blue-belta · 1 year
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#おやつ絵日記 と 好きな #カップアンドソーサー 。 おやつ絵日記を描いているのは、 #ターレンスジャパン の #絵を描く手帳 の正方形タイプです。 以前は正方形は描きにくいと思っていたのですが、今はとっても好き。 しかも分割するとまた違う楽しさが生まれるんですよね。 見返す時も小さな絵本のようでワクワクするんです。 ですので、 #fantist さんのレッスンはこのおやつ絵日記です。 もちろんキットにもこの手帳を付けました。 それから、カップを描いているのは、 #トラベラーズノート の #accordionfoldpaper 、 #ジャバラノート のパスポートサイズです。 ジャバラノート、好きなんですよね。 このノートは表裏で13面、他のノートに比べると早く描き終えることができるのだ、達成感がうれしい。 次はレギュラーサイズに何か描くつもり(もう買った(笑)) 絵日記って本当に楽しい♪ それから、絵日記とは関係ないのですが、 #月刊day さんの連載が3月号で終わりました。 2枚目の画像を見てね。 1年間、 #塗り絵 と #色鉛筆 の記事を書かせていただきました。 初めての連載で、毎回悩みながらも楽しい時間で、今は肩の荷を下ろしてホッとしている反面、ちょっと寂しさも感じています。 スタッフの皆さまには本当にお世話になりました。 ありがとうございました。 #art #coloredpencil #drawing #pensketch #watercolor #artcreation #travelersnotebook #ペンスケッチ #水彩 #グスタフスベリ #ベルサ #レッドアスター #1日1絵 #イラストグラム #今日何描いた #今日何描こう #絵を描く暮らし https://www.instagram.com/p/CohZHqMpAKt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catvcr · 2 years
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Reanimator, Day of the Dead and Sweet Home Manga adaptations from Monthly Halloween.
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koch-snowflake-blog · 4 months
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森 香澄は、日本のタレント、グラビアアイドル、フリーアナウンサー。seju所属。元テレビ東京のアナウンサー。 ウィキペディア
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出生地: 東京都
生年月日: 1995年6月16日 (年齢 28歳)
学歴: 東京女子大学, 東京都立新宿高等学校
身長: 154 cm
テレビ番組: たとえあなたを忘れても, アルコ&ピースの六本木で恐竜を科学する, FOOT×BRAIN
公式サイト: 森 香澄 | seju - GROVE株式会社
出演経歴: 『THEカラオケ★バトル』; 『よじごじDays』; 『パラパラParavi』; 『マネーのまなび』; 『CHOTeN 〜今週、誰を予想する?〜』
2024年2月28 日にファースト写真集『すのかすみ。』(幻冬舎)を発売予定
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precuredaily · 29 days
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Once again the calendar has reached the lovely day of April 4 (three weeks ago)! That means it is (was) the birthday of my favorite Precure, Yukishiro Honoka! 20 years after her series she would be about 34 years old today, if she were real.
It's no great secret that the formula for the original series was taking two girls from opposite walks of life and teaming them up, to represent the strength of friendship. Honoka's charm was her intelligence and pursuit of science, while remaining kind and fairly humble despite her wealthy background. Without Nagisa's influence she probably wouldn't be taking many risks, and without Honoka's influence, Nagisa would probably be dead. Well, neither of them would be Precure so probably not, but both would definitely be worse off.
I haven't actually watched Otona Precure yet, but it is my understanding that Black and White appear at the very end of the last episode, looking the same as ever. I'm not clear if they have any dialog. The Kamikta Twins (the most consistently quality part of this fandom) released a piece of artwork that included aged up designs for Nagisa and Honoka. I have to assume they're official and Toei-sanctioned.
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Last year, I said I hoped for an Otona-style sequel to FWPC. The middling to negative reception of the series has me second guessing that. But the art is nice.
As always, enjoy the gallery and congratulations to Honoka, and of course thanks to everyone involved in creating and bringing her to life: Character designer Iganami Akira, series director Nishio Daisuke, series composition/head writer Kawasaki Ryo, voice actress Yukana, and more.
