#the arb chronicles
akkivee · 22 hours
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THEY GAVE JYUSHI A GUN?????????????????????????????????
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dannycardfan824 · 1 year
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dwellordream · 3 years
“On the night of September 18, 1345, the power struggle between Johanna and Andrew ended in violence and death. Andrew, Johanna, their extended family, and their retinues had traveled to a royal hunting retreat in Aversa, a short distance from Naples, where they spent their time in sport and feasting while they awaited Aimery’s arrival. After Andrew had retired to bed, his chamberlain, Tommaso Mambriccio, called him from his chamber. Then the partially clothed, unarmed prince was attacked by a group of men, beaten, suffocated, and strangled with a cord. His cries went unheard by all—including, she insisted, his sleeping wife—but his absence soon alarmed his Hungarian nurse, who went to find him. Frightened by her approaching light, Andrew’s assailants threw his bruised body over the wall of the castle into the garden below, where his nurse found it and raised the alarm.
 Both the royal and the papal accounts of the corpse, bloodied from desperate struggle, attest that Andrew fought violently. This much was evident from flesh found in his mouth, torn from the hand of one of his assailants. The damage to his body was extensive, revealing a degree of savagery that stunned commentators: His hair was torn out in clumps, his face lacerated, and his nostrils bloodied; his lips bore the marks of iron gauntlets and his torso those of violent pressure, while his genitals were mutilated. Perhaps most troubling to commentators was the indignity of Andrew’s death. Andrew was a king, even if in name only, but he had been beaten and strangled like a common criminal. The Venetian doge wrote to the count of Arbe that King Andrew was dead and had not died a good death. Petrarch bewailed the “abominable and insidious savagery” (“tam nefarias et tam truces insidias”) with which Andrew was slain and wished that “he had been killed by a sword or through some other form of manly death so that he would appear to have been killed at the hands of men, not mangled by the teeth and claws of beasts.” 
In these lurid details alone, accounts of Andrew’s murder agree. Theories as to the identity of the guilty party proliferated rapidly, but no consensus was ever reached. Johanna’s supporters were widely held responsible. Reports differed as to the degree of Johanna’s collusion, if any, and which, if any, of the Angevin princes were involved. Neapolitan factionalism shaped the stories told by chroniclers, many of whom argued that the ultimate responsibility lay with Johanna and her Tarantini cousins, led by their mother, Catherine of Valois (1303–46), titular empress of Constantinople. Domenico da Gravina asserted that Johanna and her retainers arranged the hunting trip for the sole purpose of assassinating Andrew, while others, particularly propapal authors, insisted on Johanna’s complete innocence. The Hungarian faction, led by Louis of Hungary, held the entire Neapolitan royal family responsible and begged the pope to take appropriate action.
Officially, however, none of the royal family was found guilty of Andrew’s death. Instead, members of Johanna’s inner circle, including the Cabanni and Catania families, were condemned and executed for the crime. Johanna herself insisted in a letter to Siena and Florence on September 22 that an unnamed servant (Tommaso Mambriccio, who had been executed on September 20) was one of only two assailants. Charles of Durazzo, Johanna’s brother-in-law, however, responded quickly to the public outrage that engulfed Aversa and Naples, and he took the lead in discovering and prosecuting Andrew’s murderers—in part to prevent a Hungarian invasion of Naples—all the while portraying himself as Andrew’s loyal friend and supporter. 
His investigation uncovered a vast conspiracy allegedly including the count of Terlizzi, Gasso de Denicy; Roberto de’ Cabanni, count of Eboli and grand seneschal of the realm, as well as Johanna’s reputed lover; Raimondo de Catania, knight and maggiordomo to the queen; Charles Artois, King Robert’s illegitimate son and count of Santa Agata and Monteodorisio, along with his son, Bertrand; Niccolò di Melizzano, Johanna’s chamberlain; Tommaso Mambriccio; and a number of other prominent members of the court. Also charged were Johanna’s nurse, Filippa Catanese—later immortalized by Boccaccio as a nefarious criminal—and her granddaughter, Johanna’s childhood companion Sancia de’ Cabanni. In the summer of 1346, Bertrand des Baux, who acted as papal delegate in the case, oversaw the punishment of the alleged masterminds. Bertrand Artois confessed under torture. Despite Johanna’s attempts to protect them, the chief conspirators were publicly tortured and burned in a series of gruesome and well-attended spectacles.
Tommaso Mambriccio, executed in the immediate aftermath of the murder, was rumored to have had his tongue removed so that he could not implicate his true accomplices. There was rampant speculation that those executed were merely scapegoats or accomplices of the real murderers, who escaped punishment. Johanna herself did not escape suspicion, despite having been exonerated by the dubious investigation and despite continuing papal support. Her subjects’ initial response after Andrew’s death was to publicly condemn her, although the prosecution and punishment of the supposed conspirators soon calmed the public outcry. Further afield, however, common report continued to condemn Johanna, and speculation about the truth surrounding Andrew’s murder was fodder for discussion long after Johanna had been formally exonerated.
