#“Wow I never would have thought of that. Your Cult is Way smarter than most other Cults I see”
bet-on-me-13 · 4 months
Technically a Cult
So! Danny has been hearing through the Grapevine that a large Cult has been Summoning all the biggest Magical Creature's for some reason. Demon Lord's, Fae Kings, even a few Gods. Clockwork was summoned a little while ago, and so was Fright Knight and Pandora
And he has been patiently waiting his turn for a while. Apparently everyone they summon has gotten a really good deal from them, all in return for a few favors, sometimes a promise to not go to a specific place.
Danny really wants to strike a deal with them. He wants to ask them for a favor so he can get out of work for a few weeks, he's been planning on taking a vacation with Sam and Tuck, but the Eyeballs are being annoyingly resistant.
He feels the familiar pull of Summoning, and realizes that it's time. Awesome, time to meet this mysterious Cult!
Why is the JLA standing in from of him?
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renegadeshroom · 7 days
i am once again procrastinating my bedtime but i just realised that i never had my final thoughts on the whispering skull! i finished it like a week ago or something. assorted ramblings under the cut
george faking his death by looking into the mirror at the end there got me REAL good. poor eyesight W lmaooo. i am so so so glad lucy made the only smart move possible -- im giving her this position over winkman bc though he was smartER about it than most everyone else it was just base profiteering on his part, which simply endangered someone else further down the line -- in relation to the mirror and smashed its shit in. megacursed mirror deliberately made out of seven ghosts that kills anyone who looks into it for too long and makes everyone who doesnt look into it long enough to die obsess over getting another better look into it is, shockingly, bad news! im still wary of deprac and dont entirely trust them and tbh barnes lucy probably saved your ass from getting mirrored to death by smashing that shoddy piece of shit thing into pieces. so like, thank her. idk, get her a cake or something. i am of course also suitably wowed by how um. literally explosive things got at winkman's auction. did not expect them to blow the whole thing up. and i am glad they were fiiiinally able to work together with kipps' team to mutually save their own asses. it had to happen eventually ofc, but we know the threshold now. amused that lucy got out of this whole ordeal without further meaningfully interacting with another girl whatsoever though things of interest to me:
afaik we did not learn the name of the whispering skull, despite learning the names of like everyone else in bickerstaff's little death cult. i wondered very briefly if maybe the deceased's relationship to ghosts in life is a factor in how their own ghost manifests, vis a vis the type system. even with the skull being the only type three so far, i think bickerstaff decidedly put that idea to bed however. im also beginning to think that particularly old ghosts are more powerful, generally speaking, but thats probably just a survivorship bias?
the skull was marginally helpful to lucy when the chips were down?? genuinely did not expect that, but i suppose it has a more powerful interest in exploiting lucy's ability to commune with it than it does a desire to see her and her friends get their shit kicked in. im sure the skull would greatly enjoy watching all of them kick the bucket in a variety of gruesome and horrible ways, but it has a very material interest here, and it seems remarkably easy to manipulate with the simple threat of being buried somewhere and forgotten forever. much to think about! it makes me wonder if lucy is the first person to be able to hear it... i would suspect, given marissa fittes reporting the existence of type threes, and the fact that george stole the skull from the fittes agency, it may have been one of the type threes encountered by her
thinking on it now, the skull is not, afaict, mentioned to be smaller than an adult human's skull. so despite the skull serving as bickerstaff's psychic protege in life, it seems to not have met its end at the same time or circumstances as bickerstaff. then again, maybe he just started out as bickerstaff's psychic lackey, but proved to be useful enough to hang around for longer than his psychic ability was potent
this really just turned into a list of musings about the skull huh. whoops
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Riddlers with S/O who isn't very book smart so people assume she's an idiot but knows a lot of trivias like:
"I mean this saying kinda lost its meaning because (explains) but go on."
"Only thing I know about Pythagoras is that he had a cult and used his cultists to get out of fire."
"Hamsters hibernate so there's a lot of hamsters that we're buried alive."
Trivia S/O
Riddler Headcanons haha this is me and my useless knowledge piled up against what i actually know that is useful, but that's why i'm the token girl on my old man pub quiz team 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: mostly fluff i think, but you know me
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who the fuck just knows that?
i mean it's kind of good that you know something because he was beginning to worry that you were really stupid
and he didn't mean that to come off so rude
well, maybe he did
either way, it's nice to meet someone else who enters a conversation with a fact no one asked for
one that no one will ever need
congratulations on being his irritating little sidekick
nothing soothes him more than listening to you tell him stuff
now he can absorb random pieces of information while he works
no more having to decide between welding and holding a book
and you're much nicer to listen to than some audiobook
his hobby is coming up with riddles and questions and seeing how quickly you can answer them
he can handle the more practical or physical applications of intelligence
your speciality comes in handy in so many other ways
it depends what kind of mood he's in
sometimes a random fact makes him smile
other times, it irritates him
you better not interrupt him while he's deep in thought with some silly little piece of knowledge
but he's open to praising you if it comes in handy
and you'll get a little pat on the head if you do good
"very good, now leave me alone"
unlike him you're able to be modest about your smarts
which really irritates him because you should brag more
like him
but he will see it as something that he can hold over you
he's still smarter than you and you better never forget that
just because you can answer his riddles, maybe he was making them too easy for you, not because he likes you though
because he felt sorry for you, yeah, that's it
his little heart would be beating so fast if you answered his questions before he even finished
"did you know houseflies him in-"
"in the key of F, of course, yes, who doesn't know that?"
well no one else he's asked so far, so you've got him intrigued
it doesn't matter to him that you're not an intellectual type
you can match his wits in trivia and puzzles and riddles
and those are the key things he's looking for
aw, that's really interesting, oh yeah totally!
not patronising at all! you're just very sweet
ok maybe you're just lucky you're cute
but it's ok as long as you know the answer to who is the most handsome
who's the smartest
who had the best glow up
who's better than the joker
(it's him, all of the above)
young justice
wow, you sure can hold a lot of things in your brain
ok but can you answer this riddle?
ok what about this one?
he's not testing you! you don't have to prove yourself to him
he's just genuinely intrigued by your ability to retain so many unrelated facts about stuff that must never come up
at least not in normal conversation
that might be why people think you're a bit ditsy and strange
but that's what attracted him to you in the first place
someone as dorky and awkward as him
ah, info-dumping, his love language!
oh it's ok if you only know a couple facts about each thing
he's more than happy to just throw some questions at you
especially in his down time, a nice break from his more intense work and plans
you're a sweet distraction from the more mentally laborious things he has to focus on
honestly, it's very appealing that people think you're stupid at first
people overlook his true nature too
you're like kindred spirits that way
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linawritesocs · 1 year
hayden's voicelines + lesson chats!
IT'S HIS TIME EVERYONE. it's our silly little cult member's time!! i'm so sorry, my son, i was supposed to finish working on your voicelines and chats much earlier, but.. the masquerade event happened. yeah.
also, @scarabiaa, your son is here! hayden and onyx are finally interacting!
[ hayden's voicelines ]
if you choose to hold his hand (tutorial):
"hey, are you okay? you must be so scared, all of this is new to you, after all.. just take some deep breaths, you're gonna be fine."
level up:
"hehe, thanks for helping me with this. i don't know what i'd do if it wasn't for you."
