seulreinaz · 21 days
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  ⟡   🌪   ⨳      for you man, im a doom boy
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  ∿    .  ˚    💿
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jenniejjun · 11 months
oiii,tudo bem?entrei no seu perfil e amei demais!queria saber se você pode fazer um smut do jungkook do bts,ultimamente tô pensando muito nele bem boyfriend material.bjs.
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PAR: jeon jungkook x leitora!fem
GÊNERO: fluff e smut / idol!au
avisos: jungkook e a leitora estão em um relacionamento, muuuuito apelidinho carinhoso pra encaixar bem na temática boyfriend material, fingering, oral (leitora recebe), leveeee nipple play mas nem é tão descritivo assim, breve descrição de fluídos corporais (ejaculação feminina né more)
espero que isso o que você estava esperando, amore! queria pedir desculpas pela demora também, mas feliz dia dos namorados atrasado pra todas vocês e que todas nós tenhamos um jungkook na vida porque tá difícil viu! tô meio enferrujada com os meninos do bts então espero que tenha ficado legal, bjssss
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"Princesa, tem certeza que tá bem para andar sozinha?", Kookie diz suavemente, com um sorriso no rosto, enquanto põe você, a namorada dele, de pé. A poucos passos do quarto do coreano, na casa que costumava partilhar com os amigos. Ele empurra a porta, fazendo-os entrar.
Ele ri, abraçando-a com força pela cintura, a sua cabeça vira apenas o suficiente para ele ver os seus olhos. A cor neles, sem estarem turvos ou enevoados.
"Sim, não estou bêbeda, prometo! Só estou um bocadinho tonta, talvez tenha sido o vinho."
Ambos trocaram um olhar com gargalhadas borbulhantes na garganta, e você descalçou os saltos enquanto caía na cama do namorado.
"É por isto que não te deixo beber vinho", e assim, o Jeon deita-se ao seu lado, passando a mão pela sua franja. Suspirando e pensando que talvez devessem ter ficado na cama para não terem que encarar o mundo real. Você virou-se para encará-lo. A mão segurando sua cabeça e desaparecendo no meio dos cabelos. Os lábios cor de cereja se franzem em um beicinho enquanto diz:
"Bem, pelo menos somos melhores que Jimin" brinca, observando como algo sobre vocês naquele dia parece chique. Mas todo o cenário estava a mudar, Jungkook tinha uma sensação estranha no estômago.
Talvez fosse o oitavo mês de namoro de vocês que antenasse tudo ainda mais.
O seu namorado estava ali, deitado ao seu lado, bonito e com os seus caracóis pretos que chamava de cabelo desarrumados já sobre as almofadas. Você não fazia ideia se era do frio ou do fato que ele escolhera para aquela ocasião, mas ele estava igualmente bonito.
"Tá me encarando", o cantor disse num sussurro, as mãos traçando um caminho no seu braço.
"Você fez isso a noite toda e eu não reclamei", mostrou a língua zombeteira. Não consegue acreditar que está a brincar sobre isso sem corar, com o seu amor, ali mesmo - mas ali estavam vocês. E ele gargalhou, puxando o cabelo para trás.
"Admito que sim."
As luzes da rua em Seul brilhavam através da longa janela de vidro do seu quarto, com o som a ser bloqueado. Você deixa que a intimidade do momento levasse a melhor sobre a situação.
"Você tá com uma carinha cansada, amor", aponta-o, vendo as bolsas sob os olhos dele.
"Esse último comeback me esgotou, não vou mentir", Jeon responde calmamente. "Nada pra se preocupar, princesa."
Com sua maneira eterna de cuidar dos outros, você se aconchega mais perto de seu namorado. Os seus braços envolvem a cintura dele e sentem o cheiro da sua colónia. Logo diz:
"Devia fazer uma pausa antes de ficar sobrecarregado demais."
"Poderia dizer o mesmo pra você", o garoto retruca teimoso.
"Você é impossível", suspira fechando os olhos, momentaneamente. Escondendo o rosto no pescoço dele, você deixa pequenos beijos na base do mesmo. "Então, pelo menos, não passe o dia e a noite toda no estúdio."
Você revirou os olhos enquanto Jeon ria, acenando com a cabeça como um eufemismo e abraçando-a tão perto até que a única coisa entre vocês fossem suas roupas, a sua mão na cintura dele, e os seus peitos a tocarem-se.
"Te amo", tomou você nos braços, sentando-a ao colo e acariciando seus quadris. "Tô melosinho demais?"
"Um pouquinho, mas eu gosto" você disse, abraçando-lhe o pescoço com força e sorrindo. "Eu também te amo."
O de olhos jabuticaba sorriu mostrando os dentes, e te beijou com doçura, pensando que se havia algum lugar mais calmo e bonito do que ali, e com você, então ele não queria saber. Ele queria ficar assim para sempre. Jungkook percorria os beijos de sua bochecha até o pescoço, sorrindo novamente ao encontrar o ponto fraco sob sua orelha que, quando mordida, fazia-a arfar. Inconscientemente, você acaba balançando os quadris, fazendo o rapaz atirar a cabeça para trás de prazer, e firmar o aperto ali para acelerar os seus movimentos.
