#◜inque: aesthetics.◞
flowercrownd · 1 year
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   inque tags !
◜inque: inbox / replies.◞ ◜inque: behavior.◞ ◜inque: headcanon.◞ ◜inque: in character.◞ ◜inque: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜inque: isms.◞ ◜inque: playlist.◞ ◜inque: aesthetics.◞   ◜inque: desires / shipping.◞   ◜inque: attire.◞ ◜inque: abilities / skills.◞
◜inque / v. dcu.◞  🇮​🇹​‘🇸​ 🇴​🇳​🇱​🇾​ 🇦​ 🇱​🇴​🇸​🇸​ 🇺​🇳​🇹​🇮​🇱​ 🇮​🇳​🇸​🇺​🇷​🇦​🇳​🇨​🇪​ 🇵​🇦​🇾​🇸​ 🇺​🇵​.
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unseelieships · 2 years
While I am so so so so glad da4 will have a new protagonist I don’t like that it’s called dreadwolf gotta be honest… I just didn’t like inqu*sition so much I want them to pretend it never happened 😭 but obviously they won’t do that…. I also want my dirty grimy muddy brown aesthetic back :/
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And last we’ve got a big sketch page update:
Shayne and Rex I’ve talked about before, but at this point they’re fully established as the new Changeling (or Menagerie? idk) and Warhawk
Micron is Ronald Rusch, son of Jason Rusch and successor to Ryan Choi and Rhonda Pineda, though he chose not to use the name “Atom” for personal reasons. Micron never had a name in canon, and from Sara Stewart’s entry, you can guess I like unusual legacy cases, so the son of Firestorm is the Atom Beyond.
Pivoting off that, Phoebus is a Kingdom Come character I just transferred over. They also don’t have a canon identity beyond being a successor to Firestorm, and I uh...don’t actually have a name for them either, but I think I might play up a visual link to sentai and have them as either Japanese or someone of Japanese descent?
Alloy is another lift from Kingdom Come, and not much of a clear figure here, but their core is Platinum since Tina is the leader of the Metal Men in the headverse
Batwoman is Elainna Grayson, returned to her own time after spending a year or so in the “modern day” as headverse!Red X. Her suit is almost identical to Terry’s and they mostly get along, but Elainna is pulling influence from Ryan Wilder instead of Jace Fox, though eventually everyone comes together under Bella Real as a new Bat-Family.
Nissa is still Batgirl Beyond, but here she’s also Luke Fox’s daughter. Unlike the other Bats of this era, Nissa’s suit is much less advanced, being more in like with Jace’s suit during his earliest period of activity.
The Red Hood is [redacted]...nah, I’m just kidding, he’s Thomas Grayson. Elainna’s brother, Tom is from yet another alternate future (the same one as Sahar, actually) in canon, here he co-exists with his siblings but takes after his uncle, Jason. 
Danica, Avia, Mareena, and Inque round out this batch. Danica and Mareena are pretty much direct lifts, but I’m reworking Mareena’s look to reflect a more Momoa-adjacent aesthetic. Avia is based on the Kingdom Come version and fills the canon!Barda’s spot on the JLU, since the New Gods have...well, that’s for another time.
Last is Inque, Deanna Clay. In canon, Deanna is Inque’s daughter, which is still the case here, but now the experiment destabilize her body so severely, she can only survive as a symbiotic suit for someone else. Deanna ends up functioning as Terry’s archnemesis in a lot of regards here. Blight’s still the big bad, but between the changes to Terry’s suit and Inque’s backstory, they play off each other in a Spider-Man/Venom sort of dynamic. Deanna, like Terry, is also of Rhelasian descent, and the estranged biological child of a father she never knew.
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theimpossiblescheme · 7 years
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Part 16/75 of my Female Rogues of Gotham City series
Metahumans, incredible as it may seem, are very few and far between in Gotham City.  The few that exist are treated as highly dangerous individuals; unfortunately, in quite a few cases, that view has proven to be correct as many of them have become violent criminals either acting out against society or wantonly abusing their powers just because they can.  One of them has proven to be one of Batman’s most formidable foes.
