#( ooc. ) DOLPHINS!
furinasbabysitter · 12 days
Dear Monsieur Neuvillette,
Male otters will literally hold pups hostage so the mother will give them her food. They are also known to kill baby seals and female otters while trying to mate with them.
Meer the faun.
Dear Meer,
What disturbing news. To think such adorable creatures could be so vicious.
Monsieur Neuvillette
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1mpulsee · 2 months
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// it’s fitting that me and Bart are both rabbits . because wolf tears us both apart -
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backedagainstthewall · 5 months
I can't watch the Dolphins tonight because the NFL let NBC put the game on Peacock.
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pokeology · 1 year
((you should tell us more about language then :0 ))
UNFORTUNATELY it is also 1:30am so ill use wikipedia to explain things easier.
please note i am NOT a professional and i dont claim anything on this blog to be 100% true- i use real science for everything here but that doesnt mean i know all of it. im still a student!! just a very excited and passionate one
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heres a list of traits considered to be universal to spoken human language ^ i simplified it to grammar and vocabulary because i figured thatd be way easier to use over tumblr but it really is a LOT more complex.
there is leeway for the first point as stated in the screenshot- sign languages are also language, but because theyre visual i thiiiink they collide a bit with writing systems as well? they do use the same centers of the brain as spoken language does though. thats a complex human thing thats not relevant to animals in this case though- while stories about signing in animals are popular (such as koko the gorilla) theyre still pretty controversial with a majority of people i know leaning toward 'not reliable'.
in primates theres some evidence that reading and speech arent super advanced evolutionary, its just yet to be obtained- rhesus monkeys do have the physical capabilities, they just havent gotten there as far as cognitive ability yet. similarly, theyve found baboons can recognize the patterns we use to identify words and non-words- so we might be able to teach them a basic alphabet someday.
HOWEVER i think if any animal is closest to meeting these itd be a bird. so many species have such complex songs and everybody knows about alex the grey parrot.
TOMORROW WHEN IM AWAKE ill break out the textbooks and explain things a little better. i promise this its so cool
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calamitysshatteredson · 2 months
Quick update-y thing just to keep folks in some semblance of "the loop": hi, yes, hello, I remain here, welcome new folks, check mark on the "still breathing" for folks long familiar, etc. etc.
I have not yet Rebirth-ed, but I will most assuredly get there at some point in the near future. Alan Wake 2 pulled me under and I am not remotely sorry about it. I am torturing several people by taking my sweet time but rest assured that I Have Been Informed of Important Matters Nanaki, I'm talking about Nanaki.
The actual point: a couple of starters are in the queue, I'll be slowly getting to those and back to ongoing threads as per usual, which is to say sometime in the foreseeable future in a particularly random fashion. As always I am open to good-natured yelling about muses/verses, I just take a million years to... anything. .............Thank you, at ease..? Adjourned?
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lunaetis · 1 year
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[ relics in hsr really says fuck you to my face i s2g ]
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collectedbooks · 11 months
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royalreef · 5 months
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(( Struggling through my great enemy (looking up consistent data on animal weights and biology on the modern internet, in wild species where obtaining that data is very difficult) to try and figure out what Miranda's new weight is, with the redesign and everything.
I think I'm going to go with something akin to 550-600 lbs, putting Miranda on the lower range for her size, which is how it should be anyhow.
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fleurladari · 4 months
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i support emmet being mean to lysandre. he deserves it.
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hopewrought · 4 months
My dnd party just killed 3 mf'in fire giants! It got dicey for a bit but my grave cleric killed the last one with a lv4 inflict wounds
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missingstarter · 6 months
[ me when battles result in envirmental damage me when people and pokemon are so powerful they destroy part of the arena theyre fighting on me when things explode and blow up me when they dont hold back anymore either because theyre fucking angry or theyre having fun so they dont care about propriety damage me when someone's so enraged they dont fucking care anymore they dont CARE anymore their enemy is going down and the whole building is going down with them me when me when me when ]
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picavecalyx · 10 months
nami finally makes a dolphin oc more at 8
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revengesworn · 6 months
thinking about mikey and the sea... okay i know there's not too much connecting them canonically but i WANT THERE TO BE A CONNECTION LIKE
my obsession with the ocean aside, there's the scene where mikey's sitting overlooking the ocean talking to his taiyaki (ilysm mikey ;w;), and mentions wanting to escape to the sea... and i kind of love that?? i wonder if he feels somewhat of a connection with it.
and i SWEAR there was like an official wakui sketch of mikey involving him diving or the ocean or something but i might've made it up in my head because i cannot find it anywhere. rip.
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dcndrohime · 9 months
Ignore Canon, they all deserve to live the life of a mermaid, hydro characters especially.
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once-was-muses · 7 months
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[ I also forgot to mention that. Bro'Dee is technically a young(ish) adult. But like 200 something in human years iirc. So only technically old. And technically a man. And technically a priest. And technically a fish. And his junk is only reminiscent of a dick/pussy. And idk if he'd Actually be classified as a fish in terms of earthly taxonomy. But I sure am normal about him though 💙 ]
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backedagainstthewall · 9 months
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My chips are taunting me with the logo of my most hated NFL team.
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