#( taeha answers. )
chrrybbamb · 2 years
“There’s a place for us somewhere.” (taeha&seungwoo)
status : aceitando | starring : seungwoo ♡ taeha ! — @beautifulstrcnger​
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Seus dedos brincavam contra a pele macia do amado, Taeha era mesmo o amor de sua vida e depois de meses o amando em segredo, finalmente, estava com ele ali. — Você é lindo. — Sussurrou, quase uma devoção ao buscar a mão alheia e entrelaçar seus dedos. — Não poderia estar mais feliz em o ter nos meus braços. — Completou, um selar sendo depositado na testa. Claro que Seungwoo ainda era tímido com aquelas coisas, ainda lembrava da vez que conheceu “Honey” - o pseudônimo usado no segundo trabalho do Ko - e morreu de vergonha de fazer o que os amigos mandaram, que era dormir com o garoto; mas agora, toda a vergonha de praticar o ato tinha ido embora, apesar de não ser o mais descarado possível para pedir por sexo. O relógio marcava quatro e meia da madrugada, a última vez que tinha olhado eram apenas duas, mas o tempo passou rápido enquanto se beijavam e mais uma vez, faziam amor onde apenas as estrelas podiam testemunhar pela janela. — Esse lugar já existe, meu príncipe. — Garantiu sorridente, puxando um lençol sobre os corpos desnudos. — Enquanto nosso amor existir, sempre vamos ter um lugar. Qualquer lugar é nosso! Falando nisso... Amanhã eu não trabalho cedo, o que acha de ficar no meu colo uma última vez?
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lgctaeha · 9 months
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NAME: PARK TAEHA / 박태하 ( Also goes by Esther Park )
✿ Much like in lgc!verse, Taeha followed after her older brother, Taekyung ( npc ), who is a current fourth year music theory major at LGCU. Although she auditioned for the Dance program on a bit of a whim, she's happy to have found her home at LGCU ( and to be able to bother her bro on the regular basis òuó ). ✿ She absolutely love, love, LOVES ( !!! ) being in the dance major and spends most of her time in one of the campus studios rehearsing. She's even begun to choreograph her own contemporary pieces and is looking forward to taking a leadership role in this year's showcase if her dance professor will allow it ( ...or until they give in because Taeha just won't stop asking and sneaking baked goods into their office until they do - ) ✿ Taeha is co-founder and co-captain of LGCU's unofficial Spirit Squad, alongside @lgcxminji. You can find the two skipping around campus in their .✰*DIY spirit squad shirts and handing out mini promposal macarons to every student they meet, inviting them to a big group photo at the end of the night.
✿ Has atrocious handwriting, but that doesn't stop her from leaving notes of encouragement in various locations around campus. Don't be surprised if you find a 'you can do it!' note at your lunch table or a 'don't give up!' in a random book you pick up at the library.
✿ Speaking of library, when not hanging out in @lgcminseo's dorm room or pestering @hyunsoolgc to add a ~ love column ~ to the school newspaper, she can be found in there 'studying' ( translation: catching up on the latest Attack on Titan manga with @lgcjino ).
✿ She also really hopes that he knows what's going on in their Astronomy class, because she dragged @yoonalgc into it thinking they were going to be reading each other's birthcharts and finding soulmates and now Professor Nahee is asking about Dwarf Galaxies and apparently there aren't seven of them and they have nothing to do with Snow White -
✿ But the library is not always for procrastination and shenanigans! Being a native English speaker, she spends most Saturdays volunteering for language exchanges with other international students, and even started to participate as a learner herself. So far, she's picked up quite a bit of Japanese, so she's certain she'll get at least a B in her 'Japanese Conversation Through Movies' course ( and worst case scenario she'll just blink some morse code to @lgcxsofi for presentation answers ).
✿ In the spring, she's known for fluttering around campus in a pair of cheap fairy wings claiming to be 'Campus Cupid' and delivering confession notes ( real or staged ) and playing matchmaker for both students and faculty alike ( looking at you Professor Eunsook ).
✿ When it came to her own confession during last year's 'Campus Cupid' run, she accidentally shot a suction cup arrow directly at @seyoonlgc's face and hasn't been able to show her face in front of him since.
✿ ...Or at least she tried not to until she realized they were both in the same beginner yoga class. At least she can hide out in the corner giggling with @yujinlgc and taking naps - I mean, practicing her shavasana.
✿ And last but not least, Taeha has been so ridiculously excited for prom she can barely stand it! She's got THE dress, the shoes, and the best friends in the whole world ( even in all the Dwarf galaxies!!! ) and she can't wait to dance the night away with all of them ( and annoy them to no end by taking polaroids every five minutes ).
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lgcseojin · 1 year
DEJA VU ✱ @lgctaeha
Odd ㅡ Seojin swears he has been here before. The image before him is familiar yet unclear, hidden behind a gaussian blur of misremembrance. The more his hands dig into the stale dirt covering his past, the more he recalls a certain musical of similar storyline and setting. His own circumstances differed quite greatly back then; pushed into the background by his own doing once again.
( But making good choices had never been his strong suit. Perhaps the reason why he is still here as a trainee. He has heard the inquiries. At this age? To which he answers: what else is there left to lose? )
He lifts his head, cognizant of the multiple lenses pointed in every direction. Beneath them are camera stands, monitoring the practice for promotional material. It is something he has grown accustomed to by now. He looks into them as intently as he stares into another person's eyes but makes sure it's fleeting, focusing on the girl in front of him instead. Vocal assistance aside, his mind drifts to another topic instead.
"So, Taeha, what do you think so far? I would say... our pattern has the coolest plotline. We get to do offense, after all andㅡ" he tilts his head. "Actually, you never told me about your character. Orㅡ actually. Wait. What did you need help with again?"
