a5bar24 · 1 year
"بروج" للعربية: نبحث فرصا للتوسع دولياً عبر الاستحواذات
قال الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة “بروج” للبتروكيماويات، هزيم سلطان السويدي، إن نتائج “بروج” في الربع الأول من العام الحالي، تأثرت بانخفاض حجم الإنتاج، نتيجة أعمال الصيانة الدورية الشاملة المخطط لها، وتم إنجازها بالكامل وعودة المصانع للعمل بكامل طاقتها الإنتاجية. وأضاف السويدي، في مقابلة مع “العربية”، اليوم الجمعة، أن هناك تحسن في أسعار المنتجات وزيادة الطلب على منتجات الشركة. وتوقع العضو المنتدب،…
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everest-magazine · 2 years
لا أحد يُظهر خَيباتِه.
لا أحد يُظهر خَيباتِه.
كتبت: دنيا طايل.   لا أحدُ يُظهر خيباتِه،لا أحدُ يجعلنا نُشاهد جُروحَه بعد إنتهاء المعركة،جميعُنا نَحتفيَ بالنجاحُ دون أن نبحثُ كيف حدث؟ ولذلك إذا لم تكُن قادرًا علىٰ التقدير لا تنتقد.  
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saadelkhoubya · 7 months
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alewaanewspaper1960 · 2 years
رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان بمصر.. نبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء سوار إلكتروني (فيديو)
رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان بمصر.. نبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء سوار إلكتروني (فيديو)
رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان بمصر.. نبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء سوار إلكتروني (فيديو) قالت رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان في مصر مشيرة خطاب إنها ترصد حركة نشطة لتحسين أوضاع حقوق الإنسان. وأضافت خلال مشاركتها، السبت، في برنامج المسائية على الجزيرة مباشر أن السلطات تبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء “سوار إلكتروني” في اليد لإجراء مراقبة على الشخص المعني بذلك. والخميس، قالت…
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amereid1960 · 2 years
رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان بمصر.. نبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء سوار إلكتروني (فيديو)
رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان بمصر.. نبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء سوار إلكتروني (فيديو)
رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان بمصر.. نبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء سوار إلكتروني (فيديو) قالت رئيسة المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان في مصر مشيرة خطاب إنها ترصد حركة نشطة لتحسين أوضاع حقوق الإنسان. وأضافت خلال مشاركتها، السبت، في برنامج المسائية على الجزيرة مباشر أن السلطات تبحث بدائل للحبس الاحتياطي منها ارتداء “سوار إلكتروني” في اليد لإجراء مراقبة على الشخص المعني بذلك. والخميس، قالت…
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crookedfanparadise · 2 years
شركة نبحث عن مناديب الجنسية مصري فقط م
شركة نبحث عن مناديب الجنسية مصري فقط م
وظائف السعوديه – بدايه الخبر نحن شركة نبحث عن مناديب الجنسية مصري فقط مع الاحترام والتقدير لباقي الجنسيات داخل الرياض توزيع منتج للتواصل واتس 0500584789 المصدر : مطلوب وظيفه قسم وظائف السعوديه شركة نبحث عن مناديب الجنسية مصري فقط م بداية بدايتكم الصفحة الرئيسية
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itsziizou · 11 months
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أن نبحث عنَّا.. مرة أخرىٰ.
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simpforfandom231 · 2 months
Egyptian Vacation PT 1
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found this one in my drafts, also it's a multipart. Probably not my best but ah who cares, i just write for fun. Summary: Regina George and her girlfriend Y/N are on vacation in Egypt. Regina is being her icon self but learns to appreciate more not-luxury stuff. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regina George sauntered through the bustling streets of Cairo, her designer sunglasses perched atop her nose as she scanned the array of vendors lining the vibrant souks. Beside her, Y/N, her girlfriend, walked with purpose, her cargo pants swishing with each step and her sunglasses shielding her eyes from the Egyptian sun.
"Come on, Regina, let's check out the souks!" Y/N exclaimed, tugging at Regina's arm.
Regina rolled her eyes, her perfectly manicured nails tapping impatiently on her designer handbag. "Do we have to? It's so... dusty here."
