richardz · 2 years
Folk musicians at Otavalo, Ecuador 音乐和快乐也可以是很简单的,奥塔瓦洛的民间音乐家,厄瓜多尔
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pointme001 · 2 years
壬戌之秋,七月既望,苏子与客泛舟游于赤壁之下。清风徐来,水波不兴。举酒属客,诵明月之诗,歌窈窕之章。少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止;飘飘乎如遗世独立,羽化而登仙。(冯通:凭)于是饮酒乐甚,扣舷而歌之。歌曰:“桂棹兮兰桨,击空明兮溯流光。渺渺兮予怀,望美人兮天一方。”客有吹洞箫者,倚歌而和之。其声呜呜然,如怨如慕,如泣如诉;余音袅袅,不绝如缕。舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟之嫠妇。苏子愀然,正襟危坐,而问客曰:“何为其然也?”客曰:“‘月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。’此非曹孟德之诗乎?西望夏口,东望武昌,山川相缪,郁乎苍苍,此非孟德之困于周郎者乎?方其破荆州,下江陵,顺流而东也,舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗,固一世之雄也,而今安在哉?况吾与子渔樵于江渚之上,侣鱼虾而友麋鹿,驾一叶之扁舟,举匏樽以相属。寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟。哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。挟飞仙以遨游,抱明月而长终。知不可乎骤得,托遗响于悲风。”苏子曰:“客亦知夫水与月乎?逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也。盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎!且夫天地之间,物各有主,苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取。惟江上之清风,与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭。是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。”(共适一作:共食)客喜而笑,洗盏更酌。肴核既尽,杯盘狼籍。相与枕藉乎舟中,不知东方之既白。 — 宋代 · 苏轼《赤壁赋》。
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mynameisemo · 7 months
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青玉案•元夕 辛弃疾 东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨。宝马雕车香满路。凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 译文:焰火像是东风吹散了的千树繁花,纷纷落下仿佛星星如雨般坠落。豪华的马车满路飘香。悠扬的凤箫声四处回荡,玉壶般的明月渐渐西斜,一夜舞动鱼灯、龙灯不停歇,笑语喧哗。美人头上都戴着华丽的饰物,笑语盈盈地随人群走过,只有衣香犹在暗中飘散。我在人群中寻找她千百回,猛然回头,不经意间却在灯火��落之处发现了她。 赏析:   这首词作于南宋淳熙元年(公元1174年)或淳熙二年(公元1175年)。当时,强敌压境,国势日衰,而南宋统治阶级却沉湎于歌舞享乐,以粉饰太平。洞察形势的辛弃疾,欲补天穹,却恨无路请缨。他满腔激情、怨恨,交织成了这幅元夕求索图。  …
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wena1987 · 11 months
表哥许愿系统(快穿) ,只有四个世界,有点宅斗以及权谋,可文笔没上面那个好,6分
男配他冷漠无情(快穿), 看过太多遍了,无论抽哪一段都知道剧情,8分吧
我靠嘴炮刷副本[快穿] 正能量爆棚特别积极向上的文不大适合我
炮灰不奉陪了[快穿] 主角给人感觉总是无欲无求所以有那么点种田文的味道,7.5分吧
我是男主他哥 快穿,文笔不错但剧情没太爽,7.8分吧
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discomedy · 1 year
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lirika01 · 1 year
木星 - 柏鹿/大笛-卢一笛
词 Lyric by:潇然 曲 Composed by:潇然 编曲 Arranger:张亦钧 吉他 Guitar:张亦钧 制作人 Produced:潇然 和声 Backing Vocals:小手鹅_/Pyto 录音师 Recording Engineer:吴天宇/韩重阳 录音棚 Recording Studio:Leader Music Studio/郑州黑麦录音棚 笛/箫 Di/Xiao:河伯 混音师 Mixing Engineer:都欣桐 母带处理 Mastering Engineer:都欣桐 监制 Executive producer:靖成@爱粉扑 统筹 Project Lead:爱粉扑音乐 企划 Planner:枨乐企划 OP:爱粉扑音乐 SP:百纳娱乐 推广:麻雀音乐人
张开眼睛 洞悉秘密
寻寻觅觅 未知的美丽
神明降临 那便是你
神明降临 那便是你
隔绝耳语 再次与你
Source: https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/songDetail/0040uAhr1A7Lce
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hunxi-guilai · 3 years
不由 Buyou (spotify link here, YouTube link here) is the ninth song on the CQL companion album, and is sung by Liu Haikuan as Lan Xichen’s character song.
In translating the title of Lan Xichen’s character song as “involuntary,” I turned the title into an adjective, which lends a sense of completed-ness that I don’t think is necessarily present in the original. A more accurate rendering might be something along the lines of “not up to,” since that more closely reflects the way 不由 buyou is used in sentence construction. In the lyrics of this song, the construction is almost always 不由我 buyou wo / “it’s not up to me” or “it’s not subject to my control.” By stripping away the first-person pronoun, the title of Lan Xichen’s character song emphasizes how little control anyone, not just Lan Xichen, might have over their own life.
Like the title of Lan Wangji’s character song, Lan Xichen’s is also a two-character construction beginning with a negation particle.
