starlene · 10 months
How's this for a new ask game:
You're a Stardew Valley character, and your followers are farmers trying to make you like them by gifting you items (= sending you asks with item names.) Like Stardew NPCs, you can respond to each item by loving, liking, feeling neutral about, disliking, or hating it.
Reblog this to see if your followers manage to win your heart with their gifts!
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deathnot-e · 1 month
✨🎇 shiny pokémon ask game time 🎇✨
send a picture of your f/o via ask and I'll assign them a shiny pokémon. only one [1] f/o per ask please.
you can include a description of them if you'd like. if not, I'll go with vibes/instinct ✨
also please note that I haven't played the scarlet and violet dlc, so any pokémon included in them won't show up. I love to play games and dlcs blind, hah.
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nanamimizz · 23 days
oh lamb….how about hozier lyrics for me and diluc pretty please? ʕ◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀི ʔ💕
“honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips // we should just kiss like real people do”
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thriaed · 5 days
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SHIP REQUESTS ! meme — still accepting .
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4 ) my muse has a crush on yours , & 1 ) a pre - established ship between our muses , where they ' re already together
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oh , absolutelyutely . cesare ' s her little medieval stable boy 5ever , no takebacksies — @z0mburger.
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sevenyeargap · 11 months
Tag game: post the last line you wrote
tagged by @oluka and @newtmsa THANK YOU BESTIES I LOVE YOUUUUUU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
one day this fic will be like. actually posted......... my white whale........... vyn if you see this im SORRY its taking me SO LONG
It takes Phoenix eight days, five cups of coffee, and what feels like four hours of sleep, to finally go back to the Wright & Co. Law Offices.
tagging: @perennii @mushroombo @themefromtwinpeaks @contritecactite @azalawa-scroggs @mutxnts and anyone who wants to participate!!!!!!!
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idolhub · 8 months
send fuck, marry, kill + a group name for my ocs to play!
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sapnere · 7 months
i will never let ur ask games flop . . . anyways green + periwinkle + mauve + blush + razzmatazz + saffron for the ask game dear mimi <3
GREEN = I think you’re cute. / PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh / MAUVE = You are really talented / BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. / RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you / SAFFRON = I love your ideas
You would never let them flop? :'3 youre the best beloved <3 waugh you think im cute :3 and you would share food with me <33 ily ily
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blood-falling · 2 years
[ DIP ]:     sender guides the receiver into an elegant, graceful dip, lowering them down while keeping a steady hand supporting them against their lower back.
Someone had decided to throw a party at the Studio for one reason or another. Whatever it was, Pitch didn't really care, they were only there to make sure everyone behaved.
Not paying too much attention to anyone or anything particular as they sipped their wine, they were caught off guard by Yancy's approach. He seemed excited to pull Pitch into a dance, perhaps noticing their quiet lurking.
They did their best to follow, unaccustomed to anything but leading a dance, gripping Yancy's sleeves tight enough to rip as he dipped them, their back bending further than most would, to a genuinely uncanny degree.
"Yancy-!" They cried out in surprise. It wasn't genuine distress, mind you, but it was certainly unexpected.
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xiaoxiongmaos · 1 year
who would you set up your mutuals on a blind date with and why 🌟
hello! i am so sorry for getting to it this late, but here we go:
(prefacing this with the fact that these are purely platonic and i also added what the activity would be/place it'd be at!)
@ashisland ⏤ gabi and soobin! i am curious as to how well they'd actually get along; since i believe they both express their thoughts, opinions & themselves in such a similar way. i'd like to see them explore something new/out of their ordinary so a trip to a museum or an art gallery, sharing their views on the work and then having ice-cream afterwards!
@digitalgirls ⏤ seulgi and jo... i don't know i just think they'd have so much fun getting to know each other and they're both very cool <3 i think maybe going to a pop-up clothing store/attending fashion week!
@yeonbins ⏤ vivi and hyunjin! from what i know of them, they both seem really sentimental and are absolute cinnamon rolls and i think they'd have loads of fun at a carnival/fair :D they'd try funnel cake, have fairy floss, deep fried oreos and then crash from all the sugar & relax while watching the fireworks (maybe hyunjin would pull out a sketchpad to quickly get the scenery down)
@hearttoshu ⏤ jess dearest and kevin, having one of those pinterest aesthetic picnics (yes: charcuterie board, fruit-cream sangas, sparkling juice and wine glasses included), reading poetry under the sunny sky but then ditching everything to sit on a park bench and talk about every topic possible hehe
@ambivartence ⏤ jacob and siyuan on a cafe study/work date! he's writing songs/melodies while she's sketching him doing exactly that and they try each other's favourite drink + dessert combos!
@leemarkies ⏤ marie and minho; i don't know why but this duo is the first to come to mind! i think i'd like to see them game together. the chaos would be hilarious and then they'd either cook something and order ice-cream cake for dessert or bake cookies and order takeout, if they ever stop trying to beat each other!
