#//maybe ill flesh it out more eventually but i really like how the pose came out. so snugglyy and close <333
sillywabbits · 10 months
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Kissies in the dark~~! 🌙💞💞
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sharkrocket · 9 months
Shark… Burda but one of them is a mermaid… Mermaid AU…
OKAY me and my partner have been tossing around some ideas, and here are some of the thoughts we came up with (we are running on fairy tale logic)
Scenario where Artemy is merfolk and Daniil is a human:
Started thinking about a merfolk society that would hold the megalodon with the same reverence as the aurochs -> Shark Artemy
I know there's folklore and stories about how consuming the flesh of merfolk can either grant immortality, extend human longevity or have extraordinary healing abilities
Perhaps a certain researcher by the name of Daniil D. Dankovsky, whose goal is defeating death, is interested in these claims and goes to visit a remote fishing village that's rumored to have merfolk sightings
Do they really exist? Is it just stories? Some people claim to have seen them, some people think THOSE people have never seen a big fish before - Everyone has their own opinions about it
Has Simon eaten merfolk flesh? Is he the reason why Daniil knows about this?
A couple different things can happen at this point
One possibility: Artemy has the ability to walk on land and turn back to merfolk in contact with water but needs to return to the water after a certain amount of time before he becomes severely ill
(Maybe he's half merfolk, half human? Haven't established the details on how this would work but there's a couple of good scenarios here)
Would integrate into town society and mingle among the land people while taking note of which people posed a threat to the merfolk
He could simply warn the other merfolk of the danger, OR find the threat and eat him (thinking about this made me laugh, but it might not be the most practical or reasonable thing to do)
So when a stranger comes into town asking about merfolk and immortality, Artemy takes a VESTED interest
Introduces himself to this researcher and tries to get a feel for his intentions, and maybe fuck with him a little
"Oh yeah, I've seen merfolk before, real ugly creatures. They've got huge bug eyes, long limbs like a spider with pincers at the end and they only speak in a series of clicks and whistles interspersed in an interpretive dance" and Daniil is furiously writing all this down
But who is this handsome guy that was so adamant on introducing himself to Daniil? His skin glistens with water, his hair is dusted with flecks of dried salt, and he seems awfully knowledgeable about the sea.....
Maybe he follows Artemy around to see what his deal is, because there's something not quite right about him....
But for some reason, right when he's tails Artemy he turns a corner and the man disappears, save for a tiny ripple in the nearest body of water....
We haven't quite banged out the specifics of their relationship but there was a particularly good mental image of Daniil catching Artemy in half shark form face deep in a creature, eating its innards with blood dripping down his face and chest and Daniil just being very normal about it
This post is STUPIDLY long, more under the cut
Another possibility:
Artemy befriends this new stranger and they get closer, exchanging knowledge about their respective expertise
Eventually, after much discussion and trust built between the two, Artemy divulges details about himself, revealing he is a merfolk
Daniil's true objective isn't revealed until after Artemy has made himself known
Betrayal of some sort ensues, and trust between them is destroyed
Daniil has a difficult decision to make
Some of the potential outcomes for these scenarios:
Daniil becomes merfolk and joins Artemy to experience its wonders (not 100 percent sure how this would work, but I enjoy the possibility)
Daniil locks away Artemy and steals him away, while the ruling families ruin everything
Artemy offers flesh from his tail/fin out of love or spite and Daniil can choose to take it and leave, or stop him and tend to his injury
Daniil and Artemy fend off the ruling families, regain trust in each other and Daniil chooses to stay to continue his research
Scenario where Daniil is merfolk and Artemy is a human (sorry this one is much shorter, the details for this one were much harder to bang out 😔):
Eel Daniil.... Eelniil..... The snake imagery was too tempting, maybe one day we'll be more creative with this (oarfish was very funny to think about)
Most likely born as a merfolk in this scenario
Motivating factors: Perhaps he wants to explore the surface and the world of man and see what discoveries are to be had outside of the water (he no longer wants to dive below into the dark, he yearns to go up towards the light)
Perhaps some greater power in the sea wants Daniil dead and his best bet was to go somewhere where they couldn't follow....
