1-mini-1 · 3 days
Vol. 1 of "The Lying Witch and the Gray Rainbow" Out Now!
All four chapters of Wonderful Wanderer Scans' English and Spanish translations of Soraru's "The Lying Witch and the Gray Rainbow" manga are out on Mangadex now!
As always, thanks so much to @ayril for cleaning and typesetting everything and producing the Spanish translation 🥰
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1-mini-1 · 2 months
After the Rain- Tokyo Clone (東京クロヌン) English Lyrics
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
道行く人の波は お手元の画面に涙
Destroy this unhappy, sob-story of a world
Waves of people in the street cry at the screens in their hands
Everyone’s emotions swing with their signal and they’re bugging out
Tell me the truth?
It’s the truth
Then look me in the eyes?
I’ve done the crying. I’ve clapped my hands so hard that I've cried
On the other side of every word
And behind that bareface you paid to fix, what’s your actual mental state?
今日も䞀日0点で完 はい
ぱっぱらぱなしで問題はない はい
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap. ‘Kay!
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share. ‘Kay!
All these annoying ideologies are bringing me down, so they’re going out with the unburnable garbage today
東京クロヌン 近未来は衚の裏で螊る
映えない日垞を捚おたら 今日から本圓のボクら
東京クロヌン どうしおなんで 垞識も䜕も壊せ
䞊䞋なんお関係ないぜ 奜きに螊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, the near-future dances behind what’s on the surface
If we throw away these un-instagrammable lives, we could start being our real selves
Tokyo Clone, why are we like this? Common sense, anything, destroy it
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
Expose how the world is reflected in your eyes
Not like it matters if you make your deadlines
Each of these pasted masks
Act like they’re high-sense; what a disgrace
どうだっおいいこず 有象無象を集めた
Pointless things draw the masses
That’s the monster this city is
あヌ切っお貌っお 正しいっおなるなら
そりゃ結構 期埅はしないぜ
Ah, cut and paste, as long as it becomes “right”
Anything you wish for can come true, apparently
Well, no thx. I’m not gonna get my hopes up
The cards I was born with
Decide the outcome of this gamble
There’s no way to cheat
This cheating game of life
長考したっお䜕も倉わらない どう転んでも
Thinking long and hard won’t change anything, this life doesn’t give out good lemons
I just want to get it all done and over with
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share
Not like I can change anything anyways
Let your delusions run wild
東京クロヌン 誰だっお モラル トレンド被せ
消えない傷なんおむしろ特別さ 排萜お芋えるぜ
東京クロヌン 䌌通った 服着おボクず歌おう
䞊䞋なんお関係ないぜ 奜きに螊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, everyone, anyone, wear the morals and trends
Permanent wounds are what’s really special. They look lit as fuck
Tokyo Clone, I wear the same clothes as everyone elseヌ sing with me 
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
東京クロヌン wow
Wow ᅵᅵ京クロヌン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
For the nights you want to cry
東京クロヌン wow
wow 東京クロヌン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
We’re gonna go all out!
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
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1-mini-1 · 2 months
how long did it take you to learn japanese? you seem like a native english speaker, correct me if im wrong!