Johanna’s behavior after Andrew’s murder outraged not only his family but also observers across Europe. Her letter to Florence and Siena callously seemed to hold Andrew partially responsible for his fate, which she attributed to childish imprudence that led him to walk about at night unaccompanied despite the counsel of those who had his best interests at heart. Mere weeks afterward, in the midst of open hostilities between the Angevin princes in Naples, who vied for power and sought access to the throne, Johanna requested a papal dispensation to marry her cousin, Robert of Taranto, and then, after that was denied, permission to marry Robert’s brother, Louis. Both Tarantini were widely believed to have been Johanna’s lovers before the murder, which they were thought by many to have orchestrated. 
Indeed, some, including Domenico da Gravina, saw Louis’s attachment to Johanna as proof that he and his mother had schemed to murder and replace Andrew. In August 1347, Louis moved into the royal residence. When Clement VI refused to allow their marriage, Johanna and Louis married secretly on August 22. Arrangements for Johanna’s remarriage enraged Louis of Hungary and provided him additional justification to invade Naples. His vengeance was swift and brutal. During the winter of 1347, as Hungarian forces and their swelling ranks of supporters marched down the Italian peninsula, Johanna and Louis of Taranto fled separately to Avignon. Johanna was pregnant with her second child and abandoned Charles Martel, her son with Andrew (born Christmas Day, 1345), to a papal guardian. Louis of Hungary quickly captured the Regno, and he sent Charles Martel to Buda, where he died in 1348. 
Louis then established himself as the ruler of Naples and continued to agitate for Johanna’s condemnation and punishment, even as he avenged himself on the rest of the royal family. Among his first victims was Charles of Durazzo, whom he executed in Aversa in January 1348. Johanna arrived in Avignon accused of murder, seemingly bereft of supporters, illicitly married to a cousin whose child she was carrying, with her kingdom overrun by a mortal enemy and her already fatherless son left motherless. To make matters worse, the Black Death reached Avignon not long after she did, leading Louis Heyligen (1304–61) to charge in a letter to Petrarch that Andrew’s assassination had caused the pestilence. Johanna’s iniquity seemed to have infected all of Europe. Perhaps if matters had stayed as bleak for Johanna as they seemed when she arrived in Avignon, her reign would have appeared less iniquitous and illegitimate to her contemporaries, even to those already disposed to be her enemies. However, Johanna’s fortunes quickly improved after her arrival in Provence. 
Although she was taken prisoner by the Aixois and forced to wait three months at Châteaurenard because of Hungarian pressure on Clement VI, she reached Avignon on March 15, a day after the arrival of Louis of Taranto and his advisor, Niccolò Acciaiuoli (1310–65), who had fled Naples when it became clear that they could not defend the city. Clement almost immediately awarded the royal couple a dispensation for their marriage and appointed a commission to investigate the charges against them. Johanna appeared before the pope and Curia in consistory to defend herself against the charge that she had been complicit in Andrew’s murder. She must have had a compelling, charismatic presence; her powers of persuasion were apparently sufficient to charm the cardinals into clearing her name.
On March 30, the pope awarded Louis of Taranto the Golden Rose, the highest papal honor, customarily given to the most illustrious person at the papal court on the fourth Sunday during Lent. In early May, Clement arranged to buy Avignon—which Johanna ruled as countess of Provence—for 80,000 florins, which she would use to finance her return to Naples. Within a matter of months, the plague had driven Louis of Hungary from Italy. Johanna and Louis of Taranto returned to Naples on August 17, 1348, as its king and queen, their innocence and legitimacy tacitly affirmed by the papacy.”
- Elizabeth Casteen, “The Murder of Andrew of Hungary and the Making of a Neopolitan She-Wolf.” in From She-Wolf to Martyr: The Disreputed Reputation of Johanna of Naples
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gardenofkore · 3 years
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The qualifications for the Dogado were : ( i ) Ripe age ; (2) Urbane temperament ; (3) Good birth ; and (4) Ample private means. One man, and one man alone, stood out head-and-shoulders above his peers, as possessed of these four qualities, a man whose thirty years of distinguished public service placed him in the unique position of first citizen of Venice. By universal acclamation Pietro Ziani was chosen to wear the laurel -wreathed berretta of the great Dandolo. The son of one of the most distinguished of the Doges — Sebastiano Ziani — he had borne himself nobly as a successful naval commander, a tactful ambassador, and an upright magistrate. Handsome above the ordinary, pious without hypocrisy, talented in linguistic and forensic aptitude, and passionately loyal to the Constitution, he was calmly awaiting his destiny at his country residence at Arbe in Dalmatia. A deputation of the Lords of the Council boarded the magnificent " Bucintoro'' and accompanied by thirty galleys, all splendidly decorated with rare brocades and tapestries, set off to meet and escort the new Doge. Pietro Ziani's progress was a triumphal procession, calling to mind the unanimous and felicitous election of Domenigo Selvo one hundred and fifty years before. Almost the first act of the new regime was the affirmation of the cordial relations which his father, Sebastiano, had entered into with Guglielmo II. — "The Good," King of Sicily. Dante refers to the death of this distinguished Sovereign in Canto XX of the Paradiso : 
—" William whom the land bewails
So well beloved in Heaven."
