#& it does require work but this would be my absolute dream job tbh lol. I love being a freak about weapons & the thematic implications
web-novel-polls · 8 months
[Link to submissions]
This would allow divine items and weapons, such as Taerang (a divine relic from LCF that turns into a gun), into the tournament. There wasn't a specific reason I made it cultivation weapons specifically - I just forgot most people aren't weird about weapons like me, and it might be a bit niche for just cultivation weapons. The submission deadline will likely be extended regardless, and if there's a clear winner to this poll, I may not wait till it's done.
Submissions & Dealer's Choice under the cut
(CW: suggestive language, spoilers)
Xuan Su - Yue Qingyuan’s sword (SVSSS)
No propaganda submitted
Xuan Su is Yue Qingyuan’s iconic sword that is only drawn twice after he suffers from a qi deviation bonding his life force to Xuan Su. 
Zheng Yang - Luo Binghe’s sword (SVSSS)
Submission: Something about a childhood sword that was broken, then preserved, then restored, and in the end was the one that remained, instead of the more powerful one that brought only misery. 
Potential Dealer's Choice
(Submit these to make sure they make it in & add propaganda!)
2ha / the Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Jiangui / Ah! What the Hell
“There is only one person in this world who can open Ever-Yearning. This person is extremely important in your life; you must love this person dearly, and this person must also love you in return, and be wholly devoted to you.” - Ji Baihua regarding the Ever-Yearning box containing Jiangui
Mo Ran’s Holy weapon in his second life, Jiangui - which translates to “Ah! What the hell” due to Mo Ran accidentally exclaiming this when opening the Ever-Yearning box. 
Bu’gui [“No Return”] / Guilai [“To Return”]
“No Return… Affairs of the past upon vermillion bridge in emerald green; Another year goes but still you do not return.” - Chapter 81 
Bu’gui was Mo Ran’s sword in the original timeline that he received by bringing a plum blossom branch to an old dragon named Wangyue. He had Chu Wanning seal it until he could think of a name for it, and it was only named “No Return” after Chu Wanning’s death.
In the second lifetime, he received Jiangui instead, but Bu’gui appeared once more at Xuanyuan Pavilion and was auctioned off to the Rufeng Sect for 5 million; this time it was referred to as Guilai or “To Return.”
CWN - Tianwen, Jiu’ge, Huaisha (undecided)
Longcheng / Dragon City - Xue Meng’s sword
Since Xue Meng could not receive a holy weapon from Jincheng Lake, he used Longcheng, a high-quality scimitar from Taxue Palace. From what I remember, Mo Ran gifted him the Wangshu Crystal from the Carp Essence that was requested by Song Qiutong to help him cultivate/add to his sword, making it something similar to a “heavenly weapon.”
Xue Zhengyong’s fan
While this fan is never named, Xue Zhengyong’s fan is well-known due to the writing on it - “Xue is beautiful” (which faces others) and “others are ugly” (which faces him). It really is iconic
“Xue is beautiful, others are ugly.” - Chapter 31
Suibian is Wei Wuxian’s sword that sealed itself after his death. Its name translates to “Whatever” due to Wei Wuxian’s inability to think of a suitable name and telling Jiang Fengmian to name it “whatever.” This is, in my opinion, the funniest thing Jiang Fengmian has ever done in his life
Yes, this is the sword Wei Wuxian stuck up his ass in the Incense Burner Extra. It’s also Lan Wangji’s main weapon that was included in the iconic “Lan Wangji calling Wei Wuxian his scene” where Wei Wuxian believes he’s pointing toward Bichen (Chapter 31). It’s a legend, and I would be doing a disservice to Jin Guangyao (who Bichen defeated in the first round of the Danmei Character Tournament) if I did not include it.
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lvllns · 4 years
otp tag!
oh holy shit this was a whole thing. i was tagged by @rosebarsoap​, @solasan​, @impossible-rat-babies​, and i’m sure others but my activity feed is a disaster i’m sorry if i missed u. thank y’all for the tags!!
pretty sure everyone has been tagged at this point? i can’t keep track anymore, my brain is mush. if you wanna do this, you’re tagged now!
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DISAGREEMENTS. Who is more likely to raise their voice?: Neither of them. At most, they get a hard edge to their voice or speak in clipped tones. It's always about risks being taken.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?: NEITHER OF THEM. There is no way Sparrow or Mason would ever do that.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?: NOBODY LEAVES.
Who trashes the house?: Who the fuck? NEITHER OF THEM!
Do either of them get physical?: NO.
How often do they argue/disagree?: Very, very, very, rarely. It's always about, like, one of them just fuckin doing something and getting injured or being put in danger and the other panicking about it. Or the two of them ignoring the other one telling them to save somebody else and instead saving each other. LISTEN.
Who is the first to apologize?: They both do, like in the middle of whatever they're talking about. It's always like "I'm sorry but I'd do it again" and the other person just "I know and I love you but I think you shaved 5 years off my life."
SEX. Who is on top? Who is on bottom?: This changes every single time.
Any kinks?: Sparrow is with a vampire. You get one guess. A lot of it is Sparrow.......uh, learning things about themself as this goes so like. They discover they're into choking when Mason puts his hand on their neck one time. Ya know. Absolutely into praise as well.
Who has the strangest desires?: I don't know that either of them really want anything considered strange??? I mean, Sparrow wants him to bite them but I feel like Mason would be onboard so.
Who’s dominant in bed?: Mason probably more often than Sparrow, though it definitely flip flops depending. I feel like once Sparrow is more confident, they'd be more up for taking the lead.
Is head ever in the equation?: Of fucking course it is.
If so, who is better at performing it?: Mason for sure.
Ever had sex in public?: They fucked in a haunted house at a carnival.
Who moans the most?: They're both pretty quiet I think, each of them takes great pride in making the other get vocal. A lot of like, soft moans and grunts and whispers.
Who leaves the most marks?: Mason on Sparrow, bc his whack ass healing makes it impossible for Sparrow to leave marks on him, even though they try.
Who is the more experienced of the two?: Mason for sure. Sparrow hasn't........had a lot of experience.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?: They make love baby. Even when it gets rougher, it’s never really fucking. Well, okay, wait, maybe they fucked in the haunted house....that’s not exactly.....an environment conducive to love making.
How long do they usually last?: A...av....average? I don't know enough about sex for this section.
Rough or soft?: Soft most of the time.
Is protection used?: Like 99% of the time, yeah.
Does it ever get boring?: Lol no. Mason is Mason and Sparrow is always up for an adventure or a challenge.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: THEY. FUCKED. IN. A. HAUNTED. HOUSE. AT. A. CARNIVAL.
Where did they not have sex?: I mean they probably wouldn't fuck, like, in a gas station bathroom?
FAMILY. Do they plan on having children/or have children?: This is so complicated and requires it's own post tbh. Currently, no kids and no plans for kids but it's.......yeah, it's just complicated.
If so, how many children do they want/have?: See above.
AFFECTION. Who likes to cuddle?: Oh they both do, Sparrow initiates it more though.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?: Fucking, both of them. Handsy mother fuckers.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?: BOTH OF THEM. Early in a relationship, Mason more often, but once Sparrow is comfortable? All bets are off, sorry. Don't go into the library ever.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?: There is no becoming uncomfortable, they both just pass out. Or Sparrow falls asleep and Mason is legally unable to move, it's like cat rules.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?: Mason will sit and braid Sparrow's hair while they read. Sparrow likes to just sit with Mason, like leaning on each other, watching a show or talking. Just, they really just like to exist together. Also, fucking off into the woods to go camping.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?: Literally anywhere, Sparrow is not picky and both of them are so tactile, who gives a shit.
SLEEPING. Who snores?: Neither of them.
If both do, who snores the loudest?: Listen.
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?: Oh they share a bed for sure. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?: Sparrow clings to Mason like an octopus.
What do they wear to bed?: Nothing, they both sleep naked.
Are either of them insomniacs?: Nah. Sparrow runs fine on like 4-6 hours of sleep though.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?: Nope.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?: Sparrow likes to wrap themself around Mason but sometimes they will just lay side by side and like, hold hands.
Who wakes up with bed hair?: They both do, Sparrow's is probably worse considering it's long and slightly wavy.
Who wakes up first?: Surprisingly, Sparrow! Only because Mason will fall asleep after they've been asleep for some time already so they wake up before he does.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?: Sparrow is too worried about crumbs in the bed bothering Mason to even think about eating in bed.
What is their favourite sleeping position?: Mason flat on his back, Sparrow with a leg slung over his hip, arm across his chest and their head smashed against whatever part of him is nearest.
Do they set an alarm each night?: Yeah.
