#╚»★«╝ Mission Log ╚»★«╝ (Stories)
g1rld1ary · 3 months
you never disappointed me - part two
part one part two part three part four
➻ synopsis: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader ; percy and beckendorf's plan to set you up with luke is in motion, but you're extremely resistant to any advances (10 things I about you AU)
➻ word count: 3462
➻ warnings: swearing, ooc/kind of loser!luke, ooc silena, she/her pronouns used for reader, sexual innuendos
➻ thank u so much for all the love on part 1 I am such a happy gal!!!!! also, have my first day at uni tomorrow (so pls wish me luck) and sorry if updates slow down!
TAGLIST: @myxticmoon @wicca-void @leeknows-wife @thekittyxo-blog @number-onekidqueen @instabull
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It turned out that getting you to go out with Luke was harder than he’d originally anticipated. Eager for the whole ordeal to be over and for him to be 50 dollars richer, he’d hopped down from his spot on a fallen log and hurried to meet you by the volleyball courts when your match ended. You, unaware of Luke’s agenda, were fanning your face to combat some of the sweat that had accumulated, quickly tightening the messy ponytail you’d tied. Luke watched you in your own world, unbothered by anybody watching you, unlike the rest of your siblings. Sucking in a quick breath for confidence he approached you.
“Hey there, girly,” He smiled, “How’re you doing?” You looked up at him, inquisitive for a moment but ultimately unimpressed.
“Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?” You were barely looking at him, skulling an impressive amount of your water bottle quickly. He stared at you, not expecting to be dismissed so easily. He recovered smoothly, not prepared to give up so soon.
“You really know how to get a guy’s attention, huh?”
“My mission in life,” You shot him a cloying smile, now giving him your full attention, unable to help being slightly interested by his boldness. “But obviously I’ve struck your fancy, so you see it worked. The world makes sense again.” You‘d figured out his motives now and had no interest, so began the walk back to your cabin. He followed, much to your dismay. Couldn’t men ever take the hint?
“So I’ll pick you up Friday then?”
“Oh right, Friday, uh huh.” You kept your eyes ahead, dodging a few younger kids as Luke trailed after you, annoyingly optimistic still.
“The night I take you places you’ve never been before,” He said, and you looked at him in disbelief. The ego on this kid!
“Right, like the makeout clearing in the forest? Do you even know my name, Castellan?” Luke could tell that you were mocking him, but he still had high hopes.
“I know a lot more than you think.” He smiled then, a lopsided thing that would have been somewhat charming if you’d actually bothered to look. Instead you were already walking away, calling out a “Doubtful. Very doubtful,” over your shoulder as you picked up into a run, presumably to go tell Clarisse about the bizarre experience you just had. Luke watched you go, dumbstruck in the middle of camp.
Percy and Beckendorf watched the exchange from the porch of the Hephaestus cabin, the latter putting his head in his hands dramatically.
“We’re screwed,” He groaned and Percy winced slightly.
“I’m sure it’ll all be fine, dude. Luke has faced a lot worse than a teenage girl.”
When you sat at dinner that night, desperately avoiding the eye contact Luke seemed desperate on initiating, you almost told Silena about your bizarre day. You’d opened your mouth to start the story when you realised that she’d only be encouraged by Luke’s antics, pressuring you into going out with him for her own benefit and quickly shut it. She’d noticed your odd behaviour and searched for meaning in your face. Panicking for something to replace the conversation, you zeroed in on the necklace sitting nicely on top of her camp one.
“Where’d you get the pearls?” You asked, already dreading the answer. Silena only confirmed your fears, claiming them as your grandmother’s with a coy smile.
“So what? You’ve just been hiding them the last three years?” You were always closest with your grandmother, and you were sure she wouldn’t leave her favourite pearls for Silena over you.
“Daddy found them in a drawer just before summer.” Silena shrugged as if you weren’t sitting across from her, cheeks a blotchy red in your upset. “Besides, they look good on me.” Your hands itched to hit her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, knowing exactly how much she was pissing you off.
“Trust me, they don’t,” You spat, quietly glad when Silena stalked off in a huff, amongst the first to leave the meal. You didn’t know how much longer you could argue with her before starting to cry, which you really didn’t want to do in front of the whole camp. You thought you were safe for the rest of the meal when Drew began speaking instead.
“You could try being nice sometimes, you know, people wouldn’t know what to think.” You rolled your eyes aggressively.
“You forget, I don’t care what people think,” You replied, taking in a spoonful of food.
“Yes you do. Everyone does. You know, with a new look you could have some serious potential.” You ignored her last statement.
“No, I don’t,” You emphasised, “You don’t always have to be who they want you to be.” You knew that wouldn’t impact Drew in the slightest, but you hoped it might resonate with some of your younger siblings — encourage them to nurture their internal beauty rather than accept the vain stereotype Aphrodite children were forced into. You pushed yourself out of the bench you were sitting on, needing a break from your insufferable siblings. As you dumped your dishes where they needed to be you saw Luke beginning to follow you and turned to make dead eye contact. Knowing you’d only scream at him (or worse) you gave him a dangerous look, accompanied with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. Not enough for anyone else to know you’d even acknowledged him, but enough to tell Luke to back off. He was smarter than you thought, as he held up his hands in a show of surrender, redirecting his action to innocently collect up his own dishes.
You may not have had any interest in knowing the boy, but you did appreciate that he knew when to back off. Or so you thought.
You were proven not-so-free from Luke Castellan the very next morning. It was the Aphrodite cabin’s day to check all the storerooms, and you’d volunteered to do the one which held all the weapons and armour near the sword fighting arena. You knew none of your siblings would come near if they could help it, mostly against weapons and the violence that surrounded the area, so you’d get a whole morning alone. It was peaceful attending to the chore, and you were allowed to use some of your Aphrodite eye for beauty. Of course, stacks of swords and assorted weapons could only be made so pretty, but you enjoyed organising them into neat rows, making it look as nice as possible — not that you would admit that to Silena or you’d be in her vanity chair receiving an unwelcome makeover in seconds.
You were just admiring your own sword, which you’d taken the time to polish while you were taking care of the others, when you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t react, assuming it was just some camper coming for a weapon, until he spoke.
“Nice sword, vintage hilt?” You tensed as Luke’s voice infiltrated your peace.
“Are you following me?” You disregarded his statement, an unimpressed frown present on your lips.
“I was training in the arena and needed to polish my sword. I saw you come in a while ago and not leave, I came to say hi,” He explained, and you raised an eyebrow. You weren’t friends, why would he come for a chat?
“Hi.” You promptly turned back to your task, shoving the cloth into the intricate designs of the hilt.
“Not a big talker, huh?” He persisted.
