#[Phoeobus Duchamp]
sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
Gio being so good looking with a beard that Rui/Phi/Guy's bi/gay asses are constantly distracted, so they support Frascona's No Beards for Gio rule so they can stop ogling him.
The only reason Rashid is immune is because Gio is too young for him lmao.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"Welp, looks like we all lost. If this was traditional betting among us, Ruixiong (who betted on Rashid) and myself (on Abena) will have the split the earnings, but neither of us made it as winners. Congratulations to Ms. Allison, however."
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"Hey, it's 'who would last the longest' isn't it? It counts for something."
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"What I'm baffled with is the fact that Guy actually got a lot of cash for losing a bet."
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"Phi failed so spectacularly, Guy got pity money. Lots of it."
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"Shut the fuck up. What is Guy going to do with that money anyway? We're well provided for and Gio can always make gold."
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"I don't know, let's ask-"
The hold is empty.
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"Guy??!! NOW where did he run off to??"
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Don't look at the nightclub full of hot, sweaty, half-naked sexy men dancing up to Guy and pouring drink all over themselves, let him have this.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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Rashid sighs to Solita. "No, madam, I have no idea how I managed to get an entire tree stump into my forearm. Your guess is as good as mine.
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"What? Trust me, I know what I'm doing," Abena tells Rin as she holds a snake, a spider, a drinking straw, a paddle, and a car battery.
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"HELL NO I AM CHECKING THAT OUT!!" Phoebus hides in the bush.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
What comes included with the Seven?
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"Oh, for, don't you da-
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"To be fair, I don't need a Tinder account and Jumanji is a fantastic fi- WHY DO I HAVE 181 SECRET ADMIRERS?!"
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"Clearly this test remembers we watched Jumanji together!~"
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"Jumanji is a good movie! Especially the part with the stampede and the giant spiders."
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"Thirteen times? I feel insulted."
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"Because you weren't retweeted more by Elon Musk?"
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"Because I was retweeted by Elon Musk, period."
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"'Brad Pitt smile'?! I'm better looking than Brad Pitt, FIGHT ME!!"
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"You're not bothered by 10 clingy exes?"
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"Just shows you how much of a heartbreaker I am!"
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"Yes, because you showed up at all."
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"Forty-five secret admirers?! Ohhh la la la! Stop being shy, all of you! I'm more than happy to service you all!"
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"All at once, I'll bet."
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"I'll gladly take the challenge.~"
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"Take a wild guess, Phi. At least you got Kim Kardashian."
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"But I don't like Kim Kardashian..."
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"Potatoes and carrots grow everywhere!"
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"Not those roots!"
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
How adorable are you?
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"We're doing this, love!!~"
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"NO!! Don't you da-
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" the Captain flees in fog form with his face redder than a beet.
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"Ahahahahahaha!!~ I love you with all my heart, Josep!!~"
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"Only fifty? Clearly I need take some of that excess adorable score from my husband and add to mine. Be right back!~"
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"While you're at it, bring me some too! I'll need more, in fact!"
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"Piss off, he's mine."
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"...Uh oh-"
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"We're not going to hear the end of this from the Sin of Pride..."
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"Oh, look, actual identical results for the Twins."
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"Piss off."
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"I concur."
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"Yes!! Snug me forever! Forever!"
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"I really doubt you want-
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"For. E. Ver."
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"Whoa!!" Abena gasps.
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Guy puts his hands all over the monitor. "Colored font!!"
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"We haven't spoken like this since 2006 on AIM!"
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"It takes me back!"
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"Now if only our font can be changed to a serif type to resemble a novel. And actual proper indentation."
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"It doesn't seem to be an issue right now. If it is, she can be approached and change back to simple black font. But for now, this is extremely helpful for some of the longer posts-."
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"Awwww. I'm sorry, Giovanni. Either we all have the same color, you stick to black, or we all stick to black."
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
لا أريد أن أتذكر.
אני לא רוצה לזכור.
Mempɛ sɛ mekae.
No voło recordar.
No vull recordar.
