shamingshane · 1 year
The letter reads: Dear fellow employees! Due to a recent incident, all employees are under mandatory instructions to help out at the local Joja-Mart every day of the week from 8 am to 10 pm! This will continue for as long as necessary - no disclosed information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! See you bright and early! ~ Morris
\\ @spikes-n-studies (continuing off of this)
Shane presents the letter the Sam, letting him read it for himself. He sort of stands there in disbelief, unsure how to react or respond. But he clearly looks devastated. Puzzled, deflated, there's some anger in there - but most of it is pure, masked depression.
He takes a moment to stand off to the side as Sam reads, brooding a bit as he stares at the river in front of Jodi's house.
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akkivee · 3 months
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arb isn’t slick lmao
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celestialrealms · 7 months
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The Mephisto crumbs from the Halloween UR 😖 If only they didn't force us to prank him 😡
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
It's really hard to believe that the very first event we got from WHB was Bimet looking for his missing money. Crazy how we went from that to his...and I hope they continue because I'm loving the lore.
Oh! Well, there was one event before Bimet ^^ it was when Minhyeok came to visit MC during Halloween, that was a Gehenna-based event, but it only really showed lore behind Minhyeok's scar and an introduction to the seraphs other than Gabe. Regardless, you are right though, it's crazy that we started from there and ended up with lore-heavy content like this current event. Tbh I love the events more than the main story because to me unless Chapter 6 pretty much blows me out of the water, I'm going to feel their real money maker IS the event stories. Like they could honestly just continue with event stories only and I wouldn't even mind. Though I do know that players kinda just want to see MC complete the goal of breaking contracts and having to choose which King rules all of hell (if I'm being honest...Lucifer should be picked because of his power alone....)
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doomsdayradio · 7 months
hey in light of taika signing that petition, remember to also spread awareness about what's going on in palestine
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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arakawa wouldve wanted this for me
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hatake · 9 months
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sagemoderocklee · 1 year
january goals
✅Absolution Part V 📬 ❌HB3 (VDay)📝🆕🗓️❓ ❌The Ballad CH1📬🗓️❓ ❌IEYH CH3 (WIPYHO)📝🗓️ ❌MHiYH CH2 (WIPYHO)📝🗓️
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rosasappho · 1 year
mind keeps returning to something someone said to me 8 years ago now.
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hiyojun · 1 year
What the actual fuck is happening in enstars
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yukinyaminyato · 2 years
i'm yet again feeling lowkey bad abt how little attention i pay to ppl who don't interest me bc tonight some girl enthusiasticly greeted me & started chatting and i was just nodding along and wondering who the hell she was 😶 clearly she knew me but i couldn't remember her :/
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shamingshane · 1 year
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OOC - mod talking IC - Talking As Character
🕶️ - anon questions / talks from ask box
🐔 - questions / talks from ask box
💢- newbie interactions / acquaintances (usually for rps)
❤️- friendly interactions / established friend (usually for rps)
🐚- romantic interactions / established as lovers (usually for rps)
🐓- +18 only content (likely reserved to sexual scenarios)
⭐- ongoing roleplay / still active (or open)
❓- events (like ask prompts memes or blog events)
🍺- archived roleplay / inactive (or abandoned)
🔗- scenarios where he's still working at Joja
🥚- scenarios where he no longer works at Joja
🍻- scenarios where he is still drinking
🦃- scenarios where he is sobering (won't accept alcohol)
🍕- gifts from you! (in asks or in roleplay)
🌶️- spicy gifts are for +18 only (in asks or in roleplay)
[This is usually prompted, and it's for flirty exchanges.]
