sunflowersdorm · 4 years
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
colors in portuguese ☆
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black - preto
white - branco
blue - azul
red - vermelho
yellow - amarelo
green - verde
brown - marrom
ivory - marfim
silver - prata
golden - dourado
purple - roxo
lilac - lilás
orange - laranja
navy blue - azul marinho
pea green - verde claro
gray - cinza
pink - rosa
bronze - bronze
In almost all of these colors, we use “claro” when it is in a lighter shade and “escuro” when it is in a darker shade, such as: azul - blue / azul claro - light blue or vermelho escuro - crimson. We also use “azul escuro” in azul marinho - navy blue. Only a few colors have a different name from their basic shade, like roxo e lilás / purple and lilac. 
These are the colors we use the most in Portuguese. If you are going to buy inks in a special shop, you’ll definitely find more variations of these names. 
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
☆ As many languages originated from Latin, in Portuguese all nouns have genders, which means we almost don’t have a neutral noun. Is important to know their gender designation, since this can change the entire meaning of a sentence (also because all elements must agree within themselves). The gender designations are masc: -o / fem: -a. 
Sometimes we can find masc. nouns ending with -a, for example: o clima (the weather) as you can see, it ends with a. And fem. ending with -o, for example: a mão (the hand) ending with -o. 
Usually, words ending with –ção, –são, –ssão, –agem, –dade, –triz, –ase, –ese, –ise and –ose are fem. words. You can get used to it with time.
Words ending with –or are usually masc. words. 
In the Dictionary, nouns that designate people and animals are always in their masc. form, for example: gato (male cat), cantor (man* singer). All these words have fem. forms: gata, cantora.
We have a few neutral words, some of them end with –ante, –ente and –ista, for example: adolescente (teenager), artista (artista). 
☆ Portuguese nouns are also countable, they are always marked with the letter S in the end, such as: game - games/jogo - jogos, but this is something you can easily learn with time. There’s a few rules with some of these nouns, but this is a general rule that will get you in a really good start . Once you get familiar with the language, you will be able to easily identify them. 
A few examples of uncountable nouns: família - family, arroz - rice, água - water.
And that’s it for now!!
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
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last year i used to sleep from 5 am to 10 am every day and it was Not Good for me. i’ve gotten a couple of questions about my sleep schedule so i thought i’d share some tips that helped me adopt a healthier sleep schedule. enjoy 🛏💤
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
most common verbs in portuguese ☆
ser - to be
estar - to be
ficar - to stay
dizer - to say
ter - to have
ir - to go
fazer - to do
dar - to give
saber - to know
querer - to want
ver - to see
falar - to talk
ouvir - to listen
ler - to read
achar - to find
deixar - to leave
sair - to exit/leave
chegar - to arrive
passar - to pass
pedir - to ask
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
How to learn a language and its culture together
1 Learn typical recipes (maybe try to recreate them)
2 Watch movies (not only the genres and themes you prefer, but watch their classic movies that everyone there already watched)
3 Listen to music (same as 2)
4 Watch and read the news (follow the news on social media)
5 Watch people travelling around the country
6 Follow youtubers (the vloggers who visit buildings, who talk about festivals and holidays and do stuff at the town)
7 Read books (you can read in english and then re-read in the target language, it’ll make easier)
8 Follow random people on social media (in that way you’ll can see the everyday language, photos of some city, political stuff, etc)
9 Follow meme pages - memes aren’t spaceless and timeless, they talk about some subject the people from that culture are talking about
10 Talk to natives and ask them about their daily lives
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
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Hello, lovelies! I’ve gotten a couple of asks about studying so I decided to condense them into one post for you guys! I’m trying to hit a bunch of different topics so if you need an even more specific post you can send an ask! Without any further ado, have some tips! My studyblr is @spacey-scholar​
First, you always need a good base for your day! Especially if you’re studying a lot.
Make a good full breakfast! Ex. Eggs and Toast, Smoothie and fruit, Pancakes and a cup of juice. 
How’s your hygiene? Do you need to shower, brush your teeth, wash your face, condition your hair? Do it! You’ll be distracted if you feel messy!
Get dressed like it’s a normal day. Staying in PJ’s is okay! But being ready for the day seriously helps focus!