“Depends on the topic. My sword doesn’t exactly whip me into a verbal frenzy.” That wasn’t strictly true — the sword was a gift from your mother, with gold twisting around a blood red ruby in the centre of the hilt. After you’d made it clear that you weren’t going to just sit around during your time at camp she gifted you the sword, her way of saying that if you were going to fight, you should at least look good doing it. You’d had several conversations with Clarisse gushing over the intricacy of it, and profusely thanked Aphrodite for the gift in your offerings. You didn’t quite care to share this with Luke, being a relative stranger.
“You’re not afraid of me, are you?” He asked, and you were somewhat taken aback by the earnest tone of his voice.
“Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?” You couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that crept into your sentence.
“Most people are.” He gestured subtly towards his scar — gnarled and twisted against his otherwise tanned skin. You put a hand on your hip, resigned to conversation now.
“Well, I’m not.”
“Ok, maybe you’re not afraid of me, but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked.” You were pretty sure Luke was going for smooth or charming, but you thought in this moment he was entirely lame. The wink didn’t help his case.
“Am I that transparent? I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.” You put on your best Drew impression, nasally and whiny, before handing him the cloth he needed to polish his own sword and turning to leave. There, quickly approaching the door, was Ethan. Seeing you he put on a disgusting smirk and blocked the doorway, effectively caging you into the storeroom.
“Gods, what is it, asshole day?” You asked, not caring that both boys could very clearly hear you. “Do you mind?” You gestured to his blocking the exit. He simply looked down at you, clearly doing his best to appear sexy (and failing miserably).
“Not at all.” His stupid smirk was going to kill you, and not in the good way. You scoffed, giving him a last chance to get the fuck out of your way. Then, sparing a fraction of a glance back to Luke pretending to mind his own business, you slammed the hilt of your sword into his foot, wishing it was the blade instead. You watched him crumble to the ground, holding his foot with both hands.
“You bitch!” He yelled, voice cracking pathetically in the middle. You forced your smile to stay contained.
“Oops,” You feigned innocence, one hands covering your mouth strategically. “You might need some ambrosia for that…” With that you side-stepped him, eager to leave the situation. If you’d have looked back, you would have seen the gleeful, disbelieving smile on Luke’s face, probably the biggest one he’d worn in a while. Although he didn’t get the date he’d entered for, he was beginning to think you were a little more interesting than you let on.
“Did you just cripple Ethan?” Silena shrieked as you entered your cabin to grab your things. “He’s a model, you can’t do that! Has it escaped your notice that you’re completely psychotic?” You pretended to think for a moment, then shrugged nonchalantly.
“Guess your long walks on the beach are gonna have to wait,” You sighed dramatically, leaving Silena to wallow in her pity alone. It wasn’t like it was really your fault — if Ethan had learned how to respond to words or learn the meaning of ‘move’ he wouldn’t have gotten himself into that situation in the first place.
Meanwhile, Ethan and Luke were having a similarly emotional conversation after Luke had — very reluctantly — helped Ethan over to the infirmary to get his foot checked out.
“When I shell out fifty, I expect results.” Luke sighed, could this boy get any whinier?
“Yeah, I’m on it,” He said through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to hurt him.
“Watching that bitch obliterate my foot doesn’t count as a date. If you don’t get any, I don’t get any, so let’s get some,” Ethan said, running a hand through his ridiculously styled hair. Luke couldn’t believe his nerve. First of all, obliterated? He would be left with a bruise for a few days, if anything. Secondly, this whole things was Ethan’s idea, Luke had never given any indication wanting to ‘get some’, especially not with someone so clearly resisting his advances. Just as Ethan left, giving the Apollo girl treating him a douchebag smile, Luke hardened his resolve.
“I just upped my price,” He said, loving the way Ethan’s eyes widened like a cartoon character. “A hundred bucks a date, in advance.”
“Forget it,” Ethan grumbled, moving to leave again.
“Forget her sister then.” The two boys stared at each other, one significantly more amused than the other. Luke knew he had the upper hand in the dynamic, something he revelled in. Then, after the intimidation tactic clearly wasn’t having any effect, Ethan reached for his wallet, Luke admiring the crisp fifty he was handed.
“You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are, Castellan.” Luke just watched him go, confident tilt of his head conveying his outlook on the situation.
Luke had taken his usual spot overseeing combat training, but his usual thoughts were long gone. Instead, he was entirely preoccupied with you. He didn’t know how to get you to go out with him when you could barely entertain a conversation, and he twirled his cigarette between his fingers as he pondered.
Percy and Beckendorf saw his internal conflicts, slowly moving closer to him under the guise of a very chaotic fight between the two. Finally Luke gave them attention, knowing Percy’s skills would never have him running all over the place like that. He raised an eyebrow, a sign for them to get on with whatever they were angling at.
“We know what you’re trying to do, for Beauregard,” Percy said, and Luke appeared almost startled.
“And we want to help,” Added Beckendorf helpfully, shying away when Luke’s eyes bore into his.
“And why would you do that?”
“Beckendorf here has a major crush on Silena—”
“Gods, what is it with this girl? Does she sweat nectar?” Beckendorf opened his mouth to protest when Percy spoke over him, knowing it would be more beneficial to let Luke lead.
“Look, I think we can both tell that Charlie’s love is pure, well-intentioned, better than, say, Ethan White?” Luke sighed, catching on.
“I’m in this for the cash, that’s it. Who Ethan wants to bang is of no interest to me.”
“There will be no banging!” Beckendorf cried as Percy pushed him behind. He was no use in a delicate situation like this.
“Ok, Luke, it’s just that we’re the masterminds behind this whole thing. We set it up so Beckendorf can get the girl — Ethan’s just a pawn.” Luke paid closer attention suddenly, intrigued by the chess match he’d been pulled into.
“So you two are gonna help me win her over?”
“We’ll do research, find out what she likes. We can be your guys on the inside.”
“In a strictly non-mission type of way,” Beckendorf added helpfully, nervous of the legends he’d heard about Luke’s failed quest. Luke chose to simply ignore that comment, and Percy filled the silence before he could get angry about it.
“Let’s just start here: the Apollo cabin is throwing a party on Friday night, it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“I’ll think about it,” Was all Luke said, a clear signal the conversation was over. Percy and Beckendorf returned to fighting, slightly more regulated now they had gotten what they’d wanted, and Luke brought the cigarette back up to his lips, new thoughts clouding his mind.
Meanwhile, Ethan had found Silena where she was known to hang out by the rocks near the lake. He was hovering next to her, providing snatches of shade as he performed pose after pose, claiming he had a modelling job lined up when he left for the year.
“So which do you like better?” He asked, moving his hands fractionally to the left of his chin.