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starlene · 1 year
🔥 g.j. utterson, 🔥 six the musical, 🔥 eurovision/käärijä, 🔥 finnish musical theatre
Ooh, so many juicy topics! Let's go!
My unpopular opinion about G. J. Utterson (musical edition):
I don't know if this is unpopular, haven't really seen anyone discuss this – but I don't think we need to see a man play this role again, either, at least not for a while!
I loved that the recent Australian production cast a woman in the role, I loved their justification for that choice (they thought it felt right to give the task of shutting down male violence to a woman), I love the thought of lady Utterson defending her fellow women from Hyde...
And yeah, I obviously also love the rainbow undertones (or overtones, depends on the production) you get with the traditional casting – but you'll get to explore a whole new rainbow when you cast a woman in the role, what with her protecting Emma at the wedding and all that, so there's also that!
My unpopular opinion about Six the musical:
I get so annoyed when people say Six is not really a musical and keep insisting it's a concert with a theme. It's a concept musical, you uncultured swines, ever heard of those??
Also, every piece of critique that doesn't acknowledge that the whole point of Six is empowering teen girls, and that it succeeds at that beautifully, is invalid and should be ignored.
My unpopular opinion about Eurovision/Käärijä:
Uhh. Cha cha cha is a fun song, the dude himself seems pretty nice and smart, and I think it's super cute how all of Finland went green for a couple of weeks this spring... but other than that, I don't really have opinions, unpopular or otherwise, about either??
My unpopular opinion about Finnish musical theatre:
Hmm. Luulenpa, että tämä aihepiiri tulee paremmin käsitellyksi äidinkielellä:
Suomalaiset julkisia tukia nauttivat laitosteatterit ovat musikaaliasioissa toisaalta raivostuttavan kaupallisia siellä, missä vähempikin riittäisi (onko todella yhteisten rahojen parasta mahdollista käyttöä maksaa Disney-musikaalien ja muiden leffoihin perustuvien rimanalituksien lisenssejä useille isoille näyttämöille vuosittain? Olisiko laitosteattereiden mitenkään mahdollista esittää hieman useammin Sondheimia yms. "hankalia" tai vähemmän tunnettuja ulkomaisia musikaaleja, vaikka ne eivät myisikään yhtä hyvin kuin tuttuihin brändeihin perustuvat teokset?), toisaalta raivostuttavan epäkaupallisia siellä, missä röyhkeämmästä kaupallisesta ajattelusta olisi hyötyä (miksi uudet suomimusikaalit niin usein käsittelevät paikallisia aiheita ja muuta hankalasti myytävää? En ole ihan tosissani Poika ja ilves -musikaalin kanssa, mutta uskon, että meidän kannattaisi ottaa ruotsalaisista oppia ja yrittää adaptoida jokin menestysleffa musikaaliksi. Ja onko kukaan koskaan tosissaan yrittänyt myydä suomimusikaaleja esim. ruotsalaisiin teattereihin? Ei se Så som i himmelen ole itsestään ympäri Pohjois-Eurooppaa versonnut, niillä oli ihan alusta asti suunnitelma myydä se naapurimaihin ja ne toteuttivat sen).
Lisäksi: Niin kuin taivaassa oli heittämällä tyylikkäin musikaali, jonka HKT on saanut puserrettua suurelle näyttämölleen koko sinä aikana, jonka olen näitä asioita seurannut – ei ihan täydellinen napakymppi, mutta kaunis, oivaltava ja ennen kaikkea omaperäinen ohjaus. Ja suoraan sanottuna en usko, että siellä tullaan tekemään mitään vastaavaa... no, en sano koskaan, se olisi liian fatalistista, mutta sanotaan nyt että hyvin pitkään aikaan.
Send me unpopular opinion prompts
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renee561 · 4 months
Where r u moot
Y'know? Fair.
Sorry I reblog 1000 times and then fuck off for long periods.
Especially since December, but at least I'm better! I'm not sure when I'll be back to posting fic we shall see.
Which moot am I?
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azurefishnets · 1 year
💗 Five Comfort Characters, Five Tags 💗 
tagged by @fortune-maiden and then I promptly forgot. Sorry! But then I remembered! So I thought I'd do it now and thank you for tagging me! I've numbered them for convenience but they really aren't ranked.
1. Jowd (Ghost Trick) I know, I know, if you know me, you were probably expecting me to say Alma and yes, FFVI/GT AU Alma absolutely is! Or maybe Cabanela and yeah, I do love my glow stick man (snap snap). But canon Alma is only what we know through the people around her, and Cabanela is wonderful and fantastic and I DO love him, so I'm putting Jowd in there because sometimes I think a liiittle too much like him. It's very comforting to see how much he is adored by everyone around him--really, I'm nominating my OT3 here if I'm honest.
