#(Ppl have told me they remember the site)
mejomonster · 1 year
There are So many bisexuals in the world I can't take a Step without running into a bisexual, I can't believe when I was a teen people lied to me and said what I was didn't exist and there was no one like me, babes if you're bisexual I promise youre not alone and you're awesome
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iwantabatlleaxe · 1 year
Tips for living alone for the first time
I moved out a year ago and thought it'd be cool to share what I've learned so you don't have to suffer as much :,)
Decide a day to sit down and pay all bills and everyone
Know and accept you won't get your initial budget right, it took me a year
Google is your friend, but people are better.
Especially when looking for cheap markets and places to eat, or safe streets to walk around, people know more than google.
4. Speaking of cheap markets... get those (free) memberships for discounts. But most importantly, dowload and check every supermarket app and search for the cheapest one.
5. When looking for a place to live, try to speak with people who live there and check google maps reviews and your countrys site for custumers complaints.
6. You likely don't need to clean as often as your family told you, but cleaning your place will make you feel better. And you gotta clean the fridge. And hair. So much hair.
7. If you don't have a fridge, just a small cooler, check if the building has a common fridge/kitchen and Don't. Be. Shy to use it please.
I recommend not moving into a place without a fridge if you don't plan on eating out or going to the market every two days.
8. Carry your documents with you, or write them down or make a copy. I recommend not carrying the original since if you lose it/get mugged it's a pain in the ass to get it fixed.
9. Cook as much as you can in one go, but don't overwhelm yourself. Get those washed vegetables and cut onions, do what you need so you don't end up exhausted and crying on the floor... not that I've ever done that myself...
10. It's gonna feel hard at times and that's ok! The freedom is worth it, and after a year I'm really happy with all the progress I've made
11. Avoid pets, especially in a scenario that you're moving around or in a small studio or with financial difficulties (this can change from ppl to ppl etc)
12. Join or make a chat group with everyone in the building, without the sindicate so y'all can be honest about complains and create a single, solid complaint before showing it to the sindicate. (apartment manager? syndic? assignee? idk, whoever fixes things)
That's all I can remember for now, feel free to ad or correct me if you like :)
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onnoffwrites · 8 months
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I have been losing my shit over this damn panel for the past THREE DAYS (more or less) and I need to yell somewhere so it's gonna go here.
It all began when I was writing my fic (I think this was for My Immortal), and I needed to recap significant hakukai moments. And I remembered "hey, I should include this one thing saguru said during sunset manor that was stupidly super gay for no fucking reason" bc like, yea hakukai not canon, but if canon was gonna give me a whole ass confession then I might as well use it. So, like always, I head to mangadex to look for this panel... Except... It's not there... The line... The line's not there... But I remember... I remember something about "the only one to disrupt/disturb my thinking/mind"... Where... I didn't imagine that right? I mean I read a lot of google translated Chinese fanfics but... I REMEMBERED reading that line... In a manga... In English... ON mangadex...
This is where I should mentioned, that if you weren't around for the Great Collapse of Mangadex. Then... Well, so there was this period of time where mangadex just DIDNT EXIST. Bc there was some cyber?? Attack??? On the site??? I can't fully remember. But it like wiped out most of the site. The mangas r just, gone. So mangadex fixed it. It took a while bc they figured "might as well revamp our site and system". And they did. And it's great. And it looks beautiful now, even more than before.
But see. The line I remembered? Yea... Yea that was from before The Collapse. And mangadex let multiple translation groups submit their translations. So u can read diff translations of diff group, see how things are interpreted differently... And... I remembered this one, that I posted here up top, but I remembered there was another. One that had The Line.
And it was driving crazy so, like usual, I asked my cn friend. But my cn friend (why am I still saying that, it's @beingvv , that's the friend) has A Life, and isn't always online, and we love that for ppl. So. I'm still crazy. I can't trust my own damn mind and memory bc why tf do I remember something that isn't there (happened before btw, but that has nothing to do with this).
Luckily, I have a friend who knows jp. UNLUCKILY, I don't have the jp raws and it's from chapter 300 and we are in the thousands. So, I went back to losing my mind. Until I found it again, and realized. Heyyyyyyy there's a whole ass ANIME. So like the baggage my dear friend had the misfortune to be saddled with, I went to find the ep, timestamped it, yelled begged them for help.
This is where I lose my damn mind the first time in the recent weeks.
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(thank you my dear piglet, u don't even go here but u tolerate my insanity)
So, I feel a little more sane (bc my mind didn't fabricate a memory again) and also A LOT more insane bc WHY WOULD U SAY THAT, HAKUBA SAGURU 😭😭😭 WHY WOULD U SAY IT LIKE THAT 😭😭😭
In any case I feel validated. Told beingvv about my discoveries (for whenever they come back) not that they need it cn fandom already got the correct translation. And finished writing my fic.
And then Saguru's comeback was announced.
So I've been losing my shit for 3 days on twitter, looking at all my fave KR and JP accounts and the things they say.
And then someone dug up and old tweet thread that talked about this panel. Specifically, op talked about the nuance in the word choice used.
Here's the og thread if anyone wants to read or Google translate it urself.
(mkppyong my love, bless you)
Bc mkppyong talked to a jp acquaintance about ??? Uh I dunno just language I guess. POINT IS. They pointed out that gosho used specific words/phrases that really wasn't needed if all he wanted to say was "the only one who drives me crazy/mad." But he did used them. It's specifically "his thoughts/mind" that's being driven crazy. And that if he wants to just talk about Saguru's mind being disrupted/confused, then there's rly no need to use the words "go crazy"
And then they wrote out a whole symbolism about clocks and saguru and being broken down/disrupted and I lost my shit over the clock symbolism, sue me 😭😭😭
I don't think I'm making sense anymore bUT WAIT, THERES MORE, THE FINAL BLOW
This is where I expose myself more than I ever want to, but here's a fact. I'm thai
Here's a second fact. I'm SHIT at Thai. I've been bad at this language before I got good at English. My Thais as good as an elementary student. Every time I understand difficult words I get confused bc where did I know THAT from???
In any case, point is, I saw that tweet, read the text, immediately understood it and began losing my shit all over again... And then I doubted... Bc like, I'm not good with this lang anymore... Maybe im understanding it wrong? So I look up Google.
Google: คลุ้มคลั่ง just means go crazy
So I was like, damn guess I'm wrong, read too much into this. BUT SEE BC I LIVE HERE I HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARENT A DISGRACE. And so my friend said:
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So. Here we are. At the end. I have no idea how tf I'm supposed to end this post. I'VE been obsessed for 3 days straight. I don't have a lot of braincell left in me (there weren't any to begin with). I don't have a statement to wrap this post up in a nice little bow. Go make ur own conclusion I dunno.
But I would not have been losing my shit over this stupid panel for a month if it wasn't for the fact that eng translation was missing a pretty crutial thing in what Saguru said. I don't know if this was a mistranslation or a misunderstanding or something, but the English translation was lacking. And I love and have always been thankful and grateful to the ppl who worked hard to translate mangas in their free time, and do it all for free, bc I haven't had any real way to rent/borrow mangas from renting shops/libraries in years. So this was one of the only ways I can read mangas. But, even as I checked the raw panel with Google lens just now, even google translate it as "the only one to make my thoughts go round." No where was there any mention of "case" and "solving." So that's just, multiple accounts of ppl who knows jp, including native jp speakers, all saying that this panel is Saguru saying "the only one to drive me crazy". And man I rly hope this doesn't make me come off as ungrateful or like shitting on the translation team, I'm rly not. But yea. Uh. The translation was wrong. And I remembered that there used to be a diff eng translation. And it led me to go to all this trouble and journey to find out what was actually said. And here we are, at the end.
The only one who could disrupt Saguru's thinking.
The only one who could disturb Saguru's mind.
The one whose sole existence drives him mad.
The only one to make his mind obsess over till he's driven to madness.
Or to use the symbolism mkppyong wrote: the only one to break down the clock, the precise and accurate mechanism, that is Hakuba Saguru.
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my best tumblr is a webbed site moments in the past year or so:
- when a mutual liked and reblogged my posts, then softblocked me and sent me anon hate all in the span of 5 minutes, while continuing to vaguepost about me where i could see (bc i wasnt blocked). all for associating with trans women.
- i made fun of an insane take while not including op's url. got an anon defending them n calling me a racist bc they recognized the user n theyre a poc. the take was a. batshit insane and un-defendable and b. wasnt abt racism
- got called a zionist over a post that started w the sentences 'zionism is bad and israel is a settler state'
- a random user who rb said post got a lengthy anon calling me a zionist settler who exaggerates historical antisemitism to make palestinians look bad (they did not read the post apparently). the post very much did not said that, and also included v real details from my own family history. said anon brought up facts about me from months old posts of mine, and also my ethnicity for some reason?
- got told i jack off to palestinians' suffering and occupation bc i said i write abt sexual violence in the context of war and occupation in my story. aforementioned story is set in fantasy romania btw. i am romanian. my romanian family suffered under war and occupation and genocide. in romania.
- got told i jack off to the enslavement of romani ppl (which i havent mentioned anywhere in the post or generally) for saying i write abt war and occupation in a setting based in a fantasy romania. again.
- got told antisemitism isnt a problem in tunisia bc "there r still jews in tunisia" (abt 1k, if ur wondering, it was 100k in the 40s), so my family only left "bc they were zionists". damn. who to believe... my own family history... or some anon on tumblr.com.... what a dilemma
- got an anon accusing me of faking my autism in order not to go to protests (regarding a post where i literally said i go to protests), followed by a lengthy list of things i apparently do unbothered by my sensory issues, such as go to busy markets or loud nightclubs. i do not do any of the things listed bc again, i have autism.
