#*bernie sanders voice* i am once again asking you to make new tags for the dn fandom and to tag your fics with them
grimalkinmessor · 5 months
I made a little post complaining about the lack of a Light Bashing tag, and now the time has come for me to expand on what exactly counts as bashing! :D
Bashing is described as "villainizing a character, and representing them without any redeeming qualities", and "...demonizing a character, referring to them with derogatory terms, or making them the subject of deathfics or spitefics". Deathfics aren't so common for Light (L Bashing is more common in those, though I have seen Light Bashing in deathfics centered around L) but I think spitefics fit very nicely with some of the ones I've seen.
Generally bashing is a negative deviation from the original character's personality by either ONLY representing their flaws, EXAGGERATING their flaws, or making up NEW flaws.
In Light's case, this is done by presenting him as someone stupid, incompetent, heartless, cowardly, arrogant, and/or sadistic. And yes, given that Light is a villain, arrogant and cowardly do describe his character—TO AN EXTENT. The representation of these traits only becomes bashing when they're pointed out repeatedly and/or exaggerated. (When I say repeatedly I mean it becomes an underlying theme in the story rather than a single part of it, harped on rather than just mentioned).
Now, where I think a lot of people get tripped up is this: Light's looks do not count as a redeeming quality. If your story's stance on him is "he's evil and stupid and I hate him but he's hot so it's okay"—that still counts as bashing.
In fact, even if you DO feature his good qualities in your story, if the bad outweighs the good then that would count as bashing.
Now, where this gets muddied up is, again, the fact that Light is a villain. "But Grim," you say. "How am I supposed to write Light authentically if I can't write him doing bad things?" You can write him doing bad things! You can write him being evil and awful! In fact I encourage it!
What I'm saying isn't that you should morally whitewash Light—I'm saying that bashing is an ignorance of nuance in a negative direction. Writing Light killing people isn't bashing. Writing Light killing people for no reason or for fun is bashing. Writing Light being an absent lover isn't bashing. Writing Light being an abusive lover is bashing. Bashing is, again, a discernible deviation from the known character in a way that makes them worse than they are, or refers to them in a derogatory manner.
"Well Light IS that awful, he SHOULD be demonized! Light SHOULD be referred to in a derogatory manner!" <- this is ignoring character nuance. If you write your fics like this, I politely ask that you tag them as Light Bashing (preferably as Yagami Light Bashing or Light Yagami Bashing, given that there's already a tag for light bashing that isn't Death Note related) because this counts.
And you should do this for every character in your story!! Maybe you enjoy Light, maybe you do enjoy the nuance of his character—you might still ignore L's. Or Misa's. Or Matsuda's. Or Mikami's. Or Near's. Or Mello's. Or a hundred other characters that I haven't mentioned. Don't think I haven't seen just as many fics that ought to be tagged as Soichiro Yagami Bashing out there too 🫵
Bashing is not inherently bad. A lot of people like those sorts of fics, especially when they hate the same characters you do. But the problem the DN fandom seems to have is UNTAGGED bashing. There are several tags that haven't been implemented that honestly should be, and I think it's just because the Death Note fandom is so old. It comes from before the tagging system, from before AO3 was even a thing. Times where authors had to toss up a warning in parentheses right before the smut started 😅
But we DO have a tag system now—and a very good one. I'm asking people to pretty please use it. Help people that hate the same characters you do find your fics. Help people that love those same characters avoid them. It's only polite 💖
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figsandphiltatos · 8 months
WIP Whenever
i was tagged by the wonderful and talented @johaerys-writes
tagging the usual gang, no pressure as always @dearestaeneas @deadchannelradio @sarcasticbeanie and!! anyone else that sees this and wants to share something go for it
(bernie sanders voice) i am once again putting the writing behind a read more.
it's more oc stuff i swear one day i'll start writing and thinking about something other than ocs but,,, that day is not today
“Dick said you lost your tooth?” Jason stood in the doorway, still dressed in his body armor, sounding disappointed. He had already missed the first time they lost a tooth with the family. He had promised to help them out the second time. I know a trick, he had promised with a wink. 
“Yeah.” Wes said, baring their teeth so Jason could see the gap where a tooth had been when he’d left last week. With the top incisor still coming in and a new gaping hole, their smile looked like it had been haphazardly thrown together by someone who wasn’t quite sure what they were trying to emulate. Jason knelt down next to them to get a better look. 
“Damn. I’m sorry, kid.” He had promised to be there. But things were complicated. Surely he had meant to. And Wes couldn’t really get a grasp on any anger they might have felt after overhearing the muffled yelling from a room over. 
He didn’t make any promises about next time.
“Your uncle’s pretty set on taking you back to Blüdhaven with him.” He looked down at his gloved hands and sighed. 
At 22, Wes could try and imagine what it would be like to suddenly have a seven year old to take care of. It only truly made sense then that their father had practically been a kid himself at the time. But when they were younger, Jason had looked so old and so exhausted at times like these. It was hard to think of him as anything but the adult in the room. 
“You’d better go. Roy and I will come and visit.” He hated visiting Blüdhaven. Almost as much as he hated visiting Gotham. He never said as much to Wes, but it wasn’t like it was hard to tell. “Cross my heart.” 