"Vamos tirar esse vestido estúpido."
E, é claro que, você não perdeu um segundo em remover seu vestido rosa apertado, expondo seus seios nus, e fazendo Jungkookie gemer com a visão enquanto os apertava levemente.
"Porra, bebê, você tá me deixando louco. Como sempre", ele disse lambendo um mamilo e gemendo quando sentiu um traço de suor acumulado pelo gosto amargo do seu perfume em sua língua.
"Kookie", você murmurou, continuando a balançar o quadril e gemendo quando a ereção proeminente dele fez contacto com o seu clitóris no tecido da roupa íntima. A calcinha cor-de-rosa rendada fazia-lhe girar a cabeça.
"Resmunga não, mô. Quero ouvir seus gritinhos", incitou ele, deixando marcas nos seus seios até que baixou as mãos para começar a deslizar sua peça íntima para baixo.
Depois de um momento, deixando você, a sua pobre garotinha, respirar, Jeon volta a sorrir e te agarra para lhe atirar à cama, deixando o seu núcleo mais perto do seu rosto. Agacha-se para se ajoelhar no chão e pega numa de suas pernas colocando-a sobre o seu ombro, começando a deixar beijos na pele macia das suas coxas.
Você suspira, inclinando a cabeça para trás, sabendo o que está prestes a acontecer. Fizeram isto muitas vezes durante as últimas semanas devido aos horários ocupados e o oral era a única opção rápida no menu, mas mesmo assim não se fartam, estando sempre onde o outro está e ansiosos por se tocarem.
"Posso?", pergunta Jungkook, abrindo a boca para lamber e morder o interior das suas coxas, fazendo-a gemer.
"E quando é que você não pode?"
Ele sorri contra sua pele, deixando marcas ao lado das que já estavam se esfregando, e você levanta os quadris em sinal de impaciência. Provavelmente, os meninos deviam estar em casa, se alguém passasse por ali, facilmente os ouviriam, mas não era como se isso importasse. Você se espalha sem vergonha enquanto ele põe as duas mãos nos seus joelhos, o homem de cabelo preto baixa a cabeça para deixar uma lambidela em toda sua cavidade.
"Puta que pariu", você acaba por ofegar, arqueando as costas devido às lambidas provocantes. "Para de provocar, Jeon!"
Jungkook gargalha com isso e as vibrações batem contra o teu clitóris, te fazendo gemer. Começando a lambê-lo suavemente, o cantor envolve-o entre os seus lábios cheios para o chupar. A sensação viciante, tudo o que o envolve, deixa ele louco. Jungkook desliza uma mão sobre sua cintura, subindo pelo corpo até chegar ao maxilar.
Ele coloca dois dedos sobre sua boca, e você a abre, deslizando os dedos dele para dentro sem questionar.
Às vezes, é como se não conseguisse suportar. Como depois de meses e meses, ele ainda consegue transformá-la num feixe de nervos e desespero para senti-lo contra si, é inegável que é completamente dele, de corpo e alma e sabe muito bem; pertence a Jeon Jungkook e ele pertence a você.
O prazer é demasiado grande, quando ele enfia os dois dedos molhados por sua língua dentro de você, com familiaridade, já raspa o seu ponto fraco enquanto a sua língua e os seus lábios estimulam o seu pontinho inchado. Ainda está a gemer e a ofegar na cama, e tem a certeza de que é assim que se sente o paraíso. Mas também era sempre assim, em momentos como este, costumava ter pena dos outros.
Kook geme contra você, movendo o rosto de um lado para o outro e isso te faz arquear as costas, estendendo a mão para sentir seus mamilos e aumentando o seu prazer enquanto os esfrega.
Você estaria explodindo de vergonha em circunstâncias normais.
"O que pensa que tá fazendo, boneca?", murmura ele, levantando o rosto de entre as suas pernas para a olhar nos olhos, enquanto os seus dedos entram e saem dali rapidamente. Jungkook faz um som reprovador conforme para por um momento, impedindo suas mãos. "Eles são meus pra brincar."
As palavras ecoam na sua cabeça, e só fazem aumentar a pressão no seu baixo ventre à medida que sente o orgasmo ainda mais próximo. Desta vez é diferente, não sabe se é porque a situação em que estão a deixa tão cheia de tesão, ou se é simplesmente por causa dele.
"Kookie", você suplica abalada. "Não para, amor, por favor."
Vê-lo sorrir, acelerando os movimentos da língua e dos dedos, te faz revirar os olhos, gemendo alto desta vez. Os dedos dele movem-se freneticamente e tocam-lhe no partezinha esponjosa que te faz querer gritar, te forçando a fechar a boca para impedir um grito enquanto arqueia as costas novamente, gozando. Você o faz na cara e nos dedos dele, e o canto coreano não perde tempo a saborear o clímax da namorada com satisfação, sente o tesão na cueca, mas não quer saber dele agora. Enquanto você se desfaz debaixo dele, continua a gemer por causa do excesso de estimulação e os seus olhos estão fechados enquanto tenta recuperar do orgasmo selvagem que acabou de ter.
