spiritualpour · 1 year
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Once you understand what your peace is worth, you will spend your life defending your peace with every breath you have been given.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Ever wonder why cowards are associated with the color yellow?🫢👉🟡.
There is a reason the stop light has a yellow hue designated for caution. What happens during a yellow light? 
You slow down. Bear cautioned actions.
The truth is given to you with no temperature, darling. 
Pay attention to the yellow lights.🚦
When a statement is meant to be an insult designed to shave you down a few pegs, it has to have truth and a correction with it to actually stick the right strike. 
That coward is yellow bellied. (see attached photo for turn of phrase def.)
They have been enlightening y’all the whole time. The counter action to change the agenda is given at the time of insult, which actually makes the person releasing the insult ten times more ignorant & ill equipped on their aim to insult as they forced their own selves to be a teacher. 
Let them teach themselves, honey.
9/10 they are actually mirroring you in a projection of self hate- which means… that is a trait they see within & recognizing in themselves which bothers them, so they lash out by calling themselves forward to call it out. 
That is a form of emotional abuse that is generationally traditional for them. Meaning: their loved ones did the same to them which is why they are so comfortable in their soul to do it to you. They are revealing to you that they remain unhealed as they are in lack. They lack the courage to heal.
Bullying is a learned behavior. 
Monkey saw so monkey do ignorantly. 🙈 
Let’s get spiritual.🙏
The insult: you’re a yellow bellied coward.
The correction identifier: yellow. 
Yellow. 🟡
The hue associated with the solar plexus which is where masculines make their decisions from. The gut instinct. 
Anyone who has a blocked solar plexus is most likely someone who is constantly stuck in indecision. their actions are rash, or even not at all, depending on the inability to move forward that strikes within them.
Your instinct will tell you to leave in self preservation. caution. 🚦
If you stay, it requires bravery and courage, which is what the one telling you, giving down the country, putting you in your place, lowering you down a shave or two in your high fluting peg, attempting to make you small… how their perception believes you should aspire to correct the leaving action. 🤔
It’s them saying that you’re a chicken, but stop and really think about it… Is a chicken stupid? 🐓
They run. They don’t stay where the danger is. If you ever need to find a way out, follow a chicken. The chicken has eyesight that can see Leylines. They will find an exit when no one else has clear vision.
Does that make them stupid ignorant, or a genius? 
No, it doesn’t. 
It makes them intelligent. 🐥 
So when you’re solar plexus warns you and tells you to move, act, or even make sound decisions, you will stand firm on that decision. 
Being brave enough to follow your instinct is a feat, that not many can do without consulting outside influences. They need validation to approve their actions. You don’t. 
Not everyone can do that. That is why the name-calling starts in an attempt to ridicule your gut instinct to save yourself and assign guilt.
They made being yellow bellied and cowardice a mortal sin, when, in reality, the sin is in dishonoring yourself, by not honoring your gut instinct via solar plexus, that’s why the wheel stops & stagnating energy begins. 
This stagnation blocks your blessings & abundance, cutting you off from God as you sit in your ego, stuck and unwavering. At this time, you notice your shit won’t get right if you paid it to stay left. 
When someone calls you yellow bellied, a coward, or some other bullying identifier, pay attention to what they say after they say the insult.
They don’t even realize they are revealing the cracks in their perspective as their perception of who you are in their eyes is spoken.
Beloved, they full of shit. They just proved it to you in plain sight. 
What this tells you is that their outlook is damaged based on generational cycles of emotional abuse that isn’t healed, which is why they continue to act out, looking for quarrels, hardships, and someone they believe is smaller in character to damage. 
There is a fine line between a cowardice act and being a coward. A cowardice act is shooting someone in the back, (meaning they are talking behind their back so that the person is not privy to what is being said as a perception a flawed truth without evidentiary support.) or kicking someone while they’re down, (which shows you that person does not have compassion, because compassion was never afforded to them, so it is an ignorant act of compassion.) 
A coward is the definition of a person refusing to act against his better judgement. (Ref: def pic attached).
That is the measure of that person’s character insulting/bullying, not the person they’re trying to put down for acting as they believe they should have. See, if this person was about the bullshit, they talk, they did say it in front of the person bravely, but instead, they convict themselves to the same action due to not having enough courage to allow them to see the bullshit they’re up to. 
This goes against the grain, which, in this case, is against your solar plexus, which means against gut instinct. This is why they actually put the corrective action to the insults. They are dishing out without realizing it is them who they are confronting, not that Target. 
Same goes for any bully who makes fun of anyone trying to get closer to God via spirituality. 
Honey-How are they gonna fault you and poke fun of you bettering yourselves bc they don’t have the courage to do the same? 