Y/N chuckled, unfazed by Regina's typical attitude. "Trust me, you'll love it. It's where you find the real treasures of Cairo."
As they weaved through the maze of stalls, Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of a particular jewelry vendor adorned with gleaming golden rings.
"Regina, look at these rings! Aren't they stunning?" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Regina glanced at the rings with mild interest, her attention momentarily diverted from her meticulously planned itinerary.
"They're alright, I guess," Regina replied nonchalantly.
Y/N smirked, knowing Regina's penchant for luxury. "Alright? These are authentic Egyptian gold, Regina. Let's take a closer look."
With a sigh, Regina reluctantly followed Y/N to the vendor's stall. The vendor greeted both the girls and Y/n switched casually into fluent Arabic.
"أهلاً وسهلاً! كيف يمكنني مساعدتكم؟" (Welcome! How can I assist you?) The vendor asked.
Regina arched an eyebrow, impressed by Y/N's linguistic skills.
Y/N smiled warmly at the vendor. "نحن نبحث عن حلقات ذهبية لطيفة. هل لديك شيء توصي به؟" (We're looking for some nice golden rings. Do you have anything you'd recommend?)
The vendor's eyes lit up as he showcased an array of intricately designed golden rings, each one shimmering under the desert sun.
Regina examined the rings with newfound interest, her fingers delicately tracing the intricate patterns.
"These are actually quite lovely," Regina admitted, her tone tinged with surprise.
Y/N grinned triumphantly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Told you so, Regina. Now, let's see if we can strike a deal."
With Y/N's expert negotiation skills and Regina's keen eye for quality, the trio engaged in a spirited bargaining session, the air filled with laughter and camaraderie.
After much haggling, Regina finally selected a stunning golden ring, its design reminiscent of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
As they bid farewell to the vendor and continued their exploration of Cairo's enchanting souks, Regina couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected charm of the bustling marketplace, realizing that perhaps there was more to Egypt than meets the eye.
As Regina and Y/N meandered through the labyrinthine alleys of Cairo's souks, Y/N's eyes caught sight of a stall adorned with a dazzling array of necklaces, each one intricately crafted with colorful beads and shimmering gemstones.
"Regina, look at these necklaces! Aren't they gorgeous?" Y/N exclaimed, her fingers eagerly tracing the intricate designs.
Regina, still in her typical skeptical demeanor, eyed the necklaces with a raised eyebrow. "I suppose they're fine, if you're into that sort of thing."
Undeterred by Regina's lukewarm response, Y/N's excitement only seemed to grow as she sifted through the eclectic assortment of jewelry.
"Actually, I'm looking for something specific," Y/N mused, her eyes scanning the various necklaces.
Regina arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Y/N's sudden focus. "Oh? And what might that be?"
Y/N's lips curled into a mischievous grin as she explained, "I'm searching for necklaces with our names in Arabic. Wouldn't that be cool?"
Regina's skepticism only deepened at the suggestion. "I highly doubt they have anything like that here."
But Y/N was determined, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she turned to the vendor and addressed him in flawless Arabic.
"أريد أن أرى إذا كان لديك قلادات مخصصة بالأسماء بالعربية. هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟" (I want to see if you have customized necklaces with names in Arabic. Can you help me?)
The vendor's eyes widened in understanding, and with a nod, he disappeared into the depths of his stall, returning moments later with a small selection of personalized necklaces, each one adorned with intricate Arabic script.
Y/N's face lit up with delight as she examined the necklaces, her fingers tracing the elegant curves of the Arabic letters.
"These are perfect!" Y/N exclaimed, her excitement contagious.
Regina couldn't help but soften at the sight of Y/N's radiant smile, her heart warming at the thought of surprising her girlfriend with a meaningful gift.
With a decisive nod, Regina turned to the vendor and pointed to the two most exquisite necklaces, one bearing Y/N's name and the other Regina's, both elegantly crafted in shimmering gold.
"I'll take these," Regina declared, her voice leaving no room for argument.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as Regina handed over the payment, her heart swelling with love for her girlfriend.
"Regina, you didn't have to," Y/N protested, touched by the gesture.
But Regina simply smiled, a rare moment of genuine warmth gracing her features. "Consider it a gift from one queen bee to another."
