audisamu · 4 years
character; iwaizumi hajime x reader
genre; fluff
wc; 1.7k
synopsis; when your local movie theatre announced that they would be running a one night only Godzilla movie marathon, you already knew you would be going with your boyfriend, Iwaizumi. What you didn’t account for was his date crashing friend who claimed he could ‘steal your man’. 
You went into your relationship with the knowledge of the odd interest your boyfriend had. When you had met him, you thought the only things you’d have to fight for his attention would be volleyball and Oikawa. You were sadly mistaken though, there was one more boss to fight before you could finally claim the status of “Iwa-chan’s favourite.” Godzilla was always present within your life. It was like you could never escape it. It had to be the worst during Iwaizumi’s birthday and Christmas. Anyone who knew him would get him something Godzilla related, gag gift or not. Even you gave in to the trend and bought him his signature Godzilla phone case.
All in all, he was a man who was obsessed with the scaly monster. You could never understand the hype but hey, if it made him happy, what were you to say? You’d only start having complaints if he started cuddling his Godzilla body pillow instead of you. 
When you saw the advertisement pop up on your Twitter line, you counted down the minutes until Iwaizumi started begging you frantically to go with him. In the end, it took him under ten minutes to be on his knees and ‘convincing’ you to go, aka bringing up the fact you’d get movie popcorn if you went. 
To be frank, you didn’t have any reservations about going in the first place. You knew how much your boyfriend would love for you to go and seeing him happy was all the reason you needed. When you could finally get a breath in between his flustered rambling, you ruffled his hair and agreed to go. 
On the day of the movie, you both woke up early. It was a Saturday morning, so neither of you had work and could sleep it fairly late. The movies would start just after five and would stretch until after midnight, so you knew it was better to dress with comfort in mind. 
Everything seemed fine when you left. You were sitting in the passenger seat and he was driving. It was usually a ten-minute drive to the theatre, so you scrolled through your phone for most of it. You started getting suspicions when you noticed that you were not going in direction of the theatre. You cast a side glance at Iwaizumi, who held no reaction at all and just kept his eyes on the road. You shrugged and figured he had made some sort of the wrong turn or thought he could take a shortcut that didn’t exist.
Unfortunately, by the time you pieced together what was happening, it was too late. It seemed the thought that this would be a date slipped your boyfriend’s mind and he thought it smart to invite his oblivious, albeit sweet, friend Oikawa. 
“Iwa-chan! I was worried you two had forgotten about me,” he walked to the car with a slight skip in his step. It reminded you of a little kid trying to waddle to their friends when they couldn’t yet stand on their own.
He slipped into the backseat of the car and leaned forward between Iwaizumi and yourself. He attempted to wrap his arms around both of your shoulders, but Iwaizumi gave him a stern look and he quickly went to sit down properly.
“Ah, finally the gang is back together. You shouldn’t keep your girlfriend from me, Iwa-chan!" You loved Oikawa’s company most days. He kept Iwaizumi on his toes and allowed you to see a different side of him. While Iwaizumi grounded Oikawa, the latter seemed to have the opposite effect. Oikawa could get Iwaizumi to loosen up more and relax. Sure, you could do so as well, but it wasn’t the same bond the two best friends had. 
You loved Oikawa’s company when you weren’t trying to have a romantic date night with Iwaizumi. You weren’t mad or anything, you were just kinda bummed that you wouldn’t be able to sneak a kiss from your boyfriend during the movie without Oikawa pointing it out or making some sort of ‘deal’ out of it. 
It took around fifteen minutes to get to the movie theatre and when you got there, Iwaizumi rushed out of the driver’s seat. You laughed under your breath and followed behind him towards the entrance. Both of you failed to notice the whining Oikawa behind you, telling you to wait up. Iwaizumi was too distracted with the thought of what movies they would play and in what order, while you were just taking up the rare sight of your boyfriend fanboying.
“Rude much. You were the one who invited me out, Iwa-chan! You should at least wait for me to get out of the car.” You thought of apologizing to Oikawa, but before you did, you noticed the mockingly playful smirk on his face. You sighed and turned back around to the building. Even after a year of dating, you still weren’t exactly accustomed to the humour the pair of best friends shared. On multiple occasions, before you got to know Iwaizumi and in turn Oikawa, you had genuinely misjudged their banter for fighting. It was only after you went to a meetup with some of their old team that you really ‘understood’ them. 