In confirmation of the new treaty the new Doge; in 1213, sought and gained the hand of the Princess Costanza, daughter of King Tancredo, Guglielmo's son and successor. She was the first Norman Dogaressa of Venice, daughter of a brave and ardent race, a woman of conspicuous ability and ambition, and an ideal consort for the Head of a rejuvenated Venice.
Pietro Ziani had but lately buried his first wife, the modest and beautiful Countess Maria Baseggio — whose father held the high office of Procurator of San Marco — nobilis et decora nimis Maria Dukessa— as she is called in the Altino Chronicle. The sole offspring of this union was a son, Giorgio, but, alas, when yet a child, he was torn to pieces by the savage mastiff watch-dogs of the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore. It was said that the Doge was so infuriated by this misfortune that he ordered the church and monastery with all the animals, — the poor monks as well, — to be consumed with fire : one may hope the innocent Religious escaped the fury. Anyhow the rest were all burnt, and then the remorse of Ziani was pitiable. By way of reparation he set to work at once to rebuild and re-endow what he had so petulantly sacrificed.
Dogaressa Costanza was handsome and gracious, and wore her Royal honours with distinction. Palazzi wrote thus of her — "A Queen by birth, Dogaressa of Venice by marriage, she exhibited all the attributes of her royal station, — she was also Duchess of Calabria, — and her high breeding, no less than her beauty, raised her above all petty jealousies." In the ancient pack of playing-cards, at the Venetian Museo Civico, we find her represented upon the "Ten of Spades," with the following legend : — " Costanza, daughter of Tancredo King of Naples, wife of Doge Pietro Ziani, was accustomed to meet all the malcontents against the Doge and herself with the saying : — ' I have nothing to do with you ! ' "
The State being involved in tremendous financial difficulties on account of the cost of the Crusades, and also in behalf of the purchase of the island of Crete, in view of the Doge's great private wealth, —'L' haver Ziani'' was quite as true of Pietro as of Sebastiano — reduced his official salary to 2800 lire, with 100 thrown in as a free gift. It was further decreed that all tributes to the Doge should henceforth be shared between him and the treasury of San Marco. Moreover he was required to make an offering of three silver trumpets for ceremonial processions, and to undertake the repairs of the Ducal Palace, — rather a one-sided bargain !
Fifteen years of marital happiness fell to the lot of the Doge and Dogaressa. Three children were borne by imperious Costanza — Marco, Marchesina, and Maria. Some authorities say that the Dogaressa died suddenly in 1228 and that the Doge, broken-hearted, followed her within a month. The Altino Chronicle however records the abdication of Pietro Ziani, and adds that he and his Consort, with their family, retired into private life and went to reside in their palace upon the fondamento of Santa Giustina, where he died, and then received sepulture in the church of San Giorgio Maggiore, in the tomb of his father Sebastiano.
There is still a third version of the deaths of Doge Pietro and Dogaressa Costanza. In the terrible earthquake of 1220, when the church and monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore were destroyed, and the islands of Amiano and Costanzina swallowed up, it was said that many people died of fright, and among them the Dogaressa. The Doge, sharing the universal sense of insecurity in Venice, proposed to move the seat of Government to Constantinople, but, upon the cessation of the seismic disturbances, wiser counsels prevailed, and he set to work to rebuild the shattered edifices. In 1229 Pietro Ziani exchanged the silk-brocaded robe of State for the worsted habit of a Benedictine, and ended his days in the new monastery of San Giorgio which he had built.[...]
