#//I make no claim to the characters or overall setting save for Mary and Minnie
cutesyhunter · 6 years
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Part 1 of the illustrations of ink stained mirror, since sometimes you just want to see the art. I know I do
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
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Part 2 of the illustrations for ink stained mirror
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Chapter 2: Intermission-Hallway (1/3)
Every day Mary saw the same halls, they were long halls, you could probably hear someone coming if you listened carefully enough.  She tried to avoid the rooms at the ends of the hallways where some of the employees had been forced to give up their things, Mary’s sewing needles had been taken and one of Minnie’s drawings. Along with the ink room and forget that they existed.
That didn’t concern Mary, what did concern her was what she sometimes saw at the ends of those halls, in the dead of night when working late she’d see long stretching shadows that seemed be moving with no purpose
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but Minnie told her it was just working for hours on end with no break, Mary didn’t think so. 
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She chose to believe what Minnie did because it was easier, then there was the room at the end of what was nicknamed ‘the closed hall’ a section of more rooms and hallway, where important equipment was meant to be put ‘so it won’t get stolen’ Joey had said but it was such a joke that Minnie would openly mock it in the break room or at her desk.
No one in this studio ever put anything in the closed hall besides maybe Norman with the projectors, but with everything else it was more risky to do that since it’d probably be covered in ink.
At the end of the hall there was a room of what Mary could only describe as a butchers room, there was no knives or anything like that, but with the seemingly new hooks on the wall, it was the best comparison she could think of but no other indication besides that like a butchers table.
If that were the case she would call the police immediately, but she needed this job…
She never went to the bathroom without Minnie outside the door after she found it.
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Chapter 2: Pros n’ Cons (1/5)
*- Are for important breaks in the stories, such as a time skip
When Mary was younger, around her childhood, Mom would say something that stuck out and stuck with her even today, well especially today.
“You have to take the good and the bad with everything, Poppet. If something bad happens especially, you have to find the silver lining. You’ll be a happier person I think if you do.”
It might just be because Minnie was grumpy a lot in childhood, and tried to get Mary to make her not so grumpy.
How ironic that Minnie was the most positive thinking person now, not that Mary wasn’t a positive thinker, she just had a more…cynical optimism?
She could see things were bad but tried to think of how they could be good, even if her reasons were dumb;
The current depression was making her stretch it especially.
Con: She was so sick of milk and could swear she was getting lactose intollerent, the food they had to eat was bland. They were making so little money it hurt.
Pro: Both of them would probably get taller from drinking so much milk, and get thinner with their current diet. She was learning how to save money.
Biggest con, was seeing how far humanity was getting stretched, every time she went out she saw more and more homeless people, every time she went out, she didn’t know how to help them since she was pretty broke too
Big pro, Seeing others helping each other, it was a nice reassurance.
So every time something bad happened at work she thought of pro’s and con’s to try seeing the bright side of working in this ink stained sweat lodge.
To say her patients was getting stretched was an understatement, but she tried, heaven help her she tried. Even now she’s trying even though it’s too late
Her embarrassing work career started with a small flirtation, with one of her bosses, a week into this job.
“You never cease to amaze me Henry.” Mary commented looking over his shoulder at the little devil darling, Henry was much better at this then she was
“Thank you” Henry seemed to be a man of few words, the few he did were very calm and to the point, it was kinda cute. Like a prince from her story books, or from the radio shows she used to listen to
“Did you always want to draw?” She asked
“Yes” He nods indulging her curious questions
She hums at his confirmation “What about-“
“Careful Henry~ She might convince you to go on a date with her~” Minnie sang down to his little drawing nook
Henry chuckles at Mary’s face turning a bright red
“I don’t think Linda would like that” Henry says, which made Mary realize the handsome gent maybe taken, which made her even more embarrassed
“Oh I forgot I have to go…work.” She fast walks out of the nook, she looks at Minnie, slapping her sisters shoulder for that moment, since she did it intentionally since she’d have to go out of the way just to tease her about that and continues fast walking away
She didn’t try and listen to her apologizes since Minnie thought Mary knew, she didn’t speak to her at all for the rest of the day, but avoiding Henry since it was embarrassing.
Unfortunately that was the last time she saw Henry, he’d quit for some reason that Joey never told anyone.
She was saddened by that since Henry seemed like a nice gent.
Con: She’d probably not see him for a while, did he see her as a friend?
Pro: He’d spend time with this ‘Linda’? and he’d probably be happy wherever he was going, and with better opportunities.
She couldn’t be happy for him a the moment, but she might be later…
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Chapter 2: Break room (2/5)
*- are for important breaks in the story such as a time skip
(numbers)- are for different days that it happened, like different dates.
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“You can’t eat this.” Mary held up the can of bacon soup with a stern look, staring down at Wally and Minnie like they’d just drew on the walls.
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“What? Why not?”
“Don’t get her started.” Minnie began but too late
“Everyone has to cut back, this is the exact opposite of cutting back. The papers been saying that having extra spice in food will cause over eating and such along with it being expensive to probably make this right now!” She had a scolding tone despite neither of them being the one to make the soup
“But it’s good” Wally pointed out
“Which will make you eat more of it!” She said as if he just proved her point
“It’s free” Minnie said taking a bite
Mary slapped her head realizing they were not listening to her, she gave them a look of disappointment
“Do you wanna at least try it?” Minnie asked
Mary pressed her lips together, thinking hard. She finally just took a spoonful of soup.
She couldn’t decide if she liked it or hated it, might just be her, she felt like it tasted like spiced cardboard, she defiantly would prefer anything that was suggested in the paper.
“Can I at least convince you both to drink milk?” It would at least fill them up, and not be terrible for them
Con: She couldn’t convince them not to eat it
Pro: She managed to give them some milk, to not make them overeat
There were a lot of naps taken in the break room, and with Joey waking them up in pulling off blankets with face plants on the floor, one instance that Mary was sleeping, with Wally sleeping on the table. She heard something. She thought it was Joey and made a move to get up, but she realized it was in a different direction, she looks over at the curtain that hid a little hallway, she never really looked behind it.
She stepped over to try and hear the sound better, she didn’t hear anything else.
“Whatcha doin’?”
Mary screamed, making Wally fall off of on the floor.
“Norman You scared me!”
“Sorry doll.” The taller man chukled, turns out it had been Norman
Con: She’d shaved 5 years off her life.
Pro: The building wasn’t haunted.