- got called a fascist and was told i was needed to be 'beaten with hammers' for calling a man who died over two thousand years ago babygirl
- i might add more if i remember
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coconutredbulllover · 1 month
to everyone who has commented on the situation with paige and azzi id just like to say something
fans/people who actually have no clue and just know it happened and thats all don’t exactly feel the same empathy for the situation at the extent they would if they did know more, its a fact, people cant feel as bad for something if they dont know exactly what they’re feeling bad for. of course you can still feel extremely bad, a horrible and unforgivable thing happened but until you know what your actually feeling bad for its more like giving sympathy and condolences to a wall thats made of glass but its like the blurry type glass you cant really see through.
i dont reallt know if that made any sense but im basically trying to say that people who dont know and arent being informed since many people are staying silent in order to prevent spreading it, are like people who got told their dog went to a butterfly farm instead of being told it died. its like they were told a much much softer version of the real thing.
im not sure who or to what extent everyone on tumblr really knows about whats actually out there, but i just want ppl who only know the jist or general idea of what happened and even those who think they know or have seen all or most of it to know that it was actually alot that happened and the volume and extent of what happened was a really sickening thing to ever be informed of.
its insane paige was abt to come onto social media after just a weekend and be active, if you knew what i know then you would agree with me when i say paige is 100% only back on media rn to try and move peoples eyes past it and for pr reasons because thats whats best for the situation. she was most definitely not back after only a weekend ready to return to media just for the fun of it. they both are surrounded by a strong support system and while they may be smiling in the snippet of their lives we get to see, just know that putting up a strong front does not mean everything is okay and if u consider the extent of what happened it would be obvious that many signs point to them being very much not okay and that’s perfectly fine! they need time to heal from it and its not something you get over in a week. doing and feeling better doesnt mean actually being completely okay either healing takes time.
thank God its offseason and there isnt an actual full media spotlight on them right now, with how fast social media goes it likely wont be really talked about as a main focus in just a few weeks and its thankfully already starting to die down in just 1. i hope by the time the new season starts they feel alot better and the months will give them time to move past/through it and the world time to not remember or be focused on it.
im putting this on tumblr specifically because it is more of a hidden site compared to yk tiktok or twitter and likely wont spread anywhere crazy esp bc im keeping it low on actual details
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pumpumdemsugah · 6 months
Why are men so threatened by female friendships? There’s this thing on hell-site #2 (Twitter) where a woman asked what was the worst thing a friend has done to you. A bunch of ppl (mainly women) opened up and the men jumped in to be like ‘see? female friendships suck/are surface-level/etc.’ Like, a girl couldn’t even talk about how much she loves the female friendships in her life without a man being like ‘lol just wait till they get a man/till someone gets jealous.’
I don’t claim to know anything about male friendships, but I will say that from what I’ve seen, they aren’t very fulfilling. Men will say that they don’t even know their friends’ birthdays even after knowing each other for 8+ years. I saw a Reddit post where a dude said that he has a golf buddy that he’d meet up with every weekend for 5 years and that they’ve never had a conversation about their lives, but that that’s his best friend after his dog. I’m sorry, is that supposed to be a friendship?
And then in the same breath, men will complain about male loneliness and say they have no one to talk to about their issues.
Like, sure. Sometimes female friends can backstab each other and be jealous and talk shit and betray each other, shit happens. But they can also fulfill you and nurture you and care for you and support you through anything and everything, and I feel like that’s a testament to how deep female friendships can be. Friendships require vulnerability and knowing one another well. Male friendships (at least the ones I described) do not have that depth, so of course they don’t fall out or betray one another or anything. They don’t actually know each other well enough to even be able to betray one another.
To me, female friendships can be high risk and high reward. Women can hurt one another badly, but we can also love each other to the fullest, and it’s only because we let each other get close.
Idk, I’m drunk rambling, but moral of the story is that women’s friendships are very dear to me and I hate it when men talk shit about them.
Insecure controlling men love isolated women and miserable women. A friendless woman is usually not very happy
They like nothing more than to convince women we have nothing to gain by building bonds with other women. They want proof that we're to blame for all our issues so their behaviour is irrelevant. A lot of men struggle with the idea that women have the same interiority as them so can only ever caricaturise us, especially when we're imperfect and messy.
You're right, female friendships can be high risk high reward
It's one thing getting a day wrong but how don't you even know the month of your friend's birthday?? My memory is bad but so I have to go out of my way to remember birthdays but I go out my way regardless
The male loneliness "epidemic" is crazy because a lot of it is self inflicted or men thinking their negative feelings are more profound. How many women become mothers and barely have friends and no one gave a fuck, In fact people told them off because " you decided to become a mother"
There is a loneliness epidemic among all demographics because of how difficult the modern world can make it.
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 years
Not a Receipt-post. Just venting cuz it's twice now I've gotten this really accusatory ask, again:
Q: "Why do you 'HATE' Vivziepop??"
Short answer: I don't hate her. I hate how her fans can NOT take criticism,
because -> they have 0 boundaries with Viv -> whenever someone does criticize the shows in any way, they (the fans) -> embarrass you in front of the Spindlecrew who -> have no reason NOT to take the fan's word on how 'awful' you are, and so -> inadvertently ignore/condone your harassment.
Long answer:
I don’t know Viv and I never have.
I watched her YEARS ago back on deviantART when she was Vivzmind. I really loved her art and I still do. The few times I ever interacted with Viv, when I commented on her shizz, I remember her being fun, casual, and nice. True, maybe I don't know the "real her", whoever that is, but I have few if any qualms with Viv on a personal level. Judging every single artist who makes creative decisions you disagree with by John K standards is fucking hyperbole. I don't hate her.
What I HAVE always hated, and the thing that eventually drove me to quietly stop following Viv in 2013, are her fans....
we really need to start talking about them, okay?
~~~~Part 1 ~~~~~~ my experience, the Vivziepop standom THEN
There were two kinds of Vivzmind groupies back in the day, 1) the majority, aka ppl like me, and 2) this one very specific kind of Vivz-stan. While the basic majority of fans (me) were as lovebombing and prone to hype as anyone would be about the artist they admire, the people who were REALLY rabid for Viv's attention (stans) felt possessive. They felt hostile. Like, imagine you say outloud that you like the popular kid at school cuz everyone does and there'd be a weird false friend of theirs listening in, constantly @ing you with "yeah, well I like her MORE" or coming to their defense on perceived slights against her. I'm sure a lot of it was based in just social ineptitude and not anything too serious, but again it was beyond what was usual for popular DA artists.
When people say “Viv can not take criticism”, what they really mean is these fans could not take criticism.
I know all I have to go on is heresay given that much of her gallery and old work is gone but here's what I remember:
>>If you were a newbie follower and you accidentally did something Viv vocally didn't like, you'd pay for it. If you were like me and said once Viv’s art reminded you of neopets, Viv herself would say nothing but these fans would tear you to shreds for daring to not know Viv’s comfort zone. >>If you were asking for context on what was happening in one of her pics with characters you didn’t know, fans would inform you in a passive aggressive manner. "HOW DARE you not remember! Viv posted it, ugh yer so annoying, Felicia"
>> One thing Viv def did not like was people “stealing” her artstyle - not tracing or using her art w/o permission, just very clearly being inspired by her in making their own characters or pictures. She hated that. I get how, when you’re JUST a popular artist on the site it can seem annoying, like someone’s Patrick-Star-ing your every move while acting like they don’t know you...that's rough, trust me, but it’s STILL not the same as art theft-! Even so, Viv complained and would post journals about artists “stealing” her style. One time she happened to do this to an artist I did art trades with. Because of Viv's 'endorsement', he left dA forever. His profile was bombarded by passive-aggressive to just straight up mean Vivstans dogpiling him about how he "needed to give Viv credit". One of the few times I talked to Viv it was to say "hey I know you’re mad, but this guy’s kind of my friend", to which she said to me "tell you friend that it’s wrong and not okay to do this." So I did. He told me he more than knew by that point and was off the site within the week. This was long before I just fell out of interest and stopped watching her, but it always left a bad taste in my mouth that I did that. That's the thing: there's no big-style discourse, just a lot of little microaggressions that'd build up and wear you down.
Ppl often characterize "white knights" as being directed by their beloved artist to do the deed, but, as far as I know, Viv has never been the "DEFEND MY HONOR"-type. Viv never seemed to talk to these uber fans AT ALL; she was far more abt chit chatting with her friends and casual viewers. The vibe I always got wasn’t that Viv weaponized her worst fans’ behavior, it’s that she ignored them and also ignored how they may have hurt the rest of us. On paper nothing about Viv saying “ya’ll, I’m tired of these specific comments abt my work; copycats; non criticisms being dished,” is wrong. It’s that her underground stan-base would be the ones to pounce on you for it, for whatever reason I don't know. Maybe it was some kind of bid for Viv’s approval or maybe it was just cuz they felt better doing it; THAT is what you feared. So, when Viv did the bare minimum of get peeved at someone or something, it was a circumstance that meant nothing if it’d happen to any other artist but it would hurt because there was her initial judgment, and then there was her followers' judgment. This is important because while I think this exact attitude/relationship has changed, like hell do I think it’s gotten better...
~~~Part 2~~~The Spindlehorse chain of command, aka Vivziepop now
Now that Viv's the auteur creator of a beloved Indie series, I fully believe Viv's base has matured into a DIFFERENT breed of toxic. I’m always stressing this because it couldn’t be stressed enough: Hazbin Hotel is a preemptive fandom: It was made with the help of numerous internet famous animators collabing with an already devotedly popular creator at the helm; it was promised and hyped and kept up as a fandom before there was ever even a product (the pilot) out, and way before it was properly picked up in 2020; because so many internet people were working on it, it was a darling to many the animation/art scene on youtube+ people had a deep attachment to it; the fans have almost direct access/ability to talk to the showrunners directly and vice/versa, so the fans feel very ‘in’ on the show in a way other budding cartoon fandoms couldn’t really say. All these elements mean that Hazbin+Helluva are made with a great deal of love, devotion, and earnestness to them. It’s a very passionate, very close-knit community and just so we're clear, there's nothing wrong with that.