“The second,” Silena giggled, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “It’s more… pensive.”
“Damn,” Ethan kicked the sand softly. “I was going for thoughtful. So, you going to the Apollo party on Friday?”
“Maybe.” She produced her best coy smile, looking up at him from behind her lashes.
“Good, ‘cause you know I’ll only bother if you’re there.” Silena smiled, getting up from her spot on the rock.
“Bye.” Her voice was airy in the way she knew drove boys mad. She walked away leaving Ethan wanting more, her specialty. You scoffed, catching the end of the exchange. You and Silena made momentary eye contact, tension thick between the two of you.
As Beckendorf approached Silena, fishing for more information about you, Ethan had caught you in his sights and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
“You sister is so cute,” His voice infiltrated your bubble in a way that made you want to hit him so desperately. “Doesn’t have your bite though, a feisty woman is so sexy.” You knew he was just trying to get a rise out of you, but it was so close to working.
“Come any closer and I’ll show you just how feisty I can get,” You snapped, braid almost whacking him in the face as you turned to face him. You could have sworn Ethan looked afraid for a second before he covered it with bravado.
“One day you’re gonna realise that all of this hostility is just your sexual repression. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll be waiting with open arms… And legs.” You almost threw up.
“Gods, can’t you just leave me alone, asshole?” You yelled, trying to push past him to get anywhere else.
“C’mon, don’t be a prude,” He whined, and you were really close to taking him to the ground — not in the way he wanted.
“You heard the girl,” A voice called from behind you, and instantly Ethan took a step back. “She wants you to leave her alone.” Luke appeared behind you, a respectful distance away whilst still making his intentions clear. Ethan shrunk back into himself, making a lame excuse as to why he had to leave, hurriedly fleeing the beach. Reluctantly, you turned to face Luke.
“I’m not going out with you just for that,” You said plainly, daring him to try again.
“You think that low of me?” He laughed, dark eyes sparkling with mirth. You forced yourself not to notice. “I don’t have to want something from you to know that Ethan White isn’t worth your time.” It was your turn to be embarrassed at that, feeling slightly narcissistic for assuming that was the purpose of the conversation (it was, but Luke sure as hell wasn’t going to ruin his chances because you were in a mood, justified or otherwise).
“Oh.” You stared at his shoes. “Well, thanks, I guess.” You moved to leave but Luke stopped you, hand not quite touching your arm, unwilling to have it bitten off.
“So you do have a heart!” He joked, signature grin on his face. You wondered why you were seeing so much of it lately when he’d been so dour since his quest.
“Ha! You wish.”
“Don’t try to hide it, Beauregard, you’re warming up to me.”
“I’d sooner fuck Mister D,” You replied, actually taking your leave.
Luke watched you go, chewing his lip between his teeth. There was more to you than you let on, he was sure of it. He wouldn’t say it was any fondness, but he was starting to have a curiosity attaching itself to this scheme, and he knew that going out with you would satisfy it. He should have known having any personal stakes involved — sentimental or otherwise — would get dangerous.
Your own thoughts had barely budged on Luke. He was still a pain in your side and you figured you knew what kind of guy he was — not the type you had any interest in. Still, you couldn’t deny that you were appreciative he’d saved you from Ethan (and the inevitable washing up duty you’d be punished with when you beat him up), so maybe he wasn’t quite as despicable as you’d initially judged him to be. Close, though.
part three
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Hello, Summoner! This is Arcana Twilight, the story that starts from your fingertips.
On August 15th, Vega, The First Sorcerer of Lyra celebrates his birthday.
We inform you about the various events and periods for ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ that will be held as a special limited edition!
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◆ Attendance Event
If you log in during the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" attendance period, you will receive a Vega birthday attendance reward.
You can receive rewards only once during the period. Please check your mailbox after attendance. 
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> Attendance Period
2023. 8. 15. 00:00 ~ 2023. 8. 17. 23:59 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within each event period.
◆ Scout Events
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” room will be added to the scouts during the Scout Event period. Seven cards of Sorcerer ★4 Vega appears with high probability.
> Scout Period
2023. 8. 14. After Update ~ 2023. 8. 20. 23:59 (UTC+9)
> Appearance Card
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【Sound of cold rain】
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【Unfriendly guide】
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【I need mana】
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【Only one flower】
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【Friendly letter】
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【Hang on!】
Sorcerer ★4 Vega 【With all my heart】
◆ Birthday Mission Events
The ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mission’ will be added during the Mission Event period. Complete the limited-time missions and claim rewards!
>Mission Period
2023. 8. 14. After Update ~ 2023. 8. 20. 23:59 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within each event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the time they are claimed.
We will do our best to present a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner.
Thank you.
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asterjennifer · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022 | Day 19 - Folktale
Summary: Coming back from a new mission had the agent always exhausted to the bone.
Even more so after reading a certain folktale the day before.
The Defender of Justice had no space in the schedule to create his own Folktale. Or even a Fairytale, for that matter. The agent 707 saw himself in the mirror as he wiped his bloody nose dry; coming back from another mission minutes ago after Vanderwood basically threw him out of the car.
The redhead sighed into the towel slowly soaking up with red color; one that he'd seen on his own hands too many times, so many he couldn't even begin to count. Was it the Folktale of the ugly duckling? He asked himself as he found his worn out amber eyes staring back in the reflection.
That little duck that's considered clusmy and labeled as an outcast in everyone's eyes. He read on it not too long ago; somehow it got stuck with him ever since. Even the title for that unfortunate little child is mistreating. Ugly duckling? Only because it's not looking like all the others?
Because it acted differently? Doing what it had to after running away from its own family, all just to get by in life. It's just a little child in the heart; why was it considered wrong when it wasn't responsible for anything that had happened to it? Saeyoung frowned absent-minded once he rubbed his hands dry next.
He didn't enjoy the Folktale per se. It was sad considering at the end it's suddenly the star of the show that everyone wants to be around. But would that truly become a sense of achievement if it's caused by surface observation? He thought, hearing how his inner voice slowly shifted into something more angry.
They didn't know its story; how it almost got killed and had to hide so much in order to survive. All it dreamed of was a place to belong; something that's called home for the little outsider. It's nothing but a lost, ignorant child in its heart. So why was it being treated so poorly by the living blooming so bright around it?
Didn't seem fair; didn't seem right to the S-ranked agent. 707 placed both hands onto the edge of the sink, trying to take a deep breath after realizing how the thoughts consumed his mind for no reason whatsoever. Yet there's fire underneath his scared layer of skin. A whisper of madness calling out how life's not fair for the kindest people.