Norman and Mary were sandwich buddies, they’d usually have vegetables with a small carton of milk.
Mary liked Norman, he reminded her of her own daddy so far away, it wasn’t the way he looked, it was how he held himself, his family photos in his wallet, and how he just ate the sandwich his wife made even though he didn’t seem to like the flavor.
It was sweet, she hoped she met a great gent like that too.
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Mary and Minnie were playing darts in the break room, the game was getting intense, Minnie was winning, but Mary was catching up.
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Someone was watching them, Mary didn’t know his name but she could feel his eyes in their direction, he’d walked in not even a moment ago and the two were too far in their competition to really look at him but finally they called a winner.
“YYYYEEEES! I WON!” Minnie cheered, doing her embarrassing victory dance
Mary wasn’t really bothered by the gloating looking at the gent who’d recently entered, she didn’t know this gent that well, she thought about it for a moment, she thinks she heard him say his name was Thomas when passing in the hall.
“Winner want to play a game of cards?” Thomas asked
“Only if loser bets money” Minnie said, Mary shot her a look like ‘don’t even try it’ Minnie was know for betting a ton of money on small bets, they luckily hadn’t dealt with big sums though, but heave help her if she’d let Minnie put herself in debt
“Sure I don’t mind, you wanna play too miss?” He asked Mary
“All right, but gotta warn you, I’m a pro at old maid.” Thomas said shuffling the cards
“Well see about that then” Minnie said competitively
Mary had won but she suspected that they let her win
It all began with a conversation about their offices, which Mary and Minnie had only their desks to work at, Sammy had two which wasn’t fair according to Minnie.
Even when Mary pointed out the recent remodel of the drawing nook since ‘it didn’t count’
“I bet Joey has five offices all to himself!” Minnie crossed her arms in a huff
Which then in Mary’s mind, she though about how she always saw Joey just kinda there, he seemed to just teleport to a place he needed to be, ergo coming to this question
“Where is Joey’s office?”
Minnie held up a finger to say probably where it was but closed her mouth, and scratching her cheek like she was thinking, then her eyes widened in realization
“Where…is his office?”
So they started asking around, just a harmless curiosity since they’d probably get called there someday to be fired Mary suspected.
Every person they asked around the studios gave them a stare like they just realized that too, a ‘I don’t know’ or a look like they were crazy to look for it.
Not even Wally knew and he was the janitor that had to clean the whole building!
 That is until they got to a gent named Grant Cohen, the studio’s financial advisor.
When they asked him where the office could be, he looked to the side, with a “I-I’m not sure”
Mary didn’t suspect anything when he walked off, but Minnie smelled a rat, so one day in the fallowing week, Mary was eating her sandwich when Minnie came down and asked if they could speak privately, Giving Norman the side eye.
Norman shrugged despite Mary giving Minnie a glare for her rude behavior.
When Norman left, Minnie told Mary
“I tried to fallow Crant to Joey’s office, but he saw me and now I have a date with him!”
Mary had to shut her nose from snorting up the milk she’d drank a minute ago from laughing
“stop laughing!” Minnie said flustered
“HAHAHA! No way!” Mary held her throbbing stomach
Minnie waiting until Mary was done laughing, which it only went down to stifled giggles
“I need you to get me out of-“
“No.” Mary said with a tone of seriousness
“But-“ Minnie began, Mary held up a hand to stop her
“Minnie you reap what you sow. You have to take responsibility for doing something so stupid.”
Mary gave her a stare down which Minnie tried to glare back but gave up with a huff
Con: They don’t know where Joey’s office is still, Minnie is too nosey for her own good
Pro: Minnie has a date! First one since they got here! Mary might have a future brother in law!
She was happy for her sister
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Chapter 2: Intermission-Hallway (2/3)
Mary hated these hallways. For one more reason than scaring her to death.
The ever running pipes of the damned black ink, every single day she’d be covered in it, either it be a few drops on her collar or coated in it like she was going to a funeral. It never failed.
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When she had a commission for sewing she had to put it under her clothes to prevent it from getting dirty when going home!
Also let’t not forget that ink only stained clothes, it stains paper!
Mary could swear she’d made the same Mary Mirror scene, three times but it seemed fate didn’t want Mary Mirror to see the light of day, but the same could be said for Bendy since it got covered in ink a million times too.
However Minnie had told her when Henry was around they’d managed to scrounge together two completed done cartoons. Meanwhile Mary Mirror hadn’t even completed one since the scenes kept being covered in the black liquid.
Mary stood in her ink covered everything, she looked at a bendy cutout, just sitting there innocently.
“Did you have to deal with this much buddy?” She asked his smiling face, sighing, she went back to her desk to see which scene she had to redo this time, she couldn’t help smiling since Minnie seemed just as determined to see these characters on the big screen as she was, especially since Joey didn’t seem to want to do any other cartoon in the past few months.
Pro: Mary was so proud of her younger sister, she had a lot more respect for animators especially if they had to deal with these same conditions
Con: She needed new clothes, and was having a new unrelenting hatred of ink.
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink Stained Mirror Chapter 2: Music room (3/5)
*- are for important breaks in the story such as a time skip
(numbers)- are for different days that it happened, like different dates.
Mary balanced the papers in one hand staring at the device in her other as if it would any minute get up and just start walking. Joey had given them the recording device, or ‘Audio log’ a few months ago, something about for a class on art and animation, also for future employees to see how close the staff was. She’d never seen a device like it but she supposed Joey had his ways of getting things.
They’d had them for a while and everyone had already had something to say, but Mary didn’t know what to say. It’s not that she didn’t have a lot to say exactly, she just didn’t know what to say: Most sounded pretty stupid at least to her. She was too giggly and nervous, she wanted to sound like she knew what she was doing not like a giggly idiot.
She sighed going into the music room to give Sammy some sheet paper from storage, pretty proud she managed to avoid getting ink all over it.
No Sammy in the music room, or in the recording booth, she figured he was in his office, and went to check, since it had a window all the way at the end of the hall she figured, she’d see him but didn’t. Curious she put the blank sheets down to avoid getting them blacked out due to the sometimes gushing pipe outside of Sammy’s office.
Looking into the blindspot from the end of the hall, still no Sammy.
She wondered where on earth that gent could be? Wally had said he was here.
Shrugging she went to retrieve the papers and recorder from the stand she’d set them on, as she did so she heard a sound from the music room, a metallic sound, trying to place the sound, it stopped just as suddenly as it had started.
