starsinthebranches · 3 years
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starsinthebranches · 3 years
Science and witchcraft are NOT diametrically opposed, and today I want to expand on that a little.
Not every witch reveres the Earth, but a lot of us do. When, for example, science tells us the relative age of the planet, we don't have to thumb through an old book to find a disagreeing figure. Whenever science tells us something about the Earth, it is a wondrous discovery. It is information that further describes the divinity we see in nature. Witches have often been called stewards of the Earth. When science tells us the Earth is in danger and there are things we can do to stop it, we take this very seriously.
Every witch author I grew up reading seemed to agree on one principle: Magick is not your only solution. Magick is a tool you use to bolster your efforts toward achieving what you want. Witches do not float through life waiting for a higher power to answer our prayers. We are active agents in shaping our own lives.
When you are unemployed, you do a prosperity spell AND go job hunting. When you don't have all the answers, you use divination AND seek out new information. When you are sick, you seek medical treatment AND cast a healing spell. Magick is not a substitute for medical treatment, and it sure as hell isn't a substitute for VACCINES. Magick does not invalidate all the breakthrough medical discoveries that can be used to save lives. Magick is to be used in conjunction with medicine.
Witchcraft has often been called the "craft of the wise" and there are certainly witches out there who love to tout themselves as wise. Disavowing science for any reason other than better science is not wisdom. That is ignorance.
It's important to remember that there is more to science than simply physical science. The social sciences are important too. In psychology and sociology, the function of ritual is well established. Ritual helps tune the human mind into a desired pattern and connects communities of people together. The ritual need not be religious or magickal for this to occur. A birthday party, a baby shower, or a meal after a ball game can be a ritual, and so can a spell or sabbat ceremony.
When witches use spells or other magickal techniques to affect their mood or mental state, these rituals can have actual psychological effects. When witches gather together for a spell or ritual, they can generate what sociologist Emile Durkheim called "collective effervescence," a phenomenon common in all religious/spiritual groups. Collective effervescence describes individuals in a group coming together to share the same thoughts and actions and create an excitement of emotion. There are of course pros and cons to this phenomenon, but the results are still real to those experiencing them.
There is a reason alchemy and chemistry contain the same root word. Alchemy, a medieval practice attempting to use magic to transform matter, was the precursor to chemistry, the science of how substances react to each other. The old arts of herbalism and midwifery, commonly ascribed to "witches," gave birth to the field of medicine. The pursuit of magick lead directly to the creation of science.
Lastly, I want to discuss the notion that a lack of scientific proof of magick is evidence that magick is not real. First of all, several phenomena once labeled as magic have been scientifically proven and explained. Second, science never claims to have found an ultimate answer. Science tells us what might be "true" to the best of our current knowledge, and always allows for the appearance of new knowledge to change what we know to be "true." Even scientific laws such as gravity and light are subject to scrutiny should new information be discovered. To claim something is not "real" because it has not yet been proven demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of scientific principles and the history of scientific discovery as a whole.
Ultimately, you are all allowed to formulate your own opinions on this topic, and to agree, disagree, and expand on mine. But none of that will ever shake my own truth, which is that witchcraft has created both value and results in my own life. Disagree all you want, but your opinion cannot change what I have already experienced.
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starsinthebranches · 3 years
✨$10 Tarot Readings✨
Hello lovely people!
I could use an extra bit of income this holiday season so to try and make a little extra money I will be offering tarot readings for $10. I am quite new at this, but I've been told that I have good intuition and I think this is a great way to continue learning.
If you are interested, please DM me and I'll give you more details. If there is enough interest I might set up a website to keep it going.
If you wouldn't mind reblogging this post to help me spread the word, I would be forever grateful ❤️
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
"...plants that reach for the sun have a strong solar quality, which lends itself to workings of healing, happiness, and joy.
Plants that are poisonous or develop strong root systems and return year after year have a saturnine quality, lending themselves to necromancy, cursing, and dark spirit work.
