#👑 — important
t-u-i-t-c · 1 month
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crownspeaksblog · 8 months
From the way stede and oluwande were talking so openly about stede dumping fucking blackbeard in front of zheng and auntie, I'm gonna assume they were going to their kiosk quite regularly, which begs the question, why is the pirate queen spending so much time selling soup?!!
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You ever think that sometimes the spooky gays' get a lil overwhelmed with their thoughts?
Remus gets just a little too disturbing with his own thoughts to the point where even he has to sit down and just take a second to process what he just thought or daydreamed about?
Virgil works himself so deep into an anxiety rabbit hole that he's convinced himself of something entirely untrue as if it were logical scientific fact?
I think they do. Sometimes, anyway. One more than the other. I like to think they just kinda appear for each other.
Remus can't fix the anxiety (he's certainly not good at fixing it, he knows that) but he can keep Virgil company until he either comes down from the anxiety or until Remus can find a place to interject a distraction for him.
I think Virgil appears when Remus is having a moment and drags him for a distraction. Sometimes it doesn't warrant one so he just sits with him.
Maybe they talk over their individual problems. Maybe they don't. Maybe it's a quiet mutual understanding from their pre-Accepting Anxiety days that never stopped even after Virgil went with the Light Sides.
If you're reading this, support your friends. If you can't support your friends, do a little something for yourself. Do something for yourself anyway. You deserve it. Thank you for being you.
— 👑
(I'm okay just really tired and in my thoughts LMAO)
The fact that they can have an understanding with each other especially in a moment of vulnerability and stress is exactly why I L O V E them so much <3 Their functions are hard for them to deal with but they can relate on that pain which makes it easier for them to communicate and be there for one another <3
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sesanghe-myah · 6 months
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I want to be able to proclaim “We did it!” - Claire, 2023
I’m so grateful for Claire. She didn’t have to share with us the darker and painful experiences she’s been through because those are her very personal feelings and she has a right to her own privacy.
But she chose to anyway. And not just for her followers but also as a way to organize her own thoughts, understand herself and figure out what she wants to do with her channel.
She says she doesn’t have any particularly big ambitions or aspirations but I always saw her earnest wish to take good care of her kitties, to spread awareness about animals’ health and to give people joy through her videos as something that makes her incredibly extraordinary as a person.
And it’s quite amazing that even after all she’s contributed, she still thinks it isn’t enough and wants to do even more and better.
I’m glad I found her through Creamheroes and became one of the many hundreds of thousands who support her. She gives me so much hope and inspires strength back into me despite the bleakness of this world.
And if that helps brings her closer to fulfilling those words she wants to achieve, to let her know that all her efforts were worth it in the end, then nothing can make me happier as a fan.
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ “This was just a thought —but whoever invented avocados had a wonderful idea.”
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linagram · 4 days
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"arisu, will he be okay?"
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headworldofficial · 12 days
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akkivee · 7 months
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still thinking about kuukou’s insane rhyme anima glow up lmao
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juminhandfs · 8 months
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TFW you are far away from home but still try your best to celebrate Jumin's Birthday because he deserves it 💜
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itchyeye · 1 year
i like to think that jon and elias were both fluent in latin. :3 elias learned to read it in his youth through his formal education, jon taught himself enough to read fluently at around the same age because he briefly entertained a hobby studying dead languages. their beholding powers would give them full working knowledge of spoken latin anyway but i like to think it was one of the first party tricks their patron gave to each of them based on their existing robust knowledge base. and that they could have held a conversation in latin even before s1.
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crownspeaksblog · 9 months
You know i think the worst thing dean boland did is have the name Dean.. right because now everytime i read a post about dean winchester for a split second my brain sees dean boland and i very much don't like that.. fucking carman tainted that name for me..
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moregraceful · 1 year
You can't just write about Siegenthischier royalty AU in your tags without continuing!!!
Okay so I did three of the things on my very lengthy to-do list and drank a cup of coffee and a litre of black tea so let’s do this
FIRST of all, fuck monarchies, there is no divine right of kings, second of all this is MY sexy imagine and EYE want to see Jonas in a crown. 