Inque was once an artist and later a mercenary operating out of desperation to feed her family, but now, thanks to her meta gene, she is a shapeshifting femme fatale whose inky mass of a body can take on whatever form she deems most appropriate to sabotage her enemies.  Her one earthly tie is her estranged daughter Deanna, but when she sought her out to make amends for leaving her as a baby, Deanna turned the tables on her mother by blackmailing her and threatening her life if she refused to turn over her ill-gotten fortunes.  After being struck with an electrical surge when she refused to be cowed, it looked as though Inque was finally done for, but the wily woman of fortune was recently discovered to have reconfigured and departed for parts and victims unknown.
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warhammergoldenera · 4 years
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ENTRY #1 SPACE MARINES And why you ask? Simple. Its easy to hate Space Marines. You know what though, its also easy to forget some of the best things about them that get lost in the current mainstreaming of the lore and GW's pathetic attempts to turn them into noble sci fi heroes. And so I present to you my; 10 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO MAKE A MORE MEANINGFUL SPACE MARINE ARMY. Good for both Established, AND custom Chapters.
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#1: Recruitment: All Space Marines starts life as humble regular human boys. Aww, arn't they cute? HOWEVER, as we all know, the imperium is vast and has hundreds of millions of worlds. And Space Marine Chapters, being the primidone's they are get first class choice of recruiting worlds. So ask yourself. What world do my boys come from? Feudal? Feral? Hi-tech Deathworld? The list goes on. And believe it or not, this has a huge effect on how your marines, even in a established chapter may act. Are they recruited from primitive headhunting cannibal tribes (Azriel)? Or maybe highly learned but well structured societies? Once you know, start thinking about how you can add personal detail to your models and story via the background of where your young soon to be giant super human murder machines came from.
#2 Rituals: Every Chapter has special "Join our club" rituals. How do you become a Space Marine in this chapter? What effort do you go through, and more importantly, what do you have to show for it? Tokens, totems, perhaps trophies are self forged weapons, armor or tech constructs? Again, the sky is the limit, and can be both modeled on your army and written in the lore.
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#3 Traditions: What does your chapter like to do to make everyone feel like part of a fraternity of crazed indoctrinated killing machines? Perhaps they drink each other's blood. Maybe blood sport. Perhaps hunting trips. Maybe just drinking till the suns come up What do your boys do as celebration and tradition or observance that sets them apart.
#4 Weapons: Ah yes, you know you like this one. Weapons. What do your boys prefer killing with? Swords? Axes? BARE FUCKING FISTS? Who knows, only you. But there’s more to it than this. Whats the history? After all the Dark angles have their Edgy Black blades. The Space Wolves have Russ' spear and random relics, and the UltraMarines like their Gladius, but ask yourself, what weapon do your boys prefer and what does it symbolize to them?
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#5 Visual Aesthetic: Knights? Been there done that.   Monks, Been there too. Hmm maybe vikings...nah. But hey whatever floats your boat. Ask yourself, what Aesthetic is your marine chapter known for? Dig into it,  Go to your history book and look up famous armies and military. Maybe perhaps, even something current gen rather than history? Who knows what you might find. Perhaps you got a thing for Mongols, or perhaps less known Stepp people Like Sythians or such. Maybe you have a thing for an obscure African tribe. Think outside the box and get an idea of what your boys embody
#6 Heraldry: Yeah this one is easy, Very easy. Or is it? Can you think of a coat of arms that fits your design, And more important, one that can then be simplified down to a model scale and easily free-handed or sculpted? Every coat of arms and heraldic device in the world means something. What does yours mean? Skulls, yeah cool, whatever, but what about a Skull and a crown, or perhaps a tower with a skull gate? What do those mean to you and your marines and where did it come from?