The last years of Doge Pietro Ziani were embittered by the rivalries of the families of Tiepolo and Dandolo — partisans of both sides eagerly grasping the Ducal chair, and impatient of the demise of its occupant. The Doge and Dogaressa were so worried and oppressed by these unseemly contentions that he executed a deed of abdication, and returned to his private residence, leaving the distinguished but thankless office to be filled by another. Giacomo Tiepolo represented the old ideas and Marino Dandolo the new, and the votes of the Council were equally divided ; but at last, a majority was found for the former. Tiepolo was out and away the most enlightened and intellectual man of his time. He came of an ancient family, one of the "Apostolic" order of nobility — " Teupolo " in the old spelling, and originally from Rome. Bartoldo Teupolo, the head of the family in 697, was one of the electors of Doge Paolo Lucio Anafesto. In 1 204, when so many Venetian nobles assumed territorial titles of sovereignty over islands in the Greek Archipelago consequent upon the fall of Constantinople, Giacomo Tiepolo was named Duke of Candia, His father was Lorenzo, Procurator of San Marco in 1207, and Podesta of Treviso.
" Duke " Tiepolo took to wife Maria Storlato — a Venetian gentlewoman of no high degree, but a good and faithful spouse and mother. She was received as Dogaressa the day of Giacomo's election in 1228, but alas, she died in 1240, having given him three sons as pledges of her devotion — Pietro, Lorenzo, and Giovanni. The eldest became Count of Sant' Agostino and Podesta of Milan and Treviso, but, being taken prisoner by the Emperor Frederic II., he was treacherously beheaded.
A two years' widowerhood found the Doge once more at the feet of an attractive woman, not indeed a simple Venetian maiden but a Princess of Royal degree, — Valdrada, the daughter of King Tancredo of Sicily. The new Dogaressa, like her brother King Ruggero, was famed for good commonsense, and sound probity of life, and she assumed at once an unquestioned control over the actions of her Consort, strong man though he was. Like her sister, the Dowager Dogaressa Costanza, she was a virago, in the sense of a strong personality; and she followed in her sister's steps, ruling not alone her husband, but bending to her will all with whom she was thrown in contact.
Perhaps the new Dogaressa's ostentation of Regal rank in the Venetian Court was a decisive factor in the promulgation of what was called the " Promissione " — perhaps best translated by the French term, Protocol — of 1242, the provisions of which greatly restricted the power and liberty of the Doge and Dogaressa. The Doge was henceforth to be, not the executive Head of the State, but the executor of the orders of the Council. Acts of homage were no longer to be rendered to him, nor was he to be addressed as " Domine Dominus.'' In times gone by the deputation of nobles, commissioned to acquaint a new Doge of his election, were accustomed to greet him thus : — " Welcome, Messer Doge, God give you Messer Doge a good morrow, we are come to dine with you, we await your orders, and we wish to kiss your hand." The Dogaressa also shared the new restrictive conventions, and neither relatives of hers, nor of the Doge, were eligible for any public office. Their household was limited — only twenty-five free retainers were allowed and a like number of unpaid dependent slaves. [...]
Doge Giacomo Tiepolo's time was much occupied with the settlement of internal jealousies and factions, and by the conduct of naval and military expeditions. While he was so employed Dogaressa Valdrada gave her whole time to the patronage and support of the Trade Corporations — a role maintained by all her successors.
At length, in 1209, the Doge, wearied alike by the exertions of his foreign enterprises and by the keenness of political rivalries at home, executed a deed of abdication, and, with Dogaressa Valdrada and her two young children retired to his private residence at Sant' Agostino, in the sestiere of San Polo or Paolo. He did not long survive his retirement from office, and both he and his Consort, who outlived him three years, were buried in SS. Giovanni e Paolo. In every sense of the word Giacomo Tiepolo — " The Legislator " — was a " Grand " Doge — the sixth upon whom that title may be properly bestowed.
Staley, Edgcumbe, The dogaressas of Venice : The wives of the doges, p. 88-99
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usnewsrank · 3 years
Argo Blockchain Raises Funds to Build Mining Capacity – Investors Chronicle
Argo Blockchain Raises Funds to Build Mining Capacity – Investors Chronicle
The cryptocurrency miner will use the proceeds for general business purposes The FCA recently reported concerns about the cryptocurrency market Cryptocurrency miner Argo block chain (ARB) raised £ 22.4million via a private placement just days after Bitcoin recalled its inherent volatility, surpassing the $ 40,000 (£ 29,380) mark before retracing some of its gains. Argo, […] The post Argo…
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becomingherocomic · 4 years
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Becoming Hero
The Day You Became a Tyrant - The True Hidden Tragedy of COVID19
  Feedthehungry.org/ – Give to them, please, people are starving because of COVID19 lock-downs and power abuses. Ongoing hidden tragedies chronicled in this growing article, each marked by date, with ways you can help speak out.
April 26th, Starving the Poor: “The children have malaria and we are locked in–it is difficult to get medications.” At this point, the level of government control due to COVI19 in many countries is becoming tyrannical. This is a message I received from a close friend who runs an orphanage in Liberia, where they are only allowed to leave the house two hours a day. This makes it impossible for her to work, difficult for her to obtain medications for the children, and, ultimately threatens the existence of the orphanage as they struggle to obtain medications, food, and water. Because the panic over COVID19 has sparked blanket regulations instead of targeted solutions, people are suffering. People are dying.
