frequently checking on Azula to ensure she’s recovering properly. If there’s one aspect in which Ozai displays any fatherly instincts, it’s when when Azula is in danger. Tbh, it’s probably the only aspect where he does, all things considered...  
Zuko: unlike the other two, I don’t think Zuko would have such a violent reaction to Azula being the victim of an assassination attempt. He would definitely be shocked, and he would worry about Azula, but he’d assume there’s no assassin or anything in the world strong enough to overcome his sister. So he’d probably calm himself down by basically trusting she’s too extraordinary to be beaten... and it’d allow him to stay level-headed, to a fault. If he’s around during the assassination attempt, Zuko would want to join in defending his sister (though I don’t think he’d likely go as far as killing the assassin unless he has no choice). If he only hears about it a long time afterwards, he’ll likely want to go see her, and he’ll worry about how bad the damage was. Still, not quite as passionate a reaction as either Sokka or Ozai’s. 
Mai: I think Mai would have an interesting reaction, actually? She probably takes Azula for granted just as much as Zuko does, in the sense of assuming Azula is unbeatable and no one would ever lay a finger on her... so that there’s a close call so close that someone actually nearly kills her? It’d probably mess her up quite a bit. Mai cares about her friends, even if she doesn’t show it overtly, so she’d likely focus on Azula rather than on weird pursuits of revenge against the culprit or anything like that. If there’s other people to watch over Azula, she’ll just visit her often as she recovers... if there were no one else, she’d likely stay by her bedside until Azula is all better. There’d be a lot of sass back and forth, too, which would likely help Azula’s mood a lot while she recovers. Still, Mai would likely be very shaken up by the notion of Azula being killed since she can’t really imagine Azula dying... like, altogether xD but she’d swallow her feelings and see to Azula’s recovery rather than letting her worries overwhelm her.
Ty Lee: ... I guess she’s the polar opposite of Mai in a thousand ways, so why not this one too? :’D Ty Lee probably reacts very explosively and panicky, wearing her feelings on her sleeve, as expected from her. I doubt she’d be much help while Azula recovers, but I’ll give her credit and say that, if she were present during the assassination attempt, canon suggests Ty Lee can hold her own in chaotic situations better than expected. She might help subdue the enemies, but once the danger is gone she’ll flip over to panic mode as she waits eagerly to know if Azula will recover.
Toph: Toph won’t want to believe it happened, tbh. She’d assume Azula is unbreakable too, and she’d be pissed as heck if anyone genuinely hurts her. I can see Toph taking a more vengeful approach to the problem, but she’ll be freaking out until she can talk to Azula herself and be sure she’s out of danger. She might take a playful approach to the matter later, messing with Azula such as offering her services as a bodyguard and such, with Azula rebuffing that she might end up being the one saving Toph’s butt instead, but deep down she’d be worried until Azula is out and about again. She’d be sure Azula won’t let that happen again, though... so I think, within this list, Toph might be the one who moves on the fastest. As long as Azula is okay, she’ll relax, to a fault.
Alright, I hope those answers were interesting enough for you xD (but you were right, I think the most important ones really are Sokka and Ozai’s...)
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