#-might make a separate post to ramble bout that lmao
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
just beat Y3 on hard and i do plan on doin’ legendary next but i’m debatin whether to do a fresh New Game or go with New Game+
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tenshindon · 4 years
*waves* Hi, I'm Silver. I want to write Yamcha more accurately (he seems really nice?), but I haven't the time or money to buy the manga or episodes, so... any tips, I guess? Can you help me? Thank you 🌻💜
hiya !! i’m always happy to talk about yamcha and The Character Of yamcha :) gonna put my thoughts under a read more cause this Might be long:
I havent watched Z or Super in a while but I do watch and read through the original Dragon Ball often so accuracy May Vary due to my trash memory. I’m also going to try to keep the games’ depictions of him out of this since accuracy varies among those.
The first thing I wanna touch on is Yamcha’s ego- especially how it evolves over the series. The main thing to keep in mind is that while he is generally cocky about his fighting abilities (which is a major weakness of his as he underestimates his opponents often and gets in trouble because of that), he’s never overly confidant with himself as a person; he seldom tries to paint himself as a better person in comparison to others and rather keeps realistic skepticism about himself. It’s also worth noting that, depending on how old Yamcha is in your depiction, his awareness for his fighting inadequacy compared to his friends varies (the older he is obviously the more conscious he is).
Next thing I’ma talk bout is something that i see kind of treated inconsistently; Yamcha’s relationship with women and his love life. I feel like a lot of people forget that Yamcha’s defining character trait in Dragon Ball was his gynophobia- he chased Goku and his friends so long for the dragon balls so he could remedy his fear of women. Of course, he eventually does date Bulma as they realize dating each other would resolve their mutual wishes for Shenron (Bulma’s being getting a boyfriend and as mentioned before Yamcha’s fear of women). As we’re all aware though, nearly a decade later Yamcha and Bulma mysteriously separate, and the reason for doing so is never explicitly made clear in canon (I could honestly make a whole separate post on Bulma and Yamcha’s break up- there’s a lot to discuss with it so if anyone wants that let me know lmao). The majority believe that Yamcha was unfaithful which, in review of his whole character, makes literally no sense- even just subtracting his fear of women (though I’ll elaborate on that later). But back on track and in regards to his fear of women, it never fully goes away. It just so happens that he’s most comfortable around Bulma, and since Bulma’s the most prominent female character of the series we tend to forget his fear in the first place. When around other female characters, he’s subtlety more anxious- or at the very least he isn’t so much of a playboy as fanon interprets him to be. One final thing to note is- unless I remember the series wrong (and anyone’s free to correct me on this)- Yamcha’s never implied to have gotten another girlfriend or even a lover at any point. Of course it’s hard to track the intricacies of Yamcha’s life- this is a shonen anime where slice-of-life episodes are limited, and even then Yamcha is far from being a prominent character anymore (post Dragon Ball).
Up next is his loyalty/friendships, methods of handling conflict, and overall courage because in my rat brain these all go hand in hand. Nevertheless, Yamcha’s a devoted friend- he’s shown time and time again to be supportive of his pals and, even in spite of his shortcomings, always does his best to help the gang out. Like i touched on before, as Yamcha gets older, he’s more and more aware just how far behind in training he is in compared to his peers. But that doesn’t stop him from trying to fight off whatever threat’s present. So with that we can infer that even if Yamcha can’t be the absolute best, that’s not going to stop him from at least trying if it means helping his friends or making them feel better. Additionally, he’s quick to stand up for others, even if he doesn’t know them too well or even at all and he’s shown not to hold onto grudges. One thing to remember is that, presumably for 16 years, Yamcha’s only companion was Puar (that’s not even considering his life before meeting her) and most interactions he has with people involve robbing them. His social skills might not be the best (though that doesn’t mean he can’t act socially capable- he clearly has no issue trying to make Beerus feel comfortable and like a friend at Bulma’s party) but again, his social skills varies with age and the situation. But again, referring back to his readiness to defend others, he isn’t afraid of getting into conflict if it means helping someone else.