Wes just wrapped their arms around him and tried to promise themself they wouldn’t be upset if he didn’t visit. They also promised themself they wouldn't cry. They were tired and overwhelmed and the yelling hadn't helped, but there was a constant pressure to be brave that no one had directly laid at their feet, but Wes had picked up regardless. 
There was an awkward silence for a beat after the hug, before something caught Jason's eye. “The tooth fairy gave you these?” He asked, reaching over towards Wes' suitcase and the shuriken neatly stacked next to it. He picked one up gently, inspecting it and obviously fighting back some kind of smile. 
“Yes.” Wes said. “I got one to stick in the wall.” They offered up, hoping for some kind of praise. Maybe Uncle Dick would even let them show Jason before they left. They hadn't packed the weapons yet because they were debating whether to hide them. Something told them Dick wouldn't be enthused by the tooth fairy's gift. 
Jason stifled a chuckle. He was never any good at playing the part of the stern parent. “Things like these are really dangerous, Wes.” He sighed, reaching over to grab the rest of the shuriken. They were almost the size of Wes' entire hand, but they fit much better in Jason's grasp. They were his, after all. 
“But, the tooth fairy—”
“The tooth fairy gave me this to give to you.” Jason shoved the shuriken in one pocket of his jacket while rummaging around in another with his free hand. Finally, he produced a relatively impressive wad of cash. It was no Gotham tooth fairy payout, but it was more than generous. “Sometimes, when the tooth fairy knows a kid is going to lose a tooth, she gives their parents the money a little early. Like an advance. Since, ya know, the tooth fairy is so busy. And, uh, I guess since I wasn't here there was a mix up. Sorry about that, kid.” Jason was never particularly good with things like the tooth fairy or Santa, either. 
“Oh,” Wes tried their best not to sound disappointed. They swallowed the urge to insist that he should at least see how far they could stand from the wall while still sticking the shuriken into it—though, the holes in the gym wall would speak for themselves. “Thank you.” They almost blurted as they took the cash, suddenly remembering their manners. 
Jason’s expression was stuck somewhere bittersweet. He looked almost guilty when he opened his mouth to speak, but a voice from the doorway interrupted. “Ready to go, little bird?” 
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pixelatedrose · 4 years
Soulbound part Six
First | Previous | Part 6 | Next
Ao3 link
Word Count: 2,651
Pairings: Platonic LAMP, Prinxiety, Logicality, background Remile
Warnings: uncensored swearing, unsympathetic Deceit, one small mention of being shot (metaphorically), if i missed anything please please tell me and if there's something in particular you want me to tag, don't be afraid to let me know!!
Roman Prince and Logan Rose are soulmates. They’re platonic soulmates though. They both have the same Soul mark to prove it. But they both have one other soul mark, binding them to one other person. And when they find Patton Miles, it just so happens that they’re both his soulmate. Logan being his Soulbound Soulmate, and Roman being a platonic soulmate. But something feels missing. And it feels filled, shockingly so, when they meet a certain someone a year and a half after they found each other.
Chapter 6
  It was five minutes till the bell and 15 minutes ago Roman had given up on hoping Mr. Sanders and Virgil would come back. For all he knew they could be through a magical portal and would come back a day later and twice their ages and having gone incredible life changing journeys and Virgil would have realized too late that he wanted to be Roman's bestest friend in the entire world.
  Of course if that happened Roman would be pissed cause they went on a magical journey without him!!!
  "SORRY CLASS!!" Mr. Sanders announced loudly, bursting in through the door dramatically. Roman, who had been standing near the door, jumped nearly 5 feet in the air and suppressed a shriek, having it come out as a scream instead. Not much better.
  The class laughed softly and from behind the teacher, Roman saw Virgil.
  And what a sight he was.
  His eyes were tear streaked and red, but his eyes danced with joy as he held back a laugh. It was like witnessing raining stars, if you know what that is; when the sun shines on falling hail, it looks like sparkling stars streaking from the heavens.
  There were still the remnants of tears caught in his lashes and just the tip of his nose was red, matching his cheeks. And somehow, it was only then that Roman noticed his freckles, unmasked by tears and a lack of concealer.
  He was beautiful.
  And once again Roman got caught up in the moment and had forgotten where he was and what had happened.
  Virgil seemed to have caught Roman's staring and threw his hood over his head, obscuring his eyes, however failing to hide his shy smile that he thought he was so cleverly masking.
  "Well! Sorry about that but it's all over now and I would sincerely appreciate it if you didn't mention this to people!" Mr. Sanders finally said when the class settled down.
  Rose raised her hand. "I'll be happy to keep my mouth shut, but what happened exactly?"
  Mr. Sanders hesitated and Roman saw Virgil, who was still behind in the hall, stiffen up and all joy flicker off his face, his eyes shimmering with an uncomfortable glaze.
  Roman's emotions sizzled softly under his skin and he was about to turn on his friend when Mr. Sanders beat him to it in a much kinder tone.
  "That's something that I think can stay between me and my brother. Sorry, Rose."
  Had Roman been drinking anything it would be long sprayed over the rest of the class.
  Virgil and Mr. Sanders are brothers?! I mean I sort of knew they had the same last name, but I mean so does Bernie Sanders but they're not related!!!