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#7 Doctrine: No, not the killing kind, more of the belief kind> What do your brothers believe? Is the big E a god to them? Or do they know better? Do they like the high lords and obey them? Or do they think they are a bunch of Bureaucratic assholes that they really are? Do they like the Inqus? Maybe the sisters? Maybe they actually get along with humans. Do they have Spiritualism or Objectivism? Tribalism or maybe something more obscure? What do they believe in that keeps them killing and purging?
#8 Combat Doctrine Ah yes, the good part. Whats the Combat tactics of your boys? Close Up and Personal? Or maybe lots and lots of guns. ALL THE DAKKA! Who knows, maybe your Marines actually prefer to fight from Orbit. Being only ever deployed during mass Fleet engagements (See 3rd war for Armageddon.) The sky is the limit when it comes to how your boys in Power Armor like to fight and believe it or not, it doesn’t always hav to be....CC or Ranged. #9 Colors Take pride in your colors. Or don't and make your marines have cheesy camo schemes like Rogue Trader era shit. Who cares? You wanna know whats boring as fucking? painting all your marines like your trying to replicate the box art photos on the model box. Take it somewhere fun. Study or create squad markings both from 40k and history. Find things that make them apart from all other chapters even if they do fall in line with Girlly-man's Codex. Do they use patterns or straight color schemes, do they mark themselves by squad, or as individuals? Do they have coherency in their scheme or do certain colors designate ones from others? Always remember, Your color pattern is what people will first see. #10 History Ah now the most important and last point. History, Yeah remember when 40k was told as a historical game and not like a "We gonna move the story forward but not really" point? Remember when your inner history buff got a hard on reading the Sabbat worlds, or the 12th Black Crusade? remember when you wanted to have a history that meant something? Well you should make one! Study the maps and old codexes, Go through all those short stories you forgot about in various books. Study old classic warfare in our own history and make reasons why your boys are such a big deal, or maybe even a small deal, or perhaps a darker deal in the 41st Millennium. A story is only as good as its base, and your boys need a solid one if your going to keep yourself and others interested in it. That’s all for today Heretics! Happy Hobbying!
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tiptapricot · 4 years
What's your top 5 favorite villains in Batman Beyond?
This was actually kind of hard bc I had to weigh the villains as characters vs how much I like the episodes they’re in. So this isn’t really in order, just five that I like.
Stalker- Carl Lumbly’s voice always adds a plus to a character for me right off the bat. I thought Stalker had a cool backstory that gave him a unique motivation to be a villain. I also appreciate that he was pretty neutral when it came to evil v good. He knew Terry’s identity but wasn’t going to reveal it, and he was willing to team up with Batman to save people.
Curarè- Great aesthetic, realistic feeling threat, a fucking badass, and I love the mystery to her character.
Spellbinder- I always enjoy villains that deal with mind control/manipulation because it usually leads to really interesting character interactions and dynamics. Eyewitness was an amazing episode, so was Spellbinder’s debut ep and his return w the VR stuff. Psychologists are some of the most formidable villains and he’s so funky.
Inque- Goo👏wife. She’s a cool take on the shape changing villain trope and her design is 👌👌👌👌😔 She also takes no shit and won’t hesitate to slap a bitch.
The RFG in general- The Royal Flush Gang had a really well done arc that explored dysfunctional families, the grey area between good and evil, privilege, and the choice involved in how you use (excuse the pun) the cards you’re dealt at birth. Love the callback/forward to the JL FG, and the aesthetics are on par as usual.
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creed-of-cats · 5 years
If we had Batman Beyond movie with the people behind Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, I would be ridiculously happy.
The setting would be the cyberpunk, mulitple level city of Neo Gotham. The swinging in NYC in Spiderverse was great, but think flying up and down hundreds of levels with the batsuit's wings
The comic book/painting artstyle with the colors, lights, and aesthetic of Neo Gotham !!
The potential music, rock, and electro tracks mixed with more somber and classical themes for the old bat family (a bit like the soundtrack of Tron legacy I guess)
The relationships and and characters in Spiderverse were great. They would do wonderful with old Bruce and Terry's relationships, as well as the rest with the new and old bat family.