It just also means that the creator and the fans do not have great boundaries with each other and I think may be a little blindsided by the joy of creation. Where back in the day the 'old verse-same-as-the-first' would be Viv'd have a tiff w someone and that someone w be bombarded by basement stans, now there’s a different kind of vicious circle at play:
when the HH/HB fan communities hear rumors of “a critic” or “a bully” (usually just negative reviews /redesigns/fan theories that contradict what the creator wants) there’s a real threat of that 'critique' working it’s way up the chain of command TO the creators themselves. And by 'critique', I mean the real words and intent being taken out of context or twisted to fit the stans' pov. (ex: "Stolitz is a bad ship and Stella is a wasted villain" get's telephoned into "I hate that these characters are gay; I want Stolas to go back to his abuser")
The creators have no incentive of their own to comment on this bs. They're busy. BUT, because they are just as much the makers of as they are fans of their own show they feel the need to comment on any controversy they hear because they don’t want things getting out of hand. On paper, understandable; But in practice-
-the Spindlehorse crew don’t really know the context of the situation. They take it on good faith that their fans aren’t misrepresenting things to them, to which they then say nothing to stop people from being harassed, OR-
-they casually dish out their own comments in response to a situation they’re not actually a part of.
In 2018 Frootrollup1, a then-underage fan, drew redesigns of the cast of Hazbin because she draws redesigned versions of all of her fandoms → some fans saw her art as mocking/attacking Viv because assholes have done their own redesigns of Hazbin to spite Viv in the past → these same fans took their complaints to Twitter where a bunch of people, including Viv, all dunked on Frootrollup for being another “hater”...and only backed off when they learned her age and that it wasn’t a pic drawn in spite. "Oops." Frootrollup WAS a fan of Hazbin. She’s not anymore because people took her art out of context, had their own kneejerk reactions to it, and embarrassed her in front of the creator directly, who took these people’s sides. This isn’t an isolated incident and it keeps happening because the crew doesn’t discourage fans from reacting or asking for their input on crap that shouldn’t involve them. 
“Lots of fanbases have shitty fans” is not the point here. Hazbin/Helluva are a unique case. Yes all fandoms kinda suck, technically, and any case where you have the creators reacting to fans is gonna get parasocial. My point is that Spindlehorse is waaay to accustomed to their fandom as fans themselves and not outside viewers.
Remember back in 2015, when that one Steven Universe fan was being bombarded for her problematic art when it was really just a glorified hate campaign by some of her ex friends wanting to bad mouth her to the fandom?; and then IT WORKED? Imagine now that one of the people running the hate campaign on her had taken the 'evidence' to the Crewniverse directly, and Rebecca Sugar herself was like “wow, what a bigot!”- adding to the dogpile of hate that almost got that fanartist to kill herself??? Scary hypothetical, I know, but that's what scares me about this. If that isn’t already happening already, with a bunch of critical fans and redesign-artists going silent out of fear of the Vivbase, then it’s at a real threat of becoming a reality. 
-----brief aside, we gotta mention Tapatalk and why they're awful and you shouldn't dismiss them/accidentally condone them----
Complicating matters more is the BadWebcomicsWiki. While not KiwiFarms or 4chan, the wiki forums had the same problem of being made exclusively for bitching and moaning at webcomics ppl didn’t like (many of which were bad, but it's just as likely that should a webcomic DARE to be liberal or furry or lgbt themed it was suspiciously torn apart by people all too eager to note said things..). That is what the wiki and forum were made for. That is what they were always made for. Do not @ me abt how it was 'good once' or people had good intentions and didn't wanna use it for hate. I know, I'm getting to that ->
In 2015 When Zoophobia got a thread and later an article there, a bunch of randos from outside joined the forums simply because it was one of the first and only times where former Viv fans could congregate + explain all the details to the newbies+ talk about the bullying and microaggressions Viv’s base did that hurt them and how she did nothing to stop it; i.e. people started to use the shittybitch forums for genuine talk about the comic and criticism.
((never had, nor do I want a BWW account, but I used to check in every day back in 2015 for updates on one webcomic I hated before wising up and realizing the site was run by centrist chudheads. This is how I found out abt the Zoophobia discourse at the time))
The problem being that, when you go to a forum for any kind of dissenting opinion to be made, ANY KIND of dissenting opinion WILL BE made. It doesn’t matter if some ppl meant nothing wrong and just wanted a place to shoot the shit about how bad Viv’s stans were. A "bad-media-is-bad-lemme hate on it cuz I'm cool"-based wikiANYTHING is going to lead to truly bad behavior. That moment came for the ZPBWW forums when one user showed up posting graphic art of Angel Dust raping Viv’s severed head as a joke. If I remember right, and it's prolly still on their forum now, other users on the forum were mad that he did that, but it doesn't really matter. Viv HAD/HAS ALL the right to disassociate w that forum regardless of what, how, or why anyone else used it for. That’s what you do when your understanding of a website is-“oh, that place where people hate on every little thing I do including the guy who mailed me art of myself getting raped?”. And that’s before we even get to LincarRox/theToyTaker drama and how he scoured the BWW forums once he was kicked off the normal Hazbin fan scene for stalking/harassing Viv. 
The Vivstans know this harassment against her exists. They don’t understand the real depth of it, but they know it’s there. What they do is use that harassment’s existence to justify their own dogpiling. 
The most egregious part is, given how big the Spindlehorse fandom is, it’s not very hard at all for other fans- big name or indie creators, to be misinformed and believe only the stans’ versions of events without question → which adds even more stigma because if in this ‘cancel/DNI’-obssessed microculture we got on Twitter and Tumblr. People aren’t questioning or really knowing the situation any more than Viv does. Except, these people are just fans, not the showrunners, and should be more open to hearing (legit) criticism. They’re not and that’s leading to a lot of the regular fanbase to I think develop tunnel-vision. As an outsider, I can't tell you for sure if any of Erin Frost's claims are 'valid' or legit. The most upsetting thing by far though is HOW FAST people were to call her a liar or act like her complaints at Spindlehorse are "nothing".
tl;dr I think two truths currently coexisting at the moment are
Viv has been harassed and treated horribly by people saying they’re “just being critical”. I 110% believe this woman when she says she ‘hates creeps’. I've seen first hand some of those creeps. I don't envy her.
Viv and the Spindlehorse crew have terrible boundaries and foresight into their fandom’s innerworkings and should NOT be commenting on them- because they exacerbate the issues within.
Viv’s base in uniquely unhealthy and overprotective. From the stanbase on the fringe, to the excitable but vulnerable fans that make up the whole, to the creators themselves who aren’t equipped to micromanage or even just manage all this drama. I see a bubble of pent up aggression seeping under the surface of the Helluva/Hazbinverse fanbase and I’m really scared when it pops. 
I have no idea what’s actually going on with the Spindlehorse folks or what’s in their hearts. I’m not interested in rumors, and I’m SO not interested in stupid petty AntiHazbin shit that perpetuates the hateflow (PK Russel, BWW, DaftPina I'm lookin at yoooo). I want to be a fan of Helluva and be excited for Hazbin. I want to take part in all this seeing as I did follow Viv and still do like her art and her general attitude about animation. It’s always cool when someone you followed casually makes it big- you want to support them! But, I’m also just naturally skeptical and sardonic and critical of things I like. So I’m in constant fear that overprotective stans are going to take my words and embarrass me in front of Viv and crew. And that? That WILL def make me hate Hazbin. No, still not enough to join your weirdo AntiHazbinnie tags or stalker threads, but it WILL make me hate it.
I don’t want that, none of you fans want that, and I know the creators don’t want that to be happening on a mass scale with people who're just skeptical of their show.
In comparing Helluvaverse to any other animated show's online fandom, there's no one to one, but consider how rabid and anticritical Steven Universe was- consider how dismissive and gatekeepy the Rick & Morty fandom is, consider how inconsiderate of creator's boundaries the Bronies were. Hazbin isn't out yet and if Helluva goes for all long as Viv and Brandon intend, it's also in it's infancy. We all have an opportunity to fix these problems before it begins- I say we do our part.
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Spirt companions ????!
So recently I have been seeing this phenomenon where everyone suddenly wants to buy 🙃 a spirit companion.
Kinda strange I feel about this situation. I'm a spiritualist, from a family of great spiritualists. I'm a witch, I walk the solitary path, but in my journey, I have stayed away from the other side, where I need call spirits or other beings or require their help in my work because I very well know its unsafe and risky and worst you might end up leaving portal's open for something else dangerous to walk in.
The thing about portals is the never really completey close. They stay there open making the site an attraction for other worldly energy.
Now other thing is we cannot see them, not necessarily everyone of them is dangerous but some know very well to mask their true self or energy.
I'm really confused with baby witches choosing to invite spirit companions to their homes and then learn to speak to them. That isn't very smart.
I always advice people to be careful of such things. Don't get yourself involved in things unless you don't get required details from certain people.
I tried getting in contact with a spirit companion seller, it just got me confused as I could not figure out the energy it was mixed of the beings she told she was selling.
I have more posts upcoming on how other worldly entity's affect the human body! Stay tuned!
Never indulge yourself in things you aren't sure of, be careful.
I always wanted to have a fox spirit companion, but I got a sign that if I wanted one I'd not need to buy them, they would come to Me, assist me and help of their own.
If anyone has any "good" or bad experiences with spirt companions please do share.
And about this seller, she never answers or says a thing,.which is quiet unsafe in a way. And ppl can buy things impulsively out of curiosity
Always remember the phrase "curiosity killed the cat".
