ferromagnetiic · 3 months
Absolutely NO ONE could have been able to prepare Linn for one of Kid's infamous birthday parties. She was very aware of there being lots of drinks; finding herself too indulging in one or other intoxicating liquor, however, was not on her list tonight. And all after telling herself she will be responsible and stay sober. Oh well. That was something the mink was promising hours ago. Time really was fleeting. Her little fluffy head is fogged up, waddling clumsily around the table and trying to maneuver her feet towards the birthday boy in question.
     ❝ CAPTAAAAAIN   !   How arr yoo doin'   ? ❞     Her rough tongue brings out only slurred words, accompanied by happily narrowed eyes. Bloodshot already. Patting her captain's broad shoulder with a prideful purr, Linn managed to position a finely wrapped box, not even small, onto the redhead's lap.     ❝ A li'l somethin' frum the ship's kidden, y'know   ? ❞     An embarrassing giggle, which most likely will be a weapon of teasing tomorrow.
Knowing her captain oh so well, the feline got her hands on a starter kit for wood and metal work. Something you would not gift a grown adult, rather a child between six and ten years old. He liked tinkering, right   ?   Maybe the shopkeeper misread her description of searching for a present for a tech fanatic 'kid' wrong. Unfortunate name his mother picked for him in that case.
     ❝ C'mon on now. Open it. Open ~ . . . ❞     Idly 'holding' his drink, taking a sip juuust to make sure it was not poisoned, and soon having trouble gulping down the burning liquid, a sharp breath. The cat lounges against his arm, eyes fixed on the box. He must like it.     ❝ Fffuck whad the hell arr yoo zzrinkin'   ?   Kerosene   ? ! ❞
     【 KID'S BIRTHDAY 2024. 】 @medicus-felini
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           The cat's pissed.      Completely and utterly sloshed. The celebration has only just started, and she's obviously completely lost herself to the juice already. She rarely partakes in casual daytime drinking nor wild drunken partying alike, so Kid supposes it's inevitable that she would succumb to her intoxication faster than the rest of them. She's slurring her words and giddily stumbling around, but she looks like she's loving every moment of it, so he can't say he has any objections. It's nice to have her joining them; he was concerned she might become overly paranoid and start trying to lecture him about not accidentally meeting his untimely end by poisoning his liver. As long as nobody needs to get their stomach pumped after she inevitably blacks out later, it would all be fine.
She ambles over to him like a newborn kitten just learning where her feet are, and then she is swiping his drink from him and barely downing a single sip from the glass. Copper eyes follow her movements, though he does not intend to restrain her before the liquid has slipped down her throat.
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❝ Naw, nooh kerosene; gotta ask Heat for that. Tha's absinthe. Bit much for the ship's kitten, ay? ❞
Though he is usually averse to being touched, tonight he is hammered, he is surrounded by people he loves, and he is happy. With scarcely enough time for her to catch her breath, he abruptly ensnares her with his right arm to pull her tightly against his side in a drunken embrace. His body radiates warmth, and his breath carries traces of all the drinks he has already finished, but he still holds her directly against him anyway.
❝ Oi, oi. Bein' spoiled, am I? Figured ye'd just write me a prescription. Nooh a half chewed rat, is it? ❞ The part about the dead rat is obviously a joke. The part about the prescription is also a joke unless she decides to actually take him up on it.
His smile is broad, all teeth, like he's thoroughly entertained by her inebriation. Taking the box she's delivering to him, he continues to squeeze her even more firmly against his torso, pinching her between his arm and his body as he uses both hands to unwrap the gift in his lap. It was beautifully presented until he peels the paper apart, and he automatically hands the decorative ribbon to her for her to play with if she pleases.
The picture on the front of the box and the colorful letters leave no amount of room for questioning what it is. A children's woodwork project kit, which when completed will create a little wooden boat with metal wheels on the underside so it can roll across the floor. There are no sharp instruments involved; only pre-cut pieces of wood, some screws, tiny metal wheels that must be assembled, and a square sheet of soft sandpaper. It was the kind of simplistic design that even tots barely out of their infancy could piece together without much assistance from an adult.
As soon as he's registered what it is she's given him, he's lifting the top of the box to peer at the pieces inside. The wooden blocks, intended for the smallest of hands, feel vaguely familiar, despite the fact he was never gifted a set like this in his youth.
The memory is hazy, but he still distantly remembers almost twenty years ago — making his own toys out of whatever pieces of scrap he found lying on the ground. In the days before he had anyone on his side, he built his friends out of tin cans and pieces of wire. He vaguely recalls one in particular; a soup can 'robot' with a menacing smile he painted on for its face. The can he used for his head had originally been crudely stabbed open with a knife, and the ends of the wire he used for his body were exposing needle-sharp tips, so every time he played with it he would end up with fresh cuts and smears of blood on his hands — yet, despite that, he carried that little silver doll around like his favorite toy for as long as he could hold on to it.
          He doesn't remember exactly what became of it. It was just a painted tin can, after all.
That younger him would've fawned, thrilled, and marveled over the cast metal and limewood underneath the press of impatiently indulgent fingers. A toy of similar caliber would’ve never made it into his possession, no matter how much effort he invested in saving up. It's a few years late, but that's just how things work out sometimes, he supposes.
Red lips abruptly plant themselves on top of the Mink's hair, delivering a swift kiss to her head, staining her in a perfect blotch of lipstick; an obnoxious patch that would doubtlessly remain for the rest of the night.
Had someone else amongst his crew been the one to hand him such a ridiculous gift, he would've perhaps taken it to be a good-natured prank; or an affectionate tease at best, aiming to bait him. The whole lot of them: playfully, wonderfully annoying in the only way that's familiar to their petulant captain. It seems unlikely that Linn would be guilty of committing the same crime. She was the sweetest of their bunch — and would sooner profusely apologize than risk aggravating him.
Hell, Kid won't even allude to the fact that it's been a pretty damn long time since he last considered an entry level kit like this as being anywhere near challenging. Gag gift or not, the sight of her earnest excitement made it clear that the present had come from a good place with thoughtful intentions. He merely snorts, and continues to drawl.
     ❝ Ah, yer a guid girl, Linn.           Thank ye. ❞
          With that, he's then replacing the lid back on top so he doesn't disrupt any of the pieces inside, mindful to not let anything fall out only for it to become lost for the rest of time underneath a chair.
     ❝ ...Hoo plastered d'ya think I can get if I take a shot for e'ery piece I put together? ❞
          The gift is so well appreciated it will now be turned into a drinking game.
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evakuality · 3 years
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Mia, episode five
1.  One thing Druck is super good at is these aesthetic shots.  This whole opening bit reminds me of the scene with Amira when she’s praying in her room.  Lots of beautiful shots of the room, curtains and stuff, which are just super pretty with a few hints of colour.  I dunno, this is just an aesthetic I like and I appreciate that Druck caters to me.  Mia is so cute, too!  Like both the way she looks and also how kind she is.  She still doesn’t really like Alex a lot (though you could see in that montage from the previous night that she’s warming up to him) but she still feels like she should leave things looking nice.  These little post-it notes are sort of cute too, and you can see that she thinks they’re sweet.  I don’t like this Bjorn though.
2.  Interesting that we get a clip specifically one week later.  I have no idea how that must have felt while this was live, and I’m really glad that I didn’t have to live through these long gaps in any of the things I did watch in real time.  This one was reasonably low key though, so maybe the wait wasn’t as agonising.  If you didn’t know who Bjorn is (I’m assuming the Niko character) then nothing in the last couple of clips would have felt all that alarming.  But Mia’s so flirty here - that one conversation at his house must have really charmed her.  Pity we didn’t really get to hear a lot of it because he still hasn’t charmed me!!  And actually that ‘show a montage of how things are going while a song and/or other conversation plays overtop’ is a huge thing Druck does, I think.  I feel like in some cases (Matteo and David after their first pool kiss moment, for example, or Hanna and Jonas breaking up) work quite well.  But here, I think we needed to hear more of Alex to actually believe that Mia would be this flirty with him.  For me, this is too big a turnaround from her very cold manner with him at the piano and an actual proper look at that conversation might have helped.  But also, I am super biased because William and so maybe a more reasonable person might like it okay.  This bit with Linn is weird.  Genuinely creepy, and I’m not sure why they’re setting her up to feel like this.  Maybe some sort of hint of the creepiness to come with Bjorn (I’m assuming it’s coming, anyway).
3.  I don’t get this bit with all the pictures at the school.  I assume it will become obvious later but I’m not sure what exactly they were trying to do with this.  You’d think they run the risk of having the whole Abi chaker clan thing shut down - if this happened in my school there’d be so much trouble.  A groups of kids once put post-its all over one teacher’s room and they got in SO much trouble for it, and that wasn’t obscene like this is.  This thing here seems so targeted at the Abi thing, using their plan specifically, that it feels like someone outside the group wants them not to be allowed to run their theme.  Or someone in the group who wants a different motto maybe.  I don’t know, but it feels very mean and very specifically directed at this group of people.
4.  Hmmm, I’m with Leonie on this one.  I’d be giving Carlos the super evil stare too.  It may be ‘funny’ to some of these people, but given that there are younger kids at this school (I assume, right?  They still have classes running for the smaller ones at the end of Matteo’s season, allowing their prank to go ahead) this is sure to go down really badly with the school itself.  I’m rolling my eyes at the ones who are outraged that the school is considering reporting it - what did they expect?  Also, surely they can figure out who was doing it - people were literally throwing handfuls of the pictures over the stairs.  Surely they could work out who it is.  It’s pretty clear that Alex still thinks this is funny and I’m losing patience with him.  Every time it seems like maybe he’s getting less gross he goes and acts like this again.  Bleh.  I’m not often rooting for Leonie and feeling for her, but wow today I really am.  This is shitty and she has a right to be angry.
5.  Ew, Alex, why are you stalking Mia again?  She’s made it pretty clear she’s not happy with you.  Turning up out of the blue like a creep isn’t a good way to go about winning her over again.  His ‘we were drunk, what can you do?’ is so... stupid???  They’ve lost money from this, the school is really angry, they could easily have some pretty bad consequences and he’s all ‘meh, it was a drunken prank’?  I know money isn’t an issue for him, but there are issues here beyond the money.  I’m also kind of annoyed that everyone keeps suggesting she’s upset because she’s jealous.  I’ll be really annoyed if the show carries on this way - this isn’t just a silly little prank, and people have every right to be angry and annoyed.  Diminishing it to jealousy isn’t cool.  Is Leonie also jealous?  The people who are angry and upset they’re being blamed and their money has been taken?
6.  I do love scenes where the whole girl squad is together.  They make me happy and I miss seeing them together so much.  But OMG, Alex is blackmailing Mia again????  I mean I guess it worked the first time so why wouldn’t he?  But this is seriously shitty behaviour.  Honestly, in clip one I was mildly starting to warm to him with the post-its and all, but he’s managed to speed run right back into ‘asshole’ category.  This was the problem in the og as well - William was such an asshole, that in order to make him likeable, we had to see a much more genuinely villainous character.  Alex is still super dislikeable and so we need someone ‘worse’ to make him look palatable, which I assume is coming.  We’re halfway through - we should like him by now.  I dunno.  Maybe some people do?  But he still has done nothing to make me think he’s nice or someone who Mia might be attracted to.