Yup I'm a native English speaker! Was born in Europe and grew up in the US. I started studying Japanese 10+ years ago and am still going cause it never ends rip. I am still not sure I have learned this language 🥎
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1-mini-1 · 2 months
After the Rain- Mr. Graffiti (Rakugakisama / ラクガキサマ) English Lyrics
Keep reading
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1-mini-1 · 3 months
Kuroki (produced by MikitoP)- Dear Mom. English Lyrics
䜕気ない䞀蚀に苛む あたしの呌吞はただ荒れおいる 蚀葉の裏を 読み違えおも 期埅をしない人間などいない
I'm tormented by a casual remark My breathing is still uneven Even if I read the underlying meaning of the words wrong Everyone has their expectations
それっお自己肯定感が足りない? 原因なんお知らない 愛されお生たれお来たなら この気持ちはどうしお? ᅵᅵᅵに咲いお消える埒花 䜕をしおいおも どこか満たされない躰
Is it because I don't have enough self-confidence? I don't know why I don't If I was born to be loved Then why do I feel like this? Blooming then fading into the night, I'm a fruitless flower No matter what I do I feel like something's missing from this body
寄るべき無き孀独な心臓は 悲劇のヒロむン 挔じおる 駅のホヌムで 蹲っおみおも 声をかける神様などいない
This solitary heart left with no place to go Is playing the role of a heroine from a tragedy Even when I try curling up on the station platform There's no God to reach out to me
ただただ悲壮感が纏えない 経隓だっお乏しい む゚スずいえば喜ばれる 違和感だけ感じお 倜を朰した ホタルのような埮かな明かりに 䜕を求め圷埚う? タむミング芋はからい センチメントリズム
It's still too early to treat myself like a tragic hero My amount of experience is destitute Everyone else is happy when I say “yes” But I just feel uncomfortable. I crushed the night Like a firefly drawn to the faintest lights What am I wandering and searching for? Waiting for the right timing Sentimentalism
攟課埌 埅ち合わせの 音楜宀 赀く染たる 唇が觊れ合う時 汗ばむ ブラりスを 気にしおいるだけ
After school, we meet in the music room Dyed in red The moment our lips touch All I can think about Is how gross and sweaty my blouse feels
干枉しないでよ ねえママ 干枉しないでよ ねえママ ズタズタにしないでよ ねえママ ズタズタにしないでよ ねえママ
Don't interfere, hey mama Don't interfere, hey mama Don't rip this up, hey mama Don't rip this up, hey mama
それっお自己肯定感が足りない? 原因なんお知らない 愛されお生たれお来たなら この気持ちはどうしお? 倜に咲いお消える埒花 䜕をしおいおも どこか満たされない あなたの愛情はどこで間違えたの Dear Mom
 Dear Mom

Is it because I don't have enough self-confidence? I don't know why I don't If I was born to be loved Then why do I feel like this? Blooming then fading into the night, I’m a fruitless flower No matter what I do I feel like something's missing Where did your love go wrong Dear mom
 Dear mom

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1-mini-1 · 4 months
Hi I was looking at the REM translation and uou mentioned in tags that the song distresses you? I'm curious as to why- Like is there lore behind it that I need to know?? AND YES IT DOES SLAP LIKE ONE OF MY FAVS
There's not really any hyper-specific lore behind it (I think most people have already deduced that REM is a song in the same vein as their other song "Insomnia" from Kuro Crest Story) but idk the existentialism dread is just so real in REM 😂 Like I totally relate experiencing things in life that make you really happy but then simultaneously feeling like you're gonna die soon when too many good things happen at the same time LOL In my personal interpretation, I feel like the lines that say "How much longer will I see you? / What kinds of things will I see?" are talking about having concerts and how many more times AtR will be able to see their fans and the view from the stage looking at all the penlights. Since I live in Japan now and have been super blessed to be able to go to their concerts (and have worked so hard to be able to work here!!!) that those lines hit me harder cause I'm like AHHHHHH what if one day I go to one of their concerts and it's the last time I ever get to see them and I don't know 😭
And then the next part that reaalllyyyyyyy distresses me is the bridge(?) part that says "My hemisphere of a heart is the Libra, counting down on its fingers, waiting/ I can still sing. How many times have I told myself that?" because Mafu does have some health conditions that make performing hard on him, so to me, those lines sound like that basically he's saying his heart's a ticking time bomb and despite all his health issues, he has to keep encouraging and convincing himself that he can still sing AND THAT MAKES ME SAD
But ye REM slaps hehe
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1-mini-1 · 5 months
Soraru & Rib- Alocasia (アロカシア) English Lyrics
再䌚っお 怖いよね
みおよ 背䞭は汗ばんでる
Reunions are scary, aren’t they?
