#( aviso. )
velasmagicas · 2 years
Boa madrugada, meu povo! ❤️ Antes de postar o pedido, queria fazer alguns adendos:
Não vou postar tudo de uma vez para evitar o flood, então sejam pacientes, por favor. Todo mundo que pediu terá sua vela postada.
Photoshop não é minha praia, meu computador trava e ficar muito tempo fazendo a mesma coisa no pc me dá dor de cabeça ajdjhdh então eu peço desculpas pela qualidade duvidosa! Mas apesar disso, eu fiquei super feliz que a ideia não flopou e fiz tudo com carinho.
No post falo sobre amor, mas não é necessariamente seu amor verdadeiro. Pode ser família, amigos ou apenas um crush. Não leve tão a sério <3
As velas vem embaladas em uma caixa bonitinha, entregues por Anne e por @valefou (o ajudante!!)
Obrigada @glowingwei pela ideia do template!!
Queria dizer também que vou deixar os pedidos abertos por mais um dia! Isso porque dia 20 vai ter task da moderação, então vou deixar os pedidos abertos até o dia 13  as 23:59, uma semana antes da task oficial da moderação do dia do amor verdadeiro.
Dito isso, espero que gostem do que foi preparado por aqui. 
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secretshqs · 2 years
*  estamos  oficialmente  abertos  e  com  nosso  primeiro  evento  rolando  !  boa  diversão  !
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nowhqs · 3 months
Mods, isso de forma alguma é uma crítica a vocês (na verdade é mais um apelo), eu entendo que todos os personagens são adultos e universitários com os hormônios a flor da pele mas é bem chato ver conteúdo sexual constantemente na timeline :/ tem gente falando de mamar p* explicitamente na tl sabe... tipo assim? 😭 Existem coisas legais para serem faladas além de sexo, galera!!!
Ask 2: mods podem pedir pro pessoal dar uma maneirada nos posts nsfw na tl? tá meio chato abrir a tl e ver gente falando de coisa explícita... além de ser gatilho listado na page
Como vocês podem ver pelas asks, NSFW é trigger listado na nossa trigger list! E mais uma vez, falando sobre isso, nós já tivemos um problema ontem por conta de triggers, e agora mais um, só que dessa vez realmente está havendo um descontrole e desrespeito exacerbado na timeline sobre isso.
É realmente necessário publicar coisas sexuais tão explicitas na timeline? É de bom-tom? Creio que a maioria de vocês responderá que não, principalmente em plena luz do sol. E nós também não achamos de bom-tom, principalmente porque é um trigger, pessoas se sentem desconfortáveis lendo/vendo esse tipo de conteúdo.
Esse é um aviso geral, por isso, se tivermos que entrar em contato com alguém pela quebra dessa regra, será para aplicar um strike!
E percebendo o descaso de alguns de vocês em checar a triggerlist, farei um favor para todos e listar abaixo, no read more, todos os gatilhos da comunidade.
Agegap (refere-se à diferença de idade significativa entre duas pessoas envolvidas em um relacionamento, destacando uma disparidade etária notável.)
Assédio Moral
Assédio Sexual
Banalização de Transtornos/Condições Psicológicas
Bonecos (qualquer tipo de boneco, e.g: bonecas de pano, de porcelana, marionetes, ventriloquia)
Copypasta Visual (Jeff the Killer, Momodoll, etc)
Insetos (qualquer inseto, e.g: aranhas, baratas, moscas, borboletas)
Louva-deus (visual)
Lugares fechados
Pessoas com o rosto totalmente coberto (mascarados)
Ratos e Roedores (qualquer animal similar a um rato fisicamente, e.g: furão, hamster, esquilo)
Relacionamentos abusivos
Répteis (qualquer réptil, e.g: cobras, lagartos)
Transtorno Alimentar
Violência (qualquer tipo de violência, e.g: doméstica, animal)
Se leu até aqui, comente um coração verde na publicação do Twitter. Obrigada.
