#& now I just get to read & draw bc I already cleaned and exercised too!!
myokk · 17 days
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fast sketch of Sebastian and my mc, Eloise💓💓💓 I love them so much 🤧
Also!! You guys 😭😭 thank you so so so much for all the love, I can’t believe you like my sketches so much♥️♥️♥️🥰💓😘 I love reading all of your comments, hashtags, etc. it makes me smile so much so thank you !!💓
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 8
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obsetress: now i just want fanart of damvibecca at the gym
em: well. pitch it to me comrade ghostfucker
obsetress: idk that's about as far as i got i just reread that bit about vibecca in their matching gym outfits and my brain got stuck
em: hypothetically do u have a colour palette in mind bc i associate gym outfits w like. bright loud colours and
em: idk if it works w our earth sign queens
[em note: emily is a liar and did NOT draw fanart of damvibecca at the gym]
[em note 2: we have the gym art now [x] [x]]
obsetress: i was imagining like charcoals tbh, or jewel tones
obsetress: i could see them in like jewel tone purples or that jewel tone blue green color
obsetress: yeah viola jewel tones or blacks n charcoals
obsetress: becs pastels and camels but jewel tones at the gym
em: it’s about Matching
em: And Destroying Ur Ex (platonically)
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: viola's feeling particularly smug about it but then
obsetress: dani's in an old school tshirt and shorts and jamie's in............ one of dani's old school tshirts and shorts
em: YES
obsetress: not intentionally, she just grabbed whatever was there
obsetress: dani chirps "oh you two look so cute! baby look, they have a matched set"
obsetress: viola arches an eyebrow "and so do you, it seems" and dani laughs "not on purpose, jamie just grabbed whatever was on top in the drawer"
viola: you two... share... a wardrobe?
dani: yeah?
em: god cute
obsetress: cute n dumb
em: they can share nearly everything except pants
em: well. pants as a treat
em: haha pants
em: trousers
obsetress: also rly nice rly clean smooth funny juxtaposition in my brain of vibecca being the ones who intentionally match and damie the ones for whom it just accidentally happens
obsetress: hahahah pants
obsetress: they can share pants but................ should they
em: idk miss chapter 12 danis thighs jamies pyjamas
em: should they
obsetress: PLEASE
obsetress: that's exactly what i was referring to THANKS
obsetress: anyway
obsetress: rebecca just laughs
obsetress: viola huffs and bex is like "sorry, babe, but it is kind of funny"
em: dani jamie wearing like
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obsetress: YEAH
em: poor viola
obsetress: thinking about dani's ass in those
em: yeah....
em: violas huffing until jamies exercise flush lasts a little Too Long
obsetress: big blush jamie taylor
em: she’s still like ‘oi dani close ur mouth’ but then she
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: just ogling each other
obsetress: (they briefly pause to ogle vi and rebecca passing a medicine ball back and forth as they do squats and have to acknowledge that, yeah, they've all done alright by themselves)
em: funny montage of the gang doing exercise while surreptitiously taking Peaks
obsetress: omg all i want
obsetress:sometimes having friends as a lesbian means they're all your exes except one, who's your gf, and you're all checking each other out always anyway
And That’s Beautiful
obsetress: dani: checking out viola's biceps, rebecca's abs
viola: checking out dani's thighs n ass
rebecca: minding her business
jamie: scowling n scrawny
obsetress:(n also checking out dani's thighs n ass, viola's biceps, and begrudgingly peeking at rebecca's abs)
obsetress: every other woman at the gym: checking out jamie, trying to figure out the entire dynamic here
are they a polycule? what
em: jamie probably like
em: maybe she gets really into running bc she just checks out and listens to her audiobooks but like
em: slow twitch vs fast twitch fibers so stays scrawny
obsetress: i can see that
obsetress: just gets on the treadmill and zones tf out
em: jamie ‘why don’t i have biceps’ taylor vs jamie ‘no u gotta lift w ur hips’ taylor
obsetress: she hates it but her psych told her it'll be good for her routine so you know she was like yes ma'am every day ma'am
em: cant believe safe lifting procedures screwed her over
em: ‘yes ma’am every day ma’am’ ur just Going for it arent ya anshdjdh
obsetress: sorry but don't tell me you can't hear it
obsetress: jamie's the person who takes notes in therapy
obsetress: jamie, in the locker room after their workout: do my biceps look bigger?
dani, patiently, already knowing where this is going: bigger than what, baby?
jamie: than yesterday
dani: mm, rome wasn't built in a day, you know
jamie: do they look bigger at all?