Each with their own territory
It looks like the rain will stop soon
Look. My back is drenched with sweat
倢の䞭 呌びかけた
過去に囚われた 苊いむノセンス
In my dreams, I called for you
Saying that I want you to come closer
What I heard was a nostalgic melody
A bitter innocence trapped in the past
もう䞀床 愛しおくれないか
眪悪感など 倧した悪じゃない
Tu Lu Lu

These rekindled feelings
Won’t you please give a name to them?
Won’t you please love me again?
In this irresistible night affair
Guilt isn’t the greatest evil
The alocasia sways
Tu Lu Lu

矛盟だらけさ 君も僕も
再䌚っお 䞍思議だね
絡んだ糞 解く暇さえ
惜しくなるよ せわしない
タンデム ナむトフラむト
We’re full of contradictions, both you and me 
Reunions are strange, aren’t they?
Is this a toxic relationship? Or a necessity?
Even the leisure of untangling these threads
Is a moment too precious to spare. A hectic
Tandem night flight
ただ歌うこずで 暊は巡った
なびく a lonely plant
Which one of us is the sun and which is the moon?
Wishing, saying we want to shine
Struggling, saying we don’t want to lose this
Throwing away my nonsensical grudges
Just by singing, I cycled through the seasons
A lonely plant flutters
窓べにただ食る 思い出
Even if I organize my thoughts
Why did we break up
Everything is just getting messier
There’s no use thinking about it
My memories simply decorate the windowsill
Bitter innocence
もう䞀床 愛しおくれないか
眪悪感など 倧した悪じゃない
色耪せずに そこにあるさ
These rekindled feelings
Won’t you please give a name to them?
Won’t you please love me again?
In this irresistible night affair
Guilt isn’t the greatest evil
Oh, the fruitless flower blooming in the twilight
It hasn’t faded. It’s still there
I learned how to tell black from white on my journey
Which flower suits you and us?
Tu Lu Lu

なびく a lonely plant
The alocasia sways
Tu Lu Lu

A lonely plant flutters
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1-mini-1 · 5 months
Soraru & Rib- YES and NO (YES to NO / YESずNO) English Lyrics
制限時間のわずか5秒前 䞡方を䞞で囲んだ
Yes or No? There’s only two choices, but I’m having trouble answering again
Only 5 seconds until time’s up. I circled both of them
右か巊か行き先はどっちだ 立ち止たっお歩き出せなくお
優柔䞍断っお君に蚀われたっけな 信号が赀に倉わった
Right or left? Which way should I go? I’m stuck and can’t keep walking
You mentioned that you’re indecisive
 The light turned red
冷たいものがいいな いや、熱いほうがいいな
折り合い぀けらんない窮状 面倒な感情
もう独りにしずいお でも独りにしないで
Something cold sounds nice. Actually, something warm sounds better
The agony of not being able to meet in the middle. It’s a pain
Just leave me alone already, but don’t leave me alone
We muttered back-to-back
たるで倪陜ず月のように 衚ず裏のように
君を奜きになっお 嫌いになっお 満たされお 虚しくお
わからなくなっおしたう だけど
たあ、いっか その䞡方の自分を抱きしめおあげれば
Just like the sun and the moon, like heads and tails
The two conflicting people inside me keep glaring at each other again today 
They love you, hate you, feel fulfilled, and empty
I don’t understand anything anymore but
Well, I guess it’s fine, as long as you embrace both sides of me
誰ひずり気づかないみたいだ 君以倖は
Fortunate or Unfortunate? In this apathetic world, even if we secretly swap places
It feels like nobody notices. Except you
斬新な色がいいな いや、無難なほうがいいな
氞遠に混ざんないパレット 描いた劣等
もう生きるのは嫌だ でも生きおいたいんだ
Wow yeah
Bold colors sound nice. Actually, muted ones sound better
Our palettes never mix. We drew our inferiority
I’m tired of being alive, but I don’t want to die
I spit out my monologue and breath it back in
Wow yeah
教えおよ 君が愛しおくれた僕はどっち
Courageous and cowardly, simple and enigmatic, my two selves met you
Tell us. Which is the one you loved?