Who has nightmares?: They both do, though I think Sparrow is the only one who remembers them after they wake. Mason, luckily, forgets his dreams.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?: Nope, laptops can though.
Who has ridiculous dreams?: Again, both. Again, Mason forgets them while Sparrow remembers.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?: MASON. He just spreads out and Sparrow tucks themself against him, it works fine really.
Who makes the bed?: Mason most often because Sparrow tends to get sidetracked and forget.
What time is bed time?: When Sparrow next passes out is up to the Gods. Mason just crashes whenever he finally feels tired.
Any routines/rituals before bed?: They'll watch an episode or two of a show. Sparrow will meditate. Mason often tries to break their focus.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?: Probably Mason? Sparrow is an annoying morning person.
WORK. Who is the busiest?: Oh they both are. Maybe Sparrow slightly more because of the whole, working for the PD and the Agency thing.
Who rakes in the highest income?: I feel like it ends up pretty even eventually?
Are any of them unemployed?: Nah.
Who takes the most sick days?: I guess Sparrow would, though it's very rare. Mason can't get sick, bastard.
What are their jobs?: Sparrow is a detective and agency liaison. Mason is a specialist agent for the Agency.
Who sucks up to their boss?: I don't think either of them do? Sparrow is polite with the Captain but he's nice enough. They definitely don't suck up to Adam or Rebecca or whomstever is in charge of them at the Agency.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?: Neither of them. Sparrow has Anxiety so they're always at least 10 minutes early.
Who stresses the most?: SPARROW.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?: Mason enjoys what he does for sure. Sparrow.......never wanted to be doing this. At all. They definitely aren't thrilled but they do like it, it's just......not what they wanted.
Are they financially stable?: Oh yeah.
HOME. Who does the washing?: Even trade off I think.
Who takes out the trash?: Sparrow.
Who does the ironing?: Neither of them lmao
Who does the cooking?: Sparrow! Mason likes to sit on the counter and talk while they cook.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?: Mason lmao
Who is messier?: Even split again. Sparrow will set something down, get sidetracked, and then that book stays on the counter for five days until Mason is like "Bird you forgot your book." It's less.....intentionally messy and more just....brain going sideways.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?: Neither of them.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?: BOTH OF THEM. There is a HAMPER and they both just throw their clothes on the ground like HEATHENS.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?: Fucking NEITHER OF THEM.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?: Nope, absolutely never happens. Sparrow's anxiety kicks in and overrides the ADHD and the keys are always in sight.
Who answers the telephone?: If it's not a work call for Sparrow, then Mason.
Who mows the lawn?: Currently, neither of them bc there is no lawn lmao.
Who does the vacuuming?: Sparrow.
Who does the groceries?: Both together because they like doing it together. Mason enjoys putting random shit in the cart and seeing if Sparrow notices.
Who takes the longest to shower?: dasjgnd they're both very quick about showers, so neither?
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?: Sparrow I guess. They're both very much like, there's no real routine. They just fiddle with their hair and go.
MISCELLANEOUS. Is money a problem?: Nah.
How many cars do they own?: Just Sparrow's ol' reliable right now.
What’s their song?: We Love Like Vampires by Sparks the Rescue. Me & You by Honne.
Do they live in the city or in the country?: Country for sure. Both of them like the quiet.
Do they own their home or do they rent?: Right now, Sparrow rents their apartment.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?: I think so, yeah. Sparrow wishes they weren't still in Wayhaven sometimes but it's fine.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Whatever needs to be done? There isn't like something specific they have to do if they're apart, they just go on with their day.
Where did they first meet?: Formally, Sparrow's office when Rebecca introduced the entire team.
Who spends the most money when out shopping?: Gods, both of them?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?: Mason, I guess.
Any mental issues?: Sparrow is a whole Mess honestly, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, etc. etc.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?: Both of them, bastards that they are.
Who’s terrified of bugs?: Eh, neither of them.
Who kills the spiders around the house?: NOBODY. Sparrow scoops them up and puts them outside.
Do they have any fears for their future?: The inevitable "Sparrow is going to die, Mason is an immortal vampire" obviously.
Their favourite place?: Somewhere in the woods together.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?: Mason, since, you know, he doesn't really enjoy eating food.
Who pays the bills?: They both do.
Who’s the tallest?: Mason by like 6 inches.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?: Mason, though Sparrow will too. He just does it more often.
Who wanders around in their underwear?: Oh they both do.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?: Sparrow, though it's rare they do.
What do they tease each other about?: Mason likes to good naturedly tease Sparrow about their bookish nature. Sparrow will squish his cheeks when he glares and grin at him.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?: MASON. Oh Gods, Sparrow is....listen, if they aren't dressed professionally for work or going out, they're a hot mess. I'm talking like bright green hoodie, neon yellow leggings, hot pink running shoes. Like a Lisa Frank folder exploded on a human being.
Who crushed first?: Mason. It took Sparrow a bit to be like "oh it's more than thinking his face is just nice, okay."
Any alcohol or substance related problems?: Nah, Sparrow doesn't drink.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?: Neither of them, considering the above and Mason's vampire biology.
Who swears the most?: Oh they both do. Sparrow looks sweet but they..........listen. They have the mouth of a sailor tbh. You get the two of them in a room together and let them talk and it's a mess of swearing.
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Listen, if you don't fill out all of those numbers and tell me everything about your MC I'm going to feel robbed
Oh geez, fam! ...aight. That took me a minute. But below you will find out more about my girl, Niri! 
1.      What is their favourite food?—
Cheeseburgers and carrots. 
2.       Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal? –
Not a fan of snakes, lizards, frogs, sharks.
3.       What do they wear to bed? –
Shorts and a t-shirt. Sometimes nothing at all!! That had to stop when she moved into the HoL though. Brothers poppin’ in at all hours gettin’ an eyeful. Lucifer was upset. 
4.       Do they like cuddling?—
1000000000%. Niri’s a big ol’ cuddle bug. Asmo’s all about it. So is Beel. 
5.       Do they have a secret handshake with anyone? -- With Astaroth. It’s quite elaborate and they only ever do it when they decide to get up to trouble.
 6.       What do they look like? – 
She cute if I may say so myselffff (don’t judge me, she’s a self insert hah!) Mid to slightly above average height for a human female, fairly toned. Brown eyes, mid-back length hair that’s brown at the root, fades to a teal and purple under layers. Sometimes her hair will fade to a light yellowy-green. She has the hookup for dye from Barbatos who likes to procure things for her from the human realm. She also has quite a few tattoos.
 7.       Do they like chocolate? –
Only dark. She’s allergic to additives in certain milk chocolates so she doesn’t eat it much. 
 8.      What are their good and bad traits?
Good: Helpful, kind, encouraging, quite a hard worker in any task given her.
Bad: Easily swept up into trouble by others, will prioritize naps over other stuff sometimes, awfully flirtatious which gets her in hot water with Lucifer because apparently lesser demons keep poppin’ by the house with gifts also HUMAN, DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THAT TO LORD DIAVOLO?! Oopsssssss~ Also, you know how Luci’s always doing the “MAAAAMMMOOOONNNNN…”…yeah, that’s almost always followed by “NIIIIIRIIIIIIIIII….”
 9.      Do they have any artistic talent?
Yes. She’s a musician so there’s that…and she likes to paint.
10.  What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in?
She likes the music room since the boys tend to spend quite a bit of time in there together, but she’s usually found in the kitchen making loads of food and baked goods…also, that’s where you’re more likely to find Beel, and she reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally likes Beel.
11.  Do they believe in luck?
To an extent. She believes that luck exists, but she thinks relying on it is a bit naïve.
12.  Can they do magic?
Like pull a rabbit out of a hat type thing? Yes. She picked up a few little tricks here and there from a friend who loves show magic. Def not the real stuff though.
13.  Do they believe in dragons?
She didn’t until she went to the Devildom. Not that they just have dragons hangin’ out all willy-nilly, but she’s heard stories from the brothers and others about dragons.
 14.  What is a pet peeve of theirs?
Rudeness and liars who don’t give up even after they’ve been caught in the lie. Also people who demand things of others as if they’re property and not living beings with feelings …this isn’t about Belphegor at all. Nope. She doesn’t have issues with him still.
15.  What was the last thing they cried about?
She was able to talk to all her bandmates at once for her weekly call home. They all just really miss each other, ok? It sucks that she has to lie to them about where she is because she knows they’re worried about her, but it was just nice to hear their voices.
16.  What is their sexuality?
17.  Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?
We’ll narrow this down to the Devildom. Niri gets along with everyone and literally loves all the beings she’s met and knows she could count on them for most anything, but there’s definitely a more solid feeling to her connection with Beelzebub. They sort of just get to be vulnerable and entirely open with one another and there is never judgement or ill will, even when Beel eats her secret snack stash…again.