Lyricist:冥凰 Ming Huang
Composer / Arranger:包乌尼尔 Baowu Ni’er@Windbell Project
Additional Voices:杜大发 Du Dafa @Noise Music
Mixing:钱昱寰 Qian Yuhuan and 李明基 Li Mingji @Windbell Project
Producer: Windbell Project / 黄喜Luffy Huang
Supervisor : 黄喜Luffy Huang / 王鑫 Wang Xin
Performed by: 刘海宽 Liu Haikuan
叶婆娑 / The leaves swirl and dance
往事如烟过 / Past affairs dissolve like smoke
天涯喧嚣不似昨 / The tumult across the world is unlike that of yesterday
云深处[1] 起风波 / Deep in the clouds, troubled winds and waves rise
至交渐零落 / Close friends dwindle day by day
来时光景何洒脱[2] / How carefree and unrestrained we were, at the beginning
不欲染尘[3] / I did not wish to be touched by dust
染尘不由我[4] / but that was involuntary
冰雪颜色是心魄 / Ice and snow are the colors of my soul
不欲恩仇 / I did not wish to be embroiled in favors and feuds
恩仇谁能躲 / but who can hide from them
怕这万般由来错 / Perhaps these ten thousand affairs are the origin of all mistakes
清风入夜来 / The cool wind comes with the night
涤尽江湖兴衰[5] / washing away the jianghu’s rises and falls
只是过往人已不在[6] / Only the people of days past—no longer here
抚琴问明月 / Playing the zither, I ask the bright moon
流岁添几分感慨 / “How many sorrowful sighs do the passing years add?”
抵不住 世间百态 / Unable to outweigh the hundred forms of this mortal realm
山水阔 / Mountains and rivers, broad and vast
纵横来泼墨 / Sweeping strokes of ink-splash paintings
咫尺难分清与浊[7] / Up close, separating the clear from the muddied is difficult
少年郎 把酒说 / As young men, we raised our wine, saying
歧路不为多[8] / “May our crossroads be few!”
是非处 终要道破 / At the locus of right and wrong, all must eventually be revealed
不欲刀剑 / I did not wish to wield blade and sword
刀剑不由我 / but that was involuntary
一曲洞箫怎寄托[9] / How can a single song from the xiao carry my grief?
不欲遮眼 / I did not wish for covered eyes
遮眼有因果[10] / but I face the consequences
纵是爱恨天定夺 / Even if love and hate are decided by the will of heaven
清风入夜来 / The cool wind comes with the night
涤尽江湖兴衰 / washing away the jianghu’s rises and falls
只是过往人已不在 / Only the people of days past—no longer here
抚琴问明月 / Playing the zither, I ask the bright moon
流岁添几分感慨 / “How many sorrowful sighs do the passing years add?”
抵不住 世间百态 / Unable to outweigh the hundred forms of this mortal realm
[1] As in 无羁 Wuji and不忘 Buwang, I’ve elected to translate 云深 yunshen as “deep in the clouds,” rather than “Cloud Recesses.”
[2] This line—来时光景何洒脱—is ambiguous enough to have multiple interpretations: it could be a past-facing sigh, wondering at the untroubled days of before (“How carefree and unrestrained we were, at the beginning” or, more literally, “initially upon our arrival”) or a future-facing question, asking the moon in equal parts grief and helplessness (“How can I be carefree and unrestrained in the coming days?”).
[3] I’ve translated 染尘 ranchen here as “touched by dust,” but I think the symbolic valences of these words can be teased out a bit more. The character 尘 chen / dust is likely familiar to us from its past usage in 无羁 Wuji, 赤子 Chizi, 恨别 Henbie, and 避尘 Bichen (the name of Lan Wangji’s sword) as dust symbolic of the mortal realm. 染 ran / “to dye, stain,” is somewhat new, but the visual metaphors of staining something that was once pure are pretty easily transferable. The binome 染尘 ranchen in the context of Buddhism also specifically refers to a member of a monastic order returning to non-monastic life—a kind of permanent staining of their person/character.
[4] A fuller translation of the lines 不欲染尘 染尘不由我 might be “I did not wish to be touched by dust / but getting touched by dust is not up to me.” Not the most elegant or poetic of sentence structures in English, but you get a better idea of the way repetition is being utilized in concert with 不由 buyou sentence construction. Subsequent lines of parallel structure (e.g. 不欲刀剑 刀剑不由我 / “I did not wish to wield blade and sword but that was involuntary”) might be similarly rendered (“I did not wish [to wield] blade and sword / but [wielding] blade and sword is not up to me”).
[5] I’ve rendered 兴衰 xingshuai here as “rises and falls,” but I wanted to emphasize how dramatic 兴衰 xingshuai really is. For context, it’s often used to describe the rise and fall of cities, kingdoms, dynasties, and empires.
[6] The line 只是过往人已不在 / “Only the people of days past—no longer here” evokes two literary references off the top of my head. The first is a line from 词 ci poet 李煜 Li Yu’s final poem, 《虞美人·春花秋月何时了》 “When Will the Turning of the Seasons End.” In it, the final ruler of Southern Tang mourns all that time has taken from him, writing that 雕栏玉砌应犹在 只是朱颜改 / “the intricately-carved banisters and jade steps should still be there / only the rosy faces have changed…” A few centuries later, legendary Song Dynasty poetess 李清照 Li Qingzhao, in one of her 词 ci poems, coins the chengyu 物是人非 wushi renfei / “things are still the same, but all the people have changed.” This chengyu is generally used to express the melancholy and existential nostalgia of returning to a place that looks the same, but is now populated by different people from the ones in the poet’s memories.
[7] A few notes on these lines: first, I want to highlight how cool this ink-splash painting metaphor is. The first line/three characters evokes the vastness of natural scenery and the unchanging nature of the mountains and rivers, which resonates/contrasts with the chorus’s thematic focus on political turmoil in the human realm, the rapidity of change and its attendant sorrows. In the next line, the lyrics take this sweeping imagery and shift it from natural spectacle to artistic effect, tying the moment to Lan Xichen as he gazes at an ink-splash painting of a landscape. The third line then uses the metaphor of landscape painting to bring us back to the thematic narrative of the song—咫尺难分清与浊 / Up close, separating the clear from the muddied is difficult. 清浊 qingzhuo, literally “clear, muddied,” contains figurative and moral valences of opposites (i.e. good and evil, excellent and inferior, high and low, etc.).