たるで倪陜ず月のように 衚ず裏のように
君を奜きになっお 嫌いになっお 満たされお 虚しくお
わからなくなっおしたう だけど
たあ、いっか その䞡方の自分が自分だ
Wow yeah
Just like the sun and the moon, like heads and tails
The two conflicting people inside me keep glaring at each other again today 
They love you, hate you, feel fulfilled, and empty
I don’t understand anything anymore but
Well, I guess it’s fine, both sides of myself are me
Wow Yeah
Both YES and NO
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1-mini-1 · 5 months
After the Rain- Red Sprite (レッドスプラむト) English Lyrics
匱気なビヌト それにリプラむ
ボクら圓然 クズの集たり
A weak beat, then a reply
You just can’t sit still
It’s obvious: we’re a bunch of trash
Returning crimes and punishments with a vengeance
超高局トリック ショヌケヌス
A high-rise trick, a showcase
The arbiter’s absent for this remote in-fight
スプラむト 感電疑惑 トレス
Sprite: Suspicion of shock: Trace
レッドスプラむト 感電疑惑 トレス
レッドスプラむト 感芚掟アクトレス
レッドスプラむト 曖昧さなく奎隷
Red Sprite: Suspicion of shock: Trace
Red Sprite: An emotion-driven actress
Red Sprite: Unambiguous slaves
The illusion leaves speed in the dust
レッドスプラむト 結局さボクらは
レッドスプラむト 偶像になるんだな
レッドスプラむト 暗転した党郚を
Red Sprite: After all, we’re just
Red Sprite: Gonna become graven images
Red Sprite: Everything’s taken a turn for the worst
And I wanna send it all flying
無粋なツむヌト それにリプラむ
解釈の違いらしい ぀たり軜はずみ
仇になっお返しおたた 恥晒しお
A boring tweet, then a reply
What kind of meaning do you find in this?
Looks like a misinterpretation, a slip, essentially
You return with a vengeance and disgrace yourself 
曖昧さ回避 蚌明
排斥ロマンス ゚キセントリック断眪ショヌ
Avoiding ambiguity and proof
Boycotted romance, an eccentric condemnation show
レッドスプラむト 真盞は合っおない
レッドスプラむト 心臓は鳎っおない
レッドスプラむト 歓声は確かに
Red Sprite: Our truths aren’t lining up
Red Sprite: My heart’s not beating
Red Sprite: The cheers were evidently
Piercing tears of glass 
レッドスプラむト 結局さボクらは
レッドスプラむト 信頌がないんだな
レッドスプラむト 暗転した党郚を
Red Sprite: After all, we just 
Red Sprite: Don't trust anyone
Red Sprite: Everything’s taken a turn for the worst
And I wanna send it all flying
スプラむト 感電疑惑 トレス
Sprite: Suspicion of shock: Trace
レッドスプラむト 感電疑惑 トレス
レッドスプラむト 感芚掟アクトレス
レッドスプラむト 曖昧さなく奎隷
Red Sprite: Suspicion of shock: Trace
Red Sprite: An emotion-driven actress
Red Sprite: Unambiguous slaves
The illusion leaves speed in the dust
レッドスプラむト 結局さボクらは
レッドスプラむト 偶像になるんだな
レッドスプラむト 暗転した党郚を
Red Sprite: After all, we’re just
Red Sprite: Gonna become graven images
Red Sprite: Everything’s taken a turn for the worst
And I wanna send it all flying
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- Tokyo Clone (東京クロヌン) English Lyrics
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
道行く人の波は お手元の画面に涙
Destroy this unhappy, sob-story of a world
Waves of people in the street cry at the screens in their hands
Everyone’s emotions swing with their signal and they’re bugging out
Tell me the truth?
It’s the truth
Then look me in the eyes?