Art credits (in order):
Kamikita Twins https://twitter.com/kamikitafutago/status/1729634086849855800
Camille☆ https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117523421
Rakugaki Shitagari-ya https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117523771
Uzukun https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117530711
Mishima https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532584
Xiao Mo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532942
Myarikuru https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532942
Yumikosky https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117543640
Luna Rune https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117547004
🌈 honagino 🌈 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117543627
Touka https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117551553
kobo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117551713
paretto https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117552049
doragodorago https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117553638
GiulliaGT Art https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117557408
Naaga https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117620871
Nanakusa Gaiyu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117641037
Toyarinomu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532148
Matsu-chan https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117586520
Funari https://twitter.com/Funakounasoul/status/1775661044196610501
Mece Pokeee https://twitter.com/mece_pokeee/status/1775724041355325674
Funari https://twitter.com/Funakounasoul/status/1775754583672844323
lilac❁୭* https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117549533
BLOODOCTOPUS https://twitter.com/kihari561208/status/1775921798179385603
Bonus comics:
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Kato Kyoka https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117525210
TL: p1 N: Happy birthday Honoka! H: Thank you Nagisa! N: Isn't it nice, you're older than me. It's not fair… H: Come on, that's not really something to be jealous of, is it? H: But when I think about it
p2 H: If I'd been born 3 days earlier, I'd be a grade higher than you. N: That's true… it's really close… N: *stare* N: Thank goodness we're in the same grade! Thank you! *squeeze* H: Eh, um, y…. y-y-y-y-you're welcome…?
And this one I didn't have time to translate:
Links to previous birthday posts: 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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soimort · 2 years
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横野すみれ - Twitter - Sat 15 Oct 2022
いよいよ明日は月刊エンタメ表紙記念&フォトブックお渡し会イベントや〜🌻 Finally, tomorrow is the day for the Monthly Entame cover commemoration & photobook handover event~🌻 みんな気をつけて来てね!おやすみ😚 #すータメ #SUMIREgraph Take care when you come, everyone! Good night😚 #Suutame #SUMIREgraph
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asnowperson · 1 month
Where it all started...
Platypus, the preserver of manga history, showed this page he scanned from a 1978 issue of Monthly Manga Shounen (月刊マンガ少年) to me. It was great seeing a manga artist, Minamoto Tarou, acknowledged the importance of Fire! even back then, and hailed it as the grandmother of the 70s bishounen manga.
Here's a quick translation for you.
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Monthly Manga Shounen, issue no. 1978/8
Minamoto Tarou
Speaking of show business, when I was watching Yamaguchi Momoe sing “Playback” on TV the other day, I was suddenly reminded of Takakura Ken’s youth. Her dreamy gaze when she sings, how she looks slightly bashful when her song ends... She was almost the spitting image of Ken-san of the past. Is it that there’s something "manly" in a woman’s charm? Or does a man’s masculinity has something akin to femininity? ...And it brings me to the topic of male-male romance manga drawn by women. Things took off after manga like Mo-sama’s “Gymnasium” or “Thomas”, and Takemiya Keiko-shi’s “Yuki to Hoshi to Tenshi to.” And until now, there has been a plethora of works in that vein, and every magazine you pick up today sure to be full of such works. But when did it really start? When I think about it, Mizuno Hideko-shi shines bright. Yes, I'm talking about “Fire!” “For the first time in my life, I loved someone more than I did my mother: Fire Wolf.” Didn’t this whole world came to be in young Aaron’s cries as he was breaking down in tears  before the flames of the explosion that killed Wolf? This is what I think.
**Insert fangirl squee here!**
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j-rock101 · 1 year
文法:〜ては(If・Because + Bad Result/Whenever ~/Repetitive Actions)
In spoken Japanese, ては and では become the contractions ちゃ and じゃ respectively.
We’ve seen ては combine with phrases like ならない、だめ、いけない to mean something that you “must not do.” However, ては has several different uses.
If・Because + Bad Result
Aては、B。 (A[普通形]+のでは、B。)* If/Because A, then B (Bad Result).
This is the base form for the grammars てはいけない and しなくちゃならない. ては is a conditional whose usage is very similar to ~たら, but while ~たら is neutral, ては carries a negative implication. It's used to express a negative result due to some action, or even just one's negative reaction to that action.* While it's common to see it paired with だめ・ならない・いけない like in the above grammars, it is not limited to those endings.
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先輩 ついてきちゃ意味ないです[ビクッ] Senpai, there's no point if you're just going to follow me. [Startled] [Speaker is on an errand from Senpai to fetch a drink.]