[8] 歧路 qilu is actually less “crossroads” and more “fork in the road,” but both are traditional places to part from friends. In addition, 歧路 qilu has a valence of not just a different road taken, but the wrong road taken (in opposition to 正途 zhengtu / the correct or righteous road). This could, conceivably, be a reference to a line from Li Bai’s 《行路难三首》: 行路难!行路难!多歧路,今安在?/ “The road is hard! The road is hard! There are many forks in the road; where am I today?”
[9] The line 一曲洞箫怎寄托 / “How can a single song from the xiao carry my grief?” is playing on the chengyu 寄托哀思 jituo aisi / (Pleco gloss) “to give expression to one’s grief over someone’s death.”
[10] These two lines are spectacularly ambiguous; 遮眼 zheyan, here, is likely an abbreviation of the chengyu 遮人眼目 zherenyanmu, which means “to cover people’s eyes” (i.e. to engage in deceptive behavior). What’s left ambiguous in the line here is whether Lan Xichen is the one performing deceptive behavior, or if he is the recipient of such hoodwinking. Regardless, the second line—遮眼有因果—might be more literally rendered as “covered eyes have consequences.” Though 因果 yinguo in its daily usage is something along the lines of “causes and effects,” the binome takes on the valence of “karma/karmic retribution” when read in a Buddhist context.
The leaves swirl and dance
Past affairs dissolve like smoke
The tumult across the world is unlike that of yesterday
Deep in the clouds, troubled winds and waves rise
Close friends dwindle day by day
How carefree and unrestrained we were, at the beginning
I did not wish to be touched by dust
but that was involuntary
Ice and snow are the colors of my soul
I did not wish to be embroiled in favors and feuds
but who can hide from them
Perhaps these ten thousand affairs are the origin of all mistakes
The cool wind comes with the night
washing away the jianghu’s rises and falls
Only the people of days past—no longer here
Playing the zither, I ask the bright moon
“How many sorrowful sighs do the passing years add?”
Unable to outweigh the hundred forms of this mortal realm
Mountains and rivers, broad and vast
Sweeping strokes of ink-splash paintings
Up close, separating the clear from the muddied is difficult
As young men, we raised our wine, saying
“May our crossroads be few!”
At the locus of right and wrong, all must eventually be revealed
I did not wish to wield blade and sword
but that was involuntary
How can a single song from the xiao carry my grief?
I did not wish for covered eyes
but I face the consequences
Even if love and hate are decided by the will of heaven
The cool wind comes with the night
washing away the jianghu’s rises and falls
Only the people of days past—no longer here
Playing the zither, I ask the bright moon
“How many sorrowful sighs do the passing years add?”
Unable to outweigh the hundred forms of this mortal realm
PL Translations: an introduction
无羁 Wuji
曲尽陈情 Qujinchenqing
不忘 Buwang
恨别 Henbie
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
《我读三千遍你》 Lyrics + Translation
ahahaha of course I’ve been losing my mind over the 《千秋》 audiodrama, who do you think I am
anyway the credits song for the first season... goodness
Production Staff:
作曲 Composer: 陈亦洺 Chen Yiming
作词 Lyricist: 恨醉 Hen Zui
编曲 Arranger:李大白 Li Dabai
笛子演奏 Dizi:水玥儿 Shui Yue’er
洞箫演奏 Xiao:囚牛
分轨混音 Mixer:CuTTleFiSh
制作 Producer:声罗万象工作室 Shengluo Wanxiang Studio
《我读三千遍你》 I Read You Three Thousand Times
我邂逅一道题,/ I encountered a riddle—
若要拟个比喻,/ if I were to craft a metaphor
是天涯边的雪未染泥,/ would you be ‘the unstained snow at the sky’s edge’
或未溅红尘的一片云,/ or ‘a cloud, untouched by the red dust of this world?’
你是我一道题一场游戏,/ You are a riddle of mine, a game
我识你,读你,/ I learn you, read you
想沾染了你。/ wish to stain you, corrupt you
刃锋见血如何还无瑕干净?/ When the blade’s edge draws blood, how can it still remain flawless and clean?
泪淌过心怎会不烙个疤印?/ How can a heart burned by tears remain unbranded by scars?
读不懂你,/ I read you, but don’t understand
读不懂那血口獠牙的恶意,/ don’t understand how bloody-fanged evil
怎未吞噬你怀中温柔天地?/ has not yet consumed the gentle world you hold in your heart
你不似雪也不像云,/ You’re not like snow, nor like clouds
或许是月色一隅,/ Perhaps you’re like the edge of moonlight
万世尘垢也不能染你。/ The dust and dirt of ten thousand worlds could not stain you
你是不解的谜,/ You are a riddle with no solution
我读三千遍你,/ I read you three thousand times
每一遍我都更加着迷。/ With each time, I become more captivated
若恨填满我骨血缝隙,/ Even if hate fills each fracture in my bones and blood
只要还余分寸凉薄爱意,/ so long as there remains the barest hint of love
都用来读你,/ I’ll use it to read you,
读三千遍你。/ to read you three thousand times.
明知道解不开这一道谜题,/ I know that I cannot solve this riddle
我却还忍不住读三千遍你,/ and yet, I cannot resist reading you three thousand times
读不懂你,/ I read you, but don’t understand
读不懂那血口獠牙的恶意,/ don’t understand how bloody-fanged evil
怎未吞噬你怀中温柔天地?/ has not yet consumed the gentle world you hold in your heart
你不似雪也不像云,/ You’re not like snow, nor like clouds
或许是月色一隅,/ Perhaps you’re like the edge of moonlight
万世尘垢也不能染你。/ The dust and dirt of ten thousand worlds could not stain you.
解脱无期。/ There is no date for my absolution
你对草木人间是那么多情,/ You hold such pity and compassion for even the grasses and woods in the human realm
所以向风花雪月难分寸许。/ and have little to spare for the affairs of wind and flowers, snow and moon*
可我既然沉迷于你,/ But since I am now captivated by you
便守你温柔天地,/ I will guard your gentle world
也守着分给我的无情。/ and the mercilessness you give to me.