Confused she went into the music hall, to see Sammy sitting in one of the chairs, he looked at her.
“Why do you look so confused?” She must have had quite the look on her face for him to not even greet her first
“Sammy, where’d you come from?”
“I’ve been in here.” Sammy said
Now Mary was even more confused, had he been hiding behind the piano as to not be disturbed?
Had he been in the projection room above? No…she would have seen him.
Her confused inner ramblings had been interrupted by Sammy
“Can I help you with something?” Mary could never read Sammy’s frowns but this one wasn’t one of his glaring ‘scram’ looks as she called it
“I heard you needed some sheet music, so I got you some.” Mary said a nervous smile forming on her lips
“All right.” He shrugged taking the papers from her “Thank you”
“Y-Your welcome” She moved her hair behind her ear nervously
He looked at her other hand “Why are you holding you’r audio log like that?” She’d been holding it with two of her fingers on the ‘holder’ thing, like a metal bucket.
“you’ll drop it if you continue to do that”
“oh” She held it more in her hands since she couldn’t afford to break the thing, she didn’t even know where Joey got it if she did!
Looking at it she couldn’t help but sigh again, at her earlier thinking.
Sammy was staring at her again “What’s with that look?”
“oh it’s nothing…I’m just thinking” She told him
“is there something wrong with the recording?” He asked
“No of course not…I just don’t know what to say for the recording.” She said honestly to him
“Can I see it?” He asked, confusing her for a second time in the span of ten minutes
“Um…sure” She handed it to him, much to her embarrassed dismay, he pressed rewind and play on one she’d done the first day she got the thing.
(static) (rustling)
“Hi…(giggle) I’m Mary. Mary McConnell…(Strained laughter)”
Sammy looked at her, she’d turned into a shade of red that matched her hair, he gave her an amused look, making her turn deeper red somehow, when the recording stopped laughing his attention was back on the static words
“I (pfft)…(Throat clearing) I believe I should start at the beginning that’s how all stories start after all (Nervous giggle), my younger sister…well twin sister, Minnie got me this job. I was really struggling with keeping jobs, I’m pretty clumsy… (snort from laughter, throat clearing) I didn’t expect to keep this job let alone Minnie to keep this job, but seeing so much fire and passion when I see her drawing and trying to get it done, I feel so proud and, I feel like I could do this too! “
“Oh this sounds so unprofessional!-“
(static of being turned off)
Sammy looked up at her again, she was incredibly red in the face, like every drop of her blood had decided to rest in her face instead of throughout.
“I think you should keep it up, it doesn’t sound unprofessional and has a lot of personality” He placed the recorder back in her hand
It took a minute to process, did-did Sammy just encourage her?
“Don’t you have to go back to drawing?” He interrupted her thoughts again, with a really good point
“Oh that’s right! I left Minnie to finish the scene!” Mary took off leaving Sammy to his sheet music, and to hold in a chuckle at the tape being so sincere it hurt.
Mary and Minnie had a fight
when they had fights they couldn’t be in the same room without a glaring contest.
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This week it was about Minnie getting a gold tooth which Mary thought was a dumb idea when they should be saving money
They’d had fights at work before, it’d put the studio even more behind schedule combined with the ink spilling on everything, with two of their animators fighting.
So when stuff like this occurred she helped another co-worker, with literally anything else.
Wally with cleaning: She hated this one since Wally would start to laze around when she helped. It was annoying. She liked him but his laziness should not be a thing when everyone was working hard.
Norman with his projection: She liked it a great deal since Norman was a real swinger of a guy. Only when she snuck up on her is when she didn’t like the work, editing was one of her favorite things when working with him, he’d talk about his family and such. Sometimes he’d tell her suspicions of Joey doing something, but she thought Norman was being Paranoid, it was making her a bit paranoid actually.
Sammy and Jack: They were okay to work for, she mostly went and got blank sheet music, mostly Jack since Sammy kept giving her a glare. Jack reassuring it was no hard feelings Sammy just didn’t like distractions when working. Mary was sure he just didn’t like her. She didn’t do this job often.
Any other jobs she had no experience with and therefore not trusted with the job
Today she was working with Norman, she was nagging about Minnie
“I mean who does that? get a gold tooth in a drunken stupor at a time like this? I mean I told her not to do something like that!”
Norman just silently listened as she complained, it wasn’t any worse than what his wife complained about.
“and she’s just so irresponsible most of the time, I mean can’t for once she do as she’s told or be at least a little responsible for her actions!” Mary fumed
“Ya both young, ya can ‘fford to be stupid” Norman said looking at the film for any imperfections
“Yes! I know that! But in these trying times we have to be cautious but Minnie is anything but that!”
Norman wondered if his own daughter was going to be like this when she hit puberty
“M’ybe ya need to t’ke a step back, ‘nd just calm down doll”
“I can’t when I’m so livid at her!” She fumed “This isn’t the first time! The last time she was in a drunken stupor she gambled away her paycheck! She bets all this money for some big thing thinking she might be able to save us out of this depression when she can’t!”
“‘ave ya told Minnie about this?” Norman asked
“Yes! She’s does this time and time again still!” She huffed out frustrated
Norman pat her on the back to get her attention “‘ave ya been firm with her?”
“…I think so?”
Norman noticed when he was walking and kind sneaking around. his observations with the twins were, Minnie was irresponsible but so good at reading people.
Mary was more of a doormat, but was such a sweetheart.
It was disconcerting since it Joey seemed to target what he considered weakness, one of the things Norman observed that Joey considered a weakness was kindness.
It didn’t surprise Norman that Minnie didn’t want Mary alone in a room with Joey, it was sweet of Minnie but something else Norman noticed was that since Minnie protected Mary all the time, it made the woman completely blind to the danger she was in.
“Mary do ya know wh’t Joey is like?” He questioned
“Well I know he’s a flirty gentlemen that knows how to flatter a lady” Norman had to stop his from snapping at her and getting whiplash “I really hope he fixes all the problems that are going on…someday…so he’d unreliable…”
Mary’s hand rested on her chin as she looked to the side with melancholy, she was thinking about it but to Norman it was obvious she didn’t want to see the bad in him, but she could see it. She didn’t want to say it, in case he was around the corner and fire her.
Norman considers his next question “Do ya think he’s suspicious at ‘ll?”
Mary looked at him smelling another theory of his “Should he?”