Faz-se um momento de silêncio entre os dois até que Jungkook se senta, o cabelo despenteado. O queixo e lábios pingando com você, a visão é tentadora demais. Ele te olha, reparando na forma como cora quando se percebe que está nua.
"É estranho dizer que acabei de pensar no nome de uma das minhas novas músicas?", ele diz sorrindo docemente. Você se senta também, revirando os olhos e apagando as luzes. "Amoooor!"
"Vamos dormir, Kookie."
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aricastmblr · 11 months
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Jungkook cantando canciones de Jimin - Lie - Promise - Serendipity - Filter    - Christmas Love - With you - Vibe feat Jimin  -   Angel Pt.1 FastX
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Jungkook Vlive 2017.04.22. 꾸기 라이브🐰🐇  - Lie
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BTS_twt 30 ene. 2019 - Promise by Jimin
그리고 지민씨도 피해갈 수 없습니다.
Y Jimin tampoco puede escapar
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-BTS ‘LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her’ Fansign ( Aladin Event) 22 Sept 2017 Jimin and Jungkook-Serendipity
-MCountdown jimin y jungkook - Serendipity
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-  BTS (방탄소년단) 'BREAK THE SILENCE: THE MOVIE COMMENTARY PACKAGE'  (Commentary ver.) 2021 - Serendipity
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-HAPPYJINDAY Vlive 4 Dic 2020 llamada con jimin y estaba con jungkook - serendipity(04122020- jin vlive llamada a jikookkookmin que iban a casa)
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-InTheSoop2 Ep.2 2021 Jungkook - Serendipity 
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-Bts world tour love yourself speak yourself the final dvd 2019 - Serendipity
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-2022 SEASONS GREETINGS JK estilo-Serendipity
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JK💜 Vlive 7 marzo 2021 - Filter
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[BANGTAN BOMB] 2021 FESTA Exam Behind the Scenes - BTS (방탄소년단) -  Christmas Love by Jimin - Sobok, sobok  16:35min
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[BTS VLOG] Jung Kook l CAMPING VLOG 2022 - With you 15:28min
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Jungkook weverse live 1 febrero 2023   - Vibe feat Jimin 22:40min
잘 지내셨습니까 - Have You Been Well  - ¿Has estado bien?  
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jungkook weverse live cantando set me free pt.2 - cantando-tarareando like crazy del primer álbum de jimin face
03.27. 11:53
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el nos dio pistas en sus weverse lives y ni uno ni en-cuenta  T T
03.23. 13:06  
배고파요 ... 첫끼 ... 불금 ...
Tengo hambre... primera comida... viernes (tgif)
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jungkook weverse live 24 Mayo 2023  -  Angel Pt.1 FastX
Knock Knock  - Toc Toc  
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goldenalbum · 6 months
4 notes · View notes
skyandpeople · 2 years
Jimin is mine
Jk : 😠 he is mine (shouting pitch)
Tae is mine
Jk: he is mine ☺️ (smooth pitch)
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bonny-kookoo · 7 months
(Oh My) Bunny-Baby 🔞
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In which Jungkook had long lost hope to find someone sweet as you.
Tags/Warnings: Bunny Hybrid!Jungkook, Bunny Hybrid!Reader, strangers to lovers, major fluff, romance, Flirting, they're in love, also very horny towards the end oops, car sex, sloppy handjob, lots of... fluids, squirting aka champagne confetti wink wink, multiple orgasms, some aftercare?, idk it's something
Length: oneshot, I'll count later
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> You can request drabbles if you want.
"Come on in- just, be a little quiet, I've got my new coworker over." Jimin chuckles, making Jungkook look at him scandalized- since Jimin, technically, has a girlfriend.
"Ah no, not like that." He waves off, walking in after they both taken off their shoes. "A waterpipe broke in her bedroom, so now she's crashing on my couch for the time being." He explains, putting a finger to his lips as they enter the living room area, where Jungkook spots your body underneath a blanket, clearly asleep.
What peaks his attention though, are the very obvious bunny ears on your head, only partially covered by your hair.
Bunny hybrids aren't common at all, nowadays, due to them ending up mixing with humans more often than not- so much so, that until now, Jungkook has never met another 'pure' bunny hybrid of the opposite sex before, ever. "Just sit down there- she sleeps like a rock, so don't worry too much about waking her." Jimin laughs, easily sitting down in a seat across from where you sleep, while Jungkook carefully takes the spot next to where your head is resting. From here, he's got an even better view of you- and you're just.. so cute.
Though he feels himself short-circuiting the moment you move, nose scrunching up a bit as you move your leg, blanket now slipping a little to reveal the softest looking bunny tail he's ever seen. That, combined with your ear twitching while you dream, makes him wonder about things he never really thought of before. He absentmindedly reaches to touch his own ear, trying to see if they're just as soft as yours look. Are they? He's not sure. He's so close to you he could just see for himself, especially when you move a little more, head leaning against his thigh, ears laying over it- but he knows how much he hates having his ears touched constantly, so he doesn't.