7.  Oh a long Friday clip?  Almost half the episode?  I guess it’s going to be a rough one for Mia then.  More reflections again - her whole face in the mirror now, but it’s surrounded by graffiti.  I’m always fascinated by the way mirrors and reflections work, and it’s fun to see Mia slightly obscured in her mirrors even now.  It’s not as disjointed as it was at the start but it’s not a fully clear reflection either.  I may not like the way Noora/Mia’s story goes but I do like some of these things which show the progress.
8.  I feel kind of sorry for Jonas, because that break up wasn’t his choice.  But seriously, he seems to be blaming this on Hanna a bit and like ????? He chose to make her feel small and unworthy through her whole season.  She’s allowed to try to figure herself out outside of him and his wants and needs.  Eh, I know he’s hurting and all, but that’s actually his issue and he shouldn’t be pushing it on her.
9.  This scene with Mia and Alex bothers me.  He still seems to have no idea why she might find his actions (selfish and self-serving and filled with blackmail) offputting.  ‘I fixed it, so we should totally be together now’ is such an immature and childish take on this.  These types of guys need to grow up and learn that they can’t just buy and/or coerce their way into whatever they want.  I like the way they decide to have Kiki walk past just as Mia has to choose whether to say she doesn’t want Alex or not.  It adds a poignancy to it and Mia obviously chooses to stick by her friends.  I do wish it felt more conflicting, like if Alex genuinely had changed or had shown he has depth or something it would be a bigger ‘wow she’s rejecting him for her friend’ but instead he’s still such an unpleasant character that I don’t care.
10.  I’m not sure why Mia does the brushing off of the makeup - I feel like it made more sense when Noora did it (I mean I watched it once a very long time ago so who knows, but my memory is that it was her way of trying to reject being ‘pretty’ and having guys liking her because it was messing her up).  With Mia, I don’t understand.  Someone help me out?
11.  I still don’t get what Mia sees in Alex.  Again, I know I have a really big bias against him because of William and I know it was always going to be tough for him to be someone I care about.  But even so, this feels like a huge whiplash when she says of course she likes him.  I’d get it if we’d seen any of his development, but every time he took a mini step forward he shoved himself right back into dislikeable territory.  Once again, I mourn the actual conversation between Mia and Alex.  This all feels far too fast, and the fact that this is suggesting his blackmail is all good is very worrying.  All the post-it notes in the world can’t make me think he’s nice enough to want to kiss.
Overall, I didn’t really like this one.  I feel like the pacing is still off; I don’t believe the speed at which Mia has fallen for him and honestly it hasn’t been very long since Kiki was with Alex and had her heart broken.  The fact that Mia even saw her and told him she doesn’t like him only to turn around immediately and change her mind is strange to me.  Mia has always come across as a caring person who tries to do the right thing and help out her friends.  That she has apparently no qualms at this point is difficult for me.  They’re acting the hell out of this, but I can’t buy it.  Unfortunately.  Sadly, because this is based on a very flawed original, I don’t think it’s going to make me enjoy these two.  There are things that I’m interested in seeing as we go forward but most of those have zero to do with Alex.
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vlindervin7 · 4 years
“22. basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss” for Davenzi.
From this prompt list! Not my best work and also too long to be a drabble but! i hope it’s a little enjoyable at least! 
basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss 
The first time David meets Matteo he’s pretty sure he stops breathing for a moment. It’s a windy October afternoon when he goes to meet Leonie at their favorite coffeeshop. His shoulders ache with the weight of his backpack. He’s a bit grumpy, tired from class after class after class, his ears sizzling. He’s excited to see Leonie, though. She’ll hopefully be able to snap him out of his mood and make him laugh. 
When he arrives, he sees a group of boys with their backs to him, but no Leonie, which is weird because she’s never late and it’s already five minutes over the decided time. He’s just about to take his phone to send her a message, when he hears his name being called. There, from behind her hiding spot in front of the boys, Leonie steps and calls his attention. David loves how tiny she is. 
Once he stands next to her and gives her a quick hug, she turns away from him and gestures to the boys in front of her. ‘These are friends I went to school with. I’ve told you about Jonas, my ex.’ She points to a curly-haired boy who offers him a warm, albeit sheepish smile. ‘Carlos, Abdi’, both of which give him a goofy one, ‘and that’s Matteo, Jonas’ best friend.’ And oh. 
The boy, Matteo, is possibly the most beautiful person David has ever seen, and as an artist, he spends most of his time collecting beautiful things. Matteo has messy blond hair that’s blown back by the wind, and eyes that make David want to find a way to press the ocean into a pencil, a cute button nose above a pair of soft-looking pink lips. There’s this one song that plays sometimes at his job at the student’s common room I’ve never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss and it’s the only thing coming to his mind right now. It’s a sappy thought, and a ridiculous one that would ruin his whole entire tough exterior, so he dismisses it immediately, but it still lingers at the back of his mind. 
He tries to nod at the boys in what he hopes is a collected manner. Matteo gives him a small smile, but so sweet and David can’t handle this. 
‘We were just telling Leonie about the party at Carlos’ place tomorrow’, Jonas says, finally pulling David’s attention away from Matteo. ‘You can totally come too if you want!’ 
David hesitates for a second. He has so much work to do, but he has to admit a party would do him good. He might see Matteo again, too, this way, but that’s definitely not why he answers: ‘Yeah, maybe. That sounds cool, thanks.’ 
Not soon after, the boys go on their way and Leonie and David get that coffee they’ve been wanting since they woke up. 
The next day David dresses nice and heads over to Carlos’ place with Leonie and Sara. They soon get lost in their weird flirting and don’t even notice when David slips away and finds himself in the bathroom with the boys he met yesterday, smoking a joint and trying not to stare at Matteo too much. He has a surprisingly good time, the boys easy company, never making David feel left out. At the end of the night, he leaves the party slightly drunk and still a bit high, having been added to the ok.cool group chat, which he knows will both make him laugh and give him a headache, with four new friends. And maybe a crush, too, but that’s not what is important here. 
They all grow very close, very quickly. As swiftly as the boys had added him to their group chat, just as swiftly they’d accepted David as one of their own. They hang out, and meet at one of their apartments to play video games and eat kebabs, to smoke sometimes. They go to more parties, hang out in parks, coming up with crazy ping pong tournaments that last hours. 
He even goes as far as telling them he’s trans when talk of high school comes up one day, and they eventually asked David for input. They take it well. Some stupid question are asked, but all with good intention, and none offensive. 
Sometimes, he hangs out with just Matteo, too, and it definitely does not lessen his attraction. He learns more about him and starts to trust him with secrets of his own. Their conversations are often light, but they always feel important, never feel unnecessary. It turns into one of David’s favorite things to do. 
He finds out Matteo is gay, which his brain is having a field day with, that he studies programming at uni and that he’s crazy smart even though he tends to underestimate himself and downplay it, that he has a complicated relationship with his mother but that he loves her more than anything, and that he’s quite possibly the cutest person David has ever met. 
They’re having a movie night at Matteo’s flatshare, watching some Hollywood blockbuster David could drag through the mud if he were in the right mood. He’s not about to ruin it for everyone, though, and he does m anage to just enjoy himself sometimes. It’s a nice night. Hans and Linn join them after a while, and they bring them more snacks. David’s met them a few times in passing before, but he’s never really spent time with them, but unsurprisingly they turn out to be equally lovely as everyone else he’s met through these people. 
When the movie is over, no one moves, too content to sit there and be stupid. They play some silly drinking games with shitty beer that won’t actually get any of them properly drunk, although David does start to feel slightly tipsy after a while. 
Abdi is just telling some complicated story when David looks to his right, having forced himself to stop stealing glances at Matteo every two seconds as it would soon become glaringly obvious, and notices Matteo has dozed off. He’s laying on the sofa’s headrest, a light blanket covering his legs. He looks so peaceful, much to David’s confusion. He’d never be able to fall asleep that deeply with this much noise around. 
Jonas must see him looking, because he leans closer to David, making his voice clearer over Abdi’s passionate story telling. ‘Luigi can fall asleep everywhere. Once when we were smaller, he’d invited me to one of his cousin’s wedding. I lost him after a while, but then when everyone was dancing in the evening, I found him behind one of the buffet tables, fast asleep. He’d made his suit jacket into a pillow and didn’t seem to mind the party around him in the least.’ 
David laughs imagining a tiny Matteo being fed up with everything and just deciding to make himself a makeshift bed. He must have been even cuter back then, as hard as that is to imagine. ‘I can’t relate.’ 
Jonas looks down at Matteo with an amount of open softness he’s rarely seen, and adjusts the blanket a bit, and with a laugh says: ‘Yeah, me neither. He’ll probably wake up here tomorrow morning wondering what happened.’
Looking at Matteo like this, so peaceful and serene, there’s an undeniable urge building inside David to just reach out and. Comb through his hair, kiss his forehead, cuddle up to him, convinced he’d feel warmer than ever just being close to him.
He shakes those thoughts off, focuses back on Abdi. It’s weird, he tells himself, to think of a friend in that way without their consent. Or maybe it isn’t and David is just too much of a coward to act on his feelings, for fear of rejection and the possibility of losing this group of people, knowing they’d pick Matteo’s side if it came down to it. 
They’re at another party, which this time one of Leonie’s friends is throwing. The boys are here, too, but he’d told them he wouldn’t have that much time to hang out this time as he’d be hired as Leonie’s official wingman. Her and Sara are finally starting to get somewhere in their relationship, but it just won’t actually take off and Leonie’s getting frustrated. She’d decided this would be the night she’d finally kiss her and David would help her with it. He wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to do so, but he was sure Leonie had some sort of plan so he didn’t question it. 
When the boys had heard about the plan, they’d laughed. David hadn’t understood at first, why everyone but Matteo seemed to be dying of laughter, and Matteo was so red, until they’d explained about him dating Sara before coming out and how it all been very awkward. They were on better terms now, but Matteo still seemed to regret the way he’d strung her along. 
David is standing under the fluorescent lights now, talking to a girl he vaguely knows from school. Leonie had disappeared a while ago. He’s still on the lookout for her, but she’s so tiny he has a hard time finding her. He’s holding a half-empty cup with liquor that’s slowly having an effect on his body and he can’t quite hear everything the girl is saying, but enough to understand he’s not super interested. He’s polite, though, so he keeps listening. 
On the other side of the room, Matteo is talking to Carlos, having a much more interesting conversation it seems, as they keep bursting out in laughter. Every few minutes, Matteo catches David’s eye and offers him a smile, lighting drunken sparks in David’s stomach. 