 She’s kind of getting to that point with Astaroth as well, but she can sense he’s still a little guarded in certain aspects, and she’s not going to push.
18.  Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?
Yes, quite a few. It’s not her favorite thing to talk about since she’s been quite unlucky in that aspect, but hey, the past is the past.
19.  What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.
Her actual family family (with the exception of her brother) are not close in the least. They’re sort of barely on speaking terms. Her chosen family (comprised of her band and some of the closest staff) is extremely close.
20.  Do they have a pet?
No. She loves animals and had a dog up until recently, but they passed. It’s okay though, they had a good long life and it wasn’t painful for them when it happened.
21.  Do they have a familiar?
Nope. Non-magical.
22.  Are they a supernatural being?
Nope! “Boring” human, but she does seem to always find herself in weird situations that are sorta paranormal.
23.  How do they usually wear their hair?
It really just depends on the day. If she had time to work on it, it’s down and straight. If it’s a rush in the morning (read: fight for the bathroom because Beel won’t MOVE) she’ll toss it in a bun or ponytail depending on how hot it is outside. There are the odd days when she’ll just let it vibe in its natural wavy/curly state, but she kind of got fed up with the brothers calling her a sheep because it’s so fluffy.
24.  Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play?
Yes! She learned guitar and bass at a young age and was tinkering with drums before she was whisked away to the Devildom.
25.  What type a high schooler are/were they?
She was the quiet weird kid that didn’t quite fit in with the weird weird crowd, but also wasn’t popular. Plenty of people knew her or of her, but she mainly stuck with her group of friends and was nice to everyone.
26.  Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
Yes. Just small bits of violence. No one of import, tbh. But there was that one time they all went out to party at the fall and Mammon and Levi started teasing her and in her drunken state, Niri went to punch Mammon who managed to duck so she hit Levi square in the nose. He was fiiiiiiine.
27.  What is their favourite holiday?
Halloween because it’s fun, Christmas because of the togetherness, and EASTER BECAUSE MARSHMALLOW PEEPS!
 28.  If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
A pass to go from the Devildom to the Human realm and back whenever she wants forever.
 29.  Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more?
No. Never.
 30.  Do they have a job?
Yes? Being a singer in a band is a job, right? It doesn’t always feel like a job because it’s awesome, but it’s a job.
 31.  Do they know how to drive?
Yes. She has convinced Mammon to let her drive his car on a few occasions and every time they get back he swears NEVER AGAIN. She a little speed demon.
 32.  Do they get stressed out easily?
Funny story, actually…YES. But she is pretty good at not letting it show. So on the outside she’s like la-la-la~ but inside it’s all AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~
 33.  Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it?
Absolutely lol. Niri has gone through a few colors in her life, but her favorite is and always will be the teal. (Fun fact: the purple came from a happy accident a few years back when she dyed over a pink shade and a layer turned out purple. She liked it so now she does it that way on purpose.)
 34.  Have they ever broken the law?
Never anything egregious, but she’s gotten tickets for stuff in the human world. Disturbing the peace, speeding, she was fined once (along with her bandmates) for a surprise free show they did in front of a train station which got a lot more attention than they were expecting and wound up shutting down a couple city blocks. Oooooooooopsss~
 35.  Do they own a plant?
She’s really bad with plants. REALLY bad. She was gifted a plant by Simeon a couple weeks into the exchange program and it took an embarrassingly long time for her to notice it was a fake plant…since he knows she sucks at keeping things alive.
 36.  Have they ever rode a horse before?
Once, and it was a terrifying experience so she just keeps her distance now.
 37.  What is their favorite gif?
anything featuring Titus Andromedon.
 38.  Do they get along with others easily?
 She tries to. It’s not always possible, but she tries, dammit!
 39.  Do they have any tattoos?
Several, yes. One arm sleeve done, starting the other arm, both thighs have massive pieces on them and both ribs done as well. There are also a few small things on her fingers and back.
 40.  If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
Lotta hair. Looooooottttta hair. And heavily winged eyeliner. Big lashes.
 41.  What is their favourite breed of dog?
Huskies. They’re just so cute and sassy! And perfectly sized!! Great cuddle buddies and fun to run with!
 42.  Do they live with anyone? If so, who?
Not in the human world, but she’s got 7 kinda irritating roomies in the Devildom!
 43.  Where is their dream vacation?
She’s traveled extensively, so there isn’t anywhere she dreams of going that she hasn’t already seen. Her favorite place is anywhere mountainous and lush.
 44.  Do they know more than one language?
Yep. Niri’s a language nerd. Because she likes to speak to fans and stuff, she has set it on herself to learn as many languages as she can. She’s not perfectly fluent in all of them, but it’s a good handful that she can hold a full conversation in. She and Satan like to practice with one another around the house, despite complaints from the others.
 45.  Are they a quick learner?
Depends. Most things, yes…..math and processes requiring math, NO.
 46.  Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win?
No, she’s not really the luck having type.
 47.  If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
Probably hugging Beel. They hug often. They’re kinda always together. It’s gross according to Leviathan and Belphegor.
 48.  What does their room look like?
She didn’t change much in the room she was given at the HoL. Just added her fake plant from Simeon and a few human things…she actually got the “Hang in There” kitty poster just for kicks. Lucifer hates it.
 49.  If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have?
A dodo bird. Because they’re weird and cool.
 50.  If they got called out by someone, what would they do?
Laugh and argue probably. Depends what they’re calling her out on.
51.  Have they ever shot a gun before?
Yep. Actually enjoys shooting, it’s a fun stress reliever. She makes a point to drop by shooting ranges every once in a while back home.
 52.  Have they ever been axe throwing?
Once at a renaissance festival on an odd week of downtime. She didn’t do so well. The throwing was fine, but she never hit the target. Just be glad she didn’t hit a person either!
 53.  What is something that they want but can’t have?
At the moment, all the people she loves in one place.
 54.  Do they know how to fish?
Nope! She’s a mess with that kind of thing. Also, she doesn’t like the idea of fishing for anything herself. It makes her cry to think of the fish on the hook :<.
 55.  What is something they always wanted to do but too scared?
Hmm…Niri tries to live her life in a way that she won’t have regrets, so even if something is scary, she’ll pluck up the courage to do it. But…she still hasn’t jumped out of a plane.
 56.  Do they own their own baby pictures?
Absolutely not. She cringes thinking of the outfits her parents used to put her in, so she did her best to keep those kinds of things buried and acts like they never existed. Nope. Was never a baby. Nope.
 57.  What makes them standout among others?
Niri is a pro at pretending she’s confident, so she tends to draw attention when she walks in a room like she owns the place. Also her hair is kinda bright.
 58.  Do they like to show off?
Not really. She’s flamboyant in a sense, but she doesn’t go out of her way to call attention or to be center stage…heh.
 59.  What is their favourite song?
She can never pick, honestly. There are so many songs that are so amazing!
 60.  What would be their dream vehicle?
That’s a very good question. Probably something sitting in her garage back home. Probably being driven by one of her bandmates. Because hey, what are friends for?
 61.  What is their favourite book?
Not that she isn’t a big reader, but she doesn’t really get the time to enjoy books. There’s always something that needs attention or someplace to be and she’s required to engage, so focusing on a book or story is hard, but she’s a fan of classic novels, poetry, and Greek tragedies are always good!
 62.  Who, in their opinion, makes the best food?
She likes everything Barbatos makes and thinks Luke’s desserts are fantastic, but there’s something about a human recipe that just warms her heart, so…..herself. Lol.
 63.  Are they approachable?
Absolutely! If you can get past her intimidating resting face.
 64.  Did they ever change their appearance?
Not drastically, but she has gone through a few different phases until settling on a good one.
65.  What makes them smile?
The silliness of those around her. Thinking of good memories with family/friends. Puppies.
 66.  Do they like glowsticks?
Yes. She has a stockpile of glowsticks that the brothers keep adding to.
 67.  What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile?
Watching the brothers bicker, even if it’s getting out of hand. It reminds her of her friends and how they always pick on one another.
 68.  Are they a day or night person?
Night, usually. Not that she dislikes the daytime, but day usually has so much stuff to be done whereas night is the fun stuff that doesn’t need a schedule.
 69.  Are they allergic to anything?
Some milk chocolate, bell peppers, and certain devildom plants.
 70.  What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
She’s a spunky little thing who loves to have fun and make others smile above all else.
 71.  Who is their ride or die?
In the Devildom, Beelzebub and Astaroth.
Beel for most things, and Asta for the stuff Beel won’t do.
 72.  Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one?