>> (I trust anons for now.) <<
💐 - Soft Ask Memes/Prompts
☔- Angst Ask Memes/Prompts
🎀 - About Jas
🏠 - About Marnie 🖼️ - Memorials or Stories (Usually Art) 🕹️- Activities (Usually from Prompts or Prompts Based off Stories)
vV [Tag Dump Below] Vv
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akkivee · 1 year
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was shook in like a really confused way seeing rosho vibe on jiro’s face lmao
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flovverworks · 3 months
"there is no way this tanabata is gonna make me cry" i said confidently(again) four chapters in. only to bawl at the end. again (exact same scenario happened with the figaro tanabata)
WHERE DO I START.......i want my loved ones to remember me. 'theres no one to blame, so theres nowhere for the pain to go'. i want my loved ones to remember......recognizing that its not their fault while recognizing its sad and lonely to be forgotten. rustica who spoke of his pov and chloe who spoke of his........the distance between them while chloe was dealing with those feelings?!?!?!? the way its portrayed in the way rustica asked if he could help?!??!?! akira who checks up on chloe and chloe who opens up and akira who can understand because they too want to be remembered!?!?!?!?!?! the fact they actually speak about it to mithra at the end.........hello i did not expect them to actually say it in this (i feel theyre quiet about it a lot?!?!?!?! even tho its often blatantly obvious to everyone so they dont need to say it cuz ppl understood?!?!? i need to make a counter of this STAT)
"both of you looked like you were about to cry" im about to pass out no one told me this was a mithra/akira event what the actual hell(positive). mithra during the entire thing "they called me a sexy wild beast" and when he adds things and akiras all um....that doesnt line up with mitiles version....???? mithra & brad being dissappointed fran is offering them fish and veggies. brad giving mitile his veggies from his sandwich hELP...mitile with mithra & brad is so funny. continue this. brads mention about time....(mitiles "im not even a few decades old?!?!?!" HEEELLLPPP........) (brad who kinda went along to skip a mission & akira being worried itd start a fight later💀💀💀
the cain & arthur.......heath.........calling chloe a friend..........everyone doing their best.........arthur who was separated from oz for so many yrs too, and speaking of how nervous he felt meeting him again.........i want my loved ones to remember me.............mein gott im himmel.........akira who knows the wizards doesnt rmbr the last sage's name or face, and thus realizes they probably wont be rmbrd either. akira whos sad about that. but theres nothing they can do. akira who wants to remember their loved ones (the unspoken potential of them knowing they dont even Know if theyll keep Their memories?!?!)....i might forget your names and faces one day..............with time u forget certain things, even if u rly wanted to rmbr them....and sometimes u rmbr smaller things rly well.....rustica and chloe...RUSTICA AND CHLOOOEEEEEEEE rustica who has lived for so long & chloe who was saved by rustica and doesnt want him to forget the memories that are important to chloe but chloe who knows its selfish to impose that will on his heart because it feels like itll stop making rustica who he is. mithra who said talking to rustica reminds him of chloe and talking to chloe reminds him of rustica. chloe who is so so happy. r..rustica speaking about forgetting. i want my loved ones to remember me and i want to remember my loved ones. collapses
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Thanks for your conversation with other Anon that I wouldn't bored to death 🥹 I found myself just log in game to do the fck missions and get the red key for Lucifer in July (Arghhhhhhhh 😭😭) When will the next chapter update!!!????
Glad that only 2 more days and the fandom would a little bit more lively due to the new event (...hope...) 🥹
I am happy to distract you from the boredom! Yeah waiting for Luci allll the way until July is just crazy but I imagine it's for a reason. Probably some behind the scene stuff.
PB did answer a question about chapter updates and they estimated a 3 month waiting period between each chapter. I think this gives a good window for them to write the story, throw in lore, and some quality H-scenes.
Now with this Leraye event coming, which honestly I'd love to have an event focusing on Sitri and his time in Hades studying...
I digress
But this event coming will also give us a feature of the lower level angels and how they fight compared to the seraphim. We did see one in Orias' but he didn't really do much. I mean he was against Levi after all lol
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kalosprotector · 1 year
how are you not in horrible pain if you got shocked
I was given painkillers and some other stuff! It wasn’t a full power shock though or else I’d be….you know.
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