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a7estrellas · 21 days
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PEDRO PASCAL spotted leaving the gym April 10th, 2024 | Los Angeles, California
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hqsemideuses · 2 years
sobre as reservas feitas para as primeiras vagas de poseidon e hades (06/08): as reservas acabaram de expirar e os respectivos players possuem mais uma hora extra para reivindicá-las. caso isso não aconteça, as vagas estarão liberadas para novas reservas e aplicação.
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ankiebitez · 29 days
thinking about how it would probably be near to impossible to date one of the avisos demons bc of how loyal they are to their king. especially amon as much as i heart him. bael would probably understand if ur annoyed by it, but still.
"i cant do that, beelzebub likes you too much and it is illegal to steal someone elses lover"
"i am not his lover and i do not like him."
"??????why not?????"
grabbing that bitch beelzebub by his fuckass unicorn horn next time he's in avisos and yelling "RELEASE ME!!!!!"
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jacobelgordi · 10 days
just heard a big ass swiftie defending her album with something like "people criticise it because it's too verbose it has too many words. you don't get it its POETRY". you don't read poetry. it's obvious. you couldn't handle the opinions of someone who reads poetry as a hobby about this album. i don't know meaner critics than poets and poetry readers do not put her in there they are going to beat her ass
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Avisos cuddle pile
Idea given to me by my wonderful mutual @katy-the-same-as-tsuki, go check her art out, she's amazing.
You were out in Avisos, Bael having ordered that Naberius, Stolas and Amon show you around the country. Compered to Gehenna's cozy atmosphere, Tartaros' opulence or Hades' beauty, Avisos was a lot louder, more visually stimulating than anything you've seen in hell so far. It was as if every building was begging you to pay attention to it.
The three demons you were with were bickering constantly, for God knows what dump reason. They would try to drag you in different directions since they each wanted to show you their favorite part of the country.
Stolas: "We should visit the bird caffee! You love birds, don't you, Mc?"
Naberius: "You only want to go to the bird caffee because you like it. Mc is clearly an intelectual and is more interested in learning about the culture of Hell. We should go to the National Museum of Avisos."
Amon: "I think we should go to that restaurant that serves his majesty Beelzebub's semen, I'm kind of hungry."
Naberius: "Kind of hungry? You haven't eaten in months! I'm surprised you're still standing."
You were starting to get bored of hearing them constantly arguing, so, after circling the same 5 buildings because none of them were paying attention to where they were going, you decide to speak up.
Mc: "I know where I want to go."
All of them at once: "Where?"
Mc: "The castle. I want to go take a nap in the castle."
Stolas and Naberius looked shocked but Amon cheered.
Amon: "I like the way you think."
Stolas: "But we have so many places to visit"
Amon: "You heard them. To bed we go!"
Amon picks you up and rushes you to the castle. He was surprisingly fast and strong for someone that always complains about being hungry. Naberius and Stolas turn into their animal forms to chase after Amon.
Bael was on the phone trying to stop 5 different financial crisises at once. Someone from Hades died in Avisos while in a shop run by someone from Paradise Lost, but the guy from Paradise Lost wasn't affiliated with Avisos, but he was doing business there so now it's a logistical nightmare as to who is trully resposible for the death. Bael groaned as he hit his head to the table.
Bael: "Bell, when I catch you, Bell-"
He's inturupted by his three headaches nobles exquarting the guest of honor, the child of Solomon themselves. Bael wanted to make a good impression in front of you since you could help him with some of the external conflicts (and totally not because he has a crush on you).
Bael tried to put on his most charming smile in front of you, but everyone in the room just looks at him with shock, disgust and concern.
Naberius: "Bael... are you alright?"
Stolas: "Did you eat what you cooked again?"
Amon: "I think his fake majesty passed away and this is his mummified corpse. I heard some demons do that after death."
Amon was getting ready to open the flash on his phone as a way of simulating the lighting of a candle for a dead one, but Bael whipped the phone out of the younger demon's hand.
Bael: "I am not dead. Ugh, how was your outing together? You got back quite shortly. Has anything caught your interest, Mc?"
Mc: "Yes, actually."