As they wandered through the bustling streets of Cairo, the sunlight danced upon Y/N's new necklace, casting shimmering reflections against the ancient walls of the city. Y/N wore a wide grin, her eyes sparkling with joy as she admired the intricate design of her souvenir.
"Regina, look at this! Isn't it just divine?" Y/N exclaimed, twirling the pendant between her fingers.
Regina spared the necklace a brief glance, her expression unimpressed. "It's adequate, I suppose," she replied, her tone dripping with Regina George's signature brand of indifference.
Y/N's grin faltered slightly, her enthusiasm momentarily dampened by Regina's lackluster response. "Just adequate? Come on, Regina, it's amazing! Look at the craftsmanship!"
Regina rolled her eyes, unfazed by Y/N's disappointment. "It's just a necklace, Y/N. Let's not get carried away."
Y/N let out an exasperated sigh, her hunger beginning to gnaw at her stomach. "Well, fine. If you're not impressed by the necklace, maybe you'll be impressed by some delicious Egyptian street food!"
Regina arched an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Street food? Really, Y/N? I highly doubt it's up to my standards."
Y/N's frustration bubbled to the surface, her patience wearing thin. "Oh, come on, Regina! Can't you just let go for once and enjoy the experience? We're in Cairo, for crying out loud!"
Regina folded her arms across her chest, her resolve unyielding. "I didn't come all the way to Egypt to eat greasy street food, Y/N. I have standards, you know."
Y/N's annoyance peaked, her eyes flashing with irritation. "Well, I'm hungry, Regina. And I refuse to let your snobbish attitude ruin my appetite!"
With that, Y/N stormed off in search of food, leaving Regina standing alone on the crowded street. Regina watched her go, a flicker of guilt tugging at her conscience.
Maybe she had been too harsh on Y/N. After all, it was her enthusiasm and spontaneity that had drawn Regina to her in the first place.
Regina sighed softly, her resolve wavering. With a resigned shrug, she followed after Y/N, determined to make amends and salvage what remained of their day in Cairo.
Y/N stormed off in search of food, her frustration still simmering as she approached a bustling food stand nestled amidst the labyrinthine streets of Cairo. Ignoring the curious stares of passersby, she focused on the array of mouthwatering dishes displayed before her.
"مرحبًا! ماذا لديك اليوم؟" (Hello! What do you have today?) Y/N asked the vendor in fluent Arabic, her determination clear in her voice.
The vendor grinned, impressed by Y/N's command of the language. "لدينا كل شيء! فلافل، وكباب، وفول، وأكثر!" (We have everything! Falafel, kebabs, ful, and more!)
Y/N's stomach growled in anticipation as she placed her order, the tantalizing aromas wafting through the air. Meanwhile, Regina hovered in the background, torn between her stubbornness and her desire to make things right with Y/N.
After a moment's hesitation, Regina approached Y/N, her demeanor unusually sheepish. "Y/N, I... I'm sorry," she muttered, her pride barely allowing the words to escape her lips.
Y/N turned to face Regina, her expression guarded. "Regina, I just want to enjoy our vacation and experience everything Cairo has to offer. Can you at least try to put aside your snobbishness for once?"
Regina's facade cracked, a flicker of vulnerability betraying her usual confidence. "I know, Y/N. I'm just... I'm used to a certain lifestyle, but that's no excuse for being dismissive of your wants and needs."
Y/N softened at Regina's admission, her frustration melting away. "I know you're used to luxury, Regina. But I'm not. And that's okay. As long as we're together, I'm happy."
With a small smile, Regina nodded, a weight lifting off her shoulders. "I promise to try to be more open-minded, Y/N. After all, what's the point of traveling if you don't experience new things?"
Y/N grinned, her heart swelling with affection for Regina. "Exactly! Now, let's dig into this delicious street food and make the most of our time in Cairo."
As they finished their meal, Regina turned to Y/N with a smile, ready to make amends and continue their Cairo adventure. "So, babe, what do you want to do next?"
Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement. "Let's go look for more souvenirs in the souks! I want to find something special to remember our trip by."
Regina hesitated, her Regina George instincts kicking in. "More souvenirs? Honestly, Y/N, how many trinkets do you need?"
Y/N's expression fell, hurt evident in her eyes. "You're being snobbish again, Gina. Can't you see how much this means to me?"
