#(pamprin is a type of period focused medicine OTC)
burgertaco6 · 8 months
It is me again, once more but much more detailed in writing. If you are easily queasy with your imagination i advise you not to continue reading. This happened earlier today, which sadly sent me home early, and i still quite toil about it for that means i shall not earn much gold in my pocket.
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So, it all started during the car ride to work. I put my shoes on while my dad was driving, as i dont have my own car and today is that time of the month where my body rejects unused anatomy of fertility for a new refreshing batch of horomones. When this feeling, aching in my body begins to chew its way through my large intestine. I think "Ah.. Just cramps, i had a loose stool before leaving home and when i woke up, surely it is nothing." but surely it meant doom i was in denial of.
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Stepping out of the car i get this wave of not being able to control my body heat, making my way to clock in thus confirming i am working, then getting to actual work with wiping everything down to pass the time until we clean theaters. Its always quite dirty, but i make sure its not with adhd boredom inspiring me to get every nook and cranny making stuff look good as new.
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Thats when it truly hit me, alike the trucks on freeways over bridges carrying tons of cargo. "You need to throw up." My body told me, the tingling of sulfuric on the base of my throat. "But surely not, i've eaten and taken pain relief! We must keep going, we only work two days this week, it will be worth it-" When i am interrupted with "No. You need to throw up, N O W."
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I hurried as fast i could so not to expel on the floor, which was not very fast, doing some kind of unnatural clench to my stomach while keeping composure around the customers, looking sickly may disturb them. As i go to the third stall its like if i had gone blank, all i remember is spewing up. The first time was chunky as it was my breakfast that'd just come up, slightly foamy with a horrible smell. After the first i was dizzy, all of that digesting energy was gone as my body couldn't' find anything to get nutrients from, the first day in the morning is always a cleanser. The gripping feeling of hunger triggered me to barf once again, this second time more horrible than the last. Its complete liquid with little to no food, digestive acids having been forced up from my small intestine to replace the emptied stomach. It was like a disgusting mucus as it had gone up my nose on its way out.
Lightheaded, about to pass out from lack of vitamins and nutritions, i flushed and stumbled my way towards the sink. I make sure to clean VERY well of my face to remove anything that may be left upon my lips or nostrils, next were hands for that is customary rule of employee.
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Entering the room of two heads who were on their managerial duty for the day, printing end times and writing out papers, they look at me with concern. Im asked "Whats up?" and i go "I just threw up twice, and im in great pain. I am so very sorry." They do not ask further question, there is not anger in their eyes. They say "Go. Go home." I cheer internally, 'OORAH!!!', but cannot crack a relieved smile from the oncoming feeling of thousands of knives in my innards down towards my legs. Worried coworkers look on with anguish of me when i entered the break room, typically i rarely leave early unless its assisting another getting more hours, grabbing my bag and drink i intended for dunch. Calling my father from the cellular device in tears and shakey breath he arrives within a few minutes (work is not much far from home). Im given the magical pink foam such dubbed "Pepto Bismol" to help as i go acquire comfortable loose clothing to prevent struggling in removal incase of another tragedy, so i pass out in my plastic furs safety. Waking, i stay in the warmth with less barfy tipsy, reading the rest of which i borrowed from the library. My feline companion is curled up with me, for the room was quite cold with a pleasant sunbeam on the foot.
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To say i regret leaving work is true, but to say i wished to stay in my condition is a honest denial. I wish those who were there with me a peaceful but eventful day, hopefully i am not looked at differently by the powerful ones such as those managers from my moment of weakness, i quite love my duties with passion but to have so little days and so little guidance on chores is making me rethink. But i continue to push on.
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That is all of the tragedy from which happened today, not much else of event besides an angry old lady and small child with metallic plastic helium friend on a string. Live on my worms, remember to stay hydrated and active.
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