Last few topics I’m going to talk about are his relationships with property, finances, and goals- they seem like a small topics but I still want to talk about it. Now hopefully we’re all familiar with Yamcha’s beginnings of being a desert bandit- and seeing his methods of obtaining items, he didn’t try to charm his victims into giving him their stuff. He just took it if he could if he couldn’t intimidate them and retreated if he couldn’t get what he wanted (which is also noteworthy of Yamcha’s awareness of his limits- a bit contradictory to his fighting ego but it seems that if Yamcha’s certain he isn’t able to win something, then he’ll save himself if it means delaying a goal or staying alive). He doesn’t seem to mind playing the long game either, as he’s willing to tail Goku and co. for months as he waits for them to gather the dragon balls without ever letting his true intentions slip. When it comes to finances, Yamcha doesn’t seem to care to heavily about them: back in the desert, Puar mentions to Yamcha that he should wish for money to which Yamcha dismisses it quickly, stating he could just steal money if he really needed it. It’s also worth noting that despite being a successful baseball player by Super, Yamcha chooses to live in a modest apartment. Either he’s very paranoid with money and, despite having enough to buy a full house, chooses to live in a cheaper apartment building or he’s more comfortable with smaller living spaces- which makes sense since he’d lived nearly two decades in a desert cave and had to scavenge for supplies (plus he seems to still think fondly of the desert as he has a painting of such in his apartment).
For the TL;DR version of this post, here’s essentially what you should keep in mind when portraying yamcha:
He’s generally a very lax, simple, and sociable person when he wants to be- though a bit socially awkward when he isn’t prepared
He’s not egotistical, but he has a bad habit of underestimating his enemies at times. this changes over time of course.
While he’s not itching for conflict, he is loyal and quick to stand up for friends and strangers alike
He acknowledges he isn’t the best, but that doesn’t stop him from trying
He’s ambitious and seldom gives up on his goals
He cares little for huge amounts of wealth or property and generally is just trying to get by in life comfortably
While not cripplingly petrified of women post DB, he still maintains a mild anxiety around women he doesn’t know- even around women he does know pardon Bulma he’s still a bit on edge
I’m done with my character study using the anime and manga, but I like talking about Yamcha so below this little buffer I’m going to get into how the games portray him. I might’ve forgot something or got some things wrong so feel free to talk to me about that if you want to. Anyways, you can stop reading if the above is all you’re concerned with- regardless if you keep reading or not, I wish you the best of luck in writing Yamcha ! :)
If you’re still reading, join me in my continuous ramble of the Rubix cube of Yamcha’s character because Toei and Toriyama can’t be consistent.
Something that seems to be portrayed a significant amount is that Yamcha’s aware of his charm and that he uses this to advantage to smooth talk his way out of situations- not that he just so happens to be good looking and endearing and his panicked socialization just happens to work out for him. In regards to his way of talking out of situations, that’s honestly something I could see if Yamcha acknowledges he’s against a threat much greater than his fighting abilities will allow him to handle- and it’s not like he doesn’t consider himself attractive, if we’re to take his reaction to losing his tooth as anything (in case you aren’t aware, he curses Goku for ruining his “beautiful” face). An example of this is most prominent is his interaction with Frieza in FighterZ, where Frieza remarks that Yamcha is both “handsome and sensible”, to which Yamcha attempts to keep the conversation casual so as to not have to fight (which he later points out to Goku once the latter urges that the three of them should just start fighting already). Though I’m sure his first reaction isn’t to talk his way out of something- he’ll just do it if the opportunity presents itself.
I obviously take huge issue with Yamcha’s portrayal of being a womanizer- his major goal was to settle down, get married, and live out the rest of his life with someone. So for him to be portrayed as having to juggle girlfriends is a bit strange to say the least. You could maybe argue that Yamcha hypes himself up to be a lady’s man as a way to cope with his anxiety (fake it til you make it y’know) but I have little faith in the characterization in Dragon Ball games and for them to think that complexly- plus, again, it contradicts with his humble and awkward personality.
Aside from these two notes, that’s all I have to say. so I’m done- forreal this time.