(『月刊少女野崎くん』 Girl’s Monthly Nozaki-kun,vol. 1 by Izumi Tsubaki)
Of course, depending on the translation, these alternate endings can still carry the meaning of "that must (not) be."
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未来の僕の奥さんに傷が残っちゃ大変だ It would be a problem if my future wife were scarred. (= I can't allow my future wife to be scarred.)
(『魔法使いの嫁』 The Ancient Magus' Bride, vol. 1 by Yamazaki Kore)
Whenever ~
While て-form is used to simply connect two clauses to indicate a simple sequence of actions, ては is used to describe an action that keeps happening. In this case, ては is only formed from verbs.*
A(Verb) て、B。 When A, then B. A(Verb) ては、B。 Whenever A, then B.
These actions are habitual, with B happening every time A occurs. This meaning is not necessarily negative, and the phrase is not repeated.* *
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そっ!あの赤いの行ったとこ 世界のいろんなとこ見たくてさ バイトで金貯めちゃ旅してんだ Yeah! Those red pins are the places I've been. See, I really wanna travel all over the world, And I go on a trip whenever I save up enough money working part-time.
(『あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。』 Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, vol. 1 by Okada Mari and Izumi Mitsu)
ては can be used to emphasize two actions happening over and over, similar to ~たり~たりする. However, while たり gives several examples (out of many), ては really stresses the repetition.* These two actions can be completely unrelated, even opposite actions. The ては phrase can be repeated twice, or the order of the verbs even inverted to further emphasize the repetition. This form is only formed from verbs.
A(Verb) ては、B。 Do A and B repeatedly, every day, constantly, always. A(Verb) ては、B、AてはB。 Repeatedly A-ing and B-ing, A-ing and B-ing. A(Verb) ては、B、BてはA。 Repeatedly A-ing and B-ing, B-ing and A-ing.
When repeated twice, the two actions are opposites (ex: turn on and off, draw and erase, eat and sleep.)*
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だから何度も目覚めては 確認するにゃ So I keep opening my eyes over and over, just to check. [To keep the cat pun, consider: "meowny times" instead of "over and over".]
(『おじさまと猫』 A Man and His Cat, vol. 1, by Sakurai Umi)
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白と黒の2つの神様がいました 白の神様はみんなに喜びを与えてやりました しかし黒の神様はそれを取り上げては悪さばかりしていました There were two gods, one white, one black. The white god bestowed joy upon everyone. However, the black god constantly took that joy away, and wrought only evil. [Language purposely elevated to keep the fairy tale/mythic feel.]
(『とつくにの少女』 The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún, vol. 1 by Nagabe)
On top of the 3 usages above, Maggie-sensei lists a few more. Be sure to check out her page for more examples from a native speaker!
Advice & Suggestions
This one is another usage that is similar to ~たら, this time giving the advice a more elevated feel than the casual たら, or softens the impact of a straightforward ていただけませんか.
Aてはいかがでしょう。 Aてはいただけませんか。 Aては… [unfinished to allow listener to fill in the blanks]
Attempt with expected failure
ては is used to modify てみる when you're not optimistic about the outcome of an attempt.
Aてはみます。 I will at least give A a try...
J-Rock Examples:
山際も星も/ぼくらに気付いては/お話もした Both the mountain ridge and the stars / Whenever they noticed us / Told us stories as well [赤い光線 - 交信]
東京にすがりついては/泣きじゃくって 言えやしなくて I’m always clinging to Tokyo / and crying and I just can’t say it [関取花 - 東京]
革靴は知らぬうちに/あのリズムを奏でては列車中に空しく響く Whenever my leather shoes unconsciously / tap out that rhythm, it echoes through the train in vain [関取花 - 石段のワルツ]
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cashmoneychiyo · 2 years
Behind-the-scenes footage of GSNK’s upcoming Chinese drama adaptation aka “The Comic Bang”! Here they were filming the part where Nozaki (aka Lu Ye Qi) tries to protect himself and Sakura (aka Zuo Qian Dai) from the rain with his jacket in very (un)romantic fashion.
Also a heads up that the drama’s Chinese title has now been changed from 月刊少女 (lit. translation: Monthly Girls’) to 开画!少女漫 (lit. translation: Start Drawing! Girls’ Comics - ty mod @variationa​ for helping translate this)! The official English title will stay the same afaik.
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mashimaarts · 7 months
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2014.07.14: 月刊FTマガジン発売までいよいよあと3日!講談社に大きな垂れ幕が!