He’s desperately trying to look at least a little bit interested and not lost in the boy on the other side of the room, but it’s not working very well, he has to say. He’s never felt like this before, never had someone he just wanted to spend all his time looking at, someone that made something burn under his skin, an itch that told David to touch.
He manages to keep himself under control until the music switches and he sees Matteo do the silliest, smallest little dance David has ever had the pleasure to see, and something snaps. Everything inside him is screaming to walk over there and push Matteo against the wall, gently box him in with his arms and -- 
He excuses himself from the conversation, renewing his efforts to find Leonie. He comes across a shots table on his way and does two in quick succession, trying to feel the music only and get lost in it, banishing images of blue eyes and silly smiles out of his head. It doesn’t really work, but at least he has a good time and gets to third wheel Leonie and Sara at the coffee shop now.  
Matteo is being annoying. Well David isn’t sure if annoying is necessarily the best word to use as, really, David isn’t actually annoyed, and has never been with Matteo. He’s just being silly, but it’s so endearing David can’t help but smile when he tells him to stop. 
They’re watching a movie, on his bed, just the two of them, which is already reason for David to freak out a litte. He’d picked the movie of course, something he was required to watch for his course, and thought he’d make more interesting by sharing it with Matteo. It works, but while he’s having a better time altogether, he’s also not really paying attention, so it proves a less than effective plan.
Matteo keeps fidgeting first of all, which David doesn’t mind. He can deal with that, and he knows it’s just something Mattoe does sometimes, to concentrate better or because there’s some kind of energy inside him he doesn’t know how to get rid of otherwise. At first, it was just that, but then he’d started poking David and shifting the computer and making very dramatic sighing noises when ‘nothing happened’. He’s clearly bored and wants David to pay him more attention, but David refuses to give in so soon, no matter how hard is whole body is screaming for him to. He needs to keep up some kind of facade. 
It’s not long before he can’t take it anymore, though. Matteo is poking him in the side now, sending stupid sparks through David’s stomach, and okay, he hasn’t heard what’s been said for ten minutes now, there’s no use continuing this. 
He hits the space bar and turns around, trying to feign annoyance. ‘Oh, my God, Matteo, what?’ 
He shakes his head softly when he sees Matteo sitting there with his big eyes and that grin on his face, looking to anyone like a devilish little angel. His hair is a mess and his cheeks are a bit pink, but David is afraid his are, too. His eyes are so blue. ‘I’m bored.’ 
The thing is that David can’t even blame him. He should be able to get all the important nuances in the movie, but even he thinks they could’ve added something to make it more interesting. 
‘What do you want me to do about that?’, he answers, tilting his head and smiling just a little bit because he can’t help it. 
‘Entertain me.’ 
David lifts his eyebrows and looks at Matteo for about ten seconds and then they’re play fighting. It’s not the first time it’s happened, but when he can help it David tends to avoid it because it’s a lot to feel Matteo all over him like that. He can forget about in the midst of the fighting when he gets too competitive. That’s not a problem. He always wins, though, and that is a bit of a problem. 
He has Matteo on his back, hands above his head and hair splayed out around him. There’s a dangerous glint in his eyes, and his cheeks are still pink. Their bodies are pressed together, too much for David to relax. They’re so close David can smell Matteo’s deodorant.
The things he’d do to him like this if he could. He’d bend down, pressing him deeper into the mattress, before kissing him and --
They’re still staring at each other without saying anything, and the heat is suddenly just on the right side of uncomfortable and David has to get out. 
‘I need to pee.’ 
He scrambles from the bed as fast as he can, and he just has the time to get a glimpse of Matteo’s face, who perhaps looks a little disappointed, but David’s sure that’s just his own feelings being projected. 
He forces himself to calm down in the bathroom before coming back out. When he does Matteo is sitting on the bed. ‘You can continue watching. I’ll be quiet, I promise.’ David normally loves how soft Matteo’s voice is, but he thinks it’s just a little bit too soft right now. It almost sounds a bit sad, and David hates to think he might be the cause of it, acting as shifty as he is. 
He gives him a real smile this time, putting everything in it, no holding back. He climbs back on the bed, putting the laptop in-between the two of them, trying to be subtle about it. ‘Are you sure? We can watch something else, I know it’s not the most interesting.’ 
But Matteo vehemently shakes his head at that suggestion. ‘No, no, watch.’ He takes a look at his phone, before turning back to David. ‘Actually, are you hungry? I could make us some pasta or something?’
David’s heard about his pasta-making skills, from the boy himself, but also from their friends. Even Leonie and Amira had attested to it, which is proof enough for David. ‘Yeah, sure. That would be nice.’ 
‘Okay’, Matteo jumps up, with enthusiasm he doesn’t often show. ‘You watch your movie, I’ll be back.’ 
David settles in, turning the movie back about ten minutes and pays real attention this time. 
When Matteo comes back with two steaming plates, there’s only about twenty minutes left. Matteo settles in next to him and keeps quiet until the very end, all the while looking a mixture of cocky and embarrassed whenever David compliments the pasta. 
This time, David wants to kiss him for another reason entirely.
It all comes to a head one night. David should have seen it coming, should’ve known one day he wouldn’t be able to hide it all anymore. 
He used to deal with his problems by running away, and in a way that’s still what he’s doing, except it’s not as effective because there’s something about Matteo that just won’t let him leave all the way. Like an invisible string pulling him back in when he gets too far. 
He doesn’t even want to run from him, is the thing, and he’s not strong enough to force himself to like he usually is. Too scared to jump into the water, too weak to leave the cliff he’s standing on, so now he’s just looking out over the edge into Matteo’s ocean eyes, poisoning the breeze on his skin and in the end not only hurting himself, but hurting Matteo, too, every time he acts distant.  
He’s stuck, though, can’t move, no matter how much he wants to, feels that he’s overstaying his welcome where he is. 
It’s the two of them again, which has been happening more and more the longer their friendship lasts. They’ve come to be referred to as matteoanddavid by their friends, which David doesn’t mind, although it does unfurl something hot in his stomach, that tells him it’s not enough, both what he’s doing and what they are. 
They’re playing video games this time, and Matteo has just taken out the weed. It’s getting worse, is the thing. At first, David would get overwhelmed with the urge to touch when Matteo did something particularly cute, said something sweet, something funny. He was able to ignore it then, mostly, still able to look away when he felt it coming up. He can’t anymore. 
It’s come to the point where everything Matteo does, is reason for David’s insides to riot. He’s not even doing anything, just lighting the joint between his lips and setting up Mario Kart, but David is already panicking. 
It’s too hot, too much, too little. He can’t do this today. 
It feels wrong fishing his phone out of his pocket, pretending to read a message on the screen. Feels awful, painful almost, turning to Matteo and telling him his sister needs him and he needs to go now. He hates lying to him, that sweet boy who’s never hurt David in any way he could control, but whom David keeps pushing away, keeps on being the reason his smile slips and his eyes lose some of their light. 
He’s up before he has the time to take in everything about Matteo’s reaction, and is already in his hat and shoes, with jacket in hand in the hallway when Matteo joins him. 
‘David, wait. Please, wait.’
David inhales, exhales, clutches his jacket tightly between his fingers and turns around to face him. ‘Yeah?’
For a moment, Matteo doesn’t speak, just stands there looking a little bit sad and a lot beautiful. ‘Why are you avoiding me?’ He says, then, finally, and lets out a breath of air right after like just saying those words took a lot out of him. 
David hates that he can’t stop lying. ‘Avoiding you -- Matteo, I really need to go.’ 
‘God, David, I’m not that stupid. I can tell when someone doesn’t want to spend time with me.’ And that’s officially enough to make David break character, at least a little bit because he’ll do anything before he’ll let someone call Matteo stupid, especially he himself.
‘You’re not stupid at all, Matteo.’ 
‘Then why are you acting like I won’t see what you’re doing?’ He doesn’t quite sound choked up, but there’s a thread of breath running through his voice, so fragile David thinks it’ll break if he moves, so he stands very still. 
Matteo’s always been so brave. God, he -- 
He’s too scared to take the plunge and let Matteo know how he’s feeling, because he doesn’t want to lose him, doesn’t want to feel that rejection. He’s been slowly losing him this way, too, though, and suddenly he can’t stand hurting him anymore. He’d rather be hurting himself because Matteo turns him down, which he’ll do gently, he knows this if nothing else, than to have to hurt Matteo cruelly, the only way he knows how to.
So. He hangs the jacket back in its place. He takes a breath. Looks into the gentle waves in Matteo’s eyes. ‘Do you know what basorexia means?’ 
Matteo frowns at that, understandably. David would roll his eyes at himself in his place. ‘What?’ 
‘It means -- ‘ He takes another breath. ‘It means ‘the overwhelming desire to kiss’.’ 
Matteo’s still frowning in confusion, but there’s something else in his eyes now, too, a spark of something lighter, hope or something close enough. ‘Okay?’
David looks just right of Matteo’s face when he says what comes next, like not clearly seeing his reaction might lessen the blow. ‘It means I want to kiss you. It means I like you and sometimes you do things that make me want to kiss you, but I can’t, so I leave because I’m scared and overwhelmed.’
Silence. David dares shifting his eyes a millimeter to the left, just enough to look at Matteo, and then when he sees he looks. Happy? straight at him. He’s blinking rapidly and rubbing his face with one hand. ‘You want to kiss me?’, he asks, and this time a smile is breaking through the clouds of David’s fears. 
David nods.
It’s quiet again for a moment. And then: ‘Why don’t you?’
David can’t have heard that right. ‘What?’ 
‘You heard me.’ 
‘What do you mean?’ Because he has to be sure. 
‘It means I want you to kiss me, you dumbass! I like you, too.’ 
He’s been waiting months for this, holding it all in, so now that he’s allowed, it’s impossible to keep his body from rapidly going to stand right in front of Matteo. They’re both giggling at this point, which doesn’t make for the best circumstances when David puts one hand on Matteo’s cheek and the other on his neck, and kisses him. 
There’s no fireworks or eruption of golden light beneath his eyelids. Matteo’s lips are chapped against his and the giggling hinders them from doing anything serious. But it’s perfect. It’s perfect because it’s them and as simple as it is, it might be the best thing David’s ever experienced. He doesn’t want to ever stop, doesn’t think he can physically get himself to right now. 
He’s still giggling when they pull back, and he buries his face in Matteo’s shoulder, wanting to feel him as close to him as possible. ‘You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that’, he says against it. 
‘I’ve wanted to since Leonie introduced us at that coffee shop. I thought you were the most handsome boy I’d ever met.’ 
David looks up again, not laughing anymore, but overcome with too many feelings to name them all. Matteo had once told him he always feels like his chest is overflowing with emotions and that sometimes it’s easier to just shut it all off by smoking or drinking or sleeping, because sometimes it’s so much he can’t think. David wonders if this is how he feels like then, and it makes him want him even more because it’s been three minutes and David is already at his limit. 