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lgckiha · 2 years
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유기하◞ ✰ ╎ TRIMESTER ( 03 ) : update    — a peek inside yoo kiha’s phone!
what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
without saying a word, kiha reaches inside his leather jacket and pulls out his phone. much like kiha himself, it’s rather understated and doesn’t say a lot about him. a simple, black matte case. he inhales sharply before picking it up and unlocking it, staring at his home screen for a moment before opening his mouth. “kakao talk.” he mutters, glancing upwards for a second before looking back down at his phone. “discord.” kiha then says, once again looking upwards from his phone before returning his gaze to the screen. he purses his lips slightly. “uh, melon. of course. naver and then naver map.”
what is the most random note your notes app?
kiha furrows his brows, not entirely sure how to answer. "uh, i don’t use the notes app.” he says slowly, checking his phone even though he was certain of his answer. opening his notes application, he flips his phone around and shows a very empty notes section, almost as if he didn’t know that application existed on his phone. “i prefer to write things down the old fashioned way, actually.” he says quietly, turning his phone back to face him. “like with a pen and a piece of paper.” he murmurs. “i uh... have a planner... so i can... plan stuff.”
what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was it from?
kiha’s breath hitches in his throat, pausing for a moment before opening his mouth. “my last call would of been from taeha,” he says plainly. “who is my younger sister.” with his younger sister still being a student in daegu, the only way the two of them could really keep in contact outside of kakao talk or seeing each other in person when kiha managed to get home, was through voice call or facetime. he unlocks his phone, brows narrowing for a second as he searches for his latest message notification. he’s still not entirely sure as to why he agreed to do this. “as for my last message. it was from lee jiwon.” 
what were the last five songs that you’ve listened to?
without saying anything, kiha opens melon on his phone, in search of the last five songs he had listened to. he wouldn’t say he had a broad taste in music, but it did vary every now and then. his most recent songs would be a good gauge of the music he enjoyed listening to. far from the industry he had landed himself in. he scrolls for a moment or so before glancing up from his phone. “the first song is btbt by b.i sunbaenim.” kiha says plainly. “then uh... robbers by the 1975.” he says plainly, once again. he glances back down at his phone. “half moon by dean sunbaenim, then yanghwa bridge by zion.t sunbaenim.” kiha clicks the lock button the side of his phone, facing it down atop of the table. “the last one was swim by chase atlantic.”
what were the 5 most recent online searches?
kiha stiffens in his chair, clearly annoyed about the questions that kept continuously coming. what were these for again? he reaches for his phone again and opens it, now opting for naver instead of melon. so now they wanted his most recent searches... just what was the point of this? “okay then...” kiha murmurs, narrowing his brows, looking up from his phone before glancing back down at it. “well, legacy family con twenty twenty two tickets.” he glances upwards. “my sister came up from daegu to our seoul concert, uh... i brought taeha and her friend a ticket each.” kiha explains. “uh, book depository.” he says in polished english. “i’m trying to read more often in english, so, english books... makes sense, i guess.” kiha shrugs. “overwatch 2, because that’s happening soon..., um... mandarake and then chicago.”
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lgcsujin · 2 months
JUICE BOXES @lgctaeha
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After the incident, Sujin spent some time Googling about love confessions, and if a girl running off meant you got shot down. The results of his research was inconclusive, so he figured he could just...wait.
While he never actively sought out Taeha, fate had them bump into each other multiple times. Like now, just as he returned from buying drinks at the convenience store, they ran into each other again. The girl crouched down to hide behind what was a small plant that did nothing to shield her from his vision.
"...Should I pretend I am not seeing you?" He asked with a slightly arched brow. "Am I that scary, Park Taeha?" She was running away from him as if he was Slender Man himself. Perhaps he should take that as an answer, but Sujin had never been the type to feel safe making assumptions.
"It's not like I said oh, now that you've seen my body, take responsibility and become my lawfully wedded wife." He was referring to that unfortunate mall situation which happened some months ago. It involved a lot of screeching, a half naked man and a mascot head rolling across the dirty men's washroom floor. "If you shoot me down, it's fine." He reached into his messenger bag and took out one of the two juice boxes he'd purchased. "If you want a week or a month or three to think of an answer, it's also fine." Sujin bonked Taeha calmly on the head with the still cold strawberry juice box. "I am not fragile." A part of him did recognize this might be difficult, since they'd known each other since teenage years. "Just know I want out of the brother zone, so start seeing me as a man."
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m-m-land · 5 years
Do you know what's wrong with Taeha and Daisy? I just heard "health problems" so I'm worried! What if they don't come back? :( I love ot9!
well, the official agency release said that they will be absent because of personal and health reasons, and most people assumed it’s health for Taeha and personal for Daisy (that maybe they are pulling her from the comeback, or that she herself doesn’t want to be in public because of her flop dating scandal with Yunhyeong )
but someone pointed out to me that they are the members that were added to the group later (and the winners of the show are the 7 that we see now), so it might be because of their different contracts. it’s also possible that the company is testing the group without them :( I don’t think that there are any serious health issues
but I doubt they will kick them out, since Daisy has a lot of international fans and Taeha is very much needed in the group for vocals. I don’t really know anything else, I’m sorry. I guess we’ll see with time…. (I love ot9 and I miss them :( )
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ujuro · 4 years
When i see or reblog gifs of seola i sometimes think of the other kim hyunjung aka daye from berry good and I wonder what on earth happened to her
Like one of the mysteries I want solved that no one else cares about is what her and the rest of the berry good girls had beef over
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kqbluemoon-moved · 3 years
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SUMMARY :: In which the girls confront Najoo. CHARACTERS :: Kim Najoo, Moon Jangmi, Kang Jinri, Della Jang, Maisie Park, Lee Taeha WORDS :: 1.5K WARNINGS :: swearing, fights ( if i missed anything let me know ! )
Najoo let out a sigh when she walked through the door to their dorm, seeing all the other girls sitting around the living, looking like they had been waiting for her. She knew this was coming, ever since the news dropped about her possibly dating Jaeho had dropped this morning. She’d been over at Jaeho’s when the news dropped, their manager calling her in a second, telling her that she needed to get to the company as soon as possible. She’d spent the last hours at the company getting questioned on every single aspect of her relationship with Jaeho and getting told time and time again that she needed to me more careful, and if she was being completely honest, she didn’t want to hear the same spiel come out of Jangmi’s mouth right now. It felt like she was going to get kicked while she was down.