You grab Bael by the wrist and drag him from his chair.
Bael: "What do you think you're doing, child of Solomon? I have very important matters to attend to."
Mc: "You need sleep. Think of it this way, if you die of exhaustion, who's going to run the country?"
Bael couldn't argue with your logic even though he wanted to. He just let himself be guided outside the office. The three other nobles followed you to the castle's garden, where you layed with Bael. The three looked at you confused before understanding what your plan was.
Naberius transformed into his Cerberus form and curled up around you and Bael, Stolas nestled on your lap and Amon spooned you from behind while you hugged Bael.
Bael: "This is very sweet of you, but I have a job to do and there's a lot of tension between-"
Mc: "Sleep."
Bael finally gave in and stopped struggling, giving in to his exhaustion. Hearing his soft snors as he nuzzled to your chest and Naberius' fur almost made you want to record it as a souvenir from Avisos. No shop could sell the serenity you felt right now.
When everyone fell asleep, a sole fly landed on your arm. At least in spirit, all of Avisos was here.
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The Avisos uniform really makes me want to jerk one of the boys off over their clothes and make them cum in their pants. Like their dicks are RIGHT. THERE how am I supposed to not imagine how much more defined they’d be hard and covered in a massive wet patch
(Ref to this!)
Sammee! But first
This is the first time I’ve actually had to think ‘yeah, guys to have to awkwardly position their dick in clothes, and it can show in clothes’ until this game came around I’ve never seen guys wearing no underwear and skintight clothes.
Like it’s hot and like, with the sizes of them and how they are positioned it almost looks like they are either hard or are just rocking semis which given how hell is, is probably normal
So it’s so hot!! To just reach of, then touch them, twisting, rubbing, pinching, stroking and pumping their cock while they are still clothed, it’s almost like a punishment teasing their cock while it basically is left with just a think later if fabric stopping some of the stimulation, but leaving them flustered while their dick leaks and the wet patch forms.
It leaves his cock defined and leaves him feeling like he’s naked, he can feel the cold air on his cock, you and anyone who looks can his cock is stiff and you can even watch it struggle to twitch!
You rub them over their clothes until they cum, he is left trembling as he cums, you can see the patch getting darker and darker, almost looking like he just peed himself.
Then making them walk around and help you pick up supplies while he is half hard and still leaking cum from his cock, it visibly twitches, and instead of letting him get changed to save him the humiliation, you get something like a napkin and use it to ‘rub’ him dry as you try to ‘help’ with the stain. (You even offer to let him use an automatic hand dryer in one of the public bathrooms. You forget the heat would turn him on further so he’s left dry, but with an obvious stain and erection)
Everyone can see he’s hard and no one bothers either of you, thinking of it as entertaining.
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Will the kings become babysitters if one day MC suddenly becomes a 6 year old child? 😂😭
(T▽T) omg just imagine that, anon. Satan being like "Well shit, look at them...what do we do Leviathan?" Levi is like "Why are you asking me of all people?? I am not a babysitter." Mammon being like "Wow so adorable, let's buy you all the snacks and toys you want, I can afford it <3" and Beel being like "Yup I'm out, good luck with that, byeeee~" (suddenly a swarm of flies just shows up and he's gone) I personally think the nobles of Gehenna are better babysitters. Considering there's a good amount of them available to take turns. The Avisos boys...well after seeing that event I'm more convinced they'd just constantly lose track of 6-year-old MC. The Hades boys...Foras would be responsible, but between Barb and Glas, I have 0 confidence they'd have the attention span to take care of a child lol Maybe the boys of Tartaros would be good at this sort of thing? But Bimet is so touchy I think Eligos and Valefor would do well watching them.
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secretshqs · 2 years
*  anúncio  de  abertura  !
com  8  de  11  players  votando  para  a  data  de  abertura  ,  ficou  decidido  :
aceitações  serão  feitas  12h  .  envie  a  conta  de  seu  personagem  em  até  24h  após  as  aceitações  !  
abriremos  para  plotar  e  postar  intros  às  14h  .
finalmente  ,  abriremos  oficialmente  para  interações  ic  +  teremos  nosso  primeiro  evento  às  19h  .
