#‘oh no what if i’m losing interest in dc!’ i say as i draw superheroes as ponies in between each commission i finish.
danothan · 1 month
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
how many drinks? | one shot (jjk)
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summary: the question is - how many drinks would it take for you to sleep with your bestfriend?
pairing: jjk x reader
genre: (18+) college au, dance group au, bestfriends/bestfriends with some benefits au | fluff, smut, sprinkle of angst
words: ~12.2k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, kind of crack-y, dancer!jk to fulfill my needs, unprotected sex, sprinkle of dirty talk, fingering, sprinkle of a handjob, slight biting, nails digging into skin, oc almost gets taken advantage of/forced into doing things she doesn’t wanna do, rough handling, song kang is in this too because i’m also a hooch for him but he’s an ass here, alcohol consumption, intoxication, mentions of blunts/smoking, house parties, cuddling, kissing/makeout sessions, straddling, breast/nipple play, hickeys, fucking on the edge of the bed, multiple orgasms, fingering, licking/neck kisses, oral (f. receiving)
note: one shot title is taken from miguel's song ‘how many drinks’ + a couple of things--
both hoseok and jimin’s piece mentioned below are inspired by real-life pieces my old dance mentor has choreographed and taught. this is the inspiration behind hoseok’s couple piece; this is the inspiration for jimin’s piece
i’m a hooch for all three of them in this video
enjoy imagining koo and oc dancing part of their couples piece like this 🥺
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"Y/N." You picked up Jungkook's call as you sat at your desk in your dorm room. You had been finishing up your bio homework until the interruption came blaring through on your headphones.
"Can I nap in your room?"
"The fuck I look like? A hotel?" You snorted.
"Yeah, a 5 star at that with how good you take care of me." He tries to butter you up, causing you to roll your eyes.
"You're lucky I like you."
"Yesssssssss!" You hear him faintly exclaim on the other line. "Be there in a sec."
"You know my doors are always unlocked." Which, it was true. So many of your friends had decided to live off campus that you and your other bestfriend [and beloved suitemate] were probably the only few left on campus. And that meant people were constantly in your room, hanging out or using both of your rooms, [with permission] or the couches in the shared living room space of your suite as a place to nap. College, amirite? Why the fuck would you lose your parking spot to go back to your apartment when you have friends who lived right on campus? You weren't just good for smuggling free food from the cafeteria to your broke ass, struggling off-campus friends.
Sooner or later, you're greeted by a fluffy, black-haired Jungkook, looking like his shit must have air-dried with how wavy and voluminous it was. He swings your door open so aggressively that you jump a bit in your seat, swinging off your headphones like you weren't even expecting him. You watch as he flings himself onto your neatly made bed like he hasn't felt a bed in years.
"Ugh, yes." He moans as he belly flops onto your bed and stays in that position.
"When's your next class, you little baby?"
"In like an hour or so, I don't know." He says sleepily. "Wake me up, please?"
"Sure." You realize it's Wednesday, and he definitely has Ecology lab later at 3:00PM. You figured you'd wake him up by 2:30 just to give him enough time to groggily walk his ass back over to the science building.
You and Jungkook weren't really close before college. It was moreso that you knew of each other since high school because of mutual friends. You'd see him at parties and he'd see you, but it was never more than the casual hi and bye and small talk. Maybe the occasional comments on facebook pages and the likes on pictures on instagram. But foreel, other than that, that's as real as your friendship got for awhile. You didn't mind it though, you were good with your set of friends and he was good with his. A lot of your friends attended the same university as you two and then your groups intertwined even more. 
But, it wasn't until the past couple of months or so where you both unexpectedly got really close - simply just by talking more and being around each other more. You both had similar interests and Jungkook wasn't the most vocal in his group, but with you, he seemed to talk endlessly. He loved comics and he loved raving to you about Marvel and DC superheroes. He loved to draw, and he'd draw you things every now and then - his most recent being you as a scientist superhero saving the world from overgrown malaria-infected mosquito monsters. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, and you tacked it against your cork board near your desk. Then, small things like that turned to bringing you food or boba, being stuck at the hip where he'd only go to a certain place on campus if you were there; texting each other inside jokes and funny ass tweets all day turned to facetime sleepover calls and then late hangouts eventually turned to actual sleepovers in your bed, where he'd drape his arm around while you both slept but it never escalated into anything more than that in bed. Although he did fucking hate your medium-sized Olaf plushie that took shelter on your bed - he'd always hike it across the room and talk about how annoying he is and how he's always taking his spot. You never understood it, really.
And then soon, it turned to small displays of affection behind closed doors, where Jungkook would hold you close. Hold your hand if you two were in the room watching a show, or movie. Small kisses exchanged. Big kisses exchanged, making out sessions. But, that was literally it. Nothing else. No sex. No pressure. Lots of unspoken feelings, obviously, but you weren't gonna be the one to bring that up. Because you were comfortable, and if anything, you didn't wanna ruin what you guys already had going.
Like, is this a friends with benefits thing? Maybe? Maybe not? It was hard to label it because it's not like you both determined so, it kind of just fell together that way. And there was really no pressure to fuck every single time you got affectionate. It was cute, sweet. And no one really knew it was like that behind doors - possibly your suitemate Kass and her boyfriend, Jimin, but that's only because you shared the dorm suite with her. Jimin was also one of Jungkook's roommates and his really good friend, so whenever they had slept over on the same night, it was pure and utter chaos. But honestly, if Kass and Jimin hadn't been around you two much, they most certainly wouldn't have the idea.
Whatever it was, it was a comfortable closeness that you both experienced and appreciated. However, the both of you were afraid of discussing what this really was, afraid it'll ruin the dynamic. The atmosphere. Having to come to terms of what it might, or might not be. Neither of you can fully admit that you like the other. Although, it got hard. People did lightly tease you two because you both always looked for each other and were stuck by the hip out on campus.
Oh, well. Bottom line is that you liked your relationship where it was at, but it doesn't mean you haven't thought about the what if's. Jungkook was insanely attractive, and it's no lie that girls swarmed him left and right on campus, but he didn't give a shit [either he didn't give a shit or he was dumb as hell?]. Okay, rewind — to be fair, he would have a fling or two, flirt once or twice. He'd tell you so and so was cute and that they've hung out or texted, but that's it. He just wasn't necessarily looking for anything cause he too enjoyed where he was at with everything.
It doesn't take long before Sleeping Beauty is snoring face down on your bed, looking like Patrick Star with the way he's sprawled out. But, you continue to do your work until it was time to wake him. You gently shake him, his puppy eyes looking back at you after being face down all nap.
"Class time."
"No." He groans. "Can't I just stay here with you?"
"No, dude. Get to class." You chuckle. "You already skipped last week."
"Yeah, but this is a new week Y/N."
"Jungkook." You almost say in a scolding manner.
"Fiiiiiiine." He whines as he shoots up and hops off from your bed. "Are you going to our party on Friday?"
"I said I'd think about it right?"
"Yeah, like on Monday. It's Wednesday."
"And I'm still thinking about it." You snort, making him pout.
"Just come for a little bit."
"Why? You know parties aren't my thing and you'll be too drunk anyways. I'll end up wanting to go right the fuck back home as soon as I step outside."
"I'd like to be drunk and have you there. It'll be more fun!" He pouts as he holds your hand and swings it back and forth.
"I mean, to be completely honest, I'll probably end up going because of Kass anyways."
"Because of Kass." He rolls his eyes. "Oooookay. Not because of you, Jungkook, no." He says sarcastically, brows furrowed.
"Ew. You're such a fucking whiner. Leave." You laugh, throwing an empty water bottle at him.
"I'm kidding." He chuckles. "Wanna grab dinner with me after practice?"
"Sure. If you pay." He groans
"Fine. I'll see you later." He puckers up his lips to blow you a kiss, which you automatically reject by giving him a look before turning your attention back to your homework. You were hoping he'd offer to go to In-n-Out because you were craving that #2 with animal fries and a neapolitan shake, plus there was a Target in the same plaza that you wanted to drag him to for new pens and clearance sale shopping. And you wouldn't even warn him about it. He would tag along, no question.
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Hoseok stands in front of the mirrors in the studio, pacing back and forth as your dance group learned a couple of 8-counts from this new piece he had been brewing up. Apparently, it was supposed to be a couples piece but he wasn't sure if he was going to keep it that way. He watched to see if this would be better as a group, or if he should stick to his original plans.
Your college dance group was a small group formed by people with pure, genuine interest and love for modern hip hop choreography. Hoseok was the dance lead, with Jimin being the back up lead. The group came together, taught each other pieces, taught workshops for those interested on campus and performed at the various talent shows and productions the school had throughout the year. It was just your group's way of showcasing your talents, something you all purely enjoyed, and it was nice to see the love and support given by the audiences.
"Okay, run that from the top one more time please. We'll take break after, swear." Hoseok chuckles and gives Jimin the cue to start the song back at the starting point. Jungkook makes a funny face at you as he huffs and puffs, trying to catch his breath from the last time you went through the counts.
"Ew." You giggle, slightly pushing him aside. Miguel's How Many Drinks begins to blast through the studio speakers, Jungkook doing his best to sing along and match his tone all while focusing on his steps. Once you're done going through the counts, the music continues to play, Jungkook twirling over to you just to sing—
"Cause I ain't leavin' aloneeee, I feel like I could be honest, babe." He spins to your other side. "We both know that we're grown, that's why I wanna knooooow - how many drinks will it take you to leave with meeeeEEeeeE?"
"You can give me all the drinks in the world and I swear I still wouldn't." You snort, making him frown and click his teeth.
"Too bad that's not really how you act when I ask to sleep over, though." Silence as you stick your tongue out at him. Cause, yeah. You really do tell him to sleep over without hesitation. You loved his company, you can’t lie. "Yeah, fraudulent as hell. I never taught you that." He jokes.
"Shut up, Jungkook—"
"Okay!" Hoseok says, clapping his hands. "This'll be a couple piece. I honestly think it'll work better that way, just like I envisioned it. I'll work with the couple to clean this up before the performance, but to whoever isn't casted for this, Jimin still has a piece to teach the rest of you, so don't feel discouraged!" Hoseok chuckles a bit, giving the rest of the group a small smile. "So with that being said - Y/N, Jungkook, I want you two to do this piece."
"Ouuuuuuuu." Jimin teases you from the sidelines, causing you to put up your middle finger.
"We won’t let you down, cap." Jungkook swings his arm around you.
"I'll teach you the rest of the piece next practice so we can start polishing it up and making it clean before the talent show."
"Sounds good with me." You flatly say, even though 100%, you're pretty excited for many reasons. One, you had been wanting to do a solo or couples piece for awhile, and two, your partner was Jungkook. Your best friend, your ride or die, the dude you've spent so much time with and gave your affection to behind closed doors. It made you giddy just thinking about it, even if you'd blatantly lie to his face later on when he'd tease you. And Jungkook felt the same. You missed the way he subtly bit on his bottom lip when you were named his partner, just so he wouldn't smile too big in front of you.
After practice, you egg him on enough to agree to take you to In-N-Out, without hinting at the plan you had drafted out in your head earlier.  The plan that says you're gonna drag his ass to Target afterwards and he had no choice but to come along.
"Y/N, you liar." He groans. "You said you weren't gonna go to Target." He pouts as you follows behind you anyway.
"Kook, I literally just need to get one thing."
"What's the one thing that you couldn't get on your own time?"
"I don't know, I'll have to find out when we get in there." You giggled, causing him to groan again. "Plus, we're here already. Killing two birds with one stone."
"Ah shit, I suppose I can get some bottles for the party."
"Yeah, make yourself useful Jungkook."
"Yeah, make yourself useful Jungkook, aheh." He mocks your tone and does that really weird and ugly ass laugh that dudes always do when they try to mock girls, however, you ignore it because you've just stepped into Target and bitch, this was Disneyland to you. Heaven. Paradise.
"Hm, what are we drinking on Friday?" He says his text outloud as he follows you around the dollar section where you begin to pick up really unnecessary items that you're probably just gonna store away in or around your desk somewhere.
"Should be holy water because you all need it."
"Mmm, I don't know, I don't think they have that but we can check." He responds ever so seriously, causing you to chuckle.
"How many people are you expecting?"
"Honestly, I don't even know. We said we'd keep it to close friends only. I don't really have any friends, so that's all on them."
"Ah, makes sense as to how the entire class was invited." You fire back sarcastically. "Your upstairs neighbors are really gonna have a blast."
"They're invited too."
"You guys are so dumb." He laughs when you hit him against the chest. After walking a bit, the two of you head towards the alcohol aisle, Jungkook grabbing what his arms will allow him to grab since alcohol is a little cheaper here than other grocery stores. "Isn't there a limit as to how much alcohol you can buy?"
"I don't see anything anywhere." He hauls about 4 big bottles back to the cashiers. "Besides, I'm giving them business compared to Safeway and those other grocery stores."
"Grab the coupon at least, genuis. It could save you some money." You take off the coupons from the three bottles.
He looks down at the coupon attached to the 4th bottle. "Sign up today and get 2% cash back on every bottle you buy." He snorts after reading the coupon outloud. "More like sign up today and get 2% cash back turnt." He looks at you. "This doesn't sound like a coupon, miss. Where's the ‘get 5 dollars off’ bullshit?"
"2% cash back turnt? Really?" You furrow your brows at him and hand the coupons to the cashier. "Here. God, maybe you shouldn't be hosting parties with your roommates."
"Maybe not." He holds his bags, even grabbing onto yours as you both walk out to his car. He turns up the radio, the both of you singing along to the songs coming through. When he pulls up to the lot of Edgehill Village, he parks in someone else's marked spot only because it's technically next to your door and he doesn't anticipate to stay long. But honestly, that never goes as planned. He grabs your bag from the trunk, silently following behind you as you unlock your door to an empty suite - just as you expected. Kass was most likely at Jungkook’s, spending the night with Jimin, and you'd be alone for the night. It didn't matter to you though, the peace and quiet was always nice.
"You sure you're gonna be okay here alone?" You nod.
"Yup. It's kind of nice actually." You lean forward onto your bed since it's raised a little higher than usual with bed risers, and open up your laptop. Jungkook sets your Target bag down and wraps his arms around you from behind, planting a kiss on your cheek and on your jawline.
"You sure you don't want me to sleep over? Cuddles sound nice."
"It sounds like you want to."
"Only if you want me to." He nuzzles his head against your neck, waiting for your response.
"Kook, please." You chuckle. "If you wanna sleepover, then go ahead."
"Yesssss! I do."
"Well you need to find parking, or else the person that owns that parking spot will be highly upset."
"You got it, captain. Pull up a movie!" He says, dashing out of your room to move his car. He's most likely going to come back in another 5 minutes, being that the only free parking at this time of night is probably on the other end in the gym's lot, or somewhere on the streets [if he got lucky].
And so that 5 minutes sure does go by before Jungkook is breathing heavily when he walks into your room, duffle bag swung over his shoulder with a big, dorky ass smile on his face.
"I'm back!"
"I see." You snort, still going through the movies.
"Hey, let's run through what Hobi taught us first."
"Ugh, I'm so tired though."
"Cooooome on, just once." He pulls you by the hand, his body pressed against yours as his his other arm wraps around your waist. "Please." His puppy dog eyes look down at you, causing you to push him away because fucking hell, that shit makes you weak. Makes the pussy throb just a lil, you know? Christ.
"Only if you watch 10 Things I Hate About You."
"Sure, I don't mind." He pulls up the song on your laptop. The both of you face the mirror in front of you, careful not to hit each other since you had such limited space to fully move around. Running through it once was a full blown lie, being that you both are doing it for almost 5-6 times before you're laughing at how out of breath you already are. You're so out of it and winded by the last time around that you accidentally hit Jungkook in the face, causing him to whine and stumble off to the side.
"Oh shit!" You laugh. "I'm so sorry, Kookie!" You run over to cup his face. "Are you okay? You good?"
"Shit, Y/N. You have a heavy hand." He keeps his hand against his cheek.
"I'm sorry." You lean in to plant a kiss on his cheek, but Jungkook being Jungkook, he looks to the side to have his lips meet yours instead. He picks you up in one swift motion, your legs wrapped around his torso as he sits you on your bed, your hands still cupping his face. And honestly, you really wanted him. You've always wanted him since this whole thing started. God, he was attractive to you - every little thing about Jungkook was a fucking weakness, but you weren't gonna let up first. Not tonight. The scar on his cheek, his soft, fluffy hair, his toned body, his muscular ass arms, the way he held onto you when you both slept, the way he kissed you.
Lord, he was truly going to be the death of you.
Before the kiss could get any deeper, you smile into it and back away, keeping your gaze on the small, dazed smile Jungkook has on his face.
"Can we watch now?" You ask, subtly biting onto your bottom lip.
"Yeah, good idea."
"Actually, after all that, I need to shower first."
"Can I join?" His eyes light up.
"Sit your ass down. You can go after." You laugh as you hop off the bed, grabbing your pajamas for a quick shower. You literally take 10 minutes, walking back into your room with wet hair and an oversized shirt and shorts underneath. Although you had been completely comfortable with Jungkook, the both of you have never really seen each other fully naked like that. Whenever he slept over, you were both always fully clothed. You've seen him hop out of the shower and come in shirtless, but that's probably about it. You start to brush your teeth as he rummages through his emergency duffle bag full of shit that he holds in the trunk of his car, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes to change into after his shower. You already know his ass is gonna use your shampoo for everything because he loves the smell of it and always talks about how good your hair smells.
While waiting for him, you slip yourself under your covers and pull the laptop closer to you, scrolling through your phone aimlessly to see what's new on instagram. Which, is absolutely nothing, so you let out a dissatisfied sigh.
"Ready!" He comes in, tossing his towel aside and shutting off the lights to crawl into your bed with you.
"You smell just like me." You chuckle.
"It's great, isn't it?"
"Your hair isn't bothering you?" You run your hand through his incredibly wet hair as he shakes his head.
"No, I'll be good."