All heads turned to her as she closed the door, taking off her shoes and Najoo can’t help the roll of her eyes. “I’ve already had the lecture, so if that’s what this is about then I’d really like if it didn’t happen.”
Out of the corner of her eye she could see some of the other members roll their eyes, probably already upset with Najoo and anything that she did would push them over the edge, though Jangmi’s face remained stoic, not a single emotion running through it. Najoo took a moment to look at the rest of the girls, it was the first time she noticed that five girls were sitting around the living room instead of the usual four other girls. Maisie sat next to Della, a worried look on her face, though Najoo could tell that the scandal was probably bad enough to draw the other girl away from the IZ*ONE dorms. Najoo didn’t blame her for being worried, her future home might be crumbling just a bit.
“We just want to know if you’re okay,” Jangmi’s voice rang through the quiet dorm, pulling the older girl out of her thoughts.
Najoo raised an eyebrow, folding her arms over her chest. “Really? You don’t want to lecture me about how I should never see Jaeho again or anything?”
“I mean I was told to tell you that but-” Najoo tuned the other girl out, rolling her eyes in an instant. She knew Jangmi didn’t actually care about her and wanted to check in with her, it was just the company telling her to.
“There it is,” she interrupted, shooting a glare at the younger. “You don’t actually want to know if I’m okay, you’re just doing what the company told you to.” She was annoyed and frustrated and she wanted to do nothing more than to just go to her room and hide out there for a while. “It’s okay, you don’t have to keep up the act, I already told Jaeho it was over so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“You know it’s possible that I actually want to make sure you’re okay, right?” Jangmi pushed back, raised an eyebrow at the orange haired girl. “And besides,, you act like you’re the only one getting lectured in all of this when-”
“My god, is this how it always is?” a new voice broke through Jangmi’s words, stopping the older two in their tracks. Najoo turned to see Maisie looking at them with a confused look on her face as Della nodded from beside her. “How the hell do you get shit done?”
The two older girls stared blankly at the younger and Najoo suddenly felt like a little kid being scolded. Maisie raised herself from the couch, her eyes moving from Jangmi to Najoo, like she was trying to find some sort of answer in their eyes.
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but what the fuck?” her voice was incredulous as she continued to look in between them. “I mean you guys were never best of friends pre-debut, but goddamn, I’ve been here for five minutes and you guys are already at each other’s throats. Is this all because of the leader thing?”
She looked between both of them, but when she saw that neither would answer she continued. “This is ridiculous, you guys can’t get anything done because you’re too busy being mad at each other for no reason. Jangmi, are you sure you’re the leader here because you sure as hell aren’t acting like it, you let everyone run around and do whatever the fuck they want beacuse you’re too busy in the studio. I know you aren’t a babysitter, but at some point you have to put your foot down. Either step up as a leader, or give the position to someone who can.”
Najoo almost smiled as she looked at the younger, all before the dark gaze turned onto her. “Najoo, I have no idea what the fuck is going on with you, but you are not the same Najoo that I knew before debut. I don’t know if this is about your breakup with Jaehyun or what, but you need to sort out your own shit instead of placing it onto others. As for your whole ‘everyone is far too reckless’ thing, if you don’t want to date because you’re worried about a scandal, that’s fine, but the rest of us try our hardest to be careful so don’t make it sound like no one else cares about this group. I mean, look at who's the one that got into a scandal first.”
Maisie paused, the room silent, nobody knowing what to say. Najoo saw the girl look back and forth one more time before she opened her mouth again. “You guys are the oldest out of all of us, so you should start acting like it.”
With those words she turned on her heel and walked towards Della and Taeha’s shared room, probably hoping if she left no more conflict would arise. Della jumped up from the couch, scurrying after the younger, closing the door after them.
The other four were silent for a while, but it didn’t take Jangmi long to finally stalk off to her room, Jinri following close behind, no doubt to try and console the older girl. Najoo rolled her eyes at the thought of the two of them before she looked over at the youngest, still sitting on the couch, her eyes downcast as she had her bottom lip in between her teeth.
“Taes,” Najoo started, coming close to the younger, the one she always got along with, placing a hand on her shoulder. She was shocked when Taeha jerked away from the touch, almost like Najoo’s touch burned her.
“What? You think that now that you ditched those people you were hanging out with, I’ll just come crawling back and be your best friend again?” Taeha’s words were like ice and they cut through Najoo’s heart. She was taken aback, the younger girl was always bright and sweet, never talking like this to anyone. If it wasn’t directed at her, Najoo would have been a little impressed, but with the words directed at her she could do nothing but stare at Taeha, wondering how they got here.
“Did you know that I broke up with Soobin?” She spoke up again after a moment of silence, and Najoo felt her heart tug. She hadn’t known that Taeha and Soobin broke up. “Did you know that I only dated him because I felt like I was weird for never having dated anyone before? Did you know that I ran all the way home after he tried to kiss me for the first time and I was so close to crying because I didn’t know how I ended up in that mess?”
Each question felt like there was a knife lodged in her heart, getting twisted deeper and deeper each time Taeha would reveal something. Had she really been that selfish to not notice anything that was going on in the younger girl’s life?
“I bet you didn’t because you weren’t here,” the younger continued, still looking down, refusing to look Najoo in the eye. “You weren’t here and I had to confide in Della, the one person who never tells us anything!”
“Taes, I’m-” she started, trying to reach out for the younger again, but Taeha flinched away again, cutting her off before she could say anything else.
“I needed you!” the younger yelled, her eyes filling with tears as she finally looked up at the older. “I tried over and over again and you didn’t give two shits!”
She didn’t wait for an answer, she just hopped off of the couch, running into her and Della’s room and slamming the door shut behind her. Najoo paused, looking around, for the first time in a while realizing all the trouble she had caused, realizing that she was truly alone since all of this had started.