He pulls Matteo in, kissing him again, properly this time, putting it all in that kiss. The ocean water is warm all around him and he doesn’t need to breathe, doesn’t think he’ll ever need to breathe again as long as he has this.
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nancydrew65 · 5 years
SKAM NL Season 2 Episode 1 Recap
Time for my favorite remake! I love Liv and the Dutch girl squad, so I am excited for this season!
Good Morning
Well, this has got to be the best season 2 opening sequence ever. It’s also a completely new scene, so yay! I love the comparisons between Liv and Noah’s morning routines.
Aaaah, the parallel shots of them painting their nails. Noah really is the epitome of an artsy fuckboy.
And then the music cuts out when Liv sees Noah. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Liv is already more aggressive than Noora, and not gonna lie, I am here for it.
Also, how does Noah know where Liv lives? Isn’t that slightly creepy?
The older lady, walking in between them just made my day.
Awww, they flipped each other off? Are they going to be like Mia and Alexander where using middle finger becomes their sweet romantic gesture? I hope so!
And damn, Noah had to really run down those stairs to catch Liv. He is out of breath. I wonder if the actor (is his name Monk?) actually ran down the stairs. If so, props to him.
Liv rides off into the distance on her bike, and so begins Season 2.
Too Late
Those opening shots were everything! And then it cuts back to the reality with the bell. 
Oh, Kes. I see you winking at Isa, I see you.
Again with the story about Imaan and her oma. Do we know what happened to the actress? Because that is a really obvious excuse, and I remember last season she wasn’t in as many of the scenes. Please let us not lose Imaan. Pleeeease!
Another ignorant remark on behalf of Engel. But I can kinda tolerate it with her. She was the Vilde who seemed more interested in connecting with Imaan, even if she went about it the wrong way.
Janna’s weird conversation about flashers made me smile so much.
Oh, Noah comments of Liv’s hair and she immediately takes her hairband out.
Engel thinks he’s looking at her. Oh, how I wish we wouldn’t go into this storyline. It’s awful for everyone, except maybe William/Noah.
Who is this Jayden guy? Was he the one who came to the cabin trip? Why does he need to move somewhere? I guess he ends up living with Liv. It still feels kind of weird. I wish Skam NL would have given us a little more information on that matter.
Skinny Bitch
Wow, that is one hopping house party! I’m with Liv, “on a Thursday?”
We see Dutch Eskild, his name is Ralph. 
Isa and Kes check out girls on a dating app. Oh, they are so drunk. So, I guess this is kind of like that scene from Season 2 in OG, but ..... not. 
Jayden trying to pick up a girl in his closet of a room is kinda funny.
Oh, dear. Skinny Bitch. In Season 1, Skam NL didn’t really go into Engel having an eating disorder, so I wondered if she would develop one this season. I guess, she will. 
Isa and Liv spy Lucas and a random girl making out. “I guess he was just curious?” I don’t think so, Liv, I don’t think so.
Liv takes out the garbage and promptly drops it right outside of her door. Is that a thing in the Netherlands. Like if you live in an apartment complex, is there someone who picks up the garbage from your front door? I hope so because she just left it there.
I do like that moment where she just gazes out at the city. I wonder where Noah and Liv will go for that whole “first date” because Liv already has a fantastic view from her apartment. Or maybe they won’t go with that storyline? Please, please.
Aww, Liv happily watching all the girl squad out on the floor like a proud mom. And then she goes to join them to dance. What a sweet clip.
I won’t even pretend to understand what the title of this clip means.
Janna spitting nuts into a planter box while all the other girls are just trying not to vomit.
The girls are waiting for Jayden. That’s sweet. He is a new addition to the story, so I wonder how he will fit into Season 2 madness.
We meet Esra! Look at SKAM NL, casually throwing in diversity. I’m proud of my little remake. I’m guessing Esra is the equivelant of Linn? She seems cool and way more helpful than Linn ever was. 
Was there a spark between Esra and Janna? Am I imagining things? That would be a really interesting storyline to pursue. A lesbian romance with a Muslim.
That far off shot of the girls at the balcony, the camera sliding across all the girls in the classroom. SKAM NL is experimenting with all these stylistic shots and I am loving it. They give the show a very distinctive feel, while still remaining very authentic. Just how SKAM should be.
So, the girls need to throw together a benefit to raise money for their city trip. Cool, gives the season a focus. Also, Isa correcting her pronunciation of Talinn was a cute callback to season 1 when Imaan schooled all the girls in how to pronounce it. But that just reminds me of how we are missing Imaan. Bring! Her! Back!
Oh, that text from Noah. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there this morning.” It is kind of stalkerish that he is showing up at her door every morning, but also kind of sweet? Like William only ever harassed Noora through texts. Showing up at someone’s house, day after day, seems more sincere. Or just more like a horror movie, IDK.
Lucas being smooth with the ladies. Although I’m not quite sure why Engel had that face when he walked over to the girls. Was it because they were talking about him?
“He’s a chick magnet” “I wouldn’t be so sure of that” Damn, that was savage Isa. 
It Will Be Alright
Isa, Kes, Lucas, and Jayden killed me with those whale sounds. They are so stoned; at least its a Saturday.
Also, Isa is actively participating. So, I guess she was only mad that Kes and Jayden dealed Ritalin last season. I mean that makes sense. Dealing prescription drugs is a lot more dangerous than smoking weed.
This is more of a relationship with her parents than we saw from Noora. Her dad seems more interested in the state of Liv’s music career than he does about how his daughter is doing. Maybe he’s a big shot in the music industry and that’s why he has no time for her?
Oh, clearly Liv’s dad thinks she has already submitted her music to the record company, but Liv is too afraid of rejection and has held off on it.
I think this is really interesting. We get to see more of Liv’s passion for music. I really hope they develop this storyline more, especially considering Zoe Love Smith, Liv’s actress is a singer in real life. 
Almost Finished
Aww, that quick glimpse of a photo of the girl squad. I can’t wait to have more scenes of the girl squad.
That shot of Liv fractured in the two mirrors while speaking along to the lyrics was so beautiful! The cinematography in this show is on point!
Is Ralph in a bunny one-suit? He doesn’t even close the door when he pees. But I agree with Liv; it’s worse that he doesn’t wash his hands afterwards.
Damn, Noah’s twirl! Those were some high-class moves.
Liv is so done with him.
The older lady makes another appearance. She is quickly becoming my favorite character. Theory: She represents the audience and how we should feel about Noah (aka sympathy). Nah, I’m just kidding.
General Thoughts
I really enjoyed this episode! I’m really glad they haven’t got into Noah manipulating Engel to get to Liv. I hope they won’t ever go into that storyline, but that might be too much to hope for. I will say, though, without that element of the story into play, the episode doesn’t have as much of a dramatic arc. Not that I wish they put it in; I much prefer this mellow episode to Noah acting shitty towards Engel. SKAM NL changed up a lot of things. I love that; I am all for remakes exploring new avenues and doing their own thing. I hope they keep changing things up; it makes the viewing experience more exciting. So far, I am not feeling like I want to throw a book at Noah, which is a plus. He seems better than some of the other Williams. I hope he keeps up his good behavior. So, as I was watching I was thinking, “Where’s Noah?” and I saw that a lot of people in the comments of the clips felt the same. And I was struck by a terrible epiphany. We, as a fandom, have come to associate Season 2 with Noorhelm, rather than Noora herself. And I think this is partly due to OG SKAM because they didn’t do a good job making a distinction between the two. Just comparing this episode to SKAM Austin (which I am also watching live), there is an appearance or reference to Daniel in every single clip of episode 1. In SKAM NL, there were two whole clips where Noah was not mentioned once, and one clip where the only reference to him was one text he sent Liv. I think this is great progress and hope that SKAM NL continues this trend and focuses more on Liv as a character rather than her as on half of Lioh (or Noliv. What is their ship name?). I think bringing in her music is a great start. I can’t wait to watch more of this season.
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam France S2.3 reaction
Gossip Girl’s legacy continues to thrive
Julie’s legacy of fuckboys getting out of cars, ehhh, not so much
Episode 3
Clip 1 - Birthday aftermath
Emma’s reactions to the random dude nuzzling into her neck were amusing.
Well damn, French Linn isn’t afraid to go off on her roommates.
French Linn (Lisa) being Manon’s cousin is, I assume, perhaps to make the living situation a little more realistic? In terms of why Manon would be living on her own at this age, since I’m guessing it would be unusual, and that moving in with a cousin makes more sense. (I don’t know if this would be the case for French teenagers, feel free to correct me.)
But since they’re family, that also makes me wonder if they have a close relationship, a distant relationship, or if it doesn’t matter because the show will never address it.
Also Mickael comparing Lisa to an annoying neighbor makes it sound like they’re not as close as Eskild and Linn, though it could just be affectionate complaining. And I mean, Eskild could complain about Linn, too.
Mickael … wow. “That’s my name bitch.” Damn this conversation got heated! Love it. I feel like he has a different personality from Eskild already? In Skam, this scene ends with Eskild teasing Noora about taking her place in the girl squad, telling her how pretty/smart/popular she is, and wrapping her up in a bear hug while she’s giggling. She’s not that upset with him. This scene with Manon and Mickael plays out like an actual spat, although not a very serious one, I’m sure. But Manon did still seem peeved by the scene’s end.
Clip 2 - The Most Important Scene in Skam
We don’t get a collection of handsome male youth emerging from an impressive vehicle, a clear shot of Alex’s battle-born bruise, perfectly timed wind rippling effects, Kanye West making dramatic proclamations (maybe for the best given his drama over the last week). It’s just Charles and Alex walking down a school hallway and Charles looking back at them, damn.
Lol, I was never mad that this was Julie’s favorite scene, it’s just very ???? in terms of all the amazing scenes she has produced, that this is the one that stands out to her. I can only guess something really fantastic happened to her that day or that the shooting went well or something. 
But now I’m imagining like how they would stage a similar scene in the school … Charles and Alex dramatically emerge from the bathroom and Manon’s hair starts blowing in the wind, cut to a janitor turning on a large fan behind the girls.
This scene was such a non-entity that I have nothing more to say about it.
Clip 3 - Emma revealed as Gossip Girl fanfic writer
Was weird Clara the girl Alex hooked up with before?
Daphne sure wants to meet Manon’s secret girlfriend, huh. And what’s with that look Daphne gives Emma before mentioning lesbians … just wanting her to know she is A-OK with lesbians. More than A-OK. Haha Emma, we know what’s really going on, don’t we? Wouldn’t it be so funny if we made out in like two episodes, I mean weeks?
Emma’s reaction to connecting the Manon-Charles dots is amazing, she’s ascended to another plane of existence. Her sliding away from Daphne and then sliding back toward Manon … good timing, I actually laughed out loud. She’s so proud of her detective skills and living for the drama, and I love that she took the Gossip Girl thing a little farther than in the original.
Did they actually end this scene without music? Did they???? Character development for Skam France!