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
My first Drarry
Stranger: ((Post DH. Not est. 8th year.)) Sharing a common room with the other repeating students wasn't actually awful. He had his own private bedroom, at least. He was only there to satisfy his probation, which meant when he wasn't in class or in his room... that was his only real option. So two months in, he was actually used to reading and ignoring the other students milling about. It would drive him mad, just being alone in his room all the time. Some of the others were playing some sort of game. Weasley was made to wear his trousers as a shirt and vice versa. Granger had to recite  the alphabet backwards. Draco rolled his eyes.  Silly. He tunes them out. Then an apparently slightly tipsy Blaise is tugging at his ankle and he kicks him in the shoulder, about to tell him to piss right off, when he hears that apparently it was Potter's turn. And the prompt was 'The person to your left has to talk dirty to you' Blaise succeeds in yanking him off the couch and onto the floor with the rest of them. "Oi! You mother- What?" He looks around. Then to his right. Potter. "... Oh, come on. I'm not even playing." He sighs, hangs his head in one hand, kicks Blaise again when he keeps tugging at him, and looks at Harry. "... How long do I have to talk?" Blaise supplies, "Until he can't keep a straight face any more." And Draco sighs. "Fine. Get over here, I'm not going to shout pillow talk at you."
You: [reading]
Stranger: ((Thanks! Sorry about lack of separation I'm on mobile. Also I have another prompt, if you'd rather.))
You: [No worries!]
You: [I love this! LOL... bare with me its been some time since I've been in the fandom and honestly this is my first Drarry ^^; ]
Stranger: ((Nah dog no worries right back atcha. Heads up Draco is gonna speak some French later do you want ooc translations ou non? PS my French is Not Great so bear with me.))
You: Harry listened to the others rambling off, a small amused smile playing on his lips as his gaze followed each person in turn. It wasn't until Blaise turned it from harmless amusement to something dirty and embarrassing. To top it all off he had yanked Draco in to all this. His brows furrowed at the words but he wouldn't back down if the blonde didn't.
"Fine. But I doubt shouting is going to work." Harry huffed, glaring off in the opposite direction.
[No worries. I took a few years of French but I'm pretty shite at it so ooc trans would be very appreciated. ^.^]
Stranger: Draco rolls his eyes and leans forward to tug Potter closer to him, until their knees almost touched. "There we are. Now I don't have to shout." He paused. "Does it have to be in English?" He glances around. Blaise is /cackling/. He gets a few shrugs. "... Est-ce que quelqu’un parle français? Non?" He looks around the group. No one seems to know what he said, "Ta mère est une sale pute" he tries glancing around, then directly at Granger, "... et tu peux sucer ma jolie bite rose. No, nothing?" He eggs on, and she actually shrugs at him. "Why would I know French?" Draco scoffs. "Ah yes because you have abaolutely no arbitrary knowledge bumping about that brain of yours." He tolls his eyes, then he's looking around again, blank faces. "So... ne pas de problem? Bien." He looks back to Harry. "Ready?"
Stranger: ((Does anyone speak French? No? Your mother is a dirty whore (possibly bitch?) And you can suck my pretty pink cock. So... No problem? Good.))
Stranger: ((Testing to see if anyone would react to him throwing insults around was then going idea there. This way if you want anyone to say they know any specific word or something you can))
You: [Got it ^.^]
You: Harry tensed as he was yanked forward, heart beginning to race a bit. He didn't pull away as his own gaze followed Draco's to each individual. He waited until Draco spoke once more before mumbling a few words under his breath. It was a small incantation he had learned during the Triwizard Tournament to translate for one of the French speaking students. It would only last a short time but it would do the trick. The words where practically a whispered and he wasn't sure if anyone heard it but it was worth a shot.
[That is... if this is okay. If you don't want Harry knowing, thats fine too. :3]
Stranger: ((No omg that is fantastic. And hilarious Draco is bout to say some DIRTY shit lol))
You: [lmao!]