Regina's pride softened as she realized her mistake. "I'm sorry, Y/N. You're right. Let's go back to the souks."
Together, they made their way back to the bustling market, the air filled with the sounds of vendors hawking their wares and bargaining with customers. Regina's eyes sparkled as she spotted a display of bracelets adorned with sparkling diamonds.
"Oh, Gina, look at these!" Y/N exclaimed, pointing to the bracelets.
Regina's gaze lingered on the glittering jewels, her heart fluttering with desire. "They're gorgeous, aren't they?"
Y/N's heart sank as she realized she couldn't afford such extravagant gifts for Regina. She felt a flush of embarrassment wash over her, knowing Regina's wealth far surpassed her own.
"Yeah, they're beautiful," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with longing.
Regina sensed Y/N's discomfort and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it, babe. You don't have to buy me anything."
But Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy. "I know, Gina. But I want to. I just... I can't afford it."
Regina's heart swelled with affection for Y/N, her love for her girlfriend eclipsing any desire for material possessions. "That's okay, Y/N. You being here with me is more than enough."
As Regina and Y/N made their way back to their hotel, Y/N couldn't shake the nagging thoughts swirling in her mind. Regina had chosen the hotel, a luxurious establishment befitting her status, and Regina had paid for it without a second thought.
Regina, oblivious to Y/N's inner turmoil, sauntered ahead with her usual confidence, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the day's adventures. "Wasn't that fun, babe?" she asked, flashing Y/N a bright smile.
Y/N forced a smile in return, though her insecurities gnawed at her. "Yeah, it was great," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.
Regina noticed the change in Y/N's demeanor and paused, concern furrowing her brow. "Hey, what's wrong, Y/N? You seem... distant."
Y/N hesitated, unsure how to voice her feelings without coming across as petty or jealous. "It's just... I hate that I can't spoil you the way you spoil me, Regina."
Regina's expression softened, her heart aching at Y/N's words. "Oh, Y/N, don't be silly. I love spoiling my girl. It brings me joy to see you happy."
But Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that plagued her. "I know, Regina. But sometimes I can't help but feel... inadequate. Like I'm not good enough for you."
Regina's heart broke at the vulnerability in Y/N's voice. She wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "Y/N, you are more than enough for me. Your love, your laughter, your companionship – they mean more to me than any material possessions."
Y/N leaned into Regina's embrace, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the girl who had stolen her heart. "I know, Gina. I just need to remind myself sometimes."
Regina pressed a gentle kiss to Y/N's forehead, her love for her girlfriend shining through. "I'll remind you every day if I have to, babe. You're my everything, Y/N."
In the luxurious suite of their hotel, Y/N bounced with excitement as she rummaged through her suitcase, searching for her favorite bikini.
"Regina, I want to go for a swim! The pool on the rooftop looks amazing," Y/N exclaimed, holding up her bikini triumphantly.
Regina lounged on the plush sofa, sipping on a cocktail with an air of elegance. "Why swim when you can lay here with me and enjoy some drinks?" she suggested, a playful glint in her eye.
Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing Regina's preference for lounging over physical activity. "Come on, Regina. It'll be fun! And you can still sunbathe while I swim."
Regina's gaze flickered to Y/N's bikini-clad figure, her breath catching in her throat. "Uh, y-yeah, sure. That sounds... fine," she stuttered, her eyes unable to tear away from Y/N's enticing curves.
As Y/N slipped into her bikini, Regina couldn't help but admire the way the fabric hugged her girlfriend's figure. With a flush creeping into her cheeks, Regina quickly retrieved her own designer bikini, determined not to be outdone.
Soon, they made their way to the hotel pool on the roof, the sun beating down on them as they found a pair of lounge chairs. Regina reclined in hers, a magazine in hand, while Y/N wasted no time diving into the crystal-clear water.
Regina watched Y/N's graceful strokes through her sunglasses, unable to tear her gaze away. She sighed softly, her thoughts consumed by the sight of her girlfriend's beauty.
Meanwhile, Y/N pretended not to notice Regina's lingering gaze, enjoying the opportunity to tease her girlfriend. With exaggerated splashes and playful flips, she put on a show, reveling in the attention she knew she was receiving.
Regina bit her lip, her resolve wavering as Y/N's playful antics tested her self-control. She cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure as she pretended to flip through her magazine.
