#;; setting up my new laptop and stuff
why-the-heck-not · 6 months
19.12.23, tuesday
0.5h of coding lol
wasn’t having the best day so decided to finally watch the barbie-movie (it’s on hbo rn) bc figured that could cheer me up
but bc the universe loves a good timing, on the grocery store trip after, some dudes came to me like ”which one of us would u fuck?” and that annoyed me way more than it should’ve. Like cmon, it’s 10pm at a grocery store; if you’re not cottage cheese or olive oil get tf out of my face
just a short evening walk bc it was windy and I was annoyed
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deedo2313 · 2 months
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autistickaitovocaloid · 6 months
If I did more vsynth amoebas who would everybirdy want to see?
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currently unable to beat we love katamari reroll because every time i roll up the sun and it tries to play the final cutscene the game crashes :[ and it doesn't register me as having beat the level so im just softlocked until i can make my laptop run better i guess . auggg katamari i love you why do you hurt me so...
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keydav · 9 months
Really feeling that Baldur's Gate 3 FOMO tonight, especially where Astarion is concerned 😩😩
I was literally looking at Gaming PCs online, even though I shouldn't get one right now. Though I didn't even think about places having a Labor Day sale! I think what I'm gonna do, is try to save up as much as I can the next few months, and then take a look on Black Friday, cause the deals might be good enough I could swing one then. I've been wanting to get a desktop computer for a while, since my laptop is over 10 years old and essentially doesn't function anymore, and this has just made that desire that much more acute lol
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Me next to (specifically pdh for no reason other than I wanted to draw him in a dress shirt) Aaron.
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Just to portray how big of a simp I am for this very very large man.
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risingsunresistance · 6 months
love the keyboard this desktop came with even tho it's gonna take a lot of getting used to (i am making So Many typos) but i think i might need a new mouse. i have tiny baby hands and this mouse is literally bigger than my hand, i feel like i can barely click it KJGFH
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chaosintheavenue · 8 months
Youtube STOP recommending GB News and antivax shit challenge.
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y'all I just have to say that I am so excited to have a functioning typing device that ISN'T my phone or ipad+very-cheap-and-occasionally-bizarre-bluetooth-keyboard setup (even if I can't quite figure out most of the basic functions on my macbook right now fshkfdhfh). like... I am going to write SO much fic now that I'm not tied to the sole options of 1) Rather Inconvenient OR 2) Must Be Plugged In At ALL TIMES Or WILL Crash and Lose All Of Your Work and Also Likes To Randomly Disconnect From The Internet For No Reason Really At All. like I'll still procrstinate and get extremely intense imposter syndrome and all that. but I think that having something accessible all the time that doesn't require me to be in a really specific setting or jump through a whole bunch of hoops to use will make writing a Lot easier.
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zosonils · 1 year
i'm so fucking sad i don't have a computer to draw on i would have loved to get out some art for mother 3's birthday :(
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reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
i don't even know if i WANT to finish nursing at this point, like i fucking hate college rn and it's only an associates program but like. please i am so tired professors let me fucking sleep
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laziarteest · 1 year
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g-r-a-y-p-h-i-c · 1 year
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not really the typical content for this blog, but i did some concept exploration for a pair of pajama bottoms im gonna visibly mend. its very rough, since i didnt go into this expecting to post it lol
#artists on tumblr#autisticart#quickmessyscribbles#for those of you who dont follow my main: this laptop is like kinda on the fritz rn#so im probably putting the art project ive been working on since last april on hold til some laptop repair supplies arrive later this month#bc id really really hate to make some serious progress and then have the laptop shut down right in the middle of it and lose all that#so- ive been focusing more on visible mending (another thing i do) bc if i dont have SOMETHING creative to do ill get cabin fever#the pants* im mending have been a bit challenging in terms of what to use thatll work with this odd burgundy/light blue/lime combo#but i think i finally figured it out by booting up csp and using the tools in there to come up w more colours#and i even managed to find threads to buy that match those colours decently! well- kind of.#so the (GOTS- and OekoTex-certified) thread shop i frequent is like. currently in the process of getting set up#it actually didnt exist the first time i bought something from them- i had to go find ANOTHER shop that sold their stuff and get it there#thankfully now they Do have their own shop so i can buy direct from them. BUT-#they have a lot of colours they Plan to sell that arent yet available#three of the colours i picked here are of those unavailable ones#so ive emailed them for an eta & set up an email subscription (hoping to get emailed whenever a new colours added)#and- we'll see what happens#worst case scenario i have to go somewhere else for three colours (which'd be a pain- hard to match this shops quality)#*i am also working on mending a few other things but for various reasons (supplies for x has to arrive; y is currently in the wash; etc)#those arent available atm#this image really is way way lazier than i think anything else ive Ever posted to this blog#couldnt even be bothered to make the 'sun' motif round or fully coloured-in#but like. i wont have much else to post to this blog til i finish that ongoing art project and THATS not happening anytime soon#and- shoddy execution aside- i DO like the colours and concepts in this image#so. shrug
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killbaned · 1 year
this was actually a good reminder i desperately need to find some low-intensity hobbies that are tactile but the problem with that is i don’t have any fucking room + it would be nice for it to be something i can like, easily do in bed???
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orcelito · 2 years
Bought a new laptop, ordered groceries, scheduled an appointment for my continuous back pain
I'm tired.
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daggery · 2 months
i fixed the gifs in this gifset and then made one of them worse oh no
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