Only 3 days left until the release of the Monthly FT Magazine! A big banner at Kodansha! (DeepL Translate)
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rowanberrypop · 4 months
is there somewhere to read goemon’s goldfish days? :0 do you have a link to it?
unfortunately i dont know where to read, but i have the source!
五右衛門金魚の日々 (“goemon’s goldfish days”) is a parody manga published in several different issues of 月刊OUT magazine (during the 80s i believe?) and it was made by ai naniwa! maybe that helps?
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blue-belta · 1 year
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毎週日曜日は先週の #大きなひとこま絵日記 です。 1週間を1ぺーじにコツコツ描いていくスタイルで、2021年1月から始めて107週目になりました。 #花畑牧場 の #ブラータチーズ 。 #ブラータ を手軽に食べられるなんて、ありがたい♪ 袋を開けようとしたところで、慌てて写真を撮りました。 #駒込 の #御菓子中里 の #揚最中 と #南蛮焼 。 午前中いつも行列ができているお店。 たまたま10時ごろ通りかかったのでゲット! 揚最中はサクサクで少ししょっぱい皮と甘い餡の組み合わせ。おいし♪ 焼き南蛮は黒糖のふかふかした皮にあんこ。 今回はうぐいす餡と小倉 ボリューミーですがあっという間に完食。   キットには、#出雲 の #糸賀製餅店 の #いちご大福 。 いちご大福嫌いの友人が、ここのなら好きと教えてくれました。 やっぱりお餅がおいしい。 友人のえんじゅさんからの #プレゼント、手作りせっけん(えんじゅさん作)と切手。 えんじゅさの石鹸は香りがよくて好き。 ありがとうございます。 #月刊DAY 1年間の連載終了! 散歩道の #椿 。月照時紅という品種だそう。赤くて大きなお花。 今週は和菓子を3回食べてる。 和菓子も好きなんですよね。 ところで、この絵日記、よく見るとほとんど丸と四角でてきています。 動物や植物など、例外もありますが、日常目にするものの多くは、簡単な形でできています。 #ミルーム さんの美味しいものを描くレッスンでも、基本図形を描くことから始めて、こんな絵日記まで、段階的にステップアップしていきます。 キットには、前日ご紹介した下描き用の #スケッチャーブルーペンシル もついています。 ぜひぜひ一緒に絵日記描きましょう。 レッスンについては、ストーリーズのハイライトで、ミルームレッスンを見てくださいね。 #art #sketcjournal #watercolors #pensketch #スケッチジャーナル #透明水彩 #ペンスケッチ #1日1絵 #イラストグラム #絵を描く暮らし https://www.instagram.com/p/CojaHwopaOf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hibikore-archives · 11 months
よしもとかよ「日々是好日」。vol.110 (2023/6/21 + 6/28)
2023   21st + 28th june  
M1 空はふきげん (金延幸子)
  M2 your rainy days (Joshua Radin)     M3 あめふりヒヤデス (UA)
  M4 花・太陽・雨 (おおたか静流)     M5 あめふりくまのこ (Pernika Trio)     M6 beautiful rain (Little Tempo feat. Eddi Reader)     M7 la pluie et le beau temp (Austine)       M8 laughter in the rain (Ashley Maher)    
  < 好日の素 …古書を手にすること >  
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  先月下旬に 富山駅で開催されたBOOK DAYの 影響もあり、 あいかわらずスローな読み手ながらも 読書が進んでいるこのごろのわたしなのです。   BOOK DAYは 10周年ということもあって 古書はもちろん新刊、リトルプレス、ZINEなどの さまざまな印刷物に レコードやCD、関連するグッズなど 盛りだくさん。 じっくり見て回るには 2日あっても足りないのでは、と 思うほど。 県外からの出店者も多く、とても充実していました。   古書ですから、内容としては 最新の情報が記されているわけではないのですが、 出版された当初は それが最新だった、という ある意味記録でもありますし、 店頭や図書館などの棚から いつの間にかいなくなってしまった作品に 思いがけず再会できたりもして、 やっぱりたのしいものだなぁ、と思いました。   ページをめくると 気になったフレーズに 線が引かれていたり、 書き込みがされていたり。 (たまに落書きも…笑) そういった、以前の持ち主の空気を まとっていることもときおりあって、 それもおもしろい。 学生時代に持っていた雑誌に 再びときめいて買ってしまう!なんてこともあります。   富山駅でのBOOK DAY は今後もありますし 7月にはRECORD DAYも開催されるということで そちらも今からとてもたのしみです。       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *    < 日々是食べたい! … のど飴 > 
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  こうして話したり ごくまれにうたったりする身としては 欠かせないもののひとつ、のど飴。 さまざまなタイプのものが 店頭に並んでいるので、 きっとそれぞれに 好みがあるだろうと思います。 わたしも、これまで いろんなのど飴のお世話になってきました。   子どもの頃は 花梨やミントなど ハーブ系のものが主流で たいていは メントールのスーッとするタイプのものでしたが、 この頃は メントールの感じがないものや はちみつが中心のもの、また ハーバルチュウなるソフトタイプの のど飴まで、ほんとうに多彩。 大根や生姜といった、 昔ながらの素材のものや 薬剤師さんのオススメ!というものもありますね。   わたしの最近のお気に入りは フルーツの味ののど飴。 スーッとする成分は入っていないようですが、 口に一粒入れていると いつの間にか のどがうるおって、落ち着いている感じがします。 色もカラフルで フレーバーも選べるたのしみがあって、 出かける際の必須アイテムになっています。   ちいさな一粒でも、 ほっとさせてくれたり 元気をくれたりする、 たいせつな存在です。  