*  instruções  para  aceitação  !
não  se  esqueça  de  enviar  o  blog  do  seu  personagem  para  a  central  .
como  a  central  é  um  sideblog  ,  quem  vai  seguir  a  conta  do  seu  personagem  é  a  gossip  (  @secretsgossips  )  .  siga  ela  de  volta  !
não  se  esqueça  de  seguir  as  tags  secretshqs.follow , secretshqs.unfollow , secretshqs.admin , secretshqs.evento , secretshqs.task e secretshqs.pontos.
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luminumfoil · 4 months
A Gift to be unwrapped
Part 3/3 (N/SFW)
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this! I have decided to write something special for Christmas. This will be dedicated to the three WHB Seraphims (Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael), enjoy!!
Note: I genuinely apologize about how it took so long. I went on a Christmas break and I was also struggling with writing block. I am so very sorry for the delay.
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To your surprise, you weren't really expecting anything so.. "strange" to happen this Christmas as the crowd in hell says. However, perhaps you were proven wrong the moment you encountered one of the Seraphims, Raphael.
Beel finally came back from his adventures, even going out of his way to get you a Christmas present: red devil horns, some red devil wings and tails along with a red leash and a red ball gag. You looked at the present in disbelief, but all you could do was shrug it off, since at least you had something..?
After a while, you, Beel, Naberius, Amon, and Stolas decided to take a walk around in Avisos, looking at each store and what they have to offer this time of the year. It so happens that suddenly the Seraphim, Raphael descended from the heavens. It truly did bring a surprise during this time of the season. Beel hesitated no less and tried to attack Raphael whilst Raphael did the same thing, however.. There was something strange.
Their attacks wouldn't work.
They were in disbelief — confused even, since Beel's attack wouldn't work and no matter what the three did, they couldn't hurt Raphael in any way and the same thing happened to Raphael. Beel immediately caught onto this and that it was probably because of the "Christmas Miracle" going around in town. Apparently, it's something that when somene wishes something, it will come true and that's what makes strange things to happen in Hell during this seasonal holiday.
Beel was inviting of the Seraphim and took him somewhere inside a club where the five of you met Bael, however, as you were talking to Bael, suddenly you heard devils laughing and even Beel standing near and staring in amusement. Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to just take a look at what was happening and..
Your eyes widened from what was happening. You blinked a few times to check if this was real, only to be strucked by the fact that it is real. You looked at Raphael and looked at Beel who was staring there in full amusement. Raphael was chained up with his clothes revealing many rips that revealed his skin, he looked angry — no, furious was more of the word. He was being publicly humiliated, but.. what could you say? They were devils, they practically showed no mercy.
Raphael was trying to break free from the chains as you watched him, suddenly a voice was heared as it travelled through your ears, it was Beel. “You can go have fun with him. Remember the stuff I gave you? Maybe you'll put it to great use...” he says in a low voice as if he was trying to hint something not only with his words but through his tone as well. You nodded and looked at the present you had from Beel as you began to approach the Seraphim.
You were well assured that your hands weren't that cold to the touch, but why is it that the way Raphael's body twitches the moment you touched his skin says so otherwise? The way youe fingers lingered as you began to rub in small circles somewhere near his nipples, almost as if you were teasing them. Raphael was known to be violent in all three dimensions, so why is it that with only you alone, suddenly he subs into you almost like he doesn't think it through.
But oh, how couldn't he? The way your fingers rubbed in his skin, how could he not be on his knees? The way you touched his nipples especially the way you played with its piercings only resulted to him twitching even more and more due to the sensitivity you've created upon him. Without a glint of hesitation in your eyes, you made him wear the red devil horns that Beel got you. You could see some slight marks and bruises from his skin that was caused by those chains which he tried to fought furiously.