That’s how bullies are revealed. They aspire to do as you do but they can’t so they start shit so you won’t do it. 
Total asshole move. 🚦
A childhood truth has just been revealed, although you may have heard it as:
I am rubber. You are glue whatever you say to me, bounces off me and sticks to you. 
Where do you think that comes from? 
The Naked Truth has no temperature, and it hides in plain sight. 🚦
When someone says you are a coward, yellow bellied… it’s bc you go against what they believe they should do but never actually do for themselves as they show you that their solar plexus is blocked, just like they believe yours is 
The kicker: we don’t realize what is taking place so we allow the disrespect of self to assign guilt, shame or even disappointment. Blinded by scarcity. 
That is not honoring your soul as they should if they had love for you. #Message 🚦
I keep telling y’all- knowledge is power when it is applied. This is an example of that truth. 
Take that truth back & stand firm on all ten. 
You go with your intuitive solar plexus who is telling you to get your tail away from dangerous people, places or things. 
You control what you allow within your perception. 
It is your perspective that determines your outlook on the reality you thrive in. Stop giving away your power, stand firm on all ten as you follow the chicken to the exit. 🐓🚶‍♀️🚶🏻
Your energy doesn’t mesh well with ignorance found within a person who deems it appropriate to bully, Beloved. 
The stars are yellow surrounded with God’s white light for a reason & Jesus himself followed the light of the North Star, darling. 
Your solar plexus is working. Honor it and get tf from around people who act and lash out in foolish pride & ignorance of bullying. 
We got too much to live for and they have ugly, chakra stunted energy. 
And that is on some enlightenment to begin your Sunday with. 
Dios de Bendiga. 🙌🏻
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Reflect then Move.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Understand that magnificence in your power and remain in gratitude as you trudge forward, Beloved.
Why is a gratitude journal important: watch the video. 
What does gratitude do to you spiritually? 
It opens your chakras as the grow of energy is in constant motion as you open up your soul lining aka your silver lining bowing before kneeling at the steps of God’s throne to give thanks. 
Gratitude is a solitary action. 
Only you can take part in the action of gratitude for yourself. I can tell you until the day is long how to be grateful, I can even show you by example- for those who walk by sight not by faith- of what gratitude does, brings and ultimately the role it plays in your life as a carrier of manifestations. 
How can only be grateful for what they cannot perceive as a blessing?
They cannot. They remain stuck in that unmoved placement because they refuse to instagnate their energy. That’s their business. 
You being grateful opens your lungs, removing stress, anxiety, fear, worry or even overthinking from your vessel, which blesses your heart as a working organ. 
The heart is a valve, not a pump. The lungs are what pump blood to the heart and the heart is what distributes the blood sending the flow of oxygen and blood to vital organs to keep the vessel thriving. 
Ever notice when you are at a state of disposition, your diaphragm kills yo ass quick? 
That is your solar plexus chakra being halted abruptly. 
By “getting what you need to off your chest”, you can act in gratitude by writing it down- since you must have proof (walk by sight) to see how God has blessed you as you journey into an abundant mindset knowing (walking by faith) that God has blessed and favored you immensely. 
Perhaps you just were not able to see it… but now you can via a gratitude scribble.
Do yourself a service & bless your lungs to love your heart by getting a gratitude journal.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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To those of you who despise the work you are in but conditions are looking bleak for change- I can help you. 
We can unblock your situation by removing obstacles, obstructions and limits in your path. 
Understand that the situation you have placed yourself into serves a purpose. 
Be positive. Look at it as skills you are attaining for future use. Knowledge is power if it is attributed directly towards a particular purpose or goal. 
You may have asked God for help with your goal. 
Like a dull stone, you are being sharpened into a deadly, finely sharpened knife to fruit ninja the heck out of anyone who feels fit to fk around and find out. 
Take dem skills and flip it on they ass. 
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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There will always be someone who will try you. 
Try to put you down, where they believe your place ”should” be. 
Try to sour the taste of your name flowing off other people’s tongue.
Try to undercut your abilities, your triumphs and your accomplishments through out your life by squashing it with some false truths. 
Try to sell you up river for 30 pieces of silver and pretend they are high in cotton for a soul they never owned or had rights to in the first place. 
Try to show your faults but forget how they made you human & actually fortified you to receive the call in the first place. 
It is bc they legit cannot perceive favor. 
Favor comes to the worthy. 
The worthy have proven literally through blood, sweat and tears that they are worthy of God’s favor. 
They’ve gone through the brimstone fighting from hell and back against all the enemies thrown at them due to jealousy from small minds, envy from blocked Vision and straight up trifling folks who are pissed bc they failed at their directives. 