"wow, you're much smarter than i thought- ahem, i meant that i already knew you're smart, but i didn't expect you to be such a genius!"
"oh, you don't have to help me, actually, i can- i see, so you're still gonna try to help me." *sighs* "thank you, i guess.."
level up max:
"i thought i can do just fine without your help, but.. it looks like i was wrong, haha. thank you for supporting me all this time, it really means a lot to me."
episode level up:
"i don't get it, why do you want to know more about me? like, do you need something from me? a favor, maybe? "you want to get to know my real self"?.. i don't get what you mean by that."
limit break:
"no, this won't be enough. i still need to try harder and work more, so that they can notice me.. who are "they"? oh, sorry, i was just thinking out loud, don't mind me."
*laughs in an evil way* "now, it's time for me to show you what i'm actually capable of! prefect-san, i hope you're watching!"
lesson lines (before lesson):
"what subjects i'm good at? hm, i'm actually good at most of them, really. so i can help you with anything you want! except p.e, haha.."
"what's your favorite subject, prefect-san? you want to learn more about this world, don't you? oh, i have an idea, what if i answer all of your questions and you tell me about your world in exchange?"
"don't you think you're taking a bit too much time? we're gonna be late if you don't make a choice, you know. and i most definitely don't want to be late, that would be bad for my reputation."
lesson start:
"you can ask me anything you want, prefect-san!"
lesson end:
"finally, it's over. i just can't bring myself to love this school.."
battle start:
"i don't really like fighting, but it looks like you're too stupid to have a proper chat with you."
battle win:
"if only there was someone out there who could have helped you."
[ hayden's lesson chats ]
[ the tale of a two-faced prince ]
".. you really want to know more about my family?"
"i have no idea why you're so interested, but i guess i could tell you something."
"so, i don't remember if i told you this before, but i actually have twelve older brothers-"
"your reaction is understandable, but please, don't interrupt me like this. that's how people always react when i mention my brothers, though.."
"my oldest brothers are already married and some of them even have kids.. to be honest, i feel like i'll never be as good as them. it's quite hard to impress your parents when you're the youngest child, especially when you have so many siblings."
"it was also hard for me when i was younger, i always felt left out and.. i even thought that i didn't belong, haha.."
"however, thankfully, i managed to find a role model who had the same problems as me. he went through the exact same thing, he even had twelve older brothers as well!"
"when i read about him, i felt like his story was written for me. it just felt so.. personal, like someone created his character to help me feel understood and less lonely."
"but he wasn't "created" by anyone! he was real! he actually existed, there once was a person who faced the same struggles, acted and thought just like me, like-"
"like i was "based on him" in some way."
"oh, sorry, that probably sounded weird. haha, i was supposed to tell you more about my family, but i ended up talking about my childhood idol."
"but he really does mean a lot to me."
[ why do you care about me so much? ]
"okay, i think i'm done with this task." *sighs* "i feel so tired for some reason.."
"wait, you heard that? oh, um.. please don't worry about me. yes, i'm tired, but i'm still doing fine."
"i think you needed help with your homework as well? let me see.."
"huh? what's this?"
"what do you mean, we can take a break? i'm sorry, prefect-san, but we have to-"
".. you asked trey-san to help you bake cookies for me?"
"t-thank you, but i don't think we can take a break right now. i doubt that you will have the energy to do your homework later."
"you're more worried about me than your homework? really, you shouldn't say things like that."
"we can eat these later, after we're done-"
".. okay, that was scary, prefect-san."
"fine, fine, we'll take a break, but only if we eat these cookies together. you have to try them as well, you worked so hard after all!"
"and may i ask, why you baked them? why would you want to do something like this for me?"
"i-i will never understand how your logic works, prefect-san. i thought that you'd have a deeper reason for that.."
[ what kind of a person am i? ]
"what is it, prefect-san? why are you staring at me like this?"
".. you can't understand my personality? what do you mean?"
"ah, it's because i tend to act differently around other people? but isn't it natural to act that way?"
"you also act differently around other people, prefect-san. when you're with people you like, you can't stop smiling, you keep making jokes and you may even try to flirt with them."
"but when you're with people you dislike, you're much more rude and you don't care about them at all. and you can even be.. kinda mean, honestly." *laughs*
"hm? it's not the same as my behavior?"
"ah, i think i get it. you don't understand why i would act like someone who's more playful and extroverted when i'm with people like cater-kun and kalim-kun, but then i act like someone who's more quiet with people like leona-san and jamil-san?"
"well, you see, prefect-san, if i want to make friends in this school, i need to know what kind of people these students would never hang out with."
"i don't want to annoy them, especially people like sebek-san, leona-san or floyd-kun, so i need to be careful and i try to act like their perfect friend would."
"you do the same thing when you want to make someone like you, right?"
"you want to know what my true personality is like?"
"hehe, all of those personalities can still be considered my true self. i just show a different side of myself to every person i meet."
"i still can't figure you out though.."
"oh, it's nothing. i just want you to know that i'm not lying or "being fake". and yes, i'm showing my true self to you as well."
"how is this personality different from my other ones?"
"well.." *laughs* "i guess i can be a bit softer with you sometimes."
[ if only this guy wasn't my boss.. ]
azul: "thank you for agreeing to help out after classes, hayden-senpai."
azul: "you really didn't have to work at mostro lounge, but you still said yes.. you truly are a perfect octavinelle student."
hayden: "ahaha, now, don't say things like that, azul-san."
hayden: "though i have to say that i'm honored to be in a dorm like octavinelle. and i'm glad we have such a responsible dorm leader as you, azul-san."
azul: "i'm the one who should be honored to be in the same dorm as you. i wonder why you're not our dorm leader, haha."
azul: "though my grades are still better than yours.."
hayden: "i heard that, azul-san."
azul: "y-you did?"
hayden: "and i don't disagree with you. i still have to work harder if i want to be a better student."
hayden: "and i doubt that i would ever be a good dorm leader." *laughs*
hayden: *thinking* "it's not like i even want to become a dorm leader."
azul: "now, i'll be waiting for you. come to the mostro lounge when you're ready."
hayden: "okay! i have some things to do, but i'll try to come as soon as i can."
hayden: "..."
hayden: *thinking* "i think i have to go and break something. maybe that would help me calm down."
hayden: *thinking* "i hate this guy so much! i agreed to work with him and those twins only because i knew that would make him like me more!"
hayden: *thinking* "okay, hayden, breathe. you're doing this for your mission."
hayden: *thinking* "that's what your family would want you to do."