"Okay." He wraps his arm around you to pull you onto his body, the movie already off to a start. As the movie goes on, you find yourself getting sleep as both of your bodies sink deeper into the sheets, Jungkook still not letting you go. The laptop rests on his belly, while your head is on his chest, his heartbeat the one thing putting you to sleep pretty quickly. He's comfortable, just as you are. He's warm, you're warm. He's content, you're content. You drift off to sleep while he continues to watch, knowing your bodies will be pressed tightly against each other in the morning.
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"Kook there's so many fucking people here. The cops are gonna come and shut this down quick." Jungkook shrugs.
"Oh well, wasn't my idea." He snorts. "Shot?!" He hands you a shot that you take with ease, feeling like you aren't drunk enough for all this shit and all these people. "Atta girl."
"Yuck, though." You slightly make a sour face as you feel the warmth trickle down your throat and into your stomach.
"Heeeey, whyyyyy do you look so FaMiliaR?" This girl asks Jungkook in a weird, flirty tone, where every other consonant goes up and down. She's obviously really fucking drunk and out of her mind because for one, she definitely goes to the same school as you two, and she has definitely been in class with Jungkook before.
"Oh uh, my name's Justin Bieber. I used to sing from time to time." He says nonchalantly with you furrowing your forehead at him because what kind of response did he just give her?! What did he just tell her? You're so embarrassed that you slowly turn on your heel and walk out of the kitchen as you hear him sing One Less Lonely Girl hella out of tune, with the girl completely smitten over his drunk ass.
"Where's Jungkookie?" Kass asks as she sits on Jimin's lap.
"Over there, pretending to be Justin Bieber apparently."
"Oh, nice. You don't come across that often." Jimin says sarcastically. "Are you staying here tonight?"
"Yeah, stay here tonight, with Kookie." Kass wiggles her eyebrows, her cheek resting on top of Jimin's head. "It's not like that's anything new."
"Um, I'd rather much be back in the dorm."
"That cold, lonely place? When you could be here, in such a pretty apartment with such a pretty boy?" You shake your head at her.
"Unbelievable." You mutter. Suddenly, an incredibly tall man walks into the apartment, reaching about 6'1 and almost hitting the ceiling with his tall ass. You've never seen him before, but he walks in with Hoseok and Namjoon and for whatever reason, you can't peel your eyes off of him. "Woah, who's that?"
"Who's what?" Jungkook finally comes to your side after being Justin Bieber for a good minute or so, his eyes following yours. Who was he and why were you looking at him so intensely?
"That's Kang! You've never met him?" Jimin says, doing a slight nod to greet him as he passes by. Kang and his fine self looks up at you, a small smirk creeping up at the corner of his lips as he continues through to the kitchen behind Hoseok and Namjoon. "He's a transfer and on the basketball team."
"He's fiiiiine." You and Kass swoon over him a bit, Jungkook giving you a look.
"He's alriiiight. I've seen better."
"Shut up, no one asked you." You lightly punch him on the side, making him lightly groan while Jimin and Kass laugh. The rest of the party, you suddenly have a goal to find out more about Kang and see what he's about because you and Jungkook weren't official. You both didn't really know what this was, but one thing you knew for sure was that it wasn't anything exclusive. You wouldn't bring it up, so wouldn't Jungkook - so was this really something all that meaningful?
Whatever, you didn't wanna keep going in circles about it.
Jungkook fucking hates it though, and he's honestly really jealous that you're suddenly trying to be all cute and woo the new, tall, handsome [but he's not really that fucking handsome to Jungkook for christ's sake] basketball player. Jungkook almost wants to mock his every move and how suavé he is, almost looking like a try hard with the way he's leaning against the wall and talking to you.
Wait— he's talking to you?! You were literally right next to him 2 seconds ago.
"What the fuck?" He squints, trying to make sure he's actually looking at you.
"You're so full of shit." Jimin laughs.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why don't you just admit that you like her and stop being childish about it?"
"I don't like her. She's just my bestfriend."
"Um, okay?" Jimin snorts. "When you sleep at her place every chance you get and vice versa? When she has a ton of your shirts and hoodies in her own fucking closet? When you always get so affectionate with her in the dorm? Sure, you don't like her."
"How do you know that?"
"I just do, you've done it in front of me and Kass before but you both tried playing it off. I don't understand you two."
"Well, I don't like her. She obviously doesn't either with the way she's trying to be all up on him." Jungkook glares at you, his teeth biting the rim of the cup harshly as he brings it to his lips to take a sip.
"Whatever, I'm just saying dude. Probably better to be straight up about it than not."
"Kaaaaaaay." Jungkook responds sarcastically, trying to play off how butthurt he was right now. Cause yeah, he did fucking like you. He was just scared to admit it though because of reasons like this - the fact that you possibly didn't like him back killed him. The fact that you could possibly be using him to feel wanted, needed. It made his stomach turn.
He just really liked you, and god, did he want to be the one in your bed tonight. Whether or not that ended up in sex, whatever. He just wanted to be the one to touch you, be on you.
Meanwhile, Kang was attractive as hell and ouwee, were you feeling him tonight. You were, you really were - except, you could literally feel the holes Jungkook was burning through you from across the room. You'd occasionally glance over due to how distracting it was, Jungkook literally have no shame with eyeing you, almost glaring at you, from across the apartment.
"Is it too forward if I ask for your number already?" Kang licks his lips, his teeth lightly piercing his bottom lip as he looks down at you.
"No." You smirk at him, taking his phone to put your number in.
"We should kick it soon. I'd love to hang out with you and get to know you better."
"Yeah, just let me know when." You blush, until you're suddenly pulled out of your daze by a loud 'ahem,' the loudest throat-clearing you have ever heard in your life. You turn to see Jungkook making his way back over to the shots, knowing damn well he's calling you over. "See you around?" Kang winks before he tips his cup to you and gives you a single nod.
"Sure thing, cutiepie." You bite onto your bottom lip, making your way over to Jungkook at the shot station, instantly pinching his arm.
"What the fuck?"
"Nobody was calling you over." Jungkook smirks.
"Shut the fuck up, yes you were. I know that was you clearing your throat like that."
"I'm sorry, does it bother you?" He blinks cutely, tilting his head to the side. "Besides, why come over here when you're too busy with your man?"
"Are you jealous?"
"Why in the hell would I be jealous, Y/N? Do you." The words sting you, even though part of you still wants to believe that Jungkook may actually like you. All you can do is sigh and brush it off, placing your cup down in front of him as he pours himself another shot. "You sure?"
"Just give me the damn shot." You say, making it your 7th.
And the 7th turns into 8, 8 turns into 9, 9 turns into 10. And at 10, you're pretty fucking drunk even as the party is starting to die down by the time it's close to 2am. All 10 were a good combination of shots and mixed drinks.
10 drinks.
10 drinks is what it took for you to lay in Jungkook's bed at the end of the night, hands tangled in his fluffy hair as your makeout session intensifies by the minute - all due to this sexual tension, frustration, whatever the hell it was brewing between you two after all this time. The both of you are drunk as hell, and it's pretty evident with the way you can still taste the alcohol on his tongue, both sloppily touching up on each other, kisses getting wetter, clothes coming off like there's no tomorrow.
"Wait, are you sure?" Jungkook says, about to unhook your bra.
"Jungkook, god, just fuck me." You plead drunkily, the room spinning around you. He continues to unhook your bra, tossing it across the room where your other clothes lay, peppering kisses along your neck before licking up a stripe to meet your lips again. He hooks his fingers across the band of your panties, tugging them down and letting them get lost within his sheets. You take this as leverage to tug his boxer briefs down, already stroking his hardened member the moment you come into contact with it. The sad thing is that you both are so fucking drunk, you can't even appreciate the fact that you both are naked in front of each other for the first time ever.
You can't even come to terms with the fact that you both are about to fuck each other and cross that boundary completely.
But, hell, what do you care? You were drunk. You got a cute guy's number. You're getting dick at the end of the night.
"Oh shit, Y/N." He moans into your mouth as he feels you stroking him. "Need to feel you." He quickly runs his finger down your fold, slipping in two digits to pump them in and out, quickly prepping you for his dick.
"Hnnng--Kook." You bite onto your bottom lip as your eyes shut close momentarily, your head digging deeper into the pillow the more he tries to stretch you out. "Want you inside of me."
"I got you." He says. You almost whine at the loss of contact until you feel his tip poking at your entrance. He slowly continues to slip himself inside of you, Kook letting out a small groan while your mouth was left open, a soundless moan releasing before you hiss and take in all of him. He fills you up so well, so completely. He was so big that you felt full, bloated, with him being inside of you the way he was.
"Ohhhhhgod." You whimper as he starts to steady his pace, the lewd noises of his cock slipping in and out of your wet pussy filling his room - god forbid if Jimin or their other roommate Yoongi heard this right now. It would be nothing short of pornographic.
"You're so wet. Is that all for me?" He says, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head as he begins to aggressively thrust into you.
"Y-yes." You whine.
"Say it again."
"All for you, Kook."
"I fucking thought so." He drunkily responds as one hand grips onto your hips tightly, the other in your hair as he digs his head back into the crook of your neck, his tongue messily licking near your jaw before he nibbles onto your earlobe.
"Hmmmmgggh, Jungkook. Fuck." You moan as you start to work your hips upward into his, your clit rubbing against his pelvis, causing the pleasure to pool quickly within the pit of your stomach. It causes goosebumps to pierce through the surface of your skin, your hands gripping tighter on his hair. "You're-you're gonna make me cum. Faster." You plead. He does just so, hammering into you, the sound of his hips slamming into yours bouncing off of the walls.
"Ahhh—Y/N." He groans.
"Just like that, just like that, just like that!" You repeat, your clit feeling incredibly stimulated by the way it rubs against his skin while he fucks into you. "Oh shit! Jungkook!" You moan loudly, biting his shoulder as you feel yourself trembling hard in his grip, your orgasm taking over your entire body.
"Shit, shit, shit—Y/N, Shiiiit." He says into your neck, followed by more curses and groans as you feel him coat your walls warmly. He stays inside of you until the both of you come back down to normalcy, your breathing becoming more regulated. He slowly slips himself out, plopping next to you on the bed, but doesn't welcome you into his arms.
The night goes on, the both of you sleeping on your own sides of Jungkook's bed, not really saying a word to each other. Because the both of you, although still pretty drunk, are more aware by the time it's over and it's become so clear how fucked up this got.
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You were hurt. Completely hurt. Because you didn't expect Jungkook to just fucking ghost you after that night. You wanted to talk about it, maybe come to the conclusion that you two should just distance yourselves from each other to figure this out, even if it would hurt you a lot to do so.
That morning, Jimin and Kass had to take you back to campus because Jungkook had darted out of his room, nowhere to be seen until later that night. The next week or so, there were no texts, no calls. No visiting your dorm, no asking to sleepover.
Just radio silence, white noise, if you will.
The one thing he could come up with was a stupid response to your text when you finally caved and asked what you did wrong mid-week.
Something along the lines of 'what do you want me to say, Y/N? do you want me to force myself to feel a certain way?'
Followed by a 'i'm sorry, fuck. that came out really wrong' even though you thought it came out perfectly fine. You understood loud and clear.
Even though this wasn't really an exclusive thing, or even a 'thing' if we wanna be straight up, you still couldn't help but feel like Jungkook had just dumped your ass with no explanation and you were still waiting for that explanation to come, whether it would or not. And because of this, you started to see Kang, hangout with him more often. He even took you out on a dinner date and you really enjoyed his company. He seemed genuine, caring, supportive - even if a lot of the basketball boys were the complete opposite. He was different, you liked to think.
And so you stand in front of the mirrors in the dance studio, you and Jungkook awkwardly running through the piece with Hoseok watching, confused as to why all of a sudden the two of you have this weird tension going on. It hasn't entirely ruined the couple piece, but it hasn't brought it together, either. The both of you could barely look at each other, barely get into the movements, the emotions behind the motions. Hoseok had to correct a few things, his 'pah pah pah's' echoing in the room constantly with how many times you and Jungkook had to be set straight for your sloppy steps today.
"Okay, I'm not saying it's bad, cause it's not. But can you both please act like you at least like each other or something? What's going on with you two? You aren't normally like this." Hoseok says, coming down to a crouch in front of the mirrors.
"Nothing, we'll do better. Don't worry." You brush off the entire question with your quick response. Jungkook looks at you, his hands on his hips, lightly frowning at how much you're distancing yourself even though he knows its entirely his fault for running from his feelings and not being honest with you.
"Okay, let's do it from the top." The music starts, you getting into the piece without making any eye contact with Jungkook. Even the steps that cause you to be close and near Jungkook, you look anywhere but his eyes, and your touch is light, trying your hardest not to let any feelings pass through the motion. Hoseok is a little more pleased this time around, but it still doesn't sit right with him, so he lets you two take a break while he heads to the other studio to check on Jimin and the rest of the group.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
"Jungkook, you don't get to ask me that." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, not sure if he should continue on or not.
"Save it, and let's just get this over with, okay? I don't wanna be here just as much as you." Your words cut him deep because dear, you have gotten him completely misunderstood and yet, he still can't speak. He still can't talk about his feelings. He still can't save this even though he wants to, even though he loathes seeing you the way you are with Kang.
"I never said—"
"Kay, ready? Let's run this full out and make it a good one so we can call it for today." Hoseok says, clapping his hands to hype you two up somehow. The music starts and you're finally able to get into the steps. The emotions. And god, it's only because you're so hurt by your own bestfriend. You're hurt that he fucked you so good, and then dipped. You're hurt that he couldn't even face you the day after. You're hurt that after all this time, he made it seem like you still didn't matter enough - at least enough for an explanation, for some kind of reasoning, conversation, behind what just went down between the both of you. Between what has been going down between the both of you.
Besides the stupid ass responses he gave you through text.
You get so into your feelings that you don't even realize you're tearing up by the time the piece is over, and Jungkook catches it even though you face away from him as soon as the music cuts out.
"Nice, okay! That was so much better! Let's pick it up next session, yeah? We'll keep cleaning it up. Thanks guys!" Hoseok says. You immediately head towards the wall, grabbing your things to avoid any confrontation from Jungkook, but he grabs your arm as soon as you slip through the door.
"Y/N, wait. Stop."
"Let me go." You yank your arm from his grip.
"Why are you crying?" He stops in front of you, his hands placed on your arms to prevent you from moving any further.
"I'm not." You blatantly lie while you aggressively wipe away the stragglers coming down.
"Really? Just gonna lie like that?"
"Why do you care? You haven't said shit to me all week." You snap back, and Jungkook is taken aback from the tone in your voice. You remove his hands from your arms, and take one last look at him before shaking your head and walking off.
Next mistake? He doesn't come after you.
This was a waste of fucking time. If he truly cared about you, he wouldn't let you hurt like this.
You let out a deep sigh before clutching onto your things and walking back to your dorm. The walk from the gym/fitness center was damn near on the other end of campus compared to your dorm. It would be a good 10 minute walk if you really took your time. A good 10 minutes to ponder on your thoughts.
Yes, you liked Jungkook. You really liked him. Having sex with him solidified those feelings even more. How could you not have feelings for your bestfriend after all the moments you've shared? Was it your fault for assuming that? Was it your fault for walking through that door when it seemed to be completely open for you?
"Sup." Kang comes out of nowhere, pulling you out of your thoughts. He swings his arm around your shoulder, gently pulling you closer to his body.  "Just got out of practice?"
"Sure did." You give him a toothless smile. Yes, he was attractive as hell. He always will be. But, even with the time you spent together, the date he took you on, he still couldn't make you feel the way Jungkook has been able to make you feel.
"How was it?"
"Um, it was alright. Nothing new really, just cleaning up the piece before the show. You're going right?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He smiles down at you. "Listen, I don't know if you've heard, but there's another party tonight."
"A party? It's Wednesday." You snort.
"Yeah, I mean, one of the boys on the Lacrosse team is throwing it at his family house because his parents will be gone. Wanna come? I'll pick you up. We don't have to stay for long." You looked at your watch.
"What time is it at?"
"Like 9ish?" Enough time for you to shower and get a quick dinner in your belly. Why the hell not? You were caught up for the week. You didn't have any pressing assignments that were due asap.
"Sure. I'll come."
"Cool. See you later then?" He says, about to part ways with you. You simply give him a nod before walking deeper into Edgehill village. You hoped you wouldn't regret this tonight, and you really hoped he meant it when he said you two didn't have to stay for long. You drag yourself into your room, seeing Kass' door wide open, revealing her packing up her duffle bag.
"Hey, where are you headed during the middle of the week?"
"My two classes got cancelled for tomorrow so me and Jiminie are heading out for a mini getaway for our anniversary." You cross your arms and smile. "He's just gonna catch up on shit when we get back I guess." She laughs.
"That sounds cute. I hope you have loads of fun this weekend, babe."
"What are you gonna do?" Kass and Jimin were obviously aware of everything happening between you and Jungkook being that they had to be the ones to take you home. They never pressed on it though, knowing you both were still pretty upset about how things were playing out. They figured you two would eventually work it out, but until then, they would just sit back and keep their mouths shut. You two were being completely stubborn, but it wasn't their relationship to fix.
"Well, there's this party Kang wants to take me to tonight."
"The Lacrosse party? Messy." She laughs. "Be careful, but also have fun, yeah? I still don’t know if I trust him.”
"Yeah I know."
"Tell me how it goes!"
"I will." You wave her off as you head into your room and shut the door. You figured you would just grab dinner on campus to avoid spending more money than you should; after all, dinner seemed to be pretty bomb tonight. You didn't mind going alone, sometimes Namjoon would join you, asking for you to bring him a plate of food while he does the hard job of sneaking inside the cafeteria through the back door. He usually waits for you at a free table and ends up staying there to have dinner with you, updating you on how life has been, how school has been. Sometimes Hoseok would join you, too. Either way, you didn't mind if no one joined. It was nice to have dinner by yourself from time to time.
