sophtoart · 15 days
I just realised that i posted this on the wrong blog and it should have gone here to my art blog....
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After many many many years (since 2018), I have finally tried drawing the last of @adokle's designs for the Seven Sages. I didn't want to do a complete trace, so I tried doing the good old observe-and-draw method. This is Lord Mezil of House Berendin, Grandmaster of the Magus Association, the Red Sage. Unlike the other magical Lichborn whose bodies are magic-based mimicry of bones, Liches are made up of real physical human bone. I tried referencing a real human skull to try giving him a more 'solid' feeling on top of his original take.
It came out really cool, so I'm glad!
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sophtoart · 2 months
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Someone on Twitter posted a limited 4-colour palette challenge for one's favourite Undertale or Deltarune character. I gave it a shot with a simple doodle of Papyrus. These were the choices given.
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sophtoart · 2 months
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Something not fanwork related for once. Pose reference taken from Posearchives
I had the idea to combine Templars + Undertakers + Machine Lifeform. I don't have a name for them yet but I had some lore
Despite their fierce appearance, they rather live in peace. The colour of their cloth hints their task and relations in the order i.e Red has military background, White are new civilian trainees, Black senior undertakers and so on.
Only members of the order wear holy symbols
Honourary individuals are given a light blue cloth. They also won't have a holy symbol on them.
The Order's way of life primarily focuses on defense and service of the local community.
Guards carry a weapon that shifts between a war pick and a spear depending on the situation.
Graverobbers beware. If unmarried, they live in brotherhood/sisterhood groups in the temple dorms.
If married, they move out to their own homes and clock in like normal workers.
Maintaining gravesites, protecting the grounds, and funerary rites are their main jobs. But auxiliary tasks differ according to their temple site. Those in the country may do farming and horticulture. Cities would have more undertakers and guards. Frontiers patrol more and so on. It's not uncommon for the temple order to have qualified crime investigators. They assist in crime investigations as requested by the bereaved.
Anyone who wishes to retire to pursue other jobs or migrate would have to return the scythe and their uniform. They're given a memorial trinket as a farewell gift.
Criminals sadly won't get the trinket, and would have their symbols confiscated.
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sophtoart · 2 months
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I was commissioned by @sophtopus to create a second book cover for her fanfic, The Golden Quiche, but inspired from Art Nouveau paintings and covers. Cover number one can be found here: [link]
If you enjoy action and complex mysteries with an anime like twist, then go check out their story and click the link!
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sophtoart · 3 months
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Some clarification about the situation. Link to Tarable's tumblr here: https://tarableart.tumblr.com/ If you're here for my actual art instead, welcome! I've not drawn much lately as I've been very busy writing. Hopefully that changes this year.
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sophtoart · 3 months
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I tried to practice by tracing the commisioned art. I can already see that my art skills have rusted a lot and is lagging behind.
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sophtoart · 3 months
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The armour commission from @tarableart for Grillby and Undyne is done! Now they're ready to look this officially badass in the story moving forward. The first ebook volume is still up and available for a free price. You can get to it from right here. Pick it up and you'll get a copy with this very nice cover, also by @tarableart
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Don't wanna buy fanfiction? Well, I do have an original IP that you can get instead. It's called Crafting the Sun. You're welcomed to add more on top of the minimal payment.
The cover is extremely beautiful as well, made by my good friend LD
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Every purchase you make, every money you donate, will go into making more cool covers and other related concept art.
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sophtoart · 5 months
Lucidia being the elegant lady she is! I like how it has that Tim Burton feel to things.
Thank you very much for the fanart!
i drew a lil something for @sophtoart
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heres the process ahuhu
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sophtoart · 6 months
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As with Undyne's new magitek armour, a fan tried to design the armours. So, I gave it a shot. It didn't feel right if I (the authour) didn't try at least once. This design was very inspired by the Black Knight from Fire Emblem, and it was used as a reference. Speaking of reference, I had forgotten that anime styles tend to have super long legs compared to their torsos. It made the leg portion of this picture way bigger than the rest. Oops. Both armours debuted in Chapter 240 Some notes:
- He's supposed to look imposing and regal. - Unlike Undyne's design where her identity is obvious, Grillby's armoured identity is not as obvious. - Earpieces protect the ears and also mount communication devices. - The white etchings on his torso messes with sight, and primarily an anti-Seer defense mechanism. - Tried to emphasize on a knightly shape. - Finer details to be added with the help of a friend who's much more experienced with armours.
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sophtoart · 6 months
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I was commissioned by @sophtopus to create a book cover for her fanfic, The Golden Quiche, but inspired from Art Nouveau paintings and covers. It was super fun to design!
If you enjoy action and complex mysteries with an anime like twist, then go check out their story and click the link!