[ please, teach me how to cosplay! ]
hayden: "merrill-san, i need your help with something."
merrill: "oh, really? if someone like you is asking for help, then it should be something serious."
hayden: "y-yeah, it is serious, haha.."
hayden: "you see, i accidentally broke my phone and-"
merrill: "oh, sorry, i'm an ignihyde student, but i'm actually not that good with technology."
merrill: "i just know a lot about social media, that's all."
hayden: "i'm not asking you to fix it. i actually need austin-san's help."
merrill: "then why are you-"
merrill: ".. oh, i get it now. austin-chan would never help anyone just because they asked him."
hayden: "yes, i know that well."
hayden: "and i have an idea how to make him help me, but if i'm going to do that.."
hayden: "i will need to discuss something with you."
merrill: "tell me about that idea of yours then."
hayden: ".. this is gonna be embarrassing."
hayden: "please, teach me how to cosplay, merrill-san!"
merrill: "..."
merrill: *laughs*
hayden: "this is serious, merrill-san! i know that austin-san likes anime, magical girls and all that stuff, so i thought that maybe i can try and cosplay one of his favorite characters.."
merrill: "no, actually, this is a very good plan. it will definitely work if you do it right."
merrill: "i'm just trying to imagine you do cosplay and.." *laughs*
hayden: "merrill-san, please, can we talk about my cosplay already??"
hayden: *thinking* "at least he doesn't know that i broke my phone while trying to take a picture of a butterfly.."
hayden: *thinking* "he wouldn't stop laughing if he knew."
[ you're just really important to me, that's all! ]
hayden: "onyx-sama!!~"
onyx: *SCREAMS*
onyx: "uh, h-hi, hayden.."
hayden: "how are you doing today, onyx-sama? do you need help with anything?"
onyx: "i'm fine, thank you, you don't have to worry about me, haha.."
hayden: "but you're so important to me, onyx-sama! you have no idea who you were based on, but i know who you really are! i have no choice, but to worship-"
onyx: "b-based? based on what?"
hayden: "never mind. forget about that part."
hayden: "so, are you sure you don't need any help at all? i can help you with anything you want! your homework, your friends, your relationships.."
onyx: ".. relationships?"
hayden: "sure, i can be your matchmaker, if you want!"
hayden: "now, who should i match you up with.."
onyx: "actually, i already have someone i like-"
hayden: "who should be that lucky person who will be worthy of your love? hmm.. i feel like no one here deserves your love, onyx-sama."
onyx: "HUH??"
hayden: "n-not because you don't deserve to be loved at all!! it's just.. you're so great, i don't think anyone in this school would be a good partner for you."
onyx: "oh.. you don't understand, i actually like someone a lot and i thought you could-"
hayden: "no, onyx-sama, even i don't deserve to be loved by someone like you! but i promise, i will find a perfect significant other for you!"
hayden: "now, where should we start?"
onyx: *thinking* "he won't listen to me.. you know, he keeps saying that he worships me and all, but it's kinda funny that even though he's my fan, he refuses to listen to anything i say."
[ i'm glad we can still talk like this ]
hayden: "angel? what are you doing here?"
angel: "hayden-chan!! \(≧▽≦)/ "
angel: "oh, don't worry, i don't think nrc students have noticed that i'm here. <( ̄︶ ̄)>"
hayden: "you shouldn't visit me like this. you know that nrc and rsa students' relationship is.. not that good."
angel: "hey! i don't care about that stupid school rivalry! <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)> i want to talk to my friend and hang out with him even if we're from different schools!"
hayden: "um.. thank you, i guess. i missed you a lot too."
angel: "!! did you just say that you missed me?? (⊙_⊙)"
angel: "aww, hayden-chan!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡ i love you so much!"
hayden: "uh.. m-me too.."
hayden: *thinking* "they really are just like prefect-san."
angel: "so, how was your day? tell me all about it! ( ´ ▽ ` )"
angel: "and i will tell you about my day too! (つ≧▽≦)つ you won't believe what bunny-chan said today!"
hayden: "oh, yeah, how is blythe doing? i hope she's not too tired."
angel: "hm? why would she be tired? (•ิ_•ิ)? you know she loves being the vice dorm leader!"
hayden: "she sure does.."
hayden: *thinking* "i'm surprised that they still don't know that bunny actually hates her dorm."
hayden: *thinking* "and ashley is not even dumb or anything like that, they're actually very smart."
hayden: *thinking* "well.. i'm still glad that i can spend time with them like this. ashley and blythe are my only friends after all."
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scullysflannel · 4 years
hitting up your inbox. here's a question for you: since you've written about tv from a lot of different periods, how would you describe the difference between 90s shows like the x-files or buffy (or even early 00s shows like alias) and stuff made more recently? i feel like "is one better than the other" is kind of a pointless question, but are there things you think each era is better at? worse at? basically just interested in your thoughts on how tv storytelling has changed in the last 30 years
oh wow. I’m sure I’d have a better view of this if I’d been in this industry longer; my sample size from the ‘90s and early ‘00s is small – and more personalized to me – compared to how many recent shows I watch/have watched. that’s my disclaimer. the rest is below the cut because I went long.
overall… it’s hard to generalize about TV now because there’s so much of it. but I think it’s a shame we’ve fallen out of love with the procedural! now they’re mostly overlooked (by critics) and mostly formulaic, which is too bad because a good case/monster-of-the-week show can go anywhere. it’s much easier for procedurals to try on different tones or experiment with form (no dialogue, musical, black and white, etc). and the best ones usually find tension in the idea that resolution is possible: the x-files and buffy both use the monster-of-the-week structure to emphasize how open ended their fights are. one of my favorite new shows this season was evil on cbs because it’s a procedural that works with the format in order to push boundaries. I’d love to see more of that. bring back procedurals that feel fresh!
but as much as I hate the trend of showrunners trying to turn everything into a “10-hour movie” (TV needs episodic structure!) obviously it’s good that we’ve got more serialized storytelling. and yes that’s The Legacy of The Sopranos, but it’s also streaming making it easier for people to catch up on what they missed. we’re at a point where even comedy can be really experimental and long-form; the good place could not have happened a decade ago. I’m glad TV trusts audiences to be smarter now. I just don’t think it’s an accident that the showrunners who are best at serialized storytelling (vince gilligan, damon lindelof, mike schur) have experience writing for procedurals (or standard sitcoms). episodes matter.
peak tv is great because even though there’s still a lot further to go, there are so many more shows now written by diverse voices, featuring diverse casts, telling stories that haven’t been on TV before. but at the same time it’s harder for those shows to find audiences and stick around, and you can see how it makes them less patient with storytelling if they’re on the bubble. the streaming model doesn’t help since apparently there’s less incentive to keep shows around past three seasons. TV shows just don’t last as long anymore. which can be for the best (watchmen was perfect as it was), but at the same time one of the things that sets TV apart as a medium is the time you get with the characters. we watched buffy and scully grow up. and I love the sort of rambling quality of a long-running show and the way the writers are forced to work around real life. I think that’s interesting! (because, again, most stories in real life don’t end neatly.) I don’t want to fully lose that unpredictability. emily van der werff at vox wrote about this recently: TV doesn’t always need to be shorter; it just needs to know how to tell short stories that add up.
this is beside your point, but I’m really interested in how shows hold up over time and what keeps them relevant. the x-files and fringe are both sci-fi shows about investigating the unexplained, but the x-files doesn’t really care about science and fringe really does, so the x-files is less dated than a show that came out 15 years later. alias is very post 9/11, even though the pilot was filmed before 9/11. it’s about living in a surveillance state. but it never seems able to make a strong comment on that; there’s a lot of push and pull between critiquing and accepting the secrets the government “has to keep,” because at the time I think they could only go so far. whereas the americans will probably hold up better, even though it’s also a spy drama, because those questions are the whole point (being a period piece also helps). 