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
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"If Giovanni gets to keep a cat on the ship, I deserve to have a snake. It'll be a rat-eating snake too, so it can handle our pest problem and have a role in the Crew too."
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"Heh. I actually won't oppose to that too much. Snakes are beautiful and fairly low-maintenance as pets. The only problem is that I'm not sure one can adapt to the conditions of the ocean should we be out to sea for long periods of time."
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"We have Phoebus' Breath of Life, don't we?"
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"They're not slimy at all, you idiot! They're just shiny and smooth! And of course I wouldn't keep a poisonous snake onboard, it's likely going to be a boa or python!"
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"But those can eat people!"
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"Don't be ridiculous. We're way too big to be prey."
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"Should we tell Abena the time Phoebus had an... unfortunate encounter with a reticulated python when we were stuck in Sugbu?"
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"Maybe ano- oh! Actually, my love, reticulated pythons are perfect for keeping on a boat! They're known to swim across the sea and migrate from island to island! And they are the longest species of snake in the world!"
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"Ohhh, really?!?! Can I get one?!~"
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
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A case arguing that Phoebus being a lazy ass may not always be a bad thing.
And this is when he's actually using his hands instead of his words.
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
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"Wait, it's July 2nd already? Damn. The entire month last month zipped by and my writer wasn't even drowning in TOTK as much. And yet still it was a busy month, appointment after appointment. So I didn't get the chance to come o-"
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"Hey, Captain, nice flag!"
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Josep hides the genderfluid flag behind his back.
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"There is no point in hiding it, Captain, we kind of figured out you were genderfluid or some form of nonbinary this whole time. Even back in the old days!"
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"{S} You have really feminine hobbies and pursuits like shoes and fashion, you cry at the drop of a hat during the most melodramatic chick flicks, and you buy makeup and dresses for your wife more than she shops for herself."
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"Maybe I am just not stereotypically-"
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"You seem to wish you are more androgynous looking despite meeting the standards of male beauty to the point of jealousy from many guys--chiseled jaw, sharp cheekbones, burly build, large pecs and biceps--and yet you keep saying you look like a block of cheese. All while we disappointed every time we got some kind of anime glow-up, you are happier when you got the stock 'pretty boy' appearance."
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"Well, it's just-"
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"You're not comfortable with facial hair, or in actions to prove your masculinity, except for the occasional jolly-good brawl. The standards of masculinity seem to harm you more than the rest of us even back during the Renaissance. And above all, the most comfortable we've seen you is when you're dressing up in something that would be considered unmasculine back home in Barcelona at the time, even today."
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"............... How long did you all stew on this?"
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"Since Abena joined the Crew, around then?? We were kind of surprised you liked girls, actually, we thought you liked men too but were just in really well-armored closet. But then again, girls can be gay too. And if men and women can be gay, what is to say those who don't identify as either? And honestly, let's be real--we've lived long enough to see how precisely things like gender are fluid throughout the times. And we've always seen you hit the hardest with them and how it might be a big factor as to why you're always so moody. We've been counting the days for you to come out and be more comfortable with yourself. It's just-
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"You know... the rest of us wanting you to come forward at your own time and just rip off the band-aid yourself, as the idiom goes."
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"..........I'll be right back!" Josep proceeds to race into his cabin and scream. Of joy.
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Rashid sighs in relief. "You all did good, boys."
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"I'm glad all this hiding is finally over! Hopefully like with some more famous folk finding happiness in coming out, I hope he does too!"
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"If you ask me, his hiding and stuff was getting really of annoying."
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"{S} Really?"
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"After all--
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"I am the most manly man of this Crew, and he should just accept he can't match me in manliness ever! So why hide how he truly is?"
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"{S} ....God-"
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"....-dammit all, Ruixiong."
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"WAIT A MINUTE, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE-" The other men corner Ruixiong to beat him up. Except Guy, as he in the hold still at this time. In that case, Rashid stands in for him.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"Me?! I'm the most interesting?! This is wonderful!"
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"Congratulations, my love.~ You deserve it."