  Roman opened his mouth to voice his disbelief, not catching the horrified look on a small emo boy's face. "Wai-"
  Ding!! Ding!! Ding!!
  Damn that bell.
  "Alright class! That's it for today and don't forget that the syllabus needs to be signed by Monday!!" Mr. Sanders called to his students who were shuffling around the room now, grabbing their books and bags and slowly filing out of the room.
  And swept up in the crowd, Roman lost sight of a purple haired boy with pale skin and pretty blue eyes.
  Roman cursed under his breath but halfway back home he silently blessed that the universe swept the small boy away from him. Virgil had obviously had a trying day. He didn't need a near stranger nagging him for information on his personal life after such a day.
  Virgil could have melted into the ground then and there when Thomas had announced to the whole class that they were brothers. Luckily the bell saved him and before Roman inevitably came looking for him (he had every other time of the day) Virgil slipped into the crowd and disintegrated his presence.
  He slipped into a side hall and watched Roman pass him by, a look of hot disappointment tracing his features. 
  It stung a little to watch, but Virgil could deal with a tinge of regret for a few seconds if it meant he could escape the drama of the day for a breath or two.
  After everyone was out of sight he turned around and went back into the classroom.
  "There you are!" Thomas said happily. "I thought you'd ended up running home. Which would have been fine I mean, it's your choice after all." He rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish and sloppy grin plastered on his face awkwardly.
  Virgil nodded. "Yeah it's fine. I want to talk to you about the letters anyway." Sudden realization dawned Virgil's mind and he frantically ran a hand through his hair. "Oh god of course I overlooked things!!"
  "Hey, is everything okay, Virgil?"
  "Yeah...I mean no! I mean- ugh!!" Virgil threw his hood over his head once again. "Mom will freak out if she doesn't know where I am…" He looked up at Thomas who had disappointment glazing his eyes. Virgil tried to correct himself. "Oh!! No no, no I'll just tell her I'm at a friend's house!!" He nodded to himself. "Yeah that will work!"
  Thomas looked at him. "Alright, I'll be in my office cleaning stuff up and then we can go if you're absolutely sure."
  Virgil nodded and pulled out his phone. He opened the messaging app and clicked on his mother's profile picture. He never did like calling people. Even his mom. He'd rather send a text and plan out what he's going to say rather than be put on the spot.
  He typed out a quick message and pressed send. Two seconds later Virgil's phone lit up with the call menu. Mom was written across the top and his mother's smiling face was flashing at him.
  Dammit, mom! Don't you know that texting is easier?!
  He answered the phone bringing the violent buzzing to a stop.
  "Hheeeyyyy mom!" Virgil said awkwardly. Not that his mother noticed apparently.
  "Virgey, honey! Tell me what is it that you're doing?" She sounded genuinely confused and Virgil had to hold himself back from facepalming.
  "Mom, I sent you a text…"
  "Oh I know, baby, it's just that mummy would rather hear it from you and not some computer thing."
  "Mom it's literally the same thing."
  "Oh it is? Oh...Well I wanted to hear your voice anyway!"
  Virgil rubbed the bridge of his nose before returning to the phone. "It's fine mom! I just wanted to go and hang out and study at a friend's house. That's all."
  There was a pause on the line and Virgil knew he'd met his doom. Of course she wasn't going to let him!! He should have just walked straight home and not looked back, he should have-
  "Oh honey!! You've already made friends?!"
  It was like being shot through the skull. Virgil you idiot you don't have any friends. How can you go over to a friend's house if the friends don't fucking exist.
  "Yep!! I've already made a friend!" Virgil lied through his teeth, sweating bullets.
  "Aww!! My baby's growing up and making friends!! What's their name? What are you studying?? Who are they???"
  Shit, shit, shit, fuck, uhhhh….. Virgil thought desperately of someone he could use as a friend. And before he had completed the thought in his mind, his mouth started forming words.
  "Roman Prince." Virgil said confidently.
  Wait fuck no-
  "Oh that's lovely! Well you have fun with your new friend darling dear!! I'm expecting you home by 5:30 for dinner!!" His mother squealed, the way she half sighed half giggled the word 'Friend' sending warm shivers across his cheeks. He knew he didn't have any friends but it wasn't something to swoon over!! Virgil heard the call end and he was left with a hot, embarrassed blush across his face and his mouth open like he was ready to catch something in it.
  "She was overly excited and way too quick to accept it wasn't she?" Thomas asked, coming out of his office with a shoulder bag.
  Virgil shook himself back to the present and nodded his head. "Yeah…"
  "Yep she's like that. Doesn't care where you are but cares way too much about what you're doing. She'll probably try and read any journals you keep tonight. Either that or she won't leave you alone during dinner."
  "She was like that when you were a kid too?"
  "Oh yeah. Deva doesn't seem to have changed much, if I'm being honest. And it's only more clear now why dad left her…"
  "Oh...She's...She's not that bad, is she?"
  "I mean in my opinion yes. But I can't force you to think things."
  Virgil arrived at Thomas's place after a car ride full of belting out Disney songs as loud as possible and talking about the darker meanings behind each movie, and Virgil just felt that much more comfortable around his brother.
  "And welcome to my humble abode, brother Virgil!" Thomas said theatrically.