I think any good show has staying power; it’s not just about relevance (breaking bad is about the darkness people are capable of, etc, but really it’s going to hold up because it’s entertaining as hell). but I do think ‘90s dramas have a leg up because technology hadn’t totally invaded everyday life yet, so the stories they told were more human. it’s hard to make interesting TV about problems that happen online and on our phones. some shows are doing it – the good fight, evil… basically, the kings are doing it – but a lot of stories about how it feels to be alive today are looking at it sideways (like the leftovers or the handmaid’s tale). the good place had to go to the afterlife to point out that no ethical consumption is possible under capitalism. we don’t have a clear way to talk about the present as it’s happening, even on TV. maybe that’s because it’s so fragmented.
but ultimately I think the good shows are still doing the same things. it’s tempting to say TV storytelling is bolder/less linear/weirder now, but it’s really just packaging. it’s the difference between twin peaks and twin peaks: the return. the ‘90s version looks more traditional, but it’s finding the tension between absurdity and structure as opposed to going all-out absurd. it’s the same questions in a new format. the x-files and the leftovers are still making the same points about the impossibility of understanding the world around us and the importance/limits of relationships to mitigate the chaos. the x-files just couldn’t have told that story with a lion sex cult.
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sosei · 4 years
player's choice re: character (both is an option of course~) but 23, 24, 40, 65, 98?
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23. If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
Get his family out of the Cult of Tiamat and Draconia earlier. Dartak is a simple man, so he likely wouldn’t think beyond wanting try to prevent facing the consequences of Tiamat’s betrayal. But the person we call “Dartak” would never have been “born” under those circumstances, he would’ve remained Regulus.
24. Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
Dartak would tell you that its Rook. She’s a fellow soldier and understands that sometimes you need to get your hands bloody to get things done. 
But my gut is telling me that the answer is Kai. Despite their fundamentally opposed ideologies, they both are fiercely protective of the party. Their dedication to their own causes and loyalty to the party itself gives them a lot of common ground, despite everything. Dartak may complain about the “Bahamut types” in the party weighing them down, but if a party decision is made in their favor, he will go along with it.
40. Where does your character feel the most at home?
Since Dartak has not had a “home” since Tiamat’s betrayal, the closest thing he has rn is “with the party”. He does have a stronghold of his own thats under construction, but he hasn’t lived there and thus cannot see it as his “home” yet.
65. What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
VENGEANCE Given that we do not have much in the way of official info on Draconia’s culture and cuisine before it fell, I am having a hard time coming up with something specific. But given his race and background, I think I’m gonna just say “some expensive Draconian meat dish”. He doesn’t drink anymore, for his own safety. But when he did I think he’d have a taste for wine. Buuuut given that I do not, and I dont know shit about wine I’m gonna leave it at that.
98. What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“Do not trust Her.”
23. If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
The immediate thought was to “go back and stop himself from being locked up for three years for no good reason”. But the thing is, more good has happened after his imprisonment than before, stuff that never would have happened if he hadn’t fled and stumbled upon is Pact Weapon. 
Unlike Dartak, Lesti can recognize that the events that are the foundation to who he is as a person are important to reach his current happiness, even if they were horrible and traumatizing. Part of me wants to dunk on Dartak, saying its bc Lesti is smarter than him, but its more that Lesti is just generally happier as a person.
So he would either choose to go back a save Brill, a young squire travelling with the party who was killed by ghouls early on during our adventure, or save Nulg, our orcish intern who was killed by a demon. As Lesti percieves the latter as his fault, having acted as an unwilling conduit for the spell that summoned the fiend, I think that would be his first choice.
24.  Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
The immediate answer I went to was the Tiefling triplets. But honestly, despite us all being the descendants of fiends, we don’t share as much in common as you’d think. Lesti’s background was gloomy and involved several years of captivity, and his escape brought him to Midgard and the triplets. 
Now there is another party member whose backstory involves exile and a period of captivity, which ended with him meeting the party and then having a vastly improved life, and that’s our Ravenfolk Rogue, Glimmerbeak.
40.  Where does your character feel the most at home?
In the Alehouse Drakes “Clubhouse” with the party, no contest.
65.  What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
Lesti grew up on the blandest food imaginable, so his “favorite dish” changes quite frequently since a lot of the food he has encountered since arriving in Midgard is miles better than what he ate prior to that.
Which is kind of just a fancy way of saying “wow I really do not think about my characters’ food preferences a lot, do I?” xD
In all seriousness though, I think I’d say the food he has liked to most so far has been the seafood we ate on our first night in Harkesh, the capital of the Dragonkin Mharoti Empire.
98.  What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“Do not travel alone and be careful around strangers. Find people you can trust and stick with them.”
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Their reality
Summary: apparently, in a different reality from ours, the drama of the “Little misters” is way more serious.
A/N: Okay, so there’s gonna be an alternate reality, so a bunch of characters has two versions. The versions from OUR reality would be in a normal font, and the OTHER reality would be bold. Got it? Good.
Mr. Brass stared at the two beings in front of him. He knew them, yet at the same time, they were complete strangers. 
The one was a teenager kid, with red shaggy hair and pale skin full of freckles, with a birthmark in the color of rust covering his left eye. If it wasn’t for the rusty birthmark, Brass could’ve never realized it was his younger brother- Mr. Smiles, but rather a younger version of their creator- Dr. [redacted] Wondertainment, due to the infamous shiny green leather jacket over a yellow and purple suit that the doctor used to wear. Perhaps in that universe, Dr. Wondertainment saw Mr. Smiles as “the perfect son” and treated him like one. The fact that it might be the truth made the automaton feel rather guilty towards his own Mr. Smiles, who was treated way worse than anyone could ever be treated- left alone to rust and rot in the darkness.
The other one, though... It was a sadder case. The long red hair tied loosely in a ponytail was a mess, and his greyish-pale skin was filled with scars and black marks. His joints seemed to be dismembered from his body, only to be connected back by some sort of a black parasite. He seemed like a zombie being possessed by a demon, or something almost indescribable. His eyes were pitch black, and dark ooze was coming out of his mouth.
“Redd,” Mr. Brass said, as he went closer to the second figure. So worried and terrified of his older brother’s fate in that timeline. “What happened to you?”
 That “Redd” quickly went behind his younger brother. An expression of fear was all over his face.
“Redd?” Mr. Brass asked again, looking into the creature’s eyes.
“Don’t take it personally, B.” Mr. Smiles said. “You didn’t do anything. Our Brass, on the other hand...”
“What did I...” Mr. Brass began to speak but realized that it wasn’t really him. “What did HE do?”
Redd quickly spit some of the dark ooze on his finger, then drew a symbol with it. Mr. Brass recognized that symbol and stared at it in pure horror. He never thought he’d have to see that bloody symbol again, except for his nightmares and worst memories. That symbol... was the symbol of The Church Of The Broken God.
“M-monster...” Redd said as he returned to hide behind Smiles.
“In our reality, you became their leader. Their god.” Mr. Smiles said.
“How stupid am I in your reality?” Mr. Brass asked, trying not to believe his ears.
“Sadly, not that much.” Smiles sighed as he looked at poor shaking Redd. “And at the beginning, we were okay with that.”
“Why would you be okay with this fucking cult?” Mr. Brass yelled, feeling his mechanical heart beating fast.