You get there on time to be able to grab some food, eat quietly and head out before the cafeteria gets way too busy for your liking. You slip into the shower and throw on a mini skirt, a crop top and a denim jacket, lightly fluffing your hair in the mirror and adding a dab of lip gloss to your lips before Kang is calling you to tell you he's outside your dorm. He's wearing something similar to your color palette, however, you don't make much out of it since this also wasn't really an exclusive thing and you sure as hell weren't going around telling people you and Kang had a thing going on.
To him, you two might be a thing. You've definitely overheard people talking about you two in passing.
To you though, you two definitely weren't. And it was a big fuck you to Jungkook for that.
The house is packed from end to end already, and you're surprised being that it has barely hit 10 minutes since the party was expected to take off. Kang is having to park down the hill, allowing you to hop onto his back for a quick piggy back ride up until you reach the front of the house. There's people already fucked up out on the lawn [you figured they fucked themselves over during their pre-game session cause that shit really happens from time to time], either laying there drunkily or yacking on a free patch of grass.
Messy, indeed.
Some people are posted, smoking blunts and offering it to people who were passing by. You and Kang both pass up on it, the idea of not knowing where it has been not sitting right with you. You both head straight to the bottles, taking shots and downing mixed drinks to chase it with so that you can catch up with majority of the crowd. Kang has his arm around your shoulder throughout the night, keeping you close to him, even when he's getting pretty drunk. You realize he's a little more handsy than usual, a little more touchy than you expected him to be. It doesn't bother you for a minute, until he really tries to hike up your skirt while you sit on his lap. You gently shoo his hand away, playing it off while he nuzzles his head against your neck.
"Let's go upstairs, babe." He says, the pet name sounding incredibly off coming from him. Maybe you were drunk, maybe you really just weren't in the mood. It just didn't sound cute, if that even makes sense?
"Okay." You respond stupidly, not wanting to cause a scene at a lacrosse party. You intertwine your fingers with his as he leads the way up the stairs, eyeing the doors as they come into view. He leans forward towards each door, making sure it's clear before opening it. You assume he finally finds one that he's satisfied with when you catch the small smirk that grows at the corner of his lips when he turns the door knob and brings you inside. He pulls you into a deep, rough kiss, one that doesn't even allow you to breathe and process what the fuck is even going on. You can't get into it for the life of you, no matter how hard you try to back away. "Wait, wait."
"What's wrong, baby? Isn't this what you wanted?" He says, kissing down your neck as he drops his jacket to the floor. He gently pushes you onto the bed, his hands traveling up your skirt as you lay there trying to push him off.
"Wait, stop." He doesn't listen. He continues until his hands are literally hooking onto your panties, his finger swiping down your clothed folds. You try fighting him off, but he's way stronger than you. He continues to be aggressive, forcefully trying to shove your panties down until you muster up all the energy you have to finally push him off of you completely. "Stop!"
"What the fuck? I thought you wanted this?"
"Who the hell said that?"
"Are you serious? The way that you're dressed and the way that you look at me. The way you approached me at your friend's party - isn't it all because of this? Because you wanted me? Why are you backing out now?"
"Jesus, get over yourself." You stand, fixing your skirt back down. He furrows his brows at you before his hand grips your arm tightly, shoving you against the wall.
"The fuck, you can't just leave without giving me anything. I brought you here to this party."
"Let me go! You're fucking sick. No one even told you I wanted this to go down. I don't know who you think you are, but you need to get yourself together and stop assuming every pussy is yours to take." He attempts to pin you, his hand holding up both of your hands against the wall while the other tries to pull up your skirt. Someone accidentally opens the door, distracting him and giving you leverage to shove him off and get the fuck away. You dart down the steps, fixing your skirt as you head outside and away from the house.
Fuck, you're far from campus. And Kass and Jimin aren't around.
You groan and run your hand through your hair as you continue to walk down the hill and into the neighborhood to get as far away as possible from that house and that gross ass dude. He was literally just like the rest of the basketball team. You've heard stories and they weren't nice. Looks like he was trained well already, and that shit was sad. What a waste. A beautiful human being with such a nasty, sick mindset. You hoped other girls hadn't fallen for his shit.
Ugh, it sends shivers down your spine. Bad shivers.
"Hello? Y/N?"
"Kook, can you come pick me up please?"
"Yeah, yeah. Of course. Where are you?"
"I'll drop my location. Please hurry." You say, looking back to make sure your coast was clear. You drop the pin into your text thread with Jungkook and sit on the curb until his arrival. It's getting pretty chilly out, and the denim jacket you're wearing fails to provide you with the warmth you're looking for. Sooner or later, Jungkook is pulling up, damn near hopping out before he can shift the gear into park.
"You okay? What happened?" He says, opening the door for you before rushing over to the driver's seat.
"Nothing, can we just go back to your place?" He nods silently, and doesn't press any further after hearing your tone. He watches from his peripherals how you fiddle with your fingers and constantly reach to pull your skirt down even though he doesn't think there's any other way you could pull it down even more. He watches as he parks the car on the curb in front of his apartment how you simply undo your seatbelt and hop out to walk straight into his apartment. He watches as you welcome yourself into his closet and pick out some clothes for you to change in.
You were hurt, and his blood boils thinking about who could've done this and what they could have possibly done.
I mean, no. He knows who did this, but the question was what exactly did he try?
He hears the shower turn on, then quickly get turned off after a good 5 minutes. You had stepped in for a quick body shower, using Jungkook's bodywash just to rid yourself of feeling gross. Feeling gross from being shoulder to shoulder all night long, people breathing down your neck. Kang touching you inappropriately. You slip into Jungkook's clothes, his scent wrapping around you entirely. When you head back into the room, Jungkook has his headset back on as he faces his computer, logging back onto his game of League of Legends. You silently toss your dirty clothes to the side of his room, making a mental note to grab it tomorrow morning and toss it straight into the laundry.
Straight into a fire, perhaps. But you loved those clothes so much, it was unfortunate it'd have such a horrible memory to go with it.
Jungkook slowly removes his headset again and removes himself from his game before he heads over and sits on the edge of his bed. You simply look at him, pursing your lips tightly together to prevent yourself from crying.
But he can tell.
"What happened Y/N?" The question triggers you, making you cry into your hands as he sits there, dumbfounded and worried at how he can fix this and make you feel better. "Look, you don't have to tell me all the details but please tell me how I can help. At least tell me if I need to beat Kang's ass." He says, pulling you into his arms.
"He tried to fucking take advantage of me." You mumble as you remove your face from your hands.
"He did what?" He manages to ask even though he has a hard time swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. He already assumed you had placed him in the same category as Kang even though he never intended to take advantage of you. He really took that night as something special [even drunk], and he never meant to make you feel like you were a used object. Not like Kang.
"He-he," You sniffed. "He tried to force me into having sex with him. He took me upstairs at that lacrosse guy's party or whoever the hell it even was, and he started to aggressively kiss me. And then he tried to force my panties down and touch me there, and—"
"Okay, please don't go on or else I'll literally go over there and tear his ass apart right now. I promise you." He says sternly, his jaw clenching tightly. "God, fuck. I'm so sorry Y/N. I can't apologize on his behalf but fuck, you didn't deserve that." He uses his sweater to wipe your tears.
"I don't even know why I'm crying, this shit isn't even worth it." You groaned. "It's just overwhelming to process, I guess."
"That's okay." He says, letting out a sigh as he brushes his hand through your hair and continues to wipe the stragglers falling from your eyes. "Anything I can get you right now?"
"No, I'm probably just gonna go to bed." He nods. "Thank you for picking me up."
"Of course. You know I'll always be there." He says. You slip yourself into his sheets, watching as he makes his way back to his desk. But fuck, the only thing you needed right now was him. You didn't want this distance anymore, and you just wanted to be comforted in true Jungkook fashion.
"Hm?" He hums as he has a hand placed on the  head of his chair while he turns to you.
"Can you just lay with me?"
"Yeah." He says, shutting off his computer before making his way over to you in the dark. You feel him slip in next to you, his arm snaking around your shoulders so he can pull you close and onto his chest. "Better?"
"Yeah." You say, shutting your eyes as you listen to his heart beat.
"I never meant to take advantage of you, or make you feel like I used you that one night." Silence. "It was dumb of me, but I just— I had trouble coming to terms with my feelings. I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same way, but I thought fuck it, at least you would know, right?"
"What are you talking about, Kook?" You ask, close to a whisper.
"I'm saying that I really fucking like you, Y/N. No, that's not right." He curses himself. "I-I uh, I'm in love with you. And I don't know if I messed this up already with the way I acted, god I hope not, but you at least deserve to know that I truly do value you and that you mean alot to me. That night, even though we were pretty plastered, it meant a lot to me. It was more than just sex and I'm sure you felt that too." He waits for your response as his fingers rake through your hair. "Please say something, anything."
"I feel the same way, Jungkook. You're an idiot for running off, but I couldn't even stay mad at you. You just know how to hit my soft spots and I can never say no to it. Can never turn my back on it." He presses a kiss against the top of your head.
"Fuck, I'm really glad to hear that cause I don't know what I would have done besides cry if you rejected me." You playfully hit his chest.
"You're annoying." You jokingly say as you chuckle.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I never wanted to hurt you."
"It's okay." You look up to press your lips against his before laying back down.
"And Kang better be fucking glad you're pressed against my body right now because I'm still looking to beat his ass."
"He's not even worth it." Is the last thing you say before you find yourself drifting into a deep sleep, in the comfort of Jungkook's arms.
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"You two feeling okay? Nervous?" You and Jungkook shake your heads. "Good, you guys got this. You've been looking amazing during practice, the audience will love you two, no doubt. Just remember to show emotions through expressions and hit every beat sharply." Hoseok nods in unison with the both of you.
"Got it, thanks Hobi." You smile at him toothlessly. You and Jungkook patiently waited for your turn backstage, the talent show already off to a wild and fun start. So many students came by to showcase their talents - from beatboxing, open mic, freestyling [like Yoongi did], dancing, singing, you name it. It was always a fun time at the talent show, and it was always nice to see people getting love for the shit they loved to do.
"You're up next." Hoseok says. "I'll be in the front row. Kick ass and have fun!" He says as he rushes off towards the opposite end to head back out to his seat in the theater.
"Ready?" Jungkook holds out his hand for you to take.
"I think so." You playfully respond as the backstage crew is rushing out the previous talent and rushing you two in to take your places on stage. The lights pick up as soon as the music starts, Kang's big ass head already in full view for you. He's definitely not smiling, no, he has a look of pure disgust because he simply couldn't get what he wanted from you.
And boy, who's fault was that? Not yours, no sir. It was his fault for thinking he had it like that.
But anyways, you're feeling the music, you're feeling the piece because you're dancing with your bestfriend and there wasn't this grey area anymore. It was easier to get into the motions, to get into the feeling, especially when things felt right between the two of you.
And God, what else is more attractive than Jeon Jungkook hitting his 8 counts so smoothly, with just enough umph to make it pop but make it pop cleanly.
Yo, please. I beg. Send some help. You could literally melt on stage.
The moments where Jungkook has to be close to you, where he has to touch you - you let him, and you touch him with meaning. You don't stray away this time because you have no reason to. The crowd is cheering, lots of 'ou's' and 'aw's' erupting from various places in the theater.
"Pretty lady." Jungkook whispers in your ear as the move requires his hands to be placed on your hips for a quick moment. You hear him slightly singing along to the song as he parts from you, causing you to blush.
Sooner or later, the couple piece is over and the song is transitioning to Jimin's piece, you and Jungkook rushing off the stage so the next group can take their positions. Jimin wanted to test his limits, creating a piece a little different than his usual taste - Chris Brown's Came to Do begins blaring through the theater speakers. You immediately jump into Jungkook's arms once you both reach backstage, the both of you immensely happy and pumped that you got through the piece without messing up one step or beat. It went so smoothly that Hoseok was standing in the front row, clapping and cheering in typical Hoseok fashion. You intertwine your fingers with his, slipping through the side door to catch Jimin's piece on stage. You and Jungkook are cheering them on, always impressed by the shit your friends can come up with. You both loved dancing, but you couldn't even imagine coming up with your own pieces to teach people.
That night after the show, everyone heads to a nearby restaurant for dinner with everyone. You all take up almost an entire section of the restaurant, splitting two long tables to accommodate the entire group with doubled the waitresses to take your orders. You settle for water, splitting an abnormally huge and filled deep dish pizza with Jimin, Kass and Jungkook. It was a good day, a good night, everyone at the table happily eating and chatting it up over dinner. You turn down any drinks because to be honest, drinks lowkey make you queasy just from the thought of how much you drank at Jungkook's apartment, plus the added bonus of that party Kang took you to. Jungkook declines as well, knowing he has to drive you back safely.
Jimin and Kass head back to the apartment because Yoongi says he's gonna hang out with Joon And Hoseok for a bit, and they warn you and Jungkook that things may get loud so the both of you decide to really stick to the plan of bringing you back to the dorm. Jungkook does his usual routine of dropping you off first before finding parking around campus. You hop in the shower and come out in Jungkook's oversized crewneck that he left in your closet, forgoing the shorts because you certainly thing that at this point, he'd love to see you in his sweater and panties.
And he does. He smiles as he pulls you close, his hands traveling up your sweater, only to find out that you literally don't have shit on besides some cute little boyshorts. He feels himself hardening in his pants quick because he's incredibly attracted to you and everything about you, always has been, always will be.
"You did amazing tonight." He says, gently kissing your forehead.
"You did too, partner." He gives you a slightly shocked look.
"Is that all I am to you? Your dance partner?"
"Yeah, why? Were you expecting more?" You joke as you smile up at him.
"Yeah, I was."
"Oh?" He gently swoops you up into his arms, your legs wrapped tightly around his torso as he sits you on the bed, his hands resting on your thighs while you continued to hold him around the neck. "Care to tell me what you were expecting?"
"Well, you know, my best friend—" He presses a kiss against your lips, thumbs gently rubbing circles against your hips. "My girlfriend."
"Hm, say that again?" Your fingers are gently playing with the ends of his hair, your lips barely grazing his.
"My girlfriend." He says closed to a whisper, kissing you softly. The kiss deepens quick, Jungkook's tongue lining your bottom lip as his way of asking for permission to take it further. You gladly take it and let him in, your tongues instantly fighting for dominance. Your fingers travel up his hair, tugging ever so slightly just to let him know you want more. That you need more.
And he gets that.
His fingers hook onto the band of your boyshorts, tugging them down and letting them fall down your legs and onto the floor. He breaks the kiss momentarily, his brown, puppy dog eyes looking straight into yours.
"Hey." He says, brushing the hair out of your face.
"I know I said the last time was special, and it was. It is." He corrects himself. "But, I wanna do right by you this time around. So, is it okay if I keep going? Are you comfortable?" He asks properly, since the two of you are both sober and perfectly coherent, aware of your surroundings and the fact that you'll be seeing each other fully naked in a few minutes.
"Yes." You respond. "Yes, I want you to keep going. I want you. This." He simply nods, bringing his lips back onto yours. His hands climb up your sweater and gently gives your breasts a good squeeze, earning a small moan from the both of you. His other hand begins to travel down to your pussy, two long fingers slowly probing your entrance and causing your breathing to hitch.
"You okay?" He asks lowly. You nod, biting onto your bottom lip as you tilt your head back and rest on your hands, no longer able to keep up with the kiss due to all the pleasure starting to pile up deep in your core. Jungkook starts of slow, his head now buried into the crook of your neck as he works his digits upward, tickling at the right spot.
"Ohhhh, Kook." You mewl as his tongue swipes across the surface of your neck, biting gently beneath your jaw. He begins to pick up the pace, the sounds of him finger fucking you filling up the room entirely.
"Fuck, you're so wet baby." He groans into your neck.
"I'm gonna cum." You whine, teeth almost piercing through your bottom lip in between your whimpers.
"Need to taste you." He removes his fingers and sinks down in between your thighs, gripping onto them and pulling you just a teensy bit more off the edge of the bed so he can get a good angle. The sight of his eyes looking up at you in between your legs is to die for, and the sight alone is enough to make you cum. But, you hold on, you ride out for a little longer - feeling Jungkook's tongue swipe in and out of your folds before he's sucking endlessly on your clit.
"Ahhh, fuck, wait, Jungkook!" He slightly smiles while eating you out, signaling that he's not stopping even if you beg him to. "Hnnng—shit!" You moan loudly as you feel yourself toppling over the edge, your body shaking in Jungkook's grip. You twitch every time he continues to suck gently on your sensitive nub, letting you ride out the rest of your high. He comes back up to your lips, the taste of your own cum lingering on it as you kiss him deeply.
"You taste so good." He says, back to twirling your nipples in between his fingers.
"Wanna feel you." You fiddle with his jeans, undoing his belt and sliding the rest down as much as you could. Jungkook gets out of his shirt and tosses it aside before helping get the sweater above your head. His eyes glow at the sight of your bare body in front of him, wanting to do nothing but please you and please you well.
"God, you're so perfect." He places kisses down your collarbone, to the surface of your breasts before quickly swirling his tongue around your perked buds. You moan as you tug down onto his boxer briefs, immediately stroking his hardened member while he tended to you. Jungkook was a fucking beauty himself - his soft hair, his perfectly toned body, his long 'thick in all the right places' dick.
"Please." You plead. "I want you inside of me." You whimper, causing Jungkook's breathing to hitch when you slightly tighten your grip at the base of his shaft. He gently pushes your hand aside to take over, lining himself up at your entrance. He inserts the tip, watching your eyes roll to the back of the head as he slowly sinks into you.
"Mmmmmgod." He moans. "So tight for me, baby. So fucking wet and tight." He repeats, close to a growl. Your moaning begins to pick up, matching the pace of his thrusting. You're still on the edge of the bed, Jungkook keeping you steady by gripping your thighs tightly. He marvels at the sight of your titties bouncing up and down with every thrust, hissing and shutting his eyes momentarily to keep himself grounded and to prevent himself from coming too quickly. Cause god, he can literally blow any second now.