But as Y/N emerged from the water, her hair glistening in the sunlight, Regina's facade crumbled. With a longing look in her eyes, she reached out to Y/N, her heart pounding with desire.
"Y/N, come here," Regina murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
As Y/N emerged from the pool, droplets of water cascading down her glistening skin, she couldn't resist teasing Regina a little more. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she approached Regina's lounge chair.
"Careful, Gina. I wouldn't want to ruin your designer clothes with my wet bikini," Y/N teased, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.
Regina's breath hitched at the sight of Y/N's playful demeanor, her heart pounding in her chest. She struggled to maintain her composure as desire simmered beneath the surface.
Y/N's teasing only fueled Regina's desire, and she found herself growing more worked up by the second. With a daring grin, Y/N reached behind her back and began to unhook her bikini top, all while maintaining eye contact with Regina.
Regina's eyes widened in shock as Y/N's bikini top fell away, leaving her bare chest exposed to the warm Egyptian sun. Regina's gaze lingered on Y/N's tantalizing curves, her breath catching in her throat.
Y/N couldn't help but smirk at Regina's stunned expression, reveling in the power she held over her girlfriend. "Oops, looks like I lost my top," she teased, her voice dripping with mischief.
Regina's mind raced with desire as she watched Y/N's bare chest, her thoughts consumed by the intoxicating sight before her. Unable to resist any longer, Regina reached out and pulled Y/N onto her lap, their bodies pressed together in an intimate embrace.
"Y/N," Regina murmured, her voice husky with desire. "You drive me crazy, you know that?"
Y/N grinned, feeling a surge of triumph at Regina's admission. "I know, Gina. But it's all part of the fun, isn't it?"
Regina's lips trailed along Y/N's bare chest, sending shivers down her spine as they lingered on her skin. Y/N relished in the sensation, knowing exactly how worked up Regina was becoming.
Regina's dominance asserted itself as she pressed Y/N closer, her hands roaming freely over her girlfriend's body. Y/N smirked, knowing she had Regina right where she wanted her.
With a playful glint in her eye, Y/N began to grind against Regina, feeling the heat between them ignite. Regina, caught up in the moment, responded eagerly, her kisses growing more urgent with each passing moment.
Between heated kisses, Regina murmured, "Y/N, we're still at the pool," a reminder of their public surroundings.
But Y/N couldn't resist teasing Regina a little longer. With a sly grin, she pulled away and slipped into the water, the cool embrace a welcome contrast to their heated exchange.
Regina, not one to be outdone, followed suit, diving into the pool with a graceful splash. Y/N watched with amusement as Regina emerged from the water, her hair slicked back and her bikini clinging to her curves.
"Enjoying the view, Gina?" Y/N teased, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
Regina rolled her eyes, but the playful banter only fueled her desire for Y/N. With a determined gleam in her eye, she reached out and grabbed Y/N by the waist, pulling her close once again.
Y/N wrapped her legs around Regina's waist, their bodies pressed together in a passionate embrace. But their intimate moment was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of two men at the pool.
Caught off guard, Y/N and Regina quickly released each other, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment as they tried to compose themselves.
"Um, hi there," Y/N stammered, attempting to act casual despite the obvious tension in the air.
Regina cleared her throat, her composure returning as she nodded politely at the newcomers. "Hello," she said, her voice regaining its usual confidence.
As Regina and Y/N practically sprinted back to their suite, the anticipation crackled between them, fueling their desire with every step. Regina's pulse raced with excitement, her senses heightened by the prospect of being alone with Y/N.
With a swift motion, Regina slammed Y/N against the wall as soon as they entered the room, the sound echoing through the air. Y/N gasped in surprise, her heart pounding in her chest as Regina's lips crashed against hers in a fervent kiss.
Regina wasted no time in making quick work of their clothes, her hands roaming hungrily over Y/N's body. Y/N moaned in response, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through her veins.
Regina's dominance surged forth as she pressed Y/N against the wall, her possessive grip leaving no room for escape. Y/N surrendered willingly, lost in the heat of the moment as Regina's touch ignited a fire within her.
As Regina entered Y/N with two fingers, Y/N couldn't help but cry out in pleasure, the sound echoing throughout the room. Regina growled in response, reveling in the power she held over her girlfriend.