dani: well
em: i mean not to perceive her too much but mattresses scene indicates AE/jamie like. at least some muscle in the leg area
em: poor jamie
em: not playing to her strengths
obsetress: yeah she does
obsetress: i mean ae has toned af arms
obsetress: she's just wiry
em: how could i forget the benchpressing dog gif
obsetress: dani's like "jamie, baby, come do squats with me and vi" "m'good" "baby, c'mon, you'll like it" "don't wanna do squats" "it could be good for you" "don't wanna do squats with you two"
em: dani: you gotta like. eat more
jamie: i eat plenty
dani: no u graze all day and then u don’t eat dinner
obsetress: dani: five biscuits spread out across a day doesn't count as eating more
em: dani: protein jamie it’s abt protein
obsetress: dani: you need more protein, which is why i think some lentils would really––
em: jamie thinks protein shakes are Nasty
obsetress: jamie does think protein shakes are nasty but dani will make her a smoothie and sneak it in like she's a child
obsetress: viola and rebecca, with their matching monogrammed blender bottles, just staring
obsetress: becca's like "jamie, just drink it, really, it's fine"
obsetress: viola just does this haughty sniff at her and that's what finally gets jamie to start
em: jamie can deal w being a brat but the idea of viola having Anything over her drives her Insane
em: Drives Her Fuckign Nuts
obsetress: she hates it
obsetress: just the absolute fuckin worst
em: do u think dani ever like
em: like they REALLY need to clear out storage but it’s a boiling frog situation where it’s increased so gradually that
em: like jamie thinks it’s Fine storage is Clear Enough
em: it’s Not
em: danis like. should we invite rebecca and vi over
em: just be Idea of A Snide Viola Comment fills jamie w a burning rage
obsetress: oh my god
obsetress: i'm obsessed with this
obsetress: i would read a whole oneshot about this
em: eventually dani comes clean abt it n jamie thinks it’s v funny bc yknow; open and honest communication is a v important part of their dynamic
em: jamie: next time just tell me my storage looks like shite dani or i will be grumbling abt viola for a Week
obsetress: inevitably
obsetress: when they do have to come over to clean
obsetress: dani offers them takeout and wine ("step up from pizza and beer at least," jamie grumbles) and viola's like "jesus, dani, let's just go out to dinner. my treat"
obsetress: at dinner, viola's like "if you want more storage, i have some wonderful properties––"
obsetress: rebecca's mouthing "sorry" from next to her across the table
em: every time they go out rebecca takes vi aside n is like ok sweetheart so you promise you’re not gonna try convince them to sell the apartment again
em: and violas like (mock horror) of course i won’t. ye of little faith
em: and every time
em: every time she does
em: she’s tryna HELP
obsetress: she would too she'd be like
obsetress: "i'm just trying to HELP"
obsetress: "they're our FRIENDS"
em: i’m on a mission to figure out like
em: this is way way down the line
em: but i wanna believe eventually viola and jamie start to, at the v least, Tolerate each other
em: jamie might even be fond of the crazy bird but she’ll NEVER admit it
obsetress: god like vi's on business or some shit in like
obsetress: the UAE
obsetress: negotiating some Deal
obsetress: and so dani and jamie get dinner with just bex and they're driving home after and having a perfectly mundane conversation and then jamie's just blurting like
obsetress: "i think i miss vi"
em: she’s HORRIFIED
em: she tries to play it off as like um
em: she’s Too Comfortable
em: things are Too Boring
em: which is weird knowing everything we know abt jamie
em: but actually she just... maybe misses viola
em: danis like god i wish i was recording this
obsetress: jamie's passed out next to her at home later (it's ten pm) and dani's chattering happily away on the phone with vi (drinking a martini in her dubai hotel room at one am since, y'know, no bars) in bed right next to her
obsetress: "jamie, uh, said she misses you. i know. no, i KNOW. don't tell her i told you. yeah, yeah, you win, vi, we know. uh-huh. uh-huh. i'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask me that"
em: CUTE
em: u can’t lord it over her vi it’s a little secret
em: vi's like when have i EVER
em: she does
obsetress: once they're good again, dani and vi absolutely just. lose time (there's a metaphor in there) talking to each other still
em: this is wholesome tbh
em: i really like the damie stories where like
em: look it’s nice when damie have each other but it’s also nice when they have their own friends and stuff
em: dunno how to articulate that well
em: it’s a balance! it’s a balance
obsetress: yeah! exactly
obsetress: because that's part of the love n possession thing too yk
obsetress: not to say either of them would ever be like "no friends for you" but
obsetress: wanting to have a life outside of your partner yk
obsetress: they're meeting vi and rebecca for dinner after vi gets back and vi's just grinning and sweeping jamie into a hug "i heard you missed me"
em: she gets jamie a souvenir t-shirt
em: it’s too big
em: OR
em: child’s t-shirt
obsetress: (jamie sleeps in it that night)
obsetress: oh childs might be better
obsetress: she's like "you're a little scrawny, so..."
em: jamie sleeps in it.... soft bitch
em: she feels too much
obsetress: jamie taylor softest bitch
obsetress: dani watches her pull it on and raises an eyebrow and jamie's just like "wot"
em: jamies like (grumbles) i knew she was comin back i’m just
em: shouldn’t you be HAPPY about this development dani
em: ‘s’a gift... s’rude not t’....’
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: dani just grins "mmhm"
em: it accidentally makes its way into jamies workout clothes pile
obsetress: oh my GOD oh my god
obsetress: viola's shit eating GRIN when jamie shows up at the gym in it
em: jamies like fok
em: mental maths tryna figure if she wants to just. work out in a sports bra
em: she Doesn’t
obsetress: she Doesn't!
obsetress: (she's shy)
em: god it’s one of those shirts that’s like
em: someone who loves me went to UAE and got me this t-shirt or something
obsetress: dani corners her in their empty row in the locker room "you could've just taken it off, you know" "dunno, not everyone needs to... see that, you know?" "i'd certainly like to see it" jamie rolls her eyes but she's grinning "you can see that any time" "well maybe i wanted to see it during my workout" "dani......."
em: jamies embarrassed bc of her gnarly farmers tan means her tummy is at least five shades lighter than the rest of her
em: crisp tan lines
obsetress: god jamie's farmers tan
em: once again i am bringing my tan lines jamie agenda
obsetress: dani loves jamies dumb farmers tan so much
obsetress: she giggles
obsetress: but it's the most loving giggle possible
em: and then when she gets into running...
em: god when i was rowing there were a couple ppl w like what i called a neapolitan icecream tan which is
em: gimme a second
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obsetress: jamie gets all huffy when dani giggles at her tan but then dani's like "baby, no, i think it's cute" and jamie gives her a look and dani grins mischievously and ducks her head
obsetress: and then she's licking and kissing and nipping her way along jamie's dumb tan lines
em: there it is
obsetress: it was inevitable
em: so caught up in the joy of jamies dumb farmer tans i forgot abt her gnarly scar she keeps under wraps
em: baby
em: the most baby
obsetress: baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
em: jamie decides the only way to claim the stupid t-shirt as hers is to cut off the sleeves
em: it’s abt the ritual of the thing
obsetress: she shows up at the gym wearing it and
obsetress: that's viola's "oh no she's hot" moment
obsetress: literally just like
obsetress: world stops
obsetress: viola stares
em: jamie finally gets to do an exercise that shows off her sinewy manual labor grip forearms
em: viola’s probably just as horrified to find jamie hot as every time jamies like oh no
em: violas hot
em: and once again jamie CANNOT know she’s hot bc she will be insufferable
em: she will be the Worst
obsetress: viola's tugging rebecca aside "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "what?" viola waves a hand and rebecca just furrows her brow a little and is like "that's just... what she looks like, vi"
obsetress: viola corners dani next "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "i did" "oh. right" viola pauses, then "why didn't you make sure i was listening?" dani just gives her a look and walks away
obsetress: dflksdjfldaj god the way jamie and viola are. the same
obsetress: kind of incredibly, in the same ways dani and rebecca are the same
em: “hey baby, did viola seem different today? seemed off”
em: jamies like. is she mad at me. did i break another social taboo.