Shaking his head “I mean who gets a’ ink m’chine that causes more h’rm than good? Who m’kes his employees work overtime for getting the thing?”
“I don’t ask, I just do my job” Mary huffed out
They were both silent for a good moment
“Hey!” Both of them jumped, looking down at Jack, the lyricist.
“Can one of you go the melodies from Sammy if he’s done?”
Both of them wrinkled their noses at the terrible smell coming off Jack
“I will” She said trying not to show how bad he smelled, and avoid the conversation with Norman further
Once she left, Norman sighed, he really hopped the woman would be ok.
Pro: Her and Minnie made up by the end of the day
Con: Mary didn’t know how to feel about Joey anymore, but she really didn’t want to be fired so she was to stay quiet and try to stay positive.
Mary could almost swear that Sammy didn’t like her or Minnie, he always had this frown when she saw him, it could also have to do with the fact that he was always covered in just as much ink as she did at the end of the day. Maybe even more since she could sometimes still see the color under the black, but Sammy looked like a big walking ink stain.
Maybe she could get him some new shirts for a holiday if she knew his measurements?
Shaking her head of the thoughts as she continued sowing in the break room, she had another job to do, sewing by commission, she and Minnie couldn’t live if Joey kept ‘forgetting’ to give them their paychecks.
But they had jobs at least.
When the door opened she didn’t look up, far too focused on sewing.
“May I join you?”
She looked up to see Jack, the lyricist. He didn’t have the funky smell so she didn’t realize tit would be him.
“It’s just so quiet in her for once”
“Sure I don’t mind the company” Mary nodded, she heard him sit down, and went back to sewing.
She was so in the zone she didn’t hear another person come in, that is until they started talking to her
“Mary!” She jumped at her name, she looked at Jack only to find Sammy with him
“I’ve been calling you for the past two minutes. You in your own wonderland or something?” Sammy sighed
“you…know my name?” She couldn’t quite get over that shocked since she’d never heard him call her
“Of course I know your name, I’m gonna have to work with you, only an idiot wouldn’t learn the names of their coworkers”
Mary had to resit the urge to think about how she didn’t remember her customers names well
“As I was asking” He interrupted her thoughts “How does it sound?”
Sammy played a song on his banjo
Mary thought of the music lingo she did know.
“Maybe change the tempo to make it sound happier more…high pitched?”
Sammy seemed to sorta understand “You know music?”
“Only a little I can play guitar decently…”
Sammy shrugged at the realization
“I change my hobbies often so…yeah…” She awkwardly stopped that thought
Jack was looking between the two surprised they were getting along a little, and it was interesting. So his next thoughts were
“Can you sing?” Jack got closer to Mary with his sheet music
“…uuuuh” Mary shrugged, putting her needles down “ I could give it a shot?”
Mary sung the lyrics softly and tried to seem like she knew what she was doing
“I take it singing isn’t one of your hobbies?” Jack joked making Mary huff pouting
“Well it’s nice enough” Sammy mumbled
“…thank you?” she said trying not to sound a little offended
“Then again this song isn’t really for you, so when we have a song for you we’ll practice.”
Mary raised an eyebrow at the statement, it later hit her during dinner that Sammy had invited her to play music with them.
Pro: She had a theory that Sammy didn’t hate her. She might have made some new friends!
Con: Maybe she was wrong and he did hate her but right now she could think of no con!
About 4 months since the girls had been hired, a lot of things had changed, even if their boss was still terrible, the building while also terrible had gotten bigger, but their relationships with the other employees had gotten better, Mary, Jack and Sammy had gotten pretty close with their jam sessions and even allowed her to play guitar when it was time to use it. Mary would give hugs and had planned to make clothes when it was a holiday, and Minnie while not as affectionate was a great conversationalist with the others.
A few months into the new year a young woman had been hired to do voices for the characters since according to Joey both the women were terrible with changing their voices, both grumbling that they weren’t that terrible…
“Hello, It’s nice to meet to capable…albeit it similar pretty women” Mary smiled shyly pushing her hair to the side, Minnie frowned at the flattery
Her name was Susie Campbell, Mary thought she was friendly enough when they interacted in the recording room but like with Joey, Minnie got a feeling from the woman, probably because she was with Joey far more than any person in Minnie’s opinion should be.
That however was all Minnie got from Susie, she overall seemed to be a happy person who had a certain passion for her work that Minnie admired, playing a ton of the background characters that Mary nor Minnie could do. Even gave them some tips on how to change their voices, and get better at it.
After two months there was a new character for Susie to voice over, Alice Angel.
Mary was happy for her new friend, Minnie secretly hopped that meant Mary Mirror would be on screen more often, Mary Mirror was basically an everyman, the one you gave the background jobs to, the one who would switch sides depending on the episode; that is what she’d created her for in a way, since Mary herself tended to reflect the people she was around or whatever hobby she was doing that day bringing out the best in others, it was kind of obnoxious how she couldn’t stick to one hobby but it was also what made Mary herself. Even though it was how Minnie had written her she still wanted Mary more on the screen.
She wondered, if Joey ever felt like this since he created the characters, the idea made her skin crawl with disgust that they were in any single way alike.
Mary and Minnie had also watched what they hopped was a romance since they had once up in the projectionist room seen something amazing:
Both women had squinted to see if they weren’t seeing things
Sammy was…smiling?
When they saw that, they both broke out into smiles that took up the majority of their faces
There was no way they were going to let this slip through the cracks
“I’m going to tell him” Minnie smirked like a dork
“Don’t you dare!” Mary slapped her sisters shoulder
Mary wasn’t per say overshadowed but she still kinda took a backseat to Alice especially in the recording room since it seemed Alice too priority, which did annoy Minnie when drawing the scenes, especially when Susie started to sound like she thought Alice was better than Mary when she hadn’t even been on screen for very long! She wasn’t even done with her voiced lines yet!
“I think you’re overreacting…” Mary said after a few hours of complaining at home
“No I’m not!”
“She’s just happy to have a toon she connects to” Mary tried to calm her down
“That’t not an excuse to be rude! Yes Alice could be big like Sammy said, but so can you!”
Mary beamed shyly flattered at Minnie
“And if she’d rude and goes to interviews she’ll most likely ruin Alice before she’s even on the screen”
Mary decided for now this was a probable lost cause with her argument, so she just went to bed, leaving Minnie to fume
Minnie hopped that Susie got her comeuppance for being such a prick.