Plants with barbs, thorns, or irritants are martial in nature and are useful for defense and success in competitive areas.
If a plant has large, fragrant blossoms, it can be said to possess a venereal nature, potent in love, friendship, and beauty.
Plants that hold watery or milky substances or enjoy the shade have a lunar quality, useful in divination and foresight.
Plants with complex, small leaves or petals that flutter in the wind often have a mercurial nature, useful for learning, communication, and trade.
Plants that produce prolific nuts or seeds are connected to the planetary force of Jupiter, useful for success, wealth, and influence."
- Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, and the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner by Roger J. Horne
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
A Witch’s Ingredients: Sand
Sand is an abundant resource that can be found across the world including along the coasts, through deserts and even in many people’s yards and gardens. Sand is rather easy to obtain and natural making it ideal for witchcraft. Though some types of sand may be harder to obtain, and more costly, than others, let this post be a guide on how to utilize it for its magical properties.
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Types of Sand & Their Correspondences
Beach/Coastal Sand: calming, grounding, cleansing, connecting to the sea, self-love, protection and warding, motivation, memory, spiritual clarity, purification of the heart, easing pain, physical and spiritual strength, can represent both the elements of earth and water
Ocean Sand (from the ocean floor/deep sea): primordial energy, banishing negative emotions and energy, grounding, mental clarity, psychic clarity and strengthening, divination, guidance, ancient wisdom and power, connections to the sea and primordial waters, birth, creation, can represent both the elements of earth and water
Desert Sand: curses and removing energy from others, weakening, draining, banishing, grounding, mental clarity, physical health, enduring hardships, “drying up” love and past emotions, healing heartbreak, burying the past, often related to burial ceremonies
Volcanic Sand: destruction, intense energy, strength, death, rebirth, banishing, secrets or hidden messages, warding, baneful magic, offensive magic, often represents both earth and fire at once
River Sand/Silt: fertility, procreation, movement, flowing energy, travels, change
Lake/Pond Sand: the present, calmness, serenity, inner focus, self-reflection and meditation
Swamp/Wetland Sand: mystery, secret keeping, silencing lies and rumors, binding, curses related to becoming lost or emotional heaviness, often represents both water and earth at once, often related to animal magic specifically those that live in swamp land
Unearthed/Buried Sand: grounding, hidden power, addressing past issues and mistakes, overcoming controversy, self-discovery, introspection, emotional healing, moving on from past scars
Biogenic Sand/Bone Sand/Shell Sand: healing, moving on emotionally, remembrance but letting go of the pain and loss, honoring those lost (often at or to the sea), close connections to necromancy
Black Sand: protection, warding, banishing, relates to necromancy and spirit work
Pink Sand: love, beauty, youth, harmony, adjusting to change, remembering the past and lost loved ones, rebirth, emotional and mental healing, forgiveness of self and others
Red Sand: strength, courage, valor, relates to fire rather than earth
Yellow Sand: divination, focus, improving memory and skills, mental health, grounding and centering, represents both earth and air elements sometimes both at once
White Sand: purity, cleansing, protection, wisdom, preparing for change, physical and emotional balance, harmonizes all aspects of oneself
Combinations of Sand and Other Ingredients
Sand and Soil: grounding, balance, cleansing, protection of loved ones and family
Sand and Salt: change, growing power, dreams, purification, warding, protection, longevity
Sand and Ash: remembrance, the past, divination
Sand and Clay: change, mental fortitude
Sand and Kelp/Seaweed: beauty, youth, birth, fertility, the ocean
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The History
Not much history on the use of sand in magic from what I can find that is a reliable source, but I was able to find some bits about its use.