em: rebecca ‘jamie looks like jamie’ jessel vs dani ‘my gf is so hot i can’t stand it’ clayton
obsetress: "i tell you how hot she is at least three times a week, vi"
em: danis tryna goad her into making the damn shirt a crop top
em: jamies like yeah but isn’t that a step too far. i feel like i am destroying this shirt too much
em: she does it anyway
em: so jamies workout clothes are danis endless grey baggy school t-shirts and this one ugly souvenir shirt that like
em: psychological warfare and she doesn’t even know it
obsetress: i would........ like to see it
obsetress: also crop top jamie is one of my favorite jamies
obsetress: she is severely underrated
em: crop top jamie is
obsetress: and we do not talk about her enough
em: jamie wear More crop tops
obsetress: viola and rebecca in bed, in matching facemasks, after going to the gym post-epiphany that Jamie Is Hot
obsetress: viola: are dani and jamie hotter than us?
rebecca: what?
obsetress: and like
obsetress: viola is NOT insecure
obsetress: she is constantly confident that she's the most attractive woman in the room at any given moment, but
obsetress: she's just so staggered by this realization
em: some neutral third party (ms grose and mr sharma probably) are like well. u guys definitely have a little more of a scary thing going on
em: i’m imagining rebecca and viola at brunch w hannah and owen v seriously discussing this
em: viola brings it up and rebecca GROANS but then she gets invested in the convo
obsetress: GOD yeah
obsetress: she's leaning forward and gesturing with her fork "when you say 'scary'..........."
em: owens like scary is a compliment
em: hannah grose sips her tea knowingly
obsetress: rebecca just narrows her eyes at hannah grose and hannah raises her eyebrows and shrugs
em: after a week or so viola bursts into a room w stupid big sunglasses and a tray of take out coffees and she’s like Don’t You Worry Jamie I Have Concluded You’re Hot But I’m Not Threatened By It
em: jamies like sorry WHAT
em: you’ve been thinking about WHAT
em: viola leaves without ever following it up
obsetress: dani is entirely unfazed
obsetress: doesn't even blink
em: danis like neat she remembered the oat milk
em: everyone in this au is insane
obsetress: any lesbian in 2021 is insane
obsetress: par for the course
em: was gonna protest but
em: Yeah
obsetress: this lesbian meme account i follow on insta is doing “stop asking who’s the top and who’s the bottom. start asking...” posts
obsetress: and one of them is “start asking who’s baby and who’s fuck around and find out” and it just makes me chuckle
obsetress: jamie taylor baby
obsetress: viola lloyd also baby
em: dani is baby passing and jamie is fuck around faking
obsetress: oh my god that’s why that’s why i think we cracked it
obsetress: dani (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: rebecca (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: the reason they could never cross further even tho per the transitive property dani (so similar to vi) should be able to date beccs and jamie (so similar to beccs) should be able to date vi is because
obsetress: you can’t have two babies and two fuck arounds in a relationship together
em: oh of course. i see. i see
em: however in the rare rare crack ship of the ‘jamie viola hatefuck’ a similar phenomenon to ‘social anxiety mum friend ordering food’ instinct takes over and someone fucks around and finds out
em: this is just my unhinged jamie viola hatefuck bulkshit which is. it’s ironic ok it’s ironic it’s ironic it’s
em: ok one last thought bc i know it’s super late for u but
obsetress: omg i also have a last thought let’s trade
em: what if mikey is about isabels age n jamie ends up looking after him for one reason or another for a bit
em: and viola absolutely Dotes on him
obsetress: omg
obsetress: that’s what does it. jamie seeing viola w mikey
em: grumble grumble i guess she’s not that bad
em: except then she’s like god what if mikey likes her MORE than me
obsetress: “dani what if mikey gets one of those weird first crushes on vi”
obsetress: dani doesn’t even look up from the laundry “who hasn’t had a crush on vi”
obsetress: jamie’s like “mE” and dani just gives her the most withering look
em: danis like It’s Par For The Course Jamie
em: danis a teacher she’s like it happens don’t sweat it
em: anyway
em: what was. what was ur last little thought
obsetress: i was just thinking more about viola also baby and how also she’s been so privileged her whole life that sometimes there are just some things she can’t do for herself because she just doesn’t know how
obsetress: like she’s never had to learn
em: rebecca gets um
em: freeze dried coffee
em: nescafé
obsetress: but like
obsetress: rebecca genuinely loves taking care of vi for whatever reason (it’s because she loves her) when she really needs it but
obsetress: rebecca also takes no shit and is like “i’m not making the nescafé for you. you’re 36 years old, vi, you need to learn to do it for yourself”
obsetress: and she’ll stand there and watch her do it and then she makes vi do it at least three more times for posterity
obsetress: “i’ll make a plebeian of you yet, viola lloyd”
obsetress: (god only the two of them would think a line like that is funny)
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Hi! Since we found out that Chuck is pulling the strings in the finale over just about everything how do you think it happened that his “storytelling” led him to the Amara storyline in s11? Bc she is pretty equal to him in power & a threat so it seems weird that he led the boys to a battle with her? Or do you think he just didn’t expect the boys to free Dean of the mark in s10 and free her so he genuinely had to step in to clean up the mess? Or am I just doing unnecessary mental gymnastics here?
Hi hi! I’ve been doing mental gymnastics over all of this for years already... I mean even back when Chuck was “just a prophet.” Because I think one thing that happened all the way back in 14.18 is critical to understanding the extent (and limitations) of Chuck’s power:
CHUCK: What are you doing here? I didn't write this.DEAN: (manhandling him) Come on. I need you to come with me.CHUCK: What? Where?DEAN: To the motel where Sam is.CHUCK: That's where Lilith is.DEAN: Yeah, exactly. I need you to stop her.CHUCK: Are you insane? Lilith? I know what she's capable of, Dean. I wrote her.DEAN: All right, listen to me. You have an archangel tethered to you, okay? All you got to do is show up and boom! Lilith gets smoked.CHUCK: But I-I haven't seen that yet. Th-the story –DEAN: Chuck, you're the only shot that I've got left.CHUCK: But... I'm just a writer.DEAN: This isn't a story anymore, man. This is real! And you're in it! Now, I need you to get off your ass and fight. Come on, Chuck.CHUCK: No friggin' way.DEAN: Okay, well, then, how about this – I've got a gun in my pocket, and if you don't come with me, I'll blow your brains out.CHUCK: I thought you said I was protected by an archangel.DEAN: Well, interesting exercise. Let's see who the quicker draw is.