Erm…eh…look, it’s never been officially labeled or anything, ok? Like yeah they’re kind always together and have pet names for each other and like always touch and cuddle and like snuggle up in bed together and stuffffffffffff but like, idk? Is Beel her dude? Like….do we wanna even get into that?????? I mean, maybe someday? Like…what? What was the question??
 73.  What attracts them to another person?
A genuine heart, a killer smile, and a rockin’ bod. Yeah okay look everyone can be a little shallow sometimes okay get off her case >__<.  
 74.  Who is one person that can always make them laugh?
She’s a damn fool and will laugh at ANYTHING, so it’s not hard. Everyone makes her laugh. The girl will 9 times out of 10 laugh at herself for the dumbest moments.
 75.  Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home?
Oh yes many times. Many many times.  One of the first few times she hung out (went on a date) one-on-one with Beel they had a drinking contest and as it turns out, he can really hold his devil liquor.
 76.  Who would be their cuddle buddy?
She’ll cuddle up to Beel 99.9% of the time because he’s big and warm and always happy to hold, but she also really enjoys cuddling with Asmodeus. He’s such a sweetie and he smells so nice and they just snuggle and talk and laugh and it’s a nice escape. (Loads of times there are Asmo x Niri x Asta sandwiches in Asmo’s room.)
 77.  Who would cheer them up after a long day?
She tends to go to one of the brothers depending on what kind of day it’s been. Most of the time it’s gonna be Beel because again, big/warm/happy to hold her, but there are occasions where she’ll drag Beel to one of the others’ rooms and they’ll just hang out.
 78.  If they had a nightmare, who would they run to?
I mean…Beel. Lol. He’s right there.
 79.  What object to the care for the most?
She has a picture of her friends from back home that sits on her desk. She treasures that above all while she’s down in the Devildom.
 80.  Do they like other people’s children?
Sure. Kids are fine as long as they go back to their parents after a bit.
 81.  How would they react if someone broke into their home?
Seeing as there’s always someone coming into her room regardless if she’s there or not, she probably would just shrug it off. If someone decided to have a bad lapse in judgement and break into the HoL? She wouldn’t have to lift a finger.
 82.  Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach?
I mean….Beel. Lol. He so big and cute! Also Diavolo because he also big and cute.
 83.  What is something that they are good at?
Crying to get out of trouble. She’s a little shit. Lol.
 84.  What is their neutral expression?
Niri kinda always looks pissed off or uninterested?  Until she smiles and you realize oh, she’s just a big ol’ faker.
 85.  Do they like to cook?
Yes. It’s one of her very favorite things to do!
 86.  What is something they can’t leave home without?
Her phone! (and Beel) but like, there’s just so much a phone can do!
 87.  Who is someone that they rely on?
Have I mentioned ever that Simeon is (or was at one time) Niri’s guardian angel? He seems to always be there and ready to help in any way, so she’s pretty reliant on him and hopes he feels the same toward her. (He does. Cue uwu’s)
 88.  Do they liked to be tickled?
Absolutely not. She’s extremely ticklish and hates being tickled. She flails and cries.
 89.  Have they ever been a sword fight before?
No. No she has not lol. Unless empty wrapping paper tubes count? She’s done that.  
 90.  What is a joke that they would find funny?
All the bad ones. All of them. Ugly laugh here we go!
 91.  Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain?
The gardens at RAD. It’s peaceful and there’s a great  view of the sky.
 92.  What was their childhood like?
Not bad, but not memorable. There was a lot of pressure put on her to be a perfect kid, and she didn’t get to have a whole ton of fun.
 93.  What are they like as an adult?
Responsible, but definitely fun-loving. Like I mentioned before, she likes to live in a way that she won’t ever regret not having done something she wanted to do, or regret any actions she took, so she’s always got an open mind and welcomes new experiences. She’s a big ol’ kid.
 94.  Do they take criticism well?
Yes. She welcomes criticism in any form as she is always looking to be the best person she can be.
 95.  Have they ever jumped out of a plane?
No. Not yet!
 96.  Who do they like to make jokes with?
Literally anyone. A total joker. Big big clown.
 97.  Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
Yes! I draw Niri every once in a while. I actually need to draw her again soon! I miss that girl.
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szopenhauer · 3 years
Has anybody ever told you that you’re too young to be in love? from what I remember that could happen
Did you learn anything from the last BIG mistake you made? no comment...
Do you have a favorite brand of shoes?   nah
Do you like rollercoasters with big drops? I don’t do rollercoasters 
Do you have any inside jokes with your parents? yes
Did you ever want a pony for a gift as a kid? nope
Do you know who your mom’s favorite singer is?   she doesn’t really have one because she doesn’t listen to music tbh except what I blast 
Have you ever gone to a school that made you wear uniforms?   middle school
Have you ever tried to surf? nooo
Do you want to learn? absolutely not
Did you pick out the furniture in your bedroom? I wish...
Yes or no: Apple pie? yes
Yes or no: Candy apples?   no
Are you a heavy sleeper?   not anymore
Honestly, have you ever re-gifted something? What was it? plenty of stuff
How many months away is your birthday? 1-2
Is the closet in your bedroom a walk-in closet? I’d love to have one like this :3
Do you enjoy cooking? I do not
Which one of your family members do you wish you could see more often? grandma... and aunt Alice
Have you ever (accidentally or not) set off a car alarm? just by walking by 
Do you call it sitting “criss-cross” or “Indian-style”? criss-cross is less offensive
Do you have dimples when you smile?   I do indeed
Do you find graveyards scary? Jack kinda does
Have you ever carved anything into a tree? don’t do that :(
Do you give or get advice more often? give
If you have caffeine late in the day, does it cause you to struggle with your sleep? no idea, I don’t drink coffee
If you have a pet, have they ever embarrassed you in public or in front of friends or family members? What happened? sigh...
Do you leave the house every single day? almost
Would you rather spend the day at the beach, or a day in the snow in the mountains? beach
Do you prefer tops that are plain, or ones with patterns/logos/slogans? plain are lame
Do you enjoy buying gifts for other people, or do you never know what to buy them? it’s complicated
What book do you wish they’d make into a film or TV series? few of my favorites 
Do you prefer zip-up or overheard hoodies? overheard, I hate zippers in clothes
When was the last time you stayed overnight away from home? Was this with friends, family or in a hotel somewhere? What was the occasion? recently, my partner[s] apartment, no occasion
Would you ever be interested in seeing a live magic show? I already did but I don’t remember anything 
What’s your favourite period to learn about in history? What got you interested in this particular era? I liked interesting facts no matter of the period, I hated dates and names
Do you still use or carry cash, or do you pay for everything via card? cash forever
Are there any TV shows that remind you of your grandparents for some reason? Moda na sukces głównie
Do you know how to tie a tie without looking it up? Did you have tie in school (uniform)? maybe, we didn’t
Do you prefer having carpets or hardwood floors? hardwood
When was the last time you took a bath? Is this something you do often or do you prefer taking showers? last night and gonna have one now
What’s your opinion on clothes for dogs? If you have a dog, have you ever bought any clothing items for them? cute but my dog doesn’t wear any
What will you be doing once you finish this survey? What were you doing before you started taking it? I will go to sleep, I’m also playing Choices 
When was the last time you played a game of Monopoly? Did you play until the end or did everyone get fed up and start arguing? this year, we don’t argue about it which is weird because we often argue in general
Do you have anything fun or exciting planned for tomorrow? I hope I will meet with Slytherin system
Don’t you love it when you meet a dog or cat and they instantly love you, especially when the owner says “they normally hate strangers!”? awww sounds like Nat don’t ya think? :P
Would you rather do a wordsearch or a crossword? Word Search but sudoku is cooler
Do you prefer multi coloured or plain white fairy lights? good question
Do you have a favourite TV detective (eg. Sherlock, Poirot)?  Poirot <3  and Don Matteo
Do you hear any animals right now? not even kotszop 
Is your trashcan full? it’s small so it’s almost always full
Are you hungry? am not
Is it rainy where you’re at right now? not tonight
Is your dishwasher full? we don’t own a dishwasher
Do you like to wear gloves? not really
Are you wearing anything pink right now? nothing
What is the creepiest bug you’ve ever saw? maggots are
Do you chew on your lip? might
Are you afraid of needles? I’m not
Do you like Batman? mhm
Can you see a star shape in the room you are in? I can
Do you use hand sanitizer? obvi
Are you in any kind of club or group that is trying to save animals? I’ve been signing petitions 
Where were you two hours after you got up, and what were you doing there? dentist...
Have you ever played fetch with a dog? it didn’t listen XD
Do you use Netflix? if I only had an account...
Do you play games on your computer? when I’m in the mood
Did you have anything bad happen to you today? ...