Sand has been used in connections to rituals for the dead and in burial practices in many different cultures to a varying degree. In some sand was used for burying the deceased such as very early Ancient Egypt for its mummification properties before better mummification methods were invented and utilized. Placing sand into graves or coffins of the deceased somethings as a means to connect them to their homelands if that person was traveling into foreign lands or countries. Some stories speak about mixing the ashes of the dead with sand to be kept in the home. Other stories tell of people mixes ashes from fires or the hearth with sand and casting it out into the sea for lost sailors who could not be brought home. 
Sand was also used historical in some types of spell jars and vessels. In some places sand was put into jars and bottles and given to sailors to keep them connected to home even when sailing. Others said carrying sand could protect one from being lost at sea or from disaster, likely where the history of sand being used for protection properties came from. It has also been used in witch’s bottles and for burying spells for varying purposes. Some cultures would bury offerings to deities into the sand of beaches or deserts.
Modern Use
Sand is still a common ingredient for many sea witches and worshipers of ocean related deities to utilize in their craft and in their altars. Deities commonly related to sand are Poseidon, Aphrodite, Psamathe, Thalassa, Aegir, Neptune and Veles. Sand is also often used in altars to represent either earth or water when representing the cardinal directions or the 4 elements. Some will use sand to represent both in cases of smaller altars.
Modernly, sand is often used in spell jars and bottles when used in spellwork or as a vessel to charge, cleanse and bury objects or tools such as crystals, poppets, amulets and trinkets. Sea witches or witches with accesses to large amount of sand will often use it for grounding and circle casting. Some will use it for runes and sigils as well.
Storing Sand
For those wishing to store and use collected sand ensure that there is nothing undesirable in it - garbage, sharp bits of glass, decomposing fish or animals, insects etc. Shift it thoroughly to ensure anything that could be potentially dangerous is removed and if needed properly disposed of. Once the sand has been shifted ensure it is dry before you seal it into anything.
Wet sand can house bacteria and mold - which can also smell quite foul when the container is opened again. You can use the sun to dry it or indoor heaters at a safe distance. Spread it out thin and flat to help ensure it is thoroughly dried if it is damp or wet.
Once dried the best way to store sand is inside of glass or ceramic vessels. Jars and bottles are the most ideal. Ensure that they are sealed tightly to ensure no spillage or condensation can get inside.
**this post was personally researched, compiled and directly from my personal grimoire. Please do not repost**
Like my blog and posts? Feel free to support continued content on this blog by donating to my Ko-Fi page! Or ask me for my paypal!
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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NAMES: Camomile, Earth Apple, English/Roman Chamomile, Garden Chamomile, German Chamomile, Hungarian Chamomile, Matricaria Chamomilla, Scented Mayweed
GENDER: Masculine
DEIRIES: Cernunnos, Mercury, Oshun, Ra, St. Anne
Calm anxiety
Can reduce swelling
Help combat stress
Help control blood sugar
Help promote digestive health
Help reduce negative feelings
Improve heart rate
Improve sleep quality
With Milk: soothe a stomach ache, treat insomnia, and reduce anxiety
Attract a lover
Attract happyness and well-being
Attract money
Banish negativity
Bring pleasant dreams
Get rid of negative energies
Get yourself calm and centered
Heal and regenerate the Spirit within
Promotes peace and tranquility
Useful in breaking curses
A bath with just chamomile and lavender will send you into a deep sleep.
Burn chamomile as an incense for calming meditation and sleep.
Good for protection, self-love, and beauty spells.
Place a full dried chamomile flower in your wallet / with your financial papers to have balance between in-comings and outgoings.
Place fresh or dried flowers in the bedroom for protection and to promote sweet dreams.
Sprinkle strong chamomile tea around your house to remove negative energy or curses.
Use in a pre-ritual bath (with lavender, mugwort, and catnip) for protection, purification, to induce visions.
Use it in the bath / as a face wash to increase self-love. 
Used in spells to call down the sun / charge magical items with the sun’s energy.
Wash your hands with chamomile infusion to attract luck.
