#!Precious Dirtclod
dpn-datalogs · 2 years
“...so this Monster Hunter game...all you do is hunt monsters?”
“Pretty much.”
“...do...are the monsters evil or something?”
“Some of them. Mostly, they’re just hanging around.”
“...can you at least take them in without killing them?”
“Yeah, but the new game is set up so you’re better off slaying them. You generally get better drops if you carve.”
“...Burrow, I don’t think you should play this.”
“Ugh, this is why I didn’t want to show you this game!”
“You shouldn’t be playing games that encourage poaching!”
“I’m not! I’m hunting actual monsters, not regular animals!”
“And who decided these beautiful creatures were monsters!?”
“I dunno, Capcom!?”
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purplerose244 · 5 years
It actually surprised me the building of the serie, I thought the into the darkness part was going to come later... IT WORRIES ME
Okay, Garmy is being a jerk, and it's hilarious and hurt my heart at the same time 😂😭
"I can't believe I have to babysit my father"
The ninja babysat your uncle since he was an infant and you never heard them complaining!... they really couldn't, being in another, realm, but whatever 😅
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I keep thing about The Green Ninja from season 1, when Kai was the only one that really minded. Now that Mr. Bad Guy REALLY made a mess, not even his son can really justify him
Yang proposal still up! But if everything goes bad, I don't there's gonna be a good mood for asking her...
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And this is why you're still single, Dirtclod I'm kidding please don't kill me
Is Garmy the manifestation of an adult's always present look over two poor lovebirds? 😅 Honestly with his ribs evident dripping in purple, I can't blame Jay too much for having a heart attack
Oh how I missed my flame babe ❤❤❤
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The "I'm watching you" gesture I'm sure all of us long time fan recognized, and the "Kai if you really wanna be the cool one, STOP TALKING"... I STILL LOVE HIM WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE 😚
As I said, I didn't expect them getting into the darkness so soon, I thought by the time everyone else would be gone. Aaaaand I really thought Garmy was rebelling again, but apparently he just wanted the powah. Really like this detail by the way, it goes well with him being a warlord (mostly like the one in the movie)
LLOYD ALMOST SUFFOCATING THAT GAVE ME A HARD TIME 😱😱😱 I legit had the same reactions the ninja had (it warms my heart to see how worried they are)
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(The little moments between Pix e Zane are adorable, they are too precious and I'm super proud of mah girl, she evolved since the beginning and became a strong indipendent girl. GO PIX!!!)
Can I also say I kinda like this situation between Lloyd and Garmy? It's really heavy, Lloyd doesn't trust him, Garmadon is all evil, so their interactions are unpredictable
The smile part 😂
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I don't trust you either Garmy, but I do love whatever you do 😂
Gale is there?? Are we getting more Dareth/Gale?? IS FAITH OKAY?? IS SKYLOR?? I NEED TO KNOW MY GIRLS ARE FINE!!!
At the end, I'll be honest, I'm good at English, but that oni talking was really hard 😅 Hopefully there will be more fighting than talking, let's see where this brings us
I really need them, ALL OF THEM, to be safe and sound by the end of this. Really
So, good episode, from this season I especially appreciate the little comebacks that you know only if you are a fan that remember the entire serie 👍
The fact that Faith still needs to wake up and explain gives me some weird vibes, is there more about the situation?
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(Sorry but the Realm Crystal looks like a freaking chocolate fountain 🤣 The oni's design is pretty cool though)
Thank you for reading my blabbering! I'm enjoying this season, but I wish we entered the climax moment soon! The waiting is killing me!!
See ya around! Byee!!
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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“Huh? Oh, hi DiggyEEY!” Before he knew it, Burrow found himself being swung around like a sack of potatoes. “Diggy, I’m getting dizzy!” he pleaded...
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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"Burrow, how come you're building such a big pillow fort?"
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"A truth needs telling and I have to protect myself." He explained before clearing his throat.
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"UNDERTALE AND DELTARUNE ARE OVERRATED!" Burrow then desperately dove into the fort for protection.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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“AAH!” Burrow was momentarily dazed by the sudden fish to the head.
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“Who threw a fish at Burrow!?” Scimitar had a blade at the ready.
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“Oh no, he’s still alive! I gotta get this little guy back to the north Pacific!” Beetle immediately warped away wish his floppy rescuee.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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"I'll never quit fining punners! They must be stopped!"
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
Well, Hydro. Looks like you didn't wait long enough for Celerity to be gone, 'cause there's a weight of someone leaning on her shoulder, and her very smug little grin peeking over the corner of his vision. "Tisk, tisk. Jealousy does NOT suit you, Hydro. Green is not your color." She clicks her tongue, wagging her finger up to him before hooking an arm around his side.