Sassy Terry and Bruce in Spiderverse animation
Maxine Gibson
The new justice league possibly?
Terry's rogues gallery (Blight, Inque, Spellbinder, spliced people, etc)
Flashbacks to Bruce's prime days looking like older comic books, or B:TAS
I know it isn't really possible, but a crossover with Spiderman 99 would be super cool.
I think my only concern is it being similar to Mile's origin story and colors and people being like 'omg DC is ripping off marvel again' when Batman Beyond has existed since the 90's.
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Random Headcanon: The Batsuits
Much like Bruce, Terry McGinnis has gone through several batsuits. Each having various upgrades and abilities that they share or are unique. Ever evolving, this iteration of the Batsuit has had a few prototypes before finally coming the one Terry stole that faithful night.
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Batwing Suit 2.0
The Batwing suit is often linked as the first successful Wayne Enterprises suit that served as the basis for the future Batman Beyond suit. Using David Zavimbe’s first Batwing suit as a starting point, the suit was advanced and modified for Luke Fox, Lucius Fox’s son and the second Batwing. This suit has a full face plate, retractable cape, and "an interior skin that monitors vital signs and produces medical repair capabilities," such as hardening around the area of a broken arm to hold the bone in place and administering painkillers. This same suit also has an invisibility-like mechanism that operates through holographic sensors that give the illusion of what is behind the operator, though this gives a blurring effect when moving. The suit also housed a “detective vision” which helped the wearer with studying a scene and quick forensic evidence. While mass produced and the ability to receive commands to suit up, the downside to the Batwing suit involved its ability to be hacked relatively easily. And with technology constantly on the move, the suit was eventually phased out.
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Powers Industries Bat-Mech Armor 1.0 aka Rookie aka Bat-bunny
The only Batman Beyond suit that was not made by Wayne Enterprises. Created during a disappearance of Batman, CEO of Powers Technology, Geri Powers, opted to make this suit as the first of several mech suits that would help law enforcement all over the world. Able to carry out basic commands to the wear “Rookie” was armed with several state of the art equipment and was able to go toe to toe with several super powered criminals. In the end, Rookie was tossed to the side when it was hacked by Mr. Bloom and picked up by Luke Fox. It served as a valuable instrument in stopping the evil satellite: Brother Eye.
The Suits:
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Beyond Prototype Suit 0.0
Made prior to the incorporation of the Powers Batsuit, this batsuit was armed with several standard functions the batsuit would come to have. From its color scheme of red and black, retractable glider wings, jet boosters and several main stays of the gadgets Batman wears, it was never worn on the field aside from a handful of times. It was built and deemed far too cost effective for the time and ultimately shelved.
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Beyond Suit 0.1
Made during Bruce’s later years, this suit began to bridge the gap of Bruce’s standard Batsuit and what would become the Beyond suit. In place of the standard glider, the suit instead had a cape that would act as the wings. The suit was exceptional enough to have a conversation, if not briefly, from Apokolips to Earth. The suit remained in the batcave for several years but was taken out when Terry’s standard batsuits were damaged.
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Beyond Suit 0.2
Attempting to steam line the Batsuit, Bruce developed this suit to enhance his combat prowess to the maximum potential in his old age. The cape became a light weight glider that could be weaponized in close combat. In addition, sonar was used to show the wearer all enemy locations. One of its greatest feats has been able to fly and outpace a Mach 19 ballistic missile. Finally, a new A.I. system was implemented to help regulate Bruce’s health and protect the wear. This quickly backfired as the suit’s A.I. would begin to control the wearer’s actions and send them into a combat state. Ignoring the pain of broken ribs and able to endure and best four fighters on Venom for several hours, the suit was deemed too dangerous and shelved. While it was worn by Bruce and Damian briefly, Terry wore the suit when his 3.0 suit was heavily damaged. The A.I. was eventually purged when it became too dangerous and nearly killed Terry.