Curse removal
Dream Magic
Induce sleep and Meditaton
Love spell
Money spell
Prosperty spell
Protection Spell
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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Pronunciation Of The Wiccan Holidays
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The names that are generally used to denote the Wiccan sabbats (as well as festivals of many pagan traditions) come from Gaelic (both Scots and Irish), Welsh, Norse, and Anglo-Saxon. There are variations of pronunciations for each one.
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Samhain (31 Oct)
Irish Gaelic for "summer's end." The standard Irish pronunciation is "sow-in" with the "ow" like in "cow." Other pronunciations that follow with the many Gaelic dialects include "sow-een" "shahvin" "sowin" (with "ow" like in "glow").
The Scots Gaelic spelling is "Samhuin" or "Samhuinn." There is no linguistic foundation for saying this word "samhane" the way it might look if it were English. When in doubt, just say "Hallows" or even "Hallowe'en."
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Yule (21 Dec)
Norse for "wheel." It's pretty much pronounced just like it looks, although if you want to make a stab at a Scandinavian sound, it'll be more like "yool" and less like "yewl." This is the winter solstice.
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Imbolg/Imbolc (1 Feb)
Irish Gaelic for "in the belly." Pronounce this one "IM-bullug" or "IM-bulk" with a guttural "k" on the end. Other names include Candlemas; Brighid (pronounced "breed"), who is the Irish goddess whose festival this is; and Oimelc (pronounced EE-mulk), which means "ewe's milk" in Scots Gaelic.
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Ostara (21 Mar)
Saxon name for a maiden goddess of spring, loosely connected to Astarte and Ishtar. This one's easy -- "o-STAHR-uh." Other names include Eostre (say "OHS-truh" or "EST-truh"). This is the spring equinox.
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Beltane/Bealtaine (30 April)
Irish Gaelic for either "fires of Bel" or "bright fires." If you want to try it in Gaelic, you can say "bee-YAWL-tinnuh" or "BELL-tinnuh." Unlike Samhain, this word can within the linguistic structure of its language of origin be pronounced like it looks -- "BELL-tane" -- without totally abandoning its original construction. Other names are Walpurgisnacht (vawl-PUR-gis-nahkt) and May Day.
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Litha (21 Jun)
Norse or Anglo-Saxon for "longest day." You can say this one just like it looks, or you can try for a Scandinavian sound and say "leetha" with the "th" more like a "t." This is the summer solstice.
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Lughnasadh/Lunasa or Lammas (1 Aug)
The first is Irish Gaelic for "festival of Lugh" (a major Irish deity); the second is Anglo-Saxon for "festival of the loaves" ("hlaf-mass"). Don't panic at that spelling; the second (which is modern Irish as opposed to old Irish) tells you all you need to know.
Say "LOO-nah-sah." (Some people maintain that the Scots dialect says it "LOO-nah-soo.") Lammas is just like it looks, "LAH-mus."
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Mabon (21 Sep)
This is believed to be a form of the Welsh word for "son." Therefore, it would probably be pronounced "MA-bon" with the "a" like in "mass." However, most Wiccans and pagans say "MAY-bon." This is the autumn equinox.
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Article Source : https://clubs.ncsu.edu/spm/FAQ/11pronounce.html
Image Source : https://www.instagram.com/p/B4aX5vVHBX_/?igshid=llpzumjzbbcb
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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Nature + Witch + Writer Moodboard requested by @caleidoscopicstardust
(Requests Reopen Soon)
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
Black-Owned Metaphysical & Spiritual Supply Store Directory 🕯🌿💎💸✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to buy all of my magick supplies - candles, herbs, crystals, etc. - from Black-owned businesses this year but I couldn’t find a comprehensive list anywhere.
So, I’m starting a list of online stores, so I’ll know where to go. 