Listen to your gut or intuition before making a decision.
Stay safe everyone!
*Note* I don't mean to offended anyone, this is just my perspective due to my personal experiences or knowledge of things, you do not need to agree with this, but for sure you can put in your knowledge as well in the comments. I'd love to know better.
Love you all!
Toodles ! 🌙
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streamafterlaughter · 2 years
New Kid
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Chapter IV: The Freaks
MASTERLIST || chapter III || playlist
summary: It’s the day after your run in with Jason, and you fill your Saturday hanging out with the Hellfire Club… and the thought of Eddie joining you for family dinner.
tags: eddie munson x reader, nb!gn!reader, angst, fluff, teasing, flirty eddie, mutual pining, keep forgetting to mention reader is 18-19 (we don’t know really but they’re legal)
a/n: i hope the three ppl reading are enjoying it! i’m having a lot of fun writing it, and will continue writing it until my obsession dies probably. Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated.
Eddie’s POV
Eddie wakes up first, to you in his arms, your head on his chest fast asleep. He takes you in, your face calm, a drastic contrast to this morning’s episode. He takes in your scent, a mixture of weed and his own shampoo from your shower, and he lets himself swim in it for a minute. He doesn’t want to, but he eventually shifts under your weight, moving slowly so as not to wake you up. The TV is still on, the screen buzzing with black and white static. You stretch as Eddie rises to his feet, letting out a massive yawn. “Good morning, sunshine.” You say groggily, squinting in the light as you look up at him.
Eddie can’t help but smile looking at you, wearing his t-shirt and tucked under his comforter on the floor. “Good morning, beautiful.” He says it so naturally, and you can’t stop the elated smile from spreading across your face. Eddie glances at the clock on the stove, reading 12:30PM. “Well, I hope you feel rested. We slept all morning.”
“I think I do.” You pause, and then remember, “Oh fuck. I need to call my parents!” You scramble to your feet, Eddie’s shirt riding up your back leaving your underwear exposed. Eddie looks away quickly, busying himself by looking in the fridge while you fix yourself. You rush to the phone on the wall, dialing your new home from memory.
Your mom picks up immediately. “Y/N! Where have you been?! I know it’s a weekend, but you told me you’d call if you stayed out!” She sounds like she hasn’t slept, and the guilt washes over you.
“I’m so sorry, Mama,” you use the cadence you used to as a child. “I’m okay. The party was fun, but we had a little run in with some guys from school. I stayed at a friend’s, I’ll be home later today. Tell Dad I love him.” Eddie’s heart stutters when you call him a friend, wondering if there’s a better term for what you two seem to be.
“Okay, thank you for calling. I’m glad you’re alright, but please don’t scare us like that again.”
“I won’t, I promise.” You hang up the phone, and walk to find Eddie in the kitchen, pouring two glasses of orange juice.
“Your parents okay?” He asks as you walk in. You wrap your arms around him from behind, resting your head between his shoulder blades. “They’re okay, definitely a little pissed at me, rightfully. Thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?”
“For last night. I’m sorry about the episode, really. I can’t imagine how badly I must have freaked you out. And for letting me stay in the first place. For comforting me. I felt safe. I feel safe with you.”
Eddie turns around and wraps his arms around your waist while you hug him closely. “Stop apologizing. You can always stay here. Seriously, though I may not agree that hanging out with me is the safest thing for you, I’d be happy to have you here.”
Your POV
You stay like that for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms, his head resting on top of yours. “I have never cared about what other people think is ‘best’ for me, I'm not about to start now.” Your response is muffled by his shirt, and you feel his grip on you tighten. You pull your head back and look up at him. “I’m gonna go smoke a butt real quick, care to join?” Eddie nods, grabbing his pack of cigarettes from on top of the microwave. He pulls one out and hands it to you, then another for himself, and follows you out the door.
You both exit onto the front porch, greeted by a middle aged man with graying hair. “Oh, hey Ed, I didn’t see your van. I didn’t think you were home. Hello,” he greets you, “I’m Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.”
“I’m Y/N.” You reach for his extended hand and shake it briefly.
“You’re Y/N! Nice to meet you, Eddie’s told me so much—“ Wayne stops short, making eye contact with his nephew. You turn to look at Eddie, who’s doing the “stop it” gesture, a hand slicing across his throat. “Well anyway, nice to meet you. Let me know if you kids need anything, I’ll be sleeping inside.” He walks by you, and you give him a small wave goodbye.
“You talk about me to your uncle?” You ask, a shit eating smirk on your face.
“You caught that, huh? Yeah, a little bit. He likes to know what’s going on with me.” Eddie shrugs, bringing his cigarette to his lips. “So, I have to get my van at Gareth’s, if you’re interested in a walk.”
You nod, eager to spend as much time with Eddie outside of school as possible. “Can we stop at my place? I have to change.” You look down at yourself, legs exposed, butt barely covered by Eddie’s t-shirt.
The walk from Eddie’s trailer to your house is quick. You’re wearing your pants from last night that are still covered in dirt, Eddie’s shirt, his jacket, and a knit hat he said you could keep. You smell more like him than yourself, his shampoo wafting from your hair in the wind. The two of you stop at your door. “I can wait out here.” Eddie offers as you pull your key from your belt loop.
“Oh please, my parents are harmless and I just met your uncle in my underwear.” He laughs with you, and follows you inside.
“Hi, Dad. This is Eddie, from school.” Your dad looks up from his book, and his face goes from neutral to ecstatic. “Is this the friend you spent the night with?” He teases, rising from his chair at the dining table to greet you both.
“Yeah, he let me crash. Don’t worry though, he was a perfect gentleman.”
Your father extends a hand to Eddie. “I’m David, wonderful to meet you, Eddie!”
Eddie shakes his hand briefly. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
“Mom’s out grocery shopping, but there are snacks in the fridge. Are you staying here?” Your dad asks you, taking your appearance in.
“No, we have some errands to run actually, I'm here to change.” You gesture to your muddy pants.
“Okay! Well, we’re making lasagna for dinner. Eddie, you’re more than welcome to join us.” He sends a wink in your direction.
“It’s a date!” Eddie responds before you can cut in, and you bite your lip to hide your excitement.
“Fantastic! I’ll see you guys later. Be good!” He returns to his chair, and you make your way upstairs.
Eddie’s POV
“You sure you don’t mind me coming in?” Eddie asks as you reach the top of the stairs. He doesn’t want to pry into your personal effects so soon, despite wanting so badly to know you better.
“Nah, I’ve got nothing interesting hiding in here.” You open your door, letting Eddie in first.
He walks in front of you, taking everything in as he walks along the perimeter. The dull white walls are accented with a pink trim, and covered in movie posters of Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday The 13th, and Naked Vengeance, along with tour posters from Joan Jett, Blondie, and Bad Brains. He migrates to the shelf next to your unmade bed, investigating your record collection closely. On your bedside table sits a diary he’s tempted by, and a worm copy of Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar.
“You have a lot of good stuff here.” He pulls out your copy of Autoamerican. “Blondie?” He already knows you’re a fan, having seen the Debbie Harry pin on your backpack in English yesterday.
“I love Blondie!” You walk to him and snatch the record from his hands. “And I’m not ashamed of it.” You kid, putting the record back in its place.
Eddie sits on your bed, his back turned. “You can change, I promise I won’t look.” He covers his eyes as if to make his point.
You roll your eyes. “You’ve seen me without pants already, Munson. And anyway, I have a bathroom..” He still doesn’t turn around, so you change from your dirty jeans into a long black skirt, keeping Eddie’s shirt over top. “Alright, I’m decent.”
Eddie pivots toward you, peeking through his fingers before removing his hands from his face. “You’re still wearing my shirt.”
“I told you, I’m keeping it.” You smile, and he doesn’t push the subject. He’d let you have all the clothes off his back if you wanted. “Let’s go get your van, pretty boy.” You say, pulling on your boots and grabbing your jean jacket off the hook on your door.
Eddie follows, closing your door behind him, his heart practically in his throat after you call him that.
Your POV
“Bye, Dad!” You call, closing your front door behind you. You and Eddie continue down the walk way, and you find yourself reaching for his hand. He lets you take it, entwining your fingers like it’s the most natural act in the world.
“I never actually got to tell you,” you start once you’ve reached the street, “You’re incredibly talented. I'd go as far as to say you guys have a shot at really making it.”
Eddie snorts in response. “I appreciate that, seriously. I don’t know if that’s our end goal though.”
“Why not? It’ll get you out of this shithole.”
“Maybe I like this shithole.”
It’s your turn to laugh. “Why would you? What do you have for yourself here?”
Eddie stops walking, causing you to stumble as you come to a halt. “I have you, don’t I?”
You feel your face blush, unsure how to respond. Of course, he has you. But you’d go anywhere with him, regardless of the consequences. “I’m sorry,” he says, breaking your train of thought. “I don’t mean to assume.”
“It’s okay. You do have me.” You squeeze his band, and he squeezes yours back.
Eddie’s POV
“Oh, no.” The two of you reach Gareth’s house, his car one of three still parked in front of it. “What did they do to you?!” Eddie rushes to his van, which is now covered in spray paint that reads “THE FREAK LIVES HERE.” in angry red spray paint. Eddie groans, scratching at the paint to no avail.
“It looks kinda sick.” You say from behind him.
“I dunno, it’s kinda badass. Something you can kinda lay claim on, embrace maybe.” You shrug, approaching the van. “Add some nice big flames and she’ll be good as new.”
Eddie thinks about it. Painting the van over would cost too much, and there’s no way one car wash would get it all off. “Maybe you’re right.” He says finally, patting the side of the car. He opens the passenger door for you, and you hop in as he climbs into the driver seat. “Let’s just hope they didn’t siphon my gas too.” He turns the key that had been abandoned in the ignition. To both of your relief, the car starts with a mechanical groan. “There she is!” Eddie exclaims as the radio, cranked to full volume, blasts through his tinny speakers. “I wanna show you something.” Eddie puts the car in drive, and peels out of Gareth’s driveway.