Clip 4 - I’m just combining all the Friday party clips here
Lisa seems like such a more trying roommate than Linn. Linn just flopped around and did her own thing, Lisa has more fire behind her, which might be nice in some respects, but she also seems like someone ready to explode the next time a fork ends up in the wrong drawer.
I’m enjoying Emma more this season but her drunk acting is not very good. She seems to be too … upright for her level of intoxication, lol. I get that everyone exhibits drunkenness differently, but it feels like her level of Drunk Speaking is way farther along than her level of Drunk Body Language, if you catch me. I don’t buy that she’s really wasted.
I’m not going to be too critical about this since I don’t know what the French standards for raucousness are, but that seems like a damn tame party to get the cops called on you. But I guess maybe it was louder before Manon arrived.
The staging of this part is so ridiculous! 
Lmao, EMMA WAS RIGHT THERE, MANON. She was probably no more than 30 seconds away! Manon easily could have run out and caught up with her! 
Also why did she think Emma took her stuff as opposed to any other rando with a similar coat who might’ve grabbed it by accident? I watched it a few times but I didn’t see how Emma was clearly the one who took her things?
Then she says she's going to call Emma and yet she immediately calls Mickael? Why didn’t she call her own phone, or Emma’s? Even with Emma drunk, she might’ve picked up. At least Mickael’s voicemail is great.
Like they could have, IDK, had Manon hand her things to Emma and go to the bathroom, and when she walks back out, the police are there and everyone’s leaving, Emma has gone, she briefly goes out to look for her with no luck.
I don’t think it makes sense even if you assume Manon ~wants to be there with Charles~ by this point and isn’t trying very hard to go home, because then why even bother leaving Mickael a message, when he could call or text back on Charles’ phone at any time and reveal that he’ll be waiting to let her in?
Charles offers Manon a drink when last week he said he knew she didn’t drink and that’s why he made cocoa. Seriously? This isn’t like Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire where there are a million world-building details to remember, this is pretty simple stuff and it was said only one episode ago. Did no one on the cast or crew point this out? Usually I would check to see if the original show made the same mistake but because Skam France was being lazy, guess I will be, too. (And I can’t think of a reason why Charles would make this mistake intentionally, even a very convoluted one. If you can, please share.)
So now it’s time for this iconic scene.
Regarding the original,  it’s one of the few Noorhelm scenes that I like (for the most part), though taken out of the larger context. But one slight issue I’ve had with it is that it feels like this scene is where we as viewers fall in love with Noora … when really this scene should have been about falling in love with William. Because we had plenty of reason to love Noora by now, flaws and all. She stood up to William for Vilde, she spoke out against sexism, she cheered up her friend Eva, she was cool and confident and had impeccable style.  I’m highly charmed by Noora in this scene, and I’m glad Josefine got a chance to show off, and one of the few moments I like William is watching him watch her, because of course who wouldn’t fall for her at that moment? But like … you didn’t need to convince me to like Noora, Skam. You needed to convince me to like William. 
Sure it helps that we see them having some cute interaction, but William seems kinda, well, passive through much of it? He’s reasonably helpful but a lot of it is in ways that make him a baseline decent person rather than an over-the-top great guy (I mean, Isak also lent Noora his phone in S1, and he barely knew her). The cocoa moment is sweet but she asked for it first. The guitar scene doesn’t tell us much about him when really it could have. I mean, for all that Noora mocks the cliche of fuckboy with a guitar ... yeah, it might have been good to see him actually play? Or at least talk about music? Instead of playing the predictable romantic ballad, he picks up the guitar and plays something goofy to make her laugh. Or we see him fumbling through it because he’s a beginner, and Noora ends up giving him some pointers. Shit, even him playing Wonderwall while staring deeply and earnestly into Noora’s eyes would give us a sense of his life away from school and Noora, his hobbies and interests. We learn some about William’s family situation, but I didn’t get much insight into him as a person. The part where they’re "fighting” in the bed is the most enjoyable part for me; it’s playful and cute and made William seem more like a person.
But anyway, on to Skam France’s take on this scene. I don’t have a problem with them cutting out the guitar playing, for whatever reason they chose. Maybe the actress can’t sing or play guitar. Sure, that’s fine, play to her strengths. We could have used the cocoa making scene, though, or if not that, some other enjoyable activity that they do together. I do think cutting out the cocoa/guitar playing hurts the pacing and makes it feel rushed - like in the original, I got how Noora was slowly easing into enjoying herself, feeling comfortable enough to stay, and there isn’t really a sense of that here.
It’s worth mentioning that this scene in Skam is about the length of this entire episode of Skam France. Again, I know, time restrictions, but I wish they could condense more effectively.
Lol, they cut the cocoa and guitar playing but left the part where he calls his mom a misogynistic word, thanks! That part in the original was the one sour note in that scene, TBH, especially because his response to Noora calling him out (“So you only want me to be honest if it’s politically correct?”) is dumb. Imagine if he called his mom a slut because hey, it’s honest. I so love when women object to men’s sexism and men don’t take them seriously. At least Manon seems unimpressed with his response.
Although I do want to clarify, I don’t know the intensity of those words in either Norwegian or French, I’m going off Noora and Manon’s reactions to them.
“It’s good to finally be alone with you” - I mean, you were alone with her last week? The fact that this scene is shortened makes him seem like he’s coming on quite strong since there’s not as much buildup to it.
I do think Charles has some more vulnerable expressions and mannerisms than William, which are nice.
IDK, I still want a version of this scene where we really, really learn something endearing about William/Charles. Something playful. Cut to Manon and Charles playing video games. Air hockey. Chess. Ping Pong. He has a model train set up somewhere. He’s into photography and has a wall where he hangs photos he’s taken. He has a fucking cat named something gross like Princess Pinkypaws that he dotes on. Like if you’re going to go with the “bad boy with a sensitive side” cliche, you might as well go all out and give him a cute pet to manipulate us into liking him. Imagine if Manon asked if he lived alone and Charles said, “Almost” and next we saw him pulling out this well-fed cat and snuggling it.
We know Charles plays basketball, at least, but it’s not like we know anything about why he’s playing, whether basketball means anything to him or if he’s just doing it for parental approval, etc. I need some more insight into who he is as a person. Like I know William’s kind of impersonal apartment might be the point, but think about when Isak walked into Even’s apartment and we saw that he had sketches he’s done on the wall, he had a Nas poster, there were Star Wars posters (the last ones might have been Marlon’s, I’m aware). And at that point we were inclined to like Even, who we hadn’t seen do anything negative yet, and we had already gotten some good insight about his passions via the Mikael video. William/Charles has done a number of crappy things at this point; he needs to win us over.
General comments
Manon and Emma seem flirty as hell in their texts and IG posts. Baby, wife...
Are Lucas’ laundry posts supposed to be a clue that he’s living on his own by now, or am I reading too much into it? We don’t know the timeline for Isak, obviously, but I figured he didn’t move out/into the basement until after Noora and Eva told Eskild about him possibly being gay. Because... how would Eskild know Isak otherwise, right?
I don’t speak French so I apologize if I miss some context, and feel free to correct me or elaborate.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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whippedkoalas · 6 years
Happy New Year!
Hello! It’s the last day of 2017 and to thank you all, I decided to write another fic. This is an Alternative Universe. There will be a part 2 tomorrow. (Noora leaves Oslo for London.) 
P.S: I’m sure the school they go to doesn’t exist, but well...
I’ ll thank you more tomorrow, for now; enjoy reading.
It's New Year's Eve, she's been in London for less than 48 hours and didn't know how to say to her hosts that she would rather stay alone in her room than go to the European School of London's party. So here she is, in her black jumpsuit, alone at a party with strangers. The only person she has met before is Eva, but she is more than tipsy and busy kissing her boyfriend. Her hosts were very sorry that their daughter isn't there, but she always spends her holidays back in Oslo. She has a boyfriend there. Elias doesn't attend ESL, but Norwegian School of London, so he wasn't invited. There are a lot of people, from every country of the world. Each country has its own table. She would never have guessed that there were that many Norwegians in London. Everyone is sweet and happy to be here. She doesn't fit very well. There are a lot of people in the room and it makes her uncomfortable. She speaks to some students from Spain but they're also a bit drunk and the conversation drops after a few minutes. It's not very late but everyone has had enough alcohol already so she decides to go outside. It's freezing, and she would like to just go 'home' but if Mr. And Ms. Bakkoush see her coming home before midnight they will worry.  
When Noora came back from Madrid, she thought that she was fine. Under Spain’s latitude, she had been so much better. She thought she had battled all her demons and could come back to her country for good. Starting over in Oslo. New city, new school, new home, new friends. A fresh start. She knew as soon as she landed in Oslo that it wouldn’t be that easy. Everything could have been perfect. Her new roommates were more than fine. Eskild was funny, laid-back, tried to get to know her. He was honestly easy to live with. Linn was a bit shyer but she was sweet, was trying very hard not to overstep, she was always kind and thoughtful. Their apartment was fine, too, her room was big enough, cute, she loved the walls color. Her new school was great. She had met new people. Chris and Vilde, primarily. Chris was the sweetest person ever and she tried to make Noora laugh every day. Vilde was funny, too. She had asked Noora to be part of her Russ bus but she declined. Joining a bus felt very off. After her rejection, Vilde quickly started avoiding her a bit. Noora understood. Russ was very important and she knew she should have said yes but … Something was very wrong. She knew that something was off; she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what but she knew she had to do something. She tried to hold on, to work extra hard on her homework, to accept Chris or Eskild’s invitations to go out. She even tried to apply different lipstick every day. Nothing changed. Nothing was bad, per se. She had friends, she had good grades. Something was just… missing. It was dangerous and she knew it. Late at night, when she was alone, tucked in bed, her anxiety was cropping up again.   She was self-aware enough to know that she had to do something quickly. Otherwise, she would spiral down again. There was no way in hell she would go back to where she was just months back. The hospital, vitamins, blackmail, force-feeding; she would never go back to this nightmare ever again. She had promised herself when she left the hospital. She loved herself enough not to make her body suffer like this. When Chris told her about her fantastic friend Eva, daughter of a Norwegian flight attendant, who currently lives in London and is attending the ‘coolest school ever’, she asked her friend for a few details. Apparently, Eva is attending a Norwegian program in a European school in London. It took Noora less than two weeks to take a decision. She called the school, first. It was a private and very expensive school but they promised that she could start in January and not lose a year in her schooling. Secondly, she texted Eva to have information about everything else. She had never gone to London. Eva was sweet and answered all her questions. Thirdly, she asked her parents. They said the price was not a problem. Noora knew it was escaping again. She was fleeing her problems once more, but she felt herself weakening more and more every day and it was the only solution.