Either way, his curiosity gets the better of him and he ends up getting captured (whether intentional or not)
He gets trapped in a tank either for display or waiting to be sold to the highest bidder
Artemy's work puts him in close contact with Daniil (the nature of the work is unclear, I had trouble thinking of something fitting)
In either case, the relationship between them starts off antagonistic, Artemy goes to feed Eelniil and he bites his hand and swims out of reach with a smug smirk on his face
Eventually, Daniil starts asking a lot of questions about life on land and Artemy has some questions of his own so they strike up a form of comradery
Maybe they realize they're both trapped and they start planning a way to break out and escape....
Just some loose musings we managed to come up with, hopefully you enjoyed these thinky thoughts
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akilah12902 · 4 years
Creature Feature: Plague Maiden
I think we went just a wee bit over the top there
Today’s creature feature is about the Plague Maiden or Pesta!
Be warned, this one is really, really, REALLY FUCKED UP, make absolutely sure you’re okay with the shit in the tags before you check out stuff below the cut.
Patients seem to have hallucinations of a woman covered in scabs and boils, with rats scurrying about all around her. These ravings subsided after an administration of henbane and poppy extract. – Joachim von Gratz's notes, Vilmerius Hospital in Novigrad When plague ravages a region, a spirit will sometimes walk its lands, a ghost resembling an ill woman whose flesh rots off her bones and in whose wake crawls a cavalcade of rats. No one knows whether this spirit brings the pox with her or is merely drawn to it like a moth to a light. Yet it is certain that she delights in dealing pain and suffering, in hearing the howling and moaning of men. Many have called into question the very existence of plague maidens, or pestae, as they are sometimes called. Only two sightings of such a creature have ever been recorded, both during times of raging epidemic. As the name "plague maiden" suggests, these wraiths take the appearance of females, though exactly why that is remains a mystery. Some speculate they, like other such specters, arise from the powerful emotional charge associated with certain circumstances of death, such as death preceded by a long and particularly painful illness. Not much is known about how to fight a plague maiden, though one can assume they possess many traits in common with other phantoms and wraiths. They undoubtedly pose a great danger, though a witcher's immunities should at least prevent him from catching the contagious illnesses they carry.
Witcher 3 Bestiary Entry
Keira Metz, a sorceress, asks Geralt to lift a curse on a small island in Velen. Years ago a mob attacked and slaughtered a lord, his family, and a mage doing some kind of research there; ostensibly because the lord was feasting while the peasants were starving. However, the attackers perished horribly from some kind of curse and even now, people who go to the island either never come back or come back with a deadly illness. She hands him a lantern which will allow him to see echoes of events long past from the memories of ghosts.
When Geralt arrives on the island, he finds the peasants had an inside man who let them in through the gates.
The mage of the tower was keeping a large number of rats in cages in the basement, and one of the peasants, rather softhearted when it came to animals, opened the cages... although not before noting that the rats maybe looked kinda sick...
I’m sure you can see where that’s going.
Yes, the mage was researching a plague called Catriona, although he was at least looking for cures rather than just being Mad Science-y. 
A number of journals also indicate that the lord was not nearly so well off as the peasants believed, and that he and his family barely had enough food for themselves.
However, there’s more going on here that just a hotbed of plague rats, as you can find out inspecting the ghostly echo of a recent looter... something killed him, very violently, as he was looking for things to sell. 
In a hidden room at the top of the tower, you find the ghost of the lord’s daughter, Annabelle. When the mob attacked, the mage gave her a potion and told her to drink it if the mob found her.
It gets worse. 
Annabelle did eventually drink the potion when the mob broke into the secret room and were absolutely planning to rape her before killing her... but the potion wasn’t a poison at all. It put her into a deathlike state, the mage having intended to save her by making the mob think she was dead.
Annabelle woke up some time later, still paralyzed from the effects of the potion... surrounded by rats. Hungry rats.
Yes, she was fucking eaten alive by plague rats. This quest is so fucking Extra Edgy.
It turns out Annabelle was in love with the peasant’s inside man, Graham, and she says that she’s still holding onto the material plane because she can’t yet forgive him for not only having let the mob in, but having been part of the group who were going to attack, rape, and kill her. She says she can’t even leave the tower, and she just wants to move on.
If asked about the dead looter, she becomes very upset, saying that Geralt is supposed to be saving her—why is he accusing her of murder?! There are other wraiths on the island, it was probably one of them!
After a bit more chatter, Annabelle says that she’s ready to try to forgive Graham, and that she goes to the edge of the island every day to look at Graham’s hut on the far shore...
Wait, didn’t she claim she was incapable of leaving the tower?