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Battle Suit
Moving away from the Beyond suit but hoping to still enhance his strength and fighting potential, Bruce developed a suit that would allow him to fight without the use of the AI system that had plagued the previous Batsuit. While still fully capable and armed, the suit proved far too dangerous for Bruce’s heart was stopped.
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Batman Beyond Suit 1.0
The finished product of several years of development. The suit enhanced the wearer’s strength by ten, as well as their agility, endurance and more. The suit was also given a special safety switch in case it ever fell into the wrong hands. This was the last suit Bruce wore before finally retiring as Batman. Terry eventually donned the suit himself. Despite being a piece of older technology, the suit helped Terry’s first few cases, with a recording device, retractable glider wings, claws and jet boosters.
Batman Beyond Suit 1.1
The first of several suit modifications, though still classified as 1.0 series as there were no major aesthetic changes to the suit. The suit was able to sync up with the new Batmobile, able to withstand a bare minimum of 166 tons of pressure, lift over 200 tons underwater with ease, house a camouflage feature, several breathing apparatus, a full body taser system, resist heat, cold and radiation.
Batman Beyond Suit 1.2
Following the Hush Murders and his induction to the Justice League Unlimited, and several years of crime fighting, the suit was given a new series of enhancements. A new series of com links, carry a series of finger tasers and several new and gadgets, Terry utilized this suit for the remainder of his High School Era.
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Justice Lords Batman Beyond Suit
Following an attack with Brainiac that threatened the world, Terry was told to go to the world of the Justice Lords. There, he was able to obtain a temporary batsuit from that world’s Batcave. This batsuit was more armored, had a new set of wings and weapons such as a force field projector that could be weaponized. The true function was eventually revealed to be an Anti-Kryptonian Suit as it could emit similar radiation to that of Green Kryptonite. While it eventually given to the Justice Lord’s version of Terry McGinnis, the suit had a major impact on a future version of the suit. 
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Batman Beyond Suit 2.0
A brief suit that began to model itself after the Justice Lords Suit and the first major departure from the 1.0 series. Made with Dick Grayson’s help, Terry used the 1.0 base to create the new suit. Adapting the wings, more armor and similar weapons to his own, the suit seemed to be more powerful and could withstand damage from powerful hitters such as Inque, Queen and Rewire. Following extensive damage with an attack from Rewire and a mending relationship with Bruce, Terry and Bruce began to remodel and modify the suit.
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Batman Beyond Suit 3.0 Aka Red Eyes
A suit made in conjunction with Tim Drake using the models of the previous Batsuits, this suit was used during and following the Brother Eye attack on Gotham City. It had many of the same features as the previous Batsuits, but now had an updated Detective Vision, up to date weapons, a more in depth camouflage system, and the ability to hack into and access older Batsuits (utilizing the “Rookie” armor developed by Powers Incorporated). This was the first suit to include the first “safe” AI system, A.L.F.R.E.D, which served as suit monitor in case Bruce was absent. The suit was destroyed during an attack in Joker Town with a new suit being developed by Bruce.
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Batman Beyond Suit 3.1 “Neo Classic”
With most variants of the suit that were damaged, destroyed or decommissioned, Bruce heavily modified the 1.0 suit with several pieces of the the Prototype, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 suits to create the 3.1 suit. With several of the old features, this suit included the even more resistance to outside damage, enhanced protection around the spine area, a homing beacon, and a self repairing feature to protect the wearer.