Your POV
You end up at a nice house about ten minutes away. Eddie opens your door for you, helping you down from the van. “What I’m about to show you is the most important part of me. I totally understand if it makes you flee and never come back, but for some reason I don’t think you’re gonna do that.” Eddie raps on the front door, and you’re greeted by a lanky kid with wild black hair, a strong jaw, and bony knees. “Holy shit, Y/N! Uh. I mean. Hey, guys! You’re early.”
What the fuck. “Uh, hey.” Why does this child know your name?
“We were in the neighborhood, Mike,” Eddie is speaking through clenched teeth. “this is—Y/N. Y/N, Mike Wheeler.” Wheeler. OH! “Are you Nancy’s brother?” You ask, remembering something Nancy had said last night about her brother starting high school this year. Mike nods, welcoming you into his house. “Game’s not set up yet, but we have snacks downstairs.” Mike gestures to the kitchen, where a little blonde girl in pigtails scribbles in a coloring book. “Holly, say hi to our guests.”
“Hi to our guests!” The girl, Holly to be reasonably assumed, responds giggling. Mike rolls his eyes, opening the door to his basement and heading down.
“Welcome to Hellfire.” Eddie gestures to the basement, a room with a low ceiling held up by a few wooden beams. In the center of the room sys a table cluttered with Dungeons and Dragons figures, character sheets, and dice, surrounded by some old couches. “We usually play at school, but with vacation coming up we’ve started our winter campaign down here. Is it totally lame or what?”
You shake your head, approaching the table. You take in the display of creativity in front of you. “Did you do all this?” You ask, turning back to Eddie. Mike chimes in, “He’s one of the best Dungeon Masters I’ve ever played with. Next to my friend, Will.” Will Byers. You’d heard that name whispered in the halls, attached to phrases like Zombie Boy, and slurs you’d rather not repeat. “You gonna play with us?”
You look at Mike, then at Eddie with the same question in your eyes. “We’d love to have you.” He says, so you agree. You’ll play your first game of DnD since you were thirteen.
Eddie’s POV
His heart races when you nod your head, agreeing to play with Hellfire. He hasn’t expected you to even consider it, but he can’t help being taken with your excitement. He watches as you grab a blank character sheet, scrawling your character stats from memory as you wait for the rest of the club to show up. He tries looking over your shoulder, but you catch him and cover the sheet with your hand. “No peeking!”
“Hey,” Mike walks up to Eddie, pulling him out of your earshot. “What is going on with you guys?” He whispers, a glow of teenage boy curiosity on his face.
“If you must know, which you mustn’t, nothing. Nothing is going on. We had a bad night, we’re making up for it.”
“The party go south?” Mike frowns, watching Eddie consider what was appropriate to share with a fifteen year old.
“Yeah, you could say that. We’re okay, though.”
“Your eye says otherwise.”
Eddie gives Mike a playful shove, and Mike responds with a weak punch to Eddie’s shoulder.
Your POV
In about an hour, the doorbell rings and a cacophony of footsteps tread from the front door to the basement. The curly haired boy from Eddie’s lunch table leads the group, followed by a tall boy with a flat top, and Gareth, Jeff, and the third guy from Corroded Coffin. Behind all of them, a walkman clasped to her jeans and headphones stuck in her ears, is a young red headed girl wearing a scowl on her face. When she looks at you, her face twists into a confused glare.
“Welcome, players!” Eddie exclaims from behind you. “And Max,” he gestures to the redhead. “Today we have a very special addition to our team. I’d like you all to welcome Y/N.” He extends a hand to you, queueing you to continue. “Hi, everyone. I’m Y/N. Level three chaotic neutral elf.”
“Eddie! Is this the person you keep talking about?” The question comes from the curly headed boy, who is immediately met with a smack upside the head from Mike. You stretch your face, trying not to smile at the display of immaturity in front of you. You’re flattered, in fact, to learn that you’ve become a household name.
“Ow! What?!”
“Don’t embarrass him, he’ll make the campaign even more impossible.”
“Whatever. I’m Dustin,” he holds his hand out and you shake it firmly. “This is Lucas,” he gestures to the boy with the flat top, “And I assume you know Gareth, Jeff, and Roger.” He gestures to the members of Corroded Coffin. “We’re happy to have you. This asshole makes these campaigns almost impossible.” Dustin sets his binder down on the crowded table. “You ready to kick some ass?”
You nod, taking a seat next to Eddie, who’s at the head of the table behind his binder.
Eddie’s POV
“To the death!” The chanting is loud and clear, they’ve made their choices. Eddie’s eyes are glued to you almost hungrily as you stand taking your place at the end of the table. You hold the die to Dustin, who gives it a stiff blow for good luck. You shake the D20, then release it across the board. You cover your face with your hands, not ready to look at your roll. Mike, Dustin, and everyone else lean further in, even Max is on her feet.
This whole time, Eddie’s staring at you. He watches your every move, memorizing the way you pull your hair back when you’re stressed, or clench your left fist when you’re angry, bite your lip when you’re scared or shy. He’s very much infatuated, unable to deny that any longer.
You look up from the D20, meeting his gaze, and keep your eyes on him as you shout, “CRIT HIT, BABY!” Slapping the hands of your teammates. They crowd around you, lifting you up with them as they jump, arms flailing to high five and hug each other.
“That’s why we play!” Eddie slaps his hands together. Even though he loves being the asshole with impossible campaigns, he prefers watching his friends celebrate a well earned victory. Of course, it’s a small one, the campaign has only just begun. This boss was awfully weak compared to the ones he’s cooking up for spring. But it’s a victory nonetheless.
He’s especially proud of you, someone that hasn’t played in six years, rolling 20 your first time back. The panic in his chest returns when he realizes what he’s starting to feel. It’s been four days, he needs to chill out.
Your POV
Your heart bangs against your chest as you catch your breath. You had so dearly missed the feeling of a campaign well run. It feels incredible to be surrounded by people like you, and you let yourself find comfort in Hellfire.
You pull yourself from the rest of the boys, making your way over to your new Dungeon Master.
“Good game,” You hold your hand out, and Eddie shakes it stiffly, as if you two had never met. “Great game. One of the best.” He brings your hand up to his mouth, kissing the bruises on your knuckles. You could melt, right there, like the Wicked Witch of the (West? East? You never remember which one was crushed by the house and which one melted), and you’d accept your fate. “C’mon, let’s get outta here. I hear there’s lasagna somewhere?”
He holds his arm out for you, and you link yours around it as you make your way to Eddie’s freak mobile. Eddie opens the door for you, but before you step up, you lift yourself onto your toes, and place a quick kiss on his cheek. “Unbelievable.” You whisper.
“What is?”
“Just. You.” You gesture less than gracefully. “You’re so kind. It makes me so sad to watch how people treat you. Everyone that knows you, loves you. It’s incredible.” You don’t know why this is spilling out of you, possibly the adrenaline from the campaign win.
“Everyone, huh?” He deadpans, and you frown. “Jason and his bitches don’t count. They’re not worth it.”
Eddie shrugs. “No, you’re right. Still, though, I can’t say it doesn’t suck to get jumped with precious cargo.”
“Your precious cargo is in good hands.” You desperately want to kiss him for real. Something in you wants him to make the first move, though. Fear of rejection has always gnawed at you, and unfortunately this circumstance is no different.
Eddie does not sweep you up in a passionate cheesy romantic kiss only meant for blockbuster movies and your mom’s dirty romance novels, though, to your absolute devastation. So you climb into the van, fasten your seatbelt, and begin digging through Eddie’s tapes.
Eddie’s POV
Could I have kissed them? Shit. Shit! Eddie punches the air on his way around the van, taking a deep, frustrated breath before entering. When the engine starts, the speakers blare, and it takes a second for Eddie to gather what’s happening.
You're gonna say you miss me
And you're gonna say you'll kiss me
And you're gonna say you love me
'Cause I'm gonna love you too
I don't care what you told me
You're gonna say you'll hold me
And you're gonna say you love me
'Cause I'm gonna love you too
Eddie turns to you, and you just shrug. You shrug! “You have a Blondie tape in your van.”
“I absolutely do not.”
“My Blondie tape is resting securely at the bottom of my backpack, in my room, at home. This one was in the glove compartment. You like Blondie!” You accuse, a finger jutting out to point right between his eyes. Eddie grabs your wrist suddenly, keeping his eyes locked with yours. “Don’t tell anyone, I have a reputation to keep.”
You cackle, and he joins you, his heart warming with the sound of your laugh. You have no idea he bought that tape when he saw the Blondie pin on your backpack. He’s got it bad.
Your POV
You absolutely cannot believe he didn’t say anything about the song you chose. Nothing! I’m Gonna Love You Too?! One of the least subtle love songs of the century?! Unbelievable, how dense some people are. So why do you find it so fucking cute?
The two of you continue jamming to Blondie, and Eddie sings every word until you reach your house, entering to the smell of sauce cooking on the stove. In the den, you spot your grandmother, and yank Eddie out of her sight line. “Shit.”
“Should I be concerned?”
“No! No, I’m sorry. That's my grandmother. I don’t know why they didn’t tell me she was coming, I wouldn’t subject you to her on purpose. Stay right here.” You leave him behind the doorway, entering the kitchen to pull your dad aside. “What the hell is Grammy doing here?”
“I’m so sorry, kid, I had no idea. She just showed up.” Your mom joins you two, huddling in a corner. “If it makes you feel better, she’s only staying for dinner.” She offers, and it does little to calm your nerves.
“Eddie doesn’t have anything to wear, I don’t want her making more comments about him than I already know she will.”