After spending the episode demonstrating the level of detail Chuck was capable of writing (down to the exact details of what they were each thinking during the laundromat scene), while also only “kinda guesstimating Nostradamus-vague-style” on other things (such as “The Red Motel” and Dean “seeing stars” that turned out to be a woman’s dangly earrings, as well as Dean eating a burger that had been handed to him by accident and not what he ordered), to vague details that only made sense AFTER the fact but could easily have described something entirely different depending on how Sam and Dean chose to interpret them (like Dean driving around town with plastic in his smashed out plastic window... regardless of where he’d parked Baby that could’ve happened one way or another, you know? a tree branch could’ve fallen on it in the Red Motel parking lot, a meteorite could’ve crashed through it pretty much anywhere, so if Chuck really wanted that to happen, Dean’s choices would’ve been irrelevant, because none of the other details were actually written down, you know?). well that sentence went on way too long and never actually went anywhere... heck let’s try again...
Chuck seemed genuinely surprised when Dean came in and demanded his help. Like this was the moment he was waiting for, for “his characters” to push back. To surprise him. Almost as if he was testing their ability to “go off script,” as it were... I’ve written some about this recently, actually:
and from a slightly different angle:
and re: 4.22 https://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/185754144990/422-lucifer-rising-kinda-says-it-all-right
more about 11.20: https://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/184761977310/i-just-recently-finished-rewatching-s14-all-the
I know I’ve written more on this, which you can probably find in my episode tags for the end-run of s11, related to my most recent rewatch post 14.20. But this is a good start, probably.
My takeaway? Chuck does have a lot of power, but a lot of limitations on how exactly he uses them. Just like Billie and her “hands off” policy that she occasionally bends (or breaks outright) while mostly working within her “rules” and doing her best to nudge or drop hints to steer the story anyway.
Regarding Chuck’s involvement in Amara’s release? I don’t think that was something he orchestrated specifically, but it was something that had been inevitable anyway since he’d originally locked her up with the Mark, you know? The Mark had existed, and the results of it existing in the universe were that eventually it would be unlocked one way or another. I think it’s more a factor of “he always knew it would be undone and Amara would be released someday” but the specifics of when and how were not necessarily orchestrated directly by him.
I hope that makes sense...
But actions have consequences. Sometimes they’re cosmic. Sometimes they’re poetic. Even Chuck’s story is subject to the laws of the universe he created, and I think he doesn’t even really know what the cosmic ripples will bring when he tosses another stone in the narrative lake, you know? I think that’s a big part of what makes the whole thing so interesting to him, what makes Sam and Dean his “favorite characters.” Because they do so often surprise him.
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jishwatylrandtop · 6 years
More To Love
prompt: Could you maybe write something about a plus sized reader who has a lot of confidence issues who Josh ends up falling in love with? Like maybe she’s at the gym working out and these bitchy girls make fun of her (maybe bc they notice a hot Joshua checking her out and they’re jealous) and Josh defends her and they go out and eventually fall in love with lots of compliments from Josh?
Paring: plus sized reader x Josh Dun Words:  TW: fatphobia
(Your POV)
     You always got a lot of crap from your family about your job--a tech supervisor for music and entertainment venues around the states. It wasn’t easy, but you loved it. That’s why you suffered through four years in college, gaining weight like there was no tomorrow, weight you since haven’t been able to lose. It had become your life, and the people you worked with, and occasionally for, had become your second family. It’s how you met your best friend, Josh. You had panicked when you were flown out to Columbus and heard you were going to be doing a gig for Twenty One Pilots, but you didn’t regret it now. After the soundcheck, the boys had walked over to thank you and the crew for all your hard work. You and Josh had got to talking and realized you two were very similar. You had hit it off right away and exchanged numbers. It’s been two years since then, and your friendship was getting stronger everyday. In fact, after you had finished your contract with your original sound company, Josh and Tyler had asked you to work for them. You were skeptical at first, but with the upside of getting to see more places than just the United States, and the promise of more time with Josh, you had said yes. 
    It was six months after you had accepted the job, and you were having the time of you life. The boys are amazing, and you had already seen more places than you ever would have if you had stayed at your old job. Since touring with the boys was much less stressful, you finally had the energy to workout to lose those pounds you had gained in college. Josh had played a huge role in your decision to begin working out. He had told you how it had made him feel less stressed and more energized and had encouraged you to get a gym membership so that you could go when you were out touring. 
    That’s how you found yourself at the gym one a Tuesday afternoon. You and the boys had stopped in Columbus for almost two weeks to catch a break and relax in the middle of the tour, so it had become the perfect opportunity for you to get to the gym every other day instead of once or twice a month. The results of the past three months of having your membership had already presented some results, but you weren’t where you wanted to be, so you were here for the second time since the break started to work off as much as possible before getting back on the road. The gym where you were working out was relatively small and only had a handful of each machine, so you were stuck working out directly next to the other patrons, which made you uneasy. It made it easy for you to recognize when people where judging and talking about you.
    You were in the middle of using one of the ellipticals in the back corner of the gym, when a few girls walked in. To say they were gorgeous is an understatement. They were tall, thin, tan, and everything you envied. They were the type of girls that could get any boy they wanted, the ones that were probably instagram models. They were what you wanted to look like, and you spent a good five minutes glancing at them and wishing you could look like that instead of your short, chubby frame. You shook away those thoughts, and continued with your exercise. If anything, having those girls near you made you even more determined.
