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Defect on Network Connection💻⇄💻 音楽再生ソフトウェアがサーバを認識してくれない🙅‍♀️❌🙅‍♂️ 〜土日通しで頑張ったがもう無理だ😖 〜PC同士の相性が合わない😤 〜海外製ソフトあるあるなんだが。。。 〜ボクのPC、AI化して感情を持ったのか⁉️ 〜デジタルのアナログ化w 〜音が良いならデジタルもアナログも関係ないけどね🔉🔉🔉 #networkerror #jplay #musicserver #pcaudio #ai #artificialintelligence #lovesongs❤️ #humanization #analogvsdigital #emotionize #ネットワーク不具合 #音楽サーバー #認識しない #pcオーディオ #人工知能 #泣き歌 #人間化 #相性問題 #アナログ対デジタル https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6Twj9Szst/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbiemikeadamski · 2 years
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. (^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 7月9日(土) #仏滅(癸亥) 旧暦 6/11 月齢 10.0 年始から190日目(閏年では191日目)にあたり、年末まであと175日です。 . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 28週目最終日の第二土曜日です✋ 28/53回目の週末で25回です😅💦 53回目の土曜日で本年の最終日✋ 当り前ですけどね🤣😆🤣7月は 早くも2回目残りが後、三回です。 7月最後の週末は何処に居れるカナw 東京に居れると良いのですが😅💦 . あっ💡昨日の奈良で起きた事件 酷いですよね⤵️ターゲット間違えて すんじゃないかな❓現役ならっ て思うんだけど、あの方が悪い のでは無いと思うんだけどねぇ 「鬼」他に沢山居るのにって💦 . ご冥福をお祈りします🙏 今日は色々な意味にんるけど💦 . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #和歌山大空襲(ワカヤマダイクウシュウ).  大東亜戦争(第二次世界大戦、太平洋戦争)も末期の1945(昭和20)年7月9日(月)赤口.の深夜から7月10日(火)先勝.の未明にかけて  アメリカ軍の戦略爆撃(民間人無差別殺人事件)が和歌山県和歌山市中心部へ容赦なく行われたのである。  以前にも何度となく行われた日本本土空襲であり、これが戦時中に和歌山への最後の空襲で日本人大虐殺の一環であった。  この空襲に限らず、アメリア軍は事前に空中から爆撃予告のビラを散布するという悪質な犯行予告をしていたから始末の悪さ「鬼畜米」。 . #仏滅(ブツメツ).  六曜における大凶日。  もとは「虚亡」といい勝負なしという意味で、さらに「空亡」とも称されていたが、これを全てが虚しいと解釈して「物滅」と呼ぶようになり、仏の功徳もないという意味に転じて「佛(仏)」の字が当てられたものである。  仏滅は万事に凶であるとされる。  この日は六曜の中で最も凶の日とされ、婚礼などの祝儀を忌む習慣がある。  この日に結婚式を挙げる人は少ない。そのため仏滅には料金の割引を行う結婚式場もある。他の六曜は読みが複数あるが、仏滅は「ぶつめつ」としか読まれない。  字面から仏陀(釈迦)が入滅した(死亡した)日と誤解されることが多い。  しかし、六曜は仏教に由来するものではなく上述のように無関係である。  釈迦の死亡日とされる2月15日が旧暦では必ず仏滅になるのは、偶然そうなっただけである。  「何事も遠慮する日、病めば長引く、仏事はよろしい」ともいわれる。  また『物滅』として「物が一旦滅び、新たに物事が始まる」とされ、「大安」よりも物事を始めるには良い日との解釈もある。 . #ほおずき市(2021年7月9日(土) – 2021年7月10日(日) 東京都・浅草寺).  ほおずき市は、愛宕神社の千日詣が浅草寺に波及し、江戸時代享保元年(1716年)からは浅草寺で四万六千日分の参拝に相当するご利益(功徳)が得られると信仰される縁日に 併せて、薬草として評判の「ほおずき」が境内で売る店が建ち並び、鉢に付けられた風鈴が涼しげになる事から、江戸の夏の風物詩となっています。 . #後楽園ゆうえんち開園. 1955年(昭和30年)7月9日(土)東京都文京区に「後楽園ゆうえんち」がオープンしました。 . #ジェットコースターの日(#Rollercoasterday). . #おなかキレイの日. . #VSOP運動の日. . #なな→きゅうの日. . #泣く日. . #パソコン検定の日(毎月9日). . #クジラの日(毎月9日). . #えのすいクラゲの日(毎月9日). . #クレープの日(毎月9の付く日). . #聖母チキンキラの祭日. . #アルゼンチン独立宣言の日. . #パラオ憲法記念日. . . ■本日の語句■. #一期一会(イチゴイチエ) 【解説】 茶道に由来する日本のことわざ・四字熟語。 茶会に臨む際には、その機会は二度と繰り返されることの ない、一生に一度の出会いである事を心得る心構えを意味する。 一生に一度だけの機会。 . . 1961(昭和36)年7月9日(日)先勝. #三輝みきこ (#みきみきこ) 【女優、声優】 〔東京都〕 . . (牧野記念庭園) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfxRiCihOy34SZ22VggqgDxGxZfWhyJICvfwYs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evenstar · 6 months
what's poppin TyoBabi fandom, I got a present for you
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.zip File Download: DISCS 1 & 2 (109MB)
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This FST is basically an in-depth run down of the collection of songs that were sung/mentioned/in the "VOL. 7/BOX" chapter of Tokyo Babylon 5, with some info about the artists and songs themselves. This, as far as I know, is the most thorough run-through of the music of "BOX" on the English web! I've divided it into two "discs", the first being the songs mentioned themselves, and the second being a few fun related extras. You can check out the second disc over on Radio Free T.Y.O, if you're interested ♥
Ginza no Koi no Monogatari