“Let him borrow some of my work clothes, you guys can go upstairs and change.”
“Alright. You owe me, though.”
“Trust me, I know!” He calls to your back, and you snatch Eddie by his arm and drag him upstairs. In your parents room, you pick out a pair of black dress pants and a long sleeve blue button down shirt. “I’m so sorry about this, my grandmother’s crazy. Put these on.” You toss him the clothes, then go digging in your own closet for your emergency Grammy Visit dress.
“Are you sure I can stay?”
“Please, you’re the one person I want to be here with right now. Unless you wanna go, then please by all means. I would leave too, if I could”
“Oh, hell no. I’ll be right back.” He makes his way into your bathroom, and you change out of your clothes into a short sleeve dress that falls just above your knees, exchange the hoop in your nose for a diamond stud, and swap the spikes in your ears for small silver hoops. Your hair is harder to tame, but you flatten it with an iron, tucking the flyaways behind your ears. You knock on your bathroom door, and Eddie pulls it open forcefully. “Tada.” As much as you prefer his grungy look, he cleans up quite nicely. The clothes are almost perfect, a little loose around his arms and legs, but overall he looks like a respectable young man.
“God, we look lame.” You laugh, and Eddie joins you. ”Here, turn around.” You take an elastic off your wrist, tying Eddie’s hair in a low ponytail. “She’ll still give you shit, but at least we can say we tried.” You shrug, dropping your hands back to your sides.
“Pretty dress.” Eddie chuckles at your clear discomfort. “You somehow manage to pull this look off just as well as your preferred one.” He crosses his arms over his chest, looking you up and down, and you squirm under his stare.
Eddie’s POV
He can’t help it, he is absolutely checking you out in that dress. It’s a good dress, fitting you just right. It definitely isn’t your style, a flowy, lily patterned mid length, falling right above your knees, exposing your bruised and scratched up legs. But you’re still as breathtaking as he finds you in your everyday clothes.
You catch him staring, and he averts his eyes. “Shall we?” You ask, opening the bedroom door for him.
“Anything for lasagna!”
The two of you make your way to the small dining room, Eddie’s place set up next to yours. You walk to your grandmother, arm hooked around Eddie’s. “Hi, Gram! Nice to see you. This is my friend, Eddie.” Eddie isn’t sure what he’s expecting, but hearing you call him a friend stings a little. He guesses you can’t really say “Hey, Gram, this is the guy I got beat up with that also gave me drugs.”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” Eddie holds his hand out, and your grandmother gives it a stern shake. She’s a short, round woman, with a tuft of white hair on her head, and deeply set frown lines. “Hello, Eddie.” She says dryly, taking her seat next to your father.
“What brings you to Hawkins, Mom?” Your dad asks, cutting into his dinner.
“We’ll, I figured I’d check in, see how you’re getting along. Looks like I may have interrupted the move-in process.” She inspects the room, still cluttered with half empty boxes, bubble wrap, and a mess of different knick knacks sitting without a place.
“We’ve only been here four days, you know.” David jokes with his mother, who only rolls her eyes.
“Y/N, how is school going?” Eddie watches you as you respond, trying to read your mood.
“It’s okay, classes are pretty easy so far.” You're being vague, leaving even Eddie to wonder if what you say is true.
“And how did you meet Eddie here?”
“We’re in English together, he was the only one to introduce himself to me.” You meet his eyes, giving him a gentle smile that he returns.
“This man is in high school?!” Grammy barks, causing you to jump in your seat. He doesn’t mind the outburst, he’s well aware old people don’t have the social filters to realize they’re being rude. Eddie looks from you to your grandmother, before volunteering. “I’ve been held back a few times.”
Grammy gives him a glare before turning to you. “Y/N, you can’t just hang around delinquents if you expect to make anything valuable of yourself.” Your grandmother points her fork at you as she says this. “Also, I can see those awful tattoos under his sleeve. You’re going to regret those when you’re older, you know.” She says in Eddie's direction before turning back to you. “What happened to you? You used to be such a beautiful, intelligent girl.” The old woman shakes her head, her eyes on her plate. Eddie is stunned into silence, hearing you referred to as a girl for the first time since meeting you. “You should cut your hair, son.” She adds, flinging her knife in his direction.
You let loose a long, angry growl from the depths of your throat. This has been the longest two days of your life, and you are not in the mood to play passive aggressive Grammy games right now. “You know what, Grandmother? I couldn't care less for what you have to say about Eddie, or about me for that matter. He is the nicest person I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming into contact with, and you wouldn’t know what nice was if it slapped you in the face!” You shove yourself from the table, throwing down your silverware before stomping up to your room, the door slamming behind you. Eddie looks from your empty seat, to your grandmother, to your parents who are silent, completely dumbfounded.
“I’m gonna…” He trails off, excusing himself from the table to follow you upstairs.
Your POV
There’s a knock on your door. You figure it’s Eddie. Though he’s the only one you can see yourself confiding in right now, you don’t want to face him. He wasn't supposed to see you like that, weak against the words of your elder. “Go away!” You shout.
“Stop with the melodramatics.” Eddie opens the door despite your warning, softly closing it behind him. You stuff your face into your pillow, refusing to look at him, but you feel your bed shake as he flops down next to you. “It wasn’t that bad.” Eddie settles a hand on your back, and you feel yourself relax. You roll onto your side to look at him, propped on his elbow, patiently waiting for you to speak.
“It would’ve gotten worse. You’re lucky she didn’t mention the black eye.”
“What’s with that, by the way? Your parents didn’t say anything either.”
“My dad had a rough childhood. He did a lot worse than I have, and he still survived.” You shrug.
“Would that have anything to do with the wretched woman out there?”
He manages to coax a grin from you. “Yeah, I guess it might. But she did the whole homemaker, ‘obey the husband’ thing. She thinks it works for everyone. She gave my dad hell when he started dating my mom. Thinks she made him a satanist.” You roll your eyes.
Eddie’s POV
He’s focused on your every word, grateful to hear you talk so comfortably to him about your family. “My mom was a huge hippie, I guess. She took my dad to Woodstock for their anniversary. They never told me what to wear, who to hang out with. Every time my grandmother visits I’m reminded how good I have it. I feel kind of guilty, I guess?” You pause, and Eddie waits, showing you he's listening with every fiber of his being. “No matter how much they show me they love me, there are always going to be those who don’t. Who refuse to. Usually they’re pretty vocal about it, too. None of this is new to you, obviously. I'm preaching to the choir here.”
“You left the biggest part out, though.” Eddie finally gains the courage to respond. You raise an eyebrow, so he explains, “You're still strong enough to do it. To wear, listen to, talk to whomever the fuck you feel like, despite knowing people are gonna hate you for it. I guess we both do.” He looks down at the two of you, very out of place in your dinner garb. “Except for right now, apparently.”
There’s a knock at the door then. “Hey, guys.” Your mother peeks her head in the room, making sure the two of you are decent, and Eddie can’t help but smile at her kindness. “Grammy’s gone, you two are free to go, stay, whatever you want. Dinner’s in the fridge for later. Your father and I are going out for some much needed drinks.”
“Okay, Mom. Thank you, drive safe, call me if you need a ride home.”
“Of course, sweet pea. Eddie, we’re so sorry for tonight, we’d love to have you again, sans the decrepit grandmother. It’s been lovely to meet one of Y/N’s friends.”
“No worries, ma’am, Thank you for having me. Have a good night.” She gives you both a small wave before closing the door again.
“I should probably get going.” Eddie suggests, rising to his feet. He doesn’t want to. He wants to make sure you sleep tonight, free of nightmares, screaming, and whatever else haunts your brain. But he can’t keep doing this to himself. You barely know each other, and he doesn’t trust that fact enough to slow him down. He’s about to open your bedroom door again when he hears you.
“Please don’t go.” He’s ninety percent sure it’s what you say, but it’s muffled by your pillow. He turns around to see you on your stomach, hands by your side, a kind of dead man’s float pose. He’s still looking at you as you push your head off the bed, craning your neck to see if he’s left.
“You should sleep.” He frowns, aching to crawl back into your bed, wrap his arms around your waist, feel your breathing even out as you fall into a deep, hopefully peaceful sleep. There is no appeal to leaving you right now.
“That’s the plan.” You say, and Eddie swears he can hear your disappointment.
Fuck it.
Your POV
Eddie turns on his heel, entering your bathroom instead of exiting. Mere moments later, He emerges, wearing only his boxers and his Metallica shirt that you’d left on the bathroom floor.
“Hey! You robbed me!”
“It’s my shirt!” Eddie flings himself on top of you, pinning you to the bed with his weight. You screech with laughter as you wriggle under him, struggling to get the upper hand. You stop moving after minutes of no progress made, the abrupt pause causing your face to line up with Eddie’s above you, inches away.
“Are you gonna let me change out of this piece of shit?” You say between heavy breaths, the air from your mouth moving the hair around Eddie’s face.
“I dunno, you look kinda cute like this.”
You know he doesn’t mean to, but the comment hurts your feelings. You’re used to people saying you’d be prettier if you’d just wear a dress, wear a little makeup, stop chopping your hair off. You never expected to hear anything like that from Eddie.
Eddie senses your change in demeanor, and doesn’t move as you more forcefully shove at him, a real attempt to get away from him.
“Hey, hold on, I didn’t mean that. I mean, of course I meant it, you look good! But you always look good. I don’t prefer this, if that’s what you’re thinking. Not that it matters what I prefer, you can obviously do whatever you want, but-“
“Oh my god can you just shut the fuck up for a second?” You fling your arms around Eddie’s neck, bringing his face down into the pillow next to you. You could have kissed him, pulled his face into yours instead. Something inside of you holds you back, afraid to scare Eddie away. You keep your arms wrapped around his neck as he turns his face to the side to look at you. “There are better ways to get me to stop talking, y’know.”
