virgothozul · 1 year
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Another Mista panel redraw 🤲💕🔫
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mechadeimos · 7 months
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Some don't understand that the anime objectively did the best thing by changing Fugo's backstory and that him leaving was actually perfect, and it makes me wonder if these people understand anything at all when it comes to JJBA and human experiences. Let me elaborate.
First of all, for those who don't know, in the manga Fugo's backstory is different: his professor never harassed him there. Other changes were made, but let me focus on this one.
This change was made by Araki himself, as you can see here:
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Araki had a lot of trouble with the character of Fugo, not only with his backstory, but generally when it came to handling him:
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No, this doesn't mean I think Araki hated Fugo. I actually think he loved him so much that he wanted everything about him to be perfect. And perfection is hard to achieve.
Araki changed Fugo's backstory in the anime so that he could have more justice and so that his stand could make even more sense [I'll talk about that in a moment], and he spared him from becoming an evil traitor because it would've been both pointless and cruel towards Fugo himself.
Now, the main reason why I'm writing this, is because online many say that the change makes no sense, that the manga's backstory is better. I, just like Araki, don't think so.
Let's focus on the implications of his stand for a second: Purple Haze is a close-range stand, which is important to prove my point. On its hands, we can see little spheres that, when broken due to Purple Haze throwing punches, release a deadly virus with the ability to kill every being within five meters, in only thirty seconds. Pretty badass, but also, so, so meaningful.
A reminder before I go on: stands are the personifications of someone's spiritual energy. So the stand is the manifestation of the user's inner self.
In the anime, Fugo, as a teen, was raped by his professor, and beat the man to pieces when he tried to sexually harass him: it'd already happened at least once, from what we know from their brief exchange. Also, it's unclear whether the professor had raped Fugo or had "simply" sexually harassed him the first time, but he can be seen taking his belt off in the flashback shortly before being attacked, so I believe that yes, indeed, the professor was aiming to rape Fugo again in that scene.
The professor, by doing so, violates Fugo's personal space. So do his parents by constantly being on their son's back.
Fugo's often described as "violent", but he really isn't, not unless he is openly provoked and/or threatened. He's never attacked the innocent, after all. Not only that, but he's also self-conscious about his stand, he's aware that its power is dangerous.
Let's not forget, Purple Haze doesn't harm what's not in its proximity. Purple Haze only attacks what's in its space, which means, what's in its user's space. Same goes for his user who - were he a violent man like some say - would attack anyone on sight.
And that's it. Fugo's inner self longs for space and quiet, as easy as that. He's not violent when his personal space isn't invaded - both physically and mentally speaking. Fugo never attacks unless he's openly threatened and sees no other way out. Purple Haze symbolises Fugo's desperate need to be left alone, out of trouble, unbothered. Purple Haze makes the threats go silent and still by killing them, and silence and stillness are all Fugo strives for. That's also why he doesn't want to "go against the rules" to defeat the Boss.
For someone with such trauma, with such a complex psyche and possibly BPD [I have it and I believe he does too, but that's not canon, it's just a theory] sticking to the status quo is comforting, it makes him feel safe, grounded. BPD often causes a rapid shift in the perception of both oneself and others, so his sudden change of heart towards Giorno's plan is absolutely justified and has a logic explanation, unlike most people think. BPD, sadly, undermines most humans relationships.
Purple Haze, much like Fugo, isn't evil nor inherently violent. Sure, the man didn't have to stick a fork into Narancia's face for a silly joke, but again, Fugo didn't even perceive it as such - which makes me believe that my BPD theory is right - just like Narancia didn't think that a wrong math problem would've elicited such an explosive reaction.
A traumatized man, whose stand embodies his fear of emotional and physical contact, sees the few people he trusts making what he believes to be the scariest, most irrational decision, determined to go against the status quo. The life of emotional stability that Fugo had slowly started to rebuild after joining the gang is quite literally shattered before his eyes, and yet, he never betrays his friends.
Fugo's behaviour makes much more sense with the changes introduced in the anime, and him leaving was the perfect epilogue for him, in my honest opinion.
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rattsbian · 2 years
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mk-vii-jp · 11 months
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Risotto Nero
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d10brand0 · 2 years
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dual-polarity · 2 years
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Normal cop family AU
Someone make a fanfic out of this please!!!