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petorahs · 11 months
☀️ i am so sad, i heared that they wont include anything from fes or portable, so no femc, no answer or the like. I hate it here, why this disrespect to my girl Minako i will fight somebody at atlus HQ
oh. well i will say it straight (the only thing straight about me i fear lol) but thats likely not entirely true, ☀️ anon. idk if youve seen this post but it sums it up pretty well https://www.tumblr.com/petorahs/719925542729695232
and the full article published a while later:
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bad ign reporting aside, i was also pretty upset at first since no femc and the answer! but then i saw a good point someone made about the femc case:
persona 3 reload has reportedly been in development for four years. and in that four years thats standard time to build a game from the ground up, maybe even too little – anyone who's been in game dev can tell us that. p3re doesnt reuse assets, too, it's completely from scratch. so having femc isnt simply a matter of model swap. they'd also have to program the UIs and make everything pink - sure, that could be "easy", but there's also the changed social links and team dynamics (more writing to be done), weapon system and all that (more coding)? so its like... i'd be actually surprised if they managed a femc during those 4 years. its quite a lot of work to re-adapt base p3 as is i feel and modernizing it. also i feel like atlus themselves wouldnt want to do their character and her fanbase wrong so of course they wouldnt fkn slap on a few pink menus and call it a day. they surely want to rewrite the s links and everything too in accordance to her. art takes time.
(with all that being said bullying atlus for femc is warranted actually maybe then her inevitable dlc might come faster lmao )
similarly, im fine with no "the answer" now despite being its #1 defender. theyd have to completely rework the 30:2 hour grinding to story ratio which is just not sustainable on a modern gameplay perspective. that also takes time.
its why i made this post actually. i somehow trust them, and i feel like most of us can stand to chill a little and have healthier expectations. as in not overbloated and not have the bar set in hell either (altho we should also do that too)
and i know, like anyone who's played this game, it means so much to so many people. and thats why its maybe impossible to please everyone, because its so many different things: a game that saved their life, a funny goofy lighthearted one where you catch demons, the most depressing persona game ever (altho i feel like p2 would beg to differ on that one-), or for me personally, a game that just made me cry man.
and because it means so much, everyone wants to see it be the best it can be!! and that means having hamuchan. i get that all of this riot energy is out of love for the game, really. but. yeah.