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straykidsupdate · 4 years
The 20 best K-pop songs of 2019
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In a tumultuous and heartbreaking year for the genre, these were the top songs that stood out
Listen to these songs as a Spotify playlist. Check out our 20 best tracks of 2019 list and our 20 best albums list.
2019 had its triumphs: it was a supremely strong year for rookie groups; BTS played two nights at Wembley Stadium, won three AMA trophies, and landed their third #1 on the US album charts; and the supergroup SuperM also scored a #1 with their eponymous debut, showing that K-pop’s western grip was only increasing.
It was also a tumultuous and heartbreaking year. A rigging scandal around the Produce 101 survival series forced the winning groups, X1 and IZ*ONE, out of the public eye. There was the loss of two talented and headstrong women – Sulli, formerly of f(x), and Goo Hara, formerly of KARA - to suicide. Allegations of drug use saw iKON’s B.I and MONSTA X’s Wonho quit their groups, while Stray Kids’ Woojin, MOMOLAND’s Taeha and Yeonwoo, and The Boyz’ Hwall left theirs for personal reasons. Mental health issues required Mina (TWICE), Yubin (Pink Fantasy) and S.Coups (SEVENTEEN) to take hiatuses. However, the openness of these announcements was an encouraging step for an industry that’s always been reluctant to address depression and anxiety.
As for the music, it was, as ever, a busy 12 months. Notable releases that didn’t make it into this top 20, but which warrant an honourable, mention include Blackpink’s “Kill This Love”, Nu’Est’s “Bet Bet”, KEY’s “One Of Those Nights”, Weki Meki’s “Picky Picky”, Taemin’s “WANT”, GOT7’s “You Calling My Name”, SUNMI’s “Noir”, and Golden Child’s “Wannabe”. Given K-pop’s focus on unified music and visuals, our annual rundown takes into consideration both the song and its MV (music video). Here’s our dive into the best of the year that was 2019.
Being young means venturing into uncharted waters, where second-guessing your choices and who you are is a constant. In that heightened, bewildered state, sometimes it feels easier to drown. In 2019, nothing captured that crushing anxiety as accurately as the abrasive, frenzied “Side Effects”.
Stray Kids are a bonafide boy band but also creatively autonomous. “Side Effects” purposefully looks to defy the generalised expectations placed around the former, yet despite the song’s subject matter, it’s not an angst anthem either. Provocatively single-minded, its intent is to scratch its makers’ own maddening itch for answers to the swirling challenges of young adulthood. By creating it true to the image of that maelstrom, “Side Effects” is amorphous, ductile, and fearless. What traditional pop structure it possesses in the form of brief, melodic verses is bludgeoned by juddering, post-apocalyptic psytrance and a cooly impersonal spoken sample. The visceral choreography, which mimics the feeling of lashing out and/or struggling for escape, veers towards delivering a narrative all of its own. Punctuated by brutal howls and the hoarse refrain, “my head hurts”, it resembles primal scream therapy, but its energy is inextinguishable, and “Side Effects” remains a shimmering, vehement presence even in its final, fading seconds.
This is the work of a group less than two years old, and if being incendiary and cage-rattling are emblematic of their current abilities as artists, it’s a palpable thrill to imagine what their profound empathy and uncompromising musicality could see them become next.
(Stray Kids cut) Source: DAZED
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ubemango · 4 years
Seokjin + cheaper by the dozen au
Seokjin’s just grabbed a crawling Minhyung off the end of the sofa when you call for your nightly check-in. Only this time he has let it ring because Sua is hitting Minji square on the face with their foam blocks, and could Taeha please watch Boyoung, she’s about to play with the matches again; God knows where the other five kids are, probably in their rooms upstairs ripping pages out their books for the second night in a row. 
“Hi,” Seokjin answers the phone, finally, and tries not to immediately ask you to come home. “How are you, honey?”
“I’m good! How are you? How are the kids?”
He hears the clash of the pots in the kitchen and says, “Oh they’re fine,” and listens to you talk about your day, crying inwardly at his wicked-good sperm count and the misfortune of your absence tonight.
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chrrybbamb · 1 year
inside a single bathroom of a place of service (restaurant, store, club etc.)
location  based  smut  prompts
status : fechado | starring: seungwoo ♡ taeha .ᐟ‍ — co-director : @beautifulstrcnger
O sonho adolescente de ser rodeado de livros e manuscritos estava se tornando um pesadelo, os trabalhos estavam aumentando porque alguns colegas estavam de férias ou com os spots entupidos, sobrando apenas o Moon com muito espaço livre.  Gostava do trabalho em si, betar capítulos e editar capas era sua diversão, era sua grande felicidade depois do namorado, obviamente. — Um chá verde grande, por favor. — Pediu ao encostar no balcão, encarando o atendente com um largo sorriso já que tratava-se nada mais, nada menos de seu namorado, Ko Taeha. — E o seu telefone, gracinha. — Brincou baixo. Não queria que ninguém os escutasse, por ser estranho e muito pessoal; não sabia se alguém sabia do relacionamento por ali, mas também, não ia sair anunciando assim. Após pagar e retirar o pedido, acomodou-se em uma das mesas do estabelecimento e abriu o notebook, ia tentar revisar o quanto conseguisse até o horário de saída do mais novo. O problema é que um dos livros que tinha ali não era o mais indicado para um ambiente daqueles, não tinha visto descrições ao selecionar o trabalho, agora tinha um manuscrito de putaria enfeitando a tela do notebook. Não devia se afetar tanto, não era mais um adolescente virgem, muito menos um virjão de 26 anos e graças ao namorado, mas isso era outra história; a cada leitura para verificar erros ortográficos e afins, precisava parar, respirar fundo e pensar em coisas broxantes. Sabia que sua colega de trabalho queria ser o mais descritiva possível, mas precisava usar tantas palavras chulas? E Seungwoo não estava nem imaginando os personagens da cena e sim, ele e o namorado já que estava relembrando algumas noites quentes que