The burgeoning human rights violations are not limited, of course, to Liberia. In the United States, in an already injust prison system, asymptomatic, non-contacted prisoners are being denied the right to read, access libraries, or self-educate, further repressing their rehabilitation. COVID19 has also been used as an excuse to further limit and deport “undesirable” immigrants: Trump, metaphorically, now has his wall. In several states political protestors are being arrested and fined with the excuse of COVID19, even when all protestors involved are asymptomatic, gatherings are small or socially distanced, and there is no evidence of COVID contact, vulnerability, or age of risk. To deny the first amendment right to assemble, protest, and speak on political issues is a fundamental violation of our shared humanity. The actions of state governments like North Carolina and New York overreach the clinical guidelines of the CDC, which were to quarantine symptomatic individuals and individuals at risk. For the Trump administration and United States Democrats to use public fear to increase their power, violate Habeas Corpus, and control political opposition is corrupt, wicked, and, ultimately, foolish. In healthcare, blanket solutions always harm the outlying minority and can often harm an outlying majority. Even in hypertension treatment, we do not give the same medication to the entire hypertensive population, but target appropriate care by patient factors–Black patients, for example, experience more dangerous side effects on ACEs or ARBs than other populations, so a conscientious physician will alter his medication recommendations accordingly to a CCB or hydrochlorothiazide. According to the modern biopsychosocial model of clinical practice, all paternalism of trying to control, instead of listening to, the patient, is discouraged: otherwise, if we are arresting people over infectious disease, we should arrest known HIV+ sufferers who willingly engage in intercourse without a condom and chemical prophylaxis. Those patients have physically, intentionally performed an activity that threatens someone else’s life–yet, because they have advocates in places of power, to even suggest that level of control is absurd. Patient autonomy, targeted care: why do we so egregiously fail to apply these known principles of medical ethics to COVID19? The economic fall-out from the truly evil actions of world governments is going to be, and already starting to be, severe. The upper middle class and wealthy liberals won’t feel it, Trump won’t feel it, but the poor are already starting to suffer. And yet, instead of targeting aid towards those who work with their hands, domestic workers, factory workers, physical laborers, the US government is showering the same amount of money on all Americans, bequeathing wealthy physicians, CEOs, and venture capitalists with money the poor actually need. As in the days when the kings would throw parades, tossing out gold and food to placate the peasants, these inept and foolish displays of grandeur occur at the expense of the people. Make no mistake, the major party political strategists know that whoever can best control the narrative of the panic will win the 2020 election, and that is all they care about. With these deficit increases, the United States has traded its status as a world power for warm fuzzies of comfortable isolation. When the dominoes have all fallen, welcome Japan as your new world leader. Welcome nations that implemented targeted solutions, instead of population-level control like Liberia and the United States. The level of human suffering caused by the panic over COVID19 will be far more severe than the level of suffering caused by the virus itself. Multiple population studies have demonstrated its fatality is almost exclusively limited to those over 50 and the immunocompromised, with only an 18 percent death rate among even the most severely hospitalized, on average. We needed quarantines targeted towards the vulnerable, not blanket shut-down. If you are not in a COVID19 hotspot, please encourage your local government to re-open commerce for the working class as soon as possible. Encourage your local media to educate the population on who should be at most risk, and who should stay home, following the easily google-able CDC CLINICAL guidelines for physicians instead of the current politicized “everyone stay home” public campaign. If necessary, protest the arrest of political dissenters and the new excuse to further mistreat prisoners. If you are forcibly isolated, implement self-sustainability strategies like aquaponics, foraging, food gardening, home business solutions, self-defense, and home energy systems like solar. Don’t let your government’s opportunistic application of panic harm you, or the downtrodden who need you. Write your congressman here: http://www.house.gov/representativ…/find-your-representative Write your senator here: https://www.senate.gov/senat…/How_to_correspond_senators.htm Write your governor here: https://www.usa.gov/state-governor Best of luck to you–you may need it.
More information about the global suffering can be found here. __________________________
May 5th, Silencing Free Speech: One of many instances where governments are using COVID19 to silence whatever side they don’t like: drive-in religious gathering was stopped by the police. Didn’t matter that there was no way these guys could infect each other from inside their cars–COVID19 is the real-life equivalent of Chancellor Palpatine grabbing wartime powers for himself in StarWars. Political protests have also been stopped, with arrests even with appropriate social distancing and gatherings of less than 10 people, in multiple states like North Carolina and New York. Political gatherings for the upcoming election have also been silenced in various cities, usually silencing the opposite belief system from city government (so in a liberal city, libertarian/Republican gatherings silenced, and vice versa).