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銀座の恋の物語 - "Ginza Love Story" 石原裕次郎・牧村旬子 - Ishihara Yuujirou and Makimura Junko mp3 download || youtube
The song that Seishirou and Hokuto are pouring their very souls into to perform in the beginning of the chapter. Released in 1961, this a smoky, jazzy duet typical of its time, telling the story of two star-crossed lovers, one in Tokyo and one in Ginza. It was an immediate hit, even having a movie based upon it made, starring Ishihara-san in the lead role. It's a staple duet in karaoke even to this day.
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泣かないで - "Don't Cry" 舘ひろし - Tachi Hiroshi mp3 download || youtube
The song that the random selector spits up for Subaru to sing, which Sei-chan subsequently picks up after sending him off to buy cigarettes/exorcise the OL. This was released in 1984, by Tachi Hiroshi, a singer and actor who became quite the sensation when he had a starring role in 西部警察 (Seibu Keisatsu; "Western Police") -- incidentally, directed by the abovementioned Ishihara-san, as you'd have it. "Nakanaide" was a hit, coming in 59th on the ORICON's 1984 top singles list. It's from his seventh album In the Mood.
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難破船 - "Shipwreck" 中森明菜 - Nakamori Akina m4a download || youtube
The song that the OL ghost sings. A dark and heartfelt song about a dying love, it was a massive hit when it was released in 1987, shooting straight to the top of the ORICON charts (as Nakamori-san's 17th number one hit), and has been a karaoke regular since then, just as the OL says in the chapter. Originally written and performed by the very respected Kato Tokiko for her 最後のダンスパーティ (Saigo no Dance Party; "Last Dance Party") album of 1984; she personally requested that Nakamori-san perform the song. It's been covered countless times, including by the original singer/songwriter and the cover artist themselves.
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抱いて… - "Hold Me..." 松田聖子 - Matsuda Seiko mp3 download || youtube
Not actually sung, but the OL ghost suggests she'd like to sing it next. A dramatic and emotional slice of idol pop from the Eternal Idol herself, Matsuda Seiko (who also performs "Who's That Boy", found on Single White). Released in 1987 as a promo-only single from her fifteenth studio album, 1988's Citron. Despite never being released as an official single, it's one of Matsuda's more popular songs, especially karaoke-wise. It's rather interesting that the OL picks a Matsuda song directly after a Nakamori Akina track -- the pair were notorious rivals in the 80s, supposedly even in love.
Benkyo no Uta
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勉强の歌 - "Study Song" 森高千里 - Moritaka Chisato mp3 download || youtube
The song Hokuto is singing when Subaru attempts to sneak back into the karaoke box. Released in 1991, it peaked at #4 on the ORICON charts, and was remixed on Moritaka's second remix album as ザ・勉強の歌 (Za・Benkyo no Uta; "The・Study Song"). It was used as the opening theme to the anime TV series "Mischievous Twins: The Tales of St. Clare's". It's a totally gimmicky song (complete with voguing in the very weird video clip), though cheerful and catchy, so its popularity on the karaoke circuit at the time shouldn't surprise anyone. (You just know that Hokuto unironically adored this song, and drove Subaru batty by singing it at every opportunity.)