You pressed onto his nipples with more firm causing him to twitch as he formed a sound of a moan. You saw the way he looked at you. It was so filled with rage yet it softened around you, yet you can still feel the fiery hatred he had on with you. You crawled your hands somewhere near his thighs as he started to then again try to break free from the chains, not wanting to submit to pleasure, feeling as if it was stupid and that you were someone and something that is nothing but lower to him. His bratty attitude caused a sudden stinging pain on his thigh from the slap you gave out to him for acting such a brat.
He didn't stop there, no, he continued to do so till a visible reddened skin like the shape of your hands formed on his thigh, causing a whimper from the Seraphim. Soon enough, his dick twitched as it hardened with precum spilling and staining his length. He still kept trying his best to get out of the chains before he was stopped from the sudden warmth that wrapped around his needy, twitching dick. You held his tip firmly as your thumb began to rub over the slit on his tip, this caused the rattling sounds of the chain as he moaned and twitched in pleasure.
You kept rubbing in your thumb in a slight firm way, doing it in just the right pace whilst you targetted his most sensitive spots all over. You felt him buckle his hips as he thrusted a little, feeling himself getting close, only for you to stop. You started to rub your other hand on his nipple, completely neglecting his poor, needy dick that was so in need of his touch. Only for him to whine about it and completely get even brattier. Due to his acts, it only drove your motivation to completely edge him on the spot until he starts to behave properly.
It'll be quite a fun yet long night for the both of you, that is unless he starts to behave properly just to feel the warmth of your touch pleasuring him... Give this poor bratty angel a break, won't you?
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sparkbeast20 · 2 months
Kings and their subjects
It's such a shock for me to see have fucking envious the nobles are in this event. Like I know that it's Hades and that Leviathan is the biggest offender of this sin. But see Glasyalabolas and Barbatos getting jealous taken me aback.
Maybe cause they never show that side in the main story before. They've only show their devotion to Leviathan. We've seen in Gehenna that some would be honored getting hit by Satan... If it isn't from him getting upset or angry.
Avisos/Abyssos let Beelzebub pierce or give them on the spot or invite them. In Tartaros, you are literally Mammon's property.
Mentally preparing for what extreme side of devotion for Niflheim, Abaddon, and Paradise Lost.
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I wasn't that surprise about this level of devotion to Leviathan with them fine being choke to the point Leviathan say "This isn't punishment anymore"
This reminds me of how fucking devoted people with some of the Royal family in the past are or in old history.
Since I grew up being taught to be my own individual and choose who I should follow base on what I think is the right leader. I could see people being taken aback by this kind of behavior.
Even if the devils in WHB tells you that, you are free to do whatever you want. They themselves are slave to their internal instinct to follow and be devoted to their kings, especially the 72 devils/nobles.
I think that PB did the right thing and made sure that the Kings themselves aren't tyrant or like a bad ruler.
All four has shown that they do care for their people, and nobles. Sure they might choke, kick, etc. But they aren't taking advantage of them or using them in the wrong way if you know what I mean.
For me, The kings are whether or not they know it. Are slaves to their sins. They carry the burden of enduring feeling (Wrath, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Pride, Lust, and Sloth) to the point that it may have something to do with their "Mental illness"
Imagine living your none ending life, feeling one sin and you can't ignore it. That would be torture.
Maybe that's why they are fascinated by Solomon and MC, they have the same desire and vices as they are, but they have the freedom of whether or not to act upon them.
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hqsemideuses · 2 years
finalmente o tumblr liberou o meu uso de javascript aqui nas páginas da central! vou organizar algumas coisinhas por aqui, mas fiquem a vontade e mandem suas perguntas. 
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ankiebitez · 30 days
somewhere in avisos
bael:oh, you're back
stolas:why are your tongues purple? did you drink purple dye or something
amon: no, we went to the park and got slushies
naberius: i didnt know they had purple slushies
mc: they dont, i got blue raspberry
amon: and i got cherry
bael:...then why are your....? oh my god.
naberius:what did you two do at the park?
amon: drank our slushies?
naberius: and then?
mc:....do you think thats why our-
stolas: gagging noises followed by gunshots
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
Tails for all! - Avisos edition
Other parts: Kings | Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Nilfheim | Abaddon | Paradise Lost
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No one has any idea what his real tail looks like. They say he either doesn't have it, hides it like Leviathan or the prosthesis is built directly around his own. Of course, the visible part is a prosthesis that looks exactly like Beel's tail.
