The best part about not having a gender is that every sort of attraction I feel is gay
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honestly i find it mind-blowing that some people really think it’s not a big deal that 10 years ago a gender-nonconforming little boy playing with barbies or something was considered definitely gay and now he’d be considered definitely in need of psychiatric and medical intervention but like in a progressive way. 
Ditto for young girls who want to keep their hair short and who don’t show a large enough interest in the feminine uniform and beauty rituals meant to prepare them for and usher them toward a life of heterosexuality. 
op is a terf this is literally a terf post
do you think that maybe the reason people agree with this terf post is because pathologizing traits associated with homosexuality in children is wrong regardless of who is stating this opinion? 
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This was a tag in a reblog of one of my posts.
Aces created the split attraction model which helps a lot of people understand their feelings and question compulsory heterosexuality.
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hey guys
so! I’m back- very curious to see what’s going on here. sorry I had to leave for a few weeks due to mental health issues and personal shit. sorry guys- please message me on what I missed out on!!!
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Watch: Amber Ruffin proves once again why she’s ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’ strongest comedic voice
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Gisella Perl was forced to work as a doctor in Auschwitz concentration camp during the holocaust.
She was ordered to report ever pregnant women do the physician Dr. Josef Mengele, who would then use the women for cruel experiments (e.g. vivisections) before killing them.
She saved hundreds of women by performing abortions on them before their pregnancy was discovered, without having access to basic medical supplies. She became known as the “Angel of Auschwitz”.
After being rescued from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp she tried to commit suicide, but survived, recovered and kept working as a gynecologist, delivering more than 3000 babies.
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why r people going to a ted cruz blog for bisexual/lesbian representation
never in my life did i think i would be asked this question
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wow “feminism ruins everything”. Says a lot.
pregnancy is not inherently female. when we are raped and forced to bear children and have our wombs be what they use to chain us, then pregnancy is female. You will never be pregnant
Biology? Pppffff social construct
I love when people talking about periods put the fucking (fe) in quotes. The fe is not optional. How the fuck are you making periods male?
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Troll or actual TRA? In these times, it’s getting harder and harder to tell.
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We always say transgenderism is a cult, which I agree with to a degree but then do nothing about it. A post highlighted that. I think it’s important we read up on cults and how to deal with people in them. I’m seeing the way we treat people on here, especially females who are trans, as being counterproductive. The methods of arguement are in vain since we are going about this all the wrong way.
I found this nice link that explains in depth about how to treat someone in a cult. Most of this information may not be necessary for casual arguments on the internet, but may be helpful for anyone dealing with this with a friend or family member.
It includes links to books for further reading if that’s what you want. I also encourage everyone to peruse Google for more information.
But in the end, when confronting people spouting out blatant lies and acting belligerent towards us, the BEST way to get to them is through empathy, compassion and calmness. I think this works better with females especially. And of course, you’re not obligated to use this with males as we’re not here to coddle them.
I just think if we approached these girls/women as humans instead of the embodiment of the dogma we dislike, we could reach more people. Break down the barriers to them understanding what led them to the movement they’re in. That’s just what I’ve been thinking.
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In 1989, after two years working on the streets, Valisce visited the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC) in Christchurch.
“I was looking for some support, perhaps to exit prostitution, but all I was offered was condoms,” she says.
She was also invited to the collective’s regular wine and cheese social on Friday nights.
“They started talking about how stigma against ‘sex workers’ was the worst thing about it, and that prostitution is just a job like any other,” Valisce remembers.
It somehow made what she was doing seem more palatable.
She became the collective’s massage parlour co-ordinator and an enthusiastic supporter of its campaign for the full decriminalisation of all aspects of the sex trade, including pimps.
“It felt like there was a revolution coming. I was so excited about how decriminalisation would make things better for the women,” she says.
Decriminalisation arrived in 2003, and Valisce attended the celebration party held by the prostitutes’ collective.
But she soon became disillusioned.
The Prostitution Reform Act allowed brothels to operate as legitimate businesses, a model often hailed as the safest option for women in the sex trade.
In the UK, the Home Affairs Select Committee has been considering a number of different approaches towards the sex trade, including full decriminalisation. But Valisce says that in New Zealand it was a disaster, and only benefited the pimps and punters.
The receptionist was yelling at her, telling her to get back to work - I grabbed my belongings and left
“I thought it would give more power and rights to the women,” she says. “But I soon realised the opposite was true.”
One problem was that it allowed brothel owners to offer punters an “all-inclusive” deal, whereby they would pay a set amount to do anything they wanted with a woman.
“One thing we were promised would not happen was the ‘all-inclusive’,” says Valisce. “Because that would mean the women wouldn’t be able to set the price or determine which sexual services they offered or refused - which was the mainstay of decriminalisation and its supposed benefits.”
Aged 40, Valisce approached a brothel in Wellington for a job, and was shocked by what she saw.
“During my first shift, I saw a girl come back from an escort job who was having a panic attack, shaking and crying, and unable to speak. The receptionist was yelling at her, telling her to get back to work. I grabbed my belongings and left,” she says.
Shortly afterwards, she told the prostitutes’ collective in Wellington what she had witnessed. “What are we doing about this?” she asked. “Are we working on any services to help get out?”
She was “absolutely ignored”, she says, and finally left the prostitutes’ collective.
Until then, the organisation had been her only source of support, a place to go where no-one judged her for working in the sex trade.
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That’s how she looked
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I adore her. She poisoned their soup (she was working in the cantine and was forced to serve the occupying nazis) and ATE the same soup to proove her innocence. Then she rushed home to her grandma who gave her a whole jar of milk to drink and throw up.