"Jungggggkooook, yessssss!" You moan loudly, whining even at this point with how good he feels fucking into you at such a fast pace. You're feeling slightly sore already from him hammering into you, but nonetheless, it builds more pleasure for you and you want nothing but to reach your high again. "I-I'm coming!" Jungkook moans in unison with you when he feels your walls pulsating against his cock.
"Such a good girl for me." He says, slowing his pace. The creamy sounds of Jungkook's cock slipping inside and out is music to the both of your ears. He finally gains the courage to remove himself, sitting next to your spot on the edge of the bed and pulling you onto his lap. You swing a leg over, your hands resting on the nape of his neck while you sink yourself lower onto his length. Your mouth opens to let out a moan, but the best you can do is let out a hiss. It feels too fucking good that you can't even process it thoroughly. Jungkook pushes your lips down onto his by grabbing your neck, his other hand guiding the movement of your hips as you roll into him.
"Mmmggg—Jungkook." You whimper in between kisses. "You feel so fucking good, god. You're gonna make me cum again."
"Yeah, cum for me. Cum all over me. It's yours." He grunts, his hands guiding you to work him faster. Your movements are getting sloppier, and you feel your wetness starting to coat his pelvis. He doesn't give a fuck though, and neither do you. This shit feels too good for you to worry about the mess you're making on him.
"Cum with me please." He moans at the sound of you whispering into his ear.
"Faster, baby." He says, almost making you cry at how awfully close you are to unraveling. You tug onto his hair, your head buried deep into his neck as you try and suck onto the surface, trying to find an outlet, some kind of release, until you let go. You suck harshly as you coat his cock with your cum, leaving a purple mark right at the base of his neck. You continue to ride out your high, rolling your hips sloppily as Jungkook finally lets himself go, his moan bouncing off of your walls as his seed fills you up warmly.
You stay in your position, slowly raising your head to cup his cheeks and kiss him deeply once more.
"Fuck, I love you." He says slightly pulling away.
"I love you too." You giggle.
"Didn't actually need any drinks to do this now, did we?" Jungkook jokes, softly pinching your hip.
"Shut up."
"Damn, you both couldn't even at least try to be quiet?!" Jimin yells from outside the door.
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
Static Shock Retrospective
I was watching Young Justice: Season 2 (Invasion) when I decided I wanted to watch this, I always liked Shock but never got into the lore of it, and I love his powers. I've seen gifs of the show and thought it looked interesting but never really got around to it, I just haven't been in the mood. Then I saw a video on YouTube called "Jimmy no!" not knowing that it was from Static Shock and oh boy...it got dark, I wasn't expecting it to go that deep, that kind of thing wouldn't get aired today but it made me interested in it again.
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I started the first episode and Virgil's personality made it for me, mix that with Richie, played by Jason Marsden (aka Max Goof and Kovu) and you have a very nice protag duo. I instantly knew that I was going to finish it when I saw him using a blanket like Dr. Strange's cape or a homing device because of his static cling. Yes I started it because it's dark, but the series isn't always dark, just parts of it, like the first episode has to do with gangs, another with racism, then one where a kid gets trapped in a vault and is losing oxygen?? I mean is my memory hazy and cartoons were just like this and aren't now?
They call the people who were in the accident from his origin "Bang Babies" which sounds like a play on Baby Boomers, Virgil is pretty quippy like that. With this, I'm not a big fan of all the baddies coming from the same incident as our hero, especially when we don't see them all there in that episode, you might as well say that the whole town was infected.
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Does it withstand the test of time? Well yeah, as I mentioned, there are things we probably wouldn't see in today's television but the topics are quite relevant as well as the humor. The visual style is pretty nice, the language they use isn't as "cringy early 2000's crap" as I thought, the only sign of age is formats, they'll talk about VCRs and have CDs hanging from the ceiling. The actual content is ahead of it's time with almost public service announcement type episodes that are extremely relevant today, for example, one episode they go to Africa and they show that "Black people can be superheroes too." and Virgil says about how in America he's a black kid, but in Africa he's just a regular kid and asks Ritchie if that's what it's like for him all the time. They talk about culture, sometimes it'll teach a lesson that way and it's so wholehearted that it just fits, it's really nice and surprising to see. 
They have sections at the end of the show where they'll have an artist draw a specific character, it's different every time, I have a knack for that and for some reason I remember it?? Maybe I accidentally caught it one day or I'm confusing it for something else because I'm pretty sure I never saw the actual show but it's only after some episodes from what I can see. I think I remember Avatar doing something similar, I guess great shows think alike. 
Here’s a link if interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PPMgBU_GmU
Virgil's mother is gone, they make that apparent pretty much from the get-go so no spoilage here but I like the way they make his sister pick up where she left off. Like there's a running occurrence where she'll make a meal for the family and Virgil will make fun of it and say something like "Runny...just the way I like them..." about his eggs, it's like she's doing this stuff to fill the gap and failing but she's making the effort and that's all that counts, for as much or little as we see her, this is a nice little additive to her overall character. As for his mother though, I like that they go all in and make that a running theme, sometimes having full episodes commemorating her.
There are some special guests too. I won't say any more on that though, I'll let it be a surprise if you decide to watch it because the crossover episodes are hands down some of the best I've seen and another reason I started this series.
I got about halfway through the series and I was like "Oh yeah, what about Frida?" She appears in the very first episode and she seems like a main character, then Daisy enters the scene a little later but Frida's kind of been pushed back to the background, used only when the plot finds her convenient, so we don't really get a whole lot of character from her. I guess that's representative to the series as a whole because what I got was a lot different than what I expected from those first few episodes.
In season 3, they change up the intro, it kind of fits the times, the original one sounded kind of 90's, the second one sounds very early 2000s, I suppose it fits the flow. We still get the original theme during Static's bigger moments, but they do that for all the seasons. What's funny to me is that if you read the Wikipedia page, it says they wanted something fast paced with "DMX-type vocals", ha! As if. I will say that some of the OST overall has a few really good tracks, but unfortunately I haven't found a way to find them on their own, separated from the show. I know most of them only last a short time but other DC shows still have the OST released despite being fairly short or only being in a specific episode. That's not the only thing that changes, he has a second design, which I personally have become accustomed to the white shirt over black but it is what it is, his costume was literally just street clothes in Young Justice and I was surprisingly okay with that so whatever suit is fine. The second one is meant to show that he's growing and it definitely seems that way with the sleeker design and more black added but what I really like about it is that he takes the jacket off sometimes and the Static shirt is just a sleeveless black shirt, it just adds more variety in my opinion. Daisy's overall design changed too for whatever reason and Frida's changed a tiny bit, her's is a little harder to notice.  
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For some reason in the middle of the season, in the episode "Consequences" and "Trouble Squared", he changes back to his old suit (I mean he could have just had the old suit lying around and decided to use it for old times sake) but it seems like that episode was made before S3 started or something else because Daisy has her old design as well. It also shows that he has a FULL white mask, not just the eye mask, like a part that goes over his head, I'm not sure if that's supposed to be where his hood is or what but he takes it out of his backpack separated from his hoodie. It might've been just a miscolor though. He has electric as his power (obviously) but they use it in pretty creative ways, the most outlandish and kind of dumb one though is that they basically have him use Photoshop. 
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You can also argue that he makes the computer a touch screen.
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Now Season 4's first episode is really pretty cool, reminds me of something out of Ben 10 but without spoiling it, there's a part in an earlier season where Static asks where a certain character is and they respond by alluding to a DC reference, however we see that character again in the season 4 opener so the timeline doesn't fit, there are a few other inconsistencies but that's the one I'll mention.
Season 4 also seems to have a return for a lot of different characters almost like a sequel to those episodes. Those are hit or miss, some do well while others don't. It's easily my least favorite of the seasons. It's not bad or anything, it has some really good episodes but the good to bad episode ratio is just more than the other seasons, I must have been spoiled by the consistent number of good episodes.
This may be the realest animated tv series I've ever seen and it's about SUPERHEROES! The way they manage that is unbelievable. I hope we see more of this character, somewhere, anywhere because he’s been given the backseat in pretty much everything, even the comics, he’s been absent from those for quite a while, I feel like now is an excellent time to bring him back, I mean look at the current position we’re in.
The last retrospective I did was American Dragon, there are a few things that I can compare between the two endings but does this one seem definitive? Well in a way, yes, it seems like a very good last episode but doesn’t end everything off in such a way that there wouldn’t be room for one more season. I have a feeling they knew it was the last episode given the way they sort of built it up here and there. The cancellation, however, was caused by the lack of toy sales, not lack of views, however I can’t say I’ve really seen any merchandise from the show.
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Seems like there were some dinky Subway toys and a GBA game...
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
I just read that after Tarantulla raped Dick they were going to marry?! WTF DC THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPP is this true?
Yeah, in the issues following Blockbuster’s death and the rape, Dick was a total and complete mess, and Tarantula pretty much spent the next several issues taking advantage of his emotional state. She encouraged him to get drunk to feel better, and tried to use his more vulnerable drunken state to do a number of things which included targeting villains like Copperhead for the sake of her own personal agenda and almost getting married at a chapel. I believe she’d gotten a marriage certificate and everything, and the only thing that kept that from happening is right before it did, Dick got a call from Bruce summoning him back to Gotham to help with the War Games storyline, and the city-wide gang war that had erupted. 
(I honestly can’t remember if it was outright stated or textualized in the issues, but it was heavily implied that there was sexual interaction between Dick and Tarantula during this period…..I don’t want to call it them having sex, because Dick wasn’t in a coherent state of mind to be making the choice to have sex based on his normal priorities. My personal interpretation has always been that Dick let Tarantula drag him along from place to place during this time and ‘consented’ to having sex with her because he was kinda trying to….retroactively reframe what she’d done to him on the roof in issue #93, if that makes sense? Like, my take is that Dick was heavily in denial at this stage, and was kinda trying to convince himself that if he made the ‘choice’ here and NOW to have sex with Tarantula, then he could from there kinda convince himself that what had happened on the roof wasn’t any different. Like ‘well maybe I didn’t technically consent at the time, but see, I’m having sex with her now, and that means I probably would have anyway if my head had just been a little clearer.’ Make no mistake - I’m DEFINITELY not suggesting that this in any way makes what happened in #93 any less of actual rape, and there’s no interpretation IMO of the later scenes between them where Dick was making full use of his own agency rather than just unhealthily trying to cope with something he was still trying to process as him having been victimized by rather than a willing party too. It was all just messy as fuck, is what I’m saying. And Tarantula, whatever she thought she was doing, was very much manipulating the fuck out of Dick at his most vulnerable moments through all of this).
Tarantula went to Gotham with him, and even ‘helped’ the Batfam due to the fact that Bruce kinda just….took the fact that she was accompanying Dick and he wasn’t protesting it as a sign of him vouching for her, instead of like….the fact that Dick wasn’t remotely in the right state of mind of to be making healthy decisions, and was pretty obviously on a path to self-destruction. He was extremely reckless throughout the War Games storyline, getting shot in the leg by cops without it even phasing him, heedlessly risking his own life in order to go after Firefly (who just a couple weeks earlier had been hired by Blockbuster to burn down Haly’s Circus), and he basically gave the impression that he didn’t really care if he got both of them shot by the cops while he was going after Firefly - to the extent that it freaked Firefly out and he was yelling wtf are you doing, you Bats aren’t supposed to act like this. 
In the immediate aftermath of the War Games storyline, while still recovering from a gunshot wound in his leg, Dick left Gotham again without a word to anyone, just leaving his Nightwing costume abandoned in the Cave. He went back to Bludhaven, with Tarantula following him, and there he turned both himself and Catalina in for the murder of Blockbuster. (He turned himself in as Officer Dick Grayson, who’d been fired from the force before Blockbuster’s death, and basically presented himself as a cop who’d gone rogue rather than implicating himself as Nightwing, so as not to draw any heat back towards the rest of the Batfam by association). He was in jail for like a day or two, but then his former partner and now the captain of the precinct, Amy Rohrbach, had him released and said she refused to let him throw his life away out of guilt for something he didn’t even do. 
(She’d known his identity for some time, and its the reason he quit being a cop, she told him he had to choose and it was a conflict of interest….BUT the very night Blockbuster died, she came to him, knowing what Blockbuster had been doing and how he’d been targeting everyone Dick loved in his civilian life, and she offered to give him his gun and badge back so he’d be ‘covered’ if he had to shoot to kill Blockbuster in their inevitable confrontation. Dick refused to take them though.)
But anyway, when Amy made it clear that she wasn’t going to sit back and let Dick throw himself on his sword out of misplaced guilt for a murder he hadn’t actually committed, and was willing to drag herself down with him if he pushed it, Dick was released and he continued to spiral….and this is when he came up with his plan to infiltrate the mob and then from there the Society of Supervillains as Renegade. He first worked as an enforcer for the mob, nicknamed “Crutches” for the fact that he was still on crutches due to his leg injury, but this didn’t stop him from being effective….and then once he got what he’d wanted out of that he progressed to developing the Renegade persona and working for the Society and with Deathstroke. Basically, all of this was part of a plan he’d come up with to ensure Bludhaven’s safety in the longterm, without his presence….he was explicitly counting on not being around to protect Bludhaven himself, mostly because he didn’t deserve to be in his eyes, and it was heavily implied that he was at least passively suicidal at this time and was enacting this plan as kinda a form of ‘getting his affairs in order.’ 
Basically, the idea was he used his infiltrations to get leverage over the various mobs and make deals with supervillains notorious enough to ensure other villains obeyed a decree to stay out of Bludhaven….and ultimately his plan was to have Bludhaven become a kinda ‘no-fly zone’ for supervillains, the mob and superheroes alike, a city that was left alone for its citizens to live without outside interference. He’d gotten the leverage he needed to keep the mobs from operating in Bludhaven and had a supposed agreement with Deathstroke to keep the villains out….when Slade went back on his word and cooperated with the rest of the Society to drop the nuclear supervillain Chemo on Bludhaven and destroy the city just before Dick managed to bring his months long plans to fruition.
So, this is why if you’ve seen me post about the Blockbuster stuff before, I tend to say I hate how its been boiled down and reduced to just the rape on the rooftop by Tarantula. Yes that was bad enough on its own, but there was SO MUCH SHIT being thrown at Dick from EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE, simultaneously, with no reprieve. Everything he was working towards was systematically thwarted and dismantled in both his civilian and superhero lives and nothing was going his way, and nobody anywhere was showing up to help him, and he truly was at rock bottom, and I hate hate hate people thinking he only has one or two major traumas in his life because that was like….a good year long exercise in misery for him. He canonically spent months undercover working within the mobs and the Society to try and make his plans happen, months surrounding himself by the worst of the worst and convincing himself all the while that he BELONGED among them. That was part of why he was doing what he was doing, make no mistake…..he fully believed at the time that he’d become no better than them.
And its why I loathe Bruce’s ultimate ‘pep talk’ to him, when Dick was finally recovering in the Batcave after Superman flew him out of radioactive, destroyed Bludhaven, where Dick had RUN BACK INTO in an attempt to save as many people as he could. “I can forgive you for Blockbuster’s death, if you really need me to, but I can’t and won’t forgive you for losing sight of the value of your own life.” REALLY, Bruce? Like, what the fuck is that? First off, why the fuck would you make that conditional like “if you really need me to”….if you think your son needs to feel you’ve forgiven him for something that wasn’t even his fault, just SAY THAT, without qualifiers. But…how the hell do you expect him to keep sight of the value of his own life if YOU’RE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND WHEN HE MOST NEEDS SOMEONE ELSE TO REMIND HIM HIS LIFE HAS VALUE???
So eternally annoyed with the non-resolution to all of that.
Oh, and also keep in mind that in comic book time, relatively speaking, all of this is not that long after Dick killed the Joker and Bruce like….walked off and said Dick needed to figure out how to live with that on his own. With them pretty much never actually resolving this, or addressing how freaking much of the fallout from Blockbuster’s death and his bystander role in it was probably Dick overcompensating for still feeling like he’d disappointed Bruce and betrayed his ideals by killing the Joker, and that Bruce hadn’t and wouldn’t forgive him for that.
He thought he was responsible for Blockbuster’s murder because he was already convinced he was a murderer, because nobody after Last Laugh just went to him and said “Look, who the fuck cares what Bruce thinks, it was the fucking Joker, he murdered your brother and was trying to murder your other brother, anyone who says you were wrong to kill the fucker can fuck off.”
But I mean, hey maybe that’s just me. LOLOL.
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Wednesday Roundup 11.10.2017
It’s that time of a week again where I prove to be nothing if not a complete glutton for punishment, which apparently includes having way too many trades preordered on the same week by magical coincidence. It’s like the old saying, when it rain it pours. And sometimes it’s just ridiculous. 
But we’re seeing the closing a few storylines, the beginning of a few, and just a general large array of comics at our disposal, including more of the Marvel Primers. So I say we just dig right into it. 
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Marvel’s All-New Wolverine, Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, DC’s Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, Marvel’s Captain America, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel’s Immortal Iron Fists, DC’s New Super-Man, Image’s Rat Queens, DC’s Red Hood and the Outlaws, Marvel’s Runaways, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe
Marvel’s All-New Wolverine (2015-present) #25 Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal, Nolan Woodard
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Will I ever run out of good things to say about All-New Wolverine? No? Good. I wouldn’t want to be dishonest and that would be the only way I’d have negative things to say about my love for this series.
Story: So believe it or not, the relationship between Daken and Laura is something I have desperately wanted to see more of. In the Daken/X-23 crossover they had a few years ago, I really felt like we got somewhere with their relationship, and the bits and pieces since then have really helped my attitude only grow stronger on the subject. So seeing Taylor hint at it growing more in the last arc, and knowing it would be delivered on in this arc has me SO excited about what is to come. 
You know. When Daken is around for more than an awesome bar fight that... leads to his dismembered arm being hung from a bridge. THAT old plot device. I’m a little sad to see that Gabby is being left behind (especially since her outfits never cease being adorable and hilarious) but knowing that we’re dealing with Mutant Bigots this time around somewhat made me appreciate that decision. I worry way too much about Gabby to take that at face value.