Wakaretemo Suki na Hito
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別れても好きな人 - "Beloved Even if We're Separated" ロス・インディオス&シルヴィア - Los Indios & Silvia mp3 download || youtube
The song that Hokuto announces Subaru should sing with Seishirou as punishment for being late. Another staple in the duets section of karaoke, still, this 1979 release was actually a cover. The song was released by two Toshiba EMI artists, Matsudaira Kemeko and the Purple Shadows, respectively, in 1969. In October 1975, Los Indios released a single-voice version, and in 1979 it was rearranged as a male and female duet, with some lyrics changed slightly. The song was an instant hit, and by 1980, it had sold a million copies.
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g-men-movie · 9 months
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いよいよ来週末公開となった本作。最後は全員が作品への想いを語り、「このメンバーじゃなきゃ出せない空気感が出せたと思います」(りんたろー。)「8月25日に公開するのでまたぜひ映画館で楽しんでください」(森本)「『Gメン』を気に入っていただけたら、この作品を皆さんの手で育ててください。お願いします」(矢本)「男なら誰しも楽しめる作品になりました。皆さんで観に行っていただけたらと思います」(竜星)と挨拶。岸は集まった男子学生たち一人一人の顔を見ながら「本当に笑えて泣けて感情を出せる、様々な要素が凝縮された映画になっています。夏の思い出として、一緒に盛り上げてくれたら嬉しいです」と座長らしく締めました。 さらにフォトセッションでは男子学生達と「夏だ!青春だ!Gメンだー!!」の掛け声で会場中一体となり大盛り上がりのうちにイベントの幕が閉じました。
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kennak · 7 months
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Xユーザーのゆるりさん: 「仕事辞めて、体調もなんか上手くいかなくて、挙句の果てに愛犬が急逝して9月頭はほんとに沈んでたんだけど読みかけだった木下龍也さんのあなたのための短歌集全部読んだら最後の方にこの短歌があってめっちゃ泣いた もうお前(何かはわからないけど)の好きにはさせないと思った https://t.co/XuR2Siu09d」 / X
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sunnyside-sunset · 2 months
qsmp egg assigned songs again but im giving up on it and shoving it here because i cant be bothered working on it anymore so its probably really inaccurate and biased thats my bad
i encourage criticism!!! its the only way i get better and it gives me a better understanding of the eggs i dont know very well since i dont know much about a lot of them!!!! more accurate song recs are also very welcome ^^
QSMP EGG SONGS (updated) (long post)
TALLULAH: Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski / Here Comes A Thought from Steven Universe
“And I don't blame you
If you want to bury me in your memory
I'm not the girl I ought to be, but
Maybe when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not the way I am
And I don't mean to make your heart blue
But could we be what we're meant to be?
I'm just about to beg you, please
And then, when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not the way I used to be”
“Here comes a thought that might alarm me
What someone said and how it harmed me
Something I did that failed to be charming
Things that I said are suddenly swarming
And, oh, I'm losing sight, I'm losing touch
All these little things seem to matter so much
That they confuse me
That I might lose me”
BOBBY: Mi Último Deseo by Banda Los Recoditos / Mother’s Song from Wolf Children
“Me gustan los parties y las desveladas
Lunes a Domingo y toda la semana
Me la paso alegre y disfruto la vida
Y así seguiré hasta mi último día
Me gusta el desmadre, el ambiente me prende
Yo así soy feliz, no le temo a la muerte
Yo no pienso en eso, es tiempo perdido
Pues nadie se escapa de nuestro destino”
“泣きはらした目で 膝を抱える
訳を聞かせて すべて話して
だいじょうぶ どこへも行かないよ
なにがあっても いっしょにいるよ
あなたの笑った顔が 好きよ
落ち込んでいても 元気をくれる
ルルル ルルル おいで 歌 歌おうよ
うおおん うおおん おいで のど 鳴らそうよ”
SUNNY: Sunny by Boney M / What if they’re right from Bob’s Burgers
“Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone
And the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you”
“Feels like
Something's wrong with me
And they know it
They took one look my way and exposed it
I'm ready to give up the fight
And just admit that they are right.”