Black Cat Apothecary ~ Dallas Hoodoo Drug Store
The Original Grandma’s Candle Shop
Serpent’s Kiss ~ Magick Shop & Botanica
Demure Lyfe
Nirvana Wild
Free Spiiirit
Strings of Success
JDRXX on StoreEnvy
REDWholistic on Etsy
Siren Garden
Ashley’s Naturals
The Hood Witch
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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St. John’s Wort:
Side Effects: Insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, upset stomach, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, skin rash, and diarrhea.
Drug Interactions: Antidepressants, allergy medications, cough medicines, immunosuppressants, HIV medication, birth control, sedatives, anticoagulants, and other drugs.
Side Effects: Insomnia, menstrual problems, breast pain, increased heart rate, high or low blood pressure, headaches, loss of appetite, diarrhea, itching, skin rash, dizziness, mood changes, and vaginal bleeding.
Drug Interactions: Anticoagulants, antidepressants, anti-diabetic medications, aspirin, and morphine
Side Effects: Headaches, excitability, uneasiness, and insomnia.
Drug Interactions: Alcohol, anti-anxiety medications, and sedatives.
Side Effects: Constipation, headaches, skin irritation, and increased appetite.
Drug Interactions: Sedatives
Side Effects: Drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and thinning of the blood.
Drug Interactions: Alcohol, anti-anxiety medications, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, antifungal drugs, birth control, insomnia medications, and sedatives.
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, sore throat, muscle or joint pain, dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, confusion, and insomnia.
Drug Interactions: Caffeine, immunosuppressants, and CYP’s
Aloe Vera:
Side Effects: Skin irritation, painful abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.
Drug Interactions: Laxatives, antidiabetes medications, anticoagulants, and diuretic medications.
Milk Thistle:
Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, intestinal discomfort, bloating, pain, and loss of appetite.
Drug Interactions: CYP’s, cholesterol medications, and estrogen supplements.
WARNING:  This is a short list of common herbs used by witches, and in witchcraft, and is by no means a completed list.  Most herbs, if not all herbs, have side effects, or can potentially interact with other medications.  So, please, never take any herbal supplements, or herbal remedies unless you have consulted with a doctor, or a medical professional beforehand.  Stay safe, honey bees!
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
Anti-Anxiety Magick
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Anti-Anxiety Tea
Add 2 teaspoons of valerian root to 1 cup of boiling water. As it steeps, chant:
Nervous anxiety, you are dead
Roots and water, soothe my head
Bring to me your calming peace
As I will, so mote it be!
Though very effective, this tea has a strong flavor that some people find unpleasant. To cut the taste, you might want to heavily sweeten with honey.
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Vanilla Candle Spell
Hold a vanilla scented candle in both hands until the wax feels warm to the touch, then chant three times:
Vanilla, chase this mess away
Keep it far from me today
Light the candle. Let it burn until anxiety dissipates.
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Magickal Anti-Anxiety Bath
¼ Cup of chamomile flowers
¼ Cup of hibiscus flowers
¼ Cup of lavender flowers
½ Cup of black sea salt
Run a nice bath, and infuse it with the above ingredients, get in and enjoy the vibe!  If you want to take it up a level, chant some positive affirmations.
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Protection from Worries and Anxieties
1 White Candle (cleanses negative energies)
Any of your preferred crystals.
Light the candle and sit with your crystals. Then chant the following:
The Light of protection I carry is strong
No ill wishes, or trouble can come along
You cannot harm me, or weaken my soul
My light is my weapon and peace is my goal
Chant this three times and at the end say ‘so mote it be’.
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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Bear’s Job Jar
- 1 jar - salt (i used rock salt) - basil - rosemary - cloves - chili powder* - sharpie (optional)
1. Dump in your salt, as an amplifier and a protector from shitty jobs that will take advantage of you
2. Sprinkle in your basil, to signify the cash flow.
3. A pinch of rosemary, to facilitate a good relationship between you and your future employer
4. Clove time! Whole or ground, doesn’t matter. I used whole. Cloves attract luck and prosperity, something you need and like in jobs.