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Smiles said. “But... he did what his followers prayed him to do.”
“Does this has something to do with Redd?” Brass asked, confused and terrified.
“Yes. It has.” Smiles continued. “You see, Redd didn’t get along with one of his followers. What was his name?”
“S-S-Scott...” Mr. Redd answered.
“Yes. Thank you, Redd. His name was Scott.“ Smiles gave Redd a soft sad smile, and then returned to tell Mr. Brass about this tragedy.
“Scott prayed to Brass. He wanted Redd to die.” he continued. “I assume he wasn’t okay with that. After all, I know he cared about us, but... he wanted to be adored.”
“No matter what it costs?” Mr. Brass asked.
"Precisely.” Smiles said, as he closed his eyes and remembered that horrible day.
“Smiles, hide!” Redd told the child as he saw the hooded automaton getting closer, with cold expression on his face and a dagger in his hand.
“But, Redd-” Smiles said, only so Redd could cut him off by pushing him behind a big garbage can.
“Stay here,” Redd said. “That expression cannot mean well.”
He saw the tears in his younger brother’s eyes, feeling his fear and worries.
He went down on his knees and pulled Smiles into a hug.
“Please don’t go.” Smiles said, sobbing into his brother’s shoulder.
“I wish I could, but I can’t,” Redd said. “I knew this would happen, and I can’t let you get hurt because of my stupid arguments.”
He sighed and looked into the child’s eyes.
“Stay here,” Redd said. “Don’t you dare to sacrifice yourself for me.”
He got up and left, walking towards his hooded sibling.
“You know, usually I’d start with the whole ‘You know you don’t have to do that’ speech,” Redd said. “But I know you probably wouldn’t listen anyway, so...”
He looked into his eyes, a sad smile on his face.
“Let’s get this over with.” Redd said.
“Wow, you’re really going to fight me.” Mr. Brass said. “Foolish, but brave. Although, you could go the easy way and let me kill you quickly.”
“Let’s. Get. This. Over. With.” Redd said again, this time annoyed.
“As you wish.” Mr. Brass sighed. 
Redd never expected Brass to be strong. Or fast. Or smart enough to fight him with a dagger. But as soon as his hooded brother charged at him at a great speed, Redd realized it’s gonna be harder than he thought. He couldn’t block most of his attacks, and the pain got stronger and sharper as the battle went on. At one point, he realized he couldn’t feel his right arm for a while. When he looked, he realized that...well...his Right arm was on the ground.
Smiles was watching the entire fight from his hiding spot. Not blinking even once as Redd was beaten and stabbed.
“Stop it, Brass!” Smiles yelled, eyes filled with tears. “Stop it!”
Mr. Brass stopped, looking at the crying child. Goddamnit, he made his brother cry. He knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t be murdering his older brother, but... he was tired of being this family’s disappointment. He finally found people who adore him, and he wasn’t planning on disappointing them.
He looked at Redd, who was trying to get up from the ground and trying to reach his hand, then back at Smiles.
“I’m so sorry.” Mr. Brass told the child, right before kicking the older one in the stomach, causing him to fall again.
And as Smiles kept yelling and crying for him to stop, Smiles began stabbing Redd over and over again. The screams got louder with each stab and the cries made the automaton’s heart to ache. He looked at Redd, who seemed to give up on his will to fight. He knew he’s about to lose.
Finally, Brass got up, filled with blood. He dropped the dagger to the ground and watched as Smiles ran over to his dying sibling.
“Redd!” Smiles cried as he allowed Red to rest his head on his knees.
“F-fuck...” Redd said, bleeding all over the place. “Guess...I guess I had it coming, huh?”
He coughed, causing blood to come out of his mouth.
“Redd, I told you not to go.” Smiles cried, holding his brother tightly. 
“I’m sorry...” Redd said.
The second cough was much stronger, and more blood came out.
“I love you, Smiles,” Redd said, trying to give the boy a soft smile. “I’m...I’m sorry I can’t be there for you anymore.”
“I love you too, Redd...” Smile sobbed as the bleeding man gave out his last breath.
Mr. Brass stood there, staring at his youngest brother crying and screaming. A part of him wanted to cry along, to show his regrets. He wanted to take that dagger and shatter his mechanical heart over this stupid fight. He just KILLED his own brother. His hands were covered in HIS blood. 
Yet... another part of him tells him to go. The job has been done. His people would be proud of him. He is an awesome god.
“You MONSTER!” Smiles yelled at him after a minute of silence. “You stupid, heartless, selfish monster!”
Mr. Brass remained quiet, allowing his brother to yell at him. He deserved it.
“You just killed him, Brass! I thought you cared!” Smiles screamed, tears streaming down his face. “Why did you do this? To have some sadistic idiots to love you? To be a god?!”
Brass couldn’t even look at him. He stared at the bloody dagger on the ground and listened.
“We are family. We are NOT supposed to murder each other, you freak!” Smiles sobbed. “I am not a god. YOU are not a god. There’s no such thing as a god, broken or not! So don’t say some stupid things like ‘my followers told me to do that.’ or something. Your followers are a bunch of fools!”
Smiles sighed.
“Just leave.” he said. “Please.”
Mr. Brass nodded. He put his hood back on and turned around, walking back into the mist, leaving the child by himself with his dead brother.
Mr. Brass couldn’t believe what he just heard. He KILLED his own brother in that reality. He sat in his own containment, looking at the floor and remaining in silent.
He...he can’t do this too, right? He’s not a monster...right??
“Brass?” he heard a voice from behind him. 
He looked at the source of the voice, only to see the normal Redd. No parasites. No pale skin. No messy hair. No dark ooze. Just Redd.
Without a word, Brass got up and hugged him.
“You met them too, didn’t you?” Redd asked, trying to understand why is he hugging him.
“I- I don’t want to kill you!” Mr. Brass said in a sobbing voice. “I don’t!”
“I know,” Redd said. “You’re way smarter than their Brass.”
“But-” Brass said.
“No buts, man!” Redd said, cutting him off. “First of all, you’re not in that cult anymore. Second of all, I’m way stronger than you. Third of all, I’m the family’s disappointment. Not you.”
He allowed Brass to hug him and patted his head gently. 
“Anyways...” Redd said. “Wanna go eat something to make you feel better?”
Brass nodded and they both went outside.
They chatted and laughed all the way to the kitchen,
Neither of them noticing the hooded automaton with the bloody symbol on his cloak. But he noticed them.
He always will.
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choisgirls · 6 years
hihi! would it be out of the question to ask for a smart but silly mc? like an mc that people think is dumb because they like to show more than their intelligence? i've been struggling with finding a balance between the two so people will think i'm smart as well as funny. someday i will be both in the eyes of many but for now one of your lovely imagines/headcanons would make me very happy. i really love your blog! keep up the great work and i hope you have an amazing day!!!
A/N: Aaa thank youlove ;u; im really glad you like the writing!!! sorry i end up talking so muchbecause im trash™ but still!! it means a lot~(also i struggle with this alot? Just be whatever you’d like to be love! doesnt matter what others think~ ithink you’re amazing~ ^^)
like there reallyshouldnt be a need to hide your intelligence level, sweetheart. Being smartisn’t something to be ashamed of ^^ and if people cant handle it then well fuckthem they arent worth your time
-Honestly you werepretty goofy, but he loved it!