RAMÓN: Talk to You by Ricky Montgomery / John, Take Me With You by JW Francis
“Been a pretty long time
Been a really long time
Sincе you saw me last
Since I saw you last
Wonder if wе met today
Would you turn and walk away?
Would you take me for a ride?
Would you toss me to the side?”
“Do you want your time alone?
You're the place I feel at home
I'll be roaming
I've got my phone
And you call when you feel all right
And you can call when you feel all right
And you can call when you feel all right”
DAPPER: you are my sunshine by Christina Perri but specifically sung by BadBoyHalo / Black Hair by Alex G
“You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you
In my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried”
“Black hair it's swimming in my head
Black hair it's bigger than death
Black hair don't leave me in the dirt
Black hair I'll show you what I'm worth”
LEONARDA: memories by Maki Otsuki / Cop Car by Mitski
“Moshi mo sekai ga kawaru no nara
Nanimo shiranai koro no watashi ni
Tsurete itte omoide ga
Iro asenai you ni
Chisana koro kara uta o utatte
Yume miru kokoro atatameteta
Minna de maneshita himitsu no merodei
Kondo wa jouzu ni kikoeru you ni”
“I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog
I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog”
CHAYANNE: When I Grow Up from Matilda the Musical / Today Today by Jack Stauber
“When I grow up, when I grow up (When I grow up)
I will be strong enough to carry all
The heavy things you have to haul
Around with you when you're a grown-up
And when I grow up, when I grow up (When I grow up)
I will be brave enough to fight the creatures
That you have to fight beneath the bed
Each night to be a grown-up”
“Today, today is one of those days
That carries you slowly into next time
And as those walk by, you see with your eye
Part of me is repeatedly given”
JUANAFLIPPA: Everything Stays from Adventure Time / Sarah by Alex G
“Everything stays right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways, when everything stays”
“I can't be what you need
I am stuck in a dream
I am stuck in a dream
Don't you know she's been here all along in a dream?
She belongs in a dream”
PEPITO: スマイリーを探して by Seranji Poji / Dubidubidu(Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa) by Christell (pepito is this 🤏🤏 small to me)
“(Where is my friend Smiley?)
(Mm~ Have you seen Smiley?)
(Where is my friend Smiley?)
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
(He-hey! Where is Smiley? His name is Smiley!)
“Si tú quieres bailar, jugar, pintar, cantar
Tú puedes venir a mi casa
La idea es compartir, te vas a divertir
Si quieres venir a mi casa
Quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa
A todas mis amigas y amigos
Quiero saltar y bailar
Y lo que tengo, compartir contigo”
EMPANADA: Escapism from Steven Universe / No More Birthdays by Sophie May / Sweet Tooth by Maya Hawke (im not biased idk what you mean)
“I guess I have to face
That in this awful place
I shouldn't show a trace of doubt
But pulled against the grain
I feel a little pain
That I would rather do without
I'd rather be
Free, free, free
I'd rather be
Free, free, free
Free, free, free
From here”
“My baby don’t cry
She just sleeps through the night
She don’t fuss, she don’t wine
She stays perfectly quiet
But while I watch her grow (I watch her grow)
My poor heart grows a hole
Oh, Lord, say (Say it ain't so) it ain't so
Can't you please make an exception? I've got good intentions
I just crave protection for my ball of perfection”
“Told my mother that I love her
And that I'd lie to the accountant if she wants
I'll do whatever to protect her
I'll say anything just to make her stop
I saw a movie everybody hated
In an empty theatre in Duluth
Swear I really loved it
Love is such a better thing to do
I'm grateful for everything you put me through
It's the only reason I'm any good to talk to
When I'm sick or suffering, I'll still call you
About my big, sore sweet tooth”
POMME: Enfance 80 by Mattyeux, Videoclub / Mai by Videoclub / Class of 2013 by Mitski
“J'ai touché l'enfance dans mes doigts encore feutrés
Ressassé cette histoire comme si je l'avais rencontrée
La vraie belle nouveauté, c'est celle qui ne vieillit pas
Celle qui nous garde le ciel pastel, l'orage quand il fait froid
Je laisse aux autres les demains
Moi, je prends que les maintenant
Si c'est pour penser la fin
Compte sur mes rêves d'enfant
Je laisse aux autres les demains
Moi, je prends que les maintenant
Si c'est pour penser la fin
Compte sur mes rêves d'enfant”
“M'envoler dans la pluie
Déchirer mes copies
Échanger ces regards et pouvoir rentrer très tard
J'aurais dû sauver le jour pour t'offrir la nuit
Tes yeux regards hagards, essaye j'ai ma part
J'aurais pu, j'aurais dû
Oublier voir l'été
Entre tes doigts
Moi je les vois
Les couleurs d'autrefois”
“Mom, am I still young?