The weather in London is quite chill tonight. She’s shivering but the cold feels good. She’s alone on the balcony, looking at London, this enormous city that will be hers for the semester. She breathes the air and tries to make sense of all of this. She can’t go back now, so she has to accommodate to this new life soon. For now, she hasn’t met a lot of people; only her host family and Chris’s friend Eva. Elias told her not to worry when she was unpacking, apparently, the expat life is very different from ‘normal’ life and nobody at school will mind that she’s a semester late. It’s usual, people come and go. Suddenly she hears the French window’s door opening and there’s a boy walking towards her. She quickly glances at him. She recognizes him from the Norway table. He’s, from what she gathered, in third year.  He has two Champagne glasses and is smiling discreetly at her. She feels his eyes on her. “They started serving Champagne and I saw you alone here, I brought your glass,” he says matter-of-factly, with a little smirk. She turns to look at him. She gives him a nod. “I don’t drink” she answers. She should thank him, but honestly, she’s so tired of boys trying to hit on her with awful tactics like this one. She just wants to be left alone. “Shock!” he says, putting the glasses on the table next to them.  He runs his fingers through his hair and she gets her attention back to the view. She feels his presence beside her but he doesn’t say anything. From the sounds she hears, he’s rolling a cigarette. “You don’t smoke either, do you?” he says after a few minutes of silence. He sits down on a chair. She shakes her head. They stay in silence for a long moment, which unsettles Noora. That boy clearly came on the balcony for her, but he doesn’t say anything. There’s something magnetic about him; Noora can’t help but glance at him. Sometimes, he’s looking at the view or at nothing but a few times, he catches her eyeing him and smirks. He probably comes from a rich family and was never told no. She classifies him as a fuckboy because of the girl’s reactions when he arrived. He’s intriguing, for sure. However, she can’t think about more with him. With anyone. Love is dangerous. Suddenly she wonders how just seeing him, sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette made her think of … love. She blinks a few times, trying to shake herself and forget about the boy who clearly doesn’t care about her (she has a thing with boys who doesn’t care about her, apparently) when he gets up and leaves the balcony. She looks in the door’s direction and bites her lips. He’s gone. It shouldn’t sadden her like it does but when she’s moody like she is, sadness is easily triggered. She looks at her phone to see what time it is. 10:43 pm. She definitely can’t go home now. She hears the crack of the door again. This time, the boy is holding two blankets and two mugs, he’s struggling but he manages to put everything on the table without an accident. “Here,” he tells Noora, handing her one of the blankets. “You’re freezing” She takes the blanket automatically. “Thanks,” she says. He smiles. “but you can go back to the party. I won’t have sex with you” she adds. As soon as the words are out of her mouth, she mentally slaps herself. “I brought you tea, too” the boy replies. “to warm you up” he adds. She thinks for a second that he won’t mention what she said but then he smirks. “And… to be clear, I would not be opposed to it, Noora, but I didn’t bring blankets so we could have sex on the balcony,” he says. He’s looking at her reaction. She sighs, she didn’t mean it that way but whatever. “How do you know my name?” she hisses and he takes a step back. “It may seem like there are a lot of people from Norway here, but we’re one of the smallest sections of the school. Everybody knows everybody here” logic. “There’s only one new student in our section this semester, Noora, from Oslo. You’re the only girl I don’t know here,” he explains. “And, you’re living with the Bakkoush’s, you fit Elias’s description very well” he continues, with raised eyebrows.   She nods. “logical,” she says. She looks at the mug on the table. She is thirsty and tea could help her warm up, but it seems a bit dangerous to drink it because she doesn’t know him.  She looks at him and he’s smiling at her. She takes the mug and sips a bit of tea. “thanks for the tea” she whispers. She sits down next to him and keeps her hands on the mug. “no problem” “You can go back to the party,” she tells him. He chuckles. “You really don’t want to share the balcony, eh?” She looks at him. “I’m not in the mood” she replies. He nods. “it’s okay. What would you do if you weren’t here?” “sleep,” she says. “That’s not fun, though. Do you like museums?” he seems genuinely curious. She narrows her eyes, a bit suspicious but nods anyway. He stands up and offers his hand. “Come with me, then. We’re going to the museum. It’s a small one, but you’ll like it”   She doesn’t move. It’s dangerous to follow someone you don’t know like that. She should say no. At the same time, Chris’s words are playing in her head. “Noora, have fun, relax. Sometimes you have to trust someone to be decent.” “I don’t even know your name” she answers. “William. William Magnusson” “I don’t follow strangers, William,” she says. “Fair enough,” he says, sitting back on the chair. “I’m William, I’m 18 years old. I’ve been living in London for 8 years. I live not far from there. It’s my last year at ESL…” “What are you doing?” she interrupts him. “I’m introducing myself,” he says, shrugging. “I am not a stranger anymore” She laughs. “God, you’re a cliché” she bites her lips. “And you like me for it”. He looks at her intensively. She blushes and chuckles. “I don’t like you”   “if you say so” “You have to give up!” she tells him, sternly. “Give up? I won’t give up” he replies, with a chuckle. She’s amused by his bluntness. She knows too well the kind of guy he is.   Something switches after that and she relaxes. He smiles, sipping his tea. They spend a long while in utter silence. The only sound they hear is the party going on inside.   “So, what’s your story, Noora?” he asks. She looks at him, surprised. “my story?” “Everyone who ends up here has a story” William explains. “You know Sana’s story. Chris’s parents left him there, they’re in Dubaï now. Eva’s mom got here after the divorce. Her boyfriend, Jonas? He was born here, his parents were both here for a gap year and they never left. Ingrid? Her parents are in Oslo but they think she’s ‘better here’. Sara’s story is kind of the same. I can go on and on. Everyone here has a story.” She nods. “What’s yours?” she replies. William smirks again. “I asked you first”. As Noora doesn’t react, he continues, “My dad is from London. He left my mom, came back here and when I was 10, I moved in with him” “Your mom is still in Norway, then?” she asks. “I don’t know. Guess so.” “You don’t know?” “No. My mom is a cunt, so no, I don’t know” “Oi, William. Don’t need to insult your mom” “It’s the truth.” he shrugs. “I was 10 years old when she decided she didn’t want to take care of me anymore” he exhales. She presses her lips together. “Siblings?” She doesn’t even know why she wants to know more about him. “My brother is… a psychopath. That’s why Dad took me with him. My sister is dead” he says, shrugging. “Oh. Sorry” she whispers. William rubs his neck and gives her a tiny smile. “Told you. Everyone has a story, there” he tries to lighten the mood. “So what? You’re a spoiled brat, your father lets you do whatever you want?” she jokes. He rolls his eyes. “Well, my father gave up on me last year, so no.”
He says that without any trace of emotion on his face. She doesn’t know what to say, so she doesn’t say anything.  She keeps her eyes on him, biting her lips. She sees him breathing heavily.  
They hear people cheering inside.
“10!” She smiles. Her eyes go from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. “9!” She could kiss him. “8!” She knows that he wouldn’t mind. “7!” There’s nothing stopping her. “6!” She’s almost surprised she wants to kiss him. “5!” She plays with her lips. “4!” she leans closer to him, just a bit. “3!” She looks at him one more time. “2!” she closes the distance between them. “1!” their noses touch. “Happy New Year!” she kisses him. He’s a bit surprised but kisses her back almost instantly.
When they part, William’s hands still cupping her face, he’s smiling. She chuckles. “You said something about a museum?” she whispers. He nods. He looks briefly at her once again and seals their lips again.  
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zeinabalmelli · 7 years
Translation of SKAM article
Hey everyone! There were a few who wanted to read this article about SKAM so I’ve translated the whole article. I’m sorry for typos or weird sentences (there were some that were hard to translate) but I hope it can help anyways. You may also want to have the article beside you while reading since there are many gifs and chats you need to see to understand it:) 
Dear SKAM-fans, this speech is for you 
 We have cried and we have laughed. SKAM has brought us together and this is our obituary 
 It is blue Monday and we are starting to realize: the days where you update the SKAM-page every 10 minutes are over. That SKAM-tab that you never close, can now be crossed out. 
A fairytale is over, and it is almost impossible to describe how we feel. Fortunately, pictures can say more than a thousand words, and therefore we are choosing to express ourselves through memes and gifs - free tips from us to you who will be holding a wedding or birthday speech in the future. 
 Season 1 
WOW (emoji)
 The first meeting between Noora and William, aka Wilhelm, didn’t go unnoticed. After William insulted her friend, she told the schools biggest fuckboy where the closet stands (a proverb). High five to girls who dare to stand up and tell a guy off. 
*Gif of Noora* 
LOL (emoji) 
Let’s put some time aside for some of the most comedic moments from season 1: Sana and Chris who are causing through the school yard on hover boards. Sana has so much control over that hover board! Before it began to ‘collapse’ for Sana in season 4, Sana had control over everything. 
*Gif of Sana and Chris* 
 Aww (emoji) 
Holy Father, Eva and Jonas were so good together! Jonas is and will always be the guy, meanwhile Eva never was the same when that relationship ended, and she started to drink/get drunk at every party. But enough about that. The scene that goes from madness to cuteness in the middle of traffic is fine/cute. Shall we break up? Shall we be together? Couldn’t they just have stayed together forever?
*Gif of Jonas and Eva*
WTF (emoji) 
Bad at scoring/checking out? Don’t worry about it, Chris will show you how it’s done… First: do not leave any doubt. have you heard that you have to make eye contact, thereafter look bashfully at the floor and then look up again? Forget it. Here are to words that count: stare and suck. So make sure to have something appropriate to put in your mouth, like a spoon or love on sticks or ice-cream. You can eventually go for Sana’s favorite tool: carrot. 
*Gif of Chris* 
Oh run (emoji) 
Eva has made out with guy-Chris and his girlfriend found out. Not good. Sana’s look/expression scream “Oh run” when Iben’s gang comes after Eva and right after Eva got a “slap” in the face. Conclusion: don’t fight. But if you absolutely must, go with Sana - she has control over her nerves. 
*Gif of Sana + Eva getting hit by Iben* 
Never forget (emoji) 
This scene is SKAM. This is the gang on their way to party - and they look awesome”. Put your hands up if you’ve NEVER blasted “Dick in the Air” on your phone while walking in slow motion a summer day? Nobody? Exactly. I rest my case. 
*Gif of the girls squad walking in slow motion*
Sobbing (emoji) 
“If I see you now I will say things that I’ll regret later so I’m suggesting that I’ll call you when I’m ready to hear your explanation on why you have chosen to fuck up everything between us”…When you don’t even bother to use any kind of punctuation you’re angry. The text is bad. I am sobbing more than Eva over this text. And we have to take the transition to the next clip, with Imogen Heap’s “Hide and Seek”. The scene is a little sad and empty just like Eva is feeling. 
*Gif of Eva getting the text from Jonas* 
Best message (emoji) 
This post if FUNNY! What (Eva thought) would be a romantic cabin trip, turned out to be a dramatic day at Hotel Cæsar. Guys used their time on smoking in hiding, while Eva used her time on trying to read Jonas’ texts. Isak does not wait long before he makes a joke out of it all. 