    A few minutes later, you glanced back at the group of girls to see them staring at you and whispering to each other. It was behavior you knew too well, the type of behavior that told you that they were making fun of you. It disheartened you a little, but eventually you were able to forget about it for the last ten minutes on the elliptical. You eventually left the machine, and made your way over to the weights, but you were interrupted when one of the twigs stepped in your way. “I admire your effort over there” she said with barely disguised disdain. “Although, at this point, I doubt it will help you.” She finished with a quick, disgusted glance up and down your frame. “Excuse me?”  “Seriously, you think you could ever make yourself look... well like me. C’mon, you’re way too fat for that.” She laughed and glanced at her friends, who where snickering behind her filming the whole thing. “You should just quit now, fatty, because you’ll never be thin. You’ll never be pretty, and you’ll NEVER find someone who will love someone of your....size.” She gave you a sympathetic pat on the back and turned, returning to her friends who each gave her a high five. You were stuck in place for a solid minute, before you realized you were just standing in the middle of the gym with tears in your eyes. The embarrassment was enough to cause you to immediately grab your stuff and leave. You finally let the tears you had been forcing not to fall run down your face as you walked the few blocks to Josh’s place, where you were staying since you didn’t own a place in Columbus. 
    You reached his place twenty minutes later. You spent two minutes in the yard, using your phone’s camera to clean up your face--to wipe all evidence of your tears from your face, knowing Josh could read you like an open book. You entered the house quietly, doing your best to avoid Josh. It worked as you were able to slip by him while he was in the kitchen with his back to you, but he was alerted to your presence when you accidentally let your bedroom door close too loudly. “Y/n” he called after you. “I expected you to be gone for another half hour at least, you okay?” Your silence was enough to draw him away from making dinner and down the hall to your room. He tried the door nob, only to discover that you had locked it behind you, something neither of you ever did. Perhaps that was a mistake on your part as it immediately alerted him to the fact that something had gone wrong. “Y/n, open up.” You heard him call from directly outside your door, but you were glued to the floor in front of your full length mirror where you stood in you bra and underwear. You couldn’t stop the tears as you looked at yourself. You’ve always regretted letting yourself go in college, but today it all felt like too much. 
     You were so stuck in your head, that you didn’t hear the door unlock behind you, and it wasn’t until Josh was standing behind you that you even remembered he had a spare key made for all the doors. His reflection frowned at yours, where tears were still falling down your cheeks despite the fact you refused to meet his eyes.  “Y/n,” he frowned. “Tell me what happened.” You shook your head, too embarrassed by the story to tel him. “Please, y/n, I hate seeing you like this.” A small whimper escaped your throat as he put his arms around you.  “Please don’t touch me.”  “Y/n” he begged. “Please. Let me help you.” You stood in silence for a few moments more before your resolve crumpled and you retold the whole embarrassing story while tears continuously streamed down your face. When you finished, he gently guided you back to your bed where he sat you down.
     Kneeling in front of you, he replied “Y/n, you are beautiful. Those girls are horrible people who don’t see the real you.” You stared at a space behind him, refusing to look at him. “Y/n, look at me.” It was a stern but soft command that you couldn’t help but obey. “Believe me, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Yes, those girls may be thin, but they’re ugly on the inside. You are beautiful both on the outside and the inside.” “No I’m not. I’m fat.” “There’s just more of you to love. Y/n, I know it’s hard to believe but you are stunning, and any man would be lucky to have you.” “Yeah but no one wants me.”  “Now that’s not true, and you know it” he stated incredulously.  “Oh really?” You replied. “Name one person who wants to be with me.” He hesitated for a moment, but his one word response knocked the wind out of you. “Me.” “That’s not funny.” “It’s not a joke,” he replied, which made you scoff in response. “I’m serious, Y/n, I’ve been in love with you for months, and haven’t had the courage to tell you.”  You watched his face for any hint that what he was telling you was false, but seeing none there you replied “you’re serious?” “Dead serious.” “I love you too.” “Really?” “Really. I just never thought you’d want me.” “Are you kidding? You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.” He smiled at you before gently placed his hand on the side of your face and bringing you into a soft kiss. When you broke apart, you couldn’t prevent the smile that spread across your face.  “Now go shower.” Josh said. “Dinner will be ready when you get out.”
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taakofromtaz · 6 years
For the prompts: "Its just a cut, really." Ango angst?
oooo this was Very Good,
team building exercise 
words: 1607
under a read more bc it got Really Long,
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It’s not often that Angus gets invited on a mission with theReclaimers. In fact, Angus can count on a single hand the amount of missionshe’s been asked to physically go on while employed at the Bureau and the numberis both a blessing and a point of utter frustration. He’s been working on hisown for years now and this is the longest stretch of time he’s ever gonewithout some kind of action since he was given his first job. He can handleworking on his own so, whether Madame Director meant to or not, Angus feelslike he’s not being trusted to handle himself on the field.
It is painfullyobvious just how detrimental the unintended downtime has been for him themoment the four of them end up in a confrontation with a band of mercenaries.
Angus tries tostay out of the fighting, really, he does. He sort of knows the way these threefight, having seen them on the train, so he falls back a few steps with Taako,keeping Magnus and Merle between them and the obvious threat.
Magnus rushes in waving Railsplitter with one hand and hisshield with the other, Merle reads a passage from his bible in an effort to setup his Guardian of Faith, and Taako targets the weakest link to hit with awell-aimed Magic Missile.
Angus, meanwhile, is making a concentrated effort to bothfind a safe place to hide and formulate a plan of attack. Unfortunately, hefailed to take the number of mercenaries when they first ran into them and theamount that the Reclaimers are fighting now.
The numbers don’t line up.
Before he can call out a warning, large hands grab him frombehind, one around his waist and another covering his mouth. Angus screamsanyway, the sound muffled, until his snatcher—A rouge, obviously, Angus deduces—steps on his foot with a hissed, “Quiet,brat.”
Taako’s ears twitch and swivel and half a second later,Angus and the guy are pinned under Taako’s sharp stare. “Hey!” the elf shouts,twisting to face them. “Hands off the boy, dickweed!”
Magnus looks up from where he’s just downed one of the mercs.“Angus!” He kicks his opponent to the side and adjusts his stance, looking likehe’s contemplating the best way to rush in. Merle glances at them as hefinishes his spell. His guardian easily finishes off the mercs the three hadbeen fighting and dissipates, leaving just the guy holding Angus up like ashield.
The rogue moves his hand away from Angus’s face to pull aknife out and lay it against the boy’s throat. He hides himself somewhat behindthe boy and says, “Give me your shit or I kill the kid.” He shoves the knifejust close enough to draw a bead of blood from Angus. It surprises him that acut that small stings so much.