The warmth that hit you when you entered the building was a breath of fresh air, and you unzipped your jacket and put on your mask as soon as you could. You looked behind you to see the pair still ‘bickering’ between themselves, Oikawa claiming that he looked better in a mask that Iwaizumi did. You smiled at them and waited for them to catch up with you so you could get in line for tickets and popcorn. While you were still a bit irked at Iwaizumi for leading you to think this would be some romantic night, you were quick to forgiveness after seeing the look of pure joy painted on his face. 
“Three tickets for the Godzilla marathon, three medium popcorns, three medium drinks-” he paused, looking back to you and Oikawa to see what you wanted to drink. You asked for water and Oikawa told him to ‘surprise’ him- “Pepsi, seven up, and then water.” You watched Oikawa’s face contort in anger. You giggled silently along with Iwaizumi, who had a proud smirk dawning on his face. You knew the Pepsi was for him, he lived on the stuff even though he would yell at people he trained for drinking it, which meant the seven up was supposedly for Oikawa. The only problem with that was Oikawa despised seven up and any sort of sparkling water. Not that he didn’t like carbonated drinks, he just had some weird picky problem with the specific drink. Iwaizumi of course knew this and decided the few seconds of pride in his prank would outweigh Oikawa whining for the rest of the night. 
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re a sadist, Iwa-chan,” he turned to you, “I’m so sorry for you, y/n. It’s hard, isn’t it?” You blush at what Oikawa implies in his words and turn away to pick up your food and drink. While you walk away towards the theatre, you can hear Oikawa yelp and know that Iwaizumi gave him a good hit in the head. You loved Oikawa, as a friend of course, but you wondered how Iwaizumi was able to handle him for all his life. 
“They say that the movies will be going on until tomorrow. It shocks me how many movies were able to be made about one monster.” You make small talk on your way to your assigned theatre. You all find your seats easily as they’re all socially distanced and not many spaces are taken up. You settle down with Iwaizumi in the middle and you on his left, leaving Oikawa to his right. 
“If it gets scary you’ll hold me right, Iwa-chan?” Oikawa coos and sends you a wink over your boyfriend’s back. Now here was what you were expecting. You knew that Oikawa and Iwaizumi were only friends, and you that if he had to choose between Oikawa and yourself romantically, he’d pick you, but Oikawa still seemed to enjoy ‘making you jealous’ which had never worked in the slightest. 
“Sure, sure. Whatever you want.” He wasn't paying attention when he responded, but that didn’t seem to deter Oikawa, who smirked at you and winked playfully. You raised your eyebrows and went to respond, but as you did, the lights faded into darkness and the previews started playing. 
Throughout the first movie, everything was as normal. If there was an especially gory or ‘scary’ scene in the movie you’d hold on to Iwaizumi and Oikawa would do the same, earning a glare from him. As the second and third movie came around, you became impatient and went for another drink run for yourself and the boys. Oikawa begged you to get him a ‘drink that won’t poison me’ and you obliged. 
When you got back, you found Iwaizumi leaned forward in his seat and Oikawa leaning slightly onto his shoulder. You sighed and scooted past them as silently as you could. You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend who was now ignoring you for Godzilla and Oikawa of all people. 
When you finally reached the seventh movie of the night, and the last movie, it was a sight to behold. The two of them were leaning into each other on the edge of their seats, and it looked more like they were on a date than you. When the final credits rolled and the lights came back on you waited for the two to say something. It stayed quiet for a moment and you went ahead and clean up the trash. A few seconds after, you heard a high-pitched scream from Oikawa and a grunt from your boyfriend. 
You turn to see Oikawa halfway into the next row and Iwaizumi wide-eyed and looking back at you. “Why did you let me cuddle with that asshole?” he talked as if you had betrayed him in the front lines of battle and you couldn’t help let out the monstrous laugh you had been holding since the fifth movie, Shin Godzilla. 
“You know, if I knew this was going to be a date between you and Oikawa, I would have just stayed home," you tease. Iwaizumi brushes you off and turns with his garbage in hand (not including his best friend), and leaves a mentally wounded Oikawa and you still trying to contain your laughter. 
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