  Virgil rolled his eyes. "I see why you're the theater teacher, now."
  Thomas smiled before cupping his hands around his mouth. "GUSS-GUSS, JAQ, I'M HOME!!"
  "You have roommates?"
  "Yeah but they don't pay rent. And they're a mess to clean up after."
  "That doesn't sound like they're good roomies…"
  "Oh they make up for it by being cute."
  Thomas walked up the stairs waving Virgil to follow. He rounded into a room that was sure to be his and flicked on the lights, strutting over to a cage on the far wall.
  Virgil took the time to drink in the room and Thomas' s house. It was nice, and it smelled more like home than "home" ever did to Virgil.
  Thomas returned holding two fluffy objects in his hands. "This is Guss-Guss and Jaq!" He said bubbly. He held out his hands which were clasped warmly and safely around two mice. "Like I said, they make up for not paying rent by being cute!"
  If Virgil didn't have pride he would have cooed and melted at the sight of the puffballs. "Can I…?" He gestured in an odd way that somehow got his point across.
  "Yes! Yes you can hold them!" Thomas was delighted.
  He handed Virgil the two soft rodents and Virgil squeaked in delight, reminiscent of the mice themselves.
  An hour later, after eating leftover cake, watching Thomas try (and fail) to slide down his banister majestically, and talking about emo bands they were (or are in Virgil's case) into, Virgil and Thomas sat on the couch in the living room, Virgil absently feeding Guss-Guss little bits of coconut shavings.
  "So," Thomas began, Jaq falling asleep in his shirt pocket. "You wanted to talk about the letters? What do you want to talk about?"
  "I don't really know…" Virgil confessed. "I guess I just wanted to talk about them to get to know you better, but I don't know...I already feel like I know you." Virgil paused to pick up the mouse in his lap and delicately placed him on his shoulder. "The other thing was that I wanted to answer all the questions you asked me. But it feels silly just listing them off myself, so-"
  "What's your favorite color?" Thomas interrupted Virgil, a faint and warm smile on his face.
  "What's your favorite color? It was one of the first questions I asked in a letter I think." Thomas's words were soft but his eyes were beaming, as if he was the most clever person ever. "So. What's your favorite color?"
  Virgil smiled widely. "Purple!"
  Two hours later Virgil was being dropped off. He had talked the entire time about things they did, stories Thomas had missed out on, and Virgil's interests. It so happened that Thomas shared a lot of them. They almost got caught up talking about Avatar the last airbender for nearly half an hour towards the end of their talk, and still had a million things they wanted to know.
  "Hey drop me off here!" Virgil asked.
  "Why? Your house is still a block away."
  "I know, but I don't want mom to know I was with you."
  "Ah. That makes a little more sense." Thomas pulled over and let Virgil out of the car.
  Virgil did a double take before running up to the drivers side window and reaching through, giving his older brother the best hug he could from where he was.
  "Thanks, Thomas. I'll see you tomorrow!"
  "See you tomorrow, Virge!!" Thomas called out to the purple haired boy.
  Virge… Virgil had never actually been called Virge before. His mother always ended it with a cutesie "y" at the end, making him feel like a toddler.
  He found that he enjoyed the way Virge sounded.
  It suited him.
  He liked it.
  A boy called Deceit sat in his room thinking. He wanted to get the purple haired boy to be his new puppet friend victim. He stood up and crossed his room, fishing a clean notebook out of an all too messy desk, in the process disturbing the bracelets on his wrist causing a hint of a tattoo to catch the light.
  The boy called Deceit panicked and dropped the notebook, slapping a hand down around his wrist. He took a few calming breaths and adjusted his bracelets again. He picked up his notebook and began writing everything he knew about the purple haired boy down.
  He's reserved.
  But not afraid to talk back.
  He's been through shit and I'll put him through hell.
  He seems fairly depressed and easy to manipulate.
  Use that against him.
  Or don't.
  He's drawn to Roman Prince. That's a problem. I can probably fix that with time.
  He's the new drama teacher's little brother. And at least I'm not an idiot like the rest of this dull lot and I know who the new teach is.
  I can use that too.
  A short boy who was called Deceit thought back to Roman Prince and how he was tied up in all of this when a grand idea struck him as he scribbled out what he had previously written about the semi-popular boy.
  Oh I can use that.
  Oh now this will be a fun game to play!!
  Patton got home from school that day, a little sad that he wasn't able to walk home with Logan that day. His boyfriend had said that he wanted to start going to Chess Club as soon as possible and heaven knows that Chess Club is B O R I N G.
  It had been a particularly odd day for Patton, emotions-wise. He had a slight prickle of dread in him for the first half, followed by tiny warm fuzzies that didn't last too long. That was replaced by more dread bubbles that burst into full blown betrayal and regret by the time 6th period was rolling around.
  It had evened out though, Patton felt unusually happy and content for the rest of the day. It had been a weird few days, but it wasn't something he could help.
  Hormones, amiright?
  Patton flopped down onto his bed and sighed happily. It had been a long while since he had been this blissfully content with his life. He glanced over at his fishtank- He was allergic to cats and his parents wouldn't let him have a dog no matter how much he begged, so he settled for fish.
  Fish and dogs were basically the same thing, right? I mean there was such a thing as a catfish so dogfishes must also exist.