Stranger: He heard Harry speak, but didn't quite catch it. "... Alright." He rolls his eyes, and under the protection of the fact that Harry wouldn't understand him anyway, he licks his lips and leans in a bit, some of his weight on his hands, and he pitched his voice soft, "Tu veux m'enculer, Potter?" He asks, and even Harry's last name rolls off with an accent. "Tout ce que tu as à faire, c'est.. demander gentiment.." His lips twitch there, teasing, a bit wicked, "Tu sais... Je pourrais juste vous laisser." He throws in a lovely little look at him, through his lashes. The room is too quiet suddenly. And the way Potter is looking at him is... almost like.. He knows what he's just said.
Stranger: "D'you wanna fuck me, Potter? All you'd have to do, is.. ask nicely.. You know... I just might let you."))
Stranger: ((The word he used for fuck actually might translate more directly to bugger))
Stranger: ((In fact scratch that f word it would translate to bugger))
You: Harry's gaze was focused on the floor as Draco began to speak, there was something about the way the accent rolled off the other man's tongue in a way that made Harry want to shiver. Draco had always been attractive... and frustrating... but he had purposefully never considered him like that. But when the question left his lips, Harry's gaze shot up to meet his. Still, Harry was fairly good at schooling his features; keeping them from showing any real reaction. To everyone else, it was as if he was simply listening to the words he didn't understand. It was all in good fun after all... he couldn't believe any word of it... right?
You: [Kk]
Stranger: Harry actually managed to keep a straight face through all that, so Draco sighs. He probably didn't understand him after all. He wonders if he should just say something shocking in English to make him break, but there was supposed be a 3 minute timer anyway so it hardly mattered. "... Ton yeux vert es.. beau, vraiment. Je ne sais pas.." He shakes his head, just a little, a movement so subtle it was barely there, a subconscious little thing. "Je ne sais pas... Je ne puis me détourner.." he laughs, a breathy little chuckle. And somehow he was just. It all just came out, "Ils sont si verts.. t'es un sacré pagaille.. mais... t'es charmant. C'est terrible..."
Stranger: "Your eyes are gorgeous, honestly. I don't know... I don't know.. I just can't look away sometimes. They're just so green. You're such a damn mess... but... You're charming. It's awful."))
You: Harry's brows furrowed a bit more in confusion, though it no doubt seemed as if it was simply because he didn't understand and in a way he didn't. Draco's words didn't make any sense. He comprehended them but not there meaning... it just... couldn't be right. Still, his emerald gaze seemed to darken with intensity as if he were searching for something that could only be found in the mirrored blues. Other than the furrowed brow, however, he gave no other reaction to the words. [I feel like I'm leaving a lot of this to you and for that I am srry ^^; ]
Stranger: Three minutes was apparently more than Draco thought. Blaise behind him says something about Draco not getting anywhere and he rolls his eyes. "I'm just wearing the bloody clock down." He lies, and somehow looking at Harry's confused expression just. Hurt. It felt like he knew what Draco was saying but just, couldn't even comprehend it. And suddenly he felt disgusted with himself, it was an old feeling. For a split second, it shower on his face, and he looked down, then back up at Harry, "Sod it." He rolls his eyes, all snark and none of the flirtation or the hurt and shame that had been there before, he just leans in real close, back arched, and honestly dramatically, he moans out, "Oh, /Potter/" as he basically flops down, rolling as he went so he was almost, almost laying his head in his lap. He was careful not to actually touch him. "All I want is your big, fat, Saviour cock in me." Which at the very least gets a hearty laugh out of Blaise, and Pansy, and even Longbottom chokes on a chuckle. Weasley and Granger both just choke, "/Pleaase/ pump one of your /perfect/ loads in me," he writhes on the floor next to him, hands roaming over his own body dramatically, with a frankly /perfect/ pork star moan, "Oh, Merlin, I /need/ it Potter, save me, Chosen One, save me with your /massive cock/"
Stranger: ((pork star is officially my favourite typo of ALL time))
Stranger: ((Porn***))
You: I
You: am
You: fucking
You: dying
Stranger: XDDD over just pork star or over Draco's display??