I don’t know what to do with these random thoughts in my brain and Pesci is a derpy cat
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terasu-waraku · 2 years
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maria-jojo · 2 years
JOJO part5 Golden Wind ~Hitman Team~
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Origami "JOJO" Alphabet
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henriet · 2 years
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Got Moody Blues
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virgothozul · 1 year
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mechadeimos · 7 months
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parsleybonsoir · 9 days
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jojo bizarre adventure アバッキオ
my youtube channnel
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zauri8836long · 1 year
仕事を一つ、片付けた。 なんのことはない街の路地裏で行われるちいさな麻薬の取引を台無しにしてきただけ これでほんの暫くの間、この街の気の毒なガキどもはご機嫌な薬に頼ることもできず辛い思いをするんだろう
こんなのはただの鼬ごっこだ。ついさっき俺がふん縛って、明日尋問をうけるであろう売人も元締めからすればただの捨て駒で、しばらくしたらまた別の売人が路地裏に現れることになるのだろう。 薬物の撲滅は立派な目標だが、今日の仕事はパッショーネが相手をするにはあまりにも小さな取引で周囲になめられるきっかけにだってなりかねない。こんな仕事が今月で3回目。あいつは一体何を考えているんだ
「お帰りなさいミスタ、どうかしました?」 報告に戻って最初にかけられた言葉がこれ。扉を開ける動作が苛立ちまじりだっただろうか、机に向かうジョルノが不思議そうにこちらを見る 部屋にいるのは俺とジョルノだけ、いまなら聞いても許されるだろうか
「…なんで俺が、こんな小さな仕事をやらねぇとならねぇのかなって」 扉の前で重心は片脚に、両手の親指をスボンにひっかけて。部下が上司の前でする態度ではないがとがめるやつでもないだろう。 それより自分の拗ねたような物言いが気持ち悪い。問題なのは仕事の内容であって、誰がやるかではなかった筈だ
「…そうですね、もっと僕らしいやり方もあるのはわかってるんです。末端の売人は泳がせておいてもっと大きな組織をつぶす、そういうやり方をするべきなんでしょうね」 俺の思いをきちんと汲み取って少し困ったような顔で答えるジョルノを見て燻っていた怒りがどこかに消えていくのを感じる。 そりゃぁまぁ、俺でもわかるようなことをお前が気づいていないなんて思っちゃいなかったけど 「わかってるのにやらねぇってことは何か理由があるんだろうけどよ。それでお前が体壊してちゃ元も子もないんだぜ?」 どさり、来客用のソファに体を預けながら思わずぼやく、誰よりも働いているのはがこいつだというのは他でもない俺が一番知ってい���。
「…理由、というほど立派なものがあるわけじゃないんです」 恥ずかしながら、ね。目を伏せて微笑むジョルノの表情からはいつもの自信は見受けられない。 「ただ一つ理由を挙げるとすれば…そうですね、」 奇妙な沈黙、お前が言いよどむなんて珍しい
「変な顔しないでくださいよ。」 自分でも、恥ずかしいことを言っている自覚ぐらいありますから。 そうつぶやくジョルノの言葉通りの表情は、なんというかものすごく年相応でこいつがまだ学生と呼ばれるべき年齢であることを俺に思い出させた。 しかし、そうか俺は変な顔をしているのか きっと口角の緩んだ気持ちの悪い笑みを浮かべているに違いない。
俺はブチャラティに出会う前のこいつのことを何も知らないので、本当はこいつが何を思って今この場にいるのかなんて知る由もないのだけれど そう、俺たちの知る彼は立場が許すのならばどんな小さな悪も見逃さないような正義感にあふれた男だった。
変な顔、と指摘された後何の返事もしない俺をジョルノがいぶかしげに見つめている。 さて、なんと話したものだろう。 俺がいまお前に伝えたい思いは、馬鹿な俺には到底言葉にできない喜びだ。
この喜びはハグでもキスでも伝えられないと理解しつつ、それでも衝動のままに立ち上がりジョルノのデスクの正面に立つ。だからジョルノ。ひとまず、この差し出した右手を握り返してはくれないだろうか。 この喜びを少しでもお前に伝えたいんだ。
握られた手をそのまま引き寄せてジョルノを思いきり抱きしめる。 やっぱり握手だけじゃ足りねぇや。 「何で今更あなたと握手なんです?」 耳元から聞こえる声が少し不満げだ、拗ねた子供っぽい声。 喜びのあまりこいつのことを振り回してしまっているようだ。 「…やりたかったから?」 ひとまず腕をほどいて釈明を、おそらくこんな回答じゃぁジョルノの機嫌はなおらねぇだろうけど 「首を傾げてもかわいくありませんよ。あなた、怒ってたんじゃないんですか」 「いや、もうどうでもいいや。それとよジョルノ」
ひとつ、思いついたことがあるんだ。 ズボンの尻ポケットからくしゃくしゃになったメモ書きを取り出しジョルノに渡す。安っぽいチラシの裏に書かれた文字は隣町のジャズバーの名前を示している筈だ。
「…あなたジャズなんて聞くんですか?」 俺は静かに音楽を楽しむような人間には見えないとでも? まったく失礼な奴。まぁ実際のところあまり興味もないのだが。 質問を無視して言いたいことを切り出す、お前無駄は嫌いなんだろう? 「そこの店、生演奏が売りなんだけどよ。最近入ったピアニストの男が、…また凶暴なやつでよ、いつオーナーをぶん殴って首になるかもわからねぇし忙しいボスジョルノの秘書にでもどうか、と思ったんだけど?」 少し言い方が回りくどかっただろうかメモには店の名前が書いてあるだけ、そういえばこいつらが共に過ごした時間は一週間にもみたないのではなかったか
そんな俺の不安は杞憂に終わったらしく俺の耳はジョルノの小さな笑い声をきちんと拾い上げた。 とりあえず機嫌もなおったみたいだ。
「頭の良さだけは保証するぜー、何たって13で大学入った奴だからな」 本当は墓の場所だけでも教えてやろうと調べた居場所だが、その気になれば俺たちは何度でも仲間になれるのだと今お前が気づかせてくれたんだ。 俺たち三人がそろってブチャラティのことを忘れられないというのなら、俺たちはそれでうまくやっていけるに違いない。
 初出:2014年1月3日 ID:id=3249074
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mk-vii-jp · 1 year
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La Squadra photoshoot vol. 2
Pretty sure you’ll recognize the pairings here.
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