They’ve gone through the 7th level of hell, fought the essence of the Devil & came back on fire to light the world as prophesied. 
They’ve known death very well as they are constantly bowing to death before shedding the people, places & things that no longer serve them throughout their lives in order to break cycles. 
That, beloveds, is called divinely chosen. 
These who are the worthy wear what is called “the breastplate of God”. It signifies they have been ordained and sanctified by God himself to walk the path they walk. No matter what is, has or will be done to them, they will always fight another day bc God has favored them. 
That’s why they are favored. 
You can identify these people by the crosses they carry such as:
•lone wolf
•burden barrier
•kind despite the opposition 
•compassionate despite the lack of support 
•virtuous bc their eyes remain on God. 
•generous bc they know what it is to be without 
•truth giving bc they have been lied about, lied on and manipulated by every soul they come across, yet they still remain loving bc they are filled with God’s anointing love. 
•survived the worst of the world as it has rose up in the road to greet them with.
•they have sinned with the best of them, learned the lessons, broke the cycles and came forward to answer the Call God has given over their life. 
That is why they remain with God’s favor. 
It’s not because they just lucky or they were just given divine favor bc it’s them. It is bc they have proven they are worthy by the trials and tribulations they bear. 
People get surprised about this but yet, if they would have read the book given to them at indoctrination, The Bible is clear that everyone, saved or lost, will go through trials and tribulations.
 “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim 3:12) so “do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.  If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you” (1 Pet 4:12-14).  
Yesterday, I posted the word on people doing shit to others then get upset when God favors the fallen who have been struck down bc of their favor. 
That joker is in there too.
 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matt 5:0-12). 
See? I ain’t playing picture pages over here. It’s in the word. 
As I said: God is in the details coming in clutch with divine favor. 
These people can try to knock you to whatever peg they believe you should thrive at, reveal your nudes, claim your sultry, naughty past, or even post pics of the nights you decided to get dirty and shoot the moon. 
Name a divine prophet or an apostle who ain’t sinned heavy and see if God himself don’t slap them to sleep. 
This is exactly why Jesus does not hang with those who have already found, knew & break bread with God. He partied with the fallen who need that mustard seed replanted. Right?
God does not call the qualified. 
He knows they can do it. 
He qualifies the call by showing the power of his people in their rise from the dust and the dirt into a mighty warrior who is worthy of being favored. 
He said sin but sin no more- meaning once you have done it and been enlightened that this situation ain’t popping or proper, don’t do the shit again. So they won’t. They have mastered themselves and understand while minding God’s directives. 
They listen. 
And that is why those are the people who are worthy of God’s favor. 
Enjoy your day & be glad in it, beloved. 
Remain a blessing & watch how God shows favor in your life. Cause Hell & the worst Hell has to offer will rise up in the road to greet you. 
The choice has always been yours. 
Dios de Bendiga. 🫶🏻
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Trying to find out if someone is for you? 
Not sure if they are worthy of your time, abilities or energy? 
Demand excellence. 
If they are worthy of you and what is already set on the table God himself has given you, they will rise to meet the bar you set for the one you’ve been waiting for. 
You ain’t doing all this damn work to stay the mf same, dawg. 
You’ve got skin in the game. It’s either they get dirty in the mud with you as you build your empire, or they fall back and remain in the rubble of the empire they once built for themselves, selfishly by themselves only to watch it crumble due to lack mindset. 
God will not allow foolishness to happen in the vessel he has fortified. So if you don’t want your empire to crumble, demand excellence as it is excellence that was given to you by God to build your empire for your generations that has gotten you spoils of the war of who you truly are. 
Demand excellence and allow them to show they are worthy of a love like yours, Beloved.
FEAR not. 
You the goods. 
Dios de Bendiga. 🙌🏻
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spiritualpour · 1 year
Speak mountain. Not Valley.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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There are three methods to this madness:
· What happens before the request
· What happens during the request
· What happens after the request
Understand that fear of the unknown lies within enlightenment of what fear actually is.
FEAR = Fiction.
Every fear is actually the same thought stuck in repetitive behavior. Guilt takes place in the past.
The past is over and done.
The page in your book of life has been turned. It cannot be changed from what it once was. Once that ink is dry, there is no way to undoodle that doodle, homeskillet.
This is why each soul is directed to not allow the sun to go down before making amends on any discord, quarrel, malicious intent-filled action that has transpired.
You cannot go back and change what was. You can only alter what currently is as that will cause change in the future of what can become.
Make your peace with your past and understand that what you may have done in the past happened when you were a different person. You were unhealed. Unaware. Unmoving and unwilling to compromise or enlighten yourself to healing and possibilities of abundant growth toward your evolution.