我第三千遍读你,/ I read you for the three thousandth time,
忽然读到你一句钟情。/ and suddenly find your line: that you love me.
*the chengyu 风花雪月 feng hua xue yue, literally “wind flower snow moon” is often used to allude to romance/love
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lydia505 · 4 years
明末清初 · 李渔
天对地,雨对风。大陆对长空。山花对海树,赤日对苍穹。雷隐隐,雾蒙蒙。日下对天中。风高秋月白,雨霁晚霞红。牛女二星河左右,参商两曜斗西东。十月塞边,飒飒寒霜惊戍旅;三冬江上,漫漫朔雪冷鱼翁。 河对汉,绿对红。雨伯对雷公。烟楼对雪洞,月殿对天宫。云叆叇,日曈朦。腊屐对渔蓬。过天星似箭,吐魄月如弓。驿旅客逢梅子雨,池亭人挹藕花风。茅店村前,皓月坠林鸡唱韵;板桥路上,青霜锁道马行踪。 山对海,华对嵩。四岳对三公。宫花对禁柳,塞雁对江龙。清暑殿,广寒宫。拾翠对题红。庄周梦化蝶,吕望兆飞熊。北牖当风停夏扇,南檐曝日省冬烘。鹤舞楼头,玉笛弄残红子月;凤翔台上,紫箫吹断美人风。
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MDZS Chapter 98. “A Hatred for Life[1]” Part 1
The fight against Jin GuangYao commences
With Wen Ning sprinting along, Wei WuXian led them straight to the Guanyin Temple in the middle of the city. When he and Lan WangJi had scouted out the layout of the temple during the day, they had planned to come investigate it further at nighttime, breach the array in the temple, find out exactly what was sealed within it, and see if it could be used against Jin GuangYao. However, not only had Wei WuXian slept all the way till five in the afternoon, but ‘that’ had also happened soon afterwards. Thus, their original plan was completely ruined. Right now, with all the pent up frustration within him looking for outlet, Wei WuXian was itching to stir up some trouble for Jin GuangYao.
It was deep into the night and the city was quiet. It was already past curfew for most households, and the gate of the Guanyin Temple was shut. Looking from outside the temple’s walls, the inner courtyard appeared pitch black. Wei WuXian leaped up the wall in two strides. Right before he reached the top of the wall, however, he suddenly paused and thought, ‘Something’s not right.’
Wen Ning paused as well, and said quietly, “There’s a barrier here.”
Wei WuXian made a hand gesture to Wen Ning and the two of them landed soundlessly back down on the ground. Leaving the gate, they circled to the Guanyin Temple’s back. Finding an inconspicuous corner, they carefully scaled the wall. Hiding behind a roof beast[2], they peeked at the courtyard below.
Just one glance and they were both stunned.
With all the lights and fires burning bright within, the Guanyin Temple was filled with people. Half of the people were monks. The other half were cultivators dressed in robes of Sparks Amidst Snow. The two groups were standing mixed and mingled. Some were holding bows, others had swords in their hands. Alert and vigilant, they seemed to be guarding something, and periodically exchanged words with one another. However, since the entire perimeter of the Guanyin Temple had been bound by a special barrier, the temple within appeared pitch black and dead quiet from outside the temple’s walls. None of the light or noises carried beyond the barrier.
But what had stunned Wei WuXian wasn’t the barrier, the cultivators or those fake monks. What had stunned him was the man dressed in white standing in the middle of the courtyard.
Lan XiChen.
Lan XiChen was not restrained in any way. Even his sword and his xiao[3], Liebing[4], were still  strapped by his waist. Standing amongst the group of people calmly, the other cultivators and monks all seemed to be treating Lan XiChen with dignity and respect, even answering to his every word.
After observing for a while, Wei WuXian said to Wen Ning quietly, “Go back to the inn right now and bring HanGuang-Jun here immediately!”
Nodding, Wen Ning disappeared at once. Jin GuangYao was nowhere in sight, and Wei WuXian had no idea if he was here or not, and whether if the Stygian Tiger Seal was in his hands. Thinking, Wei WuXian bit his own finger, breaking the skin, and held his bleeding finger to the mouth of the Spirit-Trapping Pouch by his waist. He was planning to lure out a few small ghosts to help him summon over some evil beings in secret. Little had he expected to suddenly hear a series of dog barks coming from the end of the street beyond the Guanyin Temple’s walls.
Wei WuXian was immediately scared witless.
Blinding terror ripped at him from within as he fought the urge to flee for his life. Trembling, Wei WuXian hugged onto the roof beast tightly. As the dog’s barking drew closer and closer, terror engulfed Wei WuXian’s heart. ‘Save me, Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan, save me!’ He couldn’t help but repeat this in his heart like a mantra.
As if drawing courage from the thought and the name in his head, Wei WuXian forced his shuddering self to remain calm. He prayed to the Heaven and the earth for the dog to be a masterless, orphaned dog that would quickly wander away, but fate was less kind than he had hoped. Along with the dog’s barks came the voice of a young man, saying, “Fairy, shut up! Do you want to wake up this entire street in the middle of the night?!”
Jin Ling!
Lan XiChen became startled at once. Those cultivators from the Lanling Jin Sect probably all recognized the voice of Lanling’s Young Master. Exchanging looks among themselves, they drew their bows, arrows ready. Jin Ling’s voice quickly grew closer and closer, and it wasn’t long before he was right outside of the Guanyin Temple’s gate, saying, “Shh! Shh! If you bark again I’ll stew you! ......Where exactly are you bringing me?”
Wei WuXian’s heart leaped through the moon over a thousand terror, ‘Jin Ling, you unlucky child! Hurry up and leave this place!!!’
But Jin Ling stopped right outside the Guanyin Temple’s gate, and Fairy was still howling madly, seemingly roaming in circles and pawing at the ground and the wall. Confused, Jin Ling asked, “It’s here?”