  Patton giggled happily to himself as he imagined a fish on a leash, floppy little dog ears sprouting from its scaly head.
  Something felt right.
  Something felt calm.
  It felt like there were going to be good days ahead.
  And Patton couldn't wait to greet them.
Authors notes:
So uh yeah good news. This chapter WASN'T late!! In fact it's EARLY!! Yeah so i got hit with some mad insomnia last night and ended up writing a whole bunch. It's not a long chapter, but i think it's a good break from all the angst. Don't get too comfy though~
Anyway, love you all and stay fresh and minty my shiny folks!! 💛
@anxietea-and-insanitea @ghostboi-bambi @scrunchiescrunchie @badluckkaren @ambrechandra @nadja-chamack16 @athenashipsthings @slitherynchiken @crooked-harmony-student @icequeenoriginal @just-a-hufflepuff @nerd-in-space @sammys-ghostz @nutsanddults
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pcwpolwrestling · 5 years
Lots of Unhappy People After Extreme Political TV: PCW Newsline
2/28/2019 PCW NEWSLINE -Review of last week’s Extreme Political TV. -Unhappy folks from the Red and Blue Brand shows are upset about Dawn McGill. -An unhappy Jerrold Nadler (NY-Progressive Alliance) is upset about Trump’s Security Enhancements. -An unhappy Mitch Thomas-American Taxpayer joins PCW because he’s upset about the Red Brand doing nothing. -PCW brings more wrestlers in.  Hopefully, some of them will be happy. -McMann really unhappy as the Sports Entertainment Corporation loses another wrestler- now what?
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CURRENT CHAMPIONS OF THE POLITICAL UNIVERSE: Universal PCW Champion: ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay (Independent/Les Miserables) Universal PCW Tag Team Champions: Jill Berg Enterprises: P.M.C. Banks and Kirk Walstreit (American Patriots) Universal PCW Women’s Champion: ‘Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ Tessa Martin (Independent) PWF Red Brand Champion: Kirk Walstreit- the Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit PWF Blue Brand Champion: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels
PWF Red Brand Tag Team Champions: Banks and Walstreit PWF Blue Brand Tag Team Champions: Union Jack Taylor and the Ultimate Social Justice Warrior
LAST WEEK ON EXTREME POLITICAL TV: More on Bernie Sanders (VT-Progressive Alliance) jumping into the 2020 CEO of the Political Universe contest. Plus, a replay of Sanders’s match against Hillary Clinton (NY-Progressive Alliance) in 2016.
‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave discusses the lawsuit filed against the Washington Post by the Covington, Kentucky teenager and the Jussie Smollett fiasco with the Guild of Low Level Reporters Trying to Make a Name for Themselves.
Champion of the Political Universe: ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay defeats The Mononaghelian Stomper in short order. McAvay then talks with backstage reporter Blair Moise about ‘The McAvay Way’ until they’re interrupted by ‘Charlie Wrestling’ Charlie Blackwell.
Blackwell’s split from the SEC (is there anyone left?) and formed a new faction called Main Street USA with Farmer John Deere, Mike the Mechanic, and Sarah Mae Smith. Blackwell announces his intention to dethrone McAvay telling the Champion of the Political Universe “I am the now…I am the future.”
Then Professor McCarthy brings out The Ultimate Social Justice Warrior who says HE’s going to be the one who brings the title to the Progressive Alliance. USJW gets a sour welcome from the fans causing Peta from PETA to compare them to people celebrating Steve Irwin’s birthday. That goes over even worse. But the crowd gets happier when the Irwins come out and give Peta a Total Elimination.
Then it’s ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels turn. Daniels says he’s ‘not as extreme as some of the others’ and he’s the one to ‘wrestle’ the title away from Ray McAvay.
Then, Jill Berg brings out the ‘Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’ Kirk Walstreit and presents him as the one who will become the next Champion of the Political Universe because…Walstreit holds up his velvet painting of Kirk Herbstreit ‘so well.’
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann reacts to Blackwell’s departure by admitting that the SEC needs to ‘clean house and start all over again.’ McMann tells CSPN’s Reese Anderson that he has a plan and everyone will ‘find out soon enough.’
PCW Tag Team Champions Rah and Halitosis aka The Island of Misfit Wrestlers get a huge win over the former champions Weapons of Mass Destruction (A. Tom Bomb and Hy Drogen Bomb) in a non-title match. The Red Brand sent WMD to defeat the reigning PCW Tag champions and WMD, who left PCW right the day of the D.C. Armory supershow, wanted the match because of ‘unfinished business.’ But PCW Owner Dawn McGill thwarted their plan with a well time intervention to throw the match back to the champions.
PCW Champion ‘The One Man Anti-Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism catches up to and destroys the Blue Brand Champion ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels backstage in payback for Daniels’s attack on him at the D.C. Armory show.
The show ends with the Coke Brothers (financiers of the American Patriots) and George Moros (financiers of the Progressive Alliance) very unhappy with the turn of events.
JUST HOW UNHAPPY WERE THEY? Well, at the Red Brand’s Politico Wh-arrr show Monday night, A-Bomb and H-Bomb of Weapons of Mass Destruction went off on PCW Owner Dawn McGill for interfering the match. A-Bomb says McGill knew Rah and Halitosis couldn’t beat them in a fair fight so she made sure her guys won. H-Bomb accused McGill of acting ‘petty’ over their departure.