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sophtoart · 7 months
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After a fan tried to draw the new magitek armours described in Quiche, I thought I should stop being afraid and give it a try. For reference, I used a bunch of Dragoons from final fantasy and the water Zora armour from breath of the wild. Also some megaman influence with the Zero-like earpierces.
Some notes -Hair protected by invisible shielding similar to spacecraft (overall for her armour too) -Wave markings glow. -Fins and ears are tucked away protectively by earpieces -Slimmed down the armour a lot to try achieve aero-hydrodynamics -Tried to maintain cool shark look -Patterns ideally should be more elaborate on final picture but I ran out of time and I'm not expert enough. It's a good base to start with.
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sophtoart · 8 months
Oh hello hello! Thank you for giving it a shot. I've been struggling to try draw some semblence or a base design before commissioning someone to do the final polish (I've been thinking of @tarableart she makes GREAT armours) It appears that you've beaten me to the punch haha
I should tag you when I manage to crank my take someday.
I've got armour desgins for GQ Grillby and GQ Undyne!
The most recent chapter of the Golden Quiche (GQ) introduced these really cool armour for Grillby and Undyne. I am not good with details so I hope I did the armours justice!
The fanfic, Golden Quiche, belongs to @sophtoart!
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Below here is my design process and my designing sketches!
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With the designs, I basically drew them in a basic base, Undyne's base was the undying form and Grillby's was just a random reference from the internet. Then I drew the details unique to the GQ armour (while tweaking some stuff). For Undyne I focused on her prosthetic eye and the rolling waves design. For Grillby, I focused on the cape, the emblem, and the flame etchings.
I'm no good with helmets either so I just designed something but didn't draw 'em in the final drawing. I really wanted to include the back of Grillby's cape, with the ace of spades embroidery but didn't find it practical. :/
This is the most fun I had in a while from drawing! I've been drawing TWFOA non-stop for a few weeks and really needed something different to draw so thanks Sophtopus! Thanks for introducing the really cool anime armour!
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sophtoart · 8 months
I actually did indeed recognise your name! Thank you for drawing this badass picture of Lucidia. Sorry if I didn't get to use sooner because I've been so busy. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you for the fanart!
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This is some fanart of the lovely Lady Lucidia, our for @sophtopus for their AMAZING Undertale Fanfic The Golden Quiche (PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT). The only reason I created a Tumblr account and ao3 account was to comment and post abt this fic lol. I've read through so many times and finally gotten the motivation to make something out of the awesomeness I absorb from this fic!
I got kinda confused on the neck tie scarf foldie thing, so i just winged it.
Oh yeah, and I got lazy at the butterfly brooch, and i didn't clean up aloottt of my lines so its messy when you zoom in. :P
I really do recommend this fic, it's my favourite of all time and if you're into something long (it's >930k words at the time of writing this!), then this is for you!
@sophtopus, you might know me on ao3 from my comments and I wanted to say that I FREAKIN LOVE YOUR FIC SO MUCH!! I just had to have an outlet for my love, so I channeled it into this fanart and the many more to (hopefully) come!
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sophtoart · 9 months
I LOVE IT! Especially Papyrus choosing to wear a Sentai mask because of his hero theme. I can imagine him running around with it just for fun! I'm also really happy that you remembered one of my old art and reused the concept here. Garamond looks so cool there. The riot control helmet suits his job. Gaelic's helmet is a snake! That's a wonderful touch! He's really living up to the Snakeface nickname. I'll keep this imagery in mind writing future chapters. Thank you so much again!
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Masked up skeleton dudes. Featuring Gaelic and Garamond from @sophtopus's The Golden Quiche.
A thing in the story is that skeletons can go unnoticed by humans when masked and dressed to conceal their skeleton-ness, which Garamond and Gaelic do as part of the Magus association (wearing A riot control style helmet with a reflective visor, and a heavily tinted motorcycle helmet respectively).
Papyrus and Sans wouldn't be wearing masks since Ebott Town mosters are publicly known. But still, here I chose a sentai mask for Papyrus (since he's a hero to all), probably some merch based on some in-universe show, and this mask for Sans (a metaphorical mask, but literal in this case.)
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sophtoart · 9 months
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“Me mind! This burden… too great… feels o’ the unknown…! The Seraph System, it truly be an eldritch machine. ‘Tis not fer mere mortals to wield.”
“Don’t look at me. I just made what I had to make.” -From Chapter 250 I wanted to make a Quiche art that didn't need me to stress out about poses and anatomy. Let the brush flow free! (I also wanted to release some stress with some edgy art)
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sophtoart · 9 months
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8th Anniversary🎊
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sophtoart · 10 months
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Based on the moment when Lemurian Noelle meets Ebottian Noelle, done in an old dot-print comic style.
The Doppelganger theory proposes that up to six people in the world would look, talk, and act just like you, somewhere on the planet.
The Lemurian design is based on Toby's old prototype design for Noelle, which featured a daintier humanoid appearance.
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