kohanakonohana · 10 months
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The silkworm makes a cocoon to protect itself when it becomes a pupa. The length of the thread that is ejected while swinging its head in a figure eight motion is said to be as long as 1,300 meters or more. 1,300m or even longer in some varieties.
The raw silk I usually use to weave kimonos is a thin, fine thread, and those threads I usually use to weave kimonos is made by twisting 10 strands of 7-grain yarn. In other words, it is the thickness of 70 cocoons.
When drawing raw silk, cocoons are boiled and the protein (sericin), which is like glue that holds the yarn together, is broken down and drawn out. The figure of eight(8) is the secret to prevent tangling in the middle.
So. we could find a silkworm or moss after we pull and take a long thread from inside. (They will not become adult silkworms, though, because they are boiled.
Raw silkworms can be boiled, or the amount of work required to take the thread from them is limited. Recently, we have been drying, freezing, salting (salting method), and steaming (steaming method), etc., to produce raw silk. In short, it is necessary to prevent the silkworms from leaving their cocoons as adult worms.
Because …silkworms first hatch in cocoons, but they have to make a hole in the cocoon they made themselves to get out.
For the time being, they finish their transformation into the form of a moth inside and tear the skin of their chrysalis, the silkworm then breaks through the chrysalis skin and expels an enzyme called cochonase, which is produced in the organ called the bird's crop sac.
The moth then breaks through the chrysalis skin, and exhales an enzyme called cochonase, produced in the organ called the bird's craw sac, to soften the sericin at the exit, then emerges from the chrysalis by pushing its way through the threads.
Furthermore, when it comes out, it also produces urine, or water, which is called "moth urine". and coloured and stains the inside of the cocoon. The rest is the skin of the shed pupa, which also sticks to the inside of the cocoon.
The silkworms hatch and the quality of the cocoons changes,
The quality of the cocoon changes and raw silk cannot be obtained. The enzyme does not break the thread itself, but the cocoonase is alkaline, so it does not do much damage to weakly acidic fibres.
However, cocoonase is alkaline, so there is no small amount of damage to weakly acidic fibres. Nevertheless, at least some of the silkworms have to be made into adult worms, because the silkworm eggs for the next cycle cannot be obtained.
The cocoons from which raw silk was not obtained, and the rest from disease, or the cocoons that did not produce raw silk, cocoons that were too small because of disease or poor growth, and so on.
It is Japanese culture not to waste such things. The cocoons are boiled, the sericin in the paste is broken down, and the pupal skin is removed as much as possible, and the result is cotton-like material known as "mawata".
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Mawata sheets
The "tsumugi" thread is made by stretching and twisting the cotton, either by pulling it out or twisting it, or neither, or both. Then, fabrics woven using the tsumugi thread is called tsumugi weaving.
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The left is raw silk and the right is tsumugi yarn spun by myself.The texture is different. Such is the case even with purchased products.
To be precise, the silkworm's thread is called "kibiso"
The silkworm's thread is made up of three parts: the beginning part, called kibiso ; the long, long raw silk part; and the end part, called "bisu".
Both kibiso and bisu have different textures from raw silk, and sometimes only these parts are collected and sold as separate yarns.
The beginning of the spit is still unstable and the end is the residue of the body, so in essence, I have heard that they are made slightly differently...In the case of the easily recognisable coloured silkworm cocoons, the hard yellow-green outer part is the kibiso,
The bis has a light yellow-green raw silk part inside, and the bis is slightly yellowish white.)
The bisu ends up looking leathery and unravelling…
Those different textures remain in the mawata, so, even if you try to stretch them out homogeneously, it is sometimes impossible to do so. That is the true nature of the knots that remain in the silk threads.
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Kibiso (left) and bisu (right) of wild silkworms.(Silkworms ones do not peel so much)
In the end, what I wanted to say was that thread is a gift of life,I think it is lovely that the thread is born out of such a sense of waste.
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nknatteringly · 2 months
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This is "Udolla," a local character of Tachikawa City, though unauthorized! Hello! This mutated Udora says "Tokyo prefecture is not just one city!"
Always enjoyed yuru-chara design.