A moment of silence later, he actually knocked on the gate, asking, “Is anyone here?!”
Within the courtyard, all the cultivators were attentive and high-strung. With arrows drawn on their bows, they aimed at the gate, holding the bowstring tight, waiting for an order. Lan XiChen said quietly, “Don’t hurt him!”
His voice wouldn’t carry outside of the barrier, yet no one lowered their guard or their bow. Jin Ling seemed to have sensed the peculiarity of the place as well. Even if there were no night guards by the temple’s gate, someone ought to have been woken up already by those thundering, banging noises he had made against the gate. It made little sense for the temple to still be engulfed in silence. Thus, Jin Ling stopped making noise. Just as Wei WuXian was about to let go of the breath of air he’d been holding, a wave of barks was suddenly heard from outside the walls again. Jin Ling’s voice was filled with irritation, “Hey, why are you heading back all of a sudden?!”
Wei WuXian was delighted, ‘Good Fairy!!!’
Jin Ling yelled, “Fairy! Come back! Fuck!”
Wei WuXian prayed in his heart, ‘My little lord, just hurry up and get out of here with your dog!!! I beg of you!!!’
Yet, a few moments later, the almost unnoticeable rustling sound of rocks and powder could be heard. At first, Wei WuXian couldn’t identify what the sound was. A moment later, he was suddenly drenched in cold sweat, ‘Shit, that little brat’s climbing the wall!’
The moment Jin Ling reached the top of the wall, he was confronted by an entire courtyard of bows drawn and aimed at him. His pupils shrunk instantly. One of the monks had either never seen Jin Ling before or had already prepared to annihilate any and all intruders. The monk released his bowstring and the arrow soared towards Jin Ling!
Hearing the distinct, crisp sound that the bowstring had made in the air, Wei WuXian knew right away that the wielder of the bow possessed exceptional skills. If the arrow were to reach Jin Ling, it’d pierce through his chest and break his bones for sure. Right now, there was only one thing that Wei WuXian could use a projectile to block the arrow for Jin Ling. With no time to hesitate, Wei WuXian leaped onto the wall and cast it into the air, shouting, “Jin Ling, run!”
The thing he had cast out was the bamboo flute he’d been carrying with him ever since he’d returned to life. It collided against the arrow, shattering into pieces upon impact, and knocked the arrow off its course. Jin Ling’s figure disappeared from the wall. He’d probably ran away. Meanwhile, since Wei WuXian had exposed his position, more than a hundred arrow flew his way like a wave of sharp rain, turning the roof beast he was hiding behind into a spiky hedgehog. Wei WuXian silently praised his luck of having something to hide behind. None of these people had poor aim and their cultivation were likely also not bad. Whether Jin Ling could successfully outrun these people still remained a concern. Leaping down the wall, Wei WuXian made a loop with his fingers and was just about to blow a whistle when he heard a laughing voice behind his back, saying, “I would advice Young Master Wei otherwise. A shattered flute is no big deal, but a severed finger or tongue would be a lot more uncomfortable.”
Putting his hand down, Wei WuXian agreed, “Very reasonable advice.”
The person responded, “Shall we?”
Wei WuXian nodded and remarked, “Sect Leader Jin is too kind.”
Jin GuangYao smiled and said, “It’s only proper.”
They circled around the temple’s grounds on foot as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Upon arriving in front of the main temple, Wei WuXian was speechless.
The gate of the temple was already open. As expected, Jin Ling had not succeeded in escaping. Held at sword point by a few monks, he hesitated for a moment before calling, “Youngest Uncle.”
Jin GuangYao simply replied, “Hey there, A-Ling.”
[1]: Hensheng: 恨生, the name of Jin GuangYao’s sword. Broadly means “hate life”. Not sure if this suggests a hatred for his own life, a hatred for living itself, or a hatred for other people who are alive.
[2]: Roof beast: 檐兽 are a type of Chinese roof decoration located on the ridgeline of a building’s roof.
[3]: Xiao: 箫 or 洞箫 is a Chinese instrument shaped like a vertical flute.
[4]: Liebing: 裂冰 is the name of Lan XiChen’s xiao. Broadly means “cracking ice”.
Edited: @light-salami thanks for finding the typo!