Seeing his face in the mirror's the only trace he got of the one thing keeping him alive at this point. Was he okay? Cared for correctly? Got all the things he could ever dream of? The agent prayed night after night for it to be the case. But lately his faith weakened as the leader of the RFA avoided the group, including him, more than usually. It felt odd.
He shook his head, hair falling chaotically over his forehead when throwing the dirty towel behind him onto the pile of dirty laundry. The maid would take care of it tomorrow, he assumed. Too tired to do the task himself. His eyes wandered to the phone laying tidy on the table in the living room.
Should he check into the chatroom now? It's already late; most would be asleep by this time ticking on the clock. He walked over, hand hovering above the device when he suddenly stayed stuck in his motion. The ugly duckling didn't reach out to anyone either and made it through, didn't it?
Perhaps he should model after it more. For their safety and also his own; nobody would notice if he's not logging in for some longer time. 707 decided to leave the phone locked on the tabel as he went back into his bedroom. He needed sleep, his heavy bones demanded rest.
Tomorrow he would pick it up, he said to himself. But right now it didn't feel right talking with the bright side of life. He first should bury the new wave of shame deep down in his heart. Right?
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gfl-neural-cloud · 8 months
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Dear Professor,
In order to provide players with a better game experience, we will be performing server maintenance for Neural Cloud on October 17, 2023. Please refer to the notes under the read more for details.
Duration: 2023/10/17 18:30 - 20:00 (UTC-8)
Dear Professor, In order to provide players with a better game experience, we will be performing server maintenance for Neural Cloud on October 17, 2023. You will not be able to log into the game during the maintenance and the exact end time may be subject to change. Maintenance Time: 2023/10/17 18:30 - 20:00 (UTC-8) Maintenance Type: Server Shutdown Maintenance [Contents] - For a Limited Time Only - ▼ Targeted Search - Glamorous Gourmand ・The probability of obtaining the ★3 Doll Millau will be increased. [Duration] 10/17 After Maint - 10/31 18:29 (UTC-8) ▼ Targeted Search - Spiral Story ・The probability of obtaining the ★3 Doll Helix will be increased. [Duration] 10/17 After Maint - 10/31 18:29 (UTC-8) ▼ Limited-Time Event - [Strange Blue] ・You can attempt event stages, go to the event screen to check out the event and obtain Relic Remnants to unlock rewards in the Secret Trove. [Unlock Conditions] Clear Rossum Sector Standard Mode Stage 1-12 [Duration] 10/17 After Maint - 10/31 18:29 (UTC-8) ▼ Neural Cloud Projection - [Lightless Procession] Series [Duration] 10/17 After Maint - 11/14 18:29 (UTC-8) ▼ Furniture Set - [Spooky Castle Night] [Duration] 10/17 After Maint - 11/14 18:29 (UTC-8) ▼ 7-Day Sign-in Event - [Impenetrable Nights] ・Over this period, you can obtain Profile Background [Phantom Night], Furniture Piece [Shaded Sofa] and other generous rewards from [Impenetrable Nights] by signing in consecutively. [Duration] 10/19 05:00 - 11/2 04:59 (UTC-8) ▼Magrasea Battle Pass - Season 13 ・Complete Daily Missions for [Magrasea Battle Pass] Activity Points and level up the pass for generous item rewards. [Duration] 10/30 05:00 - 11/27 03:59 (UTC-8) ▼Neural Cloud Projection - [Awakening] Series Limited-Time Rerun ・During this period, Croque's [Initium Mechanica] from the [Awakening] series will go on sale in the [Projection Repository] section of the Magrasea Battle Pass. You can use [Gestalt Aspect] to gain it. [Duration] 10/30 05:00 - 12/25 03:59 (UTC-8) - New Content - ▼ Neural Cloud Projection ・[Lightless Procession] Series: Antonina - [Veiled Refrain] (Live2D), Helix - [Fable of the Skeleton Princess] (Live2D), Yanny - [Phantom Ship's Song] will go on sale in the Neural Cloud Projection section of the Supplies Shop. ・[Awakening] series: Imhotep - [Day of Reincarnation] can be obtained by activating the [Multichannel Battle Pass] and raising it to a certain level. ▼ Furniture ・Furniture Set [Spooky Castle Night] can be purchased from the Supplies Shop. ・Furniture Piece [Shaded Sofa] can be obtained from the [Impenetrable Nights] Sign-in Event. ▼ Arma Inscripta ・Imhotep - Life's Bounty ・Antonina - Zero-Day Weaver - Limited-Offer Packages - ▼10/17 After Maint - 10/24 04:59 (UTC-8) ・[Weekly Supplies Voucher] ▼10/17 After Maint - 10/25 04:59 (UTC-8) ・[Lugubrious Lament Search Pack] ・[Gloomy Inquisition Search Pack] ・[7-Day Exploration Pack] ・[A-la-carte Fragment Pack] ・[Arma Inscripta Pack] ・[Moonlight Algorithm Pack] ・[Moonlight Material Pack] ▼10/25 05:00 - 11/1 04:59 (UTC-8) ・[Fleeting Dusk Search Pack] ・[Drifting Butterfly Search Pack] ・[Moonbeam Algorithm Pack] ・[Reconfiguration Surprise Pack] ・[Moonbeam Key Pack] *All packs can be purchased through the Shop, which can be accessed by going from the Main Screen → Supplies → Packs. - Fixes - 1. Fixed certain issues with the texts and UI. Once the server maintenance is complete, we will send you a mail with Quartz Sand*150 attached. Please stay tuned to our official social media accounts for any updates, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
[Neural Cloud] Operations Team
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maygaiaguideyou · 2 months
▌│█║▌║▌║ 𝕍𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕘 ║▌║▌║█│
◦•●◉✿ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴡɪɴɢs ✿◉●•◦
Starter call.
★彡 𝙵𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚣𝚢 彡★
Open starters and memes.
]|I{•------» 𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕠 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕 «------•}I|[
Mako Child is my default verse.
The story follows Lunar and those who accompany her through light, trife, misery, and ever flow of change. She may look all bark and bite externally, it's what she doesn't say.
What she hides. Who the gray feather belongs to and why she sneaks deeper into the bowels of Shinra's magnificent monster of a facility.
Could you find the answers? Would you end up dead?
░▒▓█ 𝔇𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔥𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔡 █▓▒░
She's believed to be dead after on mission gone rouge. Her body couldn't be found. Mako infused blood caught everyone's attention that day.
Overtime there's words of a woman who uses a wheelchair to get around. No one knows how or when she appears. She's known for being mute and has tamed a monster who's blind and deaf.
As long as she's not being a pain no one has an issue with her
-·=»‡«=·- 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔡 -·=»‡«=·-
He comes to her as he made a promise to protect her the moment they worked together. He watched through the feathers he leaves. If she's lost he'll find her to embrace again. It's only natural for a lovestruck pigeon to court.