Taako shifts his weight and Angus can see him visiblyfighting himself from saying something sarcastic. Angus is impressed at the self-control.Taako tightens his grip on the Umbra Staff and jams the tip into the ground. BehindTaako, Magnus shoulders his shield and moves into a two-handed stance and looksbetween Taako and Angus, twisting his hands around the handle of Railsplitter.
“Easy, now, fella. Let’s not get carried away,” Merle says, holdinghis hands up, his bible closed and held in one hand while the other remainsflat and open.
The rogue jerks himself and Angus backwards. “One more step,old man, and the only thing that’s gonna get carried away is this kid’s corpse.”
“Oh, fuck this,” Taako says, and before anyone can comment,he lifts a hand, mutters a word in Elvish, snaps his fingers, and disappears.
Angus immediately recognizes the spell as Blink but therogue obviously doesn’t, and jerks away from where Taako used to be, draggingthe knife with him. Angus feels another sharp sting but thinks nothing of it asTaako reappears behind them and blasts the rogue with a wordless Fireball. Therouge screams and falls away from Angus, trying to put out the clothes he’swearing that have caught aflame.
Taako jolts forward and catches Angus by the arm and dragshim away from the mercenary while Magnus steps forward to finish him off. Taakostares hard at the boy, ducking his head down slightly to look at the scratchon Angus’s throat.
“I’m okay, sir. Really!” Angus waves a hand dismissively andgestures at Taako’s hand, still wrapped around Angus’s arm. “You can let gonow.”
It takes Taako a second, but he does let go, jerking hishand away like it was his idea to release Angus to begin with. “Good. Wouldn’twant you to die a shitty wizard.”
Angus smiles widely at the elf as Taako sticks his nose upand lords his scant few inches over Angus. “Of course not, sir.”
Taako squints at the boy for a long moment before he huffsand struts off, swinging the Umbra Staff up onto his shoulder. “Whatever, yalittle shit. Pay more attention next time, yeah?” Angus opens his mouth toanswer, maybe accuse Taako of not paying attention either, but Taako continuestalking. “Did’ja get ‘im, Mags?”
“Dead as dirt over here,” Magnus says, and kicks the rogueoff, blowing the corpse a raspberry.
Angus laughs as Merle steps up to his said. “You good, kid?”the dwarf asks, wiggling his bible. “I can give ya a heal if ya need?”
“It’s just a cut, really,” Angus insists. “No need to wasteslots on a little scratch, sir.”
Merle gives him a critical once over that says he doesn’treally believe Angus, but he doesn’t argue. “If you say so.”
“I do,” Angus says firmly, giving a decisive nod.
Merle rolls his eyes and trails after Taako, Magnus boundingup to his side in a couple of huge steps. The three start to chatter, Magnusleading the conversation with observations on how cool Taako and Merle’s magicis and how hard he hit the mercenaries. After a couple of minutes, Angus noticeshow warm his side feels. He dismisses it as the adrenaline of the situationwearing off.
Ten minutes later, he realizes that maybe he should havetaken Merle’s offer for a heal seconds before his vision goes dark and hecollapses.
Angus wakes up in Magnus’s lap. Merle is crouched besidehim, his hands glowing as he channels Pan’s divinity in a healing spell. Taakois leaning against a nearby tree, his umbrella hooked over one of his crossedarms. He’s pointedly looking resolutely in a different direction. Angus keepshis eyes cracked as slightly as he can, feigning sleep.
After a minute, Merle’s hands stop glowing. “There, good asnew. He might have a snarly scar, but it’s all healed up.” He pats his bible. “Thanks,big guy.”
“Good work, Merle,” Magnus says, smiling earnestly. Heglances down at Angus. “Poor kid.”
Taako scoffs and turns to look at them. “‘Poor kid?’ Healmost let himself die because he was too stubborn to say something.” Taakosighs, hard, and shakes his head. “Stupid.”
“What, like you haven’t done the same thing?” Magnus teases,cocking an eyebrow.
Taako glares at him, leaning more heavily against the tree. “Fuckyou. I have excellentself-preservation skills. Unlike somepeople whose names rhyme with ‘Agnus.’”
“And which one is that supposed to be?” Merle asks with asmirk.
Taako groans. Angus can’t see him all that well through hislashes, but it looks like Taako is fighting a smile. “Shut up, old man! I’mtrying to be mad, here!”
“Doin’ a piss poor job of it.” Merle’s voice oozes petulance.
“Don’t worry, sir. I liked your goof,” Angus says, finallydeciding he’d basically eavesdropped long enough.
“Angus! You’re awake!” Magnus smiles hugely down at him. “Youreally had us worried, bud!”
“You lost a lot of blood and that’s why you collapsed,” Merletells him, gesturing to his side. It’s covered in blood and Angus has no ideahow he didn’t notice it before. “You’re all good now, though.”
“What did I tell you about not dying?” Taako snaps, shovinghimself off the tree and uncrossing his arms. The umbrella slides perfectlydown his arm and dangles from his wrist and he puts his hands on his hips.
“Sorry, sir. I swear, I didn’t notice how injured I was!” Angussits up with help from Magnus and watches as Taako’s face relaxes somewhat.
Taako waves a limp wristed hand at Angus and suddenly his clothesare clean, the blood prestidigitated away. “Paymore attention next time,” Taako tells him for the second time in one day,and Angus flushes.
“Right. Sorry, sir.” He gives the Reclaimers a sheepishgrin.
Magnus hugs him. “I’m just glad you’re okay!”
Merle pats him on the shoulder and he climbs to his feet. “Nexttime, kid, just take the healing, yeah?”
“You got it!” Angus gives a thumbs up and smile.
Magnus stands up and pulls Angus up and up until he’ssitting on the man’s shoulders. “C’mon, guys! We still got a mission to do!”
“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” Taako says, rolling his eyes andgiving Angus one last hard look that ends with a single, quick wink. “Let’s getgoing. Preferably before I start to get old.”
“What, like you’re not already?”
“Very funny, old man!”
Magnus laughs underneath Angus and the boy smiles. Thesethree might not be the nicest all the time but they do care, even if they have a hard time showing it.
