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enden-k · 2 days
Do you like scar's old or new design more?
WAIT THEY GOT RID OF HIS PUSSY ZIPPER??????? bro its truly the end of the world no way they did that im going to cry fr here
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pompomoo · 3 days
The mental image of Nat's reaction to Bart wearing those shirts 😂
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I think Nat would be greatly confused (space Nat).
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moodymisty · 3 days
Please feel free to judge me for this ask because I can’t believe I’m sending this but, what primarchs/40k characters in general do u think would have a thing for spanking?
My friend, I just posted Typhus smut I have zero ability to judge you for this. Here are my picks and reasoning.
Horus: Because he's the primo sugar daddy
Lorgar: This man gets off on punishment and that doesn't just include himself
Vulkan: You have to beg him/heavily imply, but once you convince him he realizes he's massively down. Forge Father doesn't allow for disobedience
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panic-flavored · 11 hours
imagine them when they learn how to crawl and start getting into all sorts of shenanigans in Robotnik's lab 😂
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It's just basically this
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futurelabs · 2 days
Hi! How are you? I really love your sim style and I've been quite a fan of your gameplays 😊💕 I was hoping you could help me with something specific.
So, I'm looking for a female sim who works in a café/bakery. As her job suggests, she's sweet and lovely on the outside, but she's also got a hardcore side. She's the perfect mix of sugar and spice: adorably cute with a fierce and independent personality.
She might love baking cookies, but she's also not afraid to stand up for herself or take on a challenge.
I hope I didn't get to carried away! Thank you 😊
Katie Pitts for @enchanting-whim
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erabu-san · 2 days
HI ERABU!! FREMILLEI ANON HERE!! (Not here to talk about fremillei ironically lol)
Sorry about your trouble with Cyno and Tighnari :( I totally get the frustration of just seeing something as a cute friendship and having 90% of the fandom see them as romantic.
We live in a society (the genshin fandom). Us platonic Cyno and Tighnari enjoyers have to stick together✊
With that being said, I've been kinda on a Collei and Tighnari brainrot the past few weeks sooo, hope you don't mind if I ramble about them👀
Can I just say, how much I adore their dynamic. Whether it's father/daughter or big brother/little sister, they're so sweet and care about each other so much🥹 On Collei's side, besides Amber, Tighnari was one of the first people she's ever opened up to, or has felt comfortable around. He's so kind and patient with her and she's really grateful for it!! (Her relationship with Cyno is similar but I do think it was a little awkward at first since Cyno reminded her of her past...)
And on Tighnari's side, well, at first he saw her as a student. But he immediately felt this...urge to help her. Like she had been through so much, and he felt like he had to try and help her in some way. (You brother comes in at the middle of the night asking you to take care of this random traumatized child wyd). He enjoyed getting to know her, and teaching her. And he felt such a strong sense of pride when she gets a good grade in a test, or is able to write something coherently. Overtime, he got to see more of her, more of her personality and quirks, and he developed so much affection for her, treating her like he would a little sister💞
I do think that maybe Collei has trouble talking to him about things. Maybe since she's scared of being judged (she knows he wouldn't, but the feeling is still there). So she ended venting to trees. I like to imagine one day, Tighnari was looking for her when he overheard her talking to a tree. At first he was like "why is she doing that??" But decided to leave since he didn't wanna eavesdrop. But then, he caught her talking about HIM.
"Master Tighnari is so patient and kind with me... I know he would never judge me, or make me feel bad. But...I still find it hard to talk to him. He's usually busy...I don't wanna bother him."
And that just broke his heart :( He wanted Collei to feel comfortable talking to him, he WANTED her to come to him whenever she had a problem. He left, but after that, he would subtly encourage her to talk to him if she needed to, reminding her that she wasn't a bother or anything like that, and that he cared about her. And it made her happy to hear!! And she slowly started coming to him more often!!
