#𝐵𝑒𝑙’𝑠 𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑠 ૮₍ • ˕ - ₎ა♡₊˚
thinkofmehoney · 1 month
“Pretty boy, with a pretty voice.”
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mpreg!Choso x you
summary: Choso is starting to notice some changes on his body as his pregnancy progresses, and he’s confused, he’s scared. His body has always looked the same until now. Would you still think he looked nice even if he doesn’t look like he used to?
contents: Mpreg Choso x female reader, fluff and slight angst, emotional hurt/comfort, slice of life, Unconventional Pregnancy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
notes: In case you want context on why and how is Choso pregnant, read the notes here
It was a Sunday and the sun warmed your house, the day was slow yet refreshing and comforting. Choso wanted to try on a shirt to see how it looked with his new pants, but when he stood in front of the bedroom mirror he noticed something.
“Hey, baby.” He called, looking at his bare torso in the mirror, his fingers tracing his stomach. “Don’t you think I look… A little bit different?”
Slightly confused, you walked towards him, and as you saw his reflection in the mirror a smile immediately appeared in your face.
“Aw, Choso. I think you’re starting to show.” You said with tenderness and happiness, your hand sliding from behind him to softly caress his stomach. “See? right here, on your lower stomach, it looks more rounded.”
Choso tilted his head to the side, he didn’t expect his body to start changing so quickly, it was surprising. Specially because his physique has always stayed consistent, this soft curve was something so new to him.
“This is the baby?” He asked, almost incredulous, resting his hand on top of yours. He turned to look at you, “I- this… this feels unreal… I can’t believe I’m starting to show already.” He said in awe.
But then, he looked at his reflection one more time, his fingers tracing his skin with some doubts on his mind.
“Do you… Do you like the way it looks?” He was slightly nervous, something that hasn’t happened to him before.
His question took you off guard, but you were sure of your answer. “Of course Cho. You look as handsome as always, and even more.”
You left a kiss on his shoulder, easing him for now.
𓈒 ݁ ₊ ݁
Choso knew that feeling insecure was something every single human being has experienced at some point, it was something natural and pretty much unavoidable, even for him.
Time flew by in the blink of an eye, he was five months along now and the baby was the size of a sweet potato. And as his pregnancy progressed, he noticed some changes. He traced his fingertips above his stomach, feeling how his abs were almost completely gone, turned into a firm, rounder form.
Not only this, but now his jeans squeezed his sides, leaving a red itchy mark on his skin when he took them off. He soon realized that his clothes from day to day didn’t fit him anymore, he started to get bigger and softer too.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one who noticed this. When he went to the store he could feel the prying eyes of people on him, maybe it was a bad idea to wear a t-shirt instead of his usual baggy clothes.
As he picked some fruit to buy, he could hear whispers and giggles from people who just couldn’t understand what was wrong with him, some of them jokingly saying that he was pregnant.
He couldn’t take it anymore, so he quickly paid for his stuff and left. A walk that was supposedly to clear his mind and exercise a little, just turned into an awful, overwhelming experience.
𓈒 ݁ ₊ ݁
Later back home, he went to the room you two shared, and all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Choso didn’t tell you what happened at the store this time, he didn’t want to worry you, and he definitely didn’t want you to think that he couldn’t go out by himself anymore. He figured he’ll just have to go on walks when the sun is down, hiding in the shadows like a freak.
He sighed, just wanting to put on his pajamas and fall asleep. He took his t-shirt off in front of the full length mirror, stopping to stare up and down at his body.
He slightly frowned at the way his body looked, feeling so many things at once. The echoes of people's murmurs and laughter lingered in his mind, taunting him with their judgment. He couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in his own body, a spectacle for others to mock.
With a heavy heart, he traced the contours of his changing body, looking at it with a saddened frown.
“I’m a joke…” He sighed to himself, “I shouldn’t have gone out when my clothes don’t even fit me anymore.”
He thought of the people murmuring and pointing at him, he thought of himself and his old and fit body, when he was way more appealing to look at. But then he thought of you, and oh he felt so bad.
How could he do this to you? How could he make you walk around with him when he looked like that? He was afraid, afraid that he was a burden to you, that he was making you stay with someone who’s not even good looking enough anymore, let along having to keep up with his symptoms.
He slightly jumped when the door opened and you walked into the room. It was late so right now you just wanted to put on your comfy pajamas and cuddle with Choso to fall asleep.