That would just be rude.
"Do you know a cheap place where she can stay? Sine my partner is a wolf hybrid, you know.." Jimin wonders, sighing. "Here, that's the sketches by the way." He offers, giving a few papers to Jungkook who takes them. "Oh! Or, since you're both the same species, maybe she could stay with you? You still have the pull-out couch right?"
"Yeah!" Jungkook answers, while you seem to finally wake up, slowly sitting upright, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"Great!" Jimin misunderstands the rabbit boy's answer. "Hey, bunny? Jungkookie over here has an empty couch you can stay on." He tells you, who's ears slowly stand up, before you look over at the shoulder of the other bunny hybrid- head slowly lifting to look at the wide open eyes of the buck next to you. "He's easy to be around, don't worry." Jimin jokes.
"Oh?" You wonder, noticing Jungkook's black ears turned towards you as well, giving you all information you need for the moment. "Tha's nice of you." You slur sleepily, yawning before you stretch. "Thank you." You smile, and Jungkook is officially without any brain activity at all for the moment.
Especially when you lean your head to the side a bit, ears flopping over, still clearly drowsy from sleep.
"Uh.. yeah!" Jungkook snaps out of it, ripping his eyes away from you, though he hears you giggle a little to yourself, causing his tail to wiggle without his control of it. He honestly didn't mean to agree to something like this- hell, his apartment isn't even remotely tidied up, there's probably dishes in the sink and his laundry all over the place- but in some odd way, he also can't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime, basically; because you're so pretty, and-
wait, he doesn't even know if you have a boyfriend. Do you? And if you do, why is he not helping you out in a time like this? He knows he would've offered you to stay at his home right away if something was up. That's just common sense.
"I'll go get my stuff.." You mumble, slowly getting up to stretch one last time- bunny tail wiggling around as you groan, giving Jungkook pretty much whiplash from the sight alone, before you walk away into the bathroom, probably to shower and wake up properly.
"She's cute, huh?" Jimin teases, catching Jungkook staring after you. "Doesn't have a boyfriend from what I know. And she's a bunny too." He wiggles his eyebrows, while Jungkook shakes his head.
"So?" He huffs. "Doesn't mean we're like.. destined or something. I'm just gonna help her out- and after that, we'll go back to being strangers anyways." He simply says, shrugging it off. After all, he's tried relationships before- and they all somehow always failed because of him in some way, making him believe that at this point, he just isn't fit for simple relationships.
He can't help his instincts, and neither can he help his.. needs either.
So when he takes the sketches home to work on, and helps carry your bag for you- he doesn't get his hopes up for something changing, because down the line, maybe that'll protect him from the inevitable heartbreak when you leave just like he fears you will.
Just like everyone else did before.
Inside his apartment, you're clearly finally properly awake now, curiously following him as he shows you around, before he leaves you in his small living room to fetch some sheets and blankets for you to put on the couch.
It's clear that he lives alone, apartment a bit.. lifeless almost, not much screaming home at you from what you can see. Apart from a sweater thrown over a chair at the open kitchenette, and a few dishes in the sink, it looks like any ordinary single-guy household.
Interesting. Especially the fact that his home only smells of himself and no one else. Doesn't he have a partner?
That wouldn't make sense. He's basically the perfect buck.
"It's a bit.. uh, I know this will look like it's broken but it's not-" He defends, rubbing the back of his neck after he put the blankets and sheets on one side of the couch, leaning down to pull on the lower edge of the front of the couch. "-it's just.. urgh- old!" He grits, using a good amount of strength to pull out the part that snaps back up into place, ultimately turning the small couch into a bed with good amount of space on it.
You can't help but stare wide eyed however, not at the furniture- but rather the clear display of strength of his, arms showing off their muscles even while covered mostly by his plain white t-shirt. You can't help it- after all, it's instincts.
Snapping out of it when you notice him looking at you in question, you shake those thoughts off for the moment, hands behind your back while you sway on your legs a little. "Uh.. I didn't listen, sorry. What did you say?" You ask, caught a bit in your staring contest between you and his thighs having multiplied twice their size from the way he's sitting on his heels on the floor.
"I asked if you.. if that blanket is enough, or if you want a thicker one?" He offers. "I have a spare one with feather filling if you'd like.." He wonders, and you nod instantly.
You like thick blankets and bedding a lot- it makes for great nesting material, and gives you a sense of comfort while asleep.
He smiles in a friendly manner, before he fetches said blanket, taking a bit longer to put a cover over it, before he brings it to the couch you're already on all fours on, tucking the sheets into the corners properly, and he can't help but watch you a little. He himself doesn't really nest, and since he's never met a female bunny hybrid before, he's never actually seen one making a nest, except for in movies and TV shows. So, seeing you so naturally do it, makes him wonder.
How much of what he heard and seen about female bunny hybrids is actually true- and how much is just romanticized fiction?
After all, he as a male bunny hybrid is often watered down to nothing but a good lover in bed- but once those people get into an actual relationship, and realize that it's not just fun and games but a need of his that he'd have fulfilled every day of the week if possible, he quickly becomes too much to handle.