Can I dream for a few months more?”
TILÍN: Mama’s Boy by Dominic Fike / I Miss My Mum by Cavetown
“How do my plans fit in with yours? (Oh)
You're such a doll and I'm a boy
Where did my parents go? (Oh, oh)
I'm not in Italy
They like vacation homes much more than they love me”
“The sun feels nice
Through the window with a view
It's fine bein' a person
'Cause I got to meet you, ooh
You just need to find home
And I think maybe
You just miss your mum”
TRUMP: I Wait for You by Alex G / O Superman by Laurie Anderson
“It's what I do
I wait for you
I wait for you
I wait for you
I wait for you
I wait for you”
“So hold me, Mom, in your long arms
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms
In your automatic arms, your electronic arms
In your arms
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms
Your petrochemical arms, your military arms
In your electronic arms”
RICHARLYSON: Velha Infância by Tribalistas / Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
“Você é assim
Um sonho pra mim
E quando eu não te vejo
Eu penso em você
Desde o amanhecer
Até quando eu me deito
Eu gosto de você
E gosto de ficar com você
Meu riso é tão feliz contigo
O meu melhor amigo é o meu amor”
“The other boys at school
Think it's cool to hate your parents
But they're lying all the time
The bugs advised that I should let 'em
And if you wanna cry
Make sure that they never see it
Or even better yet
Block it out and never feel it
I just turned 14
And I think I know everything”
CHUNSIK / 춘식: Water Island from My Singing Monsters
“The ocean's deep
The currents strong
Right here I found where I belong
It's all around
Can you feel the sound?
I'm alright now
Cool, calm, and clear like water
I'll make it somehow
I'll go with the flow like water”
HOPE: Any Day Now by Bo Burnham / Last Words of a Shooting Star by Mitski
“It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)”
“They'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room
With no thoughts
Like a blood-sniffing shark
And while my dreams made music in the night
I was going to live”
GEGG: Things To Do by Alex G
“Hold on tight to this time, this place
'Cause everything you know will be erased
You were born inside your head
And that is where you'll be when you are dead
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand”
there is so much alex g in this list im so sorry 😭😭
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ogawasan · 10 months
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Version en Noir et Blanc,
#バッハフォトグラフィー #photographybach#古典 #祝言 #結婚式 #結婚式前撮り #結婚式後撮り #レトロ婚 #神足町屋#japan#kyoto#wedding#京都写真家
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mayukifujita · 2 months
期待をしたら必ず裏切りが生じてくるら、人間関係にもヒビが入るし いいことなんてひとつもない
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Japanese Snack & French Electro Music ミスマッチな音楽と食べ物🚫🈲 〜たこせんべい🐙🍘食べながら、フレンチエレクトロ🇫🇷🎧とか… 〜最近ずっと日本女子の泣き歌😭ばっか聴いてたのですごーく新鮮だ🔉 〜セクシーなジャケットは即買い🫦 Title: Running in the City Artist: KIKO #japanesesnack #octopus #ricecrackers #electrohousemusic #france🇫🇷 #kiko #runninginthecity #electrodancemusic #mismatching #music #food #sexyphotos #たこせんべいの里 #たこせんべい #フレンチエレクトロ #おフランス #ミスマッチ #ジャケ買い #セクシー #泣き歌 #日本女子 (at たこせんべいの里) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYCseOvY7k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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m12gatsu · 3 months
休日の朝、昨晩の鍋の残り汁で湯掻いたうどんを啜りながら、しまじろうのわお! を見るともなくぼんやり眺めていたら、奇妙礼太郎の歌が流れてきた。しまじろうのキャラクターではない少年のアニメーションで、ぼくえいがみてきたんだよ、と繰り返す歌。とてもいい歌だった。泣きそうになった。配信とかには見当たらず、YouTubeにもなかった。しまじろうのわお! 内には、そういった「みんなのうた」的な他にも様々なプログラムがあるようで、君の体の主人公は君だよ、というコーナーもたいへん示唆に富んでいた。屋外で遊んで体を汚したしまじろうたちが家に帰ってくる。しまじろうは友人らの前で服を脱いで着替えようとするが、母親がそれを優しくたしなめる。ナレーションに切り替わり、画面にはしまじろうたちが横に並んで、1人ずつスポットライトが当たっていく。ナレーションは、君の体の主人公は君だよ、という。君の体の主人公は君だから、他の人に簡単に体を見せたり、簡単に触らせてはいけないよ、とやさしくいう。一緒に見ていた彼女に、そういうことって教えないとわからないもんかね? と訊いた。知恵の実を食った人類の末孫たる我々が。そう訊いてすぐ、いや、わからない子もいるか、と自分で提出した疑問をすぐに引っ込めた。小学校低学年くらいまで、体育の更衣って男女同じ教室じゃなかったっけ。
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kyokocanary777 · 6 months
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ohitsu-mogu · 3 months
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【最終列車と泣き止んだ あの空に溺れていく】
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g-men-movie · 8 months
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- Tokyo Clone (東京クローン) English Lyrics
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
道行く人の波は お手元の画面に涙
Destroy this unhappy, sob-story of a world
Waves of people in the street cry at the screens in their hands
Everyone’s emotions swing with their signal and they’re bugging out
Tell me the truth?