5. Chili powder* to light a fire under your future employer’s ass. Make them get on it! Call you back, for an interview or a job offer! Hop to it!
(Optional) 6. Sharpie on an employment sigil to the lid, or a on a paper to fold up and put inside your jar. Shake it real good and think hard about what you want in a job. Keep it until you’re sure you are employed, maybe until you get your first paycheck. 
*Can be substituted with cinnamon, paprika, red pepper flakes, or curry powder. Whatever you have on hand! And remember, this is just a guideline. If you don’t have the right stuff, don’t worry. It’s the intent that counts.
===== If you decide to do this, please tag me in it! I love seeing people using my recipes!! ====
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
PBW Witch Shop & Zine Distro
The PBW Witch Shop is a curated selection of witchcraft and magic related zines, books, pin-back buttons, tarot cards and more.
We focus on traditional and folkloric witchcraft, animism, chaos magic, secular witchcraft, magical herbs and plants, queer witchcraft, tarot & Divination, witchcraft & magic in politics, history, culture, and social & racial justice,  and aspects of non-Wiccan forms of witchcraft, magic, and paganism.
Pre-Covid the Portland Button Works primarily made custom pinback button. Selling zines and books was secondary and more of a hobby for me to share things I’d like to read. Right now our business is pivoting to focus on books and zines that people can read in the comfort and safety of their own homes. Some items are from well known witchcraft and occult publisher and some are titles from small publishers with interesting items I don’t see in other shops but I’m excited to elevate.
Not everyone has income to buy books right now, we totally understand that, but I would love it if you were able to reblog this post or share Portland Button Works and PBW Witch Shop with your friends.
If you have been looking for a book about something specific, or if you think something would be a good fit for our catalog, get in touch. We can order almost any book in print, even if it isn’t witchcraft or magic related.
With that being said, here are some categories of items we carry:
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Some good books to get you started studying witchcraft:
Grovedaughter Witchery by Bree NicGarran
Making Magic by Briana Saussy
Magical Power for Beginners- How to Raise & Send Energy for Spells That Work by Deborah Lipp
Weave The Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff
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Some creative books to help build your witch craft practice:
Spellcrafting- Strengthen the Power of your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
D.I.Y. Magic -a Strange & Whimsical Guide to Creativity by Anthony Alvarado
Psychic Witch- a Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick, & Manifestation by Mat Auryn
Urban Magick by Diana Rajchel
Standing and Not Falling - a Sorcerous Primer in Thirteen Moons by Lee Morgan
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Tarot Books
Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow
Tarot for Troubled Times by Shaheen Miro & Theresa Reed
Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea
Tarot Decks
Next World Tarot (regular and pocket sized)
Science Tarot
Rider-Waite-Coleman Smith Regular sized and Mini sized
Crow Tarot
Modern Witch Tarot
Cat Tarot
Check out the tarot and divination books in our catalog and also check out tarot and divination decks in our catalog here.
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Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine
Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman
Chaos Protocols by Gordon White
Hands on Chaos Magic by Andrieh Vitimus 
Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter Carroll
Other books in the Chaos Magic section
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Anthologies: Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels, Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community, Shades of Ritual: Minority Voices in Practice
Magical Resistance: Witchcraft Activism by David Salisbury, Magic for the Resistance by Michael Hughes, Revolutionary Witchcraft by Sarah Lyons
Witches and Feminist Perspectives: Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici, Witches, Midwives and Nurses by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English , Witches Sluts Feminists by Kristen J. Sollee
Pagan Anti-Capitalism: Pagan Anarchism True to the Earth: Pagain Political Thology by Kadmus, All That is Sacred is Profaned: A Pagan Guide to Marxism by Ryhd Wildermuth, A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer
Queer Witchcraft: Witchcraft and the Gay Counter Culture, Sapphomanteion a Lesbian Oracle, Queering the Tarot
Check out the Witchcraft Culture and History and Witchcraft Politics and Resistance sections of our website.
