playitagin · 1 year
1991 - Jiang Qing
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Jiang Qing[江青] (19 March 1914 – 14 May 1991), also known as Madame Mao, was a Chinese communistrevolutionary, actress, and major political figure during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). She was the fourth wife of Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Communist Party and Paramount leader of China. She used the stage nameLan Ping (藍蘋) during her acting career (which ended in 1938), and was known by many other names. Jiang was best known for playing a major role in the Cultural Revolution and for forming the radical political alliance known as the "Gang of Four".
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Mao's death in 1976 dealt a significant blow to Jiang's political fortunes. She was arrested in October 1976 by Hua Guofeng and his allies, and was subsequently condemned by party authorities. Since then, Jiang has been officially branded as having been part of the "Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counter-Revolutionary Cliques"[1] (林彪江青反革命集团), to which most of the blame for the damage and devastation caused by the Cultural Revolution was assigned. Though she was initially sentenced to death, her sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in 1983. After being released for medical treatment, Jiang died by suicide in May 1991.
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【 #故事會 】「四人幫」落網秘辛?是何特殊經歷讓農民出身的他38歲成為中共副主席?他憑什麼成為毛澤東選定的第三個接班人?一起來瞭解王洪文鬱鬱而...
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nimph03 · 8 months
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metal-cn · 8 months
それ、言い訳に、しちょるんかいな?まさか、投稿のつもり?浮いた、業界っぽすぎて???終わったやねんとも。悪知恵には、それなりに、善知でも、備えたら?lose my happy home...許可取って、流したら?待受なんかでさね。なぜか?そいつら、へたしたら、提訴、判決確定、同執行を以て自己破産?
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weidunews · 1 year
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sinoeurovoices · 2 years
中國共產黨是「打天下坐天下」,從「家天下」走進了「黨天下」,法不法的,自然是「黨大於法」。我們聽說律師這名詞,还是从六十年代時的一部故事片《風暴》中獲悉的,演員金山扮演「二七大罷工」的領導人之一施洋律師。 律師一職,走進中國社會,走進百姓的意識中,那是1980年歲末審判林彪、江青集團案時,第一次出現了辯護律師,張思之律師也隨之走進了中國社會,走進了千家萬戶視覺裏。「六四」事件後,張思之律師參與了鮑彤、魏京生、高瑜、王軍濤等政治犯的辯護。張思之是中國第一代律師,是「泰鬥級人物」,一個幾乎沒有打贏過一場官司的律師,卻在法律界被尊稱為「中國最偉大的律師」。 張思之也並不是有求必應。高瑜在一篇文章裏說了一件往事:「二〇〇六年五月,陳希同保外就醫,曾聘請張思之大律師為他申訴辯護。張思之看到他作為欽犯的生活環境,三層小樓,專職秘書、專職司機、專職大師傅(他自己點名要的),除了有個穿便衣的警察班子…
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capricorn-mitsu · 7 days
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nekoya7g · 4 months
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asterparfait · 6 months
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toukentober day 28: lantern (nikkari)
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racequeenparadise · 5 months
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Kasumi Kamijo, Megumi Haruna, Megu Aoyama and Tomomi Morie, Subaru BRZ GT Gals Breeze (2013)
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chinesehanfu · 1 year
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[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Tang Dynasty(618-906 A.D)Traditional Clothing Photoshoot
【About Hairstyle “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”】
During the Tang Dynasty, Li Shan(李善) quoted "record of the Customs/《风俗通》" recorded : “‘堕马髻者,侧在一边’,......始自梁冀所为,京师翁然皆效之”。
 ( “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]” is a hairstyle with a side hair bun. It was created by Liang Ji's family and later imitated by the people in the capital.)
The characteristic of this hairstyle is that the hair hangs sideways to the shoulders, and a lock of hair is separated from the bun to scatter freely. If  combine with “啼妆(Makeup that make people look like they are crying)” and “愁眉(sad looking brows)“, it will look like a woman who has just fallen from a horse, which can increase a woman's sense of charm.