Also SLIGHT fremillei (I'm sorry I can't escape the chokehold they have on me) I picture this scene, where after Collei finds out about Freminet being apart of the Fatui, Collei immediately runs home, so many emotions going through her head. Hurt, fear, guilt- she's so overwhelmed. She arrives back and while she's passing by Tighnari's house (house? Cottage?? What do you call those?😭) he calls out to her, noticing something's wrong. She stops, and looks at Tighnari, breathing heavy from running. She doesn't know where to begin, what she should tell him, IF she should tell him. But, she looks at him, looks at the concern on his face, and runs towards him and hugs him tightly, sobbing into his chest. Tighnari is confused, but he doesn't question it, and immediately wraps his arms around her.
"It's okay...I'm here."
I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK BUT THEY'VE BEEN ON MY BRAIN. I feel like not a lot of people talk about them alone, which kinda sucks since their relationship is so sweet :(
Again, sorry to bombarde you with the long ask😭 You art is beautiful, and I love hearing your genshin Sumeru headcanons. Thank you for listening to my rambles. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself!! <3
Anon you have such a big brain and I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT 🫵
Oh the part when Collei hugs Tighnari and he is just saying that he is here
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critter-of-habit · 3 days
I'm drawing a face that's tilted and looking down, and i cannot get the eyes to line up right! I made a face guide and have a reference and looks so lopsided! any advice? you draw so many different poses beautifully!
Oh that's a tricky angle! At this stage of your efforts (and you're doing everything right!) I'd recommend overlaying your drawing on the reference and then you can move the eyes to line up correctly - it's not "cheating" to do this and honestly it'll help you learn in the long run as you'll remember the positioning for next time (and you can move on with the rest of the drawing without getting frustrated af!)
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st-just · 1 day
hi any life advice for 25yo who did spend their early 20s in a depressive fugue state but atleast has savings
The life lesson I am very painfully learning here and now is that if you are going to sign a lease with a strange off the internet you must be absolutely ruthless about their ability and willingness to pay rent and their share of utilities. Would not recommend the alternative lol.
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ms--lobotomy · 3 days
Why is Vulkan Lights off Missionary?
He was right after Lorgar and I thought it'd be funny
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stromuprisahat · 2 days
About the post about homosexuality in the world of Shadow and Bone. So apparently homophobia doesn't exist in a world full of racism and bigotry? The Grishas are the worst at it, but not the only ones hit. I mean, the suli, the Shu, etc. The series even added racism to Alina's Shu origin. With a universe so charged with discrimination, am I supposed to believe that homosexuality is fully tolerated there? The joke. It makes more sense if it's something that doesn't matter to grishas. Moreover, according to my memories, in the books, the grishas of the little palace are supposed to support themselves regardless of their origins, it seems to me. I mean, there are grishas from Fjerda and Shu Han who come to Ravka for refuge. Logic. One of the reasons why Zoya's racist comment on Alina in episode 3 of season 1 is completely stupid. She has literally been trained since childhood by Botkin!
(The post mentioned.)
Absolutely agree on implausibility of such state of matters in general. When there's hatred towards other nations and cultures, religious bigotry, sexism, whatever you'd call the complex issue of fear and homicidal animosity towards Grisha... but sexual preferences of less than every tenth person aren't good enough reason for ostracism?
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My doylist explanation is the show creators probably didn't want to draw attention away from their amazing half-Shu MC's hardships, back in the day, when they DID play the racist card. LB might have simply forgotten there are gay people, when she was writing the first book and remembered just in time to add some into the second one to collect cash kudos from LGBTs too.
Zoya's racism is hardly OOC. She's first and foremost better than everyone.