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Green Witchcraft: The Green Witch by Arin Murray-Hiscock, Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck
Plants and Herbs: Under the Witching Tree by Corinne Boyer, Under the Bramble Arch by Corinne Boyer
The Poison Path: Veneficuim: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path by Daniel Schulke, Pharmo/Gnonsis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path by Dale Pendell , Plants of the Devil by Corinne Boyer
Witchy Crafts: Pestlework: a Book of Magical Powders and Oils by Bree NicGarran, Sew Witchy by Rachel Henderson, Sigil Witchery by Lara Tempest Zakroff
Other books in our Plants, Herbs, and Magical Crafts section
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Books on Atheopaganism
Godless Paganism (anthology)
Atheopaganism by Mark Green
Other Pagan Perspectives
Jailbreaking the Goddess: A Radical Revisioning of Feminist Spirituality by Lasara Firefix Allen
The Wakeful World: Anismism, Mind, and the Self in Nature by Emma Restall Orr
Circling the Star by Anthony Rella
All That Is Sacred is Profaned: A Pagan Guide to Marxism by Rhyd Wildermuth
All Other Pagan books
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Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways by Gemma Gary
A Deed Without A Name: Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft by Lee Morgan
Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Keldon
Backwoods Witchcraft by Jake Richards
Besom Stand and Sword A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft the Six-Fold Path the Hidden Landscape by Christopher Orapello & Tara Love Maguire
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
Folk Witchcraft by
The Flame in the Cauldron by Orion Foxwood
Craft of the Untamed by Roger Horne
Check out the rest of the books in our Traditional & Folkloric Witchcraft Section
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What are zines? Small independently made magazine and pamphlets filled with stories and unique ideas that you won’t find from major publishers!
Some topics you will find in zines we carry are Secular Witchcraft, the fantastic Fiddler’s Green Pamphlets and lots of zine on the places where Politics, Paganism, and Witchcraft intersect.
Check out all of our witchy zines here.
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Other Stuff
witchy buttons
 magnets and hand mirrors
We carry more than just witchy books.
Here are some of the other titles we carry:
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You Were Born For This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance by Chani Nicholas
When Language Runs Dry: An Anthology for People with Chronic Pain and their Allies
What is Gender Nihilism?
Be Gay Do Crime by The Mary Nardini Gang
Radical Brewing by Randy Mosher
You Black Friend by Ben Passmore
Learning Good Consent an Anthology edited by Cindy Crabb
How To Talk To Your Cat about Gun Safety and Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism and Other Dangers that Threaten Their Nine Lives
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Honoring your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise
Do-it-Your Self Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfucking Sad by Adam Gnade
Yes, I’m Flagging: Queer Flagging 101 by Archie Bongiovanni
Full online catalog of books, zines, buttons and more can be found at PortlandButtonWorks.com and the PBW Witch Shop can be found here.
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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Spell to Bless a Freshly Planted Garden
Chances are good that you’ve planted your garden in the past couple of weeks, so now that your flowers and herbs are getting ready to grow it’s the perfect time to do a bit of blessing magic.
May 29 was the date of the Ambarvalia Festival, an agricultural holiday in which tributes were made to the gods and goddesses of planting and crops to ensure a bountiful harvest.
A bowl
Do this spell early in the morning, after the sun has risen.
Blend equal parts of honey, milk, and wine in the bowl.
Beginning at the North side, walk around your garden in a clockwise Direction, dipping your fingers in the mixture and sprinkling it on to the soil.
As you do, say:
Honey for the bees
Wine for the Divine
And milk for growth in this garden of mine
Pour anything left in the bowl right into the center of your garden.
Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
If you take an altoids tin and glue tacks to the inside, you can make an Iron Maiden to stick poppets of your enemies in lol
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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starsinthebranches · 4 years
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