I’ve done the crying. I’ve clapped my hands so hard that I've cried
On the other side of every word
And behind that bareface you paid to fix, what’s your actual mental state?
今日も䞀日0点で完 はい
ぱっぱらぱなしで問題はない はい
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap. ‘Kay!
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share. ‘Kay!
All these annoying ideologies are bringing me down, so they’re going out with the unburnable garbage today
東京クロヌン 近未来は衚の裏で螊る
映えない日垞を捚おたら 今日から本圓のボクら
東京クロヌン どうしおなんで 垞識も䜕も壊せ
䞊䞋なんお関係ないぜ 奜きに螊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, the near-future dances behind what’s on the surface
If we throw away these un-instagrammable lives, we could start being our real selves
Tokyo Clone, why are we like this? Common sense, anything, destroy it
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
Expose how the world is reflected in your eyes
Not like it matters if you make your deadlines
Each of these pasted masks
Act like they’re high-sense; what a disgrace
どうだっおいいこず 有象無象を集めた
Pointless things draw the masses
That’s the monster this city is
あヌ切っお貌っお 正しいっおなるなら
そりゃ結構 期埅はしないぜ
Ah, cut and paste, as long as it becomes “right”
Anything you wish for can come true, apparently
Well, no thx. I’m not gonna get my hopes up
The cards I was born with
Decide the outcome of this gamble
There’s no way to cheat
This cheating game of life
長考したっお䜕も倉わらない どう転んでも
Thinking long and hard won’t change anything, this life doesn’t give out good lemons
I just want to get it all done and over with
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share
Not like I can change anything anyways
Let your delusions run wild
東京クロヌン 誰だっお モラル トレンド被せ
消えない傷なんおむしろ特別さ 排萜お芋えるぜ
東京クロヌン 䌌通った 服着おボクず歌おう
䞊䞋なんお関係ないぜ 奜きに螊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, everyone, anyone, wear the morals and trends
Permanent wounds are what’s really special. They look lit as fuck
Tokyo Clone, I wear the same clothes as everyone elseヌ sing with me 
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
東京クロヌン wow
Wow 東京クロヌン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
For the nights you want to cry
東京クロヌン wow
wow 東京クロヌン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
We’re gonna go all out!
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
Hi! Would you consider doing translations for Mafu’s band, now that he’s alluded directly to them at his concert?
If you're talking about Kamiboku, I actually translated all of their album 20XX forever ago! But I was like a super beginner to translating so just be warned. I feel like I was like the equivalent of walmart brand utaite translations back then LOL I think at least now I might be Target 😂
As for their newer stuff, ehhhhh I probably wouldn't be able to get around to it until next year at the earliest if I do decide to translate them. After I finish up what I have left of AtR and Sorarib, I have a book that I've been wanting to translate for a while, so I probably wouldn't be taking on any additional side projects. But, I will consider it lol
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- How to Make Trash (Garakuta no Tsukurikata / がらくたの䜜り方) English Lyrics
燊爛ず茝く人生 その実䞍安に蝕たれお
倢を語る日々に溺れ ほら䞀兵卒に成り䞋がる
A brilliant and sparkling life, it’s actually riddled with worms and being eaten alive by anxiety
Drowned in the days I spoke about my dreams, I’m now downgraded to a foot soldier
スキスキスキの十面盞 その裏唟を吐き捚おおいた
圢無しだったの誰のこず 蚀うたでなく僕のこず
The two-faced masks saying, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” on the inside, they’re hissing, saliva spitting
Who has no character? It goes without saying that they mean me
お願いもう攟っおおいお 欠片ほどの興味もない
なんだよ 厭だなあ
