#*  // ♛  ⧽ musings.
inflictswounds · 3 months
god you guys have NO idea how badly my muses need friends like - i think a friendship could fix them. real and not clickbait
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cryopathiic-a · 10 months
˗ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗ KYAA!
❝ I can't believe Muzan-sama has finally noticed my relentless efforts to please him! I knew this day would come, of course, as I, unlike the others, have never disappointed his Grace, but— to hear such sweet praise from his wise lips... My heart almost skipped a beat! ❞ And yet, he wasn't even blushing.
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❝ Acolytes! Herald that there will be a festivity to commemorate this amazing day; because I am feeling very happy right now, and I need to remember that moment in the future. Let us celebrate and pray to the glorious Sun God for her kindness and her generosity to bless even the unworthy with her life-giving light! Go! And do not spare the fireworks or the flowers! My God is deserving of more than what your feeble minds could ever fathom, because his wisdom is infinite and so is his power! ❞
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sunthieving · 6 months
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SPELL OUT YOUR URL IN SONG TITLES. tagged by: @peculiarbeauty tagging: any one who wants to!
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S - soldier, poet, king - the oh hellos
there will come a soldier / who carries a mighty sword / he will tear your city down / there will come a ruler / whose brow is laid in thorn / smeared with oil like david's boy
U - unsatisfied - nine black alps
should look where you're going / or where you're gonna hide / should be feeling something / of another life / unsatisfied / so why'd you wanna hide every little lie? / unsatisfied
N - not afraid anymore - halsey
crawling underneath my skin / sweet talk with a hint of sin / begging you to take me / devil underneath your grin sweet thing / bet you play to win / heaven gonna hate me
T - thief - ansel elgort
call me a thief / there's been a robbery / I left with her heart / tore it apart / made no apologies / just call me a thief
H - happy accidents - saint motel
freckles form a line around your face / and I get lost when I try to find my way / and I start to tumble down / pick me back up off the ground / ever think what if we never met / you love me but you don't know it yet / everything is just an accident / a happy accident
I - I feel good about this - the mowgli's
all around the only thing I ever really think about / and even in the dark I see the light somehow / we're safe and sound / you and I just yelling off the balcony / all the time / just waiting for your friends to leave / and finally / so can we
E - everything I ever thought I knew - zachary levi
everything I yearned for / everything I planned / all my sweetest memories were castles made of sand / now that it's all crumbling / help me understand / if none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be
V - vagabond - caamp
vagabond dreamin' takes me through the night / sippin' whiskey by the river living out of sight / one hundred miles an hour in the fast lane / one hundred miles an hour towards the light
I - i'm a wanted man - royal deluxe
they didn't know it when they turned me loose / I shot the sheriff and I slipped the noose / the law ain't ever been a friend of mine / I would kill again to keep from doing time / you should never trust my kind / i'm a wanted man
N - natural - imagine dragons
and you're standing on the edge face up / cause you're a natural / a beating heart of stone / you gotta be so cold / to make it in this world / yeah you're a natural / living your life cutthroat / you gotta be so cold / yeah you're a natural
G - golden hour - jvke
I was all alone with the love of my life / she's got glitter for skin / my radiant beam in the night / I don't need no light to see you / shine / it's your golden hour / you slow down time / in your golden hour
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khalesci · 1 month
Haven't picked Dany's exact birthday/nameday but based on how I have her zodiac, I would say sometime in early April. Maybeeee the 9th or the 13th based purely on vibes and the whole theme of 3 being an important number.
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9iovanni · 2 months
"You got a little shine, but not like this."
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➟ full name: giovanni john vallata ➟ nicknames/alias: vanni ➟ pronunciation guide: (joh)-VAHN-nee ➟ age: twenty-five ➟ birthday: february 14, 1999 ➟ sexuality: bi-curious ➟ relationship status: single ➟ occupation: florist @ casablanca blooms & coffee + freelance photographer ➟ current residence: casablanca, chile ➟ height: 6'0 ➟ spoken languages: spanish and english ➟ face claim: tyler "HOOK" senerchia
➟ vanni was born in brooklyn, new york, usa. but, at the age of four, his family immigrated to chile when his father retired from being a color commentator for professional wrestling promotions in the usa. vanni has not been back to the states since he left. because of this, vanni grew up learning about chilean culture and speaking spanish with his teachers and peers. vanni learned how to speak english through conversing with his parents and acting as a translator for them. additionally, vanni’s parents hired a personal tutor for him to become fluent in english. he has very little knowledge of american culture besides what he has learned through various tv shows, music, and news media.