a remake seems like it's "less work to do" since the foundation's "already there" and i dont know how many people worked on p3re but like. i highly doubt theyre just sitting on their asses pissing off fans on purpose lol. (or maybe they are and im just too optimistic damn 😭)
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ichinichi-okure · 4 months
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朝5時頃、アラームの音でぼんやりと目が覚める。眠いし、外はまだ真っ暗。なのだが、しゃーねえ起きるかという感じで身を起こす。布団をザッと畳むと気分だけは映画「PERFECT DAYS」のそれである。妻やお子らがグースカと寝ているのを「ヨシ」という具合に指差し確認し、身支度をしてランニングへ出かける。そのための早起き。 走り出す頃になってもまだ空は暗いのだけれど、濃紺色くらいにはなっている。身を切るような寒さの中、それでも走り始めるとだんだんと体が温まってくる。足並みを揃えるように空もだんだん明るくなる。これが好きです。走るのはもちろん苦しいのだけれど、毎度どこか浄化されるような感覚がある。走っている最中はなるたけ足や膝を痛めないフォームのことを考える。そうすると自然と背が伸びる。雑事から逃れているような感覚にもなる。 途中、千住汐入大橋。という橋を渡る。足立区側から荒川区側へ渡るときの景色がいいんだ。ゆったりと黒く流れる隅田川を借景にしながら、高速道路の高架上をトラックのヘッドライトが流れていく。これは都市の蛍やね、などと恥ずかしいことを考えたりもする。スカイツリーもまだくるくると回るようなライトが灯っていて、水面では点のような鳥たちが群れて移ろっている(寝ている)。空はすでに陽が登りかけて薄明るいのだけれど、まだ太陽は見えない。防災団地(白鬚東アパート)も逆光で眠たげ。そして土手。いや~土手っすね~、としか言いようのない見晴らしのいい隅田右岸の土手。本音としては、ここに差し掛かったタイミングで「ピッカーン」と音がしそうなぐらいに太陽が顔を出すのが理想なのだけれど、今日も合わなかった。ちょっと早かったみたいです。とまれ、このような景色を見、冬の朝の澄んだ空気を吸いながらチンタラ走っていると、「ま、なんとかなるっしょ人生」という気持ちになってくるから不思議だ。
帰宅して朝食を済ませ、お子らを保育園に送っていく。自転車の前に下の子、後ろに上の子。という一機三人乗りにもすっかり慣れて子も私ももはや余裕です。 毎朝、自転車を漕ぎ始めるときにこちらが「レッツ?」と問いかけると、ふたりが揃って「ゴー!」と返し、それで出立するのが恒例なのだが、なぜかこの日はガン無視。別に不機嫌というわけでもなさそうだし、考え事でもしていたのだろうか。自転車にまたがったまま「レッツ?」「(無視)」「レッツ!?」「(無視)」「レッツ!!??」「(無視)」と、ひとり延々と「レッツ」を虚空に向かって連呼する怪しい中年がレッツ出来。事案になってなければいいけど。
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-プロフィール- 関田浩平 40歳 東京 グラフィックデザイナー フリーランス。インスタグラムで「月刊カレンダー」というものを毎月配信しています。 https://www.instagram.com/kohei_sekida/
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
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The end of the year is looming, and with preparations for Christmas and the New Year comes thoughts of the JLPT for many. Good luck if you are taking it this year! I won't be taking it, but I am definitely already thinking about my goals for next year. This will be my last regular monthly update, as next month I will review my progress over this past year and talk about my goals for the next year! Let me know how you are doing with your goal progress too!
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My Goals at the Beginning of the Month
Spend at least 10 minutes per day studying Japanese
Reading practice daily (articles, manga, books)
Review 5 kanji a day
Active listening practice once a day
How I Studied This Month
Spent at least 10 minutes studying Japanese almost every day 〇
Read (article, manga, book) once a day 〇
Reviewed 5 kanji about once a week or so ✕
Actively listened to the news, a movie, or kids' shows every day 〇
〇 = completed, △ = partially completed, ✕ = did not complete
Primary Study Tools/Methods
Articles (NHK News Easy)
Manga (月刊少女野崎くん・Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, おじさまと猫・A Man and His Cat)
Books (コンビニ人間・Convenience Store Woman)
Children's shows (いないいないばあっ!・おかあさんといっしょ・アンパンマン・ギョふんでサカナ★スター)
Netflix children's shows in Japanese
What Were My Strengths?
Reading - I was able to read short articles daily, and manga or books when I had a little extra time
Listening - I can fairly easily pick up the dialogue in the children's shows, although it does help that I watch the same shows over and over again (love that repetition), and I even learn stuff (animal names, various phrases, etc.)!
What Were My Weaknesses?