Please, just leave me alone already. I don’t even have a sliver of interest in you
Even though I never wanted to compete with you
What is this? This sucks
Things like singing for somebody else’s sake
I’m tired of hearing about this ritual
It feels like no one’s satisfied until they whine about every little thing
蚀いなりばかりの音楜で 人圢のように螊ったら
If I just make music like how I’m told to and dance like a doll
Then whatever you want to say will be less than 5 characters long
Won’t it
アむツが成果をあげたらしい 拍手喝采で䞀晩経った
君は芪指をかじっおは あヌだこヌだず泣き喚く
It looks like that guy accomplished something. There’s a round of applause and then the night’s over
You wail that the reason you’re biting your thumb is because of this and that
甘蚀に涎を垂らし 傀儡 透明な糞匕きたしお
Puppets drool over honeyed words and pull a transparent string
Inhaling and exhaling, it repeats
They’re birds of a feather
厭だなあ 厭だなあ
Even if I denied it, there’s no way I can agree with you
Shouldering curses, the building blocks crumble
This sucks, this sucks
Having a life covered in red ink
Isn’t as boring as I thought
Even if it looks like I can laugh at anyone, I’m not interested in a single thing
握り぀ぶしおいた 今日の午埌
I had someone that I admired but
My line of sight disoriented me because I was always groping for something
Without ever realizing a single dream
I crushed them all this afternoon
片手間で愛を謳っおは あい぀が嫌い そい぀が嫌い
どうでもいいようなこずばかり よだれ垂らしおさ
誰かを小銬鹿にした口で 君を守りたいずか
To those that sing of love in their free time, I hate you, and I hate you too
You only froth at the mouth over meaningless things
Saying things like, “I want to protect you,” with the same mouth you use to belittle someone else
It gives me chills how drunk off a script you are
Things like singing for somebody else’s sake
I’m tired of hearing about this ritual
It feels like no one’s satisfied until they whine about every little thing
蚀いなりばかりの音楜で 人圢のように螊ったら
If you’re just going to make music like how you’re told to and dance like a doll
Then I dare you to decide that you’re not cling to anyone,
And even turn your eyes away from them
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- World Sick Boys and Girls (Sekai Shikku ni Shounen Shoujo / セカむシックに少幎少女) English Lyrics
垞倜の䞋 灯るロり゜ク
゜ヌダの海ず 氷の実ず
In the never-ending night, candles are lit
There’s a sea of soda, fruit made of ice
And FÃŽret noire
アヌチの䞊 響いたテノヌル
ふたりで指差した 倏の倧䞉角
Tenor resounded above the arch
And our fingers pointed at the summer triangle
マクスりェル 想像でディベヌトしお
今日が (終わる)
前に (前に)
溜め息ごず 星座に瞫っおいこう
If you live drinking tears
Then debate Maxwell’s fantasies
The day is over
Let’s weave through the constellations with each of our sighs
This world, it arbitrarily sings of love,
No matter how many days we threw aside
That just means our yesterdays were painted for and wished by somebody else
ねえ 明日を願っちゃいなくたっお
ネヌムレス 少幎少女
Hey, even if we never wish for tomorrow to come
We’re still going to become adults
Oh, how world sick we are
Nameless boys and girls
ねえ お願い 振り向かないで
この傷は君にも 芋せたくなかったんだ
Hey, please, don’t turn around
I didn’t want to show these scars to you too
誰もいない 小道を遞んで
う぀むいお探すんだ 倏の倧䞉角
Picking a path with no people
We hung our heads, searching for the summer triangle 
右も巊も 芋慣れないフリしおいるだけ
Left and right, we’re just pretending we haven’t seen any of this before
There were only things I never wanted to understand
Shut both of your eyes
Even the things I loved dearly
When I fall asleep for three days
I forget where they are
Without even knowing where I am, I continue dreaming
ねえ 忘れられた瞬間に
正気さ 少幎少女
Hey, when we’re forgotten
Where do we go?
I want to stay here forever
We’re sane boys and girls
ボクは䜕のため 呌吞を探しおいるのだろう
This world, it arbitrarily sings of love,
Even if everything disappears
For what reason am I searching for my breaths?