You smiled softly at him while you walked towards the closet, “You haven’t put on your pajamas yet?”
While you had your back turned, Choso quickly dressed his bare torso with the loose t-shirt he wore to sleep. “I just got distracted.” He said, resting it importance, “I’m a little bit tired from walking today.” He explained, now putting on the bottoms of his pajamas.
He walked to bed and started to place the multiple pillows that helped him rest more comfortably, adding more support to his back and his tummy. You often giggled at this, because it reminded you of when puppies walked in circles before laying down to sleep, a comparison that made Choso blush and laugh too.
He sat in bed, his back resting comfortably while he waited for you to come to his side.
Choso enjoyed looking at you when you changed your clothes; the way your muscles flexed under your skin when you took your shirt off, how you unconsciously tried to cover yourself while you picked up what you were going to wear, the contented smile after putting on some freshly clean clothes…
Choso smiled softly at how precious you were, after all the time you’ve been together, you still managed to give him butterflies. Oh how lucky he was to have your love and devotion all to himself.
He got out of his own little fantasy world when you said something he didn’t quite understood, too busy daydreaming about you.
“What was it?” He asked, his heart beating faster and his face getting hotter when you got to bed and approached him.
You crawled up to him until you sat down in between his legs, so you could be in front of the baby bump. Choso breathed in deeply when you softly lifted his shirt up, exposing his skin.
“I said…” You leaned down to kiss the side of his tummy, goosebumps forming on his skin, “That our little one deserved some extra care tonight, since you’re starting to feel more tired now."
You picked a body cream bottle that you brought with you, it was Choso’s favorite because of its pomegranate scent, you warmed up some of it in your hands.
Choso's eyes softened as he observed your thoughtful gesture. The room held an air of tranquility as you began to massage the cream onto his skin, your hands moving in slow, comforting circles.
You smiled to yourself when you saw how relaxed Choso was starting to get. Today, you noticed that when he came back home from the store he seemed a little bit down, but you figured it was that he got more tired now that his tummy was heavier and his sleep schedule was disturbed.
“That feels… really nice.” He sighed contently, the warmth of your hands filled his heart, making him forget even just momentarily about his worries. “You’re so sweet," he continued, "always finding a way to make things better for me."
You chuckled softly, tracing delicate patterns on his baby bump. "Anything for you and our little baby," you replied with tenderness. "They are growing beautifully in there, I can’t wait to meet them."
Once the cream was absorbed into his skin, you leaned in to place gentle kisses on Choso's tummy. "There we go," you murmured, your lips lingering for a moment. "All pampered and ready for a good night's sleep."
Choso smiled down at you, and the way you were so gentle with him, it melted his heart. You both settled into a comfortable cuddle facing each other, the warmth of your bodies creating a safe and comfy environment. Choso's head rested against your shoulder, and your fingers gently traced soothing patterns on his baby bump.
"I'm really grateful for this, love," Choso broke the silence that was starting to form, his voice carrying a mixture of exhaustion and vulnerability. "It makes everything a bit more bearable, you know? Because physically, it's tough. My back and muscles ache more than they used to."
Your hand continued its tender movements, a silent acknowledgment of the physical toll the pregnancy was taking on Choso. "I'm glad I can help, even if it's just a little," you whispered.
Choso felt a little bit nervous, he wanted to tell you about the thoughts that have been haunting his mind lately, he trusted you more than anyone, so he felt that it was safe to tell you about his insecurities.
He sighed, his breath carrying a weight of emotions. "But it's not just the physical exhaustion. It's... it's everything.” He looked up at you with an uneasy gaze. “I miss the way my body used to be.”
You looked up, looking into his eyes and his expression that resembled an abandoned puppy.
He continued, “I know, I know it might sound too vain… but I can't help feeling this way." He rested his hand on yours, maybe looking for comfort, since feeling the touch of your hands grounded him. “Do you ever… miss the way my body used to look like?” His voice held a hint of vulnerability, aching to understand if the changes in his body had altered the way he was perceived by you.
You looked into his brown eyes, your own filled with warmth and understanding.
"Choso, I love you for who you are, not only for the way your body looks.” You cupped his face. “You are such an wonderful man, and your strength, your kindness, it goes way beyond your physical appearance, and every change that comes with this journey we’re on, only makes me fall for you even more."
His gaze met yours, a mixture of gratitude and insecurity in his eyes. "But... I've gained weight, and I don't feel as masculine as I used to. I’m… worried that you deserve better, someone who’s beautiful like you."