Y/N teased and taunted Regina, her voice laced with desire as she egged her on. Regina's passion burned bright as she took control, her movements becoming more urgent with each passing moment.
With a primal roar, Y/N begged for more, her body writhing with pleasure beneath Regina's touch. Regina praised her girlfriend's voracious appetite, fueling Y/N's desire for more.
Their love making reached a fever pitch, the intensity building with every thrust and every gasp. And as they reached the pinnacle of pleasure together, they were consumed by the raw, unbridled passion that bound them together.
In the aftermath, they lay entwined in each other's arms, their bodies slick with sweat and their hearts still racing with adrenaline. Regina pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead, her love for her girlfriend overflowing.
"Y/N, you're amazing," Regina whispered, her voice filled with awe and adoration.
Y/N smiled, her heart overflowing with love for the girl who had stolen her heart. "And you, Regina, are everything to me."
As they caught their breath after their passionate encounter, Regina gently pulled away from Y/N, a soft smile gracing her lips.
"We should get ready for dinner," Regina suggested, her voice tinged with lingering desire.
Y/N nodded, reluctantly pulling herself away from Regina's embrace. "Yeah, you're right. I'll go take a quick shower."
Regina watched as Y/N disappeared into the bathroom, a sense of longing gnawing at her insides. She couldn't help but admire the way Y/N's body moved with effortless grace, even in the simple act of walking away.
While Y/N showered, Regina busied herself with selecting the perfect outfit for dinner. She rifled through her suitcase, eventually settling on a stunning designer dress that hugged her curves in all the right places.
As she slipped into the dress, Regina couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence wash over her. She knew she looked good, and she was determined to make heads turn when she walked into that restaurant.
Meanwhile, Y/N emerged from the bathroom, clad in a seductive red dress that left little to the imagination. The slit up the side showcased her toned legs, drawing Regina's gaze like a magnet.
Regina's jaw practically hit the floor as she took in Y/N's appearance, her mouth hanging open in awe. She tried to form words, but all that escaped her lips were incoherent stammers and drools.
Y/N chuckled at Regina's reaction, her confidence boosted by the effect she had on her girlfriend. "Like what you see, Gina?" she teased, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
Regina finally managed to regain her composure, though her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. "Y-yes, you look stunning, Y/N," she managed to stutter out, her voice barely above a whisper.
As Y/N began to apply her makeup, Regina couldn't resist getting handsy, her fingers trailing lightly over Y/N's exposed skin. But Y/N gently pushed her away, reminding her of the task at hand.
"Regina, we need to get ready," Y/N scolded playfully, though there was a hint of urgency in her voice.
Regina pouted but relented, knowing that Y/N was right. With one last lingering glance at her girlfriend, she busied herself with finishing her own preparations, eager to show Y/N off to the world.
As Y/N finished her makeup, she turned to Regina with a smile. "Hey, Regina, which color lipstick should I wear? Red or nude?"
Regina, still slightly flustered from Y/N's earlier display, glanced at her girlfriend with a critical eye. "Hmm, I think nude would complement your dress better," she replied, her tone matter-of-fact.
Y/N nodded in agreement, reaching for the nude lipstick and carefully applying it to her lips. "Thanks, Gina," she said, flashing Regina a grateful smile.
Meanwhile, Regina slipped into a pair of high heels, the click-clack of her shoes echoing through the room. As she reached for her jewelry box, her eyes fell on the Arabic name necklace that Y/N had teased her about earlier.
With a begrudging sigh, Regina picked up the necklace, feeling a pang of guilt for dismissing Y/N's enthusiasm earlier. She fastened it around her neck, the gold glinting in the soft light of the room.
Y/N's eyes lit up with mischief as she caught sight of the necklace. "Well, well, well, look what we have here," she teased, a playful smirk playing on her lips.
Regina rolled her eyes, though there was a hint of amusement in her expression. "Oh, hush, Y/N. It's just a necklace," she retorted, though her tone lacked its usual bite.
But Y/N couldn't resist teasing Regina a little more. With a sly grin, she reached for the name necklace she had spotted earlier at the souks, slipping it around her own neck with a flourish.
"There, now we match!" Y/N exclaimed, striking a pose and admiring herself in the mirror.