Things happen.
Only you can take responsibility for your part in what has transpired.
Be accountable.
Simply own what has happened.
Can you change it? No.
Are you who you were now? NO.
You are a healing soul in progress.
​You now have a new positive outlook as your perception has now been tweaked, your perspective has changed & you evolved every second you’ve read this Tumblr page.
Get down off your fashioned rotting cross. Someone else needs the wood.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Enlightenment VS the UNKNOWN.
Being enlightened can be a devastating state of being, especially after you realize how you are the problem in your own existence.
Once you know, you cannot go back to being ignorant for the problems you are now knowledgeable of will not go back into hiding to allow you a moment's peace until they are dealt with.
Now you know. You are enlightened to one aspect of self.
You now see what God sees.
What are you going to do with that information?
Reality is objective, but our perception of the reality we thrive in is subjective.
There’s only one reality surrounding us. If you are going to change your perspective from unknowing to enlightened, you first have to alter your understanding by molding your perspective by stepping into your enlightenment from the unknown. The unknown can be scary. Be brave & trust God will walk with you through the fire just as he did when he carried you through every single lesson that has broken your heart thus far.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
Hardships bring clarity of soul. Measure correctly.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Communication is heavily threaded within perception.
If you want to be heard, you must reciprocate with being still in your spirit to truly listen to the knowledge that is being conveyed to you.
Know the difference on sight.
Become a Karma chameleon.
It is fairly simple.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Be kind.
​Be authentic & understand why you are feeling what you feel, why you are being governed to respond the way you respond & ultimately understand the lessons as they come to you.
​If what they are doing disturbs your peace and confounds your spirit, look deeper. There is a reason the behavior is being mirrored. Do not reciprocate the same behavior and match their negative energy to garner and perpetuate a negative response.
If they are horrible to you, turn the cheek & still remain true to yourself. What they do has no effect on you unless you give them permission & co-sign to their sin. Be careful not to attach expectations to that principle or you will find yourself being manipulated in perspective.
Understand who someone is, accept them for who they are & keep it pushing. You busy working on you. You don’t have time to stop and water or smell someone else’s roses if you are pruning your own burning bush.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Look notice & Identify:
· Lessons
What lessons are you supposed to be learning in every situation, cycle and what is the purpose?
​· Path/journey you are on.
The path/journey you are on should flow effortlessly without obstruction, obstacles, or resistance. If you are having setbacks, it is because you are not learning the lessons given & you are being forced to repeat old, outdated cycles until you can either learn from the experience, realize the reason, season, and correctly comprehend what lessons are truly for, whether it is to prosper you, not to harm or hinder you.
· Cycle Identification.
There is a very good chance you are continuing to perpetuate old, toxic cycles. If you can identify the pattern, the cause, and the negative cycle you are in, you can break the cycle to create positive changes in your life to bring you into alignment.
Cycles can stem from toxic family ties, generational curses, and co-dependency that needs to be broken before you can go forward on your enlightened path so that you can heal, evolve & grow.
THIS leads to:
Being properly balanced.
In order to be properly balanced, you have to master reciprocation. Receiving & giving go hand-in-hand.
Give + Receive= Yin & Yang = ebb & flow.
Equal reciprocity.
If you listen, they will hear you.
If you hear them, they, too, will listen.
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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· Looking for outside answers to inside problems instead of realizing the answers you seek are within.
Your work begins where your belief lies.
“I think therefore I am,” means that you are governing yourself from a state of ego. When you are in your ego, you are disconnected from God. You are in service purely of yourself with selfishness & greed at the helm of a sinking ship in peril progress.
Your belief is your indoctrination is being planted as a mustard seed. You are looking for outside answers to inside problems overlooking within to understand the answers that your soul is desperate.
PAY Attention!
“Lord, show us the light of your face. But, you have given my heart more joy than they have when grain and wine abound. In peace, I will lie down and fall asleep, for you alone, Lord; make me secure.” -KJV Psalms 3:7-9
Snip Snip Perception: Ask Yourselves:
​ Why do you believe what you believe?
Is it something you believe, or is it that you know what you believe to be true?
Do you believe what you believe because you were told to believe it?
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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If you answered I think therefore I am:
· You are stuck and stagnant in your ego.
· Your perception is aligned with a low-vibrational concept of self.
· You cannot see past yourself to really see that you are the main issue.
Consider yourself put on notice: YOU are the problem.
You’re also the saving grace of a solution.
​It’s time to put in the work, honeybee.
“Your right to swing your arms ends at the tip of my nose. Don’t write a narrative your tail cannot swing past.”
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spiritualpour · 1 year
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Ask Yourself:
Is it:
I think there for I am
I am and so we are?
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