Annabelle says that she wants Geralt to bring her bones to Graham so that he can bury them.
If Geralt has missed the clues that something is rotten in the state of Denmark, he brings the bones to Graham, who tells Geralt that he had participated in the attack because Annabelle’s father refused to let them marry; he was planning to run away with her during the confusion. However the mob reached her at the same time he did, and when he witnessed her apparently committing suicide, he ran from the tower, screaming curses at the mob as he went. His anguish caused a powerful curse, and many of the attackers died on the spot.
Geralt barely gets twenty feet away before he hears a scream.
Annabelle has risen in her true form as a Plague Maiden and killed Graham, and is now free to cause a massive plague that nearly wipes out Kerack, one of the Northern Kingdoms. 
You may want to load a previous save, here...
If you refuse to remove Annabelle’s bones from the island, she loses her temper and attacks Geralt in her form as a Plague Maiden. Geralt fights her off, but she’s going to revive and there’s still that curse to worry about... Time to go talk to Graham.
Graham spills the backstory and insists that he wants to help Annabelle. Geralt tells him that True Love’s Kiss might well do the job, but fails to mention the whole “PLAGUE” thing (what the hell, writers). Graham continues to insist, and the pair travel back to the island, where Annabelle confronts him in her form as a Plague Maiden and speaks scornfully to him about his role in her death and whether he wants to kiss her like this.
Graham really does love her, though, and gives her a kiss, where she resumes human shape partway though... and then Graham promptly dies. Probably because, you know. Plague Maiden.
However this does lift the curse and allows Annabelle to move on, and does not cause a massive epidemic on the mainland, so it’s pretty clearly the better option here.
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nightshaded-blog1 · 7 years
                        [BLOG]: faunfiction.tungle.com                               Antifaunism in Education:                              Discipline v. Faunus Rights
My deepest apologies for not having posted lately. The amount of antifaun bullshit I’ve had to deal with from Beacon Academy has been unreal. Long story short, a group of dedicated antifauns have outed me, and I’ve been put on academic probation while they continue to pose a violent threat.
So here’s what happened. Cardin Winchester (click here for a full list of his blogs so you know which ones to block), as you all know, has been Beacon Academy’s strongest antifaun voice online and off--but what is worse, he has been known to target Faunus students both verbally and physically. I knew eventually that he would come after me, and so I had to prepare myself, but I  trusted that if he did, the school would at least be on my side.
That was my biggest mistake.
I should have known from the beginning what kind of treatment I would receive, but since Ozpin had been kind to me, I allowed myself to be caught off-guard. The Faunus rights classic Antifaunism in Education exposed for the first time ten years ago that Faunus students are disciplined more strongly than human students, and the author writes today of how nothing has changed. (sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.) What happened in Beacon was a reflection of that. I was severely punished for acting in self-defense while the perpetrators got away with everything.
As to the incident? Cardin didn’t attack me first, but I had reason to believe he was going to. Last year he made insensitive remarks about violence against the Faunii in class, sometimes even directing them at me because I always defended us--in a previous post I had even dissociated in class because he bragged about the ways in which his grandfather had scalped us. About a week ago, when the incident happened, he tried to talk to me after class. That’s when it started.
“So,” he said. He was slowly walking me into a corner as he spoke. “You seem pretty passionate about this Faunus stuff. Any reason why?”
The way he spoke as though he knew something about me, and the way he stood made him appear highly intimidating. I have been attacked like this on the streets before--I even used to have panic attacks when cornered by anyone for any reason, even when it was a teacher trying to get me to stay in one place while he lectured me. Also, considering that newly outed Faunii are common targets for antifaun violence and that there is a far-right campaign dedicated to outing and attacking hidden Faunii, that made me doubly ready to fight back and I was completely justified in doing it.
I told him I was passionate because I wanted to stick up for what I believed in. He said “hm, that’s kind of cute” and took a step closer. Then he asked me just how badly I believed in what I said--once again, I took this to be a threat, because he seemed to imply that he would test my beliefs with physical violence. To get him to back off, I slashed at him with my claws. Even though I was in hiding, the threat that I felt from him made me break my cover and attack. He tried punching me, but each time only managed to punch one of my shadow clones. I had to slash him again before I managed to run away.
Obviously, Cardin was quick to portray himself as the victim. Here are screenshots of the messages he and some of his friends sent me after the incident.