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linoliu · 4 years
吴梅《曲选》选目及其对所选明清传奇之评语 有关于明清传奇戏曲的选辑,虽数十年汗牛充栋,不乏出品,近至于如蒋星煜、齐森华、赵山林主编的《明清传奇鉴赏辞典》,不过,要谈素质及选目的眼光,实不是泛泛之所谓今日的学者能洞悉精微有如昔日的吴梅者,此吴梅之强项,在于戏曲之鉴赏,而不在于考据。而吴梅于1930年所出版的《曲选》,可以说是第一部《明清传奇鉴赏辞典》,不过,他只取曲辞而未附科白,此为可惜。其选明清传奇三十二种共计一百九十四折。虽传奇三十二种,于词山曲海里如九牛一毛,不过,如果以吴梅的《曲选》作为进入明清传奇堂奥的敲门砖,以之为起步,以走正确的鉴赏之路,总比博摭不少传奇,但都挑些自以为有现实意义或某种教条为长者入选,反而误导有兴趣者走入鉴赏的歧途为逾。 吴梅的《曲品》摘要 ───吴梅《曲选》三十二种传奇杂剧剧作的『曲品』摘录 有关于明清传奇戏曲的选辑,虽数十年汗牛充栋,不乏出品,近至于如蒋星煜、齐森华、赵山林主编的《明清传奇鉴赏辞典》,不过,要谈素质及选目的眼光,实不是泛泛之所谓今日的学者能洞悉精微有如昔日的吴梅者,此吴梅之强项,在于戏曲之鉴赏,而不在于考据。而吴梅于1930年所出版的《曲选》,可以说是第一部《明清传奇鉴赏辞典》,不过,他只取曲辞而未附科白,此为可惜。其选明清传奇三十二种共计一百九十四折。虽传奇(含杂剧)三十二种,于词山曲海里如九牛一毛,不过,如果以吴梅的《曲选》作为进入明清传奇堂奥的敲门砖,以之为起步,以走正确的鉴赏之路,总比博摭不少传奇,但都挑些自以为有现实意义或某种教条为长者入选,反而误导有兴趣者走入鉴赏的歧途为逾。今摘其此着对于三十二种传奇及杂剧剧作的评语摘其要,亦可拟同于明季吕天成的《曲品》,故可谓吴梅之《曲品》。 卷一 琵琶记----规奴, 梳妆、思乡、赏秋、寻夫 并评:『至就文字论,前人推许已极,无俟赘言。余独谓记中佳处固多,而迂拙滞钝用韵夹杂处,亦复不少,故仅录五折,他如《陈情》《赏荷》,通体不称者,且割爱焉』。
 拜月亭──走雨、拜月 并评:『幽闺本关汉卿拜月亭而作,记中拜月一折,全袭原文,故为全书最胜处,余则颇多支离丛脞。余尝谓拜月多僻调,令人无从订板,魏良辅仅定琵琶板式,不及幽闺,于是作谱者咸取琵琶。。。又如《旋婚》《请医》诸折,科白鄙俚,闻之喷饭,而嗜痂者反以为美,于是剧场恶诨,日多一日。。。。。明人盛称《结盟》《驿会》两折,殊不见佳。。。。今摘录二折,略见一班』 香囊记──途叙、闻讣、问卜、设祭、辞婚、寄书 并评:『记中颇袭琵琶、拜月格调,如《辞昏》《驿会》,皆脱胎二书。今录《辞婚》而不取《驿会》者,以袭君美之语太形似也。。。惟通本好用俪语,已开《浣纱》《玉合》之先矣』。 荆钗记──赴试、闺念、忆母、遣音、赴任、夜香、晤婿 并评:『荆钗曲本不佳。。。。实则明曲中,尚是下里也。』 金印记──逼钗、往秦、假报、往魏 并评:『剧中文字古朴,碻为明初人手笔。。。又支时齐微鱼模等韵,皆混合不分,是承东嘉之弊,明曲皆如是。。。《往魏》一折【武陵花】二曲,为记中最胜处,《种玉》之《往边》,《长生殿》之《闻铃》,概从此出,以此相较,则大辂椎轮,气韵较厚焉』 浣纱记──游春、打围、放归、迎施、别施、采莲、思忆、泛湖
并评:『今按其词,韵律时有错误。。。。惟曲白研炼雅洁,无《杀狗》《白兔》打油铰钉之习,在明曲中除四梦外,当推此种为最矣。』 玉合记──赠处、怀春、参成、诇约、义姤、言祖、西幸、祝发、入道、嗣音 并评:『此记文情秾丽,科白安雅,较《浣纱》为纯粹。其结构紧严,除本传外绝鲜妆点增加处,亦较玉茗《还魂》《紫钗》差胜。学人填词,究与才人不同也。。。今人知禹金能诗,而不知能曲,余故多选数支』 红拂记──渡江、夜奔、遇侠、闺忆、棋决、话旧、镜圆、完偶、逃海、逢旧、功圆 并评──『惜协韵时有通假处』 红梨记──诗要、拘禁、访素、脱樊、赶车、投雍、路叙、诉衷、托寄、潜窥、咏梨、三错 并评:『颇称奇艳,明曲中上乘之作也。。。。《红梨》尤为平生杰作。。。。传奇诸作,大抵言一家离合之情,独此记家国兴衰,备陈始末,洵为词家异军。记中《错认》《路叙》《托寄》诸折,凄迷哀感,虽狡童禾黍之歌,亦无以过此。而叶怀庭止取《诉衷》一折,且云《红梨》才弱,一二曲后未免有捉衿露肘之态,此言亦觉太过。《诉衷》折固佳,必谓他折皆颓唐不称,亦不应轻率及尔。且其时尚无曲谱,而《亭会》《三错》《咏梨》数折,皆用犯调,稳惬美听,又非深于音律者不能。』 卷二 还魂记──惊梦、寻梦、写真、诊祟、闹殇、拾画、玩真、闹宴 并评:『此剧肯綮在死生之际,记中《惊梦》《寻梦》《诊祟》《写真》《悼殇》五折,自生而之死,《魂游》《幽媾》《欢挠》《冥誓》《回生》五折,自死而之生,其中搜抉灵根,掀翻情窟,为从来填词定履齿所未及,遂能确踞词坛,历千古不朽也。是记初出,度曲家多棘棘不上口。。。。惟记中舛律处颇多,往往标名某曲,而实非此曲之句读者。。。。。』 紫钗记──谒鲍、坠钗、议允、花盟、折柳、题诗、惊秋、边愁、泣笺、工感 并评──『词藻精警,远出《香囊》《玉玦》之上,四梦中以此为最艳矣。