It’s the truth
Then look me in the eyes?
I’ve done the crying. I’ve clapped my hands so hard that I've cried
On the other side of every word
And behind that bareface you paid to fix, what’s your actual mental state?
今日も一日0点で完 はい
ぱっぱらぱなしで問題はない はい
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap. ‘Kay!
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share. ‘Kay!
All these annoying ideologies are bringing me down, so they’re going out with the unburnable garbage today
東京クローン 近未来は表の裏で踊る
映えない日常を捨てたら 今日から本当のボクら
東京クローン どうしてなんで 常識も何も壊せ
上下なんて関係ないぜ 好きに踊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, the near-future dances behind what’s on the surface
If we throw away these un-instagrammable lives, we could start being our real selves
Tokyo Clone, why are we like this? Common sense, anything, destroy it
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
Expose how the world is reflected in your eyes
Not like it matters if you make your deadlines
Each of these pasted masks
Act like they’re high-sense; what a disgrace
どうだっていいこと 有象無象を集めた
Pointless things draw the masses
That’s the monster this city is
あー切って貼って 正しいってなるなら
そりゃ結構 期待はしないぜ
Ah, cut and paste, as long as it becomes “right”
Anything you wish for can come true, apparently
Well, no thx. I’m not gonna get my hopes up
The cards I was born with
Decide the outcome of this gamble
There’s no way to cheat
This cheating game of life
長考したって何も変わらない どう転んでも
Thinking long and hard won’t change anything, this life doesn’t give out good lemons
I just want to get it all done and over with
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share
Not like I can change anything anyways
Let your delusions run wild
東京クローン 誰だって モラル トレンド被せ
消えない傷なんてむしろ特別さ 洒落て見えるぜ
東京クローン 似通った 服着てボクと歌おう
上下なんて関係ないぜ 好きに踊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, everyone, anyone, wear the morals and trends
Permanent wounds are what’s really special. They look lit as fuck
Tokyo Clone, I wear the same clothes as everyone elseー sing with me 
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
東京クローン wow
Wow 東京クローン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
For the nights you want to cry
東京クローン wow
wow 東京クローン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
We’re gonna go all out!
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
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girlytips · 2 years
An interesting article about the history of the leader of the Toyoko Kids, Howl. This details his yakuza background, how he used a false title of social worker to take control of the gang, the way he went about creating the current hierarchy within the gang, and the murder and child r*pe charges he currently faces. You can find more information on this man, the face of Toyoko Kids, by searching for 「歌舞伎町卍会」. This is not an innocent group. This is a gang currently led by a r*pist, with a hierarchy, that convinces kids, teens, and young adults to run away to the red-light district, is responsible for lynchings, stabbings, child prostitution, and drug dealing. This gang is why 地雷系 is associated with any aesthetics at all, because the runaway girls who work for this gang frequently donned a few pre-existing fashions to please Howl - to try to be his "type". This is the origin of "jirai kei" as the west knows it.
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yumartist · 5 months
ST☆RISH - ST☆RT OURS (Yuma Cover)
Glad that I have you in my life. 🌈😊
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