You furrowed your eyebrows with a smile, “But there’s no one better than you, Cho.” You nudged your nose against his, trying to cheer him up.
You knew that being insecure about his appearance was something new and even frightening to him, but you also knew that this journey comes with challenges and difficulties, but nothing you couldn’t face together.
“Love, look at me, please?” You gently held his chin, and he looked at you with a pouty face. “Your masculinity is not defined by your looks –it's in the way you love, the way you protect, and the person you are.” You left a kiss on the tip of his nose, “You’ve always been there for me. Haven’t you? Taking care of me and making me happy…”
Choso opened his mouth but he couldn’t utter any words, because your words went straight to his heart. When you saw his eyes getting teary, both of your hands went to cup his face, not forcing him to look up, but caressing him softly.
He shifted his gaze to meet yours, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability in his weepy eyes.
"I was just worried that… maybe you didn’t want me as much anymore," he admitted, the weight of his insecurities surfacing once again. “I- I wouldn’t blame you… it’s just, it must be tiring being with me. Not being able to go out without people pointing and whispering.” He looked up into your eyes, with a nervous yet vulnerable look. “And lately we don’t even… do it anymore, so I figured you just didn’t find me attractive.” He said shyly, referring to your intimacy.
You were a little surprised by his words, but you wasted no time and wiped away the last traces of tears. “Baby, please don’t ever doubt that I still want you, just as much, if not more than before.”
You pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, your fingers tracing soothing patterns on his cheek before continuing. “I love you more than anything, if I haven’t brought up our intimacy is just because I didn’t want you to feel pressured or anything… So, whenever you feel ready, I would love to do it, we can take things at our own pace.”
Choso’s hand was on top of yours, so you moved it and held it close to your face now, giving a kiss on each fingertip. If there was still any trace of self doubt in him, you wanted it to be gone for good.
You looked into his eyes with a playful yet warm look, making his heart race. "You are still the most handsome man I know.”
He watched you kissing his fingertips with such gentleness, he couldn’t understand how were you real. What did he do to deserve someone so loving and caring? Every time he was with you, he understood what humans meant by saying they feel butterflies in their stomachs.
You looked at him with so much love, now gently placing your hand on his baby bump. “Your body is still gorgeous, Choso. And now it’s our baby’s house too.” You chuckled tenderly. “Be kind with yourself, you deserve it.”
Those big brown eyes started back at you, and his heart ached, because you were right, his body wasn’t only his anymore. Choso reprimanded himself for feeling ashamed of the way he looked, because inside that bump, there was the precious life of his baby, growing stronger every day.
“I’m sorry.” He wiped his tears with the back of his hand, but he chuckled now that he felt a little bit better, knowing that there was nothing wrong with the way he looked. “And thank you, I… I’m really grateful to have you, my love.” He smiled tenderly. “You’re so precious to me… I don’t know what I would do without you.”
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thank you so much for your patience and the support on the first one-shot of mpreg Choso!! I’m planning on posting more of it!! love youuuu
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thinkofmehoney · 2 months
I have a small choso imagine in my drafts about giving him pet names but idk if I should post it hmmmm 🤔
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thinkofmehoney · 2 months
do you think choso would feel insecure about gaining weight while he’s pregnant :3
omg yes!! and I think it would be something so strange to him, since he has always looked the same ever since he incarnated in a human body.
He would probably start notice that his clothes don’t fit him in the same way as before, and his abs would start to be less noticeable and he would be self conscious about it.
but anyway, I’ll write more about that on my one shot!! 😜
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thinkofmehoney · 2 months
lmao I keep obsessively checking your acc to see if you’ve posted anything lolololol
BDKXNS omg I feel like an influencer this is like mi childhood dream (someone that cares about the things I post)
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thinkofmehoney · 2 months
some anons sent me some GOOD ideas for fics and I’ve been thinking about them all day so I’ll answer them once I write a fic or oneshot!!! I read everything that you guys send to me, and I really appreciate everything <3
Oh and I was proof reading my one shot and hated half of it, so I’ll rewrite that half to post something I’m actually satisfied with 💪🏻
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thinkofmehoney · 1 year
⋆·˚ ༘ *if you get lonely, think of me only⋆·˚ ༘ *
¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:··:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:··:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨
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♱ bel she/her. libra. art student. spanish is my first language.
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♱ If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee <3
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