And then that cliffhanger hits like a freight train and it’s like WHAAAAT. But no like what. Oh my god. Is this real? I know we have to wait a month but. uh. Kudos, Tom Taylor. I am not often surprised by characters seemingly returning from the dead anymore. To say this was not expected is VASTLY underplaying my shock.
Art: There have been a lot of great artists on this title and I don’t think Juann Cabal is an exception to that rule. He has solid character art, lots of good control of backgrounds and paneling, and got pretty inventive with combining flashbacks with Laura’s current travels and actions. And the bar scene with Daken was just fantastic all around like, a simple but highly effective action sequence and I’m really excited to see what action he’ll draw Laura herself in as we carry on. 
Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016-present) #12 Ryan Stegman, Brian Level, Jesus Aburtov
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We wrap up another storyline of what has quickly become my favorite Spidey series of the ‘10s and it comes with highest of highs and lowest of lows. And lots and lots of adorable hugs.
Story: I was concerned that with the pacing we had had for this storyline up to this point that there would be a lot of things that would have to be knitted together a bit too tight or not at all, and that definitely seemed to be the case. We flew through this issue with revelations hitting in waves. Ms. January was the villain all along, Normie is suddenly a perfectly normal kid who was just misled, the symbiote is removed from MJ using sonic waves, Annie saves her parents, and just overall there was a lot that happened within this single comic. It all made emotional sense, and the hug between Annie and Normie at the end, bringing their family feud at last to an end, felt completely right. 
I liked small callouts like having Liz be the parent Normie needed, the X-Men coming to help the Parker family, and the amazing banter between MJ and Peter, but I think because there was so much fit into this last issue there felt like a bit of continuity bending to make logical sense where the emotions didn’t quite carry us. Like Normie’s... complete change in character. And Ms. January’s apparent obsession/love of Harry and need to avenge him. These things make sense if they fed into each other -- Ms. January’s influence inspiring Normie to cut his mother out of his life even more than she had been already and then feeding him more and more hatred toward Spider-Man by saying that it was his fault. But that doesn’t make so much sense with what we read in the issues before, specifically the issue where Normie took up arms to protect his company and revealed his backstory through his own internal monologue and flashbacks. 
So while this confrontation has been 12 issues in the build up, the resolution mostly came... only from this issue. Maybe the last two issues, too, if we’re being generous. 
The epilogue confuses me. It feels like Renew Your Vows is trying to wrap itself up and yet I know from solicits that it’s not, but we are justifying a timeskip to eight years in the future so that artists have an excuse to draw a teenage girl in a tighter costume --  I MEAN BECAUSE THEY WANT TO TELL MORE TEEN ORIENTED STORIES OBVIOUSLY. But I worry that this change is going to make what has been a unique take on the Parker-Watson family and turn it into Sider-Girl Lite, which is unfair to everyone all around. Also were they... not operating for those eight years? Why is the new costume a big deal for her eighteenth birthday? How much sense would it make for them to just... suddenly find a way to stop Annie from going out as a superhero with them when the whole point of the past 12 issues is that they couldn’t. 
What about Dr. Connors and his son? What about Annie’s additional precognitive powers? Did she end up going to the Xavier institute? 
I feel like I was asked to bite off a bit too much in this issue, and as much as I enjoyed it and enjoyed this series, I feel this is a rare storyline where I actually would have preferred an extra issue to set all of this up.
Art: The art is beautiful. Soft and textured but also sweeping and animatic like you would want for any good Spidey story. And considering that there has been a fair rotation of art teams on this book since the first issue, I really appreciate how much they worked toward giving the book a consistent style of its own. It was neat and helped even artist style changes feel coherent still and I’m really interested to see if this dedication to that continues, especially since the epilogue appeared to have a different feel to it. 
It’ll be interesting to see next month either way. 
DC’s Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-present) #15 Julie Benson, Shawna Benson, Roge Antonio, Marcelo Maiolo
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Well, I’m sure for 99% of you this is an unexpected addition to the roster. For those unaware, I have put the first volume of Batgirl and the Birds of Prey on blast on my personal blog @renaroo for having some things I consider to be insufferable in regards to the handling of Barbara and specifically the consistent villainization of Oracle. Which you know, I’m about sick of. 
So why am I picking up BoP now? Simple: Cass is going to start appearing regularly beginning with this particular storyline and I will support her here since for finances I’ve had to move ‘Tec to trade wait. 
and oh boy. This is. Something.
Story: So there’s this old episode of the animated Justice League series where an Amazon OC standing in for Donna Troy unleashed a plague on Earth that only affected men and it was putting all men in comas and the such and it left the only two women of a seven-person Justice League because of course there were only two women to deal with it and save the world... well half of it. It was broad strokes of feminism as written by men which included Diana being the strawwoman feminist who couldn’t understand if losing men (including her friends???) would doom society and Hawkgirl being the relatable cool egalitarian alien bird woman to be all “guuurrrrrlllll you need to respect men more”. It’s like. The episode i remember the most from my childhood and I hate it with the burning passion of a thousand suns. 
Apparently I’m not the only one who remembers it however because that... that is the plot of this storyline. I don’t know why they couldn’t just bring back the ebola plague from Batman: Contagion which was a legitimately good storyline I like but we’re doing the... gender specific plague. 
Are they going to address trans men and women? How is this disease preying specifically on men? Is it magical in origin and that why it follows no rules? Why is Lois here? Is Wonder Woman here just because of that Justice League episode? 
I don’t know. 
I appreciate that we didn’t waste a whole lot of time with Batwoman’s squad duking it out with Babsgirl’s squad over whether or not antiheroes who.... one of which she’s worked with before and... another of which she knows for a fact is... engaged to her cousin. But whatever. Also Steph in her post-Belfry uniform is... going along with this okay. I’m picking too much but there’s a lot of what in those four pages.
I do appreciate that the dialogue seemed to match everyone’s character very well, and Oliver and Dinah were hysterical and lovable together. .... But damn is it difficult to wrap my head around Babs’ character anymore. Like literally falling to her knees and tearing up begging Poison Ivy (who she was friends with in the previous BoP???? which is sitll canon bc they bring it up???) to help because “people she loves” are affected by the disease like. It’s the antithesis of the Babs I knew and was familiar with and admired in the day but. I guess that’s the Babs we have now. And I’m just... supposed to roll with it I guess. 
Also enjoyed Helena being a teacher again, that was awesome. Even if her calling up Dick instead of Babs was... still difficult to process but whatever. 
Art: It’s good! Really consistent, the lineart was sometimes a little softer than I prefer, but there were varied bodytypes and lots of good action sequences handled concisely enough that it didn’t feel like panel space was wasted. I really enjoyed it overall.
Marvel’s Captain America - Marvel Legacy Primer Page Robbie Thompson, Valerio Schiti
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I have been pretty vocal in my disdain for how Marvel has handled Cap for the last two years and I join pretty much everyone in a chorus of “how can you misunderstand something so bad” but at the same time I’m... just tired. And it’s hard to even be excited at the fact that the reign of Spencer is over because it feels like the enjoyment and interest I’ve felt for Cap for all this time is simply used up. which is why a primer like this is really something that I needed. I needed to see a reminder that Cap punches Nazis and Hydra and Marvel -- or at least some people at Marvel remember that still. I don’t want that history gone, cosmic cubed or otherwise. And given Waid and Samnee’s interviews it seems they’re going to push for just that. 
Here’s hoping they accomplish it because even these three pages of Cap acting like Cap again was enough to make me smile at least a little. 
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel Legacy Primer Page Robbie Thompson, Marcus To
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If I was going for snark and snark alone here I would begin and end this with “why is Scott Lang here” because no really why is Scott Lang with the Guardians of the Galaxy. And it’s something I shouldn’t be asking because I really have still -- even in liking the movies as much as I do -- not found myself any more persuaded to read into the space opera stuff over at Marvel. It’s just not something I want in my life right now. 
Marcus To’s art is very nice, though, and usually worth it on its own. Even if I’m beginning to notice a touch of samefaceness in the art style At least it’s a very pretty face. 
Marvel’s Immortal Iron Fists (2017) #6 (of 6) Kaare Andrews, Afu Chan, Shelly Ghen
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Immortal Iron Fists has come to an end and I’m both saddened and yet incredibly enthusiastic about how everything turned out!
Story: So I feel like it should not have taken the better part of 5 issues for me learn that Pei and her friends are sixteen and not... middle schoolers despite how they were drawn and how they acted as way way younger than that. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that... it’s not that they’re drawn or written younger, it’s that it’s that unusual to find an American comic that actually shows teenagers appropriately and that helped me gain a whole new respect for a series that I was already very much enjoying.
Everyone coming together and remembering Pei for the impact we have seen her make in their lives, Pei fully realizing her power as Iron Fist, and the general fun of a huge climactic battle that was a three way fight between Pei, demons, and the Mother of All Dragons is probably one of the most bombastic that can be asked for. And I love that Brenda made a comeback after her truly terrible exit from the finale of Immortal Iron Fist under Andrews, but at the same time don’t... really care for how it wasn’t set until last issue. 
All the positives of this story almost make me overlook the unnecessary, though appreciably subverted, kiss of life Pei gives her guy friend and I love that Danny, man serial dater that he is, is flumexed by this turn of events. 
Everything is fun and delightful and I really really appreciate how dedicated this comic was from beginning to end to be Pei’s story and not letting that focus escape it the entirety of the six issues. 
Also Brenda flying off on the Mother of All Dragons at the end and being like stfu Danny you ruined a good thing was hysterical and I loved it.
Art: There was definitely more production in this finale There seemed to be a lot more variation in coloring and textures, and even the characters seemed to keep almost perfectly on model the entire time. The one distraction of note, though, was that Pei... developed more into a traditional teenager look by the end... by which I mean.... boobs are now a thing and I’m not sure if it was just that she wore thicker clothes throughout the story or if it was because much like myself, the art team realized last issue for the first time that Pei was a sixteen year old and not... twelve. Anyway. It was a little distracting, but the increase in panel variation and high number of action sequences definitely made the story far more fulfilling in my view. 
DC’s New Super-Man (2016-present) Vol. 2: Coming to America Gene Luen Yang, Billy Tan, Viktor Bogdanovic
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After what felt like a long wait, we join Kenan and the rest of the Justice League of China once more on a bombastic quest as written by Gene Luen Yang. And much like last time, the results are rather unexpected and honestly kind of remarkable.
Story: Going off of my experiences with Yang’s work, I really feel like his passion in storytelling lies in finding the balance between the question of identity and how identity is formed by the cultures that nurtured us and how it is formed by the influences of the cultures around us. I think that was the main focus of American Born Chinese but it really is beginning to shine through Kenan’s adventures here as the New Super-Man and how much of the titular’s character is being drawn from the two huge influences he is feeling -- the pressures and dangers of the Chinese government and culture, and the admiration and sometimes oppressive shadows of the American culture that he is both attempting to copy as Super-Man and attempting to circumvent by finding the focus of his powers in Chinese philosophies and values. 
And I think that’s where his supporting cast -- Wonder-Woman and Bat-Man and now also Avery Ho’s take on the Flash -- are really coming into play. While Kenan is being torn back and forth by his responsibilities and his bombastic self-absorption both in his internal conflict and his external conflict of learning the truth of his parents, we are getting a broader exposure to what being a superhero in China means as opposed to the normalcy we’ve come to expect from Western comics. 
Bat-Man is just as influenced by his family as Batman, but the pressures are more in the focus on building his exceptionalism and in differing from his sister on whether to stay within a system that robs children of their childhoods and individuals of their sense of self, or to find purpose within that system and excel based upon the traits which only he can bring. 
Wonder-Woman, like Wonder Woman, is derived from myth and legend but instead of a Western legacy, it is purely Chinese and her alienation and stand offish nature initially toward the rest of her team only makes that much more sense given what has brought her to her current state. She is a myth, a legend herself, but she is nearly forgotten by the current times -- Kenan even has to be told the story of her origins by Bat-Man -- and her finding the will to fit into a China that is so influenced by external cultures and influences are a struggle we’re only now beginning to appreciate. 
And finally, with Flash, a Chinese-American, we’re going to receive yet another wild perspective, and considering Kenan’s already developing friendship with Avery I imagine that this is a perspective that will only receive more focus in stories to come. And I perceive that Yang’s inclinations to reference the struggles of culture and self-identity are going to be explored further here.
All around i greatly enjoyed this volume and am looking forward to the continuation now that Kenan has finally learned the truth about his family. There are a lot of interesting new angles to explore and I hope we do just that.
Art: The art is really reminiscent of Greg Capullo’s run on Batman, but has a whole lot more color and variety breathed into it which I personally really appreciate. The colors do a good job of presenting the differences in everyone’s base personalities and also makes the action sequences easier to follow even as the action itself becomes increasingly complex. The page layouts were fairly reserved considering the DC standard lately, but I personally appreciated it because it kept the focus on the storytelling and in doing so enhanced the nuances therein. 
Great work all around, and yet another enjoyable volume. 
Image’s Rat Queens (2013-present) Vol. 4: High Fantasies Kurtis J. Wiebe, Owen Gieni, Ryan Ferrier
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I only recently jumped on the barge for Rat Queens and I’ve been more than happy with the results of caving to the advice of many friends. Because what is better than female-full cast of hilarious and dramatic DnD like adventures with more swearing than a naval ship? I gotta say, not much!
Story: So compared to the previous volumes, I actually found High Fantasies to feel like it had a lot less at stake. Although part of that may just be that I was somewhat anticipating a Betty-centric volume finally to elevate her out of being the shroom eating comic relief and bring more of the assassination attempts and her outlaw past into the forefront. And that’s clearly a problem of my own expectations and not necessarily the story’s fault itself. That said, the focus on Vol. 4 being on a gender bent loser version of the Rat Queens was pretty funny but also not something I would have thought carried enough weight to pivot as the main plot, but that would be just me. 
I do appreciate Braga being in a larger role this time around, and really I wish we could see more less human creatures on the roster in general. It was also a huge heartwarming feeling to have Hannah more comfortable around her Queens and even showing some horns now and then in public. It feels like a huge progression of her character, even as she spends a fair amount of time earning the girls’ ire and.... walking in on naked mayors. As you do.
Basically Vol. 4 isn’t as character centric as the previous volumes have been, but it is a great adventure that feels like a good ol’ fashion DnD campaign with the friends you love at the helm and for fantasy nerds like me that’s more than enough to bring me back into the story.
Art: The art is always spectacular with Rat Queens, but I did find  that this volume -- mostly as a result of not going to as many unestablished and important/original locations, did have a significant lack f inventive background use. That’s not always a slam on art, really the art was very good, and I actually am just... happy to not have Upchurch as the artist, honestly. That alone is worth three and a half gold stars. Though the whole controversy there is still my largest apprehension with the series at this point. 
DC’s Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-present) Vol. 2: Who is Artemis? Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy, Kenneth Rocafort
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Okay who authorized this? Who made this comic exist and who made it be actually good?? Because I didn’t and I feel offended at the amount of emotions that were forced upon me in this single volume of a comic written by Scott friggin’ Lobdell of all people. You couldn’t have told me a month ago that I would be enjoying anything that was remotely connected to Scott Lobdell and expect me not to laugh hard enough I’d bring myself to tears. 
And yet here we are.
Story: Having learned a bit from how lackluster the attempts of balancing the concentration of the narrative was for his previous incarnations of the Outlaws, Lobdell somehow learned how to, y’know, write an ensemble narrative that is still heavily Jason Todd’s perspective, but does not lose any opportunities to expand on or even concentrate on the stories and character development of Bizarro and Artemis. oth of which are shockingly well handled and shockingly controlled, well paced, and interwoven into each other’s stories. 
Like legitimately, did someone nab the Lobdell who wrote decent 90s Marvel comics and put him on this project? Because that feels like the kind of bizarre logic that would seem acceptable at this point.
Now, of course, it’s not perfect. Far from it. But at the end of the day we got an intriguing ongoing story, a team building exercise, Jason’s internal struggle personified both through his inner monologue and flashbacks, but also moments like his sparing of Bizarro whic not only didn’t have overly wordy exposition bringing attention to it, but was strong enough and meaningfully enough that from it alone we could see what Jason couldn’t: he is not as lost, he is not as amoral, and he’s not as cold as he has tried desperately to prove himself to be.
I actually found the take on Artemis and the Bana Mighdall pretty interesting in this retelling, and I like that we have a rogue Amazon as a new enemy for the team. 
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m super excited to see what will come after this. 
Art: There was a range of artists, which is fine, the industry standard of pushing out these comics with the turnaround that they do does cause some disconnect, but for the most part an artist stayed for at least the completionof their storyline and then she was. And overall the trade still fel tconsistent, with some artists just standing out more than other. 
Marvel’s Runaways (2017-present) #2 Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka, Matthew Wilson
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The new run of Runaways absolutely blew me away last month by shooting any and all expectations I had right through the skylight and beyond, so a good premise with beloved characters and a set in conflict really leads to a question of how do the pieces fall in order?
Story: I absolutely adore how Gert being the heart and glue of the family is being so blatantly emphasized throughout this (and that Old Lace is back). I also love that... honestly the trauma and lingering horrors Chase and Nico have survived in particular are being treated as real and damning in the eyes of someone who knew them only two years ago already. But most of all I love the emotional balance. Gert’s anger and disappointment are justified, but her crudeness and accusatory nature are also clearly shown as being wrong and too subjective. The important thing to her, and thus to the group, is to come together again. And I love that it is her prime motivation through and through. 
That all being said, after such a bombastic first issue, it was a little difficult to have the momentum come to a halt so quickly. I don’t want to be taken wrong, I love issues where comics take their time and really meditate on the characters, their reactions to evens former and to come, and really develop relationships and the such. But it does feel a little unnatural to have that only two issues in when the previous issue was SO incredibly packed. 
I’m still fascinated with where we can go from here and very excited to see that Victor, Xavin, and Klara might not be destined to eternal obsecurity like I assumed when the book was first announced. 