And so, most of the time, everything always falls apart because he's too needy. Too demanding. Too high maintenance. Too tough to.. satiate.
"Here." He carefully offers the bedding to you, and you smile, happily taking it with a 'thank you' from your side. He's a bit awkward now- unsure if you'd like him to stay or not. "Do you… should I leave?" He asks, unsure.
"No?" You answer, shaking your head. "This is your home after all. Why should you leave?" You giggle, unaware of Jungkook's inner troubles with the whole situation. He sits down on the edge of the bed so he stays out of the way, while you position some pillows and the other blanket how you want, eventually settling on the thick feather-filled quilt, hugging it it as you look at him arms and legs wrapped around the thick fluffy bedding.
"I.. uhm, I've never actually met a doe before, so I'm not sure how to really act." He admits, and you nod, lips parted in an 'o'-shape as you realize his dilemma.
"That's fine." You simply say. "We're kinda rare after all, I only ever really met another buck like.. a few years back? And he was an asshole, so you're already doing a lot better than him!" You joke, though he can spot some truth behind your words, worrying him what might've happened in the past. "So, Jiminie gave you sketches, right?" You ask, and he nods, happy over the finally flowing conversation. "What's that about?" You ask.
"I'm a tattoo artist." He says, pulling up the sleeve of his white shirt way over his shoulder, showing off his inked arm, making you lean closer to gain a better look, ears fully turned towards him now in interest. "I designed all of them myself, for example." He offers, chuckling when you tilt your head to look at something in a different angle.
"Oh, they're so cool!" You praise, before leaning back again. "I wanna have a tattoo too, but, I don't know.. people told me I shouldn't, cause it wouldn't suit me.." You mumble, leaning back into the comfort of the bedding.
"I mean, it depends what you'd want?" He shrugs. "I could for sure come up with something more delicate maybe?" He wonders, mind already trying to imagine some art underneath your skin right now.
"Heh, you wanna mark me up?" You flirt boldly, catching him off guard at your innuendo. "I'm just kidding. You're cute!" You compliment, before you curl up in your little nest once more. "...though.." you mumble, looking at him dangerously from underneath your lashes.
...though?" He asks, breathes out almost carefully.
"Though I wouldn't mind you cuddling me, to be honest." You giggle into the quilt, cheeks tinted softly. "You look like you give great cuddles." You say, and he laughs a bit bashfully to himself.
"I mean- maybe?" He shrugs, unsure. He's not really.. cuddled much before, every touch of his always having been taken as either an invitation or demand even when it wasn't either- so at some point in his life, he just stopped even thinking about it. What would make you different from them?
And what does he really have to lose, down the line?
You're Jimin's coworker. If you and Jungkook don't work out, there's no awkwardness really, to be fair. You'd just part ways, and that would be it, and since you're both clearly adults, nothing speaks against it.
"Shouldn't we.. maybe get to know each other more?" He wonders carefully, testing the waters. And your next words make him wonder if you could really truly be a new start for him.
"Why? It's only cuddling." You huff. "It's not like I wanna go to phase two just because you touch me." You joke.
And while he does smile at it, it's not a joke to him.
It's much more than that.
"Heeh, whatcha cooking?" You ask, dipping underneath his arm to catch a glimpse at the pot he's stirring, making him instinctively reach out to pull you back so you don't look inside and hurt yourself.
"Ramen- but it's spicy, so you might not like it." He chuckles, remembering how you told him last night at a movie you watched together that you don't tolerate spicy things very well. Most buny hybrids dont- but he grew up with it, so maybe that's why he can stomach it very well.
The movie you watched yesterday had only been background noise to be honest, because you were rather occupied getting to know each other better, just like Jungkook had suggested. He now knows that you moved here after a bad relationship break up lead to you wanting a new fresh start somewhere else, while you learned that Jungkook used to work at an internet Cafe for a while until he could finally land a spot at Min Yoongis tattoo studio.
You've warmed up to each other quite quickly- and not just over shared life experiences and problems you'd laugh over together.
"But I'm hungry." You tell him, looking upwards at his face that's watching you as well. "Can I use your kitchen to make myself something?" You wonder, and he smiles, laughing.
"I can cook one extra. I have a mild chicken one in here- would you like that?" He asks, and you nod, reaching for it- though he's holding it too far away. "I said I'm making it." He jokingly scolds. "You go wait, it'll take maybe twenty minutes or so." He explains, though you just turn around and...
Hug him?
"Heeh, you're so warm!" You giggle, unable to really resist at least trying to hug him once- when a hand sets itself onto your back, holding you close while he continues cooking. He just smells so nice, and he is so nice in general that you just involuntarily get attached already.
You're a bunny hybrid after all. You crave affection, need attention.. and much more than that, but this part, you've learned to control. It throws people off how clingy and needy you are, it's something you learned the hard way- and you're hoping that you won't screw it up with Jungkook.
Cause you really like him already. Might go as far as to say you've got a terrible crush.
"Am I bothering you?" You ask meekly but he shakes his head, a surprised expression on his face.