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"Yes, in your favor, Ruixiong. Don't think we didn't see the parentheses in the question."
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"It's okay, Rui, you're tied with me and I was in the lead for a while!"
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"Remember to remove one because that's our writer's vote as Tumblr doesn't allow neutral viewing of the results."
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"Oh, yeah. So... I'm ahead by one voter-"
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Ruixiong for his cabin to sulk.
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"...Who wants to bet this is going to result in more shenanigans on Ruixiong's side in an attempt to make himself more popular?"
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"He does that anyway."
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"Where did you get that cat, Giovanni?"
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"I found it wandering on La Demonia! It might be a stowaway! I named it Ebano!"
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"Ohhh, what a darling sphynx cat! The poor thing is missing an eye, but it's still so beautiful!"
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"I wanna pet it!"
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"Me too!"
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Guy can be heard screaming from below within the hold, "You can't just say you have a new cat and NOT show it to me!!"
The Master looks through the glass fourth wall. If cats can grin, the Master would be doing so deviously. He's not wrong when he says he's still their God.
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'And the best part, my friends... when they start spilling their secrets, I am here to listen in on them.~'
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"All right, Basic-Ass Stereotypical Pirate Checklist.
"Do we break the law?"
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"With gladness and pleasure, Captain."
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"Do we have a wooden boat?"
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"Never thought I'd head La Demonia say 'No Shit, Sherlock' in Boat. Do we seek treasure?"
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"The Seven Keys of St. Emilio, La Brujula who leads us to them, and the hidden Devil's Eye itself. We otherwise don't bother with payloads except out of necessity or occasional fun."
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"So still a yes in that last part. Missing limbs? That I am not aware of?"
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"Not with me around."
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"Oooh, a missing item on the list. Mascot pet like a parrot or monkey?"
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"Depending on the continuity I suppose. Does Giovanni's 46 cats count?"
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"I am not counting that. Motley or piebald clothing?"
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"Does Ruixiong count?"
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"FUCK YOU, MING FASION BEST FASHION!! If you're making me wear the magua or shave my head again, you can kiss my ass!"
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"Not counting that, at least Ruixiong can color coordinate, and we actually maintain our clothes. North Country accents?"
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"None of us are English or from an English colony, Pep."
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"From the Caribbean?"
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"Just me on a technicality."
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"You were among the Brethren of the Coast, I'm counting it. Fighting a child as our main adversary?"
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"As in Jim Hawkins and Peter Pan."
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"Just because I am sixteen in the start of the story doesn't mean you can call me a child!"
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"Get back to your own blog, kid. I'm still counting it, though. Anything else on the Basic-Ass Stereotypical Pirate List?"
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"That's all we can think of."
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"So five out of nine (5/9) items. Huh. We're just roughly half of the list."
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"Wow, we don't even meet the basic requirements! Clearly we need to tear up our clothes, get better (or worse) with our English, get Giovanni to hoard animals some more, and chop off some limbs!"
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Phoebus holds up a bonesaw. "Who wants to volunteer?"
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
okay so boarding it to steal is a bad idea but what if i board the ship just to pet the cat is that allowed
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"Oh, certainly! In that case, we actually welcome guests. We'll even share tea and snacks if you're willing to have any with us."
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"My ingredients are from around the world and always fresh! Because I turn them to gold then change it back to preserve it indefinitely! So if you're not feeling for fish, turtle, and hardtack, you have options!"
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"Try his baklava. The boys found a creative way to bake goods on a continuously swaying ship. Good stuff."
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"I built the oven!"
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"I keep it consistently heated without it burning the ship!"
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"I keep it in the air so the contents are level and secure, and it won't roll or bang into walls!"
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"And all things considered, given we're a very small crew of seven, we have plenty of living space and supplies to spare. We're very open for guests, especially those stranded at sea with no supplies left. Come right in."
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
1717, off the coast of Kingston, Jamaica
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"....................Did.... that single brig.... pick a fight by firing at an entire fleet of ships... including two man o' wars and some frigates?"
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Josep slow claps. "Points for audacity. At least she sank fast."
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