Art: Honestly I’m still amazed at just how fantastic the art really is in this comci. .It’s SO good and the designs for all the characters are simply gorgeous. Though probably the best thing about all of it is the great coloring we see done here. Top notch. 
Marvel’s Spider-Man - Marvel Legacy Primer Page Robbie Thompson, Valerio Schiti
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I think I know less about what Marvel plans to do with Miles these days than Marvel knows what to do with Miles, which is horrifying because I just set that bar about as low as it could possibly have gone. But we.... have Rio Morales back which is the big reason I stopped keeping up with Miles to begin with so yay? I don’t know. 
I feel like this primer is actually aimed at fans like me who got off the wagon back when the Ultimate title lost most of its steam both from killing off too many of Miles’ personal supporting cast and becoming too much about tertiary cast’s origins and then Peter Parker returning to life and stuff’s weird. This feels like a big neon sign that says “Things are back! The origin’s the same! Do not look behind the curtain!” It makes me curious but also apprehensive at the same time. 
also can we get robbie thompson to write miles’ book and bendis let someone else write some books already jfc this was such a relief. 
IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe (2016-present) Vol. 2 Nick Pitarra, John Lees, Brahm Revel, Ryan Ferrier, Adam Gorham, Sophie Campbell, Bobby Curnow, Pablo Tunica
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So unlike the rest of the reviews, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe doesn’t really fit my review format since it’s more like a collection of vignettes across the TMNT universe that feed into the main book and each story is written and drawn by a different team, so it wouldn’t have that same cohesion. 
As the giant Ninja Turtle fan that I am and probably always will be, I can’t get enough of the mythos and the characters in TMNT, so having a book that has a solid, even meditative point of just exploring smaller stories and little character developments that wouldn’t fit in the very tight and controlled narrative of the main title is something of a perfect godsend to me. I love it in concept and in execution.
One thing I worry about, however, is that there definitely seems to be a lot of stories here that feel necessary to keeping up with the main series. Such as the story of how Alopex and Angel ran into the Toad Baron and escaped -- that was a pretty crucial piece of information for the Eternals storyline a few issues back in the main book. So it feels like more and more, because of how tight and concentrated the main book is, they’re using books like Universe to fill in everything else, including buildup to larger more important narratives. And while that’s fine and even something I enjoy, it’s a move that will really push people to start being more choosy with their books. It’s much like keeping up with Transformers right now, and that tends to lead to some mixed bags. But I suppose we’ll trust and see.
At the end of the day, I have to pick the comics that really stuck with me the most. And while I was a little disappointed by a few titles this week, there was a pretty intense competition between the ones that genuinely caught me and made me really feel while reading them. And I think by that measurement I have to give the Pick of the Week this time around to the conclusion of Immortal Iron Fists. I was so worried about how this story could wrap everything up and it’s with mother flipping dragons that’s how. I love it. I love Pei and I love her being officially adopted by Danny who is TOTAL ridiculous dad now. This is the kind of Immortal Iron Fist I am happy to support. 
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As far as trades go... wow I for some reason was not anticipating getting slammed as much as I did, but I really didn’t feel like any of the books let me down. They were all pretty amazing and I felt like I also managed to incidentally cover the entire span of comic book genres and types in a matter of two days, which let’s admit it, pretty impressive. I feel like the new releases this week are honestly a harder competition than the single issues but twist my arm, surprising no one nearly as much as I’m surprising myself here, I have to pick Red Hood and the Outlaws for managing to be a comic that... is unexpectedly good and unexpectedly sincere and unexpectedly emotionally motivating in ways that I wish... more comics... were? I just. have a real hard time complimenting Lobdell after tearing his books a new one for..... six years straight now.  But... thank you? for writing well? And making me feel things? For Jason Todd, Bizarro, and Artemis? Am I doing this right?
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And those are the comics for this week! Did you happen to agree with me? Disagree? Think I missed out on picking up a comic that was good? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
But before I let you go, I have to (yes have to) plug once more:
I have exactly a month to pack up everything I own and move halfway across the country again which is not helping those financial crunches I mentioned before either.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Shazam: DC Comics Easter Eggs and References Guide
Shazam! is more than just another DCEU movie, it is packed with 80 years of DC Comics history and Easter eggs.
This article consists of nothing but Shazam! spoilers. We have a spoiler free review of the film here.
Shazam! marks the first time the character has come to the big screen as a big budget movie (1941's The Adventures of Captain Marvel was a serial, not a feature film). The movie is based heavily on one specific Shazam! story, the 2011 origin tale by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, but throughout there are elements drawn from 80 years of Shazam history. We're trying to track down all the bits of Shazam and DC Universe lore peppered throughout the latest DCEU adventure...but we need your help.
So here's how this works. I've put everything I've found from the movie (so far) here. But if you think you've spotted something I missed, drop us a note in the comments or hit me up on Twitter and if it checks out, we'll get it added.
Who is Shazam?
OK, first thing's first...the character who, for the sake of simplicity and sanity we're going to call Shazam for the rest of this article was created by Bill Parker and C.C. Beck in 1939. And just in case you missed it in the film, the magic word "Shazam" grants you the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. What's interesting is that "the power of Zeus" was always pretty vague in the comics, and was often just interpreted as the explanation for the character's general invulnerability. It's only the recent comics that have given him the power to throw lightning, something which makes a lot more sense for a character with "Zeus" as a key part of his power set.
You're probably already aware of the confusing history surrounding the Shazam name and franchise. The character first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 in 1939, where he went by the name of (wait for it) Captain Marvel. The simplicity of the character really touched a nerve with young readers, and for a period in the 1940s, Shazam comics were outselling Superman comics. That didn't sit well with National Periodical Publications (who are now, of course, DC Comics), who sued the red and yellow pants off Fawcett, claiming that Cap and friends were ripoffs of Superman. By 1954, Fawcett finally agreed to cease publication of all Shazam related publications...and then DC revived the character in 1972.
read more: How Zachary Levi Was Cast as Shazam
The problem was that in 1972, DC had a notable competitor named...Marvel Comics. And Marvel had cannily created their OWN Captain Marvel a couple of years earlier. The solution? Instead of calling the new book Captain Marvel, the title was simply, Shazam!. For the next 30 or so years, the character's actual name never appeared on books, toys, shirts, cookies, whatever (even though he was still called Captain Marvel in the stories). DC finally gave in to the inevitable and just changed the character's actual name to Shazam in 2011.
And the 2011 story that did that is especially significant for this movie. The story, by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, was a brand new take on the character's origins, and it is the heaviest, most obvious influence on the movie, from the look of the costume, to Billy having an extended foster family who all gain costumes of their own (traditionally, it had only been Freddy and Mary), to giving Dr. Sivana himself magical powers.
(whew) That was a lot. But speaking of that villain, we'd better get to...
Who is Dr. Sivana?
- Dr. Thaddeus Bodog Sivana (yes, his middle name is "Bodog" although that is never mentioned in the movie) first appeared in the very first Shazam story in Whiz Comics #2 in 1939. Oh, by the way...why did the first Shazam story appear in Whiz Comics #2 and not #1? Because there wasn't REALLY a Whiz Comics #1...at least not one that was made available to the public. Because of the vagaries of late 1930s magazine publishing, it was published as an "ashcan" edition, so the characters weren't seen by the public until #2.
read more: Mark Strong and the Secrets of Dr. Sivana
- The stuff about Sivana’s troubled boyhood is brand new, and has never really made it into any of the comics before. He’s referred to as “Thad” early on, which is short for Thaddeus. But in the comics, ol’ Dr. Sivana’s full name is Thaddeus Bodog Sivana. For real.
- As far as I know, we’ve never met Sivana’s father in the comics, but it’s interesting that they went with John Glover here. Not only because Glover played Lex Luthor’s father (to perfection) on Smallville, but because in the comics, the father of the Bryer brothers (the two bullies who torment Billy and his foster siblings) was a dead ringer for John Glover.
- For the vast majority of Sivana's comic book history, he was a sniveling, cackling mad scientist type, not the ice cold magic wielder we see in the movie. The change was made for the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank origin story in 2011 and has stuck around ever since.
- I don't believe we ever met Sivana's father or brother in the comics. On the other hand, we often met his kids, Magnificus, Beautia, Thaddeus Jr., and Georgia Sivana (get it?).
- While not an easter egg, young Sivana's Magic 8-Ball is a wonderful piece of kitsch.
- Sivana Industries comes from the Jerry Ordway Power of Shazam era of the character, where Sivana wasn't just a mad scientist, but an actual businessman and inventor.
- Sivana’s obsession with finding the entrance to the Rock of Eternity, complete with checking out people who claim to have been tested by the Wizard, is straight out of the New 52 comics. The reasoning is different, as in that story he was merely a kind of magic-obsessed relic hunter, rather than someone who had been chosen (and then rejected by the Wizard). But he was definitely studying others who had been rejected as "unworthy." (Incidentally, this movie says there have been 56 reported cases...I'm surprised they didn't go with the DC magic number of 52).
- The idea of Sivana slightly losing his powers as each Sin is sent off into the world is a little reminiscent of how the division of power between various members of the Shazam family has been portrayed. Basically, if Shazam and Sivana are "rivers" of magic, then as they empower other beings, they're branching off their main flow, which weakens them slightly.
- I'm not sure what the seven symbols are that Sivana draws on the door to access the Rock of Eternity (and that also appear on the subway before it changes into a magic train), but they MIGHT correspond to the runes carved on the thrones of the council of seven wizards in the comics. I'll have to take a closer look the next time I watch this.
We have more on the history of Dr. Sivana right here.
The Wizard
- Just to confuse things further...back when our hero was still called Captain Marvel, the wizard's name was Shazam. So, Billy would say the wizard's name to transform into Captain Marvel. Come to think of it, Shazam does sound more like a wizard's name than a superhero's name, but really, this is how it is, and if you try and think about all of this too hard it will only lead to headaches.
Nevertheless, the way the Wizard is presented in the movie as ancient, weary, ready to pass on his powers to a worthy candidate, is right out of the earliest Shazam stories, right down to his quest to find someone "pure of heart" for the role. 
read more: Complete Schedule of Upcoming DCEU Superhero Movies
- Not only does the Wizard bear the lightning crest of Shazam, but you can see similarities in the design of his cloak to the cape that we’ll ultimately see on Billy. The idea is that the Wizard was a champion himself at some point in the distant past.
- The Wizard is looking for someone “Pure of heart” and “strong in spirit” to pass on the powers of the champion. Being “pure of heart” was a line straight from the earliest comics that the Wizard said to Billy when seeking him out.
- The idea of him being part of a "council of Wizards" is also from the New 52 origin story, and there are seven of them, just as their are seven deadly sins.
- The Wizard’s "death" is always key to completing this point in the origin story, in all versions of it. Don't be surprised if he pops up in sequels as a disembodied spirit, as traditionally, Billy and family are still able to communicate with the Wizard when necessary.
Billy Batson
Just a few fun points of reference about Billy Batson in the movie...
- Billy’s first words on screen are, appropriately enough, “holy moley" which was long both Billy and his superheroic alter ego's preferred exclamation of surprise. 
- Billy has an omnipresent red hoodie, even when we see him as a toddler. Billy's fondness for red is more than just a foreshadowing of his superhero costume, since the character is pretty much ALWAYS depicted wearing red tops in the comics. But based on the logic of the movie and what went into the costume design (which I wrote more about here), it makes sense that his costume would have a ton of red in it, since his Shazam look is basically his own subconscious idealized version of a superhero.
- Billy saying “Shazam” to revert to kid size in order to slip out of the grip of a bad guy is a classic maneuver, used countless times in the comics.
- Billy has always been depicted as an orphan in the comics, although we only first got details about what happened to his parents in the 1987 limited series Shazam: The New Beginning by Roy Thomas and Tom Mandrake. There, his parents died in a car accident and Billy was taken in by his Uncle Dudley. In Jerry Ordway's brilliant The Power of Shazam series, his parents died on an archaeological expedition...one tied to the Shazam legend. 
read more: Finding the Heroic Qualities in Shazam
- Billy’s parents are named Marilyn and C.C. Batson. The first time they were ever actually named in the comics was in Jerry Ordway's The Power of Shazam. C.C. is named after Charles Clarence Beck, the co-creator of Shazam. 
It is said in this movie that Billy's mother Marilyn was born in Minnesota, and that's where C.C. Beck was born. Marilyn lives in apartment 707, which doesn't have any direct comics significance, but there is some parallel to 7 being a divine number, the council of seven wizards, and the seven deadly sins in the movie.
Incidentally, the voice of Marilyn's asshole boyfriend that you hear in the background is none other than director David F. Sandberg.
- In very recent Shazam comics, Billy's father has mysteriously resurfaced. It's not yet clear if he's an ex-con, since it's said in the movie that he is "in jail in Florida."
Who is Freddy?
- That would be Freddy Freeman, Billy's foster brother. Freddy has been around nearly as long as the Shazam comics themselves, first appearing in 1941's Whiz Comics #25, where he was created by France Herron and Mac Raboy.
read more: Finding the Right Tone for Shazam!
Freddy wasn't Billy's foster brother until the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank Shazam story. Instead, he was a teenager who had been injured by Captain Nazi. Feeling guilty that he didn't stop the villain sooner, Billy brought Freddy to the Rock of Eternity, where the wizard told him how he could pass a portion of his powers on to Freddy.
- The blue costume that Freddy wears in the movie when he transforms is an almost direct translation of his old "Captain Marvel Jr." look, which was always a pretty sharp costume. 
Interestingly enough, the most famous Captain Marvel Jr. fan of all time was none other than Elvis Presley, who based a lot of his look on Mac Raboy's illustrations. Ever wonder why Elvis had a fondness for short capes and lightning bolts? There you go.
Who is Mary?
- That's Mary Bromfeld, created by Otto Binder and Marc Swayze way back in 1942. In most versions of the story, she's also Billy's long lost twin sister. The "twin" element has certainly been abandoned in recent comics because of the age gap between Billy and Mary, but it's not clear if they'll ever go down the route of making them blood relations again. It seems unlikely.
- Anyway, Mary was quite popular as a member of the Marvel Family (as they were called back in those simpler times), and the idea of a female superheroic counterpart to a super strong caped guy pre-dates Supergirl by about 16 years. Come to think of it, considering that DC went after Fawcett so hard with their claims that Shazam was ripping off Superman, they sure had no issues about making their own teenage version of their main hero (Superboy) in 1948 and a female (and blood related, no less!) version with Supergirl in 1958. The nerve!
The Rock of Eternity
- The Rock of Eternity has long been known as the source of the Shazam family powers, but here in the movie it is referred to as Rock of Eternity as “the source of all magic” in the DCEU.
- The idea of Billy taking a magical subway to the Rock of Eternity comes straight out of the original 1939 origin story in Whiz Comics #2 (although there, it was never a "normal" train first, but rather a crazy magical train that arrives in a normal, albeit closed, subway station), while the flourish with Billy first heading into the subway station to avoid the bullies comes from the New 52 comics.
- The first look at the Rock of Eternity interior, complete with the statues of the Seven Deadly Sins is straight out of the very first Shazam story from Whiz Comics #2. Of course there, it was Billy Batson not young Thad Sivana making that long walk for the first time, but that’s OK. The visuals are right on the money.
- Also visible in the Rock of Eternity is Mr. Mind in his glass case (later on we see he is missing, and then, of course, he appears in the post credits scene). More on Mr. Mind shortly!
- Also within the corners of the Rock of Eternity you can spot a mysterious old-fashioned mirror with gold trim. This matches a mirror from the New 52 origin story inhabited by "Francesca" a kind of magical spirit who offers Billy answers from time to time. She doesn't appear in the movie, but it's good to know that she could.
- I can't tell if I was imagining some kind of golden lamp in there or not. I know I was desperately wishing for it to be Dr. Fate's helmet, but alas, I know this was not the case.
- All of the doors that the kids are trying to navigate seem to be like the doors to the Magiclands from the most recent Shazam! series.
- One of those doors opens on a bunch of crocodile headed humanoids, which makes me think of Sobek, a crocodile creature who was first introduced as part of Mr. Mind's Monster Society of Evil, but got a modern update in DC's excellent weekly 52 series in 2006.
- Can someone explain the significance of what appears to be a burning violin in the Rock of Eternity? Because I am at a complete loss.
What about the tigers?
- Throughout the movie there’s a repeating tiger motif. Billy has a tiger patch on his backpack. Young Billy was trying to win a stuffed tiger at the carnival (and later hands a scared little girl one to hold on to). There are stuffed tigers visible in the toy store during the first fight with Sivana in the mall. If you look closely at the clasps on Shazam’s cape, they are embossed with tigers. Why is this? Well, tigers play a major role throughout Shazam history.
All of this is a reference to Mr. Tawny, a talking tiger who was a friend to Billy and family. Yes, a talking tiger. Look, if Marvel Studios can make Rocket Raccoon a layered, convincing, sympathetic character, I demand to see Tawky Tawny in Shazam 2.
The Family
So other than Billy Batson and Freddy Freeman, and Mary Bromfeld, the rest of the family includes Eugene Choi, Pedro Pena, and Darla Dudley. The latter three were introduced during DC's Flashpoint event, but had their proper introduction into the world of Shazam in the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank story that keeps getting mentioned in this piece. Their superheroic versions are perfect translations of what we see in that comic, too.
So...what are their superhero names? Ummmm...that hasn't been established yet. Freddy jokingly refers to himself as "King Shazam" once (remember the Elvis connection I mentioned up above?) but much about them still needs to be fleshed out. Each seems to embody specific qualities of the Shazam name, but they also seem to retain all of the other abilities as well. It's still a little murky, but all of this will probably be figured out by the time a sequel rolls around.
I went into more detail about the logic and magical rules behind all this right here.
However, note Darla's last name: Dudley. In the comics, Billy had an Uncle Dudley (only an actual blood relation in the Shazam: The New Beginning era, the rest of the time he was just kind of a friendly fraud) who would watch over him and occasionally partake in adventures. Perhaps Darla's uncle will show up in a sequel, too.