Regina couldn't help but chuckle at Y/N's antics, her heart swelling with affection for her playful girlfriend. "You're impossible, Y/N," she said fondly, shaking her head in mock exasperation.
As Regina adorned herself with diamond bracelets and the golden rings Y/N had purchased earlier, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Despite Regina's initial reluctance, she had embraced the souvenirs with open arms, a testament to the bond they shared.
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rooh-elhaya · 1 month
سيبعث الله لك سحابة رحمة ولطف .. ويُنبت في قلبك زهرًا من فرح
دائماً هناك أمل جديد في كل صباح .. وفرصة تبحث عنا كما نبحث نحن عنها
دائماً هناك أمل .. وأملنا في الله كبير
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صباح الأمل🪴
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pippo99 · 2 months
نحن لا نبحث عن أحدٌ يشبهنا فنحن نعشق أنفسنا
ولا نبحث عن أحد يكملنا فما بنا من نقص لنكمله
نحن نبحث عن أحد يهتم بنا و يشاركنا لحظاتنا السعيده و يواسينا في أحزاننا .
نبحث عن من نكمل معه طريق الحياه يكون لنا السكينه في وسط كل ها الصخب و الضجيج المحيط بنا.
نبحث عن ملجأ أمان يكون لنا الحصن وسط ثوره الأيام.
نبحث عن لحظات سعاده مغموره بالحب الذي يروي عطش المشتاق.
إنها المشاركه و الؤلفه و الونس هي ما نبحث عنه دائما
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vitamin-amr · 18 days
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‏‎الإهتمام لا يعني كثرة الاسئلة ، الإهتمام إحساس صادق يلامس من نهتم بهم في الخفاء يجعلنا نفكر ، نشتاق ، ندعي ، نبحث ، ونقلق ولو كان من بعيد !💚!
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free0spirit · 2 months
نحن نبحث دائماً عن الخير في الناس
شرهم سيظهرونه بأنفسهم ⁦♡
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sara-yakout · 3 months
أين تذهب الوعود عندما تُخلف؟
ماذا يحدث للحب عندما تنفطر القلوب؟
ما مصير الحقيقة التي مُنحت مرة لكاذب؟
نفقدها كلها لأجل آخر
ثم نبحث عنها لاحقًا
لبذلها من جديد؛
هكذا - ثانية - تبدأ رحلة الأصدقاء
الذين يصيرون عشاقًا
ثم أعداء بحلول الختام.
تريستا ماتيير - ترجمة ضي رحمي
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lifephilosophys-blog · 4 months
في صباح اليوم العاشر من أبريل عام 1912، غرقت سفينة تيتانك في أعماق المحيط الأطلسي بعدما اصطدمت بجبل جليدي. واليوم، نجد أنفسنا في حالة مماثلة، وكأننا ركاب على متن سفينة حياة تتحول ببطء نحو الغرق.
نحن نستمتع بلحظاتنا في المقاهي والمطاعم، نخوض في عوالم الحب والعواطف، ونحتفل بمناسباتنا كما فعل ركاب تيتانك قبل الكارثة. ولكن نحن أيضاً ندرك الخطر الذي نواجهه، لكن ببطء شديد، ونحن ندرك أن الخطر يتسلل إلينا ببطء أكبر من الذي كان عليه ركاب تيتانك.
هل سنغرق أم سنتماسك؟ هل سنحاول النجاة أم سنستسلم لليأس؟ هذه هي الأسئلة التي تدور في ذهننا وتدق في قلوبنا وكأننا نحاول البحث عن حلاً لهذه الوضعية المأساوية.
في الواقع، يوجد اليوم من يغرق ومن يصمد. هناك أولئك الذين ينكسرون تحت وطأة الضغوط ويستسلمون للظروف الصعبة، وهناك من يبقى قوياً وصامداً حتى في أصعب الظروف.
إن غرقنا في هذه الأوضاع المشابهة لغرق تيتانك يتطلب منا أن نكون واعين وحذرين، يجب أن نبقى هادئين وصامدين في وجه التحديات التي تواجهنا.
نعم، الوضع قد يبدو مثل طفو الماء الهادئ الذي يتكسر تحت وطأة الظروف الصعبة، لكن يجب علينا أن نكون صامدين مثل الصخر في وسط البحر المضطرب. علينا أن نتحلى بالصبر والإيمان ونواجه هذا الوضع بكل قوتنا وصلابتنا.