_______________________________________________________________________________________ May 6th, Destroying Women’s Health to line Big Pharma Pockets: WE’RE BACK TO BACK-ALLEY ABORTIONS, LADIES–but now Big Pharma gets money for your DIY suffering. Big Pharma wants to eliminate the safety checks essential for protecting a patient from abortion complications (particularly unsupervised hemorrhage and death). In the spirit of Machiavelli, the abortion industry is seizing the COVID-19 crisis to reach for do-it-yourself abortion. Read to the end to see if you are at risk for complications… (The below was copied from an AAPLOG physican bulletin)
The Gynuity website states:
“The COVID-19 epidemic has triggered an acute need to minimize the time that patients spend in medical facilities and to reduce physical contact between patients and providers. In response to this need, Gynuity recently led the collaborative development of a sample protocol for providing medication abortion without any routine facility-based tests either before or after treatment.”
The irresponsibility and frank medical malpractice of Gynuity’s protocol is breathtaking:
1. Despite the obvious medical common sense and FDA label requirement to rule out ectopic pregnancy, there is no provision for ultrasound documentation of intrauterine pregnancy prior to taking Mifeprex, much less documentation of gestational age. Under this protocol, women with an ectopic pregnancy will take Mifeprex and be told that pain, bleeding and cramping are a “normal” part of the Mifeprex abortion process. Then these women will bleed to death from ruptured ectopic pregnancy as has already happened. In fact, none of the following contraindications are adequately addressed.
Who should not take Mifeprex?
Some women should not take Mifeprex. A woman should not take Mifeprex if it has been more than 70 days since the first day of her last menstrual period, or if she:
has an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside of the uterus) has problems with the adrenal glands (the glands near the kidneys) is currently being treated with long-term corticosteroid therapy (medications) has had an allergic reaction to Mifepristone, Misoprostol or similar drugs has bleeding problems or is taking anticoagulant (blood thinning) drug products has inherited porphyria has an intrauterine device (IUD) in place (it must be removed before taking Mifeprex) This information applies equally to the approved generic version of Mifeprex.
2. There is no responsible medical person to administer Rhogam to Rh negative women, despite ACOG guidelines which clearly state that Rhogam should be administered to women with terminations. According to ACOG, one of the most common reasons for Rh isoimmunization is failure to administer Rhogam.
A recent retrospective study from New Zealand identified reasons for continued cases of sensitization, including omission of immune globulin after a recognized sensitizing event in 41% of cases and administration outside of recommended guidelines in 13% of cases.
Termination of pregnancy is a recognized sensitizing event (see Box 1 in the ACOG PB) and ACOG recommendations clearly state:
Rh D immune globulin should be given to Rh D-negative women who have pregnancy termination, either medical or surgical. Yet, ACOG has been completely silent or supportive of the “self-managed” (do-it-yourself) abortion industry initiative. This is another glaring example of how ACOG ignores even its own recommendations and has abandoned advocacy for real women’s health in its blind advocacy for the abortion industry.
3. There is no one to manage the common complications of hemorrhage, incomplete abortion and need for surgical completion. In one of the very few studies on adverse events after medical abortion that is not directly sponsored by the abortion industry, a recent study using the medical records of 42,000 women who underwent induced abortion in Finland reported the following complication rates:
RESULTS The overall incidence of adverse events was fourfold higher in the medical compared with surgical abortion cohort (20.0% compared with 5.6%, P<.001). Hemorrhage (15.6% compared with 2.1%, P<.001) and incomplete abortion (6.7% compared with 1.6%, P<.001) were more common after medical abortion. The rate of surgical (re)evacuation was 5.9% after medical abortion and 1.8% after surgical abortion (P<.001). Although rare, injuries requiring operative treatment or operative complications occurred more often with surgical termination of pregnancy (0.6% compared with 0.03%, P<.001).
With the Gynuity do-it-yourself protocol, these one out of 20 women will just be dumped on the ER, as is already happening with online abortion drug availability and the women told to lie about the termination, as they are already being instructed to do for online self-managed abortion. Even the abortion industry recognizes that the ER plays a critical role in mopping up the complications. A recent Vice article argues that ER doctors need to be more knowledgeable about self-managed abortions. Pro-abortion ER Doctor Dara Kass admitted this abuse of the ER and also stated, “Recently published results of the Gynuity pilot project showed that eight percent of their patients who received abortion medication sought follow-up care at a local urgent care clinic or emergency department. Using the 339,640 (and growing) annual number we estimate that 27,000 women could report to an emergency department after a “self-managed” abortion every single year.”