So Jonas is a crown prince of a country in the style of Luxembourg with a constitutional monarch and representative democracy and the military of Switzerland. This is as much thought as I am willing to put into the politics of this post, thank you 🙏 He’s expected to take over as monarch after his grandpa dies — he’s one of only a few grandchildren but he’s the oldest and his parents died tragically, so it’s basically always been him. He bears it gracefully, always stays the course, never does anything to bring disgrace upon himself or his family, unlike his cousins. Basically perfect and everyone loves him and feels confident that their country will be fine with him, especially as his grandpa gets older and his health starts to fail.
Jonas does his required 2 year military service and then goes to Kings College London for his university education. He’s studying international relations and modern languages (I don’t know how bachelor’s degrees work in Europe so let’s just go with the idea that he is Smart and Studious) but takes philosophy classes when he can because he wants to. Everyone expects him to spend all his time partying with British royalty in London and like he’s supposed to be spending time in the UK to find a wife in one of the many royal branches, but he mostly keeps his head and sticks to hanging out with his classmates. He’s not big on partying or wild nights out at clubs, prefers a normal night out at a pub with classmates or going to football games with his friends. Again he is VERY aware of the pressure on him when he takes the throne in a couple years and he’s not interested in rocking the boat. Better him than any of his dipshit cousins, basically. He loves his country and he won’t fail his people.
ANYWAY, he goes out to a pub one time with some guys from one of his philosophy classes and they’re all complaining about the grades they got on their papers and arguing with Jonas because he got the highest marks despite not even being in the program, that’s so unfair!! And he agrees to buy them a round of drinks “to make up for being smarter than all of you” which no one takes gracefully, but they’re all laughing and it’s a good night out.
Goes up to the bar, it’s crowded. You see where this is going. Guy gets shoved into him, spills beer all over his shirt. It’s Nico. “Oh god,” says Nico. “I am so fucking sorry.”
Jonas isn’t even that bothered because he knows an opportunity to meet someone when he sees it and he’s, well. He’s not stupid. Nico’s cute and flustered and his eyes are very dark. He spends the next fifteen minutes chatting up Nico, who he leans very quickly is an absolute delight and VERY funny, until his classmates start hollering at him across the bar to hurry up with their drinks. Jonas buys the entire bar a round of shots and goes home with Nico.
AND THEN OF COURSE THEIR GREAT ROMANCE BEGINS. Nico is an international student at LSE getting a BSc in Politics and Economics so he can go home to Switzerland and work in the UN or in some related think tank – he did an internship over the summer with Economic and Social Council working on sustainable development in small rural communities in central Europe and he’s VERY excited about the future he’s creating for himself – working hard to help people, being involved in international politics, doing his best to help the world develop into its best self. Jonas finds out very quickly that Nico has SUCH a big heart – for his family and friends, but also his country, and for the world. Nico wants to help people! Jonas is unclear why he chose the UN if he wants to make an immediate difference int he world – Jonas’s country has had to work with UN and he knows how slowly the wheels of change turn. But he won’t crush Nico’s spirit for anything.
They fall in love so fast that it’s actively embarrassing for both of them but man, when you know, you know, right? They meet each other’s friends, they spend so much time together for the next three years. Nico knows who Jonas is bc a) politics nerd, b) hard to miss the bodyguard trailing them home that first night. Nico spends approximately five minutes being starstruck over it that first time and he gets over it because it’s Jonas.
They don’t spend summers together and they keep it pretty tightly wrapped because if they do get engaged and married, it’s going to be HUGE news for the monarchy when Jonas and Nico aren’t able to have children of their own. No one even knows Jonas is gay except his brother – and Nico. There are always rumors of course, but most people who pay attention to such things just think Jonas is probably secretly dating a Belgian princess. Jonas misses Nico so much during the summer though, beause Nico sends him updates all the time on what’s he’s doing, and meanwhile Jonas is doing royal stuff. Watching anxiously as his grandfather’s health declines. Meets heads of states who slyly introduce their daughters. Is forced to go to a dance class, which kills him, bc Nico is literally doing micro-economics stuff in Romania and having a blast and Jonas just wants to be with him so bad, anywhere in the world. He just wants to be at Nico’s side, always.