“I can’t wait to try them all.” You joke, finally sliding out from under him, making your way to the bathroom to change.
chapter V
tag list @beebeerockknot @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five || send a message to be added!🫶
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little-cereal-draws · 6 months
tagged by @spookymultimedia
How many fics do you have on ao3?
What's your total word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now I'm on a Nimona kick but I've also written for Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows, What We Do in the Shadows, Moon Knight, Werewolf by Night, and Puss in Boots and the Last Wish. I'm also in the middle of my first BBC Ghosts fic.
Top five fics by kudos
You're a Werewolf and I'm a Full Moon (219), The Blue Beta Bronco (144), A Decent Cup of Coffee (141), Red Bullets (127), and The Fear of Being Known (90)
Do I respond to comments?
Yes! I love responding to comments! I usually give way too many insights into my writing process/inspiration in my responses tho lol Please comment!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
"Laters Gators" in which Steven leaves a message for his mom.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't like leaving things on an unhappy note so everything except "Laters Gators" has a happy ending. Some of them have really angsty middles tho.
Do you get any hate on any fic?
Never any hate but I've written several queer platonic relationships that people will comment on saying "I don't see them as a romantic partners :/ " and that gets my blood boiling bc I go to great lengths to show it's not romantic but ppl still read it that way
Do you write smut?
No, I cut to black for any sex scenes. I do write a lot of implied sex/innuendos tho
Do you write crossovers?
The only crossover I ever wrote was between Moon Knight and Werewolf by Night but I'm not opposed to crossovers. If it's funny or makes sense, I would be open to taking a stab at it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I have friends who write fanfiction and I'll help brainstorm the plot with them
What's your all time favorite ship?
I don't know my all time favorite. Ships I really enjoy that I've written for tho include Fedyor x Ivan (shadow and bone), Puss x Kitty (puss in boots), and Laszlo x Nadja (what we do in the shadows)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I make it a point to finish all my stories. I think I have two unfinished stories in my google drive but I don't remember what they're abt so clearly I wasn't very passionate about them. I do have a Puss in Boots series tho that I've been saying I'm going to finish for the last year. All the stories published it in are finished but the series isn't and it's really bothering me lol
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm good at internal dialogue and describing details.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I've been told that my characters are always very open about what they're feeling/thinking and never lie about it. So ulterior motives ig
Thoughts on dialogue in another language
I try to include it where it makes sense. I have used google translate a lot (sorry!) but I always check that against other sites that are slightly more reliable (like word hippo)
First fandom you wrote for?
Avatar the Last Airbender. But the first one I published was for Six of Crows.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
I like fics were I'm juggling a lot of plots/character arcs and am able to tie them together in a satisfying way at the end. So in terms of things I've written that's Everything is Fine (right?) and Much Ado About Something. The first one is a Nimona fic for the everything is fine au where they all live in a cabin in the woods and nothing bad ever happens (except for the bad stuff I made happen) and the second one is a moon knight fic in the style of a Shakespearean comedy with mistaken identities and love hexagons
tagging: @drifting-pieces-blog-blog @sir-ballister-boldheart @ambrosius-goldheart @gaymaramada and anyone else who wants to
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petz5 · 2 years
i remember the biggest arguments people had against akane was how she would ‘make ranma suffer with her hitting him all the time’ and how ‘ranma was mistreated by akane and he would hate that’, when in reality, ranma would never understand why akane would get mad at him when he teased her cause to him they were flirting lmaooo
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akane: *furious and a little heartbroken*
ranma: akane not flirting back???? why?????
on a surface level i get the complaint but i also think ppl need to remember rumiko straight up said ranma 1/2 is slapstick and not take it so literally when akane kicks ranma 200 ft into the air 😭 their world is literally running on looney tunes logic
off the top of my head the only hits in the series (outside of martial arts) that I remember actually being meant to be seen as hits are when akane slapped ranma’s cheek to stop him from hurting shinnosuke (who was literally beginning to have a seizure and ranma hadn’t noticed- also she felt TERRIBLE about it and immediately apologized and told him he could hit her back), and in a flashback where genma kicked nodoka when he was taking ranma from her
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IF THIS WAS MEANT TO BE SEEN AS REAL ITD BE TERRIBLE INSTEAD OF A FUNNY GAG BUT THATS VERY CLEARLY NOT THE INTENTIONAL READING. also if u do that u have to do it for every character, u can’t JUST single out akane’s actions bc u don’t like her and would have picked shampoo lmao (and shampoo is crazy even by the standards of the series)
(also this site has some rlly good charts lmao)
YES THO I HARD AGREE ranma’s idea of flirting is teasing akane and he does get surprised when he legitimately upsets her. The first example that comes to mind is in the ukyo’s secret sauce arc when he’s trying to figure out how to make ukyo not want him and she goes “just do what u do with me” and he’s very GENUINELY like “wait does that hurt ur feelings??? u know I don’t really mean that stuff right??” “well yeah, I know that, but ukyo won’t”
again w ukyo I think she wanted to break them up when she first met them bc she didn’t realize the ranma teasing akane and then akane bopping him on the head for it was just their dynamic and they’re actually best friends. idk if they still are but for a long time they were THE poster children on tvtropes for belligerent sexual tension
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possession1981 · 1 year
aleks!! it’s your borfday !!! happy happy happy birthday ♡〜٩( ᐢ⸝⸝› ‹⸝⸝ᐢ)۶〜♡ I hope your day has been wonderful and you got a little smth nice for yourself whatever it may be because you deserve it !! I also hope Jacob is taking you on a date or else it’s ass whopping time anyway ! I am here to present you with a couple things so ahem
to our one and only belovedest Aleks goes the 🏆 best cc on tumblr award 🏆 need I say more? I think a lot of ppl would agree with me here, you never cease to amaze with your creations, I remember when you followed me back it felt kinda crazy cause your stuff is on such a different level you can make anything and everything look so beautiful and nice and polished. truly insane. mind blowing. award deserving. I could spend hours looking at your work ♡
ofc the 🏆 best fashion mutual 🏆 also goes out to thee, I’ve already told you this but you have. The Vision. you Know. you Understand. I always love to hear your takes on ppl’s outfits srsly I live for your fashion reviews and insight, I mean you are after all a fashion icon in your own right so it only makes sense
I also have to bestow you Thee Official Taemin Mutual🏅title, I mean not that you weren’t already just personally I cannot listen to a Taemin song now without having a little thought for you, hoping that you are well wherever you are, the two of you are indivisible in my brain literally if I ever meet Taemin I feel like all I would wanna say to him would be like “my friend is your biggest fan !” yk
and finally the🏅coolest mutual award🎖️ I mean just. overall. idk how else to put it, you’re so cool and fun and nice and the best ? my tumblr experience wouldn’t be worth half of what it is if it wasn’t for you, it probably doesn’t seem like much being on tumblr but you have such a positive impact on this site I hope you know that, thank you for being here and being yourself ♡
sorry for the very long message x_x sending big love on your special day!^^ I’ll see you later when me and the guys bring you your cake in your room and sing you hbd, please try to act surprised :0 also don’t tell jongin i told you but the rover announcement was an early bday present for you shhh~ ily ❤️
first of all neo i am sorry for leaving this for like 4 hours i was trying to think of ways to adequately respond because actually i don't think u know this but like genuinely thoroughly forreal you are one of the most important people on this website to me and i'm still always like wow <3333333333 neo interacted with me <333333333 neo liked my gifs 👉🏻👈🏻 and so on and so forth.... but i have now returned from my date so u don't have to be beating anyone up babes altho i appreciate the sentiment <3 i will make sure to act surprised when u show up w the cake tho i promise
now to accept these awards that i do not feel like i am worthy of but i will accept anyways because i love u so much and value ur opinion so highly i would like to say that one of the greatest ccs on the entire platform awarding my content feels like a fever dream, and your judgment of my coolness means everything to me actually like. kissing u. <3333 and i hope u know that as much as u think of me when u listen to taemin i think of u when i listen to baekhyun (AND miss suzy!!!!!!) or probably even more in fact. now when it comes to the fashion awards i can only humbly accept and say that i think it's CRIMINAL that we don't have our own fashion evaluation show to rival johnny's yet. we deserve it we are the ones who get it.
i will be thinking of this message for ages to come btw hope u know this..... ily ily ily 💞💕🍒
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tasteforrot · 2 years
Everything Is Dumb Now
everything seems dumb now
or the problems before tuesday
or my problems before tuesday
or the problems i focused on before tuesday
idk if theyre really dumb
but probably
does he like me will it work
venus in pisces taurus sun with a cancer ascendent
moon in leo
idk why liking someone is so terrifying to me
my shrink asked me why having basic needs met seems so impossible
the moon was in aquarius on tuesday i think
or i remember reading “let us hope this is a good omen”
(probably chani nicholas)
for two months i refreshed nine horoscope sites daily asking the internet
what would happen
i saw something this week
about the election coverage was too… like
focusing more on what will happen in november
not what was happening at the time
what will happen vs what is happening
what do we know
this past month i began calling more feelings “pain”
laying in bed thinking “i’m in so much pain lol”
have you ever read the attachment theory wikipedia?
i’m sure there are better sources but the wikipedia is really convenient
there are four styles.
and this one style, “disorganized” is like
something like:
the way you’re greeted when you enter a room
and the way you’re treated
was never constant so u never like,
never know when the other shoe will drop
who will abandon when
or u’ll wild out bc like, idk.
the others are what they sound like
secure attachment style is what it sounds like
ppl with disorganized attachment ruin things, sabotage things
bc what’s the point if it’s already. idk
wednesday morning
when i told my therapist i watched someone die, she said
“oh, fuck talking about the election”
but like nah
we talked about the election
and the two guys i saw wearing those red hats
the first time ive seen them irl
first thing in the morning
on my walk up tenth avenue
i almost threw up
and threw myself on them but didnt
but i did also tell her i didn’t feel anything watching him die,
or i didn’t know what i felt or if i was feeling.