Minnie was walking down the hall trying to find another route to keep the papers clean
Rounding the corner, she suddenly heard muffled talking, which was strange since no one was around here, and rarely came this way, she saw a door starting to open and hid behind the corner.
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She saw Susie adjusting her buttons, with Joey coming out behind her, Minnie suddenly hated Joey a lot more than before, but thinking about Mary and how much they both needed these jobs stopped her from running to slap his stupid head off.
Minnie couldn’t even speak to Susie, she was pretty sure she’d blurt out something that would get them both fired, but now every time Joey got close to Mary, she’d get in-between them.
There would be no more of Joey flirting with Mary, telling her she was pretty as a flower or that Mary and Mary Mirror would be going places, if he thought he could get away with it, he was dead wrong.
Mary might get mad at her for being rude, but she’d rather be seen as rude than Joey doing the same thing to Susie to Mary.
He could go screw himself!
“You know you shouldn’t trust him” Minnie said when she got Susie alone once
Susie looked offended “What are you scared that I’ll be better than your stupid little mirror”
Minnie would let that one slide, she’d let a lot of things slide right now
“No. I’m scared for you, you’ve lost weight, you’re a shade paler than before, and I get the feeling Joey has something to do with this!”
“Joey is going to make me a star!”
“Who cares!? You were happy when people liked Alice! What happened to that! Now you just want to be some star that no one will know who you are!”
“That’s not true! No one will know who you are since you’re just a pathetic little animator! With just as pathetic of a character!”
Okay that hurt, Minnie’s frowned, trying very hard not to get angry and just punch Susie in the face, it’d certainly make her feel better, she didn’t understand; Susie was passionate about her work and was a good person at first, was being with Joey making her like this? Or was she becoming blind to how people were?
“I hope you get your comeuppance soon.” Minnie grrr-ed out, leaving without punching Susie in the face
“Minnie? What’s wrong?” Mary asked her crying sister as she hugged the taller woman
“Everyone I’d like you to meet you’re new co-worker, Alison Pendle”
Okay maybe not that kind of comeuppance, when Minnie wanted her to get it. There was an air of awkwardness, as Mary sat with her new co-star Allison Pendle, she was trying to great the other woman and be polite but the red heads felt too awkward to interact or bring up the incident in front of Susie who they hadn’t seen for a while, then again whenever they did see her she glared at them like they were an enemy to her.
Minnie just growled back, pulled her sister to the other side of the road so they can get to work.
“Did I do something to make you not like me?” Allison asked Mary as she was about to exit the recording room, so Allison could voice Alice
Mary looked at Allison, she considers it, Susie had been a real jerk before she left, but everyone agreed, Susie hadn’t deserved that, so to try to make friends with the new VA seemed like a real betrayal to but since no one had seen Susie for a few days she guessed she should at least talk to the woman.
“No, Ma’am you didn’t it’s just that…” Mary looked to the side, thinking
Allison looked curiously at Mary, her lips quirked up into a reassuring small smile.
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“Don’t worry about it, we’ll talk about it when I get done with the script. Deal?”
Mary considered Allison’s words, if she was going to be Mary’s co-star now, then Mary might as well get along with her.
“Okay” Mary mumbled bashfully
Putting a new spring in Allison’s step when they exchanged goodbye’s
The literal moment that Mary sat down to do some work is when Allison showed up:
Mary looked behind her to see who it was, Allison stood in the door way leaning against the frame, Mary couldn’t help but think about Minnie doing that
“Hello Allison” Mary gave a small shy smile to the woman, pushing her hair behind her ear
Allison raised her eyebrow, she’d noticed that everyone used her first name despite being new
“Why are you using my first name? Isn’t that a little rude?” She asked
“oh, my apologizes, it’s a habit Joey has encouraged in all the employees to make us closer, he’ll encourage you as well. Its honesty a nice idea since I feel closer to everyone” She babbled slightly since she was nervous, twiddling her thumbs more vigorously
“Oh that’s why” Allison crossed her arms thinking
There was a moment of silence that made Mary look back and forth awkwardly
“Did you need something?” She blurted
Allison shrugged “I just wanted to get to know my co-star a little better, and wonder why everyone’s giving me strange looks, and you seemed like the one least likely to snap at me”
“oh I um see” Mary put her hands in her lap
“So why is there so much tension?” Allison stood a little closer to Mary
Mary scratched her cheek and decided it was better she knew
“Well the previous star, Susie had voiced a few episodes and everyone was pretty used to her, but you came in like…really suddenly Joey had literally told no one until you came in a few weeks ago”
When Mary had said that, Allison’s face instantly understood but then she frowned deeply
“Wait you said she voiced a few episodes?”
“At least three but she’d been here for three months”
“Why would he change the voice actor so suddenly?”
“I don’t know, maybe he didn’t like how Susie sounded and didn’t want to tell her”
Allison wondered if Mary wasn’t the brightest bulb here
“And-“ Mary began getting Allison’s attention “I didn’t really ask since I really want to keep this job” Mary twiddled her thumbs again looking to the side sadly
Allison shook her head, she looked at what Mary had been working on earlier in the day, looking for anything to really get off the subject
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“Is this Miss Mirror?” Allison points to the page, of Mary Mirror putting a hat on a stand and putting on a bartender uniform.
“Oh yes! I was just about to get back to the animation”
“She’s cute” Allison commented looking back at the actual person then held in her laughter that Mary was wearing the same clothes today
“What’s so funny?” Mary asked curiously
“Nothing” Allison chuckled “Are her and Alice friends?”
“It depends on the episode” Mary said concentrating on where her next line should go next
“Can I make some suggestions for the next episode?”
It took Mary a moment to let the question sink in “Of course!”
Minnie came in later to see Allison chatting with Mary as she drew, they noticed the semi-stunned sister
“Minnie! Allison’s been giving me tons of ideas for the next few episodes! Can we do them!?”
Minnie blinked at the quick sketch of Alice and Mary in matching black dresses
“I figured the only other female character could share the spotlight for a bit.”
Minnie decided she liked Allison
Pro: Mary had a new friend and she was so cool!
Con: She had no idea what happened to susie… She really hoped the woman was ok
Mary, Jack and Sammy were having their Jam session for the next cartoon, Allison was watching entertained, sometimes humming the tune. Minnie was at the door thinking of a good idea that Joey wouldn’t agree with but she was thinking about it. Kind of memorizing the positions
She wasn’t interested in the tune, Minnie noticed.