➟ vanni suffers from a horrible case of resting bitch face. his parents tell him its because of his italian and new york roots. the man is also an introvert. he prefers to live up in his own head and sit back to observe the rambunctious parties. however, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy his fair share of attention. vanni would argue his introversion and mean looks are all part of what attracts the ladies to him. despite being a hopeless romantic, vanni also doesn’t see the harm in fooling around with whatever lady is interested in him at the moment. “why not give her the night of her life? she’s interested in me.” being born on valentine’s day and named after don giovanni, vanni lives up to expectations of being a womanizer but has never initiated such encounters. vanni only sees the value in his effort if he wants to seriously pursue someone to be his life parter.
➟ vanni graduated with two degrees in photography and digital media. while attending the university, vanni was living with his parents. as soon as he graduated and had saved enough money because he didn’t want to feel as though he was “leeching” off of his parents, vanni moved to casablanca where he now resides in his own apartment and works as a florist at casablanca blooms & coffee.
➟ vanni values the beauty of art in all of its media. he has shown an interest in photography since he was very young. his parents immigrated to chile because they fell in love with the tourist sights from when they’d frequently go on vacation in the latin country. photos of the natural beauty of chile have always decorated the walls of his home since he was young and vanni has since then captured his own visions and sights of the country that’s adopted him. it has only been a year since vanni transitioned the central piece of his photography from the natural beauty of chile to human models.
➟ vanni has been surrounded by love his whole life. his father adored vanni’s mother with a love that vanni has only been chasing for himself. he would often tag along with his father to the florista and found himself falling in love with the various different flowers, their meanings, and the art of creating a bouquet. to vanni, there is no purer declaration of love than creating a bouquet. being a florist means he can spread this love with others as well as practice for the day he finds someone who he would grow a bouquet for from seedlings.
➟ besides photography, vanni’s hobbies include: working out, bodybuilding, playing video games, watching anime, and wrestling. he is a fan of lucha libre and frequently attends shows when he can. while in school, vanni did train to become a professional wrestler with the dreams of being able to go to the states and make a name for himself. however, vanni found his love shifting to his current professions and now vanni wrestles to stay in shape, mostly.
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ryuhyunari · 2 months
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⠀ ㅡ⭒ ❝⭒ ✦ ⭒ ☾ 𝐑𝐘𝐔 𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐀
KIM DAHYUN? não! é apenas RYU HYUNA, ela é filha de MORFEU do chalé 42 e tem DUZENTOS E QUARENTA E SEIS ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há QUINZE ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, HYU é bastante COMPANHEIRA mas também dizem que ela é DESCONFIADA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
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Névoa do Medo: Como uma habilidade ativa, a Névoa do Medo funciona como o nome mesmo sugere: Hyuna consegue expelir uma espécie de gás que ao ser inalado minimamente consegue provocar confusão mental de forma que o alvo fique confuso sobre o que é real ou apenas alucinações que são alimentadas pelos pesadelos ou sentimentos de medo e melancolia. Sendo um dos poderes mais potentes do pai, a Névoa do Medo não deve ser usada sem qualquer limite pois ela tem o efeito rebote e a própria Hyuna sofreria com os efeitos da mesma.
Desde que entrou para a caçada, Hyuna aprendeu a usar um arco e flecha como a grande maioria de suas companheiras de caçada, sendo assim, continua com esse mesmo arco desde aquela época, mas agora melhorado. Um arco no estilo coreano chamado gakgung cuja curvatura em nada se assemelha aos mais ocidentais, depois de anos de subserviência à Ártemis, o arco que antes era feito com bambu e amoreira, agora é inteiramente prateado com uma leve luminescência ao ser tocado pela luz lunar durante a noite, há entalhes pelo mesmo, assim como a aljava também prateada cujas flechas nunca terminam. Quando não está sendo usado, o arco se transforma num adereço de mão que toma o dedo médio e a palma da semideusa se tornando mais fácil de ser ativado quando necessário.
Como sopro de alegria, nascer sendo da família real parecia ser a maior benção que alguém poderia ganhar vivendo nesse período, afinal quem não queria viver cercado de luxos e ter tudo a sua disposição sempre, principalmente em relação a comida. Hyuna teve esse berço, a princesa mais nova de três irmãos mais velhos, protegida pelos mesmos e pela rainha que permanecia ao seu lado, muito diferente do rei, este que ninguém sabia que na verdade não era seu pai, nem mesmo a rainha.