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curlyshepards · 7 years
LITERALLY i want all of them for curly shepard
What does their bedroom look like?
idk why i’m such a firm believer of this BUT: tim and curly share a room, so typically half of it is clean and the other half (curly’s half) is a fucking mess all the time
Do they have any daily rituals?
every day for lunch at school him & his friends just go under the bleachers and drink. unfortunately curly has no limits so when lunch is over he usually just ends up ditching the rest of the day to go continue drinking somewhere else
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
he doesn’t make a conscience effort to exercise, but he walks basically everywhere when tim has the car. so he’s in pretty good shape bc of that & bc of fighting
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
curly has never made dinner a day in his life and will never make an attempt to nor does anyone want him to. if theres nothing already made at the house he’ll either just go without or go to the diner
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
he’s a generally messy person, but he takes pride in his looks so he takes care of himself. he’s always clean shaven and smells really good. his room, however, is a disaster scene
Eating habits and sample daily menu
usually not awake for breakfast, and for lunch he’ll scrap up whatever he can find in his house (probably ends up being a sandwich or cereal) and for dinner he’ll follow tim somewhere and make him buy him dinner. he loves eating at the diner and never underestimate his ability to eat breakfast meals at 11 o clock at night
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
his sole reason for going to school is to waste time (thats what he tells everyone at least but its rlly because tim will not let him drop out) but if hes not in school then he’s probably just walking around his neighborhood w/ his friends or hanging out at the strip trynna start fights
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
dont.....really know what this means. all im thinkin about is that chocolate stuff. but he likes chocolate so lets go with that. he could eat 50 kit kats in a row, probably
makeup sex? absolutely. he’ll start a fight with his boo just for the sex
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
i honestly dont see him having a mental illness
Intellectual pursuits?
intellectual isn’t really his thing. BUT  i can see him really liking labs and stuff
Favorite book genre?
he hATES reading, but mostly because he’‘s dyslexic and he was brought up thinking that he was dumb bc he had trouble reading. ponyboy is the one that ends up helping him, though, and sometimes he’ll read to curly (action books bc they’re the only ones that’ll keep curly’s attention. there are numerous times he regrets the decision bc curly cant keep quiet for more than a few minutes.)
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
(i can already see the purly supporters @’ing me yikes) but PERSONALLY i think he’s straight. idk what this means by thoughts on s.o. in general but im bisexual ??? idc about sexual orientation ??
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
he’s got a lot of scars, mostly on his knuckles but a few up and down his arms. he’s deathly allergic to seafood but doesn’t care bc it looks gross to him anyway.
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
biggest: honestly just making it through another day is an achievement to him
smallest: he swears that one day he will beat sodapop curtis in a drag race
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
biggest: being as respected as tim is when he’s older
smallest: he will own a puppy at some point
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
white t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, and if its not too hot then a leather jacket. he hates jean jackets tho and WILL make fun of anyone who wears them
Favorite beverage?
beer. but also pepsi. hes weird.
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
we’re about to get deep. on good nights he just thinks about his day. there’s never a boring time with him, so he’s always got a lot to think about. he could be thinking about a girl he’s met or just hooked up with, or about what his friends got into. on bad nights though, he thinks about his dad and how he never got to know him. he thinks about how maybe he’ll never be like tim, and he’ll never be the brother that angie falls back on (that doesn’t bother him as much as it should, but it still pops into his mind) the number one thing that keeps him awake is never amounting to the shepard name
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
just stupidity. he broke a lot of bones, needed a lot of stitches, and was bed bound too many times to count. there was one incident that tim loves to tell: the first time curly got into a fight. the guy was two times bigger than curly, but he didn’t care. the fight was done in 5 minutes, and curly had his first broken nose
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
turn ons: i can see him really liking outgoing girls/ girls that are upfront. also neck kisses, collarbone kisses, hair pulling, back scratching
turn offs: daddy kink (seriously, its gross, stop forcing this on my son. he already has enough daddy issues) but nothing else really he will do basically anything
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
either a very crude & poorly done drawing or a sign that says “curly is the hottest shepard”
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
he is NOT. it doesnt really bother him that hes disorganized, but it drives tim up the wall. he’s always getting onto curly for being a slob
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
he doesn’t really care, but since he’s forced to go to school he might as well enjoy something, which ends up being the labs in science. he likes the dissections, mostly, but he thinks looking into the microscopes are cool too (mostly bc him and his friends make shapes out of the slides)
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
alive, hopefully
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
he kinda just takes it day by day and doesnt care about the future. hes a strong believer that things will fall into place if theyre supposed to happen
What is their biggest regret?
probably being too emotional and not toughening up enough when he was younger
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
SO this is an OC but his best friend is a guy in the gang named brian. his worst enemy is also in the gang and his name is jimmy and he fucking hates that kid.
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
he’s probably the one that caused the disaster, so he immediately tries to fix it on his own. which usually works, but it leaves a mess behind that he’ll attempt (and fail) to cover up. a few hours later he’ll get chewed out by tim.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
so lets say tim dies. tim is the only person that curly is really close to, because if there’s one thing that he learned from his brother it’s to never let anyone too close. but he always thought that tim would be there for him so he worshipped him. but ANYWAY tim dies and curly shuts down. i can honestly see him losing it bc tim was all curly ever knew, he was always there to fix the mess curly got himself in and now he’s just kinda alone in the world. he’d still have the gang, but they’d remind him too much of his brother, so he’d eventually cut ties with them. it’d take a major, new person to bring him out of his stump, and thats if he ever really brings himself back to normal
Most prized possession?
the hand-me-down leather jacket tim gave him
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
doesnt really care about them bc he doesnt have a lot. he likes the things with meaning, but couldnt care less about expensive & nice things
Concept of home and family?
hes VERY family oriented and a huge mama’s boy, but he hates his step dad. he’d do anything to protect angela and anything that tim asked him. family always comes first with him
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
it kinda depends. on his sexual life hes really TMI, but about emotions and family and secrets he’s really private. you could count on one hand the amount of people that he’s told private stuff to, and even then they don’t know the full story. i think the only people who would ever truly know him are tim and his significant other
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
football!! and hes actually good at it. tim never plays tho so the only time he gets to is with the curtis gang
What makes them feel guilty?