-Always wants someoneto joke and play games with
-But one day he wasstressing over this big test he had and he just… couldn’t… understand themath problem??
-You walked in to himbanging his head against the coffee table- you had to throw your handunderneath him so he couldn’t do it anymore. He was gonna knock himself out ifhe kept doing that!
-When you asked himwhat’s wrong, he’s starting to slowly get harder and harder to understandbecause he’s about to cry- but you’ve got to calm him down and wait until hecan tell you clearly
-You sit him down andlook over the problem. Internally, he’s panicking because? Oh no? He can’tunderstand it, would looking at it upset you?
-When you wrote thesteps and answer down, he looked at the paper and had to blink a few times. Youdid it! You did it correctly, too…. how?
-Didn’t want to berude because you were amazing and smart in your own way! But? You just…answered this seamlessly, how?
-You explained to himthat you’ve actually got a pretty good grip on your math skills- you tend to bethe highest in any of your math classes and you’re always willing to help himfigure it out
-You could easily havea degree in mathematics and he can never look at you the same way again. His carefree,sometimes oblivious s/o is also really smart. How did he not see it before?!
-He’s smart but to adegree- definitely wouldn’t tell you with confidence that he was book smart
-Knows more streetknowledge, but he can hold his own in the schooling department
-Who is he kidding, hehas a dinosaur for a computer.
-So even if you werealoof, it wouldn’t bother him in the slightest~
-But one day, in thechatroom, Jaehee and Jumin had started to talk about business and profits
-Behind the screen, theboth of you were sitting together as he started to complain to you that he hadno idea what they were saying
-So you took time toexplain it all while he stares at you in disbelief
-When you start to getself-conscious of the fact he’s staring at you and saying nothing, he tries toassure you that it’s not a bad thing, he just didn’t know that side of you!
-Honestly I don’tthink it would change the way he thinks about you, he’s fine with both sides ofyou!
-If anything, he’shappy he has someone to explain a few things he may not get at first
-She likes the sillyside of you because she’s always so serious
-Or she at least justappears that way to people, in reality she’s silly just like you are
-Just…. more privateabout it than you are! You’re more open about being carefree and silly~
-Sometimes you remindher of Saeyoung which is okay but sometimes it gets out of hand and she worriesabout you
-Like… you can holdyour own, right? You aren’t… always oblivious, are you? Please tell heryou’re aware of your surroundings, at least
-She’s watched youwalk away from lunch and have to run right back because you forgot your walletthere. She’s counted- it’s been 13 times now
-But apparently you’rejust.. forgetful?
-Because she’s watchedyou spit out fraction conversions when the two of you are baking together
-You can mess around,get flour all over you, and turn red and giggle while she dusts off yourcheeks, but the second she asks you to double the amount of brown sugar, you’reimmediately throwing out the numbers
-Sometimes she throwsconversions at you when you’re being extremely goofy and she just wants to makesure you’ve still got it
-She likes both sidesof you, she doesn’t see why you tend to hide one but she won’t pressure you toshow one more than the other
-Constantly remindingyou to calm down
-There are times thatyou need to be serious and you just aren’t
-It doesn’t bother himor anything but sometimes he’s tired of hearing others get so worked up aboutit
-Because it’s none oftheir business? He loves how carefree and fun you can be
-It’s a nice change ofpace compared to how he’s basically a piece of stale bread most of the time
-He lets himself getsilly around you, though, because you’ve unlocked that privilege~
-When someone came upand had told him that you were practically as dense as concrete, he stood upand was ready to defend you in a heartbeat
-Except you just satback, looked them in the eyes, and with a vast vocabulary of high end and*ahem* choice words, you told them it was none of their business how youdecided to act and maybe they should take a breath and calm down themselves
-Which left both themand Jumin in shock, because you brought up their numbers and stock dropswithout even blinking an eye in their direction
-So you /could/ beserious when you wanted! That was good to know, maybe he should try to provokeyou every now and again, see how serious you really could be?
-Everyone thought hewas silly??? They didn’t know the /both/ of you
-Though everyone alsoknew how smart he was, you, on the other hand….
-He knew yourbackground and he knew what you’ve accomplished with your intelligence
-So he knew how smartyou could be, and he wasn’t positive why you decided to hide it
-One day, he’s tellingeveryone about this new program he was adding to the app, but was too excitedto explain it in words everyone could understand
-Taking the liberty totranslate, you not only explained it in simpler terms, you also kept spittingwords no one could understand while you asked for more details from Saeyoung
-And in all honesty,sometimes he has you type up some of his coding so he can take a break and eatmore chips
-When you /told/ himto rest but you know how he works, so he just sits and watches you
-Is always in awebecause you really don’t come off in this light- you just like to have fun andmess around
-But you know what hasto happen now right? Always place bets and play trivia games against everyoneelse, that’s what
-Yes, dear god, becarefree with him
-That’s one of hisfavourite personality traits- being silly and just running through life
-Doesn’t even care ifyou seem naive, he’s sure you’re smart in your own way
-Like maybe in a deep,philosophical way! He can dig it
-Honestly, he isn’tone to judge someone based off of intelligence so you could have the IQ of agoldfish but if you’re rich in personality and love then he’s completelysmitten
-On the other end ofthe rainbow, he’d be completely okay with it if you were smarter than him,again just…. doesn’t mind
-So if you’re thissilly and carefree and are /also/ super smart then just /WOW/ he doesn’t knowhow to really react
-He just wants you tofeel comfortable enough to be yourself, not to hide a whole half of yourself
-If you’re smart thenbe smart! If you’re goofy, be goofy! You’re both? Sweet! Show it! There’s noshame!
-He has questionsabout anything? Immediately asking you so you know that he cares about everyaspect of you, not just one
-God just fucking stop
-Honestly he canhandle a little bit
-But if you’re to theextreme of his brother he can’t always handle you and just wants you to hush
-Also really concernedfor you though? Like you aren’t aware of yourself or your surrounding a lot
-I mean come on hetalked you into going into someone’s apartment, you were not the most cautiousperson
-Not to mention youthought it would be a good idea to, oh I don’t know, go poking around in thebusiness of a cult
-Really he thought youwere an idiot but he still for some reason loved you so here you two are now
-Though the first timehe fell asleep at the computer around you and woke up to his code finished, hewas surprised
-Then he was…amixture of angry and surprised because why didn’t he know about your secretintelligence and why didn’t you tell him
-He could’ve used youas an assistant ages ago while he was in Mint Eye if he had known! But nnoooyou had to go and hide it
-Encourages you to letyour intelligence show more often because there isn’t a need to hide it in thefirst place, it doesn’t change who you are inside
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nicemango-feed · 7 years
Professor Jordan Peterson: Charlatan Conservative Christian Perpetually Paranoid about Pronouns & Postmodernism
Trigger Warning: If you don't like feminists or leftists, avert your eyes. This could be upsetting.