余尝谓工词者,或不能本色。工白描者,或不能作艳词,惟此记秾丽处,实合玉溪诗、梦窗词为一手,疏隽处又似贯酸斋、乔孟符诸公。或云刻画太露,要非知言。盖小玉事非赵五锒、钱玉莲可比,若如《琵琶》《荆钗》笔法,亦有何风趣。惟记中舛律颇多。缘临川当时,尚无南北宫谱,所据以填词者,仅太和正音谱、雍熙乐府、词林摘艳诸种而已,不得以后人之律,轻议前人之词也。。。』(有恒按:其时,已有蒋孝之南九宫谱,吴梅失查) 邯郸记──入梦、东巡、闺喜、织恨、生寤 并评──『临川诸作,颇伤宂杂,惟此记与《南柯》,皆本唐人小说为之,直捷了当,无一泛语。增一折不得,删一折不得。非张凤翼、梅禹金辈所及也。今世传唱,有《度世》《西谍》《死窜》《合仙》四折,脍炙已久,皆未入选,仅录《入梦》《东巡》《织恨》《生寤》诸折,亦避熟意也。。。。』 南柯记──侠概、就征、侍猎、之郡、玩月、雨阵、寻寤 并评──『《南柯》一剧,畅演玄风,为临川度世之作,亦为见道之言。。。四梦中惟此最为高贵。盖临川有慨于不及情之人,而借至微至细之蚁,为一切有情物说法。又有慨于溺情之人,而托喻乎落魄沉醉之淳于生,以寄其感喟。淳于未醒,无情而之有情也。淳于既醒,有情而之无情也,此临川填词之旨也。令此托传唱,有《启寇》《围释》二折,皆北词,故不入选。就今所录,精警处已略具此矣。』 [四梦传奇总跋]『就表而言之,则四梦中主人为杜女也,霍郡主也,卢生也,淳于棼也。即在深知文义者言之,亦不过曰还魂鬼也,紫钗侠也,邯郸仙也,南柯佛也,殊不知临川之意,以判官、黄衫客、吕翁、契玄为主人,所谓鬼侠仙佛,竟是曲中之意,而非作者寄托之意。盖前四人为场中之傀儡,而后四人则提掇线索者也。前四人为梦中之人,后四人为梦外之人也。既以鬼侠仙佛为曲意,则主观的主人,即属于判官等四人,而杜女、霍郡主辈,仅为客观的主人而已。玉茗天才,所以超出寻常传奇者,即在此处。。。』 紫箫记──胜游、送别 并评:『。。。记中情节,较《紫钗》更为丛杂,而词藻秾丽,几字字呕心镂肾以出之,故颇多晦涩语,及费解语。第六出小玉就四娘学歌,将太和正音谱宫调总论,逐一数说,并未道着词家肯綮,于此见若士非十分知音者,阮圆海谓若士不能度曲,据此非[卫+齿』言。且其中【折桂令】一曲,末一句用厌的听闻,与上文寒山协韵,实是不妥,通阕平仄句法,完全不合律度,方知陈浦云谓,若士少作,多不协调,亦非刻论。余仅爱其词而已。。。』 卷三 明珠记──宫怨、煎茶 并评:『今读此记,仍多失律处。。。。顾文之佳者,殊不多觏也』 南西厢记(陆采)──秋闺、赓句、报捷 并评:『。。。传中失律出宫及不协平仄处,亦复不少。。。盖天池实不知律,而好为大言,以动世人也。。。』 种玉记──笺允、拂券、促晤、往边、妃怨、误醋 并评:『《往边》折【武陵花】二支,以文不甚佳,略之』 红梅记──杀妾、折梅、脱难、秋怀、改妆、夜晤 并评:『记中情节,颇有紧凑处。。。。此记传唱绝少,五十年前,前《鬼辨》《算命》等折,偶现歌场,余生也晚,己不及见。近乱弹腔有《红梅阁》一剧,即檃括此记而成,实是点金成铁。余故多录数折。。』 昙花记──开燕、遇主 并评:『。。。出宫失调,疵病至多,盖赤水非深明音律者,故多可议也』 蕉帕记──幻形、付珠、闹婚、闹题 并评:『。。。此记词颇精警,用本色处至多,又摹写招讨公子胡连,憨状可掬,明人作剧,辄不长于科诨,此记犹可发粲,胜禹金、赤水多矣。。。』 玉簪记──幽情、寄弄、躭思、叱谢、占儿 『。。。。其中情节,颇有可议者。。。。。至于用韵之夹杂,句读之舛误,更无论矣。编制传奇,首重结构,词藻其次也。记中《寄弄》《躭思》诸折,文彩固可观,而律以韵律,则不可为训。顾能盛传于世,深可异也。。。。』 东郭记──人之所以求富贵利达者、则将搂之乎、绵驹、钻穴隙、出而哇之、卒之东郭墦间之祭者 并评:『。。。此等词曲,若当场奏演,恐竹石俱碎矣。。。』 燕子笺──写像、骇像、写笺、闺忆、招婚、笺合、迁官 并评:『圆海诸作,自以《燕子笺》为最,自叶怀庭讥其尖刻,世逐屏不与作者之林,实则圆海固深得玉茗之神也。。���。石巢四种,《双金榜》古艳,《牟尼合》秾艳,《燕子笺》新艳,《春灯谜》则悔过之书,所谓十错认,亦圆海平旦清明时,为此由衷之言也。自来大奸慝必有文才,严介溪之诗、阮圆海之曲,不以人废言,可谓三百年一作手矣』 卷四 绿牡丹──谢咏、倩笔、闺赏、访俊、报闺、戏草、帘试、谈心 (吴梅于此剧仅备述故事情节,无下评语。) 情邮记──闺恨、题驿、旅行、半和、补和、见和、边略、问婢、代聘、赊许 并评:『此记。。。文心如剥蕉抽茧,为粲花五种之冠。。。。昔人以此传,比诸武夷九曲,谓文心之曲,为明代所未有,而能为此传者,百中无一二也。。。阳羡万红友,为石渠之甥,其词学即得诸舅氏,所作《念八翻》《空青石》《风流棒》三种,世称奇构,实皆石渠之绪余耳。』 桃花扇──访翠、投辕、寄扇、题画、余韵 并评──『。。。自有传奇以来,能细按年月,确考时地者,实自东塘为始。传奇之书,遂得与诗词同其声价矣。通部布局,无懈可击,至修真入道诸折,又破除生旦团圆之成例,而以中元建醮收科,排场亦不冷落。此等设想,更为周匝。