@mondomascots was an inspiration
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hatanowataru · 2 years
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和紙のテーブル どんなうつわも受け入れてくれる。 最近、カウンターの注文が多く、いろんな飲食店で使われています。 そこの空間にしかできないことを和紙で表現するため、同じものはなく、全てオリジナル。 でも考えてみれば、結局ヒノキの一枚板という和食の店なら考えれる最高の選択もそのヒノキに引っ張られて、同じ印象のお店が多く、もっと違うものという選択を求めるお客さまが増えたのかな?と思います。 一枚ものの無垢材はとても美しいと思いますが、うつわもある程度枠に入ってしまう。 つまり、昭和初期の安価な大量生産の磁器の皿をヒノキの一枚板の上に置くには、かなりの工夫がいるけど、うちの工房が作るカウンターなら置けるし、なんならそれが美しくみえる色や貼り方を探れる。この自由度が和紙にはあると思うんですよね。 てな訳で、様々な飲食店でも使われている和紙の天板、いかがですか?という宣伝でした^_^ #インテリア #天板 #テーブル #和紙 #和紙職人 #Japanesepaper #handmade #工芸 #支持体 #craft #art #ハタノワタル #カウンター https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFU06VvQvF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nostalblue · 29 days
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・倒木材の活用研究 ・所持工具や設備の加工能力の検証 ・加工プロセスの研究 ・当地滞在者へ木工アイデア提供
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wazakka-kan · 11 months
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#かたつむり #木彫人形 #風祭美彩 #民芸 #工芸 #インテリア雑貨 #和雑貨 #江古田 #新桜台 #西武池袋線 #練馬区 #贈り物 #プレゼント #ギフト
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kusukusu-gallery-t · 1 year
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Honda Silk Works
W 約 700mm × H 約 2000mm
1/20(金)20:00 ~ 1/29(日)16:00
#hondasilkworks #本多祐二 #本多さくら #シルク #絹 #ストール #天然染料 #草木染め #染織 #手仕事 #手織り #民芸 #工芸 #ヤシャブシ #ゴバイシ #五倍子 #藍 #SILK #naturaldye #dye #handwoven #gallery #さいたま市 #ギャラリー樟楠 
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maricokitamura · 1 year
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桜蒔絵引盃と酒盃台 sake cup and stand
2022 11月
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erinillust · 1 year
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sheishine · 2 years
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週末に数年ぶりに行った日系バザーで出会った塗りの菓子鉢セット。 見たこともない植物柄と鮮やかな赤と格安の値段に惹かれて買った後に気が付いたんだけど、「琉球塗り」の漆器だった。 菓子鉢の裏には1959年の宮崎県の発電所(現存してる)の竣工記念の文字が。 さらに箱の上には北海道の市立稚内病院(こちらも現存)の落成記念の文字…? そして箱の中にはMITSUKOSHIの商標が。 琉球塗りなるものをググったら、この植物はパパイヤだった! あと、象牙っぽい和菓子用のフォーク?と竹の取り箸も付いていた。 器自身は新品同様なので使われずに長い間眠っていたのかも? 60年以上前の沖縄の職人さんが作られた漆器が、九州の発電所か北海道の病院の記念品として三越(東京?)を通じて販売されて、巡り巡って沖縄復帰50年の日にはるばるカナダのバンクーバーのクラフターである私の元に来てくれたのどうもありがとうという気持ち。 とても美しいです。 お正月はもちろん、普段和菓子やケーキを食べる時にも大事に使うぞ〜。 I found a beautiful, more than 63-year-old lacquered bowl & small plate set originally from Okinawa (South Island of Japan), at a Japanese spring bazaar in Vancouver a few days ago. This plant is papaya tree (I didn’t know that!). I’m going to use them for eating sweets! #琉球塗り #沖縄 #工芸 #日本 #漆塗り #okinawa #lacquerware #vintage #vancouver #canada https://www.instagram.com/p/CdpetL9uBbd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kintsugischool · 1 year
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eshi-fuyuki · 1 year
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兎の次は龍🐉年、既に打診をうけております。ありがとうございます 来年は兎年 絵のタイプは様々ご用意しております 作品販売お問い合わせも DMにてお待ちしてます^^ I'll write about tomorrow's meeting. Well, I'm going to draw today too 絵師の日常 #humanmade 歴史を知り、想像力の限り日本の新しい芸術を創造する、Neo Japanest 町絵師の仕事は人々の生活と共にある柄を作ること。 #令和 時代の町絵師 越境宗派絵師 ^_^ #ギャラリー #工芸 #現代アート #skeching #ink #絵描きさんと繋がりたい #日本画 #筆文字 #墨絵 #ジャパン #kyoto #京都 #伝統文化 #art #illustration #design #japanart #inkpainting #drawing #artwork #民藝 最後に #絵師冬奇 又インスタでも見つけていいの有れば買って下さいーーー! https://www.instagram.com/p/CkeK7lqh2Mv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hatanowataru · 1 year
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打ち��わせのお茶 黒い紙のテーブル 何年経ってもうつわを綺麗に見せてくれる。 お茶もたのしい。 #天板 #テーブル #テーブルコーディネート #インテリア #和紙 #和紙職人 #Japanesepaper #handmade #工芸 #支持体 #craft #art #ハタノワタル https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTO28HP51Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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visions-antiques · 4 months
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MEDERU/noël VISIONS special temporary store in OSAKA
2023.12.3 sun – 12.25 mon Open 11:00 - 19:00 at Visions Lev 1F 本日最終日! 今年の noël VISIONS は MEDERU 初となるテンポラリーストアを Visions Lev 1F にて開催しております。定番のラインナップに加え、この会期のために限定でつくられたジュエリーのほか、当日お持ち帰りいただける 1 点もののジュエリーを多数ご用意いただきました。100年以上前の手仕事や自然の素材の個性を大切に生かす物作り。そこから生みだされる恍惚とする美しきジュエリーをご予約なしでご覧いただけるこの特別な機会にぜひご堪能ください。 皆さまのご来場をお待ちしております。 MEDERU 2008年、アトリエを創立。"美しさは懐かしさの中に" をテーマに、普遍の魅力を古典から紐解き、伝統的な工芸技術や手仕事、自然素材のもつ繊細な個性・本質の美しさを丁寧に掬い上げながら、時代を問わない味わい深い魅力を探求。西洋の文化背景・価値観の中で育まれてきたジュエリーという文化を、東洋的視点や感受性で捉え直し再構築。 内なる贅沢を求めて、身に着ける人本来の美しさを引き出すような、シックな装身具を仕立てるブランドです。 www.mederu-jewelry.co.jp www.visionslev.com www.v-i-s-i-o-n-s.com
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wazakka-kan · 5 days
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catonoire · 5 months
Terrada Art Complex II Bonded Gallery で「ひかりの底」展の前期展示を見る。「日本の美術工芸を世界へ」と銘打った特別展で、後期展示は羽田空港国際線ターミナルの出国エリアで開催される由。
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maricokitamura · 1 year
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「花無心」2020 楠、白漆 720×370×75mm ~~~~~~~~~~~~ #北村真梨子 #白漆 #工芸 #woodworking #木工 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcfbmfvufT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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