I ran a little contest for the title on Twitter, while there were so many great suggestions
Well, an anagram of Jordan B Peterson is desert banjo porn
— Martin (@NataliasDad) July 28, 2017
Kermit the Monologue
— Liam van der Spek (@SpekOfTheDevil) July 28, 2017
Misunderstanding Bill C-16 for $55,000 a month
— JD-800 (@thejd800) July 28, 2017
"Old Man Yells at Cloud: the Jordan Peterson Story"
— brane bzkl (@Buzzkill_AOC) July 28, 2017
I went for the wayyy too long alliteration angle, since I felt it captured the essence of his nonsense best.. 
He's so verbose I can't narrow down 11 paragraphs about NESTING into a title
— Paul City (@RealPaulCity) July 28, 2017
Shout out to @somestingray for inspiring that! 
professor peterson’s postmodern paranoia
— Ray (@SomeStingray) July 28, 2017
Pic From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awot-d8U9Cc
Ah...Jordan B. Peterson - I remember a time when I had no idea who that was, and my life was better for it.
Who is this guy? Well...For those unfamiliar he is a ‘controversial’ conservative university professor, in my own progressive city *sigh*....at University of Toronto.
He's your average conservative Christian, with an added dose of hardcore gobbledygook with the audacity to criticize postmodernists for the same. Step aside Deepak Chopra! There's a new snake oil salesman in town. And this time he's smuggling in extreme conservatism AND atheists love him. Apparently one of the *most requested* guests of all time on Sam Harris' podcast!
Why is 2017 like this. Nothing makes sense anymore. 
jordan b peterson: a looney twist on the old school Christian conservative
— peppermint (@strengthgentle) July 28, 2017
Gosh, remember when the atheist scene used to ridicule charlatans like Deepak instead of embrace them as some of our favourite intellectuals simply because they ‘trigger’ libtards, and dump on trans ppl, ‘the left’ and feminism - all the favourite bogeymen of the internet atheist movement! ...resulting in this strange alliance with a man who literally brought himself to tears while reading his own essay which mentioned ‘a loss of faith’. 
Goddammit, make atheism great again. 
It really amazes me that he criticizes flowery 'postmodernist' language for much of the same type of nonsense that comes out of his own mouth. He rose to fame last year when he had an unbelievable temper tantrum about Ontario’s bill c-16 somehow taking away his freedoms by protecting trans people from discrimination. He’s been shown  to be misrepresenting the law, but his popularity only grows in this climate where facts hold little value, and anything of substance is dubbed 'fake news'.
Peterson has no qualms associating with people on the far far right...he even appeared on a nazi's podcast. A woman who has literally advocated violence against people of colour refusing to leave the hypothetical ethnostate. 
Host of that show is another extreme race & IQ obsessive wanting to deport non-whites. http://pic.twitter.com/QF00K9Tr3d
— Nikolashvili (@ViniKako) March 12, 2017
He may very well not be aware of all her views, but googling someone or looking at their social media is the least you can do before appearing on their show and lending them your legitimacy as a professor. If you are this blinded by your hatred of the left that you're going on Nazi shows to talk about 'Western Civilization'...you probably should not be teaching kids. 
As a critic of leftist mumbo-jumbo, its funny he describes the average university class as a postmodern neo-marxist indoctrination cult (h/t @somestingray). He wants to start his own online university scarily enough...He plans to 'cut off the supply to people running the indoctrination cults', i.e., universities. And don't you worry... he's working on a way to differentiate between 'post modern course content' and 'classical course content'.
In a time where mainstream media institutions are being discredited by right wing nutjobs, so too are educational institutions. Now, hold on to your kekistani undies, i’m not saying there aren’t ever crazy instances on campus, I’m not saying never criticize universities or The Left. There’s plenty to criticize... but there’s no proportionality….this response, as in...idolizing Jordan Peterson the guy who’s somehow repackaged old school conservatism as something new and hip…as an antidote to 'the left gone wild, drunk on the power of premarital sex, immorality, independent career women and loss of faith'…I mean come on...I've heard this shit before...
I grew up in Saudi Arabia. 
Just check this rulebook for men he wrote a few yrs ago. (h/t @21logician) 
It’s full on insanity.
And spare me the obvious - 'these are metaphors'… yes I know he’s not calling for literal child sacrifice. 
Still crazy. 
Build the crystal palace. O-kay then. 
Look I consulted with my ancestral spirits…and they warned me not to watch Jordan Peterson content…but silly lady-brain of mine.. didn’t listen. So here we are. 
Now I’m trying to compile as much of JBP’s bs into one blogpost as I can tolerate sifting through in one sitting. For someone sooooo upset about his free speech allegedly being taken away over bill c-16, he certainly doesn’t extend that courtesy to other groups. 
Here he is in 2011 discussing how atheists aren’t an oppressed or excluded group in the west, perhaps even dominant, and how he’s not a fan of atheist advertising. An Ad on a bus pissed him off ffs, meanwhile calling people what they want to be called is a violation of his rights.  Full video of his ad chat here 
Jordan Peterson on pro-atheism billboards. This would be a good topic for discussion @SamHarrisOrg http://pic.twitter.com/JQdhfvgyo8
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 28, 2016
Why maybe Dawkins *should* be oppressed he said. Jeez Jordan, why so angry?
maybe @RichardDawkins should be oppressed @jordanbpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/MiaGNIosA3
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 28, 2016
"If you don’t have any faith in an ultimate authority that says life is sacred, what’s to stop you from mobilizing everything you can to kill as many people as you can…."  That's real original Jordan. 
Jordan Peterson talking about Stalin's lack of religion. This is as feisty as Canadian TV gets I think http://pic.twitter.com/gzzpDcfXVj
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 27, 2016
Here’s some more laughable god stuff:
Proof itself, of any sort, is impossible, without an axiom (as Godel proved). Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof.
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 26, 2013
To think of how popular he is among atheists cracks me up (and makes me sad). This anti-left stuff in the era of the rise of the right...sure makes for some strange bedfellows. 
In his two hour conversation with Sam Harris he couldn’t really define 'truth'. He is basically the religious conservative version of what he criticizes re:postmodernism. Dislikes the pronoun Xir because apparently thats just leftist nonsense….but can’t decide on what truth means. 
Just a quick glance at his Twitter timeline will show that he posts bs memes of his own gibberish quotes..and people love it! 
I honestly can’t understand…has the human population become this dumbed down? Is this reflective of a failure of our education systems?…that people hear a string of multi-syllabic words and are immediately wowed/lulled into some sort of illusion that they are smarter than they thought? His fans also have a habit of saying “but you haven’t heard ALL his lectures… if you had, what he was saying would make sense” - come on. Surely something of his has to be able to stand on it’s own. 
I mean what the fuck does this mean?
one last meme before bed http://pic.twitter.com/KQQkPTRYAq
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) July 25, 2017
To be fair though, somehow I guess it's possible you've stuck to his .. I dunno..mythology, psychology lectures which are supposed to be better....but still, how are you unaware of his crazy side? The side that's made him rich and famous? 
Peterson is a top earner on Patreon making over 55K *a month* (remember this number) last time I checked…which he’s planning to use to launch an online university, to influence more young minds into his way of thinking. 
I just googled him right now and came across a reddit thread asking whether he was a prophet, because he’s turning Western Civilization back to Christianity….FFS.. this guy’s following is legitimately creepy. 
This is the person who thinks college SJWs are bad, but is upset that Disney’s Frozen is *propaganda*… 
Why...you ask? 