故论《桃花扇》之品格,直是前无古人,所惜者通本无耐唱之曲,除此选诸套外,恐亦寥寥,不足动听矣。马、阮诸曲,固不必细腻风华,而生旦则不能草草也。《眠香》《却奁》诸出,世皆目为妙曲,而细唱曲不过一二支,亦太简矣。东塘凡例中,自言曲取简单,多不过七八曲,而不知其非也(此病《长生殿》所无)。。。』 长生殿──幸恩、复召、夜怨、尸解、得信 并评:『。。。。叶怀庭云,此记上本杂采开天旧事,每多佳构,下本多出稗畦自运,遂难出色,盖此就剧中事实言之也,至其文字之工,可云到底不懈。余最爱北词诸折,几合关、马、郑、白为一手,以限于篇幅,不能采录。。。』 临川梦──谱梦、想梦、改梦、殉梦、续梦、寄曲、了梦 并评:『。。。文字亦不恶。。。。余尝谓传奇中情词赠答,数见不鲜,其能扫尽踰墙窥穴之陋习,而出以正大者,惟藏园而已。临川四梦,《紫钗》《还魂》,皆少年笔,《邯郸》《南柯》,则不作绮语,而身亦老大矣。此记将若士一生事实,现诸氍毹,已是奇特。且又以四梦中人,一一登场,与若士相周旋,更为绝倒。。。。』 四弦秋──茶别、改官、秋梦、送客 并评:『。。。。通本皆作蕴藉语,恰合乐天身分。《改官》折尤得大体。世人皆赏【折桂令】,盖爱春华而忽秋实者也。』 吟风阁──新丰店、黄石婆、快活山、春梦婆、凝碧池 并评:『曲共三十二折,每折各赋一事。。。。实为传奇家别开生面,而颇合近百年内之搬演家也。其中如《黄石婆》《钱神庙》《曼倩偷桃》诸折,可谓戛戛独造之作。棃园中传唱《罢宴》一折,非文之至胜者,因选录五折,以见一斑。。』 帝女花──宫叹、佛饵、探讯、草表、觞叙、香天 并评:『韵珊倚晴楼七种,可以颉颃藏园,而排场则不甚研讨,故热闹剧不多,所谓案头之曲,非毡氍伎俩也。。。。通体悉据梅村挽诗,而文字哀感顽艳,几欲夺过心余。。。。云亭之曲,仅工绮语,本色语则终卷不多见,韵珊此作,亦复似之,乃知此道之难矣。』 桃溪雪──闺叙、延素、送外、题筝、坠崖、吊烈 并评:『。。。其词精警拔俗,与《帝女花传奇》,皆扶植伦纪之作。盖自藏园标下笔关风化之帜,而作者皆慎重下笔,无青衿挑达事,此亦清代曲家之胜处也。。。净、丑角目,止有《绅哄》一折,似嫌冷淡。此由文人作词,此嘉生旦一面,而不知净、丑衬托愈险,则其词弥工也。余故谓,逊清一代,乾隆以前,有戏而无曲(《桃花扇》《长生殿》不在此例);嘉道以还,有曲而无戏。此中消息,可就韵珊诸作味之也』(刘有恒,写于2014年)
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石知县遭祸患身死 遗孤女被卖还债
受难女落凡家 受尽欺凌谩骂 撵出屋外住露天 又被卖出回府衙
后来贾公偶然发现老婆对石小姐刻薄,怕老婆欺辱石小姐,有一年多不出外经营。老婆却也特意修好,相忘于无言。月香在贾公家,一住五年,看看长成。贾公见老婆又和顺了,家中供给又立了常规,舍不得担搁生意,只得又出外经商。未行数日之前,预先叮咛老婆有十来次,只叫好生看待石小姐和婢女两口。又请石小姐出来,再三抚慰,连婢女都用许多好言安放。又吩咐老婆道:“你切莫慢她。若是不依我言语,我回家时,就不与你认夫妻了。”又唤厨下丫头,都吩咐遍了方才出门。 临行费尽叮咛语,只为当初受德深。
那婆娘找张牙婆到来, 对张婆说道:“我家六年前,讨下这两个丫头。如今大的忒大了,小的又娇娇的,做不得生活。都要卖她出去,你与我快寻个主儿。”……
月香女进旧宅汪汪流泪 锺离公收义女善对同人
锺离公大惊道:“汝父姓甚名谁?你幼时如何得到此地?须细细说与我知!”月香道:“妾父姓石名璧,六年前在此作县尹。为天火烧仓,朝廷将父革职,勒令赔偿。父亲病郁而死,有司将妾和婢女官卖到本县贾公家。贾公以前被冤枉,感我父活命之恩,故将贱妾甚相看待,抚养至今。因贾公出外经商,其妻不能相容,将妾转卖于此。只此实情,并无欺隐。” 今朝诉出衷肠事,铁石人知也泪垂。
锺离公 、高县令竞义婚孤女 得福报 得天赐 天佑善心人
高县令看了道: 我如今有个两尽之道,使锺离公得行其志,而吾亦同享其名。万世而下,以为美谈。”即时覆书云:我的次男高升,年方十七,尚未缔姻。令爱归我长儿,石女属我次子。佳儿佳妇,两对良姻;一死一生,千秋高谊。嫁妆不须求备,时日且喜和同。伏冀俯从,不须改卜。原惶恐再拜。
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百年好事从今定,一对姻缘天上来  (图片来源:希望之声合成/pixabay)
贾昌仁义得善报 无义老婆遭遗弃
做人要“三多三少” 祸患就会越少 福报才会越多!
人生低谷时 做到这四点 福报不请自来!
安卓翻墙APP、Windows翻墙:ChromeGo AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:把冤死前任的孤女当作亲生女嫁人 得到大福报
原文链接:把冤死前任的孤女当作亲生女嫁人 得到大福报 - 新闻评论
本文标签:冤死, 县令, 大学士, 大福, 夫妻, 希望之声, 得福报, 福报, 老婆
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