"But, you're pretty cute when you're grumpy. So, I'll let it slide. Ta-ta for now~" And just like that, a peck is planted on the poor fishman's cheek, and Celerity finds herself quite litterally running from the mess she created, cackling to herself the entire time.
Hydro just frowned, staring daggers at the fleeing Celerity before looking down to Burrow. "...you know, I really hate how much I love you sometimes."
Burrow only responded with a small hug. "Thanks for keeping your promise." he said.
"Yeah yeah..." Hydro crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, though he did eventually pat his brother's head.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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“...please don’t...I don’t want anyone to die...”
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dpn-datalogs · 4 years
"Hydro Look!" Honey points to a display full of Vaporeon plushies. "Aren't they cute?"
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“Yeah, they’re pretty adorable alright.” Hydro smiled as he looked to Honey. “But if you ask me, I’m more partial to bug-ty-”
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“Glaceon’s cuter.”
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“...aight Burrow, guess you’re just gonna come in and start some shit.”
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dpn-datalogs · 5 years
“Wait, so they stopped making games for the thing?” Hydro asked as he and Burrow headed to the front gate of GeoWorks. “...are you sure it’s okay to gift something like that? Kinda feels like giving someone a phone right after the maker dished out the new model.”
“Well if they haven’t stopped yet, it won’t be long until they do. I wouldn’t have gotten a new one for so cheap otherwise.” Burrow answered. “Besides, you said Miss Centaur wanted to play pokemon, right? The 3DS can play some version of every generation, so if she likes the main games, it’s pretty much all she’ll need.”
“What if she wants to trade?”
“Hydro, you don’t give someone their first pokemon game and NOT offer to be there to trade with them.”
“Well I can’t argue with that. Mostly because I only barely follow.” Hydro shrugged. Once they reached the front gate, Hydro pressed the button and spoke into the PA system. “Hey, it’s Hydro Man. Got a potato delivery for Centaur.”
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dpn-datalogs · 4 years
Hydro, try and catch Burrow
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“BURROW YOU GET UP HERE AND SETTLE DOWN RIGHT NOW!” Hydro shot a Grapple Anchor out, hoping to hook the little gremlin. What instead happened was Burrow burst out of the surface like a graceful dolphin-tato and grabbed the anchor.
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“Hydro! Let’s play dry water-skiing!”
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“Wait, how would that even-YIPE!” Without warning, Hydro started getting dragged all over the Foundation’s front lawn as Burrow held his anchor and dig around at high speed. Honestly, the whole scene felt like something out of Looney Tunes and it was decimating the lawn.
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“What in sam hill are those two doing!? I’m gonna have to get the whole place landscaped now!”
(2/5) (2/5)
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dpn-datalogs · 5 years
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“So, Dr. Cossack vishes to adopt more Robot Masters? Vell, the more he can save from Vily, the better.”
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“He’s not gonna adopt you, is he!?”
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“No, Bouquet, of course not. Though at this rate, I vould not be terribly surprised if he at least tried.”
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“He better not! You’re a Prescott now, not a coffee sack!”
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“If anyone tries to take you away, we’ll get Beetle and Scimi to beat ‘em up!”
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“Hahah...okay guys, that’s enough. Shade’s not going anywhere, so there’s no need to get worked up. Right, Sha-”
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“Shade, are you crying?”
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“I...I've never felt so loved and vanted before...this varmth in my heart... I pray it vould never end...”
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dpn-datalogs · 5 years
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“This is Spooperween! This is Spooperween!”
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“I think Halloween’s tomorrow, actually.”
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“Yeah, little buddy?”
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“Dah! Okay, it’s Spooperween!”
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dpn-datalogs · 5 years
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Keep an eye on your inbox, folks. This gallant little spud’s on his way to your askbox in search of sweet treats on this, the most spoopiest of months! I’ll be flinging him at any askbox I can think of pretty much all through October!
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dpn-datalogs · 4 years
Crammed into the foundation's mailbox is a crude package. The package itself contains two very fluffy, soft scarves, one striped brown and yellow, and one in tones of green and silver. A note pinned on the packafe reads : "From Diggy, to Bouquet and Burrow. I figured you'd rather not have a dumb ol' rock for Christmas."
The two young bots looked at their gifts, then each other before screaming.
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Without a moment’s hesitation, the two childbots were bundled up and on their way out the door.
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“Kids, wait, I can dri-”
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“And they’re gone...are they gonna be alright?”
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“I wouldn’t worry, Alex. They’re just off to spread a little Christmas cheer is all.”
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