- It's nice to see that Eugene immediately does a hadouken from the Street Fighter games and then makes a "fatality" Mortal Kombat joke.
We have a complete history of everyone who has been able to wield the Shazam lightning right here.
The Seven Deadly Sins
- The seven deadly sins are Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride, and Greed. Each of them has appropriate physical characteristics. Shazam! director David F. Sandberg cites the Demon Dogs from Ghostbusters as an influence in their design.
They've been around as cautionary statues since the very first Shazam story, but I believe the first time they were "set loose" as embodiments of the sins themselves was during The Power of Shazam era. And, like many things in this movie, Sivana commanding the sins was a key component of that New 52 origin story, as well.
Black Adam
The champion who went bad that the Wizard refers to is Black Adam, who will be played by Dwayne Johnson in an upcoming DCEU movie. The character was created by Otto Binder and C.C. Beck in 1945, and was initially a one-off villain, who has since grown to not only be the most recognizable villain in the Shazam pantheon, but arguably is becoming more popular than the hero himself. We have all the details of why they kept Black Adam out of this movie right here.
The sequence where the Wizard describes Adam's misdeeds also continues the tradition of having a stylish exposition sequence explaining a particular corner of the DCEU, which dates back to the Kryptonian history lesson in Man of Steel, and was seen again in Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and more.
You can read more about the history of Black Adam right here.
- Freddy's room is like a shrine to the events of previous DCEU movies, including a recognizable batarang from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, bullets that have bounced off Superman's chest, and more. Adorning Freddy’s walls are various newspapers depicting superheroic moments. One is cut off and it says Cong-...something. Please god, let this be a Congorilla reference. More importantly, also visible on Freddy’s wall is a Daily Planet front page with the headline “Caped Wonder Stuns City Under Siege.” While that has clearly been adapted for DCEU purposes, in Superman: The Movie, it was “Caped Wonder Stuns City.”
- If you listen carefully when Billy wakes up on the subway in full costume, it sounds like someone in the background calls him "Superman." And speaking of Superman, the guy hassling/complimenting Billy on his superhero look reminds me of the guy from Superman: The Movie, who was the first person to see Christopher Reeve's Man of Steel in full costume. "Say, Jim...wooooo!"
- There's a hint of a Superman II homage, as well. When Sivana makes Billy kneel before him so he can take his powers and Billy fakes him out, it sure is reminiscent of that classic moment when Supes gets Zod back in the Fortress of Solitude.
- Speaking of Superman, Billy describes the sensation of bullets bouncing off him as “It kinda tickles.” That reminds me of the iconic cover of 1944's Superman #32 by Wayne Boring, where Supes declares "it tickles" as he's being struck by lightning. Lightning, hmmmm...probably not a coincidence.
- And, of course, that's the DCEU Superman costume made famous in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League...but it isn't Henry Cavill in the suit, unfortunately (you can read an explanation of why Henry Cavill couldn't be Superman in Shazam! right here). At the moment, Cavill's future as Superman in the DCEU is unclear, but we're still holding out hope he'll come back. Don't hold your breath, though. Nevertheless, as Big Blue strolls into the cafeteria, you can hear the briefest hint of the classic John Williams Superman theme.
DCEU, DC Comics, and Other References
- Billy and the kids attend Fawcett Central, a reference to Fawcett Publications, who published Shazam comics for about the first 15 years of the characters' existence, and Fawcett City, where he operated out of. Although here, they call Philadelphia home. Why Philadelphia? Who knows? But the movie filmed under the working title of "Franklin," a reference to famous Philly resident (and American Founding Father) Benjamin Franklin, who had an affinity of his own for lightning.
- Can anyone make out what the book on Freddy’s desk is? Is it the David Graves book from the New 52 Justice League comics?
- Freddy makes reference to “Caped Crusader stuff” which is indeed a Batman thing. Interesting that a dated pop culture term like that still holds true in this world, and this (along with the fact that Batman has a toy line of his own) is a sign of how superheroes are viewed in the DCEU. The toys say "I'm Batman" (presumably in Kevin Conroy's voice), a line most famously uttered by Michael Keaton in the 1989 Tim Burton movie.
- When we meet Freddy, he is wearing an Aquaman shirt. That's pretty self explanatory. On the subject of Freddy's wardrobe, it appears that the Superman logo on his backpack is the New 52 logo, rather than the DCEU one.
- The magical and horror elements of the movie have a distinctly 1980s vibe. David F. Sandberg says that the look and feel of the Sins was inspired by the Demon Dogs in Ghostbusters. The stuff with the light under the door also feels like a Ghostbusters homage, and then Sivana’s lab assistant (played by Lotta Losten who is David F. Sandberg's wife and also appeared in Lights Out, both the short and the feature length version) croaks, that is another Ghostbusters-esque death.
Of course, any time you put John Glover in a corporate setting, it brings Gremlins 2 to mind, and the gleeful (and horrific) mayhem that ensues during that scene feels like a slightly amped up Joe Dante horror comedy.
And during the toy store fight, Sivana ends up charging at Billy on one of those giant floor pianos, much like Tom Hanks famously played on in Big.
- It's very possible that security guard "Moran" is more than just an excuse for a joke at the poor guy's expense. Mike Moran was the alter ego of Marvelman (better known in the US as Miracleman), the UK-only ripoff of the Shazam mythos who gaines greater fame (and infamy) when Alan Moore used him as a test subject for his "deconstructing superheroes" style.
- The song that plays over the end credits is "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" as performed by the pride of Forest Hills, New York, The Ramones. It was written by the brilliant Tom Waits for his essential and disturbing Bone Machine album.
The Post Credits Scenes
- Sivana madly scrawling heiroglyphics and mumbling to himself in order to potentially open a magical doorway seems a little more in keeping with the semi-broken nature of the character from the original comics. But Mr. Mind coming to him in his moment of need is reminiscent both of the end of that New 52 origin story and the end of Shazam: The New Beginning. Basically, Sivana and Mr. Mind have teamed up plenty of times, so this is a great way to set up a sequel. Oh, you probably want to know who Mr. Mind is.
- Mr. Mind is an extra-dimensional worm who feeds on brainwaves, and is capable of getting people to do his bidding. He first appeared in 1943 (created by the Shazam dream team of Otto Binder and C.C. Beck) and was actually the focal point of the first, long form serialized comic book storyline, "The Monster Society of Evil," which stretched out over two years of comics, at a time when most superhero stories were completely self contained. He was considered so dangerous that he was tried, convicted, and given the death penalty (hey, it was the '40s) and put to death in a tiny little worm-sized electric chair. Because comics are crazy but also the best.
In more recent years it was revealed that he was merely in his larval stage this entire time, and evolves into something called a hyperfly, capable of devouring the entire DC Multiverse (something he intended and attempted to do). Again, because comics are crazy/the best.
Anyway, I love that they even leaned into the tiny speaker hanging around his neck. And the voice of Mr. Mind? That would be Shazam! director David F. Sandberg again!
By the way, just as this movie was a nearly dead on adaptation of that Geoff Johns/Gary Frank story, the current ongoing Shazam! comic book series seems to be perfect fodder for a potential Shazam 2, with the kids exploring "The Magiclands" that can be accessed via the Rock of Eternity. 
I went into much more detail about what these post-credits scenes mean right here.
- I don't really need to explain that Freddy is talking about the events from the end of Aquaman in that second scene, do I? No? Good.
So, did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter!
Mike Cecchini is the Editor in Chief of Den of Geek. You can read more of his work here. Follow him on Twitter @wayoutstuff.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Mike Cecchini
Dec 3, 2019
DC Entertainment
from Books https://ift.tt/2Ie13tZ
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thenthdimension · 6 years
My Top Ten Comics of the Year List because the one from Vice Sucked
So vice has released a list of its top ten comics of the year that was only eight entries long because apparently comics were so bad this year that eight was as many as they could manage. This really frustrated me, mainly because their problem was with the quality of comics (which I thought was great) and not the behaviour of individuals and organisations within the industry (a lot of which was very bad). I am not going to link to the article because if you want to find it you can but I am not going to help you. I am however going to give my top ten list which I realise a lot of other people have done in reaction to the article but I’m just too annoyed to do nothing.
Some caveats before I start, firstly I am just someone who likes comics and I have not read 90% of the stuff that has come out because I am not a) rich or b) someone who receives comics to review. Secondly I am a white/cis/het man and my comics reading is not as diverse as I would like but I do want to work on that this year. Thirdly some of these will be graphic novels, some individual issues and some on-goings. Finally this is in no particular order, feel free to skip past entries you have not interest in and please check to the end of the list to see if something catches your interest. If one person reads one comic because I did this that is a huge win.
Aliens Dead Orbit by James Stokoe
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James Stokoe is one of the best cartoonists working in comics today. Most of the books he works on are top to bottom his work, writing, pencils, inks, colouring, lettering the whole bag and that is the case here. The details in his panels is incredible as you can see here but only when it needs to be. When he needs the readers eye to move quickly across a page to show speed or to make show a lot happening in a short space of time the detail drops without losing any of the skill. Also I just love his colouring the warm lighting contrasting with the cold metal of the ship and dark blacks of space and the aliens themselves. This is not a complicated or deep story that going to tell anything new about this universe its just excellently told and looks fab.
Kaijumax: Season 3 by Zander Cannon with colour assists by Jason Fischer
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This is a prison comic where the prisoners are giant monsters, I really don’t know what else you want me to say about this. At its best it can be disturbing, funny, exciting and you will never know how much you could care about a giant satanic Goat. That goat is the Creature from Devils Creek and his is the best story line this season, I was honestly upset and some of the things he had to go through. I obviously recommend going back and reading the previous two seasons but this is the best Kaijumax has been and I cannot wait for season 4.
Doom Patrol Written by Gerard Way, Pencils by Nick Derington, Inks by Tom Fowler, Colours by Tamara Bonvillian and Letters by Todd Klien
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The lead singer of My Chemical Romance writes one of my favourite comics. That’s a weird thing to say but then comics are weird and this comic if full bore weird. Coming from DC’s Young Animal line which is basically Way’s baby this is technically a book about a team of superheros but really its well developed characters dealing with whatever mad thing happens that month. But as much as I enjoy the madness and Ways writing Nick Derington is the best thing about this book. There was an issue that had guest art by Mike Allred, who I love, and all I wanted was for Derington to come back. Plus that madcap writing means he gets to draw some incredible looking stuff. Also one of the main characters has sex with their anthropomorphised cat.
The Wicked + The Divine Written by Kieron Gillen, Art by Jamie McKelvie, Colours by Matthew Wilson and Letters by Clayton Cowles
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It was never going to be ok. That’s basically the motto of this book and this year has shown you how true that is. Every 90 years the cycle repeats normal people become gods and will not live past 2 years, this time they also became pop stars. Wic Div has been going for a couple of years now and it just keeps getting better, the characters are so real and who they are is brilliantly reflected in the art. It will break your heart but it will also have dying to read the next issue. Plus they have started doing specials which show glimpses of the past pantheons. Its currently on issue 34 so its something of a commitment but it rewards that commitments and the collections come out with a decent regularity. Oh if you are a tumblr person do not look at the Wic Div tag unless you want SPOILERS.
Copra #31 by Michel Fiffe
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Fiffe is another top to bottom cartoonist and he also self publishes Copra, so this is proper indie comics. Copra is a Suicide Squad fan comic that’s almost consistently better than the actual Suicide Squad comic. A team of mercenaries and criminals do the jobs no one can admit to and treated as expendable by those who put them in harms way. Its art and action comics all at once. This issue focuses on Castillo who as you may be able to tell is somewhat like the Punisher and its just a great example of what makes Copra great. I could see Fiffes art not being for everybody but its 100% for me.
Southern Cross written by Becky Cloonan, Art by Andy Belanger, Colours by Lee Loughride and Letters by Serge LaPointe
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Southern Cross is like an Aliens movie directed by John Carpenter filtered through H.P. Lovecreaft. Put on some synth-wave, prog rock or cosmic metal and enjoy a horror comic that’s also a huge amount of fun. The first arc was Alex Braith booking passage aboard the Southern Cross to find out what happened to her sister. This years second arc takes us to the rigs on Titan where the mystery of whats going on deepens and we find out more about the life in this universe. Can’t recommend it highly enough, plus some of the space suits have Jason masks, which makes me very happy.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl # 26 The Zine Issue by Ryan North, Erica Henderson, Rico Renzi and many, many more
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I cannot list all the creators please go look them up. Squirrel Girl (she has the powers of both Squirrel and Girl) is a comic that is always a huge amount of fun and this issue is the zine that Squirrel Girl has put together with her friends to raise money for all the public buildings superheroes destroy. It features a feel good inspiration comic written by a nihilistic brain in a jar, Cat Loki, a quite touching story about Wolverine and a sentinel and a Galactus comic written and drawn by Jim Davis the creator of Garfield. You can read this all by itself and still enjoy it so its a great place to find out if Squirrel Girl is for you which it probably is because Squirrel Girl rules. Eat nuts, kick butts. 
Mister Miracle #4 Written by Tom King, Art by Mitch Gerads and letters by Clayton Cowles
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Mister Miracle is one of the New Gods. Mister Miracle can escape any trap. Mister Miracle is depressed and recently tried to kill himself. This twelve issue mini series is going to show up on a lot of best of lists this year and that’s totally justified. But of the five issues released so far I believe this, The Trial of Mister Miracle, is the best. Every great about this series is crystallised here, the 9 panel grids, the quite unflinching look at depression, the art that expertly mixes the fantastic and the mundane and the incredibly sharp writing. I haven’t seen a better example of a character who is entirely correct but also completely wrong.
Savage Town written by Declan Shalvey, Art by Philip Barrett, Colours by Jordie Bellaire and Letters by Clayton Cowles
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Cartoonists get a lot of props for being able to handle every aspect of creating a comic book and there are some great examples on this list. This comic I believe is the best example of how a great team on a book can be just as effective as a great cartoonist. Its Limerick near the turn of 2000, Jimmy Savage is the leader of a small gang and trouble is heading his way. I love that one of the best crime comics this year is about an Irish city and comes from a majority Irish team. Its also great to see a comics writer writing Irish accented dialogue that doesn’t read like its out of Darby O’Gil and the Little people. And its a great story too, I really hope there is some kind of follow up as I’d really love to come back to this town and these characters again.
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi
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This year I decided to start reading more manga (Japanese comics) and I decided to start with this which was a bit of an odd choice but one I do not regret. This true story can be difficult to read because it is true. Nagata was this lonely, this isolated, this depressed and the really had this struggle with their sexuality. The depression they felt was crippling and while a lot of things I could relate to, especially berating yourself which I used to do a lot, I really had no idea. I have always considered myself as decent person who understood that depression was something that could paralyse a person but until I read this I don’t think I truly considered what that meant. The sense of isolation and loneliness is so strong I honestly don’t know how they got through it. And then they recounted it with such a great sense of humour and didn’t shy away at all. I feel like I am not explaining this well, I don’t read lot of things like this and maybe I don’t have quite the right vocabulary. Just know that this is the most affecting piece of media I came across this year. If I know you IRL please ask to borrow it because I would love to hear what other people think of it.
And that’s it, those are the ten best comics I read this year. You can find all of these on comixology, amazon and good comic book stores. If there is something you’d be interesting in reading and you don’t know how to get a hold of it ask me and I’ll see if I can help you find it. Comics a great and anyone who kind find ten great ones in a year is not looking hard enough or is a pretentious prick. I know for a fact there is stacks of great stuff I didn’t get to read this year. Its all out there, you just have to look.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Shazam! Complete Guide to DC Comics Easter Eggs and References
Shazam! is more than just another DCEU movie, it is packed with 80 years of DC Comics history and Easter eggs.
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Mike Cecchini
Apr 4, 2019
DC Entertainment
This article consists of nothing but Shazam! spoilers. We have a spoiler free review of the film here.
Shazam! is the first time the character has come to the big screen as a big budget movie (1941's The Adventures of Captain Marvel was a serial, not a feature film). The movie is based heavily on one specific Shazam! story, the 2011 origin tale by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, but throughout there are elements drawn from 80 years of Shazam history. We're trying to track down all the bits of Shazam and DC Universe lore peppered throughout the latest DCEU adventure...but we need your help.
So here's how this works. I've put everything I've found from the movie (so far) here. But if you think you've spotted something I missed, drop us a note in the comments or hit me up on Twitter and if it checks out, we'll get it added.
Who is Shazam?
OK, first thing's first...the character who, for the sake of simplicity and sanity we're going to call Shazam for the rest of this article was created by Bill Parker and C.C. Beck in 1939. And just in case you missed it in the film, the magic word "Shazam" grants you the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. What's interesting is that "the power of Zeus" was always pretty vague in the comics, and was often just interpreted as the explanation for the character's general invulnerability. It's only the recent comics that have given him the power to throw lightning, something which makes a lot more sense for a character with "Zeus" as a key part of his power set.
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You're probably already aware of the confusing history surrounding the Shazam name and franchise. The character first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 in 1939, where he went by the name of (wait for it) Captain Marvel. The simplicity of the character really touched a nerve with young readers, and for a period in the 1940s, Shazam comics were outselling Superman comics. That didn't sit well with National Periodical Publications (who are now, of course, DC Comics), who sued the red and yellow pants off Fawcett, claiming that Cap and friends were ripoffs of Superman. By 1954, Fawcett finally agreed to cease publication of all Shazam related publications...and then DC revived the character in 1972.
read more: How Zachary Levi Was Cast as Shazam
The problem was that in 1972, DC had a notable competitor named...Marvel Comics. And Marvel had cannily created their OWN Captain Marvel a couple of years earlier. The solution? Instead of calling the new book Captain Marvel, the title was simply, Shazam!. For the next 30 or so years, the character's actual name never appeared on books, toys, shirts, cookies, whatever (even though he was still called Captain Marvel in the stories). DC finally gave in to the inevitable and just changed the character's actual name to Shazam in 2011.