The most common rumor is that he lost his tail while protecting Beel. When you asked Amon about it, he didn't answer. Beelzebub said he didn't remember, but something in his expression tells you he knows much more than he’s willing to tell you.
It's just the mechanical equivalent of a real tail. Stiffer, less agile than Beel, uncomfortable to sit with. Its appearance is perfectly reproduced, even poisonous, but Bael hates it and intends to get rid of it along with the crown and glasses as soon as Beel returns.
Sensitiveness 0/10. 
At the base it has four metal plates that are used to screw and hold this tail. You also saw that for a moment there was only the upper part of the prosthesis next to the body, that the tail base is larger than Beel, and at the bottom there was a small gap with a black soft… material? 
When you touched it, Bael jumped back and almost ripped your arm away. He was as scared as you were. So, maybe the real sensitivity is 10/10?
Suddenly you're even more motivated to put Beelzebub's ass in the office.
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 A snake's tail, gray and thick as three fingers. Three tails to be precise, although it's easy to get confused because he usually keeps them all braided together.
Dark gray, very similar to his horn. Black thin stripe on the back. Supposedly he can slide blades out of it like his king, but no one has seen it yet.
They are so flexible and agile that he can braid them and use the three ends like three fingers or a gripper. Interestingly, each of them can handle a pistol alone. 
However, he can't hold a pen or documents. At all. Nuh-uh. Suddenly limp. 
He only unbraids his tails when he has the opportunity to mess up. Pull Stolas by the coat, steal Nabe's glasses. Reason? Who knows, he's probably bored.
When Bael shouts at him, he wraps two of his tails around his legs, pretending that he's so sorry, and with the third one, he tease Bael’s tail because he's just his friend, not the king.
Sensitiveness 6/10. If you manage to wake up this lazy devil, you can count on miracles in bed. He will hold your arms and legs, cover eyes, put ends in your mouth, explore under your clothes, and overall will be very creative.
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 If you were expecting a dog's tail, you almost got it. His brown tail actually resembles his own three Cerberus tails, but it is longer and fluffier, as if all three had to fit into one.
An ankle-length cascade of soft fur, a little more flexible than a dog's, but just as enthusiastically flapping when he's happy. What a good boy!
He usually keeps it curled up like a Shiba. It also has similar lighter fur underneath and a black tip.
Even though it looks like a dog at first glance, its tail is prehensile enough to handle a gun. However, he prefers the bazooka. It is larger and more handy. As you can see, his tail is quite strong underneath that cute fur.
Stolas says that when Nabe gets angry, his tail fluffs up like a duster.
The reason for this anger is usually Amon.
Sensitiveness 7/10. He will let you play with it, but only when you are alone. You can pet him, hug him and kiss him as much as you want. It is fluffy and warm.
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Feathered bird tails are very rare, and Stolas has a beautiful owl tail. He's not too happy about this, totally would prefer a weapon-type tail like Beelzebub's.
This tail is not large, only half-thigh long. When he folds it, it's barely visible. He wanted the same prosthesis as Bael, but he was banned from doing so by Beel himself.
To sweeten what Stolas considers a shortcoming, Beel gave him a special piercing at the base of his tail. But it's even harder to show than the one on the chest.
He sometimes bet on tail feathers instead of money. Due to how rare these tails are, it is believed that their feathers bring good luck and clothes or jewelry with such elements have magical properties.
If Avisos has some business in Tartaros, Bael sends Stolas there because Bimet has a soft spot for him (or rather his precious tail). Or at least that's what they did until the stolas started a fight in the street. And because once he came back plucked.
Nabe says that when Stolas gets angry, his tail fluffs up like an angry chicken's.
The reason for this anger is usually Amon.
Sensitiveness 4/10. His feathers are mostly ticklish, but he likes to be scratched at the base.
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