Their education is wrapping up, it’s a couple nights before graduation, and Jonas and Nico are MUST MAKE A DECISION. Do they stay together? Do they break up? They can’t keep it under wraps as easily once they graduate. It’ll be harder. Jonas will start taking a more active role in his country’s politics; Nico has multiple job offers lined up already. Jonas confesses to Nico how lonely he’s been growing up, how isolated he’s always felt being told he’ll be king, how empty the thought of being king is, how devoid of meaning his life feels as it rolls out in front of him, decades of isolation and loneliness like he felt growing up. He loves his country and his people and he knows they love him but – it’s a terrible thought to do it alone. He would like to be able to see Nico sometimes. He can’t face the rest of his life with nothing. It doesn’t have to be permanent, it doesn’t have to be big, but he doesn’t want to NOT be with Nico.
Nico’s like, okay! Let’s get married. Jonas is like, well that is not REALLY what I meant, but Nico’s already kissing him so okay, they’re getting married. Jonas calls his brother and is like, hey, I need dad’s ring. his brother, who knows all about Nico bc Jonas got extremely drunk last summer when they were at the lakehouse hiding from their cousins and told his brother all about Nico, just laughs. Sends an overnight courier with both their parents’ rings. Jonas gives his dad’s ring to Nico the next afternoon, who looks so happy he’ll burst.
They go out to a pub that night to spend some time with friends and maybe they’re a little too cosy because, hello, they just got engaged?? And the British tabloids, who always have a couple people trailing Jonas these days as he graduates, because they’ve figured out there is definitely SOMEONE in Jonas’s life, just have not figured out who, catch Jonas and Nico in a very quietly intimate moment through a window. Dig up as much info on Nico as they can. Publish it. The story explodes.
Jonas basically has to go IMMEDIATELY home, skip his graduation, and have a series of the worst conversations in the world with various royal advisors, various politicians, and, most awful of al, his grandfather, who is shattered that a) Jonas is gay (no heir) and b) Jonas didn’t TELL HIM he was gay so he couldn’t support him (he loves Jonas), and c) Jonas got engaged without even talking to him first (THEY ARE A ROYAL FAMILY.)
Meanwhile Nico graduates without Jonas in the crowd :( weh
Things are a liiiiiittle rocky for a couple weeks until Nico can make it to Made Up Not!Luxembourg for a press conference. Jonas is so glad to see him that he could collapse and they have the LONGEST hug in the airport that unfortunately so many airport employees take pictures of. But like it’s Jonas! The whole country loves Jonas! And all they know about Nico is what press offices have been able to dig up on him! And Nico seems like a nice guy, they think? He’s smart and he’s engaged in the world? Someone found a photo of him volunteering at a youth hockey camp in Switzerland and he looked like he was kind?
The press conference is extremely well attended not just by local press but by foreign press and Jonas is so glad he speaks so many languages and he considers it a blessing that Nico is Swiss and speaks three languages. It’s a mess. So many questions all at once. The media coordinator is hollering at them all to shut up. The whole thing is being livestreamed on local TV AND the internet. Who is Nico? Since when is Jonas gay? Why is he marrying someone who isn’t royal and isn’t from their country? Is his grandfather ashamed of his decision or his sexuality? What are Nico’s intentions for the crown? Do they think Nico is equipped to rule alongside Jonas.
“Nico will be a good leader for our people,” says Jonas, when the press relations people threaten to shut the entire conference down if people don’t give Jonas a chance to speak. “He has a degree in politics and economics from London School of Economics and has done extensive work with the United Nations.”
He takes Nico’s hand. The ring on Nico’s hand is very visible in the light of the cameras. Jonas is wearing a ring too – it’s much plainer than Nico’s, but it belonged to Nico’s grandfather. Nico gave it to him last night after they got back to the palace, when they got a quiet moment to themselves in between the chaos.
“And I love him very much,” Jonas says simply.
Nico smiles so brilliantly at him in that moment that no camera in the world can miss how much he loves Jonas. When Jonas looks back, the whole world sees the same.
I love them….
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banggyu0308 · 11 months
yeonjuns hair sticking up after his shower is actually like so cute and endearing to me idk why @sunnibearr knows i like hair 😭
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aeide-thea · 1 year
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i'm pretty sure the last time i showed you guys an outfit (insofar as you can really call this extremely informal assemblage an ""outfit"" lmao) was also an orangey tank and yellow shorts… luv 2 look like a highlighter what can i say!! 🌈🌻🍑
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d0rky-0utfits · 9 months
I no longer have the need to die I must live
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