Charlie Blackwell of Main Street USA and ‘Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’ Kirk Walstreit (Jill Berg Enterprises) are jockeying hard for position to be the American Patriots top candidate to challenge McAvay for the Political Universe title.  Berg is throwing her influence (and money) behind Walstreit to give him an extra edge over Blackwell.
The Never Trump contingent blame the CEO of the Political Universe Donald Trump for ‘allowing’ PCW unfettered executive oversight over its show. Or as one American Patriot opined, “The inmates are definitely running the show over there.”
The Never Trumpers also want one of their own to take the title from Ray McAvay because it would be ‘better for business.’
The next night on the Blue Brand’s Tuesday Night Political Shakedown show, Professor McCarthy led a parade of Progressive Alliance personalities slamming Dawn McGill all night long for allowing PCW Champion Stone Chism to attack the Blue Brand Champion ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels.
Peta from PETA also criticized McGill for letting the Irwin family in to attack her for sticking up for wild animals all over the planet declaring once again: “Animals are people too!”
McCarthy also called for the removal of Ray McAvay as the Champion of the Political Universe and the installation of someone more ‘worthy’ of the title.
Extreme Attorneys Felcher and Felcher complain that part of the problem is that the Champion of the Political Universe is usually determined by someone who’s ‘better’ than everyone else. The Felchers allege this deprives wrestlers of lesser talent from becoming the champion.   D Felcher calls it discriminatory and disenfranchises wrestlers who aren’t as good as others are.  R Felcher suggests that an enlightened ‘panel’ should actually choose the champion based on who best projects the ‘right’ image that everyone should follow.
R Felcher asks “besides, hasn’t Ray McAvay been champion long enough? Maybe it’s someone else’s turn. Someone more befitting of the role champion.”
HOW UNHAPPY IS JERROLD NADLER (NY-PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE) ABOUT TRUMP’S SECURITY PLAN? Nadler spoke at Tuesday Night’s Political Shakedown show about the ongoing controversy surrounding CEO of the Political Universe Donald Trump’s security enhancements at all house shows. Nadler said that preventing people from entering the arenas for Blue Brand, Red Brand, and PCW shows simply because they don’t have tickets is not acceptable. As for families, Nadler took it a step further declaring: “Any instance where families…children…were kept from entering a venue to see a Blue Brand, Red Brand and PCW show because they didn’t have ticket will be investigated to the fullest extent. I intend to hold CEO Trump and his people accountable for these heinous actions.”
Nadler intends to appear at this weekend’s PCW show at the Hulman Center in Terre Haute, Indiana to confront owner Dawn McGill.
We wonder if Nadler’s seen the various videos of McGill literally throwing people through her office door?
SPEAKING OF UNHAPPY, MITCH THOMAS- AMERICAN TAXPAYER WALKS OUT OF RED BRAND SHOW PCW may have picked up another talent when long time veteran Mitch Thomas- American Taxpayer, frustrated at the way he’s been treated by the Red Brand, stopped his match before it started and delivered this blistering screed:
Mitch Thomas: It’s bad enough when some on the Blue Brand side basically tells you they hate you, your paycheck, and each and every day scheme of ways to take a few more bucks off the top of your paycheck. They demand your blind faith and most of all they demand your money. Basically, the message is work your ass off, shut the *BLEEP* up, and pay your *BLEEP* damn taxes. But when the Red side only plays lip service to complaints about what the ‘tax everything that moves’ folks are doing and that’s all. They don’t do a damn thing about it because they’re too busy taking care of big corporations and people who already have advantages over people like us, the Red side aren’t any better. *BLEEP* this. I’m outta here.
Mitch Thomas –“The American Taxpayer” HT: 5’ 10” WT: 185 / HOME: Guymon, OK / FIN: Pencil Sharpener
OTHER ADDITIONS/SUBTRACTIONS Spurred on by the ‘poor treatment of A. Tom Bomb and Hy Drogen Bomb this past weekend, Weapons of Mass Destruction has rejoined PCW…albeit it in a slightly different form…to ‘avenge’ their older siblings.
Weapons of Mass Destruction II MGR: Ensen DeAirey-Bomb aka…I-Bomb HT: 5’ 6” WT: 92 / HOME: Alamogordo, NM / FIN: Incendiary Bomb Newt Tron Bomb…N-Bomb HT: 5’ 11” WT: 190 / HOME: Alamogordo, NM / FIN: Silent, But Deadly Frank Bomb aka…F-Bomb HT: 6’ 2” WT: 200 / HOME: Alamogordo, NM / FIN: F Bomb
A-Bomb and H-Bomb’s younger brother Newt Tron Bomb and Frank Bomb and younger sister Ensen DeAirey-Bomb join PCW as the new Advocates of the American Military Complex.