Minnie saw that Allison was focusing on Sammy, she knew that look on Allison’s face a little too well, another layer of awkwardness was now forming at the fact Susie was no longer there, but Minnie shrugged it off since as Mary said ‘sammy deserves someone great!’ and if Allison was that, great, but now Minnie wanted to go buy some shot gun ammo if Susie thought they’d set them up. Which they weren’t, just silently watching and cheering for them
They’d gotten a few cartoons done now, but Joey hadn’t released any of the ones with Mary as a Main character, so Mary Mirror still was just in the background. And the ones with her as a front character also was getting overshadowed.
Minnie had to pay Norman just to watch her own cartoons, with her own character. Mary would watch too but she kept reassuring the younger twin that Mary Mirror would someday see the light of day as they watched the butcher gang carry Mary and Alice to their secret hideout.
Minnie hopped so, truly but she hates Joey and she gets the feeling he hates her guts.
Letting out a huff, she didn’t realize the music had stopped when it did.
“You’re all really good” Allison clapped
Sammy let’s out a huff like ‘of course’, Mary just put her hair behind her ear, Jack smiled.
Minnie couldn’t help but smile at the group, they were really adorable, and hard working. She wanted with every bone in her body to show how hard working everyone in the building was, and to her it was to get one of the cartoons featuring all the characters out. If joey was going to screw her over, he shouldn’t be allowed to screw over his own company!
Minnie suddenly had an even better idea, she runs off, before she could leave to go home with Mary.
Mary waited with Allison outside, since the other woman didn’t think Mary should be alone outside, especially with it snowing.
Finally Minnie came out looking really shell shocked
“Minnie? Minnie?” Mary waved in front of her face
“Is she ok?” Allison asked Mary
“I don’t know” Mary was concerned
Mary convinced Allison to help her carry Minnie back home
When they got Minnie home, she just silently got dressed for bed and just laid on her bed, that is until she woke up Mary in the middle of the night.
“I got Joey to agree to air Mary Mirror!”
“That’s great Minnie, but can’t you save it until morning?”
Only privately and for tickets, but Minnie persuaded him to let her air it at the one place Minnie knew it would at least be appreciated.
“The Purple Pig?” Mary said with this very obvious annoyance, she was very angry
“That speak easy that you not only got persuaded to get a gold tooth but almost. Gambled. Your savings away”
Minnie would let Mary be angry for now, since she did have reason to be.
“It’s not like that this time, I’m not going drinking or a winning streak, I’m going there to really do something…good…for the studio” Minnie didn’t like how that sounded but it was the only way she could think of to convince her
“That sounds like you convinced Joey to let you go drinking and gambling”
“No Mary, I mean it. I’ll even invite your friends!”
Mary looked over at the door not knowing how anyone would take a speak-easy, hell it makes her nervous that Joey knows Minnie is like this
“Not your work friends” Minnie said. “Your old friends, I want them to see Mary Mirror and all the other characters”
“Alice, Bendy and Boris” Mary scolded slightly.
“I know their names” Minnie huffs “The point is, we’re going to create buzz so that Joey will let Mary Mirror on screen more often.”
“Won’t it just be promoting the cartoons in general?” Mary pointed out
Minnie huffed out like she was frustrated “Can we go do that or not? Cause last I checked I’m a grown woman and you’re not my mother.”
Mary let out her own huff, she too was frustrated “Only if I see no drink in your hand and no money.”
“Fine, Fine. I’ll give you my wallet and my word. Deal?”
Mary didn’t know if Minnie’s ‘word’ was worth much but her wallet was a start.
“Yeah, Deal” The sister shook on it.
How they got Norman to lend them a projection was beyond them. But he gave them the warning like two children “You bust my projector. I’ll bust both of your asses!”
Which was honestly fair enough, they broke the equipment they could never afford to replace it, which was why Minnie was in charge of it, with Mary’s butterfingers they were almost guaranteeing they’d owe some money.
“So what’s the password this time?” Mary asked
“I’ll tell him the password” Minnie told her, arms empty for once today she’d gotten there earlier with Norman since he didn’t trust her with his equipment, which again was fair. He however now knew, that one of the girls, most likely Minnie knew the owner of said speak easy
Said woman who he suspected didn’t seem to care.
As they walked down the slightly damp street it almost getting dark, they spotted one of Mary’s friends.
“Larry!” Mary called to the bigger man, running over to him, he opened his arms for the incoming hug that he saw coming, he spun her around as best he could, she was a good head taller than him.
“Mary! It’s wonderful to see ya darlin’!” She giggled at him “It’s wonderful to see you too!” she said
Minnie caught up to her running sister
“And wonderful to see you as well” He gave Minnie a hug too, making it a group hug
“Larry, you’re crushing me!” Minnie joked, making fake coughing sounds. He released both of them, laughing “I apologize! I suppose I don’t know my own strength!” He flexed jokingly making both the women stifle their laughter
“Did you wait out here?” Mary asked
“Well, Yes I wanted to be sure you both made it” Larry scratched his head
“we’re both here, let’s just go inside.” Minnie walked past them, and up to the door giving a secret knock
Larry and Mary came up behind her just as the peep hole slid open
“Swine fly.” Minnie said, the two looked at each other, raising an eyebrow at such a strange password
The man on the other side closed the peep hole and opened the door, Mary recognized the guy from last time she had to drag Minnie home.
He stared at them as they passed, he tipped her hat and he nodded at her
“Where my hoodlums at!”
Most of the people cheered and called Minnie’s name, Mary couldn’t help but wonder if she was hanging out at this place too much, not that these guys weren’t bad influences, some where actually sweethearts but in a place like this it made Mary slap her face
Mary spotted her friends, she waved at them, which they returned. Larry and her joined them
Mary pulled both of them in a hug since they were both small enough for her to do that
“Scarlett! Gary! It’s so wonderful to see you both!”