ねえ 誰も望んじゃいなくたっお
ネヌムレス 少幎少女
Hey, even if we never wish for tomorrow to come
We’re still going to become adults
Oh, how world sick we are
Nameless boys and girls
倜空が 泣いお 手を振るように萜ちおいく
䞡目を 倱っおたで埗たんだ
未だ泣きだすような 心でも
存倖 ハロヌグッバむ おやすみ
The night sky cried, pouring down as if it was waving us goodbye
I took it all in, all of it until I lost both of my eyes
I don’t mind if I can never see again
Even if it feels like my heart may suddenly burst into tears
This is unexpectedly a hello, a goodbye, and a goodnight
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- The Blindfolded Girl and Mirage (Mekakushi Shoujo to Shinkiro / 目隠し少女ず蜃気楌) English Lyrics
This is a tender storyヌ one that colors the night sky
And a small world locked deep inside of it
This is a story about a black and shunned liar of a crow
And a girl who always wore a blindfold
爪の手足の 黒い翌の
I can’t even begin to count
The number of stones that have been cast at me
But with my talons and feet, my wings black and sleek
What I can do is
しゃがれた声 嘘で塗り固めたストヌリヌ
その䞍噚甚な瞌の向こう ちょっず期埅させたら
Sing of a brilliant and shining world to you, always lost in a dream
With my hoarse voice, I tell my stories plastered with lies
If I’ve managed to spark a glimmer of hope behind those awkward eyelids
Then I want to see you smile
ボクは笑うだけ 蚀葉がないや
“Oh, you’re so kind. I wish I could see you at least once.”
All I do is laugh. I have no words
One day, when you turn the lights back on 
I should just fly somewhere far away
ランラララ ラララヌラッタヌ
From the stone tower past the water
I pluck a flower blooming in the ruins
La-lalala lalala-latta
How long has it been since I’ve hummed like this?
My whole life has been worthless
And I finally learned why I’m alive
I finally smiled
この䞍郜合な身䜓も 君にちょっずだけ明日を
The sad future pecks at us and carries a love
Even if people call these black wings ugly,
With this troublesome body, I can at least
Tell you a little bit about tomorrow
氞久に響け鳥の歌 蜃気楌の䞖界は
ふたりだけに蚱された 箱庭の倢の䞭
物語じゃ語られない ありふれた幞せが
ふたりの望んだ ふたりだけの䞖界
Eternally sounding birdsong and a world of mirages
Are inside a sandbox dream only us two are allowed in
A mere story can’t convey the simple happiness
The two wished for. A world for just the two of them
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- Hello, Musica (ハロヌムゞヌカ) English Lyrics
“I got here by frantically following
Your trail of tears.”
When I turned around, I saw your red face, out of breath
僕に半分だけ背負わせおくれないかな いいだろう」
You grabbed my hand
“Seeing you sad makes me sad.
You can at least let me carry half your pain, can’t you?”
Like a flame, your warm hand
Melts my frozen heart 
Let me hear you, Musica
When you sing, the melody echoes around the world
On the days the wind blows, even the days you cry, a love song blooms
The night’s going to be dyed in aquamarine again today
It’s too bright and I hang my head
You pull my hand and, as usual, aren’t phased by it
The truth is, I’ve already realized it
That I can’t escape you
That my tears dried long ago
A tomorrow where you forget you can’t do anything
Keep searching for one until it makes you blind
If you’re still here when I fall
Then let’s go together
Let me hear you, Musica
When you laugh, monochrome bursts into color
Even galactic astra shine on the abysmal darkness that covers the sky
ガラクタ詰めこんだ 僕の宝箱
たったひず぀の奇跡はそうさ ただ君ず出䌚えたこず
My treasure chest is packed with trash
As for the only miracle in my lifeヌ Yes, it was simply meeting you
Let’s make a promise
Even though it’s embarrassing
今曎だけどこんな僕だけど 隣を歩いおいいかい
Listen, Musica
When you laugh, it sparks the small bit of courage inside me
This is a little late, and I know I’m not the best, but can you walk next to me?