Kanji - I have been slacking off on my kanji -practice during the second half of the year so I'll need to find a way to reintegrate it into my daily study habits. I used to do flashcards daily, but I'd like to try to increase the number of new kanji I'm learning too
Writing - I haven't been writing much in Japanese either, and although it wasn't a goal, I find that the lack of practice shows
Other Study Methods I'd Like to Try
Writing Practice - I do occasionally write on tumblr, but I'd like to write more often, and if possible get it corrected
Workbook - I love using the 総まとめ (Sou-matome) series workbooks (vocabulary, grammar, kanji, listening) but I don't have much time to pull them out and sit down to work on them, but I'd like to do more workbook study if I can
Grammar - I enjoy the short grammar videos from 日本語の森 (Nihongo no Mori) and I would like to get back into watching these videos a few times a week (and taking notes)
Keigo - I'd like to work on learning formal Japanese better, to improve my speaking ability when in conversational situations
I always say that the most important thing to improve your Japanese (or any language or skill for that matter) is to practice daily. I think that having daily conversations at home in Japanese helps me a lot, but the extra effort I put into continuously studying and trying to stretch myself and learn more really does pay off. When I use a new vocabulary word that I've taken the time to internalize in front of a group of people, they don't even notice the huge accomplishment it is for me, but I feel quite proud of myself when I can seamlessly communicate with native speakers for a majority of the time. When I learn something new about an animal and can communicate it to my son in Japanese, I feel excited about learning new things. When I can read and understand a whole sentence without looking up a single kanji or word (even if I'm guessing at some of the meanings), I feel quite pleased with myself.
Taking a look back at the time and effort I put in to my studies, I think that these small wins should be great sources of pride (for myself and for you too!). What are the things that you notice about your own Japanese progress?
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asnowperson · 2 years
Hagio Moto's Les enfants terribles
"Les privilèges de la beauté sont immenses. Elle agit même sur ceux qui ne la constatent pas."
The above quote seems like something out of a 70s shoujo manga, but it's actually from Cocteau's Les enfants terribles! So, can French literature be shoujo? Mais bien sûr!
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As I was looking through Hagio's works one day to find something to read, I came across 恐るべき子どもたち (Osorubeki Kodomotachi). When I started reading its synopsis, the name "Jean Cocteau" was the first thing that jumped at me, and that's how I found out that Hagio had adapted his novel Les enfants terribles into manga form. I am someone who first read three volumes of Le Comte de Monte-Cristo before watching Gankutsuou, so I knew what I had to do: I was going to read the novel, watch the 1950 movie adaptation, and then read the manga itself for the full experience!
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Eyebrows are a game, and Dargelos is winning.
I borrowed the novel from a library because I wanted to read the original, and got the manga in print because this one wasn't digitally available as of time of this writing. Which makes me think: Just how much manga are we missing out on?
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I love Hagio's page compositions like these. And I will forever be weak for her use of pointillism.
The manga was published in Monthly Seventeen (月刊セブンティーン) between May-August 1979. Although this is mainly a fashion magazine, titles such as Fire!, Orpheus no Mado and Banana Bread no Pudding were published in there. Imagine being a high school girl reading such titles in the magazine you buy to look at cute earrings... Wow... Anyway, the manga has four chapters:
少年時代 (Shounen Jidai - Boyhood)
夢幻世界 (Mugen Sekai - Fantasy World)
外界 (Gaikai - Outside World)
無限世界 (Mugen Sekai - Endless World)
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For me, the art style is right between Hagio's signature 70s shoujo style and her kind of updated 1980s style. The character designs are more "realistic" so to speak, and the characters do not look so much like those ideal shoujo teenagers. I'd say Hagio is heavily influenced by Melville and Cocteau's movie adaptation of the novel, as you can recognize many scenes and outfits right from the movie.
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Sure, they adapt the same source material, but the overall mood and paneling and composition really reminds you of the movie, with Hagio's touch.
Maybe it's because I was going throught the same story for the third time, but I must say that Hagio's adaptation was quite well done, and presented the story in a much more accessible way. Despite Cocteau's voiceover narration in the movie, it cannot reflect the characters' inner world as well as the novel. The manga gives the visual support the story needs, and the way it's presented in four chapters makes the story easier to digest. There is something very shoujo in how childish Élisabeth and Paul are, and the manga perfectly captures it. The movie, not so much. I also like how we can see them grow a little bit in the manga. In the earlier chapters, they are literally kids, but by the end, you can see the tortured teenagers/young adults in them.
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Love this sibling energy.
I liked this experience of reading the manga adaptation of a novel. I always like it when manga makes me pick up and read some books. I will be a more cultured individual thanks to shoujo manga.
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