"No, I'd tell you if you did." He answers, and at that, your eyes sparkle in wonder, head resting against his chest. Words like that mean the world to you- because thar means you won't just unknowingly make him uncomfortable until he gets rid of you. He'll tell you first, so you can change.
"Thank you." You simply say-
And he wonders what you must've experienced in the past to be so grateful of simple communication like that.
"So, you're staying with Jungkook now?" Namjoon, a bear hybrid across from you asks- and you nod.
"Hmhm, he's really nice." You compliment, and Jungkook feels his cheeks start to get hotter at your praise. He's got a terrible problem and it's only four days in of you both knowing each other-
Because his body is clearly reacting to your scent being all over his apartment and all over him.
He can't help it, it's quite frankly embarrassing how often he has to shower and try and relieve himself somewhat quietly so you won't notice- ache in his body now worse than ever before, with you as a doe so close around him all the time. You're clearly in your prime, and so is he- bodies communicating that desire constantly without either of your control.
And unbeknownst to him, you're very aware of his dilemma. He's not exactly as quiet as he thinks he is.
In that department, you pride yourself in being a lot more secretive- he probably hasn't even noticed that you got yourself off right in your nest in the living room, because you, compared to him, can be quiet.
Well, but he knows. Because while you might not make much sound, your scent left on your bedding speaks louder than you could ever scream. And it's torture.
"So, you both?" Jimin raises his brows suggestively, making Jungkook shakes his head bashfully. "Heh, why not? You're already so cute together!" He whines, always so passionate about his best friend finally finding that special someone.
Namjoon sighs and scolds the younger friend, before he looks at you. "I'm sorry, he can be a bit too bold sometimes." He says, and you just wave it off.
"No its fine, I understand." You say, before going back to eating.
You're awfully quiet the rest of the night, seemingly rather low on energy. It's something Jungkook notices with slight worry, fearing you might be coming down with something- unaware that it's both your social batteries running low, and also the fact that, naturally, bunny hybrids tend to kind of shrink in on themselves if they're without affection for too long.
And for you, it's been a long time since someone cared for you in a more intimate way.
But he doesn't connect the dots yet, rather offers to go home with you a bit earlier, to get you into bed so you can rest properly.
You're surprisingly visiting often and regularly, even after returning to your now renovated home.
You seek him out actively, ask often for his opinion on things or if he wants to hang out- and he's thriving, energy at an all time high. It's something that everyone at the tattoo shop notices too, constantly picking on the rabbit hybrid- but he couldn't care less.
Because last night, you told him you liked him. Like, liked him a lot. You got a crush on him.
And it makes him all giddy with excitement, causes him to whistle as he cleans up his workspace to finally go home and welcome you back to his apartment for some takeout and cuddles- because that's something that you do often as well.
It's like the only quality sleep he has these days is only when he sleeps together with you. And not even in a sexual sense whatsoever.
You gently turn him whenever he falls into a bad position during his sleep that makes him snore- instead of telling him that he's annoying and disrupting your rest. You cling onto him, you're nuzzling into his neck, you scent him- and he loves every second of it, soaks up your affectionate attention like a sponge.
You're just so cute, and perfect for him- he can't help but fall for you. And knowing that you did too- just makes it all feel like a fairytale come true.
Though, in his car, things don't go quite as.. tame as he expected it to.
Not that he complains.
You're on his lap in the driver's seat as he'd parked his car at an empty parking lot out of sight of the main road, clinging to him, kissing him just as eagerly as he does you. It's desperate, open mouths stealing each other's breath away, his teasing bites to your lip making you whimper. "Please-" you softly cry, looking at him with pleading eyes. "-I'm starving.!" You complain, and he laughs.
The moment you're both in the backseat of his car, he wastes no time- using the sweater and shirt he pulls off his upper body in one go to throw them against the door so your head is supported, before he leans down to kiss you again. He can't get enough, not of you, and not of this moment-
Because down the line, he's equally as touch-starved as you are.
There's no time nor need for words as his hands push beneath your clothes, exploring what he finds beneath with eager palms, skin warm to the touch. You're squirming in place, needy for more than he gives right now- and he decides that patience can go fuck itself, because he needs you.
The moment he unveils your lower body to his eyes is the moment he just knows he can't control himself, hand instantly reaching between your legs to play with you, get you ready. "How have you been like this, huh?" He chuckles, jokes, as you squirm and roll your hips into his hand. "Poor baby, suffering in silence when I'm right here." He breathes out, sensitive core so desperate you don't need much to come undone for the first time.
While you catch your breath, he uses that time to search for a condom in his car- finding one in his wallet, thankfully, before he covers his length that you're already reaching for.
"Next time." He reassures your disappointed face as you realize he's not gonna let you return the favor. "Right now I need you." He instead explains, before he guides the head of his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness before he finally pushes inside.
Your head is finally empty, no thoughts rushing any longer, the only thing on your mind the feeling of him filling you up.
You don't care if you're needy, or clingy, or too demanding- right now you want all he has to offer, as your legs wrap around him, pulling him closer.