“... The Corporalki are the highest-ranking Grisha and should lead the Second Army.” “According to you, bloodletter.” As soon as I heard that silky voice, I knew who it belonged to, but my heart still lurched when I caught sight of her raven’s wing hair. Zoya stepped through the crowd of Etherealki, her lithe form swathed in blue summer silk that made her eyes glow like gems—disgustingly long-lashed gems.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 13
Zoya swept me into an embrace. “It’s such an honor to finally meet the Sun Summoner,” she said loudly. But as she hugged me she whispered, “You stink of Keramzin.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 11
“I could watch him all day,” said a voice behind me. I stiffened. Zoya was standing there. Even in the heat, she never seemed to sweat. “You don’t think he stinks of Keramzin?” I asked, remembering the vicious words she had once spoken to me. “I find the lower classes have a certain rough appeal. You will let me know when you’re through with him, won’t you?”
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
She's in no position to mock Alina's origin in book, she's in no position to use otkazat'sya slur against another Grisha... I don't think making her Suli would prevent her from insulting Alina's bright new mixed heritage.
It's such an honor to formally meet you. You stink of the orphanage, half-breed.
Shadow and Bone- 01×03: The Making at the Heart of the World
She might be Botkin's star pupil, but that doesn't mean Alina's not half-Shu trash.
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 4 months
i love love love your chubby miku because she looks just like me!! i've wanted to cosplay miku for YEARS but was afraid to becuase all the cosplayers i've seen were/are all skinny + it seems like you have to look a certain way to cosplay specific characters. your fat miku has given me the confidence i needed to try cosplaying her in the near future!! i feel so represented by her, thank you so much and keep being awesome!!!
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Miku is for everyone. I love love seeing anyone cosplaying Miku. The thing about Miku is that she can be anything you want. You can cosplay any Miku because Miku is Miku. Please do cosplay her as you want! Cosplay and have fun!
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enden-k · 3 days
please tell me it's not only me that felt some sort of flirting was occurring between scar and rover in the destroyed village.
and is it only me who really really wanted to join scar? like really really really???
youre not the only one, scar is absolutely flirting w rover and a bit obsessed w them kjbkjjksdb
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
why are you celebrating someone's death?
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moodymisty · 2 days
Guilliman isn’t into spanking. He’s into being spanked. We all know the ultramarines didn’t get those dumptruck asses from nowhere, lay that man down on his work table and start doing boxing moves on that wedding cake of a butt. It’s not like he’d sustain any permanent damage from it either, you’re free to go to town on those vacuum sealed bowling balls all night
Guilliman is just having a conversation with a few members of his legion out of his armor, and you walk up to him and spank that man's ass so hard the clap echoes in the room.
Guilliman yells not because you hurt him, but because he sees you collapse to the floor with a broken wrist and rushes you to the medicae.
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heritageposts · 26 days
Earlier you reblogged something with a link to the current boycott list from the BDS. I didn't see McDonald's on there. Does this mean McDonald's is no longer being boycotted? I tried finding my own info on this, but only came up with a reddit thread that didn't seem fact based.
No, McDonald's is still part of the boycott. They're what BDS calls an "organic targets." That means BDS didn't initiate the boycott campaign, but they support it.
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Here's a brief explanation of the different type of targets, from BDS's own webpage (Updated Jan 5, 2024):
1. Consumer boycott targets - The BDS movement calls for a complete boycott of these brands carefully selected due to the company's proven record of complicity in Israeli apartheid. 2. Divestment and exclusion targets - The BDS movement works to pressure governments, institutions, investment funds, city councils, etc. to exclude from procurement contracts and investments and to divest from, as the case may be, as many complicit companies as practical, especially arms companies and banks. 3. Pressure targets - The BDS movement actively calls for pressure campaigns against these targets. This includes boycotts when reasonable alternatives exist, as well as lobbying, peaceful disruptions, and social media pressure. 4. Organic boycott targets - The BDS movement did not initiate these grassroots boycott campaigns but supports them due to these brands’ complicity in Israel’s genocide and apartheid against Palestinians.
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futurelabs · 2 days
HI YOU DO SIM REQUESTS AND I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A SIM REQUEST: A mermaid sim inspired by this song. Thank you!
Monica Havens for @invisiblequeen
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