Also joining…
Ashton Flowers –Man of International Mystery…man AGE: 33 / HT: 5’ 10” WT: 209 / HOME: The 1960’s / FIN: Judo Chop
‘The Bureaucrat’ Andy Riley HT: 6′ 1″ WT: 214 / HOME: Washington, D.C. / FIN: The Code Red Tape VALET: Executive Assistant Melissa
SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION (SEC) UPDATE With the defection of ‘Charlie Wrestling’ Charlie Blackwell last weekend and news breaking that ‘Canadian Bad Boy’ Justin Beaver and Miley Vyrus are joining up with ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels to form a new faction at the Blue Brand, the SEC now officially has zero wrestlers in their stable.
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and the ‘Mouthpiece of the SEC’ Phil Finebaum reiterated to Corporate Sports (Entertainment) Programming Nation aka CSPN’s Reese Anderson and Rebecca Morris today that the situation is well under control.
“The SEC will continue on,” Finebaum promised. “Change is inevitable.”
What does that mean? Stay tuned.
PCW Title Champion: The One Man Anti-Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism #1 Contender: Jack Fraiser #2 Contender: ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott #3 Contender: SNAFU #4 Contender: Average Joe
PCW Tag Team Title Champion: Island of Misfit Wrestlers: Rah and Halitosis #1 Contender: The Dork Dynasty: Leonard and Sheldon Robertson #2 Contender: Truckin’ Average Company: Ken Worth-American Trucker and Brad Company #3 Contender: Rough Justice: D.B. Ruff and Connor Justice #4 Contender: TBD
PCW ON THE ROAD March 1st – Genesis Convention Center / Gary, IN March 2nd – Hulman Center / Terre Haute, IN March 8th – United Wireless Center / Dodge City, KS March 9th – Tony’s Pizza Events Center / Salina, KS March 10th – Hartman Arena / Park City, KS March 16th – Jamestown Civic Center / Jamestown, SD March 22nd – Silverstein Eye Centers Arena / Independence, MO March 23rd – Qwest Center Omaha / Omaha, NE March 24th – Sanford Pentagon / Sioux Falls, SD March 30th – Taft Coliseum / Columbus, OH April 6th – Loose Cannons Unleashed PPV @ the D.C. Armory / Washington, D.C.
THIS WEEK ON PCW EXTREME POLITICAL TV -Jerrold Nadler shows up at Extreme Political TV -It’s the day of reckoning for the Sports Entertainment Corporation.  What will Mr. McMann do? -Number One Contender’s Match-PCW Title: ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott vs. Jack Fraiser. -PCW Champion Stone Chism will be in action in a non-title match.
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pcwpolwrestling · 5 years
State of PCW Speech Set: PCW Newsline
/31/2019 PCW NEWSLINE -Review of last week’s Extreme Political TV -State of PCW Speech scheduled for February 5th -Red Brand and Blue Brands hit the road this weekend -SEC update -McAvay and Blackwell talk about each other -PCW Rankings
CURRENT CHAMPIONS: Universal PCW Champion: ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay (Independent/Les Miserables) Universal PCW Tag Team Champions: Sports Entertainment Corporation: P.M.C. Banks and Charlie Blackwell (American Patriots) Universal PCW Women’s Champion: ‘Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ Tessa Martin (Independent) PWF Red Brand Champion: Kirk Walstreit- the Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit PWF Blue Brand Champion: Vacant PWF Red Brand Tag Team Champions: Banks and Blackwell PWF Blue Brand Tag Team Champions: Union Jack Taylor and the Ultimate Social Justice Warrior
LAST WEEK ON EXTREME POLITICAL TV: PCW CEO Donald Trump announced that the shutdown of the Red and Blue Brand is temporarily over and shows will resume starting tomorrow night. The new deadline for a resolution to the security crisis is February 15th.
The Voice of PCW Johnny Suave and Low Level Reporter at the New York Times Trying to Make a Name for Herself’ Colleen Crowder get into an on-air argument over the Ray McAvay/Codee Pink ‘smiling’ incident that ends when Suave cuts off Crowder’s microphone. Crowder would later go to PCW Owner Dawn McGill to complain and end up having to throw herself out McGill’s office.
Ken Worth-American Trucker defeated the SEC’s Justin Beaver via DQ. Post-match, Kirk Walstreit and P.M.C. Bank argue with Mr. McMann and then leave the ringside area without the rest of the SEC. When asked later on in the evening, all the ‘Mouthpiece’ of the SEC Phil Finebaum would say is that ‘everything is fine.’
‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels stood up for Big Hollywood and said tonight would be the end of Stone Chism in Hollywood. PCW backstage reporter Blair Moise reminded him that Chism had already signaled he was done Hollywood. Daniels’s response? “No one says they’re done with Hollywood; Hollywood says when they’re done with Hollywood.”
The new star of the Progressive Alliance Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complained again that PCW wouldn’t buy everyone in the building’s groceries stating “PCW is a business. You need money to be in business. Therefore, PCW should have enough money to buy everyone groceries.” That brought McGill out who reminded Ocasio-Cortez that she wasn’t Donald Trump and invited her to beg and grovel for cash to buy everyone’s groceries from Bernie Sanders (owns four houses), Al Gore (owns 22 room mansion that uses the same amount of electricity to power 15 ordinary homes), or Nancy Pelosi (has enough money to build a wall…around her home to keep undesirables out).