And closer he gets, leaning down to capture your lips once more before his hips start to move.
The sounds you make must be nothing shy of pornographic, but you don't spare any mind to it- instead letting your eyes roll back as he picks up his pace, testing your limits to see what you need, and what you can take. And much to his personal pleasure, it seems like you're a perfect fit-
Not just in any other way already.
Your tail must be soaked in your slick at this point, ring of foamy white decorating the base of his length as he keeps up his rhythm, skin smacking against skin loudly in the small space of the car. Any bystander outside probably knows exactly what's going on-
And he couldn't care less.
An almost growling sound escapes him when he feels you clench in your upcoming orgasm, thighs trembling against his body as you cry out, white hot pleasure making you blind and deaf for a second, while his hips stutter, one final push all it takes for him to snap-
As he pulls out your soaked cunt, pulling the condom off to instead close your legs and bring himself to his finish that way, white strings of cum covering your naked front, even up to your shirt that he's pushed way up high to reveal your bouncing chest to his eyes.
He's breathing heavily together with you, as he notices the scene he finds himself in.
The windows of the car are all fogged up, and it's stuffy inside, smell of sex filling the entirety of the space, leather of the seats squeaking slightly as he adjusts his position. Your most recent experience of pleasure covers his thighs and seats, but he doesn't mind, he can only laugh to himself absolutely starstruck.
He's never experience something like this before.
He's never had any sexual encounter where he felt this satisfied after, no lingering appetite left for the moment, as he helps you out of your shirt to use it to wipe your body somewhat clean- his cum having stained the fabric already anyways.
The second he notices you shivering he helps you into a sitting position after cleaning you between your legs too- or at least drying your skin, before he wipes the seats. "I uh.." you mumble, staring at the mess you've made. "...that's new." You say, and he laughs, looking at you with eyes full of stars.
"I know." He answers, making you beam back with an equally love-filled gaze, shy laughter breaking the awkward aftermath of your first time.
And that's when he knew-
You're it for him.
For now and forever.
"Jungkoooook~?" You sing, hanging somewhat upside down off his bed- when he walks into the bedroom, freshly showered.
"Whaaaaat~?" He parrots back in a similar tone, walking to the closet to get a shirt and pants.
"Do you love me?" You wonder, and he laughs, slipping the shirt over his head.
"Of course." He instantly answers without thinking.
"Do you really love me?" You ask, and he turns around now, looking at you with suspicion.
"...You're gonna ask me to drive you to that one specific place where they sell those giant milkshakes again, aren't you?" He accuses, and you giggle.
"I mean, do you reeeaaally love me?" You jokingly ask, and at that he squats down in front of you to kiss your upside-down lips with a smile.
"Of course I do." He answers. "So much so that I'll drive you there, even though you're gonna have a stomachache from all the food again."
"That was once!" You call out as he puts on his sweatpants having now sat up. "Or maybe twice.. okay if we count last Tuesday maybe three times but that-"
"Doesn't count, I know." He finishes his sentence for you, closing the closet before he leans his hands on the bed, lips catching yours to shut you up for a second.
But as he leans back to look at you, there's a new desire in your eyes.
"You know.. now that I think of it.." you mumble quietly, hands toying with the strings of his sweats. "I'm hungry for something else.." you bat your lashes at him, and he smirks at that, leaning his head to the side while he watches your lips.
"I wonder what that might be." He grins, licking his lips as you lean onto your back, his body now crawling over you.
"Guess you better find out." You tell him, hands already pulling down the hem of his pants slowly.
"Guess I have to." He shrugs, letting you undress him, trip to the far away diner long forgotten.
Because who needs to eat out when you've got the best dinner at home?
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kthice · 7 months
hi can you make jungkook's 3D concept photos moodboard??
Ofcc <3
 ͏ ͏ ͏͏  ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏𝗱𝗲𝘀  ͏ ͏𝘆𝗲𝘂𝘅  ͏ ͏(  ͏koo ͏)  ͏ ͏𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠
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* 🔭 3D 𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗌𝗁𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗌 🐇
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yunjitks · 3 months
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hanni icons ; jungkook headers 🎧🐰🤍🐇❕
like or reblog if you save or use. don’t repost, please!
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the-djarin-clan · 29 days
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↳ HOPE ON THE STREET (2024) | ep. 2
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mimitions · 1 year
Jungkook 030323 Live ₊‧   ˖ ࣪  ་ 🐇 ໒꒱
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-like or reblog if you save!!
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jenniejjun · 7 months
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jeon jungkook; only bought this dress so you could take it off
park jimin; eu te amo, não é a pior coisa que você já ouviu?
kim taehyung; paris
kim namjoon; a ser adicionado…
kim seokjin; a ser adicionado…
min yoongi; a ser adicionado…
jung hoseok; a ser adicionado…
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aricastmblr · 9 months
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jungkook canta lie > promise > serendipity > filter > christmas love > with you > vibe feat jimin > set me free pt. 2 > like crazy > letter spoiler guitarra > angel pt.1 fastx > like crazy english version > letter >
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Jungkook Vlive 2017.04.22. 꾸기 라이브🐰🐇  - Lie
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BTS_twt 30 ene. 2019 - Promise by Jimin
그리고 지민씨도 피해갈 수 없습니다.