compartilharam, seu Honey era o melhor de todos. Falando nele, vira e mexe acabavam trocando alguns olhares e sorrisos, apaixonados como sempre e era tão bom, porque esses olhares eram unilaterais da parte do moreno, isso quando tinha o amado apenas como um crush. Voltou ao trabalho, ignorando qualquer pensamento sujo já que queria terminar aquilo rapidamente, mas para evitar constrangimentos, acabou jogando um casaco sobre as pernas afim de esconder a ereção que se formava, torcendo para que ninguém notasse, mas era nítido que o Ko tinha visto já que o sorriso estampado na face bonita era bem conhecido, principalmente quando o amado saiu de seu campo de visão e o telefone vibrou no bolso, uma mensagem curta e objetiva: me encontra no banheiro. Sem pensar duas vezes, Moon salvou seu trabalho de todo jeito e juntou suas coisas, seguindo ao banheiro do local. — Você não deixa nada escapar, sweet. — Comentou com um riso, fechando a porta atrás de si. Tinha que rezar muito já que aquele era o único banheiro da cafeteria, que o lugar não tivesse movimento naquele momento. — Não vão perceber que saiu? — Deixou sua bolsa em cima da tampa do vaso, tomando a cintura do namorado com força. “Estou no intervalo, eles acham que fui fumar ou algo do tipo, ou seja, do lado de fora." — Perfeito. Temos tempo. — Declarou sorridente ao selar seus lábios aos dele, um beijo urgente e cheio de luxuria de ambos os lados. As coisas precisavam ser rápidas, então mesmo desejando ficar beijando o namorado por horas, tinha que agilizar ali e parecia que Taeha sabia disso, pois findou o beijo e se ajoelhou, juntamente com o abaixar da calça que o moreno usava. Infelizmente não tinham tempo nem para preliminares direito, então o boquete nem durou muito era apenas para não fazerem nada a seco, porque se tinha uma coisa que Seung priorizava era o bem estar do namorado, ou seja, qualquer coisa que pudesse o machucar era descartada na hora. — Vai, amor. Tá bom... — Sussurrou a contra gosto, acariciando os fios macios com os dedos até que ele se afastasse. Acabou ajudando o rapaz a encostar em uma das paredes, abaixando as peças inferiores com rapidez enquanto tinha dois dedos na boca, os molhando com saliva para uma preparação extra, não demorando em penetrar um e depois o outro em uma movimentação lenta, querendo que o namorado relaxasse, apesar da situação. Um intervalo quase acabando, um banheiro minúsculo, um salão ao lado que podia ter algumas pessoas... Era uma situação perigosa e extremamente excitante, deixando o coreano mais alto quase explodindo de tanto desejo, tanto que retirou seus dedos do interior apertado e os substituiu pelo próprio pau, segurando firme na cintura alheia no processo. — Queria ter mais tempo... Mas a gente faz algo melhor em casa, certo? — Sussurrou, espalhando alguns beijinhos pelo pescoço cheiroso, uma pena não ter permissão para o marcar com chupões, porque ele ainda precisava trabalhar. O ato em si foi rápido, com o Moon investindo cada vez mais rápido contra o Ko, ambos tentando abafar os gemidos que tentavam escapar e em busca do próprio prazer, este que não demorou em vir. Juntos. Parecia até um clichê, se bem que, eles podiam ser considerado um, mas isso era outra coisa. Um pouco de papel foi enrolado em sua mão, limpando o esperma que escorria da pele do outro, foi difícil, mas conseguiu sair do interior antes de gozar e acabou sujando apenas as bandas e um pouco das costas, felizmente fora da camisa. — Limpinho, vida. — Anunciou com um beijinho no ombro coberto, descartando o papel para o ajudar a se arrumar. — Eu vou pra casa, deixar minhas coisas e volto depois para te buscar, ok? — Pegou a bolsa, mas antes de sair, deixou um selar contra os lábios do namorado. Sair dali não foi fácil, porque a loja estava aberta e qualquer um podia suspeitar, por isso, deixou que o mais novo saísse primeiro para um lado e foi para o outro, sorrindo para as pessoas que paravam em seu caminho até que saísse. 
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lgctaeha · 1 year
╭  ✿ STUTTER ! ╯
LGC GIRLS JAPAN ( interview )
It didn't take very long for Taeha to consider being called in Kim Hyuncheol's office something to fear. There were always rumors of trainees that had been pulled in for mysterious meetings only to never be seen again in practice sessions. Despite her appearance being completely voluntary, she can't help but feel a slight bout of nerves bubbling up in her chest. Nervous jitters seem to follow her into her seat, all of her focus shifting to maintaining her composure - and controlling the trembling of her hands in her lap. So, why are you interested in being in LGC GIRLS JAPAN?
She'd rehearsed her answer more times than she count count ( although she's certain her friends and dormmates most likely could with all of her endless obsessing over the past month ), but it seemed in the moment all coherent thought simply flittered right out of her brain and into the air vents. "Well, I - I -" she gulps, trying to swallow the ever forming lump in her throat as the silence lingers on. "I - I really like takoyaki," she blurts finally, blinking a few times.
"I've always wanted to try it. But the authentic kind... But that's not the only reason!" she gives an awkward chuckle, nails digging into her palms as she racks her brain for a more appropriate answer. With her mental script in the wind, she lets her nervous rambling take over. "I wanted to be in LGC Girls Japan because... I thought it would be a lot of fun! Girls Gotta Live was released around the time I joined Legacy and I just remember thinking that they looked so cool and wishing that I could be part of it - I even covered it for one of my solo evaluations!"
"And as trainees it's not often that we get the chance to see what it's like to promote in the way that LGC Girls do... and I just thought it would be a good way for me to showcase all that I've been working on this far! And I know it will be challenging in a lot of ways... I'm still working on my Japanese and getting used to performing on stage... but I feel like this is something that would really help me grow as a performer! Just taking another step towards being the kind of idol that I've always looked up to... So... that's why!" She gives an affirmative nod, anxiously twiddling her thumbs in her lap.
And considering the current confirmed members, what can you add to the formation on AND off stage if you are picked?