Do you use the term “lol” if you don’t have anything to say? not when I have nothing to say wtf
Should you be sleeping right now instead of taking this survey? yup :x
Do you currently have any blemishes on your face? yep
Do you use smileys often in text convos? maybe
Would you ever consider being a cannibal? hell no
Did you forget something important in the past week? yeah
Are the floors in your house creaky? there are creaky places and I love it
Do you fear death? sorta
Is your mouth dry? it’s complicated
Do you have any scars from an animal? weirdly no
When was the last time it snowed where you live? Do you like snowy weather or is it just a pain? this week, it’s pain!
9 - When was the last time you got off work early? What was the reason? I don’t have a job
What time did you wake up this morning? Did you get out of bed right away? 8 and had to
Do you ever watch movies or TV shows that require you to read subtitles? why not?
When was the last time you had a haircut? When was the last time you dyed your hair (if you ever have)? Nat is gonna kill me for this bangs, I dyed my hair over 5 years ago
Do you prefer wearing tight-fitting or loose-fitting clothes? loose
What was the last piece of good news you received? Was it expected? pfft
What time of year do you start listening to Christmas music? after Halloween
Are there any names you can think of that just go well together? where should I start...
Do you enjoy museums? whatever
Do you have a username you use for everything? Or does it change each site? it changes but not for EACH
Do you have any disorders or disabilities? what I DON’T have...
Do you ever watch How To videos? in my whole life like a few
Did you have a tree house when you were a kid? If so, did you ever fall from it? I wanted to but never did
Do you enjoy designing things? Anything? I sure do
Do you know what a raincheck at stores is? I know
Can you learn the lyrics of a song by ear, or do you have to search them up? I never remember even the titles...
Do you like the name Amy? Amy Anya :(
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Are you close to that person at all? I called my dad but he couldn’t talk so... he’s my friend
Do you enjoy watching bloopers or outtakes from TV shows?  could
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own shop? What kind of thing would you like to sell? antiques and such
Are you a twin? If not, would you ever want to be a twin? If you are a twin, do you ever wish you weren’t? ;)
Would you ever want to go and visit the moon? it’s bought by Tom Cruise, no thx
Does anything on your body hurt or ache right now? shut up...
When was the last time you struggled to get to sleep? Was there was a specific reason for that? constantly
When was the last time you had a cold? With everything going on in the news, did you worry that it was COVID? my dad had a cold
Do you think people should have to pass a test in order to own pets? it’s not the worst idea
When was the last time you fell asleep/had a nap during the day? Is this something that happens often? it happens very rarely
so how are you today? bad
have you ever been to London? in the past life lmfao
do you enjoy going to the library? heh...
what’s the last movie you watched? we rewatched Asterix and Obelix 
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purplesurveys · 5 years
This survey is literally called Adult Survey so let’s see just how bad I am at being one 👉😎👉 What grocery store do you shop at the most? My mom does most of her shopping in SM supermarkets, but sometimes she’ll stick with Freshto.
Which stovetop burner do you use the most? Uhhhh I haven’t used the stove in a while, especially since it almost exploded in my face the last time I used it – but I used to go with the rightmost one since it was the largest, and it fit the pan that I typically used. Do you use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand? We wash dishes by hand here. I can’t name you anyone who actually bought themselves a dishwasher here in the Philippines.
What color is your favorite laundry basket? Idk, I don’t have a favorite. What color was your first car? White. If we’re talking about the car bought by my parents.
What was your first job? Never had one yet. What is the best job you've had? What is the best pharmacy near you? Not sure about the best, but we have one right across the village that we head to. Do you use public transportation? NO. Public transport in this country is an embarrassment, a joke, and one of the reasons I’m hell-bent on moving out entirely. If you ever needed a country that has trains regularly break down every week (forcing its passengers to walk to their destinations even when they’re nowhere near), trains with poor air conditioning, smoke-belching jeepneys, buses driven by murderous drivers, and public transportation that all in all will force you to wake up 3 hours earlier and STILL end up late to school/work, the Philippines is for you. Which bank do you use? I don’t have any sort of card yet.
Do you have a credit card? ^ What is your favorite fast food restaurant? As questionable as every branch of theirs smells like, I have to give the crown to KFC. What do you want to name your kids? Olivia and Mia are pretty much locked in for me. Still clueless about boy names. How many tattoos do you have? No tattoos. What year did you graduate high school? 2016. Three years, but it’s felt like forever ago. What chore do you hate the most? I haaaaate washing dishes. Thankfully Gabie loves doing it, so it’ll be easier for me when we move in together haha. What is your favorite shampoo to use? Dove is fine. How do you remove stains from clothes? Water and tissue usually do the trick. Do you carry pepper spray? I don’t. I really should. What highway do you drive on the most? Marcos Highway. I live on it and have to go through it if I want to go anywhere. Do you like driving? It’s convenient and I like being out on my own time without the pressure of tiring out/going overtime on a personal driver; but being stuck in traffic for hours all by yourself can be very draining. What is your favorite radio station? I listen to 93.1 in the morning for my favorite radio program, but for the rest of the day I’d switch between that, 99.5, 94.7, and 87.5. What do you use for an alarm clock (phone, stereo, actual clock, etc.)? I use my phone and I have like 5 alarms set everyday because I’m pretty difficult to wake up. Which department store do you shop at the most? I don’t shop for stuff a lot; most of my money goes to food haha. Which dollar store is your favorite? Do you shop at the dollar store often? We don’t even use dollars, sis. What is your favorite gas station? I don’t have a favorite but I like going to Petron just out of habit. Do you burn candles often? I never burn candles. How do you relax? It depends on what I feel like doing. I can choose to watch YouTube videos, watch Friends, take a survey, take a nap, or binge-eat. What's your favorite app on your phone? Twitter or Reddit. What do you cook the most? I can’t :( When was the last time you relaxed in a hot bath? Over a year ago? I dunno, I don’t get to do this a lot. Do you take showers or baths normally? Showers. What is your favorite candle scent? Whatever smells like food, like a bakery or cinnamon. Floral scents make me gag. How much does it cost for you to laundry (if you use a slot machine)? Do you make your bed every day? Yes. It feels so much nicer coming home to a fixed bed. Do you have any pets? Yes, I have a dog. Do you have kids? Nope. Are you married? Also nope. Do you save receipts? Receipts from important dates, sure. I like keeping the little details. Do you use re-usable bags at the grocery store? I think my mom does. What color is your carpet? We have a big brown carpet in the living room, but other than that the rest of the house isn’t carpeted. Have you ever burnt yourself with the glue gun? No and I am too scared to know what it feels like so I’ve never held a glue gun before. We actually had to use one fairly recently to make props for an org event, but I told my orgmates I wasn’t gonna help in that department and I could work anywhere else I was needed instead. Do you write checks? Nah. I’ve had my parents ask me to pay with one, though. Ever had a garage sale? My parents never held one, but we’ve been to several. What have been some of your best garage sale finds? I don’t think we bought anything from them. What time do you wake up in the morning? Depends if I have something to do that day. Are you a morning person? God no. I hate having to report to school early and I usually need an hour or two to adjust to the surroundings. I have a 7 AM class on Wednesdays and Fridays and my brain just refuses to cooperate every time.