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seidurs · 7 years
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the cinematic tool is so cool ;o;
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theimpossiblescheme · 7 years
Hi, guys!  So I wanted to make an announcement about a new project I’ll be undertaking very soon.  Starting the first of July every other day, I’m going to be posting an aesthetic series based on the women of Batman’s rogues gallery!  As you can imagine, I have quite a few characters from a great many versions of Batman to go through and adapt to a new universe of the Dark Knight.  Everyone’s going to get a faceclaim—in either live action, comic, or cartoon form—and a revisiting of their official backstory!  To give you an idea of who you’ll be seeing, here is a list of the ladies I have included so far:
·         Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman (from Gotham City Sirens and Detective Comics)
·         Query, Echo, Kristen Kringle, Isabella, and Enigma (from Detective Comics and Gotham)
·         Molly, Mousey, Moth, Pauline, Anna Gram, and Betsy Boldface (from the Batman television series)
·         Duela Dent (from Detective Comics)
·         Lark, Jay, Raven, and Chickadee (from Mystery of the Batwoman, Detective Comics, and the Batman television series)
·         Gertrude Kabelput (from Gotham)
·         The White Rabbit, The March Hare, the Dormouse, and the Carpenter (from Detective Comics)
·         Alice Pleasance (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Magpie (from Detective Comics)
·         Lee Meriweather and Eartha Kitt as Catwoman (from the Batman television series)
·         Kitty, Catty, Eenie, and Pussycat (from the Batman television series)
·         Baby Doll (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Roxy Rocket (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         The Kabuki Twins (from The Batman)
·         Molly Randall, Madame Crow, Becky Albright, Lindsay Jones, and Coraline Crane (from The Batman Adventures, Detective Comics, Joker’s Asylum, and Scarecrow: Year One)
·         Peyton Riley (from Detective Comics)
·         Queenie, Jill, Susie, Venus, Baby Jane Towser, Josie Miller, Undine, and Emerald (from the Batman television series)
·         Sugar and Spice (from Batman Forever)
·         Calendar Girl (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Lily, Violet, Lila, and Lotus (from Batman: The Animated Series and the Batman television series)
·         Doe, Rae, Mimi, and Octavia (from the Batman television series)
·         The Siren (from the Batman television series)
·         Marsha Queen of Diamonds, Ace, and Melanie Walker (from the Batman television series, Justice League Unlimited, and Batman Beyond)
·         Velvet Tiger (from Detective Comics and Batgirl of Burnside)
·         Nefertiti, Cleo Patrick, Neila, Shirley, and Florence of Arabia (from the Batman television series)
·         Sibyl and Olive Sliverlock (from Gotham Academy)
·         Blaze, Annie, and Katherine Karlo (from the Batman television series, Batman: The Animated Series, and Gotham Academy)
·         Fish Mooney (from Gotham)
·         Sofia Gigante (from The Long Halloween and Dark Victory)
·         Lisa and Polly (from the Batman television series)
·         Zelda the Great (from the Batman television series)
·         Orca (from Detective Comics)
·         Inque (from Batman Beyond)
·         Millie Second (from the Batman television series)
·         Haxan (from Gotham Academy)
·         Sister Crystal (from Detective Comics)
·         Andrea Beaumont (from Mask of the Phantasm)
·         Gilda Dent, Nora Fries, Francine Langstrom, and Lydia Limpet (from The Long Halloween, Batman: The Animated Series, Detective Comics, and the Batman television series)
·         Copperhead (from Arkham Origins)
·         Nocturna (from Detective Comics)
·         Talia Al Ghul and Nyssa Raatko (from Detective Comics)
·         Lady Shiva (from Detective Comics)
·         Red Claw (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Olga Queen of the Cossacks (from the Batman television series)
·         Lady Penelope Peasoup and Lady Prudence Ffogg (from the Batman television series)
·         Lucky Lindy (from Batman ’66)
·         Penny (from Batman ’66)
·         Dr. Aurora (from Batman ’66)
·         Quelle and Sphinx (from Batman ’66)
·         Amisi (from Batman ’66)
·         Ms. Li (from Under the Red Hood)
·         Diana, Nox, and Iris (from Detective Comics)
·         The Unicorn (from Detective Comics)
If there is anyone I’ve forgotten, feel free to let me know!  I will also be taking some tentative OC requests, so if you’d like to see an aesthetic of your female rogue OC, drop me an ask in my ask box describing them!  I may not be able to do all of them since I already have so many rogues to get through, but I will try my level best.  Thanks in advance for the support—see you July 1st!
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