And things will be even worse because the Gynuity protocol recommends use up to 77 days (11 weeks). But there is no way to assure that a woman at a later gestational age will not use the drugs since no ultrasounds or tests are done. Note that after 10 weeks of pregnancy, the Finnish database publication reported that one out of every three women require surgical completion. The abstract also states:
RESULTS When compared with first trimester medical TOP, second trimester medical TOP increased the risk of surgical evacuation [Adj. odds ratio (OR) 7.8; 95% confidence interval (CI) 6.8-8.9], especially immediately after fetal expulsion (Adj. OR 15.2; 95% CI 12.8-18.0). The risk of infection was also elevated (Adj. OR 2.1; 95% CI 1.5-2.9).
More about the Gynuity protocol HERE: https://aaplog.wildapricot.org/EmailTrack…/LinkTracker.ashx….
Make no mistake: women will essentially have NO ONE to turn to for complications. Abusers and pimps will have no medical interference from pesky medical personnel who are required to report statutory rape in minors. Unfortunately, such enabling has become commonplace in the abortion industry. I have personally treated patients after complications of abortion, and treated sexual assault patients for abortion evaluation. I don’t disagree that sometimes there are medical indications for these medications.
But don’t let huge ANY Big Pharma special interest groups tell you to do your own coat-hanger back-alley abortion, EVER!
__________________________________________________________ May 8th: Worsening Conditions For the Poor While the Rich Complain About Going Back To Work PEOPLE ARE STARVING. People can’t access life-saving medications for tropical diseases. Meanwhile, you’ve got all these cute millennials on Youtube: “oooh WE are doing the right thing and self-quarantining, we’re not trying to open the economy”–FUCK YOU YOU MAKE MONEY SITTING IN A CHAIR. It’s exactly, EXACTLY like I said at the beginning. This is a disease that kills off rich old people first. Meanwhile, the people hardest hit by the overreaching panic are the poor, because you can’t just throw someone a couple fish when you’ve broken the fishing rod. And you can’t throw them enough fish to feed them for a lifetime because you’re in serious debt to China, and money isn’t a magical life force you dream up with your ass by wanting it to exist–it’s still, at some point, an imagined credit system based on trading in power, and you don’t have power anymore. Aaaand like I said at the beginning, the panic is far worse than the virus. Death rates continue to be primarily restricted to the ill and the old, with an extremely high survival rate even among the sickest of the sick (some ICU studies, death rate was below 20 percent). Don’t believe Fox and CNN, because hospitals ARE NOT CROWDED in areas that aren’t hot spots: here in Texas shifts are SLOWER than normal, places are EMPTY because no one’s allowed to come in without an emergency. Yeah, it’s a serious disease–so let’s be smart like Japan, wear masks, and keep the sick and the old at home. Did you know pneumonia was already one of the leading causes of death worldwide (#3)? This is basically a kind of pneumonia, you jack-headed simpering pig-dolts. It’s not curable yet, but damn if it isn’t treatable. …(Treatable, unlike several tropical diseases ignored by your medical research money machine because they only kill the undesirable poor who are having those babies Thomas Malthus taught you to hate with his outdated, racist population control model)… The ultimate suffering world-wide from the panic, with the resulting economic fall-out over the next several years, is going to be far worse than the suffering from the virus. The rich won’t feel it. Your favorite Youtuber telling you we should all stay at home won’t feel it–he wants this, you watch more Youtube and increase his revenue if you stay at home. More news from my friend in Liberia this week. In the US and abroad, more prison care, hunger, and human rights organizations report abuse and suffering. The birds-eye view is a Machiavellian power play: in a world where nuclear missiles and dying nationalist spirit have made war a more difficult smokescreen for power-grabs, a deadly pandemic is THE PERFECT government excuse to control people through fear–to stop immigration, to isolate prisoners, to arrest political dissidents. Every politician on any side in any country right now is doing everything she can to make herself a hero, her enemy a monster, and COVID19 a scary reason for you to give her more power. I fucking hate being right. So I’ll keep going so I can be wrong. Look, power is traded on mitigated risk and the groveling human drive for security; it’s how our credit system works, how elections work, how ideologies and religions work. It’s the reason people hated Yeshua: because when “perfect love casts out fear” suddenly there is no control. Yeshua was a deadly threat to all forms of government and religion, not because he talked of peace like Ghandhi on the railroad tracks, but because for a brief 3 years he put uncomfortable, weird love above all else. And while, like MLK, he called for freedom from the control of others, he also called for freedom from the control of self: this was not the kind of modern “love” that boils down to you sticking your dick wherever you please, but rather love dictated by a power above human understanding–weird, freaky, stuff, stuff that made people think of otherworldly possession. They called him demon-possessed for a reason, and many modern televangelists would probably do the same. He wasn’t controlled by human instincts, human religion, or human scarcities, because he lost the ability to fear them. Mark describes it with the word faith, over and over, and John uses the world love, but at the edge of both of those you find courage. I have neither the patience nor the love to talk about that kind of courage: I’m tired, I’m in pain without access to many of the things that usually help, and like many young people of my economic standing, I am afraid of going back to work in a system rigged for psychological abuse. I understand your wealthy millennial struggles because by golly I’ve got them too. I understand that modern employers have no concern for the people under them, only for the bottom line or “the mission.” And I get that everyone is afraid of