Y Jimin tampoco puede escapar
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-BTS ‘LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her’ Fansign ( Aladin Event) 22 Sept 2017 Jimin and Jungkook-Serendipity
-MCountdown jimin y jungkook - Serendipity
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-  BTS (방탄소년단) 'BREAK THE SILENCE: THE MOVIE COMMENTARY PACKAGE'  (Commentary ver.) 2021 - Serendipity
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-HAPPYJINDAY Vlive 4 Dic 2020 llamada con jimin y estaba con jungkook - serendipity(04122020- jin vlive llamada a jikookkookmin que iban a casa)
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-InTheSoop2 Ep.2 2021 Jungkook - Serendipity 
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-Bts world tour love yourself speak yourself the final dvd 2019 - Serendipity
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-2022 SEASONS GREETINGS JK estilo-Serendipity
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JK💜 Vlive 7 marzo 2021 - Filter
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[BANGTAN BOMB] 2021 FESTA Exam Behind the Scenes - BTS (방탄소년단) -  Christmas Love by Jimin - Sobok, sobok  16:35min
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[BTS VLOG] Jung Kook l CAMPING VLOG 2022 - With you 15:28min
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Jungkook weverse live 1 febrero 2023   - Vibe feat Jimin 22:40min
잘 지내셨습니까 - Have You Been Well  - ¿Has estado bien?  
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jungkook weverse live cantando set me free pt.2 - cantando-tarareando like crazy del primer álbum de jimin face
03.27. 11:53
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el nos dio pistas en su weverse live y ni uno ni en-cuenta  T T
(Letter by Jimin con guitarra)
03.23. 13:06
배고파요 … 첫끼 … 불금 …
Tengo hambre... primera comida... viernes (tgif)
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jungkook weverse live 24 Mayo 2023  -  Angel Pt.1 FastX
Knock Knock  - Toc Toc  
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Jungkook Weverse Live
06.05 01:03
jk viendo a jimin cantando like crazy versión ingles en el programa de LEEMUJINSERVICE
jk imitando a jimin hablar XD
jk hablando de la pelea del día lluvioso T T 
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jungkook weverse live
-oh, ¿viniste?
Jungkook en weverse mira y canta mv de jimin
지민 (Jimin) '편지 (Dear. ARMY)' Live Clip #2023BTSFESTA
jk-¿Escuchamos la Letter (Carta) de Jimin-hyung?
jk- busca Letter by Jimin
jk-Jimin Jaman Jimin Jaman Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin letter" JK weverse en vivo 7.26
jk-canta y mira vídeo de Letter by Jimin
jk-La canción es buena.
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itsjeonjk · 2 years
﹆ 🌟 Honey, your soul is golden — est. 08/18/22
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𖥻 🐰 𓂃 𝗝𝗘♡𝗡 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗞𝗢𝗢𝗞 𓏲 ☁️ 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 970901
♡ :  ⅐ of bts. golden maknae / main vocalist / lead dancer / sub rapper.
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ㅤㅤㅤ⟬⟭ ▪︎▪︎▪︎ DISCLAIMER ▪︎▪︎▪︎ ⟭⟬
This blog does not associate with nor represent the real BTS’ Jungkook or BigHit Music / Hybe Labels in any way ! Everything that you see here is purely fiction and merely for fun.
ps. The blog is a nsfw blog, though most nsfw content goes into its designated side-blog; This means minors are NOT allowed to interact !
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ꗃ 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩… ⭐ chaewon (@ssamou).
(Straight. Switch (no lean). Single Ship ; Taken)
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𓍯 💛 dni 𖦹 𓍢 › minors › any one who is problematic; racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic ect.
other blogs for this account:
nsfw blog (minors do NOT interact): @nsfwjeon
affiliated with:
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mun is 20+, she/her pronouns and goes by the name of lia!
note: I own nothing bit the first divider and the layout!
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ianfine · 5 months
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𖠗 🐇 ꞋꞌꞋ jungkook ☁️ 𓄹 . ִ ֗
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⠀ ✦   .  ⠀ ⠀.    ✦ ⠀ ⠀ ˚     .  ˚ ⠀ ⠀  . ⠀ ⠀ ˚
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vgmkth · 8 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀happy jungkook’s day ✿ 🐇🎀
I literally don't have words to express all the love I feel for him but I just know that I'm so lucky to be by his side for another year. he makes me so happy and I'm loving him so much >< ♡
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midncghts · 10 months
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🗯️ . *   free   content  ;   jungkook  gif  pack  !
hi   there   !   click   on   the   bunny   to   join   my   discord   server   and   access   jungkook’s   gifs   ( 268   x   150 )    🐇    .   all   of   these   gifs   were   made   by   me   ,   so   please   don’t   claim   them   as   your   own   or   redistribute   .   his   gif   page   will   be   constantly   updated.   if   you   find   them   helpful   ,   please   like /   reblog   the   original   post   .   enjoy   !
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