Likewise, your space should be clean. A clean space is a clean mind! Remove dishes, trash, scrap paper, and extra items. Wide down your desk, organize your pens and books. Your space should feel like your space!
Now make a list of what you need to get done! What needs to be done Now, what needs to be done Soon, and what needs to be done Later? 
Order your list how you want your day to go, and don’t put super-tough subjects back to back, or subjects that are similar exercises i.e. reading thirty pages of two different books back to back is no fun.
The Studying
It’s important to buckle down with No Distractions! If you find yourself distracted put your phone away! If you need your phone, put it on Do Not Disturb until you’re done. I also do this at night for better sleep. 
Pick the best technique for you, Pomodoro, reward-based, group studying, etc.
Play music but only if it will not distract you! If you sing along or daydream it’s the wrong music! Classical, Lo-fi, and White noise are all good! My Spotify Here has some good ones.
Use a nice journal (I don’t mean expensive!) and pens/pencils you enjoy using. I like to have a specific journal and color dedicated to each subject. 
Take notes on recorded lectures and classes, if you’re doing online classes right now try to screen record or record the audio! That way if you space out you can play it later and take notes, and you can absorb the lesson better instead of being distracted.
Don’t worry about your notes, stationary, pictures, being beautiful and your grades being perfect. Life doesn’t always look the way it does on Instagram. And the people who spend hours trying to get a good photo of their coffee are not studying! 
Use flashcards! Quizlet is good if you need premade ones! If you can save up and buy them, Barrons AP Flash Cards are the best in my opinion. Very clean, not too long, very durable, and cover all subjects.
Feeling Distracted 
If you catch yourself drifting off and getting into your head, get up and take a quick walk, stretch, or energizer. 
It’s okay if this happens, don’t guilt yourself! practice affirmation. The best and smartest still get distracted. 
If you are drifting, why? Are you hungry? Tired? Thirsty? Bored? Get a snack and some water, take a break and rest, find a way to make your studying more enjoyable. 
Remember that Motivation and Discipline are different things. Sometimes we just won’t be motivated, we won’t want to do it and it will be rather frustrating. But the cure to this is not shaming its discipline. Remind yourself “This may be hard, and I may not want to do this, but I want to reach my goals and If this is what It takes I will make it happen. 
Always do just one more page of you’re tired. One at a time and oh you did it! Maybe just one more? One more? Eh, one more just to finish the train of thought, Oh just- I’m done? Nice!
If you really can’t focus just move on and come back to this subject, you can always ask for help.
Supplementary Things
There are so many apps you can use to study, for free! My favorites are Tide, Quizlet, Focus Keeper, Forest, Flora, Egenda, SpanishDict, Photomath, and Kahn Academy. 
You can also join a study group! You may know one, but if you don’t, there are a lot of online ones! I’m in a study Discord and have been for a while! it helps a lot and motivates me to finish my work!
You can make a studyblr, but don’t do it just for the aesthetics! It’s about studying, and sometimes that gets messy! Sometimes we fail a test, we spill our tea on our notes, we cry because we don’t understand the formula. That’s the part you don’t see!
Having cute stationery can really help, as well as nice organizers and decorations for your space! I don’t have much money so I get a lot of stuff on Amazon or FB Marketplace.
Remember that no matter what you are good enough. It’s okay if you fail, it’s okay if you struggle.
It’s also okay if your path doesn’t go the way you expected! Maybe you go to a different school than expected! Or choose a trade instead! Maybe you take a gap year! Maybe your passion changes! Maybe it changes six times!
Your health is always more important than your school. If you are in pain, mentally or physically, if you are anxious, exhausted, burnt out, talk to your teachers about it! You matter more than a grade.
Your best is good enough! And your best doesn’t look the same as someone else’s best! Don’t compare!
Now go get out there and study!
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sunflowersdorm · 4 years
hello ☆
well, i’m not new here, but i FINALLY decided to start a langblr. the decision came last week when i saw someone wanting to learn portuguese but she couldn’t for a few personal reasons, but then i thought “well, why not? i’m almost getting my degree in teaching portuguese, anyways, i think this will help me a lot in this quarantine and it will be nice to help others too”, so yeah, is not really a big deal, but i think this will be nice. anyways.. i guess that’s it. i’ll start updating soon.
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