“Picture of a chat between Isak, Jonas and Eva” 
Season 2 
WOW (emoji) 
If there is something Noora can, it is putting the Magnusson guys in their place. In the first season she went after Willian, and now it is the big brothers turn. That slue snake didn’t know where to look when Noora came after him with all the different laws for child pornography, threats and coercion - yes, and the alcohol law on top of it all. One more time - hat off (bow down) 
*Gif of Noora* 
LOL (emoji) 
You know when fish cakes are life, but someone else ate them? Me neither. But it was such that Noora has to eat two fish cakes at five, and it is extremely annoying when Eskild, the stealer, eats them. Even though it is bad to admit the situation is pretty recognizable. Who hasn’t gotten home after an extremely bad day, and a trifle makes you totally lose it? The looks from Linn completes this scene. 
*Gif of Noora, Eskild and Linn* 
Aww (emoji) 
There are more “aww-moments” in this season, like when Noora plays guitar and sings for William, or when she is running after him after the party, and they finally get their first kiss. But the sweetest moment has to be when they had the talk. Noora who has just “I was afraid that you just went around and thought that we were together or something” and William who was just like “We are together though” while Noora was like “No!” and William “Yes, we are”. DOT/DONE. Young love! 
*Gif of Noora and William* 
WTF (emoji) 
Monday 29th of February at 4.35 pm is one of the SKAM-history moments that are hard to forget: we are introduced to Eskild. Or more correctly: we are introduced to both Linn and Eskild - two fantastic people who Noora lives with in Kollektivet. Linn is laying in fetal position in the bed in a dark sleeping room, while our first meeting with Eskild is a little less innocent. When Noora opens the door to his room we skim that he’s… very well treated by another guy to “Circle of Life” from The Lion King. Our biggest wish now is a spin-off-series from Kollektivet with Eskild and Linn as the main characters. Please! 
*Gif of Noora walking in on Eskild* 
Oh run (emoji) 
Sana’s revenge was not a good idea since it wasn’t Camilla and the gang who created the hate account. When the hijab-police came walking towards the gang in the school yard, there is only one thing to do - as Sana said herself: “Honestly - run! RUN!”
*Gif of The girls running* 
Never forget (emoji) 
William getting out of his nice car in slow motion here. The clip being slow motion is so effective, and the guys look så cool - these are the bad boys with a big “b”. In the clip Kanye West is appropriately sining “I need a slow motion video right now!, and now i feel like we need a gif in slow motion - here you go: 
*Gid of William getting out of his car* 
Sobbing (emoji) 
Seeing Noora run across the school yard after William when he thinks that she slept with his brother Nico is heartbreaking. “I just trust myself. I’ve learned that no one is really there when you need help”, is Feiten from Kolboten singing, and the tones makes the scene even more sad. Noora throws herself over William who is just removing her from him and leaves her alone on the ground. Fortunately, the girls came running towards her. 
*Gif of Noora running after William* 
Best text (emoji) 
Here we could’ve chosen all the texts from Eskild, but we are only choosing one. Since we are already trying to make a spin-off-series from Kollektivet happen, we have to choose this chat between Eskild and Noora which shows how good this spin-off-series could be. 
*Picture of the chat between Eskild and Noora* 
Season 3 
WOW (emoji) 
Goosebumps alarm when Nils Bech sings “O Helga Natt” in the church! The music amplifies the nervous atmosphere in which Isak receives a sensitive text from Even. 
*Gif of Isak receiving a text from Even*
The moment Isak gets up from the church bench almost gets me to jump from the chair. “What happens now?” “Is it going well Even????”. Fortunately, the neck-breaking seance ends well. <3 
*Gif of Isak and Even* 
LOL (emoji) 
Who would’ve thought that Magnus would twitch at this extremely direct and rare pickup line? Not bad though! 
*Gif of Magnus and Vilde*
But nothing is better than these two rare people getting together. It is totally obvious that these two are meant to be. 
*Gif of Magnus and Vilde* 
Aww (emoji) 
You know that feeling of being in love where time stops and everything stops existing? 
The scene with Isak and Even the day after they found each other gives me this nice, new lovers kind of feeling. Now it is you two - and nothing can stand between you. Love has Provisionals. <3 
*Gif of Isak and Even* 
WTF (emoji) 
What is going on with Even and paper? I don’t think I was the only one who raised raised her/his eyebrows when he emptied the dispenser on the wall from paper. If it was a bad score tip or him just being weird is unknown. But one thing is for sure: it works on Isak! 
*Gif of Isak and Even* 
Oh run (emoji) 
Isak is having a bad time because he 1. is in love with Even and 2. hasn’t been able to tell his friends that he is queer. When he finally has the courage to come out, Jonas is the first one to know. The way Jonas reacts just shows how nice he is. Me <3 Jonas even more after this 
*Gif of Jonas and Isak* 
Never forget (emoji) 
The excitement of Even and Isak is there. On the sofa, with a girl, they both throw glances at each other. But just wait till they want to be with each other. As good as the jubilee stands in the ceiling they run away from the party, just the two of them. It gets even better when they get/share their first kiss… and it’s even under water! 
*Gif of Isak and Even kissing* 
Sobbing (emoji) 
Talk about driving my feelings up and down a gigantic mountain. In byrjinga it is just Isak + Even = *heart eyes emojis* and everything is good. But suddenly Even starts to act weird without Isak knowing why. Even just disappears from the hotel room. He just has to go out and buy food, without any clothing. Isak is stressed and scared that Even just disappeared out of the door and on the same night it came out that Even is bipolar. The moment Isak is told that he is bipolar is so extremely sad/hard. Especially since Sonja tells him that his feelings towards Even aren’t real. Stupid Sonja! 
*Gif of Isak and Sonja* 
Best text (emoji) 
So. Linn. Is. The. Best. She is extremely weird, pessimistic and funny in all the clips she is in. And in this chat from Kollektivet she proves once again how good it is to have her in our lives. Everyone needs a Linn in their life. <3 
*Picture of a chat*
Season 4 
WOW (emoji) 
No one that the love story between William and Noora was going to end the way it did. No one was ready for William to return the moment he did either. It was mildly said a shock to see his car roll up in the drive way at Chris’. But it was good to see the return with a slow motion filming of William! For me he has now become the defintion of slow motion. 
*Gif of William, Noora and Sana*
LOL (emoji) 
It is so fun to watch the girls flip out when they discover a room full of slightly dressed/clothed guys. But again it is good to not flip out here. The very, very best thing is the return of Chris and her spoon (which many may remember from the first season where she had a little crush on Isak) 
*Gif of the girl squad checking out balloon squad* 
Aww (emoji) 
When Sana finally gets confirmed that Yousef is in love with her - and not Noora. Oooh, it is so good/cute. It is like the lump you had stuck in your stomach just disappeared with one wink. It got replaced with love butterflies. 
*Gif of Sana looking at Yousef’s texts to Noora*
And the glances they both share right after are just amazing
*Gif of Sana and Yousef* 
A little bonus here that everyone has been waiting for since season 1 FINALLY happened. Eva and jonas getting back together. <3 
*Gif of Jonas and Eva* 
WTF (emoji) 
But the moment before Eva and Jonas get back together is the weirdest moment. Guy-Chris and Emma fall in love at first sight?! Have they not met each other before? This is with no doubt one of the moments that are written in SKAM-history. 
*Gif of guy-Chris and Emma* 
But what is even more of a WTF moment is when Linn shows off her wild side (?) who no one thought she had. Linn. <3
*Gif of Vilde and Linn* 
Oh run (emoji) 
Sana: we have to get that bus
Noora: But we don’t have the money!!
Sana: I’ll fix it. 
It can seem like everything totally blew up when Sana decided to buy a buss for over 200.000 kr. It also did - but it doesn’t get any less fun to watch for that reason. Go Sana! 
*Gif of the girl Squad* 
Never forget (emoji) 
This clip made me laugh! Sana has done enough of things she is regretting and now she thinks that the girl squad have turned their backs on her. It turns out she was totally wrong. She has the best friends in the world. <3 
*Gif of the girls turning up in the van* 
Sobbing (emoji) 
Love hurts like they say. And here it really hurts for Sana. Imagine finding your best friend on the dance floor making out with the guy you’re in love with… Ouch. 
*Gif of Noora and Yousef making out in front of Sana* 
Best text (emoji) 
Even though the main product of the series are the clips, the chats are also a huge part of the series. It makes the characters even more real for us. The characters on the show follow Pradise Hotel (a reality show), therefore it is so good that this reality show has SKAM-wicked. 
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softedwin · 7 years
when noora and eva graduated, it wasn't even a question that they would go to uio and move in together. the rest of the girls had other plans and vilde was set on moving in with magnus which left the two girls. and they were so excited on the day they moved in!! took pictures, had a movie night while drinking wine. it didn't take long for them to get used to each other since they've basically lived in each other's houses/rooms before. but this time there wasn't eva's mum or eskild or linn around. it was only the two of them. and it was fantastic. their friendship only seemed to grow stronger and they were inseparable. noora knew about eva's bisexuality. she was the first one eva felt comfortable telling a few months into their friendship. so it wasnt that surprising to noora that she also brought home girls. the thing that did surprise her was that they all looked similar. tall, blonde, cute, usually short hair although sometimes she went for girls with longer hair. noora also knew about eva's type. which was that she didn't have one. anyone that was attractive to her was a potential hook up. eva didnt go for anything specific. she didn't. but it wasn't noora's place to ask nor any of her business. if eva had a type now, good for her. it wasn't until this one party where it crossed noora's mind again. eva was (yet again) making out with a cute blonde girl and noora was watching them, brows furrowed. they had never talked about eva's new obsession and right now noora couldn't help but wonder where it had come from. but then again, why did she care? as long as eva was happy. she turned away from the two and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water when suddenly someone bearhugged her from behind and she turned around to find eva smiling broadly at her. noora returned the smile and said, "hey, you" and eva's smile got even bigger when she replied, "hey." and noora couldn't help but ask where the girl had gone to and eva shrugged like she didn't care at all and maybe she didn't and honestly, that shouldn't cause relief to flow through noora's body. they were still hugging when eva sighed into her ear and whispered, "I love you so much" and Noora was laughing and replying that she loved eva too and eva intently shook her head and disentangled herself from noora to look at her pointedly and repeated excitedly, "no, you don't even know. I love you _so_ much" and noora nodded because she knew. eva had told her often enough, it wasn't anything new. eva always told everyone how much she loved them when she was drunk. eva went back into noora's arms, warmth enveloping her as she cuddled up against noora's body and got comfortable. "I really love you," eva repeated again, "why do you think I keep bringing home these girls that look exactly like you? when will you finally realise this, so I can stop doing this because I'm tired of being with these girls. I wanna be with you." and this confession hit noora hard. because suddenly everything made sense. these girls had always kinda looked like her and the thought had crossed her mind but she never wanted to believe it because if she did, she would get her hopes up and eva didn't want her like that, right? but apparently, she did, confessing her feelings and that she only did it to make noora realise that eva liked her. maybe not the best tactic since it clearly didn't work until eva had pointed it out but that didn't matter now. because the girl she had loved for so long actually liked her back and maybe it was only a drunk confession eva will forget about in the morning and that she actually didn't even mean and it was only something that slipped from her mouth but for now she would enjoy this for as long as she could. the girl of her dreams snuggling up in her arms, making her feel warm all over in an already too hot kitchen but she didn't mind at all. she could stay like this forever and maybe eva could, too. maybe, just maybe. they eventually left the party and fell asleep together in noora's bed. the next morning, eva remembered. she hadn't forgotten it.
