spetacledspectacle · 3 years
Food Addictions
I think the reason that its so easy for people to shame those with a food addiction is because it’s the only addiction, at least that I can think of, that can’t be romanticized. You can’t create anything sexy from needing processed sugars and fats.
Not only that, but beating a food addiction is so hard. You can’t quit food like you can quit smoking. You need food. But like smoking, food can be used as a coping mechanism. Many obese people became that way after experiencing overwhelming trauma. And it’s easy to tell yourself that you need that cookie as energy to fuel yourself through the day. That it’s just one small thing. It’s so easy to blur the line between what is food you need and what is food you want.
On top of that, people who struggle with a food addiction struggle more because they don’t have a support system. Nobody takes food addictions seriously. Most people don’t believe they even exist. To most, an obese person is someone to mock. There’s scientific proof that processed foods are habit forming. Children who are given processed foods are way more likely to have a poor diet or a food addiction into their adult life. People need to stop claiming that there aren’t risks to food addictions. The reality is that obesity kills people all the time. Its so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it. People with any addiction need support.
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spetacledspectacle · 3 years
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It’s totally okay to have boundaries. It doesn’t make you mean, you deserve as much respect as everyone else.
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spetacledspectacle · 3 years
me who has been binging daily since october
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spetacledspectacle · 3 years
Binge Eating Disorder PSA
It’s not just being greedy. 
It’s not just being a foodie.
It’s not just eating a pizza for dinner.
I can’t just eat less
Just dieting won’t work.
It’s an addiction.
I don’t like being out of breath all the time.
I don’t like chest pain.
I don’t like knee pain.
I don’t like back pain.
I don’t like swollen feet.
I don’t like sweating all the time.
I don;t like only wearing joggers and pajamas because it’s all that fits me 
I don’t enjoy thinking about food but it’s always on my mind.
Eating isn’t fun for me.
I’m eating myself to death.
This is serious. 
It’s okay to need help.
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