The Island of Misfit Wrestlers: Rah and Halitosis defeated NPC and ‘New Age Sensitive Guy’ Blaine Thomas-Taylor (Progressive Alliance)
Post-match, Professor McCarthy’s Flock again attacked and overwhelmed Rah and Halitosis in a 14 to 2 beatdown. But unlike the Oshkosh, Wisconsin incident, this time McGill, Universal Champion Ray McAvay, McAvay’s Les Miserables, and others came to the rescue and repelled the Flock.
Blair Moise made the official announcement that the Red Brand, Blue Brand, and PCW Heartland would all participate in a supershow at the D.C. Armory in the nation’s capital on February 9th. Ray McAvay will defend the Universal Title versus ‘Charlie Wrestling’ Charlie Blackwell of the Sports Entertainment Corporation. The SEC (P.M.C. Banks and Kirk Walstreit) will defend the Universal Tag Team Title against Union Jack Taylor and the Ultimate Social Justice Warrior of the Progressive Alliance. And ‘Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ Tessa Martin will defend the Universal Women’s Title against long-time rival Kathryn Randall Collins.
MAIN EVENT/NON-TITLE MATCH: PCW Heartland Champion ‘The One Man Anti-Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism defeated ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels
RED BRAND AND BLUE BRAND SHOWS START BACK UP As part of the deal made to reopen the American Patriots Red Brand and Progressive Alliance Blue Brand, both brands make their official return to action this weekend under the PWF (Political Wrestling Federation) banner.
McMANN MAKES A DEAL WITH McGILL Well, ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann struck a deal with PCW Owner Dawn McGill to officially separate the two entities. McGill will retain the right to all PCW-related names and shows and received a healthy amount of cash to make the accord with McMann. The deal was okayed by PCW CEO Donald Trump and McGill signed off on the paperwork yesterday.
So starting this weekend, the PCW Heartland title will be changed back to the PCW title…the Heartland Tag Team title changed back to the PCW Tag Team title. PCW will remain a part of the Political Universe (or…PU…) and Ray McAvay will continue on as the Universal Champion.
The upside for PCW is some money in the coffers and a little stability.
SOME AREN’T TOO HAPPY WITH THE DEAL… …mainly Professor McCarthy and his Flock- who’ve been at odds with Dawn McGill since PCW returned. Professor McCarthy complained about McGill’s ‘bad behavior’ being rewarded and vowed to do everything in his power to make her pay for her impertinence.
REACTION FROM THE TWO MAIN FACTIONSMitch McConnell (KY-American Patriots) reacted to the deal: “Well, it’s like any other business. They will either sink or swim depending on their own merits. Now, it looks like McGill has enough money in the bank to grow her brand.”
Nancy Pelosi (CA-Progressive Alliance): “Dawn McGill is making a big mistake here. She needs us. PCW needs us. All businesses need a strong, central government telling them what to do and how to succeed. She’s giving all that up to go on her own.”
DATE OF STATE OF PCW SPEECH SET Another byproduct of the end of the shutdown is the announcement from President of the Executive Committee Nancy Pelosi (CA-Progressive Alliance) that PCW CEO Donald Trump (NY-American Patriots) will deliver the State of PCW Speech on Tuesday February 5th.
SEC UPDATE Following the Justin Beaver match with Ken Worth-American Trucker, ‘The Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’ Kirk Walstreit and P.M.C. Banks left ringside after a dust-up with ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann. McMann spent the week trying to mend fences with Walstreit and Banks in a bid to keep them from returning to the American Patriots faction.
McAVAY vs. BLACKWELL In an interview earlier in the week, Universal Champion ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay gave his upcoming challenger at the D.C. Armory show ‘Charlie Wrestling’ Charlie Blackwell of the Sports Entertainment Corporation his due. McAvay said Blackwell and him used to be like brothers in Les Miserables so when it was time for him to go out on his own…Ray admitted that he was a little hurt…at first. But McAvay admitted that Blackwell turned his career around when he joined the SEC.
As for Blackwell, he had this to say about McAvay: “There’s a big difference between Ray McAvay before his surgery and after. He’s not the wrestler he once was. He’s going to rely on parlor tricks and Bert the Janitor slipping the Big Bertha to him at the right moment. It’s not going to matter. I am the best wrestler in Political Championship Wrestling, period…end of story.”
CURRENT CHAMPIONS: Universal Champion: ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay (Independent/Les Miserables) Universal Tag Team Champions: Sports Entertainment Corporation: P.M.C. Banks and Charlie Blackwell Universal Women’s Champion: ‘Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ Tessa Martin (Independent)
PCW Title Champion: The One Man Anti-Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism #1 Contender: Jack Fraiser #2 Contender: SNAFU #3 Contender: ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott
PCW Tag Team Title Champion: Weapons of Mass Destruction: A. Tom Bomb and Hy Drogen Bomb #1 Contender: Island of Misfit Wrestlers: Rah and Halitosis #2 Contender: The Dork Dynasty: Leonard and Sheldon Robertson #3 Contender: The Beer Bellied Softball Playing Ninja: Hank and Tiny
THIS WEEK ON PCW EXTREME POLITICAL TV -PCW confronts the Polar Vortex of Doom. -Professor McCarthy continues to wage war against Dawn McGill -#1 contender’s matches for the PCW and PCW Tag team title. The winners will get title shots on February 9th at the D.C. Armory supershow.
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