2. Kloe (Trails in the Sky) She just tries so hard, y'all. So, so hard, and her determination to overcome her weaknesses is really inspiring to me. Plus, I love the way her friendship with Estelle makes them both more well-rounded people. (But, again, there were SO many people from Trails I could have put here with equal justification. Estelle, Tita, Olivier, Mueller, Tio, Randy, KeA... wait, I'm kind of just copying my tagger. Well, that's how great they are!! Trails has some excellent characters.)
3. Lucca (Chrono Trigger) - We're going back in time for this one. Picture me, 13 years old, unsure what I had going for me besides my know-it-all-ness and a blithe disregard for social norms...and then here's Lucca, who is celebrated in-game for these things! It was, shall we say, a revelation. I've come and gone through many fandoms through the years, but Lucca has remained a constant source of joy.
4. Terra (Final Fantasy VI) I played CT and FFVI at basically the same time in my life and I instantly loved Terra for her endearing "weird girl" quirks, her confusion over her place in the world, and, ultimately, the way she chooses to care rather than to isolate herself even when things were the hardest for her. The first time I dyed my hair anything but a "normal" color, it was green in honor of her!
5. Lupe dy Cazaril (The Curse of Chalion) This book is a major comfort tale for me despite my rather irritable disconnect with the canon romance for the main character. (-.-) But, I love Caz for his unshakeable loyalty and his determination to choose empathy and honor over repeating the unspeakable cruelties he lived through. Caz reminds me that cycles can be broken and things can change, I think.
Honorable Mention: Princess Arjumand (To Say Nothing of the Dog) She's a horrible wonderful cat and to say I enjoy what she puts the main cast through would be an understatement XD. And yet I would let her sleep on my chest any day.
Thanks again for the tag! Not tagging anyone but feel free to try this yourself if you enjoy such things!
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wavebf · 2 years
tagged by the beloved @gayelwood [and someone else who i’ve desperately and sadly forgotten 😳] to tag 7 comfort movies!
1. Stardust (2007)
2. The Little Prince
3. The Princess Bride
4. Hamlet (1997)
5. Kuch Kuch Hota Kai
6. Princess and the Frog
tagging: @ownerofidaho , @oceanmoss , @pimpa , @so1987 , @sunmayshine , @boyplushie , @malzeno , @lycanthrology , @nizynskis , @laurenbacallgf , @itsvs , @luvdiscplayer , @hazardsoflove, @sunrisegf , @ourhouse1970 , @kermitlesbian, @katabasiss, @zouisbreakup , @cryptidwizard , @nekotato , @stonerfag , @ryebreadgf + anyone else who wants to do this!! free pass from me.
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sevenyeargap · 11 months
tag game!!
tagged by @perennii, thank you so much for the tag yale!!!!!! <3333
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (negotiable, but positivity is cool)🎶✨️
okay so im guessing we're talking about like all time favorite songs here?????? SO. lets go!!!!!
sera was never (by the menagerie) - yessss im aware i need to play dragon age!!!!!!!!! i NEED TO!!! i'm going to try to play it as soon as its not that hot and playing games wont make my puter explode (<- fool who says this every year)
andromeda (weyes blood) - im pretty sure it was my dearly beloved MJ @/forcebook who recced it in one of her posts??? its SO GOOD
song to make you fall in love with me (tōth) - GO LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM ITS SO GOOD
bibi the dog (m83) - mai lan my MOSTEST BELOVED i love this song so much
dear fellow traveler (sea wolf) - im PRETTY sure this song was my top one in my 2022 spotify wrapped???? theres just something about. the Yearning in it. do you get me
TYSM AGAIN FOR THE TAG ILY YALE <3333 and not tagging anyone because i will send asks >:)))
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so2uv · 1 year
pencil<3 ✏️ ur so poetic pls huhu
poetic rizz RAHHHHHHH 💯😈🔪‼️⛓👹🇨🇦
you're the embodiment of passion; the long nights and read ups on a project, dedication pushed to the limit. you're passion in the way that passion should be known as, undying love and interest. hand jitters and validation are only a side effect that come with the effort, saying you don't care about how others react (we really do) because at the end of the day it's your hands that crafted what most others can't do within their lifetime. you're every minute, hour, day, year, that gets put into the rawest form of a human soul; art.
mutuals, send me a ✏️ and i'll describe a scene/scenario that reminds me of you
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blood-falling · 2 years
[ STEP ]:     -Anti
Pitch glances down as Anti fumbles, tripping over his own feet. Their expression hints at sympathy, stopping in place.
"Perhaps we need a new strategy, this seems to be proving difficult." They blur for a moment, returning with platformless boots, the kind they use for more practical work.
"Step on my feet, so you can learn the rhythm easier."
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