Because it showed that two female characters did not need a man to be successful. (h/t @21logician) 
Heaven forbid we indoctrinate our kids into evil-leftist-feminist-cultural-marxist-postmodernism. 
Shameful Disney…don’t you know that all female characters should need a MAN….that’s how God intended it after all. 
No wonder he’s spooked by the Trans Agenda of jailing him for mistakenly saying the wrong pronoun some day. Poor guy. 
This man is in charge of teaching young minds. And with his own online postmodernism-proof university he will be more influential than before, 'radicalizing' more people. Alarming. 
He also has some very disturbing ideas about sex. In his mind the left encourages ‘sexual predation’ by saying that sex is for pleasure and you can have it when you want…we should allow any form of sexual expression and not discriminate against any of them. But at the SAME TIME they want to jail men who make unwanted sexual advances. 
Yes Peterson, its called consent. We can have free sexual expression and consent simultaneously .. this isn’t hard. 
how the hell can you have free sexual expression and also not rape people http://pic.twitter.com/AWM0gu7rHR
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) February 13, 2017
And who's he discussing this with? None other than Stefan Molyneux - known extreme misogynist who blames women for all evil in the world, crazy conspiracist and racist. 
This isn’t the first time i’ve heard Peterson rail against casual sex. If I close my eyes, It’s almost like I’m back in Saudi Arabia. 
everything is so fucking melodramatic with this dude. if you don't do sex and procreation his way you're getting ENSLAVED @jordanbpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/lawOmTOxlm
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 18, 2016
Which brings me to the JBP lecture clip I watched, that all this build up is for:
What. The. Fuck. Did I just see/hear, and what decade am I in… one can forget they exist in 2017 and not 1950 while listening to Peterson. The fact he’s giving lectures like this to young people and they aren’t laughing him out of the room, means that there are some real regressive people out there who want to take us back in time, and hey guess what.. these ones aren’t on the left. 
It's horrifying how popular he is. 
So the video is posted, not by him but some other YT user (called biased asshole lol) and titled “Peterson on Western Women”. 
I’m already gritting my teeth, I hit play… despite the warning from my ancestral spirits, and my crystal palace is crumbling before me, letting the howling winds in. I offer myself to god as a sacrifice...but alas, it's too late. 
At the start of his talk, there’s the obligatory mention of declining birthrates of course, civilization is failing because women are working more procreating less. This is the stuff that endears him to the #TradLife Alt Right nutters. 
This is the woman from his Western Civilization podcast appearance.
(screenshot via @vinikako)
(screenshot via @vinikako)
This young mom is the face of Mormonism's Hateful Alt Right. Full article here
Next in the lecture, Peterson questions why women would want positions of power at all. I’m paraphrasing here, 
‘ladies... trust me you don’t want these powerful positions, men are crazy to have ‘em in the first place… but you know how men are lulz….crazy hardworking and competitive. You also don’t want powerful positions because extra money doesn’t help, and billion dollar corporations are reaaaally complicated to run ok? There are lawsuits, and you have to travel a lot. & shit Just…trust me ladies u don’t wanna get involved in this mess.”
7:29 (now this is an actual quote I’m no longer paraphrasing) he continues on to deter women from wanting positions of power 
“If you’re half crazy and you have a lot of money, you’re going to be crazy a lot faster I can tell you, because it frees you from all sorts of constraints”
[some weak excuse abt how lottery winners are unhappy and if u are prone to a drug problem, then the money will just speed it up]
THIS IS ONE OF PATREON’S TOP EARNERS FFS. What business does he have telling women that money is no good and will just make you crazy. He makes 55K a fucking month. 
This shit continues:
7:46 “being broke stops you from dying if you’re a cocaine addict” ok JBP ..lol...you’re realllllly trying hard to stop women from having careers here. 
7:56 “If somebody dumped an infinite amount of money on you what makes you think you wouldn’t unravel completely?”  - is he describing himself? 
(Click to enlarge)
9:30 “The older I get the more I understand marriage and family are of primary importance” - yeah ok.. I think we get it. #TradLife
9:32 - "The more I see women in particular, they hit 35-40 …and they’re not married…and they don’t have kids…and they are not happy. Cuz what the hell are you gonna do from the time you’re 40 till the time you’re 80?! You got no family… you got no relationships? What are you gonna do?! Go run your company?!!! Yeah well… if you’re 1 in a 1000 that will satisfy you.”
LMAO Peterson, you nutjob. If someone just says this shit in Urdu or Arabic, it will be no different than the mullahs who are afraid of women being empowered and independent. More polished sure, but he is a professor at one of Toronto’s best universities after all. This is an embarrassment. I mean, he should be far off from Mullah-rhetoric, not spouting essentially polished versions of the anti-woman turds that come out of their mouths. Having babies isn’t the only thing that gives women meaning, purpose or happiness in their lives, you absolute dinosaur. And there are other forms of relationships out there. My dad is way more progressive than you, and I’m certain he’s a lot older..heck so is my granddad. 
The idea that running a company would be satisfying to a woman...as opposed to raising children is simply unfathomable to him, no wonder he spends his time freaking out about this (and pronouns) in 2017 because he’s unable to adjust to modernity. I got news, there are other things women do aside from having kids. They are complete human beings even without kids….imagine that! 
I mean this is some serious insecurity around women succeeding. And lets not forget his bullet points for men:
11:22 - Then we get into the “yeah women have it rough but you do live 8 years longer, so thats not trivial…TESTOSTERONE IS KILLING MEN.” (emphasis mine)
“Men do almost all the dangerous jobs and outside work. There’s lots of reasons that men get paid more than women that have *nothing to do with prejudice*” - ok by this point in the video I’m laugh-crying. This is so ridiculous….
“each sex has it’s own unfairness to deal with, but to think of that as a consequence of the social structure….come on really?!"
*lolz guys…there’s plenty of injustice to go around, men do all the hard work around here, why do you whiny women think its some sort of systemic thing, sexism is a leftist cultural marxist myth* 
The video ends on note of JBP saying there’s no gratitude for how far we’ve come because we aren’t outside all day lifting rocks and shit. I kid you not. 
Sexism isn’t real because bad things happen to everyone, and we are no longer lifting rocks. So quit yer whining cultural marxist feminists….do what you were actually put here to do and fulfill your life’s role, make some babies…otherwise what are you even doing with your life. Money sucks (for you), positions of power are way too hard (for you ladies). K thanks bye. Donate to my patreon. 
Lecture summed up right there. (Ok he didn't actually plug his patreon there)
According to his logic he should be grateful about how privileged he is to earn so much and be a professor and quit *his* whining about cultural marxism and postmodernist SJWs...because you know, he's not out there lifting rocks and shit. 
*The Truth* about Jordan Peterson is...he's full of shit and he's dangerously bridging the gap between the far right and the mainstream...and young people are falling for it. 
Thank you to my Patrons who make this work possible. Truly, truly appreciated. 
If you'd like to support my work you can do so here via Patreon  
It's no Peterson level gold plated patreon, but if you want to counter people like that, do consider supporting content creators who push back against this stuff, there aren't many and they need your support. Say what you will about right wingers, but they definitely $upport their people in combatting the evil leftist agenda. 
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