Are you more of a morning person now than you used to be? Haha I don’t think I ever was a morning person. Do you like to read? I used to. Nowadays I’ll read something every now and then, but it’s not my favorite hobby anymore. What was the first election you voted in? 2016. Who is on speed dial in your phone? We don’t have speed dial. Do you play games on your phone? Sure. I used to have no games at all cos I thought it was a waste of storage, but now I have like 10 games on my phone because of all the advertisements I see hahaha. What phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8. What was your first phone? I keep forgetting the exact model, but it was the iconic Nokia one that had a green screen and early versions of Snake and Space Impact. What kind of computer do you have? I was too young to ever pay attention to the brand and the model, tbh. I did reach the era where connecting to the internet meant weird sounds and not being able to use the landline, so there’s that. Wall calendar or desk calendar? Phone and laptop calendar. If you read a daily devotional, which one are you using currently? I don’t. What is your favorite book? I’ve read a lot of books but I don’t think I’ve encountered my favorite yet. What is the strangest food you've had? I absolutely love Indian food and would do anything for it, but gulab jamun was pretty horrid. The taste confused me so much and the wet, sticky texture didn’t help either. What do you do when the power goes out? Curse out Meralco on social media, especially if it was an unannounced outage. Then I’d stay with my dog so that he doesn’t get scared. Does your home have a basement? Nope. How often do you clean? My mom likes to be in charge of general cleaning, and she does so once in a few months. How often do you go grocery shopping? An hour or so seems like it. Ever bought a lottery ticket? Nah, I don’t want to grow obsessed with it hahaha. Do you gamble? Nope. What does your purse look like? My *wallet has several essential cards/IDs, my savings, and old receipts and papers I never got around to throwing away. Do you ever sleep on the floor? No. I slept on the floor a lot as a kid and I hated it, so I stay away from the possibility completely now. Which room do you stay in the most? Mine? What is your bedtime? I don’t have one, but I always strive to be in bed by 10 or 11 PM. Ever worked two jobs or more at once? This hasn’t happened to me. Do you live in an apartment, condo, house, or dorm? I live in my parents’ house. What does your dream house look like? Modern, minimalist, square-shaped, lots of glass, white. Describe your dream wedding. I haven’t figured out what location I want, but I wouldn’t want it to be in church, at the beach, or in a barn. I want an all-white (or at least almost all-white) motif, a laaaaarge guest list (I’ll only get one wedding so I’m making it huge lmao), free flowing drinks, cupcake racks, and I wouldn’t want it to be too formal nor too casual. That’s like 6 elements out of the hundred I’ll probably end up thinking of, but it’s a start. How often do you go on vacation? As often as my dad is home, so like a few times every 4 months. What is your favorite type of weather? Rainy/stormy, dark, and bleak. What do you do when you have a sore throat? Hate myself. And continue eating whatever because a sore throat isn’t gonna stop me from eating delicious food. How often do you go see a doctor? When it’s required lol Do you have acid reflux? I don’t. Do you snore? I snore only when I’m ridiculously exhausted after a day. And when I do it’s only like once then I stop. Are you on birth control? I’m not. I don’t need it currently. What kind of toothpaste do you use? A normal one? Idk, I just use Colgate. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I have glasses. How often do you wear make-up? Only when I go to parties, which isn’t often. Do you put on make-up in the bathroom or the bedroom? Gabie usually puts makeup on me in her room. Do you have a swimming pool? Nope. What is the first site you go to when you turn on your computer? It differs, based on what I feel like doing/have to do. Typically, though, it’s Twitter. Which email service do you use? Gmail. How often do you check your email? Everyday, because I guess I’M AN ADULT NOW AND I HAVE TO SUCK IT UP. How old were you when you got your first phone? I was 7. I’m pretty sure my parents didn’t want to get it for me, but I was 7 in a private school, everyone was getting their own phones (and this was when phones was starting to get big among kids), and I was feeling pressured to get my own. What was your favorite boy band back in the 90's? I wasn’t conscious for most of the 90s. Did you own a Britney Spears album? Nope.
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decaynow · 5 years
SHDHDHHSHD DOES THIS MEAN YOU WANT ME TO ANSWER WHICHEVER ONES I WANT OR ALL OF THEM??? Fuck it, I’m done with stuff at this job so. I’ll do them all. Why not
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
June 20th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
RED but i also love black
6. What’s your lucky number?
6!!! I like this question’s placement. 6 because Grimmjow but also because HAIL SATAN 666 AAAAAA
7. Do you have any pets?
I have a lil’ black pitbull named Trixie!!!
8. Where are you from?
Georgia the state
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
uhhh i actually do not know my size in men’s I think it’s like a 5??? Technically in women’s I’m a 7.5 but I tend to buy a half size up A. because doc martens doesn’t do half sizes and B. i dont really like for my shoes to be tight
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
... a lot. I have a shoe fetish ngl.
12. What was your last dream about?
I think I had a dream last night..? About Invader Zim maybe???
13. What talents do you have?
I CAN SING LIKE ANY TWENTY ONE PILOTS SONG, i can touch my tongue to my nose, I have a pretty decent Kermit the frog impression, and I have other weird flexes but I cant remember them rn because my memory sucks
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Idk, sometimes I can predict what song will play next but I think I’m just lucky.
15. Favorite song?
Hhh this is so hard to answer bc I wanna pick something metal but tbh... Holding On To You by Twenty One Pilots
16. Favorite movie?
Either Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron (I know the whole movie by heart and all the songs)
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
HBNGFHBB,, i dont know I thirst after many celebrities and fictional characters and they’re all kind of different. I guess someone who won’t make me be someone I’m not. Obviously my lack of adult qualities probably isn’t endearing but idk, someone who’s willing to let me be a lil’ childish. I’d like someone who takes the reigns when it comes to adult stuff, I wanna be a stay at home dad and manage our place and kids or pets and stuff. I like kinda being left to my own devices. That will include me constantly wanting to be in ur space LOL
18. Do you want children?
YEAH... REALLY BADLY... but idk if I’ll ever get to have any bc I dont think anyone would want to date me and marry me and have them LMAO so I dont think I should be trying ever
19. Do you want a church wedding?
My ideal wedding is in a graveyard, on October 31st, at sundown, we are being married on an altar of black candles and jack-o-lanters, the autumn colours are flourishing, and I am carried out to the walkway down to the altar in a casket. Everyone is required to wear black except for our bestmen/bridesmaids and me or whoever I marry. If they aren’t dressed like it’s a funeral I’m kicking them out. Deadass. I want the gothest wedding imaginable.
20. Are you religious?
I do kinda believe in stuff but I’m not a fan of organized religion. I mean, I’m a fan as in, the aesthetic and idea of organized religion is majorly sexy, but i feel like religion is really personal and not a public thing for me. Also 666 hail sa-
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Nope!!! Never broken a bone or had any kind of emergency LOL
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I’VE MET HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD TWICE!!! And I’ve met Norman Reedus too. I also went to school with Chandler Riggs (not to put my location on blast HDYDUFHDGDGDD) uhhh I can’t think of anyone else if I have I’d probAOH. Shannon whatever her name is from Stranger Things. She was at my last TØP concert and I asked her for a picture bc my friends were too shy to say anything but since idk her i didnt care LOL
24. Baths or showers?
I like both but I take showers more often
25. What color socks are you wearing?
One is The Scream by Edvard Munch and one is The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
26. Have you ever been famous?
Not like BIG famous but like, people in my school all knew me basically because I was always Doing Shit
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Maybe??? Part of me doesnt want all my shit on blast but at the same time idgaf
28. What type of music do you like?
E... everything... i lean towards punk, pop punk, rock, metal, alternative and whatever but i will literally go from Hannah Montana to Dethklok to Twenty One Pilots to Ghost to Katy Perry don’t test me
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
NO and idk if i want to i dont like to be naked
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I have 7 but i usually have 8. I like a lot of pillows. I want more.
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
... ur asking an active sleeper that question. I don’t even know what position i wake up in.
32. How big is your house?
Normal sized I guess???
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
I think my dad let me once when I was a kid but that’s because he’s a bad father
35. Have you ever tried archery?
YEAH i sucked at it but in my head i imagine being good at it lol
36. Favorite clean word?
Salutations, Shenanigans or Hold
37. Favorite swear word?
hmmm would go with your classic fuck but tbh i LOVE to lengthen it to motherfucker. Think in terms of most used though, God Damnit.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Maybe two days?
39. Do you have any scars?
:/ I have a lot. Some are from me being dumb (the scar on my leg from melting tape) and some are from me being really dumb (scars on my wrist and arm and thigh) but I’m not ashamed of them, in fact I like scars and bruises. I just hate when people randomly ask about them in person (ie “omg what happened!?!?”) because it’s like... self harm scars are pretty obvious about what’s going on so when you ask like that... idk wtf to say.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
PROBABLY??? But im oblivious.
41. Are you a good liar?
Hhjfguvghhh maybe sometimes??? I try not to lie though and i think its impossible bc im a gemini so there’s a little truth in everything I say
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
NOOOOOOO i can do Kermit the Frog and thats it
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I’m southern so yes
45. What is your favorite accent?
I LOVE YOU SWEDISH PEOPLE... also love irish accents but also i cant understand anything bc my ears are stupid
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I have a $100 Ghost hoodie but I think my Big Boots were $148
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
Inward belly buttons or perish
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Hmhnghhhhnnnn depends, usually
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
I fucking LOVE udon
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I am a messy person doing my absolute best to be clean
55. Most used phrased?
like ever? I start most sentences with “you know what i hate?” But mostly i tend to parrot memes. If I think something is funny I repeat it to myself over and over until it isn’t.