"Well..." she trails off again, gaze wandering this way and that. "I know that the current members have already been preparing for promotions, so I think it will be important to have someone that can catch on to things quickly! I have a strong dance background, so I know I'll be able to keep up with learning new choreography - " she states so matter-of-factly with a subtle lift of her brows. She didn't want to seem overconfident, but she knew her strengths and thought it best to highlight them. " - and whenever I can't I'll make sure to double down on my rehearsal time until I do! That and really encompassing the concept that we're given is important, right? With all of the extra acting workshops and musical preparations, I've been able to work on that a lot and I think I'll be able to handle whatever concept is thrown at me!"
"And off stage... I see myself as being someone who can add to the overall mood of a unit. I want to bring a lot of energy to the group... and laughs! I even learned a lot of tongue twisters in our Japanese lessons the other day and everyone thought they were really funny! Do you want to hear - !" she leans forward suddenly, excited to start rattling them off but thinks better of it. "Uh, sorry - What were you saying?"
Their interview comes to a close and once dismissed, a wave of relief washes over Taeha and carries her towards the door. Before she can rush off, she stops in the doorway to give a nod of her head and a bright smile, "Thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to meeting with you again! Or maybe not... Er, well, maybe yes, but for good things! Only for good things!"
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multikpopwriter · 5 years
Dating In The Modern World | n.y
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pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x female OC
genre: fluff, angst, frat boy au, college au
warnings: none
words: 2.4k
prompt: Yuta desperately needed an extra subject in order to meet the minimum required subject for this semester. He ends up enrolling in this weird class that made its students experience relationship activities and analyze them first hand. The only problem was the girl that was partnered with him was not the type of girl he would ever date. (inspired by Love Playlist, a Korean web drama)
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"Hey, have you heard about that course, love in the modern world?" Yuta asked Taeil who was sitting on the couch with Taeha on the opposite side.
 "oh" Taeha was the one who reacts. "A friend of mine took that course a few semesters back"
 "How was it?" Yuta sits beside Taeil, who was absolutely bothered by Yuta's presence bothering their alone time together before Taeyong could come and interupt it.
 "She told me that it doesn't require a lot of time, I heard she just passed a paper at the end of the semester" Taeha tells him as Taeil sat beside Taeha. "And she got a decent grade after"
 "Well I guess it isn't that bad" Yuta stands up and gives a little smirk towards Taeil. "I'll head back up to my room, don't want to bother you love birds" Yuta shakes his head as Taeil shamelessly placed his head on Taeha's shoulder and Taeha tries to hide her blushing face from Yuta.
Yuta leaves the frat house the next day hoping and expecting a chill lecture, but he was sitting in class as the lecturer mentions coupling of random people together. They were coupled together according to the survey of their preferred gender which he took when he enrolled in class that day.
 "Nakamoto Yuta" the lecturer calls his name out and he pauses, he fixes his stuff and even sits up straight. He really wants to drop this subject, but he has already paid for the course and the hassle of refunding is running in his mind. "And Kim Soyoung" once the lecturer mentions the name, the girl sitting a few seats in front of him raises her hand and she turns around to look for him.
 Yuta has never really encountered Soyoung, but he could already tell that she was the type of girl who he would never like or even befriend. Although she doesn't smell bad, but she looked very disorganizes almost homeboy like. Her hair's a mess and from the looks of it her bag was too.
 "Hi, can I sit beside you" the way she spoke was also very kind.
 Yuta only nods his head.
 "I'm Soyoung, I'm from the art department" she pulls out her hand and Yuta look at it for a good few seconds.
 "I'm Yuta from the business department" he pulls his hand out hesitantly, but Soyoung took the lead and shakes his hand. Yuta takes her hand and began to look the other way. He takes a deep breath obviously showing his dissatisfaction.
 "Okay, for your first homework, go on a date with your partner and find out five facts about them. Each individual should send a compiled video of the facts that they got from their partner" the lecturer shows the rubrics on the screen. "But you aren't allowed to directly get these facts out of this person, you should indirectly find out about it"
 Yuta writes everything down on his notebook before turning to glance at his partner, who was writing the notes down on her phone. He sighs. He was told this class was easy.
 The class quickly ended after giving out the information for their project. "Yuta" Soyoung calls the guy's attention before he could even walk away from their seats.
 Yuta turns around and replies with a hum.
 "When will you be free, I'm pretty busy preparing for my final project" she explains, and Yuta looks through his own schedule on his phone.
 "How about this, give me your number and we'll talk about it later. I really need to go" Yuta already opens his app before Soyoung could even say 'yes'.
 "Sure" she takes Yuta's phone and types her number. Before Soyoung could even say good bye, as soon as she returns her phone Yuta runs out of the classroom. Then Soyoung hears how the girls were gushing over Nakamoto Yuta. 'I wish I was his partner' 'I mean he's from NCT so he's probably does well academically, plus, it's a known fact, that every NCT member is a good looking fellow' 'I would die to be in her position'
 The weekend comes around the corner and both Soyoung and Yuta decides that this was the best time the two of them could meet. Yuta was standing outside his car, he parked just outside one of the dormitories of the university. It took a while before Soyoung came out of the dormitory dressed up a bit more than usual. However, Yuta was quick to pin point how late she was.
 "You're late" Yuta rubs his temples.
 "I'm sorry" she bows her head.
 Yuta could only sigh. He opens the door to his car. Soyoung might be the last person he would ever date, but that doesn't excuse being rude to her. "Just get in" he tells her as he noticed she still hasn't raised her head.
 Soyoung looked up surprised to see that Yuta opened the door for her. "You don't have to go out of your way, we're both doing this for the grades" her weak smile towards Yuta hit him differently. Yuta stands there shocked for a few seconds as soon as she closed the door herself.
 "I was just trying to be nice" Yuta mutters to himself as he walked towards the driver's seat.
 The drive to the restaurant was quiet, deathly quiet. They both knew absolutely nothing about each other, but they can't seem to start a conversation with one another. "So..." Yuta tries to start a conversation. "Are you graduating as well?" he asked the most sensitive question.