dying, because hell, dying is a weird thing to think about. Dude, I live in a constant state of terror, and have to take medications for nightmares, because horrible things can happen suddenly. Your little brother can drop dead for no reason. You might suddenly have to spend the night in pain for no reason. Cars can veer out of control near you for no reason and you have to pull a guy out of fire, and ride home with his blood streaming down your arms. A little baby can be born dead front of you for no reason while his mother sobs in pain; you might have to wrap him up to hide his swollen alien head, where pieces of skull are floating all separated under his grey skin. And that’s just the fears of a wealthy millennial in a relatively safe neighborhood, saying nothing of the fact that people torture, murder and rape each other all the time for absolutely no reason. I get it! I understand fear because it is my abusive bedfellow; I understand the politician’s desire to control the world around them, and the irony that to do so they employ the fear that controls them. I want to control the world myself; it’s the longing in the heart of every human being to ride the throne of the universe. Diseases, natural disasters, and other terrors drive us to warp modern science into a unified attempt at control instead of healing, because we think we are something we are not–and ultimately, we are all scraping together bricks for the Tower of Babel. But we CAN’T control the universe, and quest for Babel is built on the back of slavery and oppression. I’ve said it a hundred times if I’ve said it once: your rights must end where someone else’s begin because the drug that works for you may not work for someone else, and even with the best of modern science you, little doctor, can’t know you are right! You have to understand, it wasn’t the religious doctrine of the day that silenced Galileo, because nowhere in Scripture does it say he was wrong–it was the modern science of the day, clinging to known “truths” from Aristotle, truths that became ingrained in the ideological fabric of societal norm. Science becomes religion, and religion science, as our truths are challenged by the truth of a Universe we cannot control. Ultimately, “the fear of Hashem is the beginning of wisdom” because if we can achieve that we stop seeing ourselves, our earth, as the center of the solar system, and stop being afraid of losing control because we see it never belonged to us in the first place. We stop controlling others, start opening our eyes to evidence-based systems, and start working together for intelligent solutions when we know our LI, as Confucius put it, when we know who we are: and you are not God, George Weah, you are not God, Donald Trump, you are not God, little idiots on Youtube–you are not God, Jen. It’s a quiet chaos of chirping cockatiel, tinkling water, teeming fish, and the ocean-like rush of cars in the distance as micro-organisms fight and die across my skin, and maybe one day I’ll stop trying to be Genesis 1 God and become the Psalm 2 goddess I was meant to be.
  ~ Jen Finelli, MD
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maleenhancementmd · 4 years
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Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor. It affects as many as 30 million men. ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that’s firm enough for sex. Though it’s not rare for a man to have some problems with erections from time to time.
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Health conditions other than gum disease and tooth loss that are linked to bad dental hygiene range from diabetes to dementia to erectile dysfunction. But there’s some confusion about the best way.
Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Having erection trouble from time to time isn't.
Even when he fingers me with 3 fingers it still kinda hurts, but with 2, im ok. Whats wrong with me. I really dont understand what im doing that I cant go all the way. I dont even know how to.
Almost all chroniclers of underclass life are progressives with a deep sense of gratitude to their subjects. Any journalist,
 · Erectile dysfunction. Taking oral L-arginine might improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction due to a physical cause. Our take. Generally safe. L-arginine is considered to be generally safe and might be effective at lowering blood pressure, reducing the symptoms of angina and treating erectile dysfunction due to a physical cause..
What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?. Erectile dysfunction is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual.
source https://www.maleenhancementmd.com/whats-a-erectile-dysfunction/
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powercorrupts · 7 years
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akkivee · 1 day
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POSSE!!!!! POSSE!!!!! ITS POSSE!!!!!
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akkivee · 29 days
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giving the swapped bodies an expression from the soul that inhabits them…….. like arb really cooked lmao
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akkivee · 2 months
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sasara’s manager: oh, the bromide of aohitsugi-san after his bath!! i was surprised you got permission to take that photo
sasara: actually, i snuck in and took that picture
manager: eh
sasara: i figured, if i got caught i could handle whatever might happen but geez, i honestly thought i was going to get killed
EXCUSE ME?????? SASARA????????????????
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akkivee · 2 months
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arb isn’t slick lmao
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akkivee · 3 months
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ichiro apparently
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akkivee · 29 days
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akkivee · 2 months
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he’sv r eadim g mannga,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, la t e niig ht mamga read in g uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,,,,,,,,,,,,
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