56. Most used word?
Probably “I” because I cant ever stop talking about my damn self
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
... i dont wanna talk about it (a while)
58. Do you have much of an ego?
... I DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT (i simultaneuosly... hate myself but also think im the best)
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
... no but it doesnt stop me
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
I dont want to be but I’m a gemini so it just HAPPENS
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Man i dont even know just go watch Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I prefer to have mine long but i kinda wanna cut it, i LOOOVE guys with long hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Oh definitely Not
68. Favorite school subject?
ART or biology
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Sometimes, it just depends
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Hhhffudhdhhh only if I know I wont come off condescending
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Dont think so
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Sometimes I told groups in school to just let me do all the work because I didn’t trust them with my grade.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
... like a few days ago but tbh alcohol is disgusting and i only wanna drink banana liquor or else i dont drink at all bc its gross
78. Have you ever done drugs?
I desperately wish i had more drugs in my life but i dont wanna come off as a crackhead
79. Who was your first real crush?
80. How many piercings do you have?
I WISH I HAD MY NIPPLE PIERCED SO BADLY... also if i HAD A DICK god nerf’d me I WOULD GET PIERCINGS UP MY DICK... also my (expensive) dream is to get like subdermal/metadermal? implants on my forehead and get devil horns
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
I type... so fast
83. How fast can you run?
Maybe kinda fast but not for long
84. What color is your hair?
Naturally its brown but the bottom half is bleached and one side is yellow and the other is green
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
Kind of??? I have a poetry journal and I write dreams down sometimes.
88. What do your parents do?
My mom does like marketing and my dad does carpet cleaning
89. Do you like your age?
No I wanted to die at 12 and I wanna die now. The difference is I didn’t think I’d live this long so now I have no idea what I’m doing.
90. What makes you angry?
91. Do you like your own name?
YEAH I PICKED IT!!! But i also wanna change it but i kinda cant bc Johnny from HU called me Reimond and they all know me as Reimond. But also I wanna be Lucifer Slade Solo.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I’d be fine with either but tbh!!! Probably a boy.
94. What are you strengths?
95. What are your weaknesses?
yelling. if you yell at me i will get upset. if im yelling its fine but if you yell i’ll cry. also roaches.
96. How did you get your name?
Well i consider Reimond the “masculine” version of my deadname!!! Technically there’s Racheal but it’d just get pronounced the same and I still have to correct people on Reimond (EVERYONE KEEPS THINKING IM SAYING RAYMAN) and Gerard is my middle name bc MCR, and I would love to change my last name lol.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not that I know of
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
I have Star Wars sheets with Kylo Ren and storm troopers! I also have Spider-Man sheets.
100. Color of your room?
It’s like painted like a beige colour but most of my stuff is dark lol
0 notes
Breaking it Down.
Essentially, there are 5 types of essay questions: 
1. Goals
Seems pretty straightforward. “Yeah, I know what I want to do in 5 years. And 10 years. And when I retire I want a big house with 10 dogs (the ABSOLUTE DREAM, IF YOU ASK ME).” okay, hold it. This isn’t enough. The questions ask you what you want to achieve, why you even want to do the MBA in the first place and how the school will help you achieve your goals. 
So firstly, you better have some solid goals in the ST/MT/LT. Just seeing yourself as an MBB partner in 10 years isn’t going to cut it. [Q: If you want to make an impact, what impact do you want to make? How do you plan to make it?] 
Secondly, if you read the bold part in the last sentence of the first paragraph, you’ll realize that you’re going to have to tailor it to the school. It’s like your resumes when you’re out job hunting - you don’t send out the same resume to different companies with different JDs, right? You make sure that you highlight in your resume what the company is specifically looking for. Same principle applies. Research on your schools, look at their motto, mission, vision, values. Read about how the schools have helped their students achieve their goals. 
Lastly, the Goals questions also come with a word limit. So along with reflecting on your purpose and ST/MT/LT goals, brush up on your summary skills too. 
2. Self-Reflection 
This is where you really have to think about your whole life. Everything your parents have told you, everything you have realised along the way. Your struggles and your achievements. EVERYTHING. The answers to these questions also allow you to understand yourself and your personality (mindblown) WHICH allow the schools to determine whether or not you’re a good fit for the school (sneaky sneaky!). The questions can range from “what values are important to you” (Kellogg asked this) to “Tell us who you are” bro how does one even answer this?!) to “Tell us your strengths and weaknesses”
[Sunny Strategy: Think of the following. 
(i) Make a list of all the things you’ve picked up as extracurriculars. Think about why you did them 
(ii) Tough times you’ve faced 
(iii) Your failures - these are actually fantastic essay topics. They determine your character more than anything.
(iv) Your successes 
(v) Why are you who you are as a person. What experiences have impacted you so greatly that you are who you are today
(vi) What do we hate about our jobs? What do we like? Why? - and no, this is where you have to be objective and not go on about why you hate your job ]
3. How can you contribute [to the school]
Tbh, no explanation required here. They want to see how you can contribute to the student community. And no, donation is not an option. Or is it? LOL. 
Either way, I’d suggest drawing on past experiences from your undergrad degree and  talking to alumni, asking them about the culture, events and extracurriculars available. Then see how you’re able to contribute. [Disclaimer: I’m still trying to figure out how I’d answer this. Will update if I experience an epiphany or make a serendipitous discovery]
4. You as a leader
This is quite an interesting question because till now we’ve only ever seen our past selves as leaders. But have we ever thought about: 
(i) What kind of leader we want to be? 
(ii) What is it in our current mentors/leaders/bosses that we like, and would want to emulate when we become leaders v2.0/3.0/4.0 bla3
(iii) How we’ll use that “position of power” to make the impact we want to make in Section 1 - Goals. 
So far, the questions I’ve come across are pretty straightforward, about how you’ve made an impact. But no harm thinking about those penned above. Always good to be prepared for anything and everything, eh?
5. The video essay
These can be further broken down into 2 sub-types: 
    (i) pre-recorded - where you are given a question in advance, and you actually have a decent amount of time to think through what you want to say. Take MIT Sloan, for example. They ask you to introduce yourself to your classmates in 60s. 
   (ii) impromptu - now, I reckon this will be harder because you will probably have like a minute or two to think about how you want to answer this question. But you also probably won’t know what to expect. [Sunny Strategy: google it the fk out - I’m sure these questions are available online. Somewhere.]
The questions written above are those that popped up while I was writing this, complete with my entertaining commentary and personal strategies on how I’d want to tackle these essays. In no way am I an expert. If anything, I’m right smack in the middle of the process. Pls do not rely on this blog 100% (I disclaim all personal liability if u rely on this blog 100% and things don’t work for u - I am as much of a pleb as u. Sorry, putting in disclaimers when I express my opinions are second nature to me now, given the field I work in.). 
If you are looking at more prompts to help you start on the introspection process, you can refer to my next post :D 
1) https://e-gmat.com/blogs/mba-essay-5-types-of-essays/
2) https://www.stacyblackman.com/blog/turn-failure-into-a-great-business-school-admissions-essay/
3) https://www.stacyblackman.com/blog/tuesday-tips-%e2%80%93-ten-questions-part-2/
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What type of friend are you?  funny mom friend so like... dad friend? XD 
Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? nah
Do you have a family member you hate? could say so
Does your family accept who you are? it’s complicated
Have you ever puked in school or at work? luckily not
Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? hate 
Have you ever coughed up blood? nope
Do you lie to your doctor? sometimes we all have to but nothing important
Have you ever been misdiagnosed? yup
Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? that too
Is self diagnosing good or bad? depends
Do you think sex is overated? it is
Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? I’m not dating men, I don’t want to have a son and I am not a doctor so I don’t care about male bodies, sorry
If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? ...
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? nooo
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? I don’t drink
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don’t think so
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? no
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? it wasn’t a lie but I bend the truth a little 
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? I might go without a bra but because I don’t wanna wear it and not because I might have sex 
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? nope
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? not less but not more as more attractive might make me feel insecure at times
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? I would if they let me stay in few places but luckily they didn’t care much about me as their worker hahaha
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? there is weight on a driving license? :o
Have you ever lied during a job interview? meh
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? I exaggerated feeling sick once to not get a job in a horrible place if that counts
Have you ever lied under oath in court? I wouldn’t!
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? I said NO
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? I only took tag from an identical item, just different color, as someone tore it out before and I really wanted that particular color, so no
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? umm... yeah ^^”
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? there are different types of like - like as I would want to wear that myself and like as I enjoy it in general but also like it on particular person etc. 
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? could be worse lol
Do you lie about your age? what for if everybody think I’m younger anyway
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? maybe
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? hell no
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? not really
Have you ever shoplifted? no way
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? yup Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? omg
Have you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? I don’t recall
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? hope not, I try not to, it’s manipulative and I already am seen this way due to my BPD so... 
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? pfft Would you prefer to have hot body or high IQ? good health
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I’m ashamed to tell them that I don’t have a job 
Would you give up your car to save the planet? if I had one...
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? woman :x
Has your credit card ever been declined? I don’t use a credit card
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? oh no...