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Know any of these guys? Full article at http://www.feministcurrent.com/2017/04/23/names-104-men-arrested-trying-buy-sex-children/
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Christopher Street Liberation Day, New York City, June 24, 1978
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So this morning I woke up having bled all over my pad, my underwear, my pajama pants, and my bed sheets. I had pains in my back so bad that I couldn’t stand up straight. So much so that I had to ask my husband to wash the bloodstains out of my clothes and sheets because I was just in too much pain and the hot water from the shower helps in times like these.
I have PCOS, so this is normal, but I’ve seldom had bad mornings like this.
I can tell you that at that moment, I didn’t love my body. Crying in the shower as I rinsed blood off my legs and letting the hot water hit me to make the pain go away, it isn’t fun. Now I’m in fresh clothes, I have a warm cup of tea in hand and the painkillers are starting to work, my brain is still a little foggy, but I feel mostly like myself. I happened to remember through all of this that post by @rosedave wherein he admonished us so-called “terfs” for our period blood-guzzling ways. In that moment, crying in the shower, I might have been that “normal person who menstruates” who, in rosedave’s mind, deals with their period the correct way, with detachment and disgust at their body. 
What I think the biggest issue with that post is that it doesn’t realize how the mindset of period as this evil, monstrous thing has been used against women. My privileged self, sitting in 2017 with my husband who didn’t balk at cleaning blood out of my underwear, also has a hard time envisioning it, although a little less so than men who will never experience a period.
Because here’s the thing: for thousands of years, this bleeding has been used against women. Women were told by the men in their lives, men who would have claimed to love them, that this thing their body does, the reason they can promulgate the human race, is what makes them inferior, what justifies their subjection, what makes them less in the eyes of their god than men. And these women had no choice but to believe these lies. 
In some places in the world, this still happens. Young girls and women are barred from school, and sent to period huts because they are seen as impure. Even in the west, echoes of this inheritance persist. You can see this when advertisements for period pads will use a blue liquid instead of actual blood to demonstrate a point about absorbency. These ads with highlight discretion rather than comfort and practicality.
This is why radical feminists try so hard to love our bodies and our periods, even when it is difficult. The entire world is telling us we mustn’t, even progressive liberals who claim to be women themselves. We have to remove the shame and stigma around our bodies ourselves, because not even our supposed allies will help us in this task. It’s not out of (what you think, rosedave) our supposed hatred toward transwomen, but because our bodies, our selves, are made to be a source of shame. We need to reclaim our periods so we can stop being made to feel ashamed of them. So we continue the work started by women in past who risked everything that we might be able to open declare our love for our bodies and our periods. 
And if you can’t see that value in that, then what right do you have to call yourself a feminist?
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tbh I wanna talk about this to the terf community and the reasons why I am starting to agree with yall. Or why i did i guess. I havehad a "brother" who was literally a pedophile and tried to sexually assault my little sister when she was only like 11 or 12. He then became "trans" and blamed it all on dysphoria and I'm so sad he is allowed to exist out in the world because he's dangerous -M
(cont) I wish I could be 100% open and honest about this to the people in my life but anytime I’ve tried they ALWAYS say well despite the fact he’s a literal violent sociopathic pedophile, he is trans so you have to respect that. NO. WHAT. NO. I RESPECT MY SISTER WHO I LOVE AND EVERY WOMAN WHO HAS EVER BEEN A VICTIM OF MALE VIOLENCE. But I can’t be honest ever because the fucking trans cult would ruin my career which is starting to grow big time -MI literally wish he was dead. He’s a dangerous individual who I have refused ANY contact with since the incident and my sister has serious damage and trauma from it despite it being year and years ago. The worst part is I know he’s been halfway honest about the HORRIBLE psychopath he is but the “trans community” has literally welcomed him with open arms because him pretending to be a woman is more important I guess -M
I am so so sorry for not answering this sooner. I went through the same exact thing. A boy at our school began to call himself a trans girl, because he discovered that he could touch girls and do whatever the hell he wanted to with no pushback. I supported him in my utmost, wanting to be ‘kind’ as everyone told me to be. I had just discovered my own sexuality, but he immedialy started groping me and saying that if I was a real lesbian I would like him and that I was being transphobic. Worst of all, others supported him, my own female friends letting him touch them because they were afraid of being labeled as bigoted. When I was sexually assaulted by this man, people did not listen. He was a trans woman and I was being ‘gatekeepy’. I saw my own community stand behind an abuser of myself and my friends simply because he said he was a woman. I lost the only space I had ever felt safe in. 
I am so sorry about what happened to you and your sister. Thank you for being strong and recognizing that we should not be caught up in fucking gender labels when someone commits a heinous crime. Jesus. Message me anytime about it, god I wish I could do more. 
Even under the mask of progressivism, they still cheer on those who abuse women. 
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Guys the reason all of us gay women are so stupid is like. We literally have no cultural touchstones. Like we have a meagre amount of books and movies and most of them aren’t realistic…all of our brick and mortar spaces-women’s bookstores, music festivals, bars specifically FOR women- are disappearing. Like we learn either by being taught (impossible because a ton of people don’t even know other wuh luh wuh where they live) or by imitating behaviour modelled by people around us (impossible because we have next to no spaces or media where that behaviour can be openly displayed). On top of that in the rare instance we DO get a gay romance it’s usually between thin conventionally attractive able bodied white women which like…describes the lived experiences of next to no one in the community and thus isn’t applicable to most people’s lives.
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hey guys! sorry for not being active and not answering asks. I think im finally back after a long absence. v fucked up by someone I knew and my friends loved was murdered, and school has been the worst. 
whats the new drama + hope you are all doing well 
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