i watched him become president from my bed
scared of feeling anything except the most reality as possible
a few hours before,
i watched him make a noise and then he stopped breathing
and then a nurse hit his chest and said, “he’s just sleeping”
(he wasn’t)
she said he had a pulse, he’s fine
(he wasn’t)
it took the supervisor twenty-five minutes to show up
hospice care in a nursing home isn’t a hospital
the way she said it’s about making him comfortable
the way:
there are things that are supposed to happen
people asked if i was ok
my boss hugged me
idk if it was the death or the election
or what i’ve been saying online that has ppl msging me lately
telling me they hope im ok soon
waking up is harder now
it never really was before
i learned to like mornings in college
they felt more hopeful
opportunity, routine, etc
my shrink also told me to read online
specifically disorganized attachment
but that for some reason
and who knows
it’s not all I have. that i can do and do make secure bonds
there’s some secure attachment
something like hope?
she said: attachments just are
you can’t force them
an attachment is
when i told my shrink about his last breath she said something like:
isn’t that all we have, a breath
and then we take another
and keep going
that’s the only difference
other times i’ve watched people die
(and never the act)
there was the clear moment between when they were gone
(when they started taking pain meds)
not their body but themselves
“the priority is comfort”
i only realized today that i don’t know whether or not he was in pain
just that when i got to his room, alone
i’ve never seen anyone like that
i thought he was going to die right then
with me alone
so i grabbed his hand, which was blue
and trying to take off his oxygen mask
i’ve been hearing the term “oxygen mask” a lot more
put on your oxygen mask before you help others
everyone says get out of ur internet bubble
i mean, i agree
i guess
but i live alone
work online
my family is three white men
(it used to be more)
who asked me why i didn’t tell them about my sexual assaults sooner
(i had)
but i guess they forgot
or it doesnt matter? idk
i dont want to have to see them today
or tomorrow
but their dad only dies once
only died once
before tuesday i’d get drunk
get stoned
wake up
ever since tuesday the idea of feeling anything the most amount of
pain feels wrong
not pain for pain’s sake
but anesthetizing any of the reality
of what is and is about to happen
isn’t there something about how pain is a great motivator
or isnt there that susan sontag thing about not believing someone else is in
is that the thing
or how people with that disease that makes them not feel pain are fucked
i can’t believe the pain i cause by trying to avoid pain
(myself + others)
getting out of bed isn’t a problem
or wasn’t before tuesday
(now it is)
i’m right by a window and it’s cold
and i just remember it’s real
and i’m where i was where i watched him become president
i like routine and waking up and drinking coffee
more so i feel it around 3pm or 5pm or 8pm or 11pm
what’s the fucking point
i don’t feel that way anymore
my anxiety’s been down since all my worst fears came true
i’m not as worried for now as i am a year from now
a year and three months
momentum, etc
it’s been clearer who’s trying to lessen suffering and who’s trying to clear
their name
i’ve been trying to take up less space
or occupy space in a different way
or, idk.
it’s easier to tell ppl i love them
u dont need a reason anymore
or maybe the reason is just more obvious
it’s too much noise n it’s not enough
im getting msgs from ppl telling me to stockpile birth control
but my body rejects most types of birth control
and i haven’t found one that works yet
so like
hasnt loving and fucking always been terrifying
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furby-organist · 2 years
I’ve had this blog for a WHILE and this has yet to come up on here (though I’ve told some mutuals in the DMs haha) so I am... snitching on this clown.
So I’ve talked before about how the things Alexa refers to (or that I refer to) as his ‘kinks’ (and not the fake shitpost ones) aren’t actual sexual kinks, they’re things that are sensorily/recreationally enjoyable or just seem Fun or make him go Full Stupid. I’ve also mentioned that he doesn’t remember all of them bc sex is so materially unimportant in his life that he doesn’t think about it unless it’s brought to his attention (which admittedly is pretty often on this site).
Uhhhh one thing that Does It 4 Him though is... the incredibly vanilla Thing of getting someone else off. He does not remember this. It’s less the type of thing that makes him go “ooh yep I’m into that” when it’s brought up and more like, an in-the-moment thing? (Exceptions are like... when it’s presented as a Challenge bc he’s Like That. ’I’m horny’ -> not his problem. ‘No one’s been able to get me off ever ;-;’ -> rolls up his sleeves) Wow I still feel weird talking about him in nsfw terms WOWOWOW 
It’s one of those things he usually forgets Does It 4 Him unless he’s already in a NSF.W Situation and getting the other party off, OR a Precursor to a NSF.W Situation and the other party is gettin RAMPED UP & would like some ASSISTANCE (though there’s a solid chance in the latter scenario that he did not MEAN to ramp anyone up and is like ‘oh no, oh dear’ uncomfortable, OOPS. He can kiss for hours and be fine but has definitely forgotten than not everyone is like that.)
Unlike the things that have a Recreational or Sensory explanation, this one... does not! It’s just a Thing. Probably just hardwired biological programming. Whoever snipped the sexuality wires forgot to snip this one.
There are Fun Kinks (no he doesn’t remember them) that ARE associated with this because He Is Who He Is and he thinks having a partner at his mercy is Very Fun. That part is good ol’ psychological fun. The Right Person in the Right Circumstance is Very Cute when they’re desperate and needy and begging. Or crying (good/cathartic) from the overstim (consensual) of getting off back to back to back. That sort of thing. Figuring out which buttons to push is VERY FUN, turning someone into a MESS is VERY FUN!!
(He’s built for it! Maybe! He has the hands of a musician and the tongue of someone who doesn’t shut the fuck up, he has stamina -- as long as none of his six hundred aversions are set off. It’s a battle behind an active waffle house dumpster tbh, good luck, this could go in any direction.)
(If you’re new here, he usually doesn’t involve himself from the waist down and also hasn’t railed anyone since nineteen-thirty-something. I enjoy snitching on him tho.)
(To zoom out, wrt the vast majority of ppl, he’d be SUPER UNCOMFY even CONTRIBUTING to getting them off, like, NO, DO NOT ASSOCIATE HIM WITH YOU NUTTIN, BASTA, ENOUGH. And whenever people around him are openly horny, his brain doesn’t really consider himself to be someone who can solve the problem. It’s not that he’s thinking ‘I could but ew I don’t want to.’ Usually, his default understanding of himself vis a vis the situation is ‘I can’t help you, good luck’ the same way my 5′2″ self automatically does not recognize myself as someone who can help when someone goes ‘can someone help me reach the top shelf’?)
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bbyboybucket · 27 days
I can make a good guess about who you're talking about. A little birdie told me the ❄️ is one of the reasons why their role has been massively reduced in a current project. I hear it's been a problem that got worse through lockdown and last year's strikes. 😬
Take this with a grain of salt of course as it came through a chain of he said, she said, etc, but now I'm curious to know if you've heard this as well. I can't find much online about it and only heard this through word of mouth.
Ohhhh now that is one I haven’t heard yet. But I actually wouldn’t be surprised if that plays a part. I’ve definitely heard about the company making this person have a sobriety coach during one of the past movies. But yeah, I’ve also heard that it’s been a problem on and off for yearsssss, and the coke seems to be a consistent topic in insider news and gossip sites for this person. So the fact that this person has a problem with it in general seems pretty legit to me, bc it’s been talked about since early in their career, like 2010. But yeah, I also heard that it got worse/became a more serious problem during strikes.
But like you said, which specific stories are true is iffy sometimes. I’ve seen a lot of stuff and a lot of stories centered around this, both directly involved with their work and ab the coke in their personal life too.
Anyways, what you just said is new for me. Not at all surprising tho, as supposedly this person has gotten in trouble with the company several times over the years for this. I’ve heard ab a few issues with their PR team and the company having to ask/pay ppl to delete social media photos them using coke. And I’ve heard the same about asking/paying ppl to not write articles on the scandal. And ofc like I mentioned before, the sobriety coach. If I’m remembering correctly (take this with a grain of salt as well), I think at one point the company threatened to fire them over this and made them clean their act up if they wanted to stay. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the role being reduced is the company is taking extra steps for damage control.
But also what you said makes me wonder if their role was reduced bc of other issues on set. Like you said, who knows how true it is, bc it’s word of mouth ofc….but what I’ve heard is that on the last project, this person was paying for “escorts” to visit them almost daily and also was doing sexual stuff with a lot of the crew members…..😬😬
Ofc, again don’t know if that’s completely true or if it’s exaggerated some or what. But what you said makes me wonder if this person is in trouble for both coke and the sex stuff going on during filming 🫠
Anyways, thanks for feeding me some info 😂 it’s not a good thing but at least it’s interesting to hear about 😂😂
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funshinebf · 6 months
i feel like the worst ppl on this site always add comments on tons of popular posts so its like impossible to completely avoid them. like ive seen callouts for people on here and ive been like "oh i didnt follow them anyway, should be easy to avoid them" but then i see them on my dash all the time, not even as op's of popular posts, but like they have helpful additions on tons of stuff so it stays in circulation. and you cant remove their addition without removing all the other additions after them. i think one thing that makes this site difficult is that so many of the popular weirdos just stick around and wait for their callout to lose traction, so eventually no one even knows who they are or what type of shit theyve done. but i have an approximate memory of many things, so i can always recognize a url ive been told to avoid. i might not remember what theyve done but i remember reading a callout for them and being like "wow, thats fucked up!" and making a mental note to avoid them. this makes it very difficult for me to warn others away from them cause i cant remember the specifics i just remember thinking it was bad. it really is just "source: dude trust me" sometimes
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