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? my mother is
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? I usually have to take the blame for her instead
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? just my alters lmfao
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? I didn’t, I have no money to buy and no heart to act like this either
Have you ever re-gifted something? shitload of times
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? not for future ppl, just for itself
Do you own anything from IKEA? not furniture 
What was the last task that you required the use of scissors for? I just dropped them and let them lay on the floor under the table because I am unable to reach ‘em
Look around the room and name any item that’s grey. stuffed bad from Biedronka that I got on a flea market
Do you know what any of your close friends did yesterday afternoon? me and M. been spending time together while my parents were at home
Can you recall the last time you woke up in a bad mood? Why was that? I always do?...
Who was the last person to send you a message with a heart emoji? my gf obviously
Does your hometown have many good bookshops? none
What would be your typical outfit for a party? I don’t attend parties 
If your girlfriend/​​boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do? oh...
last dream you had: K. 3D printed or smth almost identical album as the ones I had as a baby and her and my current partner gave it to me as a gift :3
do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? I aware of that
is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment? I informed my father that I dropped scissors and now as I picked them up he asked me when and how they ended up there while I told him about it few minutes ago - I was more worried than annoyed tbh
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? she’s taking a nap
Sex ruins relationships, right? it can happen
Last person to stand up for you? hmm...
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? I lost count which is weird because I cry in front of my family members only (not even my grandma until I was a baby), I know that sometimes I cry in public but because I don’t give a fuck about strangers as much as I used to, close ones in the other hand... Nat hates the most when someone sees him so vulnerable
Something good going to happen tomorrow? doubt it
The last person you kissed hates you. Why? would have reasons
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? it’s a secret you can unlock in a very high level of our relationship
Do you like your cell phone? it’s ok
So, what if you married the last person you kissed? we’re engaged so that dream ain’t that unreal
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend? uh oh
Do you plan on moving out within the next year? I wish
What are you listening to at the moment? mom and dad talking <rolling my eyes>
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? or never
What’s your favorite high school memory? I have a bunch of those
Do you wish you had more money? absolutely
Team Jacob or Team Edward? team hate Twilight
Do you have a problem with bisexual, gay, or bicurious people? with bicurious maybe, definitely not gay
Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex? I have
Are you a patient person? weirdly unpatient Do you think you are a good person? am not
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? ewww
Is there a difference between the word ‘best friend’ and ‘friend’? there is 
How was your week? rollerclaster XD
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? usually
When was the last time you cried? recently
What letter is the song you’re listening to under? M if vocalist/band B if title of the song
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s I guess
Do your socks say anything on them? I have no socks with anything said on them
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. BBC
Gray or Grey? grey
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? I won’t
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? yasss, it was fine
How many weddings have you been to? less than 5
When you smile, are you confident? I am not
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? of course
Was the weather beautiful today? it’s cold
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? I don’t own a fan Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? walls? orange 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? why not whole
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I dislike it
Does/Did your school have a uniform? middle school only and that was a great idea
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? not gonna
What’s your favorite thing to do? nothing
If your house was haunted, what would you do? depends
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? slow internet
Are you a fast or slow walker? which alter? :P
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? I must buy belt for Nat
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? no comment
What age do you look forward to reaching? I live on borrowed air...
What exercise do you hate the most? awkward ones
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet? no
What color shirt is your mom wearing today? she’s wearing a striped pajama and light blue sweater atm
Does any part of your body hurt right now? mor than one
Do you like Greek Mythology? not a fan
When was the last time you had Pepsi? ages ago
What was the last question you answered, not on surveys? it was more an order than a question coming from my mom 
Do you own anything Polo? used to
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? neighbor
What is your favorite endangered animal? are elephants still endangered?
Do you like to dance? kinda, from time to time Who was the last person who screamed your name? mom’s calling me again, grrr...
Which underwater creature do you find the most badass? what do you mean?
How do you usually find out what the weather will be like for the next week? someone tells me, I ignore them, they were wrong all along
Why have/haven’t you joined Twitter? I left as it was boring and irritating Are you good at rhyming? but don’t like to rhyme
When’s the last time you were woken up in an obnoxious way? lately it’s common
Why do you/don’t you enjoy horror movies? they’re disgusting and pointless
Do you have any celebrity’s perfume? I don’t use perfume
How well do you do at Scrabble? in polish or english?
Who is your favorite Scooby-Doo character? Velma I suppose
Have you ever played or been interested in playing World Of Warcraft? been interested, liked the movie
What kind of cake/other dessert treat did you have for your last birthday? nothing?
Who do you think does the best job at cartoon voiceovers? Jarosław Boberek 
Does your dad wear a watch all the time? years ago frequently
How much ice cream do you think you’d be able to eat before you got sick? only a bit
Do you know anybody under 40 with grey hair? I have some myself
Do you think you have the potential to be a good stalker? oh well...
Why did you read the last book that you read? I watched film and heard it has a different ending so wanted to check it out
Have you ever cross-dressed? clothes have no gender but I drew mustaches and such 
Which sport are you the best at playing? unihokej/floorball or however it’s called
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? possibly
What would you do if you were in that situation? I’m an asexual and I’m into girls
Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? not possible
Do you prefer on-campus classes or online classes? online
What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? personal
What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? my skin for example (not color)
What gaming consoles do you own? I only play PC and android 
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? been to ER few times
Do you know any lesbian couples? I’m in one ;)
Have you ever lived in an apartment building?  just when I was staying with my grandmother
What was the last topic you asked someone for their opinion or advice on? not sure which was last
Is your house visible on Google Street View?- barely
What’s the largest thing you currently have in your refrigerator? *shrug*
Do you know anyone who has never had a pet? I believe
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? no thx
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? neither Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? not every single time, it’s impossible!
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment? sorta, I think they’re lying/want something or make fun of me (even if just slightly teasing for fun)
When you are home alone at night and hear strange noises, are you afraid someone is going to break in? I’m more “ghost” type of person hahaha
Do you wake up cranky? mhm
What is on your wrists right now? sleeves
Are you a beach, country, or city person? country or small town
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? we are 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? ex - I got a gift and found a shirt for Nat and myself :3
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? -
Are you waiting for something? food
Something you do a lot? suffer
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? it’s not about the amount
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? she likes hugs
How long have you liked the person you like? it’s a long story 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? not our last kiss
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I worry
Have you ever given your ALL to someone who walked away?
Tumblr media
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? we kissed 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? not always but often
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? I still feel like it even tho I don’t, I thrift often but spend little for those trinkets
Did you sing at all today? może coś nuciłam, nie pamiętam, w headspace?
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? weather
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? gave it away to John
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? typing on the computer
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? hate
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? trashy
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? none
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I don’t care for diamonds
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? plenty of times
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? smth in between
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? I don’t need period to have mood swings, it’s stereotypical!
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? aha
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? we would end up having sex? jk
When/where did your last hug take place? today
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? kind of
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? and with family 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? no shit Sherlock!
What’s one thing about today that you didn’t like? don’t wanna talk about all that
Who is the last person that you said i love you to, besides family members? my fiancee
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? done
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? we’re together again
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? :D
What’s a cuss word you use often? there’s a whole list
Who’s the last guy you texted? dad
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? this question...
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I remember how we met
Do you believe that people talk about you behind your back? ha!
If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? yuk
What are you listening to? Tame Impala - Let It Happen
Did you do something mean to someone today? she deserved it!
Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? babcia...
Give us a lyric from a song you’re listening to: The truth of it is it doesn’t get better than this
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? whoops
What brings out the worst in you? better not say that out loud
How’re you feeling right now? bad
Are you afraid of the future? very
Do you believe in true love? I’m trying
Do you believe that every one has a soul-mate? not everybody
Was today a good day? should be better
What woke you up this morning? woke up on my own
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them? I don’t 
Have you ever played naked twister? wut...
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? not yet and don’t plan to keep it that long
Would you get in trouble if you came home drunk? that would be a shock to my family (and to me)
Do you ever think about things and start to worry? 100% of the time
Are you one to get annoyed easily? that me!
Is the last person you kissed yours? we don’t own ppl...
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? girl
Are you scared of spiders? am not
Do you hate the last boy who talked to you? I love my parent
Do you tend to make things complicated? not on purpose
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”? gqe1gIQASGCK...
Do you think things will change in the next few months? I’m afraid for worse 
Do you like when people play with your hair? it’s strange
What are you wearing right now? bluzę w czarne i białe paski, zieloną bluzkę z długimi rękawami i szare legginsy z niebieskim wzorkiem
Ever feel like you have been replaced? more than once
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? write
Are you lying to yourself about something? thx a lot for this ask...
Is the person you last texted single? she’s with me
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? tha hell
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? just my own apartment
Which do you prefer, relationship or a one-night-stand? relationship
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