Morfeu apareceu para a rainha como se fosse seu rei, afinal ela não iria querer deitar-se com outro homem que não fosse seu marido e não porque ela o amava incondicionalmente, porque isso não era verdade, mas porque sabia bem que sua sentença seria uma dose de veneno que a mataria de dentro para fora caso fosse infiel com vossa majestade. Assim, só durante aquela noite, a rainha se sentiu amada e desejada de verdade e não somente uma peça feita para dar herdeiros ao reino. Talvez fosse por isso que a rainha se via tão unida e feliz ao lado de hyuna, a concepção feita com ternura e paixão talvez a deixasse com um gosto doce na língua por uma lembrança boa que não voltou a se repetir.
A princesa era filha de um deus grego e isso ninguém sabia, mas o que todos percebiam era que a doce princesa mais nova do reino era diferente. Havia algo diferente nela. “Uma aura que não pertence a este mundo cerca a princesa.” era o que os anciãos e curandeiros falavam e durante toda a vida enquanto crescia era lembrada disso constantemente, mas não sabia o motivo visto que era apenas uma criança sendo uma criança dentro dos limites estabelecidos enquanto membro da família real.
Tudo mudou quando completou treze e nessa idade um casamento já lhe era prometido há muito tempo, uma princesa prometida para a família mais nobre depois da família real, um comum acordo entre as famílias para manter os aliados dentro da corte e estabelecer a paz no reino. Era o que diziam para ela todos os dias quando começava a ser preparada para ser uma esposa digna, casta, benevolente, gentil e doce. Tudo o que Hyuna não queria ser, mas era tudo o que podia ser. Fora nessa idade que aquele estranho dom começou a aparecer, algo que ela não sabia como controlar ao certo e nem sabia de onde havia vindo, mas que simplesmente acontecia e quando estava assustada ou frustrada com algo e aquele cheiro doce de uma flor-de-lótus recém desabrochada que tomava o ar e deixava seus criados desorientados. Obviamente aquilo a assustou e com medo de que as pessoas descobrissem algo, a princesa fugia do palácio regularmente em busca de alguma resposta com curandeiros e sacerdotes que não sabiam lhe dizer qual era o seu problema.
Numa dessas andanças Hyuna descobriu o amor, um dos guardas pessoais do seu irmão, o rapaz de idade parecida cujos olhos doces lhe contavam tanta coisa mesmo que este não falasse uma palavra sequer. O sentimento era correspondido, mas os dois jamais poderiam ter um futuro juntos e estavam cientes daquilo, portanto se contentavam com a companhia um do outro durante as noites após a princesa conseguir fugir de seus aposentos para o encontrar naquela clareira no meio da floresta próxima ao palácio. Noites e mais noites de conversas sobre quaisquer assuntos que eles quisessem, afagos doces e tímidos visto que o tempo era outro e que eles não podiam ir além, assim um toque de mãos ou um abraço apertado era o limite e desta forma passaram-se semanas.
Se seu coração era preenchido por alguém que não podia ter, o homem que tinha o pertencimento de seu corpo a queria e queria com certa urgência, portanto aos quinze seu casamento foi marcado e desde então tudo desmoronou aos seus olhos. Alguém descobriu sobre o romance inocente que nutria pelo guarda e desta forma boatos maliciosos a respeito da castidade da princesa foram questionados, aliado a isso o palácio vinha sofrendo mais e mais ataques de estrangeiros que não se sabiam de onde vinham e ali guardada como um tesouro intocado, Hyuna decidiu fugir de uma vez por todas. Claro que teria ido com o seu amado, mas descobriu que ele havia sido executado a mando do noivo, que aparentemente podia conviver com a possível “defloração” da princesa, mas claramente não iria tolerar quem havia o feito. Entretanto isso nunca havia acontecido e tomada por um sentimento de culpa enorme, Hyuna fugiu e nunca mais olhou para trás.
Foram alguns dias na floresta até ser encontrada pelo grupo de guerreiras etéreas, na caçada da deusa Ártemis fora sua tenente quem a recrutou e lhe explicou o mundo onde estava inserida, o que poderia fazer dali em diante e quem poderia ser. Foi assim que a princesa se tornou uma caçadora, sendo embebida pela benção da deusa da lua e vivendo por mais de um século sob a proteção da mesma.