Gary sourly grumbled, Scarlett pat Mary’s arm
She let them both go “How’s the baby?” Mary asked Scarlett
“Rose’s all good girlo, I love her, but mommy needs a night out by herself. Also I figured her and Daddy needed a bonding night” Scarlett chuckled
Gary cut their conversation short “So you’ve been hold up in some studio with your sister, doing who knows what in a stained dress, and looking a shade paler than usual, to be blunt; hope your cartoons are good”
Scarlett slapped him on the back of the head for his bluntness, he was going to make Mary cry! She could already see the tears prick at the mention of ‘ink stained dress’
“What this tackless baboon is trying to say is we’re worried, we hardly hear from you in days and when it’s about your job, the stuff we do hear makes the place sound like a health hazard, I know the job market and money is bad right now, but I-“
Larry and Gary coughed
“-we. Don’t want you to go into a far too early grave” Scarlett finished
“And genuinely hope you’re doing a good job” she added
Mary twiddled her thumbs “Well sometimes they’re good, but with the rushed deadlines and the ink always making us redo it, we try our best but sometimes they do end up crummy”
Gary let out a huff looking sympathetic “ah terrible bosses, can’t work with them” He pat her back, he too had to deal with a awful boss, he was thankful that he wasn’t on the level with Mary and Minnie had to deal with “Maybe you could sue him later”
Mary flicked Gary’s hand making him mumble “ow”
“Don’t even joke you jerk” She giggled putting her fingers around a few of his own
They all gave each other smiles
“All right hoodlums! I hope you’re ready for these cartoons! Me and My sister worked on these so we hope you like them!”
Minnie jumped out from in front of the projector and gramophone, as a friend who had a little knowledge on the projector played play, as Minnie joined Mary and her friends, Salty joined them as well.
“We got this” Minnie pushed Mary with her knuckles making her giggle
Everyones attention went to the cheerful music and Bendy’s face coming up, now only time could tell
It had been a pretty good turnout, despite the animation having some of the ‘crummy’ ones in it, everyone laughed when they were supposed to, cheer when they were supposed to, and laughed when they noticed a very adult joke in one of them.
When the cartoon would end for an intermission, Mary and Minnie would get pats on the backs for their good work, since they did know most everyone here save for a few.
Before they both knew it, the cartoons were over. The twins gave each other a smile at the successful night.
Mary’d even been talked to by a few beautiful people, once a man and woman back to back.
“D-did it just get hotter in here?” She asked Minnie who was laughing at Mary waving her face and pulling her collar to let the heat out
It was a great night, that they couldn’t wait to tell about the next day, even if Joey didn’t agree to air them again for a while
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Bonus
A bonus chapter that if you want can skip
*- are for important breaks in the story such as a time skip
Mary was helping Norman clean up a mess in the projection room, spilled a lot of stuff and they didn’t want to call wally since it didn’t seem that big to call him in.
“So how’s your wife?” Mary asked throwing some of the ruined bread in the trash
“She’s all good, just doing what she does best: ruinin' the house” Norman said, he looked proud
“That’s great! How are your kids?”
“They’re doing great, thriving wher’eva they plan to go”
“I’m happy for you then” Mary looks up with a grin as they finish up
“ ‘preciate it doll” Norman smiled back down at her, grinning face, helping her up.
Suddenly they hear vigorous steps coming and banging up the stairs.
“Mary! I got a great idea!” Minnie said her excitement clear
“Don’t shout, I’m right here” Mary said
“Sorry, I’m just super excited!”
Norman mumbled something about Minnie acting like one of his children on a sugar high
“What is it? And please don’t shout dear.”
“You remember that letter, our parents sent us?” How could she not? They’d just got it this morning.
“Of course”
“And how I wanted to send something more personal than another letter, telling them boring ol’ stuff like how we’re doing and stuff”
Mary raised an eyebrow like ‘don’t say that but continue’
“How about we show them!” Minnie said to Mary’s big eyed face
“What you going to send your parents a projector?” Norman asked, making both Mary and Minnie snort with laughter
“What? No” Minnie calmed down from her laughs “I was thinking a photo!”
Mary stopped laughing, saying in a quiet voice “Minnie we can’t afford that…we don’t even have a camera” she liked the idea but they couldn’t afford it, if they wanted to eat
“Weeee don’t” Minnie put emphasis on the ‘e’ “but I know someone that does”
“You do?” Mary was surprised that Minnie would know someone that owned something like that.
“Yeah I know someone who owes me some favors.” Minnie said proudly
“But aren’t photos expensive? I know they’re not as much a film” She looks at Norman proudly as he nods, her stupid grin coming back
“He owes me” Minnie said again
Mary looked about ready to repeat herself but Minnie beat her to it “He. owes. me. Biiiiiiiig”
How big did he owe her? Mary questioned to herself
“I called him about thirty minutes ago and he’s on his way” Minnie said
“wait what?” Mary mumbled, Norman was just being chill about their conversation
“Weeeee should probably make sure Joey doesn’t know, since he could fire us” Minnie gave a strained smile
“why didn’t you think of that earlier?!” Mary’s voice went higher at the realization, meaning she was mad
“well I thought our clothes are still clean, it’s pretty early and his schedule was open, and I really wanted to get a photo to the squirts n’ mom and dad as soon as we could”
Minnie was sentimental about things like that, hell she was still wearing the locket and cross their mother had given to her, Minnie wasn’t even religious.
Mary could only sigh since she did things like this far too often then she should
“Lets go greet him! Come on!”
“All right! All right! No need to drag me! Goodbye Norman!” Mary said Minnie pulling her down the stairs
“see ya” Norman waved goodbye to the girls
Minnie dragged Mary all the way up to the first floor, they saw Minnie’s friend before he saw them, he was just looking around curiously
“Salty! You found the place!” Salty looked down at Minnie words
“Little hard to miss there Tomato” “well considering you get lost to the bathroom I wanted to make sure my favorite Rag-a-Muffin made it here safe” They exchanged smirks at each other, then Salty picked Minnie up and gave her a big old bear hug, which she returned until Mary swore she heard a popping sound from both ends.
They both let go laughing their buts off.
“Um…hello salty, nice to see you again” She waved shyly, using her other hand to push her hair out of her face
“Always a pleasure” His hand had practically engulfed hers last time she shook his hand, salty was massive with few tattoos hidden somewhere, so to know he had a hobby that involved art wasn’t strange just unexpected.