▌│█║▌║▌║ 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 ║▌║▌║█│▌
Logs containing Alma's progression in her projects.
Alternative universes
—(••÷[ ꁅꋫ꒐ꋫ'ꇘ ꋫꁹꁅꑾ꒒ ]÷••)—
The lifestream's weapons had a person(s) who cared for them in secret. They held respect and care, tenderness and fearsome abilities to fight till their end. One day another victory yet, it came at a tragic cost of their life. Gaia's weapons cried out only to find out they'd past. Swayed by the wind the weapons took them as their own.
They where reborn a new by Gaia's will. To wake as apart of the world and apart of the lifestream. To feel Gaia's warmth to all her precious children.
Connected as one.
░▒▓█►─═ ᴵᴺᶠᴼᴿᴹᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ ═─◄█▓▒░
Just posts about information.
Think of items, characters, or events.
↫↫↫↫↫ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 ↬↬↬↬↬
Promo reblogs.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 彼邦幻想曲・宁芙角隅: Foreign Fantasia - Cantar de mio Cid (Interesting Moment ③: Monumento A Cervantes) Translation
“We incidentially caught sight of a statue of a knight beside a marble monument. Jesse lapses into thought...”
*Light and Night Master-list | Jesse’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories *Jesse’s Event-Limited 6☆ has already been requested, so I’ll be working on it as well!
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At sunset, we strolled through the tall buildings of the new city. Suddenly, the path before us opens up into a wide area.
There were a couple of people in the plaza, but the most eye-catching thing was the bronze statue of a knight and a marble monument that stood in the heart of it.
MC: A knight and his trusty horse. Is this a statue of Don Quixote?
Jesse glanced at the description plate, nodding.
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Jesse: Yeah. And the person who created this knight.
Surrounded by Skyliners all around, Cervantes, carved entirely out of marble, sits quietly, facing the running fountain. The bronze sculpture was made in the shape of the knight he’d brought to life with his pen, eternally frozen at the moment where the knight raised his sword.
Jesse looked up and contemplated the statue with utter seriousness.
Jesse: Have you ever read Don Quixote, (Y/N)?
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MC: I've never completed it, but I've pretty much heard about what happens.
Jesse: Well, I have. I’d occasionally read novels about knighthood when I first came to Europe.
Jesse: I retreat into my imagination and craft fantasies whenever I'm upset.
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Jesse: I imagine myself to be someone omnipotent; someone who can sacrifice themselves and put their lives on the line to protect the princess from afar.
His voice was soft, but he looked unperturbed about it.
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MC: Tangyuan…
Jesse: But I didn't get the free time to do that anymore.
Jesse: After my father passed away, I finally realized that fantasies were just that; nothing more than a fantasy. The knight may swing his blade at an invisible enemy of his imagination, but he’ll never defeat it, for it is nothing more than an illusion.
Jesse: I have to go out and accomplish things and carry some burdens on my shoulders. That’s the only way I can become a true knight with the capability to protect everything I stand for.
He smiled at me.
Jesse: Sorry, this just made some old things come to mind.
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MC: Stupid Tangyuan. What are you apologizing for? My only regret is not being there for you at that time…
Jesse beamed at that. He strode forward and took my hand.
Jesse: It's still not too late to do it now.
His palm was still as warm as ever. It felt as if I could feel the scorching bravery of his passionate soul through the tight grip he had on my hand.
MC: You're already a real knight now.
Suddenly, the music fountain behind us sprung to life with a tune. The water spurted upwards into the sky, casting a rainbow under the evening sky. Jesse and I glanced at each other.
MC: Sir Jesse, your mission now is to accompany me to the musical fountain there.
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Jesse: Yes, your highness.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous: (Sightseeing Log ⑦) Next: (Observation Diary ②: San Gines)
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Princess Connect! Re: Dive Prepares Some End of Year Festivities!
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  Heyas, Knights! We’re right against the start of the new year, but we’ve got some last-minute New Year’s-themed updates to share with you. With a bevy of holiday-themed festivities already live, we’ve dug into our schedule of secrets and found a new set of updates to share with you! This is the last update for 2021 - let’s make it count!
  Not to be outdone by her Twinkle Wish counterparts, Hiyori is also putting on festive attire in the form of Hiyori (New Year)! The year may be changing, but Hiyori’s feisty cat-powered punch isn’t, even in her new outfit. With a remixed take on the physical damage dealing skills that we’ve all come to know and love, Hiyori (New Year) is sure to open up the new year with a bang.
  Like other thematic characters, Hiyori (New Year) is a limited character, which means that she won’t be added into the regular Premium Gacha rotation after her time in the spotlight is over. Don’t worry, though - she’ll be available for redemption via character points, so you’re guaranteed an avenue to recruit her. Don’t miss this limited-time opportunity!
  The Hiyori (New Year) Focus Gacha will run for 13 days, from 1/5, 23:00 UTC to 1/18, 22:59 UTC. 
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    We’re also bringing back the 3★ Guaranteed Premium Gacha for another one-week encore! During its runtime, you’ll be able to perform a 10-draw for the regular price of 1500 Premium Jewels, but be guaranteed to encounter a 3★ character on the 10th draw! 
  You can use this opportunity as an extra chance to meet Hiyori (New Year), any other 3★ character usually available in the Premium Gacha that you’ve yet to meet. There are no other opportunities like this, so be sure to mark your calendar!
  The 3★ Guaranteed Premium Gacha will be back for one week, from 1/5, 23:00 UTC to 1/12, 22:59 UTC. 
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    Speaking on New Year’s - we’ve got one last thematic surprise for you! During this event campaign, visit the shrine and draw your omikuji, a traditional New Year’s-themed fortune. Depending on what result you get, you’ll also receive a small set of bonuses alongside it, including Jewels, Skip Tickets, Mana, and Experience Potions! It’s completely free to draw and you’ll also receive a lucky message alongside it.
  The New Year’s Fortune Login Event will run for 11 days, from 1/1, 23:00 UTC to 1/12, 22:59 UTC. However—and this is critical—you’ll only be able to draw your fortune a maximum of seven times, across seven different days. Fortune favors the bold (but only up to a maximum of seven times). 
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    Can you believe it’s been almost a year since we’ve started our journey together, Knights? Rest assured, we have a plethora of special events and campaigns in the works to celebrate, but we’re also getting the party started a little early with the 1st Anniversary Countdown Login Bonus! Log in each day during the campaign period, and you’ll find a nice 100 Jewel present waiting for you in the present box! Spend them wisely.
  The 1st Anniversary Countdown Login Bonus runs for sixteen days, from 1/4, 11:00 UTC to 1/19, 22:59 UTC.