You: [Mostly the pork star but Draco's display is perf. *applauds*]
Stranger: ((Yeah no pork star is fucking typo gold))
You: [Agreed!]
You: Harry waited, practically hanging on for the next word. There was a brief moment of silence before the moan of Harry's name filled the room and he frowned, letting out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. He watched Draco's ridiculous display, his frown only deepening before he gave his own eye roll. "You win." He stated flatly as he pushed to his feet, obviously done with it all. Draco's drastic change had gotten to him. He was confused and suddenly exhausted.
Stranger: "Oh, come on!" He laughs, watching him go. "That was /funny/." He says, grinning a bit hollowly up at him, upside down on the floor. His hair was longer, worn a bit loosely, he hadn't been bothering with doing much to it, so it was spread out under his head in a white-blonde, wavy halo. "Don't you think I'm pretty, Potter?Tu as écouté si attentivement à Mon français" he taunts, "Am I not good enough in the Queen's English, Potter?"
Stranger: ((You listened so carefully to my french"))
You: Harry gave a dismissive wave, as he turned to storm towards his room. He paused at the sound of the French once more, his annoyance only growing with the words.He turned on his heel with a glare, just inside the thresh hold towards his room. "C'est simplement parce que vous étiez plus intéressant en français." He shot back, only wanting to wait long enough to catch Draco's reaction before he would disappear down the hall.
You: [still with me?]
Stranger: It was, admittedly, a bit clunky. And formal. And it didn't sound conversational or casual. And his accent was... awful. Draco's mouth snapped shut, though. Because that was definitely French. And. Oh. Oh, fuck. There was the look of utter shame, again. Blaise is laughing, "look at Malfoy's /face/ oh, Merlin. You poncey bastard." And. Okay. That was about all he could take. He sits up, "You know what, Zabini? Go fuck yourself gently with the business end of a dragonhide mace, you smarmy cunt." And now it's Draco's turn to storm off. He bumps against Potter on his way to his room and mutters, "You're a right foul git, Potter." As he goes. There's a pause, throughout the room. Draco's door slams. Neville pipes up, "... He left his book..."
You: Harry didn't move to stop him, just shot him another glare as he pushed by. He should just leave it at that. He should have never used that stupid spell... It was better not know. Besides, his French was bad even to his ears; the spell had done just enough to get him by at least. His attention went from the door to Draco's room back to the common area at Neville's words and after a moment's hesitation he strode back to the boy and offered his hand out for the book silently.
Stranger: Neville looks a bit uncomfortable. But then he hands the book over. "I... didn't know you spoke much French, Harry." He says. Hermione looks surprised, too. Ron scoffs. "Bloody hell if he was saying anything like that in French I don't know how you kept such a straight face.." And cue Blaise, "What DID he say?"
You: Harry took the book, and flipped through the pages briefly, not making eye contact with anyone.. "I don't." He answered Neville, "And he didn't." He answered Ron before completely and obviously ignoring Blaise, before turning back towards his room, book in hand.
You: Draco obviously didn't expect anyone to understand his words which meant they were private. Harry might not quite understand what they all mean but he knew it wasn't for any of them to know at the moment.
Stranger: Draco was leaning out his window, cigarette hanging off his lip, a hand in his hair. He'd shut the door but- shocker. He wasn't allowed a lock. He'd already been barefoot and timeless, out there. (He recalls the first time Potter had seen Draco walk out of his room like that. He stared at Draco's feet for an uncomfortable amount of time. Until Draco had finally said 'what did you think I just had little pegs that expensive shoes attached to?" And he'd actually gotten something almost like a laugh) The memory makes him groan, now. Sucking a drag off his cigarette and thumping his head against the windowsill. He was already more undressed, now, having immediately shucked his trousers and pulled on a thick jumper. It was dark blue and had a cowl neck, wide sleeves, and he'd yet to bother with pulling anything on over his trunks.