[TW for ableism, violence and gore under the spoiler - highly distressing images + mentions of war crimes and dead Faunii.]
1. [Cardin]: Lmao I always knew you were one of them. Not surprised you were too much of a /scaredy-cat/ to admit it. Just wait until Ozpin deals with you--don’t bother telling him you were traumatized because none of that triggered bullshit is an excuse for attacking me. I really just wanted to know why you always seemed so hot and bothered in history class but it’s not my problem if you’re too much of an angry bitch to recognize that.
2. [Cardin]: Oh, and it was easy finding your blog. I had a feeling only you could come up with all the SJ stuff that you do here. Maybe if you were nicer to me I would have listened but oh well, what can you do with a radical. :\
3. [Anonymous]: I better see you slit your own throat with those claws
4. [One of Cardin’s friends]: Hey. You. Yes, you. You lay another hand on my bro Cardin and I’m gonna put you in stitches. Who you gonna call, the White Fang? We’ll wipe you out faster than Vale did in the prison camps.
5. [There is an anonymously submitted image of Faunii massacred in an infamous war crime, one that everyone in Remnant knows and regards as an atrocity.] We’re coming for you, kitty.
6. [There is an anonymously submitted image of a dismembered Faunus child above the message.] Don’t mess with us.
I have PTSD. I was unable to even organize those images into this post--I had to ask a teammate to do it for me.
And it gets worse.
PTSD is half the reason I am in this situation right now. If I were a neurotypical Faunus, I would have been believed right away. But instead, my concerns for my physical safety were invalidated and written off as paranoia and irrational anger that came about as a result of my illness--the administrators who talked to me told me so when I protested my sentence. (Those of you against intersectional justice, take note--both antifaunism and ableism played a part in my unjust probation.) Cardin knew this could happen because anyone can read on my blog that I have PTSD. And so he managed to get away with what he did by portraying himself as “reasonable” in contrast with my “irrational” and “PTSD-fueled” actions--he took the same angle with the administrators that he did with me in his first message: he claimed he was just curious and that I had attacked him out of nowhere.
The end result: Cardin, a straight human male and committed antifaun, has not received any punishment. The friend of his who managed to show his face to me only received two weeks of academic probation, while I received six months.
Of course I also demanded an investigation into the anonymous messages. The school replied that they took “no responsibility” for things that happened anonymously online, when those messages were clearly sent by people attending Beacon Academy--if not Cardin himself. I sent them a reply stating my case for an investigation, to which they have not yet replied. Presumably, they have no interest in helping me.
Do you know what academic probation means here in Beacon? When there’s violence involved, your weapon is taken away from you.
I am left without a weapon while the people who threatened me roam free.
I, Blake Belladonna, am outed, punished and unsafe while the school drags its feet investigating the anonymous threat. While Cardin or any of the anonymous students are free to corner and attack me at any time.
Ozpin may have helped me two years ago, but now he and his administration display the same callousness toward my species as could be expected from other schools. 
I have never felt more sickened and betrayed.
1,258 notes Tags: #school #beacon academy #personal #antifaun #antifaunism #faunus rights #ableism #antifaunism in beacon #ableism in beacon
blake spent most of her recent days alone. yeah, maybe she should be sticking together with team rwby for safety in numbers, but how could she be around them when she knew exactly what they thought of it? weiss got all huffy and self-righteous about how violence is never the answer. yang said the same thing as weiss, except she tried to say it more gently. and ruby? oh, bless her poor little heart, she was so innocent and sweet and full of platitudes of goodness and joy--
she was justified. she would hear no other opinion.
she did not regret the feel of her claws tearing through his face. the swift, elegant hook like the swoop of an eagle’s talons, the seamless sweep of finger-blades through flesh, the fierce precision of the swipe that would just miss the jugular. in fact, there was a part of her that enjoyed it; a very small part, but it existed nonetheless.
cardin’s blog said that the wounds on his face, neck and chest required more stitches than he could count on his hands.
cardin winchester in stitches. she could now die fulfilled.
but for every revenge, there was a counter-revenge--that was the way things went between humans and faunii, and that was the way it would always be. she could smell it coming now: sky lark?
there. THERE. she was justified. he was coming to attack her. he was.
she whirled around to face him, crouching into a fighting stance.
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       ❝i know what you’re here for. he deserved it,❞                 she snapped, unsheathing her claws.           ❝don’t come any closer unless you want to get it, too.❞
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