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luffysfakebeard · 7 years
Even’s 20th birthday (this is half an hour late in my time zone and I’m devastated, god dammit work)
Isak wakes him up with soft kisses all over his face and when he knows Even is waking up he moves his kisses down and starts Even’s day with a happy birthday blowjob and shit if this is what his 20′s are gonna be like then Even is a happy man
they stayed at Even’s last night because Even’s parents have this tradition about a birthday breakfast, so Isak brought his stuff to Even’s after school on Friday and they’ve spent the weekend so far doing their homework between make out sessions because your brain needs a rest sometimes okay it can’t all be biology stats
sadly Even’s parents are home so they can’t share a shower no matter how much Even tries to cajole Isak into it
they do eventually both manage to get showered and make it into the kitchen, their fingers loosely tangled and their shoulders bumping together, and Even’s parents don’t even try to hide their smiles at it because if their boy is happy what more could they want
Isak is high key curious about this birthday breakfast tradition because birthdays were never much of a thing in his household after he hit double digits and he thinks it’s kinda cute that Even’s parents still fuss over him like that
Even insists that it’s more because his little sisters are still really into birthdays and everyone goes all out for their birthdays and Even doesn’t have the heart to tell them he isn’t really fussed about his own birthday
turns out that the birthday breakfast is a huge spread. it takes up their entire kitchen table. there’s a big bowl of fruit, pots of yoghurt dotted around, two filled toast racks surrounded by half a dozen different condiments and cheeses, and Even’s mother is plating up generous portions of smoked salmon omelette as the boys walk in
Isak sits down with Even but he’s kind of terrified that the table is going to collapse under the weight of all that food (spoiler: it doesn’t)
it feels a little bittersweet to Isak to see how close knit Even’s family is but he’s damn happy that his boyfriend has such a loving family. his parents indulge Isak in telling embarrassing stories from Even’s childhood, although Even laughs along with them too, and his sisters crow about all the cool things Even does with them which warms Isak’s heart in a way he didn’t expect
after they’ve all eaten as much as they can physically cram inside their stomachs Even’s mother pulls a little cupcake from some hiding place Isak hadn’t noticed and lights the solitary candle on it before setting it in front of Even and telling him to make a wish
Even stares at Isak so intently as he makes his wish that Isak feels like a mouse in the eyes of a hawk
when the candle is blown out Even’s sisters immediately start squealing asking about what Even wished for and he just shrugs and says I wished to be an only child again with a wink and ruffles their hair when they shriek in outrage
after breakfast Even and Isak go on a very slow walk around the neighbourhood to help their food go down (Even’s mum suggested it and it didn’t actually sound like a bad idea) and they’re their usual disgusting selves, holding hands and pushing each other around and then pulling the other back with their arms around their waist, fogging up the cool air around them with their laughter
they make a quick stop at the coffee place and Isak asks if the birthday boy gets any sort of senior discount
turns out he doesn’t qualify but the barista does wish him a happy birthday and Even just grins and pulls Isak into his side and says how could I not with this beautiful young man by my side
the barista thinks they’re the cutest thing she’s seen in her whole life
the boys take their drinks to go and head over to the kollectivet, enjoying the early afternoon sunshine and each other’s company
they get back to Isak’s just after 1PM and it can’t be determined who startled more when a dozen people yelled surprise
both squads are present as well as the kollectivet (even Linn is there, in her pyjamas but there) and they’re all there to celebrate their friend’s birthday and Even is so surprised that they considered him a friend that it takes him a minute to settle into it
despite it being like one in the afternoon on a Sunday there is alcohol aplenty
Isak knows that Even knows his limits and doesn’t fuss over his drinking or smoking unless he can see the telltale signs of an episode and today is not one of those days so he lays back on the sofa and enjoys a few drinks with his boyfriend and their friends
when everyone has their drinks Magnus stands up and makes a toast to Even, wishing him many more years of fun stories and frostbitten balls
Even snorts into his beer but raises his bottle anyway and everyone follows his lead and the party (if it could even be called that) kicks off
alcohol flows freely and people start talking about their favourite Even story because he’s been involved in a few of their social events seeing as he’s Isak’s boyfriend but aside from that he’s just a cool guy and everyone loves him so????????? of course they’re gonna hang out with him and have stories to tell????????
Noora and Vilde go into the kitchen and come back a few minutes later with a stupidly big cake covered in flaming candles and Even laughs about people trying to fatten him up today
que Isak telling everyone about the massive breakfast and now this massive cake but then he looks over at Even and he’s just like you’re a beanpole though so like of course people are trying to fatten you up
Linn just tells Even to blow his candles out before they burn the building down and Even does that intense staring at Isak again as he blows them out
the candles are out for maybe .25944932479 of a second before everyone starts clamouring for a bit
Eva may or may not get a bit too drunk and emotional and grab Even’s hand and tell him that he’s amazing and she hopes he has a really happy life with lots of good birthdays and friends and yep yep yep time for people to start going home if Eva’s getting emotional
after 7PM most people have left the flat, wishing Even a last happy birthday on their way out, and it’s just Even and the kollectivet so he helps them clear up the bottles and snack food
Eskild’s kinda tipsy so he pulls Even into a hug and kisses his cheek messily and tells him to make sure his happy birthday sex isn’t too loud because Eskild has to be up early tomorrow
Isak drops the bottle he was emptying into the sink and goes even brighter red because he wasn’t even subtly shocked he thought that shit was just in movies but here he is with a sink full of broken glass
Even only makes it worse when he winks at Eskild and says he can’t promise anything before grabbing Isak’s hand and hauling him off into the bedroom despite the fact it’s barely even 8PM
Isak tries to be mad but Even keeps peppering kisses over his mouth and hell Isak can’t keep up his pout when Even does that and Even knows it
they flop back into bed because it’s actually been an exhaustingly social day and Isak the Introvert needs to recharge now so he decides that it’s cuddly boyfriend time and practically tries to get under Even’s skin
they spend a few minutes just holding onto each other before Isak casually tells Even he has a present for him and enjoys the surprised look on Even’s face that quickly turns into excitement
Isak refuses to say when Even asks what it is, claiming that Even has to work for it
thus commences Even kissing Isak all over until the boy caves in and reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a joint
I thought we could share one seeing as it’s a special occasion is Isak’s explanation
Even argues that it’s only a birthday and Isak has a rare moment of breathtaking honesty and softness and says that there’s nothing more special than the day Even Bech Næsheim came into the world
he gets another kiss for that and Even tries to convey all the love he feels for this boy into the kiss
they spent the next hour passing the joint back and forth in bed and enjoying the high together
they talk about the past and the future and everything in between, pressed as close together as two people can be
inevitably hands start to wander
their touches start slow and lazy and comforting but it never takes long for things to get heated between them and Isak finds himself sat on Even’s lap with the birthday boy spread out under him
they both feel a bit hazy from the weed and the alcohol so they end the day with Isak lazily riding Even, hands clasped and foreheads pushed together and soft moans warming the air between them until they’re both spent and slumped together on the bed
when Isak can finally use his higher brain power again he presses a kiss to Even’s warm cheek and asks if he had a good birthday
Even just pulls him closer and whispers that every day with Isak is a good day because what could be better than spending your day with the one you love
and yeah that’s cute but Isak needs to know if Even had a good birthday alright he just does
Even rolls his eyes and accuses Isak of ruining the moment he was trying to make but reassures Isak that yes he had a great birthday he doesn’t need to worry about that
they’re both asleep by 10.30, tangled up in each other
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I want you all to know about the DND campaign I’m playing with my friends since I’m reblogging so many pictures that they’ve drawn.
So I decided to make a small informational post about what’s happened and who’s playing. It might get long so I’ll put it under a read more.
So we’re a rag tag group that was brought together by an elf named Lan’marel in a dream. He had been observing us and offered us each something that we wanted to do a job for him. (Kill a bandit named Marco) Marco was too tough for us so we decided screw that, let’s kill Lan’marel instead and we did. After ransacking his house his butler directed us to help his friend Ulysses when we found a letter for him. We’ve been traveling as a party ever since although we’re not sure what are goal is or where we’re going we’ve slowly become friends.
Our DM plays the butler of Lan’marel, Sentel (Featured here). Sentel is a silent and rather reserved drow who has gotten angry on multiple occasions. He’s a bard and seems to have a mysterious tragic past. (Played by and campaign made by @zyca)
He’s slowly developing a romance with our cleric, Elias, who is incredibly sad but has taken vows of pacifism to hurt no one so he never does battle. We’ve discovered a tragic secret about Elias recently and his two best friends Sentel and Crimson are trying to help him. (Elias is played by @cobaltcircuit)
There’s also Nik, our fighter. Their a human noble, who...is kinda a butthole as the player put it. “A rich butthole” (Played by @notactuallyherenotreally) 
We have the bard Civil, (the tiefling in the picture) who cries a lot and has stolen from our own party multiple times. He’s a bit of a flirt but he’s pretty cool anyway. Civil why???? (Played by @wadewilsonparker)
Our ranger is a cute and spunky girl named Linn who has a red panda as her companion. She’s always down for adventurer and story time. (played by @electricgale) 
Finally, we have more boyfriends. Glassheart is the mysterious rogue who steals the hearts of fair maidens and mens, as he puts it. We’re not sure what his first name is, but we know he’s a mess. In the first few campaigns he rolled really badly and that was part of his charm so we’ve kinda decided he’s always drunk. I love glassheart though, he’s great. Also there’s this running gag going that he is a scaley. (Here is my friend’s most recent art of him, he’s the half-elf not the dragon man.) He’s played by @netflixweeb
Our barbarian, and his probably boyfriend, is Roq, a noble and lawful dragonborn who used to be chief of his tribe. However some hamlet crap went on and he was exiled or something like that. (He’s the dragon in the picture) played by @keelahsomethigh He is everybody’s dragon dad.
Finally, last but not least, we have Crimson Rose. Or as I call her ‘the great Crimson Rose!’ she is the character I play. She’s a drow with primarily fire spells, even if it blinds her. A sorceress she’s also a self-proclaimed mad scientist and has taken up a hobby burning crates and causing general chaos. She has a mad scientist laugh and is incredibly weird. At the moment she is currently trying to invent heelies. She has had a number of weird adventures in this group like back flipping out of a two story window and kink shaming most of her party. She is truly all that and an adventure waiting to happen.
I hope you enjoyed reading the basic concept of our dnd party. Please feel free to ask anything about these characters to me or my friends who play them. I’m sure my friends would love to answer questions and take a look at their blogs.
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