No início dos anos noventa, após dois séculos vivendo como caçadora, hyuna visitou o Acampamento Meio Sangue e se viu encantada com a quantidade de diferentes semideuses como ela num mesmo local, teve permissão para passar algumas semanas por lá para aperfeiçoar algumas coisas e ajudar no que fosse preciso e desde que percebeu que poderia ajudar semideuses mais novos a se protegerem no mundo lá fora, ela não quis mais parar e vive entre estar o acampamento por alguns períodos e seguir com as missões na companhia das companheiras de caçada.
Por fim, Hyuna aceitou o destino e gosta muito de ser uma caçadora, foram séculos sendo treinada, lutando e servindo Ártemis integralmente e sendo totalmente grata por isso.
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inflictswounds · 1 month
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i wanted to post a ramona-specific (dwarf barbarian tav) 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 because i'm feeling their muse a lot lately!! feel free to like for one.
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cryopathiic-a · 9 months
Personality Traits!
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FULL NAME: N/A ( Appointed name 'Dōma' at the age of twenty )
NICKNAME : The Enlightened One, The Prodigal Son, The Black Lama, The Lotus
TITLE: Lord Founder of Eternal Paradise Faith, Upper Two of the Twelve Kizuki
»BOLD: applicable » ITALICS: somewhat or conditionally applicable » STRIKETHROUGH: … goes to great lengths to hide it
╳ FLAWS. moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
♔ STRENGTHS. honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
🖌 SKILLS & HOBBIES. art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | sparring in general | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | knitting  |
tagged by: no one i shamelessly stole it from @calamxty 🏃‍♂️💨 🚓 tagged by: steal from me cowards >:3c
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tyrantmade · 1 year
The enlightened can remember her once woken from their slumber. The ignorant, however, will be a feast for the mother, she who was chained below at the depths of the cosmos... *Anon lowers its head, the emotionless gray head unreadable. Shit doesn't even have a mouth or eyebrows.*
ANYWAY did you ever play candy crush
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" That's it, i'm going to just fucking kill you now! "
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himedachi · 2 months
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cardedsoul · 3 months
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Tag drop 1/??? (there's gonna be a few + some extras as I go about putting in tags, starting with the ooc tag & some Stu Macher stuff)
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iudiex · 8 months
songs on my muses playlist // accepting.
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loïc   nottet   -   danser
so   i   never   surrender,   surrender to   get   used   to   it,   i   never   left   you without   any   reason,   let   us   waltz and   watch   me   dance you   can   insult   me   and   even   hit   me if   it   comforts   you,   i'll   let   you   ruin   me even   if   you   know   we   are all   comedians   acting
i   feel   you   frustrated,   you   envy   my   pride if   it   reassures   you,   you   can   play   it even   if   you   know   we   try to   deceive   ourselves   to   please   audiences
so   this   song   is   in   french   and   some   of   it   doesn't   translate   EXCEEDINGLY   well,   but   for   me   the   lyrics   rally   portray   how   neuvillette   has   been   watching   fontaine   perform   something   of   a   dance   for   a   long   time   now,   somewhat   of   a   performative   farce   to   keep   the   nation   going.   additionally,   this   song   also   gives   me   a   bit   of   tell   for   the   elemental   sovereigns,   who   are   arguably   under   celestia's   thumb   in   their   own   way,   and   undoubtedly   bitter   about   it.   haven't   they   too   been   dancing   for   her   for   quite   some   time   now?
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dowagergreen · 1 year
saying this as nicely as possible but if your only opinion about alicent is that she's some kind of manipulative bitch and you're going to project that onto ic interactions, this really is not the blog for you. there's nowhere for us to go because i'm not going to spend all of my writing time fighting off everyone's frustrations and misconceptions and sometimes just flat out wildly inaccurate characterizations of her. i don't mind writing confrontations and i understand she makes some controversial choices but if every single interaction is going to be some venting session for personal frustrations, i'm going to just drop the threads, full transparency
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inflictswounds · 1 month
uhmmmm . i can explain
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cryopathiic-a · 9 months
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The humans are being very loud. Don't they know it is silent prayer hour?
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manigfeald · 1 year
I'm gonna try and slowly make my way back to this blog and idk how long that'll take as I've been taking a look at my muse list and debating on who I feel the muse for rn
but thank you guys for sticking around in my absence ;-;
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