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    With so much coming in the new year - it’s time for another familiar limited-time challenge, as the Tower of Luna opens its doors once again for challengers to climb! The supercharged Dungeon is back once again and it has prepared yet another new set of 20 floors complete with unique monsters, Shadows, and a new set of bosses to beat, with plentiful rewards for your troubles. Don’t worry, your progress from the last Tower of Luna event is carried over and you can continue the ascent from the floor you left off. Remember, your party of characters can carry over between floors (assuming none of them hit 0 HP), and you can reset your characters to full HP once a day. Can you make the trek up to the 170th floor and complete the EX mission?
  The Tower of Luna reopens its doors for five days, from 1/5, 13:00 UTC to 1/10, 15:59 UTC. If you haven’t done so already, you'll need to finish Main Story Quest 9-1 in order to access the Tower. We wish you good fortune, adventurers!
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    Prepare your allies and prepare your teams - it’s time to celebrate with another Clan Battle! Work with the aid of your fellow clan members to take on monsters too powerful for adventurers to handle alone. The January Clan Battle features a gauntlet of five bosses, and you’ll be able to do up to three clashes a day on whatever boss your clan’s currently on, earning a clash for every 300 stamina spent. After the event is over, you’ll earn precious Memory Shards, Clan Coins, and Jewels, depending on how well your clan did! The reward structure is the same as before, but you’ll earn Yori Memory Shards this time around.
  The January Clan Battle will run from 1/13, 13:00 UTC to 1/18, 7:59 UTC.
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    A new year means new main content as well! Chart a path through Castalia Forest (West), featuring new enemies, new challenges, and new rewards for your troubles. Here, you'll find new equipment that can raise your characters to a maximum of 4 equips at rank 12, as well as new Hard Quest nodes for Lima, Yuki, and Ninon. Cutting your way through the greenery on your way through Area 20 will also unlock up to the end of Chapter 10 of the Main Story. 
  We'll also be increasing the level cap from 118 to 121. With the addition of new heroines and new content, you’ll want to start collecting Mana and EXP potions now! In addition, new BGM will be added to the Memorial Jukebox for further customization.
  The January content drop lands on 1/5 at 13:00 UTC. 
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    It just wouldn’t be the new year without another helping of “grot-two” which will be making its joyous return. During the Grotto Quest Double Drop Campaign, you’ll obtain twice the Mana and twice the EXP Potions when completing Grotto Quests. Talk about starting the new year the right way! 
  The Grotto Quest Double Drop Campaign runs for 12 days from 1/2, 13:00 UTC to 1/13, 12:59 UTC.
  To mark the new year with even more of a bang, we’re also bringing back the Triple Drop Campaign. First up, we have the Normal Quest Triple Drop Campaign to help you collect triple equipment, Mana, and other items when completing Normal Quests during the campaign period. 
  The Normal Quest Triple Drop Campaign runs for ten days, from 1/13, 13:00 UTC to 1/22, 12:59 UTC.
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    For easy reading and accessibility, included below is a summarized version of all the updates announced today. Thank you for all your support, and we hope you continue to enjoy Princess Connect! Re: Dive! 
  See you in Astraea, Knights!
— Crunchyroll Games
*Note: All event details may be subject to change. Please check the in-game notifications at the start of the events for the full details.
  Hiyori (New Year) Focus Gacha (1/5 23:00 UTC to 1/18 22:59 UTC)
Boosted rates for Hiyori (New Year), also available for redemption via character exchange points.
Hiyori (New Year) is a limited unit and will only be available during the Focus Gacha period.
3★ Guaranteed Premium Gacha (1/5 23:00 UTC to 1/12 22:59 UTC)
New Year’s Fortune Login Event (1/1 23:00 UTC to 1/12 22:59 UTC)
1st Anniversary Countdown Login Bonus (1/4 11:00 UTC to 1/19 22:59 UTC)
Tower of Luna (1/5 13:00 UTC to 1/10 15:59 UTC)
Unlocked after completion of Main Story Quest 9-1.
Complete each floor for rewards.
Reset your teams back to full health daily.
Progress made during this month will carry over towards future Tower of Luna events.
Floors 151-170 and EX Floor 170 Unlocked.
January Clan Battle (1/13 13:00 UTC to 1/18 07:59 UTC)
January Content Update (1/5 13:00 UTC)
Main Quest Area 20 unlocked.
Level cap increased from 118 to 121.
Character equipment cap increased from 12-3 to 12-4.
Chapter 10 of Main Story fully unlocked.
Guildhouse Updates 
New limited-time furniture added to the Guildhouse Shop (1/5 23:00 UTC to ???  22:59 UTC)
Grotto Quest Double Drop Campaign (1/2 13:00 UTC to 1/13 12:59 UTC)
Normal Quest Triple Drop Campaign (1/13 13:00 UTC to 1/22 12:59 UTC)
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  By: Guest Author
0 notes
Hello, Summoner!
This is Arcana Twilight, the story that starts from your fingertips.
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On August 15th, Alpheratz, The First Sorcerer of Andromeda celebrates his birthday.
We inform you about the various events and periods for ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ that will be held as a special limited edition!
◆ Attendance Event
If you log in during the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" attendance period, you will receive a Alpheratz birthday attendance reward.
You can receive rewards only once during the period. Please check your mailbox after attendance. 
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> Attendance Period
2023. 11. 10. 00:00 ~ 2023. 11. 12. 23:59 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within each event period.
◆ Scout Events
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” room will be added to the scouts during the Scout Event period. Seven cards of Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz appears with high probability.
> Scout Period
2023. 11. 9. After Update ~ 2023. 11. 15. 23:59 (UTC+9)
> Appearance Card
Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz【Dreaming Flowers】
Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz【Annoying Sorcerer】
Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz【Looking for an appetite】
Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz【Do you want one?】
Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz【Jealousy】
Sorcerer ★4 Alpheratz【Looking for the owner】
◆ Birthday Mission Events
The ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mission’ will be added during the Mission Event period. Complete the limited-time missions and claim rewards!
>Mission Period
2023. 11. 9. After Update ~ 2023. 11. 15. 23:59 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within each event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the time they are claimed.
We will do our best to present a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner.
Thank you.
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Special Limited Event Announcement : [Maze of Dream](Modified at 10/4 10:56)
Hello, Summoner!
Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
A labyrinthine abyss. You're lost in a dream where anything can happen.
Here's a rundown of the upcoming events, dates, and notes for this Special Limited Event, ’Maze of Dream’.
◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
> Attendance Period
2023. 11. 1. after update ~ 2023. 11. 29. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, the 「Exclusive! Maze of Dream」 room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
2023. 11. 1. after update ~ 2023. 11. 29. 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Arcturus【Abyss of the Sun】
Wish ★4 Spica【Wish Enchanted in Snowflakes】
Sorcerers ★3 Alpheratz【A Journey in the Fantasy】
Sorcerers ★3 Pollux【Frozen Heart】
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "Maze of Dream Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
2023. 11. 1. after update ~ 2023. 11. 29. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, <Fresh veggie stew> will be added to the Shop. Give the <Fresh veggie stew> to your Sorcerers in a surprise summon to see the secret dialog!
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> Shop Item Added
[Dreamy gift] Fresh veggie stew x1
[Dreamy gift] Fresh veggie stew x10
> Shop package contents changed
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 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600  
Magic Point x100 
Fresh veggie stew x15 
Wish coupon x10
※ SHOP->The sale of the <Mischievous Pumpkin>x1 and <Mischievous Pumpkin>x10 ends on the Items tab.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Fresh veggie stew>.
※ The special dialog from the <Fresh veggie stew> gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
We will do our very best to provide you with a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner. 
Thank you.
21 notes · View notes
Special Limited Event Announcement : [Creepy & Sweet]
Hello, Summoner! Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
Halloween is full of secrets, In Contell, ghoulish pumpkins are floating through the air. Sorcerer and summoner are enjoying their Halloween parties with glee.
Here's a rundown of the upcoming events, dates, and notes for this Special Limited Event, ’Creepy & Sweet’.
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◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
> Attendance Period
2023. 10. 4. after update ~ 2023. 10. 25. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, them「Exclusive! Creepy & Sweet」 room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
2023. 10. 4. after update ~ 2023. 10. 25. 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Sirius 【The Hidden Truth of the Flower Language】
Wish ★4 Pollux 【The Angel Bringing Joy】
Sorcerers ★3 Vega 【Rowdy Halloween's Secret】
Sorcerers ★3 Arcturus 【Perfect Companion】
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "Creepy & Sweet Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
2023. 10. 4. after update ~ 2023. 10. 25. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, &lt;Mischievous Pumpkin> will be added to the Shop. Give the <Mischievous Pumpkin> to your Sorcerers in a surprise summon to see the sweet and secret dialog!
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> Shop Item Added
[Creepy gift] Mischievous Pumpkin x1
[Creepy gift] Mischievous Pumpkin x10
> Shop package contents changed
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 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600  
Magic Point x100 
Mischievous Pumpkin x15 
Wish coupon x10
※ SHOP->The sale of the <Pable sword>x1 and <Pable sword>x10 ends on the Items tab.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Mischievous Pumpkin>.
※ The special dialog from the <Mischievous Pumpkin> gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
We will do our very best to provide you with a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner. 
Thank you.
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Special Limited Event [Declaration of Blessings] and Costume addition announcement
Hello, Summoner!
Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
A wedding photo hangs in one corner of the sorcerer's room.
A special ring shines on the fourth finger of the summoner and the sorcerer.
It's a sunny June day, and the early summer sun is blessing them!
Here's a rundown of the upcoming "Exclusive! Declaration of Blessings" events, their duration, notes, and costume additions.
◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
> Attendance Period
2023. 5. 31. after update ~ 2023. 6. 28. 10:00 (UTC+9)
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, the "Exclusive! Declaration of Blessings" room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
2023. 5. 31. after update ~ 2023. 6. 28. 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Alpheratz 【The Perfect Lie】
Wish ★4 Vega 【The oath of the day】
Sorcerers ★3 Sirius 【An Earnest Memory】
Sorcerers ★3 Arcturus 【One Sunny Day】
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "Declaration of Blessings Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
2023. 5. 31. after update ~ 2023. 6. 28. 10:00 (UTC+9)
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, <Blessing Ring> will be added to the Shop. Give the <Blessing Ring> to your Sorcerers in a SOS to see the sweet and secret dialog!
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> Shop Item Added
[Blessing gift] Blessing Ring x1
[Blessing gift] Blessing Ring x10
> Shop package contents changed
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 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600 
Magic Point x100
Blessing Ring x15
Wish coupon x10
※ SHOP -> The sale of the <Tickets of Limited Festival>x1 and 
<Tickets of Limited Festival>x10 on the Items tab ends.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Blessing Ring>.
※ The special dialog from the <Blessing Ring> gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
◆ Added costume
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> Since the May 31 update, the Sirius <traveller's  Coat>  costume is added to the [Shop]-[Items] tab. You can purchase it for Crystals on that tab.
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
We will do our very best to provide you with a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner. 
Thank you.
18 notes · View notes
Special Limited Event Announcement : Naughty Sweetie
Hello, Summoner!
Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
Spring has sprung in Contell, and with all the excitement and sweet smells, what will happen? 
An irresistibly sweet tale awaits the summoner!
Here's a rundown of the upcoming events, dates, and notes for this Special Limited Event, "Naughty Sweetie”.
◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
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> Attendance Period
2023. 3. 29. after update ~ 2023. 4. 19. 10:00 (UTC+9)
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, the "Special Limited! Naughty Sweetie" room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
Mar. 29, 2023 after update ~ Apr. 19, 2023 at 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Spica [Sweet Nightmare]
Wish ★4 Alpheratz [Candy and memory fragments]
Sorcerers ★3 Arcturus [Sweet and bloody]
Sorcerers ★3 Sirius [Love confessions are close]
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "Naughty Sweetie Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
Mar. 29, 2023 after update ~ Apr. 19, 2023 at 10:00 (UTC+9)
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, [Fortune-telling clear candy] will be added to the Shop. Give the [Fortune-telling clear candy] to your Mages in a surprise summon to see their special, sweet dialog!
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> Shop Item Added
[Naughty gift] Fortune-telling clear candy x1
[Naughty gift] Fortune-telling clear candy x10
> Shop package contents changed
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                       (Before)                            /                            (After)
 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600
Magic Point x100
Fortune-telling clear candy x15
Wish coupon x10
​※ SHOP -> The sale of the <Hero Teddy Bear> x1 and <Hero Teddy Bear> x10 on the Items tab ends.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Fortune-telling clear candy>.
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
※ The special dialog from the [Fortune-telling clear candy] gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
We will continue to work hard to create a sweet and fantastic experience for Summoners.
Thank you.
24 notes · View notes
Special Limited Event Announcement : Psychedelic Night Sky(Modified 5/3 12:42 )
Hello, Summoner!
Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
Dijon, with its colorful garlands and fancy booths.
Is this noisy, chaotic atmosphere only because of the festival? 
Let's feel the heat of the festivities together!
Here's a rundown of the upcoming events, dates, and notes for this Special Limited Event, "Psychedelic Night Sky”.
◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
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> Attendance Period
2023. 5. 3. after update ~ 2023. 5. 24. 10:00 (UTC+9)
* DAY 7 rewards have been modified to crystals.
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, the "Special Limited! Psychedelic Night Sky" room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
2023. 5. 3. after update ~ 2023. 5. 24. 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Sirius 【A day stuck in eternal night】
Wish ★4 Pollux 【A kiss of pink】
Sorcerers ★3 Spica 【Polar night festival】
Sorcerers ★3 Vega 【Unheard voice】
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "Psychedelic Night Sky Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
2023. 5. 3. after update ~ 2023. 5. 24. 10:00 (UTC+9)
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, [Tickets of Limited Festival] will be added to the Shop. Give the [Tickets of Limited Festival] to your Sorcerers in a surprise summon to unlock their special, secret dialog!
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> Shop Item Added
[Psychedelic gift] Tickets of Limited Festival x1
[Psychedelic gift] Tickets of Limited Festival x10
> Shop package contents changed
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                     (Before)                             /                         (After)
 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600  
Magic Point x100
Tickets of Limited Festival x15
Wish coupon x10
​※ SHOP -> The sale of the <Fortune-telling clear candy>x1 and <Fortune-telling clear candy>x10 on the Items tab ends.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Tickets of Limited Festival>.
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
※ The special dialog from the <Tickets of Limited Festival> gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
We will do our very best to provide you with a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner. 
Thank you.
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Special Limited Event Announcement : [A Midday Signal]
Hello, Summoner!
Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
It's midday on a hot summer day, and the fields are glistening with light.
A sorcerer and a summoner point their swords at each other with shaky eyes.
Here's a rundown of the upcoming events, dates, and notes for this Special Limited Event, ‘A Midday Signal’
◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
> Attendance Period
2023. 8. 2. after update ~ 2023. 8. 30. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, the 「Exclusive! A Midday Signal」 room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
2023. 8. 2. after update ~ 2023. 8. 30. 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Vega 【An ardent sunset wish】
Wish ★4 Spica 【An afternoon back hill】
Sorcerers ★3 Alpheratz 【In the middle of summer】
Sorcerers ★3 Sirius 【Intense gaze】
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "A Midday Signal Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
2023. 8. 2. after update ~ 2023. 8. 30. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, <Pable sword> will be added to the Shop. Give the <Pable sword> to your Sorcerers in a surprise summon to see the sweet and secret dialog!
> Shop Item Added
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[Midday gift] Pable sword x1
[Midday gift] Pable sword x10
> Shop package contents changed
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 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600  
Magic Point x100
Pable sword x15
Wish coupon x10
​※ SHOP->The sale of the <Sunshine swim tube>x1 and <Sunshine swim tube>x10 ends on the Items tab.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Pable sword>.
※ The special dialog from the <Pable sword> gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
We will do our very best to provide you with a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner. 
Thank you.
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Hello, Summoner!
This is Arcana Twilight, the story that starts from your fingertips.
On June 15th, Arcturus, The First Sorcerer of Bootes celebrates his birthday.
We inform you about the various events and periods for ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ that will be held as a special limited edition!
◆ Attendance Event
If you log in during the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" attendance period, you will receive a Arcturus birthday attendance reward.
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You can receive rewards only once during the period. Please check your mailbox after attendance. 
> Attendance Period
2023. 6. 15. 00:00 ~ 2023. 6. 17. 23:59 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within each event period.
◆ Scout Events
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” room will be added to the scouts during the Scout Event period. Six cards of Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus appears with high probability.
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 > Scout Period
2023. 6. 14. After Update ~ 2023. 6. 20. 23:59 (UTC+9)
 > Appearance Card
Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus 【Cute Commotion】
Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus 【Firefly's Dream】
Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus 【Friends in the Woods】
Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus 【I am the chef today】
Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus 【Fluffy longing】
Sorcerer ★4 Arcturus 【Make a wish】
  ◆ Birthday Mission Events
The ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mission’ will be added during the Mission Event period. Complete the limited-time missions and claim rewards!
>Mission Period
2023. 6. 14. After Update ~ 2023. 6. 20. 23:59 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within each event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the time they are claimed.
We will do our best to present a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner.
Thank you.
16 notes · View notes
Special Limited Event Announcement : [Shining Spray]
Hello, Summoner!
Welcome to Arcana Twilight, the story of the stars at your fingertips.
A summoner and a sorcerer celebrate the beginning of summer.
The sun is shining and the water is sparkling.
But what happened to the sorcerers in the middle of the day?
Here's a rundown of the upcoming events, dates, and notes for this Special Limited Event, "Shining Spray".
◆ Attendance Events
During the Attendance Event, you will receive rewards for logging in. Please check your mailbox after attending!
> Attendance Period
2023. 7. 6. after update ~ 2023. 7. 26. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Attendance rewards can only be earned up to 7 days within the event period, and attendance will be automatically terminated if rewards are earned on the 7th day.
◆ Scouting Events
During the Scout Event, the "Exclusive! Shining Spray" room will be added to Scout. Get exclusive cards that can't be scouted in other rooms!
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> Scouting Period
2023. 7. 6. after update ~ 2023. 7. 26. 10:00 (UTC+9)
> Limited card information
Sorcerers ★4 Pollux 【Sparkling ripple on a Summer Day】
Wish ★4 Arcturus 【Chilly date】
Sorcerers ★3 Spica 【Tropical Underwater】
Sorcerers ★3 Alpheratz【Hot Wind Song】
◆ Mission Events
During the Mission Event, "Shining Spray Event Missions" will be added. Complete these limited-time missions to receive rewards!
> Mission Period
2023. 7. 6. after update ~ 2023. 7. 26. 10:00 (UTC+9)
※ Rewards can only be claimed within the event period, and mission rewards must be completed by the end of the event period.
◆ Limited Gift Sale
During the mission event, <Sunshine swim tube> will be added to the Shop. Give the <Sunshine swim Tube> to your Sorcerers in a surprise summon to see the sweet and secret dialog!
> Shop Item Added
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[Shining gift] Sunshine swim tube x1
[Shining gift] Sunshine swim tube x10
> Shop package contents changed
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 [Summon of Sorcerers Package]
Crystal x600  
Magic Point x100
Sunshine swim tube x15
Wish coupon x10
※ SHOP->The sale of the <Blessing Ring>x1 and <Blessing Ring>x10 ends on the Items tab.
​※ The SOS item included in the [Summon of Sorcerers Package] will be changed to <Sunshine swim tube>.
※ The special dialog from the <Sunshine swim tube> gift will not be voiced, and the SOS will end immediately.
We will do our very best to provide you with a pleasant and fantastic experience for you, summoner. 
Thank you.
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