 "I hope" was her simple reply.
 Then they both fell silent once again. They later arrived in the restaurant without muttering enough words to exchange with one another. The place was rather very chic, it wasn't over the top fancy nor was it just nice interior, the whole place is very chic. In fact, it was easily a very Instagram able place.
 "I love restaurant like this" Soyoung couldn't help but gawk at the beauty of the place. Yuta stops for a second and then he pulls out his phone, "say that again". Yuta puts the phone to her face.
 "I love restaurants like this" she makes a joking face towards Yuta's phone. His heart just began beating very lightly, almost invisible, but it was there. It was small, but it was strong enough to catch his attention. All Soyoung did was jokingly approach his phone camera, but his heart was swayed. Was he always easily swayed like this?
 Then they sat down, silence once again fills the two of them. Once, they've placed their orders Yuta takes his phone out to emptily scroll through twitter. "So, what do you like to do other than studying?" Soyoung pulls out her phone and begins recording Yuta.
 "I do almost everything an NCT member does" Yuta puts down his phone.
 "And what is that?"
 "I sing and dance, I guess" Yuta shrugs and Soyoung captures this moment. She ends the video and puts her phone down.
 "Do all NCT frat members sing and dance?" this was the first time she heard this about this well-known frat house.
 "Some rap instead of singing, others do all three" Yuta folds his arms across his chest and leans back. It wasn't just Yuta who saw that he would never date a girl like Soyoung, Soyoung would never date a guy like Yuta as well. He often acted arrogant, but he has every right to do so, he excelled academically and in sports as well. He seems flawless except his hard to approach personality. In all honesty, if she were to date someone from the same frat house it would most likely be someone like Jungwoo, who was her classmate in a different class.
 "And what do you do with all that talent?" Soyoung decides to put her phone on the side and just record the two of them and just cut out the parts which she needed.
 "We sometimes hold performances, but most of the time we have open lessons and teach kids how to sing, dance and rap. It's one advocacy our frat house holds"
 "Soyoung, how about you? What do you do other than studying?" Yuta returns the question and places his phone just like how Soyoung did with hers.
 "Aside from studying, I draw and paint a lot, even for leisure. Aside from that, I don't think I do anything interesting" Soyoung's empty response caused Yuta to sigh discreetly.
 "I mean other than that--" Yuta sighs, he wanted to directly ask the question, but the rubrics told them to indirectly know about each other. "Are you into music or books or..." he lets the sentence trail off.
 Soyoung pauses, it was easy to read her, and Yuta immediately understood that she knew nothing but painting.
 "You don't have to force yourself" Yuta tells her. Soyoung's thinking expression softens and Yuta's heart beats once again. It was softer, but now, much more impactful. He grabs his chest and slowly looks at her, she still looked the same, but her smile was different. Her smile was soft almost cloud like and then it would feel like it pierces through his heart. What was this feeling?
 "Are you okay?" Soyoung leans in closer as soon as she takes notice that Yuta was clutching onto his chest and his face turning slightly red. Soyoung leans in closer, but Yuta stops her by placing his hand on her forehead, slightly pushing her away.
 "I-I'm fine" he turns his face away from Soyoung.
 "Are you embarrassed of something?" she tilts her head completely oblivious about what was happening with Yuta.
 "No, I'm not! It's just..." Yuta turns his head towards the opposite direction. "You still haven't given me your answer" he tells her without even looking at her in the eye.
 "Oh right" she moves back and nods her head. "I mean, I like idols and stuff as well, but only casually though" she pouts a bit, this was something other than her major that she pays attention to.
 Yuta glances her way and somehow looking at her directly was becoming hard to do. Soyoung is the exact opposite of his type in girls, both in personality and in looks. He has always preferred girls with short hair and was passionate about so many things. Soyoung, who was sitting in front of him, was the opposite of that. Soyoung had long hair that fell to a natural inwards curve and she's only dedicated to painting.
 "Are you just replying that was to have an answer?" Yuta gives her a weird look. Yuta thinks to himself, that she didn't have to force herself to like something she's not into.
 "Honestly, I don't really know a lot of things other than painting" she softly mutters feeling guilty about getting caught by Yuta.
 Yuta bites down his lip, he was getting smitten towards this girl and it was crazy. He can't help but think that he only felt attracted towards her because they were on a date. "Have you dated anyone before?" the question came out of his mouth before he could even process what he asked her.
 Soyoung looks up, she was startled by the question. "I- I haven't" she bows her head after catching her cool.
 The breath Yuta was holding in was suddenly let go. His eyes were stuck on hers, it was like a staring contest, but there was something deeper going on between them. "Yuta, how about you?"
 Yuta bites down his inner cheek. "I have dated a few..." Yuta stops talking when he takes notice that Soyoung's expression changed drastically. "...but I don't think I've ever found someone I wanted to date seriously... yet" he looks her in the eyes when he says that last word.
 "Why did you join NCT?" she immediately asked breaking the eye contact Yuta and her were sharing.
 "There's no specific reason behind it. I was recruited and they offered me a place to stay and the guys are great. Nothing special behind it" he shrugs his shoulders, feeling sort of awkward that Soyoung broke their eye contact.
 "Where do you stay? Are you not in a sorority?"
 Soyoung only smiles. "I'm not, I actually don't live in the campus" Soyoung nods her head, a little habit Yuta took notice of whenever she spoke. "I live with my two brothers in a house just a 15 minute drive outside the university"
 Then the two of them fell silent. Yuta would sometimes stare outside the restaurant and Soyoung would fidget with her hand.
 "Soyoung" Yuta was trying to gain a little bit more courage. He takes a deep breath when Soyoung looks at her. "If someone were to ask you out on a date would you say 'yes'?" he gulps down after saying this sentence a bit too quickly.
 "D-Depends on the person" she stutters. Soyoung's mind was going crazy. Was he trying to ask her out or was there someone else who wanted to ask her out. She silently hoped for it to be the first.
 "What type of person?" Yuta leans in closer, his eyes much more kinder than when they first met.