Stranger: ((To remove confusion bc I've no idea where you're from precisely and am not actually sure how common the term is or who would even know this trunks are basically pants somewhere between boxer briefs and reg. Briefs. An American once asked why he had a swimsuit on when I used the term xD))
You: [XD lol I'm from Texas but I actually watch way to much British Television but I really do appreciate the clarification. I remember the first time I actually had to have someone clarify. It was pretty embarrassing lol]
Stranger: ((I live in the states now but spent some of my childhood in Manchester so everything is all screwy. Half the time I'm positive something is American slang and am dead wrong. I called fireworks bangers once and was greeted with so many chuckles.))
Stranger: ((Then i said "Oh you thought i meant sausages" and there were even MORE laughs))
You: Harry stepped into his room, book tucked under his arm, closing the door behind him. He gave a huff as he plopped onto the bed, stretching out a bit as he stared up at the ceiling still frustrated. Did Draco really think that about his eyes? Did it really matter? Surely it was just one of those passing thoughts that everyone had. Kind of like the way he could appreciate the way Draco's shirts squeezed his upper arms so well or his perfectly form fitting jeans... okay no. He gave another huff, kicking off his shoes. This was just stupid he just needed to forget about it.
He sat there for some time, trying to do just that, distracting himself the best he could with anything he could think of; like reciting the alphabet backwards like Hermoine had or listing every spell he knew by heart... but after a bit he finally threw in the towel and pushed to his feet, collecting the book he had tossed on his nightstand and heading across the hall. He'd just knock on the bloody door and demand to know what it was all about... Right... Easy...
Still he hesitated, lifting his hand only to pause... try again... same result. Finally he gave a curse under his breath and knocked.
You: [Lol I love it! Thats super cute. I actually started using the word trouser instead of pants a long time ago and everytime I had to write an order form for uniforms at work I'd get made fun of lol. All in good humor of course.]
Stranger: Awe lol s'cute. Brb I have to ice my arm))
You: [???]
Stranger: ((I broke my elbow))
You: [Oof. Srry to hear that.]
Stranger: ((Still healing lol))
Stranger: ((Well dislocated it. It happens. ))
Stranger: ((I have a joint thing in one arm. ))
You: [Sounds painful]
Stranger: ((Oh 10/10 worst pain of my life. ))
You: [<3]
Stranger: By the time Harry knocked Draco was starting his second cigarette, though it wasn't lighted yet. He rolls his eyes. It's probably Pansy, trying to worm her way back into his good graces. "What." He says flatly as he yanks the door open, still not wearing any trousers. And that was Potter. At his door. He drops his cigarette. "... um."
You: Harry had planned on exactly what he wanted to say but as Draco pulled open the door, all coherent thought left him; his gaze lowering to take in the other boy's state. His stare lingered briefly before he cleared his throat and glanced away. What was he doing? Oh the book! Right! He lifted the book high enough to almost use as a barrier between them, gaze still averted. He didn't say a word, still unable to.
Stranger: He bends, picks up his cigarette and snatches the book away from him, hastily, slamming the door in his face right after. He smacks himself in the face. Stupid. Fucking. Stupid. He pulls a pair of sweats on, they were knee length, sinched at the ends and lacing up the front. He swings the door open again. "Ta." He says, and then goes to swing the door shut again.
You: Harry did /not/ want to watch Draco bend to pick up the fallen fag, absolutely NOT. He didn't have long to think about it before the door was being slammed in his face. He blinked, staring at the polished wood dumbly before it opened again. He let the other boy close it in his face once more, jaw setting in annoyance. Fine. Obviously he was indeed over thinking it.
"You're welcome!" He called loudly, tone exposing his mood. "Prick." He grumbled more under his breath as he turned back across the hall.
Stranger: The door doesn't open but Draco's voice is clear enough, "Fuck you too Potter! You don't get to be pissy at me right now!" And there's a thump. He threw something at his door. You know. Like an adult.
You: That did it! "Oh?! And why is that?!" He snapped in return, from where he stood in his doorway. "Because you're having your own tantrum! I was just returning your book you knob!"
You: [I'm going to have to go soon. But I don't want this to end T.T could we continue elsewhere?]
Stranger has disconnected.
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