من الضروري أن نحاول الصمود رغم بطء الحركة ورغم الظروف الصعبة، يجب أن نستمد القوة من داخلنا ونثق بأننا قادرون على التغلب على أي شيء يعوقنا.
لنكن كمن صمدوا على متن تيتانك، ليس لنشر احزان والملامة، بل لنكن مصدراً للأمل والقوة. ليس لنطلب النجاة فقط، بل لنكن جزءًا من الحل الذي نبحث عنه.
من يغرق هو من يفقد الأمل ويستسلم للتيارات السلبية التي تجره نحو اليأس، أما من صمد فهو الذي يستمر في النضال والتصدي للمصاعب رغم بطء الحركة والظروف القاسية.
في النهاية، لن يكون الأمر مجرد مقارنة بين غرق تيتانك وواقعنا، بل سيكون اختباراً حقيقياً لقدرتنا على التكيف والصمود. نحن بحاجة إلى أن نكون اقوياء ومصممين، وأن نظل مصدراً للأمل لأنفسنا وللآخرين.
لذلك، دعونا نكون كمن صمدوا على متن تيتانك، ولنستمر في النضال والتصدي للصعاب، لاستعادة الأمل والبناء على الرغم من بطء الحركة والظروف الصعبة.
On the morning of April 10, 1912, the Titanic sank to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean after colliding with an iceberg. Today, we find ourselves in a similar situation, as if we are passengers on a ship of life slowly sinking.
We enjoy moments in cafes and restaurants, delve into the worlds of love and emotions, and celebrate our occasions just as the Titanic passengers did before the tragedy. Yet, we also realize the danger we are facing, but very slowly, we understand that the peril is creeping upon us more slowly than it did for the Titanic passengers.
Will we keep on drowning, or will we hold on? Will we try to survive, or will we give in to despair? These are the questions that spin in our minds and beat in our hearts as if we are trying to find a way out of this tragic situation.
In reality, today, there are those who are drowning, and there are those who endure. There are those who crumble under pressure and succumb to challenging circumstances, and there are those who remain strong and resilient even in the most difficult of times.
Our sinking in these Titanic-like circumstances requires us to be aware and cautious. We must remain calm and resolute in the face of the challenges ahead of us.
Yes, the situation may seem like the calm water breaking under the pressure of difficult circumstances, but we must remain firm as a rock in the midst of the stormy sea. We must be patient and have faith and confront this situation with all our strength and steadfastness.
It is necessary that we strive to endure despite the slow progress and the difficult circumstances. We must draw strength from within and believe that we are capable of overcoming anything that hinders us.
Let us be like those who endured on the Titanic, not to spread sorrow and blame, but to be a source of hope and strength. Let us not just seek survival, but be a part of the solution we are looking for.
Those who drown are those who lose hope and succumb to the negative currents that pull them towards despair, while those who endure are the ones who continue to struggle and confront the hardships despite the slow progress and harsh conditions.
In the end, it won't just be a comparison between the sinking of the Titanic and our reality, but a real test of our ability to adapt and endure. We need to be strong and determined, and remain a source of hope for ourselves and others.
Therefore, let us be like those who endured on the Titanic, and let us continue to struggle and confront the hardships, to regain hope and build despite the slow progress and difficult circumstances.
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riyads-world · 5 months
صباح الخير ..
سيبعث الله لك سحابة رحمة ولطف، ويُنبت في قلبك زهرًا من فرح ..
دائماً هناك أمل جديد في كل صباح .. وفرصة تبحث عنا كما نبحث نحن عنها ..
دائماً هناك أمل .. وأملنا في الله كبير
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muha-mmed · 4 months
حاجة الإنسان دائمة عن دافع للاستمرار، نحن نبحث عن أمور تجعلنا نقاوم الملل والضجر الذي نقع فيه خلال سعينا وبحثنا.. ولا أنفع للمسلم أن يجعل الآخرة وما أُعدّ له من نعيم هي الوجهة والهدف الأول، هذا الدافع الذي لا يخيب ولا يضيع فيه الأجر، هذا الذي يجعلنا نسعي بلل ملل أو ضجر.
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