“So we got you for an hour, so let’s get to it…and avoid our boss”
“Wait what?” Salty seemed just as surprised as Mary had been moments ago
“Your boss doesn’t know t’m here” Salty asked Mary since Minnie wasn’t going to give a straight answer when she knew she was in trouble
“No…and he might fire us if he sees you” Mary said
“Why? You’re not giving away secrets as far as I can tell”
“Our boss is an ass” Minnie told him
“Minnie hush!” Mary told her thinking the man would hear them
“Sound terrible…” Salty rubbed the back of his neck nervously
“Enough talk! Let’s go!” Minnie dragged Salty to the drawing nook to begin their operation: gift for parents and squirts
“I like this rooms energy” Salty said once he stepped into the drawing nook
“Thanks!” Minnie said “So we agreed three pictures one-“
“Hold up. We agreed only on two.” Salty told Minnie, Mary looked at Minnie waiting for the argument
“Yes we did, but I figured I’d go ahead and owe you big to give them another picture” Minnie told him, Mary looked back at Salty
“But what if I’d said no?” Salty pointed out, Mary looked at Minnie
“Then I’d be disappointed but I’d understand.” Minnie replied, Mary looked back at Salty, the big man had an amused look on his face
“Oh fine. I can’t say no to such a sappy request” Salty told her, making Minnie grin with a smug kind of happiness for a successful trade, Mary giggled at her face.
“So whatcha thinking you smug tomato?” Salty asked Minnie
“I actually do have an idea! Mary and I show some of the drawings we’ve been animating for the camera! Sound good?”
“I love it!” Mary told her
Salty shrugged “sounds good to me, get the pictures and hold them up”
The two looked through them and made their decision, Minnie held up two pictures, one with Bendy and Alice dancing, the other with Mary Mirror in a fortune telling booth, and Mary held up a picture inspired by a jam session all the characters at once l, including the butcher gang, she’d been inspired by Minnie’s drawing and drew it; Boris on the banjo, Bendy on the violin, alice on the microphone, Mary on the guitar and the butcher gang on different instruments; Edgar on a harp, Barley on accordion and Charley on piano.
Minnie had admitted that one looked better.
She’d gotten a few too many comments on the butcher gang, that there was no way they’d play those instruments, but Mary thought it was cute and the instruments suited them, honesty she was just proud she’d managed to finish it at home, it was a small scene but it made her happy.
Salty adjusted the camera, telling them to stand a little closer and snapped the picture.
“Cute scenes” He commented
“Thank you” They both said flattered, Minnie was grinning from ear to ear, Mary put her hair behind her ear
“All right let’s go take the next picture! I got an idea for the music room!”
* They’d only had to hide once in a room on the way there since Joey was walking in the opposite direction, waiting until his footsteps pass in the empty office
“You make it out like the guys scary, he doesn’t very big” Both the twins shush Salty
A few years shaved off their lives but they were finally there!
“I don’t like the energy in this room much…”
“Whaaaat! Why not?” Mary asked Salty
“It feels dark…”
She was about to question further what he meant but something else interrupted them
“Holy Moly!” They jumped to see Wally staring up at Salty
“Who’s the giant that looks ready to punch someone?” His wide eyes looking up at salty who just snorted
“The giants none of your concerned” Minnie said using a tone she never used with Wally,
“But-“ Wally began
“Who ‘re you?” Everyone jumped once again, Salty let out a curse since it was close to his head instead of below him
“Norman! Stop sneaking up on people” Minnie called up at the project room
Before Minnie could get more frustrated, Mary just introduced Salty “Wally this is Sylvester Woods, we call him Salty, Salty this is Wally Franks”
The two stared at each other awkwardly, Salty held out his hand and Wally shook it, they hear a cracking sound and a yelp from Wally
“Sorry” Salty said as Wally tried to shake the pain out of his hand
“Salty that’s Norman Polk up there, Norman this is Salty”
“How’ ya doin?” Norman waved casually
“I’m ok” Salty nodded up to him
“Moving on, I was thinking Mary with her guitar and-“
Salty started coughing “Bleh! What’s that terrible smell?”
Mary and Minnie could have turned to stone at that moment, and they could have cracked into a million pieces when someone else was coming through the door
“Hey what ar-“
Well, that explained the smell, it was Jack.
“….Hi?” He says seeing a really big guy and the twins staring at him
“Am I interrupting something?”
Before the twins could respond, Sammy came in looking like he was talking to Allison until he bumped into Jack and this scene
And they had the exact same questioning eyes as Jack.
“What the hells going on here?” Sammy turned his stare at the two red heads
“You wanna cover this one or should I?” Mary asked Minnie
“You please” Minnie said gritting her teeth in frustration since they didn’t mean to be seen by everyone in the office
Mary told them that they were taking pictures for their parents a few states away
“I see…” Sammy said, Jack tapped his chin
“That’s sweet” Allison giggled
There was a tension to the room
“Will this take long?” Sammy asked “I don’t think so” Mary told him
“come on!” Minnie said, she said frustrated
“all right” Mary said exasperated by Minnie’s behavior
“So I was thinking that Mary you could play your guitar and I could be that stick waver!” Minnie told her the idea
“Stick waver? You mean the conductor?” Sammy pointed out, making Minnie pout
“Yes that” She said, she points at Sammy without looking at him
“don’t point” Mary chided
“It’s kinda bland” Salty said getting Minnie a little more frustrated, looking down with a harder pout
Salty thought it over, looking down at the other few and looked up at the projectionist room but the man wasn’t there anymore making his shiver, clearing his throat
“Why not take a picture with these guys” Salty pointed to them
“Don’t point” Mary chided again
“No thanks I’m gonna go get some ice or a brace for my hand” Wally said going to the little nurses room
The three look at each other, Mary honestly liked the idea
“It can be like a jam session!” Mary smiled at them
Sammy huffed letting out a ‘fine’
“Yeah sure!” Jack shrugged
“I’d love to” Allison said
They got to the places with their instruments, and Allison at a microphone. Minnie tried to be the conductor but she still looked ridiculous so they gave her a tambourine and she looked good.
“Your parents will love this photo” Salty said making the twins really happy
“All right I got an idea now!” Mary pulled Minnie over to the front of the recording studio, Mary talked to her.
The two started giggling, Minnie put her arm around Mary, the smaller twin had to lift up slightly while Mary had to bend down slightly. Minnie pressed her cheek to Mary’s in affection.
It was a sweet sisterly photo, Which Salty immediately took.
“All right! Now we have to get you out!” Minnie said dragging Salty out
Mary let out a huffed laugh
“Still wanna jam?” Jack asked
“yes,” Mary nodded going to sit down.
Minnie didn’t know it would take forever for the photo’s to get done, they hadn’t heard in forever.
Until Salty came to the drawing nook and gave them the photo’s and a copy of the old one.
“thought you’d want it”
They did, so they both gave salty a kiss on his cheeks for being amazing.
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