The“堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”appeared again during the Tianbao era(742–756) of the Tang Dynasty, and became popular during the Zhenyuan period(785–805) of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, some people described the shape of roses hanging down and petals gently touch the ground, like the hairstyle “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”. “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”has slightly changed from generation to generation, but its basic characteristics, the sideways and inverted shapes, have not changed. “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]” is mainly favored by married middle-aged women.
“堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]” hairstyle originated in the Han Dynasty, during the Han Dynasty, "《后汉书∙卷六十四∙列传第二十四∙梁冀》" recorded:
Liang Ji(梁冀)'s wife Sun Shou(孙寿) is very beautiful and good at being "bewitching”. She make “愁眉(sad looking brows)“,“啼妆(Makeup that make people look like they are crying)”,as shown below:
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“堕马髻(comb your hair bun on one side)” ,”折腰步(refers to swinging the waist when walking)”, as shown below:
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“龋齿笑(Refers to a woman's intentionally contrived smile that looks like a toothache, although is very happy inside, woman don’t laugh out loud)”, she thinking these makeup & action that will make her very cute and to attract men.
Sun Shou is jealousy because she can subdue his husband Liang Ji. Liang Ji dotes on her very much, but is also afraid of her.Sun Shou's actions and the makeup she created were deeply loved by women in the imperial city of the Han Dynasty at that time, and they imitated her. And this trend gradually spread to other cities.
which has record in  《搜神记∙卷六∙梁冀妻》:
But these trend is actually portending a tragic end.
Heaven warned: "The army will come to arrest, the women are sad, frowning and crying; the officials and jailers push and kick, break their waists and spines, and make their hair buns tilt; even if they are forced to talk and laugh, they will no longer have that mood." 
In the second year of Yanxi(159 AD), the whole clan and family of Liang Ji's was exterminated.
In Chinese history, it is not difficult to found that when a kind of makeup or fashion that tends to show"sad”,“crying" etc,and becomes popular among women. In many cases,It heralds the imminent demise of a dynasty.
Just like the "Blood Halo Makeup/血晕妆" in the late Tang era and popular in the Han, Tang and Southern Song Dynasty brows makeup “愁眉(sad looking brows)“.When these makeups appeared, the empire also getting weakened.
Therefore, Chinese literati and scholars of in history criticized these fashion/trend, and believed that it was a sign of the collapse of the country.
📸Recreation Work & 🧚🏻‍♀️Model: @-盥薇-
🛍️Hanfu:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-21304955845.18.1b7ccf3ekxddWc&id=703584063035 & https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-21304955845.20.1b7ccf3ekxddWc&id=703118697215
Comb: @江琛复古生活馆
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briefenthusiastlight · 6 months
【百年真相】清華首位女教授 為何進秦城監獄?
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ヴィーナスフォート 観覧車 噴水広場 VenusFort
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metal-cn · 10 months
木や。登記性や。The rights for trees of JPN can be registered if they live.なお、悪質な工作員については、cf.see吉見著。
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mamuzzy · 3 months
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NEW TOUKEN RANBU ANIME IN APRIL I'M SO HYPED!!!! If I don't get my emotionally damaged and traumatized batch boys, I'll get my emotinally damaged and traumatized sword boys at least~
Quick portrait sketches, this time featuring the ELEG4NT aka: Nikkari Aoe, Kasen Kanesada, Souza Samonji and Hachisuka Kotetsu.
Souza: Nikkari, you don't fit here. Hachisuka: Don't be mean, Souza Samonji! Kasen: I have to agree with Souza here, Nikkari's haircolor disrupting our perfect, harmonious aesthetic. Nikkari: I don't know what you're talking about, love, I think green is undeniably a beautiful shade of purple.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 3 months
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I've made another version of that Touken Ranbu x Repcomm crossover art... :D
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