 Soyoung licks her lips as she slowly moved back to keep the distance between the two of them. She turns her head away from his gaze. "you" was her soft reply.
 "I didn't hear" Yuta leans in closer.
 Soyoung takes a deep breath and turned her head around to face Yuta only to see him with the widest smile on his face. "You heard it" Soyoung hits Yuta's arm.
 "I did" Yuta was trying to hide a smile, but he couldn't. "So, let's say I asked you out next week, just us two without this whole project thing, would you come?"
 "I need to think about it" Soyoung jokes as she bites down her lip.
 Yuta could only smile at her. Soyoung was the last type of person he would ever date, but here he was completely smitten by this girl. He couldn't wait for them to meet again. He couldn't wait for him to know more about her.
 They both gave a small wave to their cameras that was recording the whole thing. It was not time for them to find out about each other more than the five facts that they need for their class.
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cherryeoo · 4 years
Bias Tag
I was tagged by @kingparkjinyoung 💙So I wanted to choose different biases so I went through my most recent watched mv’s and chose that way😅And I must say it did not make it any easier.
Rules: list 10 biases and then answer the questions below.
1. J.You
2. Gai
3. Kanghyun
4. Jinyoung
5. Leedo
6. Keonhee
7. Mingyu
8. Duc
9. Laon
10. Taeha
Between 1 and 4 who would you rather kiss?
Hmmm....Well I’m still pretty new to J.You so I’ll say Jinyoung.
Between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend?
Both would make great friends but Mingyu.
Between 5 and 10 who has a better voice?
Man I hate questions like these lol They both have great voices but I’m gonna choose Leedo. That man’s duality.
Between 1 and 8 who is the funniest?
Hmmm this ones harder to answer cause I’m still learning who both of them are so I honestly have no answer to this one.
Between 6 and 9 who would you date?
If only I could say both lol but I’ll say Keonhee. He’d be a great boyfriend.
Between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer?
BOTH!!! This physically pains me to answer. But for the sake of the question, Jinyoung
Between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry?
Ugh dude these questions are torture. 😩Leedo
Between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when sick?
😩Again, both! J.You only because I already answered one with Mingyu.
Between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with?
Duc! Keonhee would be great too but I already chose him for another answer so I’m sharing the love.
I’ll tag: @stayastraykids @princejoongie1997 @pinktea99 @uwunnie and anyone else who would like to play~
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jinhwankenobi · 5 years
Momoland Reaction To Receiving Nudes From S/O
anonymous said: Could I plz get a nsfw reaction for momoland to receiving dirty pictures and texts from their foreigner s/o. I really like how u do ur reactions
(a/n): suggestive content! Didn’t wanted to make it too nswf, so I really hope you still enjoy.
She didn’t wanted to look that long at these photos you sent her, but she was mesmerized. She could feel her face getting red. She would text some sweet and encouraging words back.
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As soon as you texted her, she immediately clicked on the chat. Yeonwoo was like “oh shit”. She wasn’t prepared at all, but she tried to keep her cool. So she texted you some dirty things.
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Homegirl was feeling it. She cutely observed the photo, trying to not get turned on. She would text you for forgiveness, because she can’t send nudes back. But would eventually make up for it.
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Error 404. Taeha doesn’t function. She would be a blushing mess and would cover up to her cheeks with a blanket, trying to concentrate. She then texted you about how much she needs you.
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She would somehow be concerned like „what if somebody will be seeing these?“ „what if you loose your phone?“ and stuff like that. Tells you to keep them safe. After that she‘d be sending apologies.
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Her instant reaction would be „uuuh ... okay.“ She honestly wouldn’t be shocked. She knew you like to send those, so she got used to it. Always sexts you back and things get heated reaaaal quick.
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Cutie pie would be too excited when receiving your nudes. She always asks the other members what sexy thing to answer because she doesn’t wanna kill the mood. Also gets a cute blush.
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Would be too caught up watching her favorite series that she wouldn’t even realized that you send her nudes. But once she saw them, she tries to make up for it with a hot video chat.
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She would freeze into a statue with her mouth open. Couldn’t hide her excitement. After some time passed, she texts you a full text of praises and heart eyes memes. But then would try sexting.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Yes! On/Off was their debut. They have had 3 comebacks (which is way to little for 2 years) and all of them have been amazing, well in my opinion. Difficult is up there as my favorite kpop song ever. Other song recs would be Ice & Fire, Fifty Fifty, Complete, Asteroid, All Day and Twinkle Twinkle. I watched a video yesterday of all debuts from January to June and it blew my mind how many groups that debut and how many goes unnoticed by so many people. Kpop is harsh.. - 👀
I have Wednesday off, so I'll give them a listen!
It's insane because there's a one in a million chance to get that hit that even gives a group 5% of what top tier groups have and that's not to say top tier groups don't deserve that, it's just that there's so much amazing performers who just slip through the cracks.
Two examples are EXID and Momoland.
EXID had THE fancam, Up and Down era was supposed to be their last era and it wasn't all because a fan decided to film Hani instead of another member and that changed their life and they arguably became a high mid-tier or low top-tier girl group.
On the opposite end, we have Momoland. Like I said, they had Bboom Bboom and then it just fizzled. Everyone dragged JooE and Nancy for RBF (or in Nancy's case, a poor Bulimia joke), Daisy had the dating scandal with one of the guys from iKON where MLD was like "yeah they're feeling each other out, you know, they're not dating-dating, just talking" and YG was like *Left On Read*, then no one knows what's happening with her or Taeha, she's been on hiatus for "health problems" and I'm scared it's going to become another Pristin situation where nothing gets answered until the group gets disbanded.
Don't even get me started on fucking Gugudan or Pristin, I'm bitter as fuck about both groups, Gugudan ain't disbanded yet, but they might as well be because Jellyfish doesn't know what they're doing. Gugudan's whole "theatre act" concept was fucking PERFECT and it allowed them to change it up a bit each time, it just annoys me.
Anywho! I went on a bit of a rant there, I'm annoyed, I'm gonna go work on the Hongjoong smut.
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