fucking up on a gang job and letting tim down
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
more emotional!! that’s the biggest difference between curly and tim. tim will think of the long-term effects before making a decision, where curly is more of an “act now, think later” type person. his decisions are usually the wrong ones, but they make for a better story
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
i’d wanna say type B, because he is super laid back and easy going and isn’t really competitive (unless its for a joke)
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
getting away for a while. he loves driving and ive always seen him as having a little secluded spot that he goes to by himself during his teenage years. eventually though he finds the right person that he can take, and just being with them makes him feel better
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
neither tbh. he may think that he’s better than some greasers (because honestly he is) but he doesnt think of himself as above other classes. he finds it unfair that socs and middle class people have a superiority complex, so it’d be dumb for him to have one. he just thinks everyone should be equal (but he knows theyre not, and for that reason he’ll fight any soc he can get his hands on)
How misanthropic are they?
hes very easy to get along with if you come from the same type of neighborhood. he’s open to everyone that’s cool with his gang, but he’ll be the worst kind of person to rival gangs and rich people. so he doesnt dislike people, because he can be a really cool guy, you just have to come from his streets
football, fighting, drinking, poker. y’know, d00d stuff
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
he graduates high school and thats it. and he definitely values self education more, the stuff he’s learned by himself ahve been more useful to him than the Pythagorean theorem ever will be  
he believes in a god but never really thinks about it. hes not religious by any means but i think it kinda comforts him knowing something comes after life
Superstitions or views on the occult?
he doesnt believe in superstitions imo!!
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
both. he’ll talk a big game and then follow through with his promises
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
THE QUESTION IVE BEEN WAITING FOR OK if curly ever fell in love, it’d be with someone making him feel okay with being him. they’d make him want to be a better man & not just a mini tim. they’d have to accept that curly would always idolize his brother, but they’d also help him detach a little. they’d love him for him and accept the fact that they can’t change him. they’d probably be just as wild as he is, bc they’d have to keep up with his lifestyle. they couldn’t take life too seriously and would never know what the future had in store for them. i can see curly eventually being able to be romantic, but it’d never be in public
How do they express love?
kisses, holding hands, little acts of kindness (giving them something that reminded him of them, asking how their day was, remembering little things)
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
daddy came to win
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
nah i dont think he is. i think he’s kinda accepted that there is a very real possibility that he won’t make it past 30 w the way he’s living, so that’s why he takes it day by day
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tsekooh · 7 years
bet yall want yet ANOTHER post with 150 things about yours truly!!! buckle up!!!!!!!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
shy!!! but i can be really outgoing i think? if i have One thing i want to work towards i will do it (college doesnt count shhshhshs)
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i.. hope so!! i dont hate anyone 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
she’d do her best for being in australia
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
do i.......have a type?
all my friends are gay 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
i only have like 2 o/g friends so i thought abt jace right away
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
only if serious/about real ppl or me
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
meg LOL
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“SARCASM IS KEY i would know im the sarcasm queen”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
-shelter / porter robinson
-honey / magic man
-find a way  / safetysuit
-collect call / metric
-wildfire / marianas trench
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i saw rina!!!! i love them ;; 
and i met meg after that!!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LMAO NO i thought i was straight 
but if we’re talking abt an actual crush then ... rarely?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
dont know them
21. What are you bad habits?
nail biting
22. Where would you like to travel?
japan w meg ccoUGH
23. Do you have trust issues?
EHHHHHHHH only w ppl i have a reason not to trust?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
saying good morning to meg
playing games!! drawing!! talking 2 people
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
26. What do you do when you wake up?
-turn alarm off and brightness down bc its 11pm and fucking blinds me
-skim notifications to make a mental note of who i need 2 reply 2
-unlock phone and say good morning to meg
-shower / eat
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
my skin tone is so awkward....its hard 2 say cause anything doesnt match my hair
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i dont have like...........any real exes LOL
30. Do you ever want to get married?
LMAO I CANT IMAGINE IT only bc if i introduced my wife 2 someone i would literally say “this is my girlfriend- i mean wife”
idc abt marriage like id be down but its not like........Essential 2 a rs
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
im too lazy to move my head
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
im exercise my stress level in splatoon
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
shes cute and plays video games with me and she loves me and never lets me forget that also her name is meg
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
i love. target. 
40. What do you want to do after high school?
LMAO so ive been out of school for a year so... i did want to go to college bt my mom wont let me so im just gonna move countries
Bye Bich
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yes..........at least if the harm was done to me.....
unless ur my mom/step dad/dad
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im dissociating/have nothing 2 say
43. Do you smile at strangers?
i try not to look at ppl 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
barely secondhand
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i have no secrets
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
sometimes but then i think i might be straight and im happy w who i am
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my disgusting social skills
53. Favourite makeup brand?
eyeliner idc abt brand
54. Favourite store?
amiami .. or target
55. Favourite blog?
softsuke is like my fave mutual theyre p chill 
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
SPAGHETTI or chicken
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i never win
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope tho im surprised
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
yeah... (looks @ meg) (coughs)
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
idr i think it was spin the bottle and i kissed 2 people and i was like 16?
anyway that was my first and last HGJKSGHDUIFJAL
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
all my friends r my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
meg / jace / laura / ren / toby / rina 
71. Craving something? What?
2 be w meg gggghhj
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2/3 maybe 4
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
dont say anything
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
green jacket
80. What colour pants?
pink plaid pj pants (so rn i look like a fucking disaster)
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
mmmm... the road to eldorado!
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
never watched 21js
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
i lov the goth girl and the gay guy i forget names
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
idk LOL
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
UHH.. digimon movie i think?
96. Favourite actress?
emma watson is sooooooooooooooooooooo pretty
97. Favourite actor?
idk (spins a wheel) chris pratt
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
my gma has a bunch of cats
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
most of the time
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
i burned a wacom tablet once
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
i hope not
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
uhhh... nothing that i know of
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
grandma/sister one of the two
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
im listening to shiny rn.......from moana......(quiet cough)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
my name is riley, im 19, and i dont know how to fucking read
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
not if i know where i am
121. Are you mean?
i hope not
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
lil bit
127. What makes you happy?
meg and all my friends i love u all
and games
128. Would you change your name?
legally, yes,
im working on that
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
not rly but sometimes i crave it for some stupid reason
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
my brain cannot process this question right now
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
fk if i know
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
the only meat i eat is poultry
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
so far!! yea
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
dont look back youre not going that way
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
lil bit
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
0 notes