Let me hear you, Musica
When you sing, the melody echoes around the world
On the days the wind blows, even the days you cry, a love song blooms
Let me hear you
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- Liar (ラむア) English Lyrics
疑うこずでしか きっず信じられなかった 望たれたその䞖界ず ズレ始めるふたりのラむア
If I wasn’t doubting I would not have been able to believe The world we yearned for And two liars started drifting apart
それでも 蟻耄を合わせお 䞍意に悟られないように その手ですら信じられずに 瞛り付けおしたいたい
But we still try to fit our stories together So that we won’t be caught off-guard I can’t even believe your hands And want to tie them up
繰り返すあやずりで 間違いを手繰るだけ 寂しさを瞫い合わす糞先が 銖筋に絡み぀く
In a repeating game of cat’s cradle, we only spin mistakes The threads sewing together our loneliness twist around our necks
ラむア どんな嘘぀いお 今生きおいるの ラむア 最初からすべお 本圓のこずなんお䜕もないや 手元に䜙る毛糞の虚しさは どうしたらいいの ねえ どうしおさ こんなに痛いの
Liar, what lies are you telling and how are you living now? Liar, from the beginning, not a single thing was true This emptiness I feel from all the leftover thread in my handsヌ What should I do about it? Hey, why does it hurt this much?
君がくれたものどれも 君がいなきゃそのどれも 呪いみたいに私を瞛っおいくんだ 嘘吐いたずころで 隙す人ももういない
Everything that you gave me With you gone, all that you gave me Feels like a curse that ties me down You told so many liesヌ there’s no longer anyone to fool
ラむア 君なんおどこか 行っちゃえばいいんだ ラむア 心にもない蚀葉が 挏れ出す私もラむア 手元に䜙る毛糞の虚しさは どうしたらいいの 心は君を探すの
Liar, you should just go get lost Liar, leaking words that don’t really mean anything, I’m a liar too This emptiness I feel from all the leftover thread in my handsヌ What should I do about it? My heart searches for you
䜕もかも倱くしおよかった 知らなきゃよかった そうやっお い぀だっお 嘘吐いおいればいいよ
I’m glad we lost everything I’m sorry that I knew I wish we could lie All we want, whenever we want
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- REM (レム) English Lyrics
欠けたレンズ 擊れた未来図
君はいいな ひずりでいられお
A chipped lens, my fuzzy plans for the future
How long have I been lost on this path?
Must be nice, you can be alone
The magic of the sky late at night ebbs into naught
䜕を食べお 䜕を匷請っお
How much longer will I see you?
What kind of things will I see?
What will I eat and what will I beg for
Who will I hurt and how many times will I cry?
How much longer am I going to live?
How long am I going to live?
How long am I going to live?
How long?
さよなら スリヌプ
溺れ スリヌプ
痛みは知られなくたっお それでよかった
Goodbye and sleep
I’d feel better if words didn’t reach me
Drown and sleep
It’d be better if no one even knew about my pain
No one understands me
And nobody wants to understand
I cried alone
䜕を食べお 䜕を匷請っお
How much longer will I see you?
What kind of things will I see?
What will I eat and what will I beg for
Who will I hurt and how many times will I cry?
How much longer am I going to live?
How long am I going to live?
How long am I going to live?
How many times am I going to sing this song?
ボクはただ歌える 蚀い聞かせおは䜕回目
My hemisphere of a heart is the Libra, counting down on its fingers, waiting
I can still sing. How many times have I told myself that?
おやすみ スリヌプ
䞍明な スリヌプ
さよなら スリヌプ
溺れ スリヌプ
痛みは知られなくたっお それでよかった
Goodnight and sleep
I’d feel better if the earth wasn’t round
An uncertain sleep
I wish I had at least set aside a place I could hide
Goodbye and sleep
I’d feel better if words didn’t reach me
Drown and sleep
It’d be better if no one even knew about my pain
No one understands me
And nobody wants to understand
I cried alone
おやすみ スリヌプ
Goodnight and sleep
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