And the 2011 story that did that is especially significant for this movie. The story, by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, was a brand new take on the character's origins, and it is the heaviest, most obvious influence on the movie, from the look of the costume, to Billy having an extended foster family who all gain costumes of their own (traditionally, it had only been Freddy and Mary), to giving Dr. Sivana himself magical powers.
(whew) That was a lot. But speaking of that villain, we'd better get to...
Who is Dr. Sivana?
- Dr. Thaddeus Bodog Sivana (yes, his middle name is "Bodog" although that is never mentioned in the movie) first appeared in the very first Shazam story in Whiz Comics #2 in 1939. Oh, by the way...why did the first Shazam story appear in Whiz Comics #2 and not #1? Because there wasn't REALLY a Whiz Comics #1...at least not one that was made available to the public. Because of the vagaries of late 1930s magazine publishing, it was published as an "ashcan" edition, so the characters weren't seen by the public until #2.
read more: Mark Strong and the Secrets of Dr. Sivana
- The stuff about Sivana’s troubled boyhood is brand new, and has never really made it into any of the comics before. He’s referred to as “Thad” early on, which is short for Thaddeus. But in the comics, ol’ Dr. Sivana’s full name is Thaddeus Bodog Sivana. For real.
- As far as I know, we’ve never met Sivana’s father in the comics, but it’s interesting that they went with John Glover here. Not only because Glover played Lex Luthor’s father (to perfection) on Smallville, but because in the comics, the father of the Bryer brothers (the two bullies who torment Billy and his foster siblings) was a dead ringer for John Glover.
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- For the vast majority of Sivana's comic book history, he was a sniveling, cackling mad scientist type, not the ice cold magic wielder we see in the movie. The change was made for the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank origin story in 2011 and has stuck around ever since.
- I don't believe we ever met Sivana's father or brother in the comics. On the other hand, we often met his kids, Magnificus, Beautia, Thaddeus Jr., and Georgia Sivana (get it?).
- While not an easter egg, young Sivana's Magic 8-Ball is a wonderful piece of kitsch.
- Sivana Industries comes from the Jerry Ordway Power of Shazam era of the character, where Sivana wasn't just a mad scientist, but an actual businessman and inventor.
- Sivana’s obsession with finding the entrance to the Rock of Eternity, complete with checking out people who claim to have been tested by the Wizard, is straight out of the New 52 comics. The reasoning is different, as in that story he was merely a kind of magic-obsessed relic hunter, rather than someone who had been chosen (and then rejected by the Wizard). But he was definitely studying others who had been rejected as "unworthy." (Incidentally, this movie says there have been 56 reported cases...I'm surprised they didn't go with the DC magic number of 52).
- The idea of Sivana slightly losing his powers as each Sin is sent off into the world is a little reminiscent of how the division of power between various members of the Shazam family has been portrayed. Basically, if Shazam and Sivana are "rivers" of magic, then as they empower other beings, they're branching off their main flow, which weakens them slightly.
- I'm not sure what the seven symbols are that Sivana draws on the door to access the Rock of Eternity (and that also appear on the subway before it changes into a magic train), but they MIGHT correspond to the runes carved on the thrones of the council of seven wizards in the comics. I'll have to take a closer look the next time I watch this.
We have more on the history of Dr. Sivana right here.
The Wizard
- Just to confuse things further...back when our hero was still called Captain Marvel, the wizard's name was Shazam. So, Billy would say the wizard's name to transform into Captain Marvel. Come to think of it, Shazam does sound more like a wizard's name than a superhero's name, but really, this is how it is, and if you try and think about all of this too hard it will only lead to headaches.
Nevertheless, the way the Wizard is presented in the movie as ancient, weary, ready to pass on his powers to a worthy candidate, is right out of the earliest Shazam stories, right down to his quest to find someone "pure of heart" for the role. 
read more: Complete Schedule of Upcoming DCEU Superhero Movies
- Not only does the Wizard bear the lightning crest of Shazam, but you can see similarities in the design of his cloak to the cape that we’ll ultimately see on Billy. The idea is that the Wizard was a champion himself at some point in the distant past.
- The Wizard is looking for someone “Pure of heart” and “strong in spirit” to pass on the powers of the champion. Being “pure of heart” was a line straight from the earliest comics that the Wizard said to Billy when seeking him out.
- The idea of him being part of a "council of Wizards" is also from the New 52 origin story, and there are seven of them, just as their are seven deadly sins.
- The Wizard’s "death" is always key to completing this point in the origin story, in all versions of it. Don't be surprised if he pops up in sequels as a disembodied spirit, as traditionally, Billy and family are still able to communicate with the Wizard when necessary.
Billy Batson
Just a few fun points of reference about Billy Batson in the movie...
- Billy’s first words on screen are, appropriately enough, “holy moley" which was long both Billy and his superheroic alter ego's preferred exclamation of surprise. 
- Billy has an omnipresent red hoodie, even when we see him as a toddler. Billy's fondness for red is more than just a foreshadowing of his superhero costume, since the character is pretty much ALWAYS depicted wearing red tops in the comics. But based on the logic of the movie and what went into the costume design (which I wrote more about here), it makes sense that his costume would have a ton of red in it, since his Shazam look is basically his own subconscious idealized version of a superhero.
- Billy saying “Shazam” to revert to kid size in order to slip out of the grip of a bad guy is a classic maneuver, used countless times in the comics.
- Billy has always been depicted as an orphan in the comics, although we only first got details about what happened to his parents in the 1987 limited series Shazam: The New Beginning by Roy Thomas and Tom Mandrake. There, his parents died in a car accident and Billy was taken in by his Uncle Dudley. In Jerry Ordway's brilliant The Power of Shazam series, his parents died on an archaeological expedition...one tied to the Shazam legend. 
read more: Finding the Heroic Qualities in Shazam
- Billy’s parents are named Marilyn and C.C. Batson. The first time they were ever actually named in the comics was in Jerry Ordway's The Power of Shazam. C.C. is named after Charles Clarence Beck, the co-creator of Shazam. 
It is said in this movie that Billy's mother Marilyn was born in Minnesota, and that's where C.C. Beck was born. Marilyn lives in apartment 707, which doesn't have any direct comics significance, but there is some parallel to 7 being a divine number, the council of seven wizards, and the seven deadly sins in the movie.
Incidentally, the voice of Marilyn's asshole boyfriend that you hear in the background is none other than director David F. Sandberg.
- In very recent Shazam comics, Billy's father has mysteriously resurfaced. It's not yet clear if he's an ex-con, since it's said in the movie that he is "in jail in Florida."
Who is Freddy?
- That would be Freddy Freeman, Billy's foster brother. Freddy has been around nearly as long as the Shazam comics themselves, first appearing in 1941's Whiz Comics #25, where he was created by France Herron and Mac Raboy.
read more: Finding the Right Tone for Shazam!
Freddy wasn't Billy's foster brother until the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank Shazam story. Instead, he was a teenager who had been injured by Captain Nazi. Feeling guilty that he didn't stop the villain sooner, Billy brought Freddy to the Rock of Eternity, where the wizard told him how he could pass a portion of his powers on to Freddy.
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- The blue costume that Freddy wears in the movie when he transforms is an almost direct translation of his old "Captain Marvel Jr." look, which was always a pretty sharp costume. 
Interestingly enough, the most famous Captain Marvel Jr. fan of all time was none other than Elvis Presley, who based a lot of his look on Mac Raboy's illustrations. Ever wonder why Elvis had a fondness for short capes and lightning bolts? There you go.
Who is Mary?
- That's Mary Bromfeld, created by Otto Binder and Marc Swayze way back in 1942. In most versions of the story, she's also Billy's long lost twin sister. The "twin" element has certainly been abandoned in recent comics because of the age gap between Billy and Mary, but it's not clear if they'll ever go down the route of making them blood relations again. It seems unlikely.
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- Anyway, Mary was quite popular as a member of the Marvel Family (as they were called back in those simpler times), and the idea of a female superheroic counterpart to a super strong caped guy pre-dates Supergirl by about 16 years. Come to think of it, considering that DC went after Fawcett so hard with their claims that Shazam was ripping off Superman, they sure had no issues about making their own teenage version of their main hero (Superboy) in 1948 and a female (and blood related, no less!) version with Supergirl in 1958. The nerve!
The Rock of Eternity
- The Rock of Eternity has long been known as the source of the Shazam family powers, but here in the movie it is referred to as Rock of Eternity as “the source of all magic” in the DCEU.
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- The idea of Billy taking a magical subway to the Rock of Eternity comes straight out of the original 1939 origin story in Whiz Comics #2 (although there, it was never a "normal" train first, but rather a crazy magical train that arrives in a normal, albeit closed, subway station), while the flourish with Billy first heading into the subway station to avoid the bullies comes from the New 52 comics.
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- The first look at the Rock of Eternity interior, complete with the statues of the Seven Deadly Sins is straight out of the very first Shazam story from Whiz Comics #2. Of course there, it was Billy Batson not young Thad Sivana making that long walk for the first time, but that’s OK. The visuals are right on the money.
- Also visible in the Rock of Eternity is Mr. Mind in his glass case (later on we see he is missing, and then, of course, he appears in the post credits scene). More on Mr. Mind shortly!
- Also within the corners of the Rock of Eternity you can spot a mysterious old-fashioned mirror with gold trim. This matches a mirror from the New 52 origin story inhabited by "Francesca" a kind of magical spirit who offers Billy answers from time to time. She doesn't appear in the movie, but it's good to know that she could.
- I can't tell if I was imagining some kind of golden lamp in there or not. I know I was desperately wishing for it to be Dr. Fate's helmet, but alas, I know this was not the case.
- All of the doors that the kids are trying to navigate seem to be like the doors to the Magiclands from the most recent Shazam! series.
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- One of those doors opens on a bunch of crocodile headed humanoids, which makes me think of Sobek, a crocodile creature who was first introduced as part of Mr. Mind's Monster Society of Evil, but got a modern update in DC's excellent weekly 52 series in 2006.
- Can someone explain the significance of what appears to be a burning violin in the Rock of Eternity? Because I am at a complete loss.
What about the tigers?
- Throughout the movie there’s a repeating tiger motif. Billy has a tiger patch on his backpack. Young Billy was trying to win a stuffed tiger at the carnival (and later hands a scared little girl one to hold on to). There are stuffed tigers visible in the toy store during the first fight with Sivana in the mall. If you look closely at the clasps on Shazam’s cape, they are embossed with tigers. Why is this? Well, tigers play a major role throughout Shazam history.
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All of this is a reference to Mr. Tawny, a talking tiger who was a friend to Billy and family. Yes, a talking tiger. Look, if Marvel Studios can make Rocket Raccoon a layered, convincing, sympathetic character, I demand to see Tawky Tawny in Shazam 2.
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The Family
So other than Billy Batson and Freddy Freeman, and Mary Bromfeld, the rest of the family includes Eugene Choi, Pedro Pena, and Darla Dudley. The latter three were introduced during DC's Flashpoint event, but had their proper introduction into the world of Shazam in the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank story that keeps getting mentioned in this piece. Their superheroic versions are perfect translations of what we see in that comic, too.
So...what are their superhero names? Ummmm...that hasn't been established yet. Freddy jokingly refers to himself as "King Shazam" once (remember the Elvis connection I mentioned up above?) but much about them still needs to be fleshed out. Each seems to embody specific qualities of the Shazam name, but they also seem to retain all of the other abilities as well. It's still a little murky, but all of this will probably be figured out by the time a sequel rolls around.
However, note Darla's last name: Dudley. In the comics, Billy had an Uncle Dudley (only an actual blood relation in the Shazam: The New Beginning era, the rest of the time he was just kind of a friendly fraud) who would watch over him and occasionally partake in adventures. Perhaps Darla's uncle will show up in a sequel, too.
- It's nice to see that Eugene immediately does a hadouken from the Street Fighter games and then makes a "fatality" Mortal Kombat joke.
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The Seven Deadly Sins
- The seven deadly sins are Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride, and Greed. Each of them has appropriate physical characteristics. Shazam! director David F. Sandberg cites the Demon Dogs from Ghostbusters as an influence in their design.
They've been around as cautionary statues since the very first Shazam story, but I believe the first time they were "set loose" as embodiments of the sins themselves was during The Power of Shazam era. And, like many things in this movie, Sivana commanding the sins was a key component of that New 52 origin story, as well.
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Black Adam
The champion who went bad that the Wizard refers to is Black Adam, who will be played by Dwayne Johnson in an upcoming DCEU movie. The character was created by Otto Binder and C.C. Beck in 1945, and was initially a one-off villain, who has since grown to not only be the most recognizable villain in the Shazam pantheon, but arguably is becoming more popular than the hero himself.
The sequence where the Wizard describes Adam's misdeeds also continues the tradition of having a stylish exposition sequence explaining a particular corner of the DCEU, which dates back to the Kryptonian history lesson in Man of Steel, and was seen again in Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and more.
- Freddy's room is like a shrine to the events of previous DCEU movies, including a recognizable batarang from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, bullets that have bounced off Superman's chest, and more. Adorning Freddy’s walls are various newspapers depicting superheroic moments. One is cut off and it says Cong-...something. Please god, let this be a Congorilla reference. More importantly, also visible on Freddy’s wall is a Daily Planet front page with the headline “Caped Wonder Stuns City Under Siege.” While that has clearly been adapted for DCEU purposes, in Superman: The Movie, it was “Caped Wonder Stuns City.”
- If you listen carefully when Billy wakes up on the subway in full costume, it sounds like someone in the background calls him "Superman." And speaking of Superman, the guy hassling/complimenting Billy on his superhero look reminds me of the guy from Superman: The Movie, who was the first person to see Christopher Reeve's Man of Steel in full costume. "Say, Jim...wooooo!"
- Speaking of Superman, Billy describes the sensation of bullets bouncing off him as “It kinda tickles.” That reminds me of the iconic cover of 1944's Superman #32 by Wayne Boring, where Supes declares "it tickles" as he's being struck by lightning. Lightning, hmmmm...probably not a coincidence.
- And, of course, that's the DCEU Superman costume made famous in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League...but it isn't Henry Cavill in the suit, unfortunately. At the moment, Cavill's future as Superman in the DCEU is unclear, but we're still holding out hope he'll come back. Don't hold your breath, though. Nevertheless, as Big Blue strolls into the cafeteria, you can hear the briefest hint of the classic John Williams Superman theme.
DCEU, DC Comics, and Other References
- Billy and the kids attend Fawcett Central, a reference to Fawcett Publications, who published Shazam comics for about the first 15 years of the characters' existence, and Fawcett City, where he operated out of. Although here, they call Philadelphia home. Why Philadelphia? Who knows? But the movie filmed under the working title of "Franklin," a reference to famous Philly resident (and American Founding Father) Benjamin Franklin, who had an affinity of his own for lightning.
- Can anyone make out what the book on Freddy’s desk is? Is it the David Graves book from the New 52 Justice League comics?
- Freddy makes reference to “Caped Crusader stuff” which is indeed a Batman thing. Interesting that a dated pop culture term like that still holds true in this world, and this (along with the fact that Batman has a toy line of his own) is a sign of how superheroes are viewed in the DCEU. The toys say "I'm Batman" (presumably in Kevin Conroy's voice), a line most famously uttered by Michael Keaton in the 1989 Tim Burton movie.
- When we meet Freddy, he is wearing an Aquaman shirt. That's pretty self explanatory. On the subject of Freddy's wardrobe, it appears that the Superman logo on his backpack is the New 52 logo, rather than the DCEU one.
- The magical and horror elements of the movie have a distinctly 1980s vibe. David F. Sandberg says that the look and feel of the Sins was inspired by the Demon Dogs in Ghostbusters. The stuff with the light under the door also feels like a Ghostbusters homage, and then Sivana’s lab assistant croaks, that is another Ghostbusters-esque death.
Of course, any time you put John Glover in a corporate setting, it brings Gremlins 2 to mind, and the gleeful (and horrific) mayhem that ensues during that scene feels like a slightly amped up Joe Dante horror comedy.
- The song that plays over the end credits is "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" as performed by the pride of Forest Hills, New York, The Ramones. It was written by the brilliant Tom Waits for his essential and disturbing Bone Machine album.
The Post Credits Scenes
- Sivana madly scrawling heiroglyphics and mumbling to himself in order to potentially open a magical doorway seems a little more in keeping with the semi-broken nature of the character from the original comics. But Mr. Mind coming to him in his moment of need is reminiscent both of the end of that New 52 origin story and the end of Shazam: The New Beginning. Basically, Sivana and Mr. Mind have teamed up plenty of times, so this is a great way to set up a sequel. Oh, you probably want to know who Mr. Mind is.
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- Mr. Mind is an extra-dimensional worm who feeds on brainwaves, and is capable of getting people to do his bidding. He first appeared in 1945 (created by the Shazam dream team of Otto Binder and C.C. Beck) and was actually the focal point of the first, long form serialized comic book storyline, "The Monster Society of Evil," which stretched out over two years of comics, at a time when most superhero stories were completely self contained. He was considered so dangerous that he was tried, convicted, and given the death penalty (hey, it was the '40s) and put to death in a tiny little worm-sized electric chair. Because comics are crazy but also the best.
In more recent years it was revealed that he was merely in his larval stage this entire time, and evolves into something called a hyperfly, capable of devouring the entire DC Multiverse (something he intended and attempted to do). Again, because comics are crazy/the best.
Anyway, I love that they even leaned into the tiny speaker hanging around his neck. And the voice of Mr. Mind? That would be Shazam! director David F. Sandberg again!
By the way, just as this movie was a nearly dead on adaptation of that Geoff Johns/Gary Frank story, the current ongoing Shazam! comic book series seems to be perfect fodder for a potential Shazam 2, with the kids exploring "The Magiclands" that can be accessed via the Rock of Eternity. 
- I don't really need to explain that Freddy is talking about the events from the end of Aquaman in that second scene, do I? No? Good.
So, did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter!
Mike Cecchini is the Editor in Chief of Den of Geek. You can read more of his work here. Follow him on Twitter @wayoutstuff.
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