sonyaoom · 7 years
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My art + inspirations + the beginning sketches
(for Louise Hollandine, I didn’t shade the dress/her hair so it looks weird)
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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Very high key based on this portrait of Elizabeth of the Palatinate
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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The real aesthetic 😍😍
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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So lots of people have followed me in the last 12 hours, I guess because of my Tsaritsa Sophia post?  Which has more notes than anything I have ever posted to Tumblr before.
That makes me nervous (performance anxiety!) but also makes me think, well, people seem to like the wacky history, how about some more?  Here’s one I prepared earlier, which is to say, it’s based on a blog post I did a year ago.
So what we have here in the picture above is proof positive that, about five minutes after white people arrived in America, they were wearing war bonnets and being culturally appropriative.  History: it mostly consists of different ways of people being awful. 
The appropriative lady in question is another Sophia, Sophia of Hanover.  Her parents were the rulers of Bohemia for about five minutes, but she was also a close relative of Charles II, the deposed king of England (remember when England was a republic?  Such a good time, except for everyone who wasn’t a Puritan), and the rest of his wacky, dysfunctional royal family.  You know how it’s illegal for a Catholic to marry the heir to the British throne?  We can thank James II and his passive-aggressive conversion for that.  Not to mention Queens Mary and Anne and their sincere belief that Catholics were in league with Satan.  Protestants, eh?
Sophia of Hanover mostly stayed out of all that, though, on account of how she and her sisters were better than everyone.  Except, obviously, when they were posing like hipsters in war bonnets.  
For one thing, that portrait was painted by Sophia’s sister Louise.  She wound up running away to join a Catholic convent, so I guess she had that wacky Stuart sense of humour after all.  But convents were pretty handy if you were a woman who wasn’t so keen on getting married, especially if you happened to be aristocratic and literate.  Louise wound up running the joint. 
Meanwhile, their other sister, Elizabeth, was BFFs with Descartes.  You know, “I think, therefore I am” guy.  She was widely respected for her intellect, and also wound up running a convent.  Sorry, an abbey.  No conversions here; Elizabeth was Protestant all the way.  She gave sanctuary to a lot of people being persecuted for their religious or political beliefs.  
I don’t know much about Henriette Marie, except this book I read (The Stuart Princesses by Alison Plowden) said she was a confectioner, which seems like an odd occupation for a royal.  I mean, I’m wholly in favour of hereditary monarchs and their families going out and getting jobs, but it’s not something you expect to see in the seventeenth century.  Anyway, Henriette Marie got married and died in childbirth, which is really sad, and was all-too-common, and maybe she should have stuck to candy.
And what did Sophia of Hanover do to distinguish herself?  Well, she had a large family, and became a prolific letter-writer.  A lot of our knowledge of the various European royals in this time comes from her letters, which were terribly clever and full of wonderful family gossip.  This isn’t just great to read, but it marks one of the periods where our history comes from a woman’s pen.  
Oh yeah, and she sort of became heir to the throne of England?  Because Queen Anne had no living children (seventeen pregnancies, though!), and her nearest relatives were Catholic.  So she named Sophia as her heir. 
Sophia died just before Anne did, though, and so her son George became king.  He was pretty boring, actually, and I don’t just say that because I’m bitter we didn’t get a Queen Sophia.  
IN CONCLUSION, European history is pretty great once you dig into it.  If year 10 history had been more about the Stuart women and less about Cromwell, I might have … no, I got really high marks in that class.  BECAUSE HISTORY.  Never mind.
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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The character relationship charts for “Catherine” are fantastic and I’m so in love with this play,, we still have only a third of the budget tho lmao please donate I’m dying for funds I'm also now realizing that I misspelled acquaintance big time lmao I do know how to spell I'm just really tired
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sonyaoom · 7 years
Okay, let me first get this out of the way: I am all about historical accuracy and shit, so if I say anything that makes you say "modernized" in any way, ignore your thoughts I am truly disappointed in the new ballgown ??? For one, it's not even a good color, two, it lacks historical accuracy in a movie surrounded by HISTORICALLY ACCURATE COSTUMES. Three, it looks cheap and fake. Let's begin with my first point. The dress is supposed to be gold not yellow. Thank you, I rest my case. Second point: BatB is set in 18th C France, around the era of Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette hasn't been overthrown yet, bc Belle and Beast would have died if she were, so two plausible dress styles would the "robes," as I call them. This dress doesn't follow the correct silhouette for either robe, more like a 15th Century skirt, and doesnt even have a corset. Mind you, I know that Emma refused to wear one, but hey, historically speaking, it didn't matter. Anyway, the dress doesn't fit the style, lacking the three quarter sleeve style, pocket hoop panniers and etc. And when you match it to the rest of the movie, it's saddening. Like, all of her costumes make me want to vomit. I'm sorry, but it's true and I feel very rude for saying that so I'm going to move on. Third point, it looks tacky and cheap. With all of the glitter glue and stuff added on, it just looks really bad... To top it all off, I love the costume designer. She did a really good job with Anna Karenina, but the minute she let Emma take the reins on BatB, it wasn't good.
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sonyaoom · 7 years
"oure good dogge"
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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The Winter Princesses Louise Hollandine • the Catholic Painter Elisabeth • the Faithful Rose Henrietta Marie • the Frozen Bride Sophia • the Warrior Princess
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sonyaoom · 7 years
Day 1—
The door was locked today, and I had two portraits waiting for her. I left one in the window on the door to stare at her and I kept the other for later.
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Day 0—
I have planted four historical portraits in my Math teacher’s class. One is under her projector’s desk, on in the corner on the wall, one on a chair located in the back, and another on her ruler. She doesn’t know where I’ve put them and I plan to put one more in there each day. All portraits are of Catherine the Great at this point in time.
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sonyaoom · 7 years
Day 0—
She has already located the one on the back of her ruler. She has decided to keep it there.
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Day 0—
I have planted four historical portraits in my Math teacher’s class. One is under her projector’s desk, on in the corner on the wall, one on a chair located in the back, and another on her ruler. She doesn’t know where I’ve put them and I plan to put one more in there each day. All portraits are of Catherine the Great at this point in time.
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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Day 0—
I have planted four historical portraits in my Math teacher’s class. One is under her projector’s desk, on in the corner on the wall, one on a chair located in the back, and another on her ruler. She doesn’t know where I’ve put them and I plan to put one more in there each day. All portraits are of Catherine the Great at this point in time.
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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I’ve been having fun doing this project, but I can’t reveal the entire thing for personal reasons ,, so far I’ve included:
1.) 1890s - model: @charliethegrouch 2.) 17th C. - model: none, based off of Sophia of Hanover/Sophia of the Palatinate 3.) 16th C./Tudors? - model: @brambleberrie 4.) 4th C. - model: Cedar 5.) 18th C./Georgian/Rococo - model: none, based off of a young portrait of Catherine the Great/Sophie Auguste Friederike of Anhalt-Zerbst 6.) 19th C./Regency - model: none
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sonyaoom · 7 years
the best friendship:: pure sugar and the sinniest sinnamon roll
lets do something totally new: the tales of pure sugar and the sinniest sinnamon roll//literally a story of me and my friend
sinnamon: my friends with benefits is coming over and like Jesus god it's gonna be so good
pure sugar: haha — nice
Sinnamon: time to get kinky
pure sugar: I'm gonna kink shame you
sinnamon: you wouldn't dare
pure sugar: you right :)
pure sugar: finger guns
sinnamon roll: finger guns
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sonyaoom · 7 years
So, out of the blue this got reblogged again and we received $35 from 2 donors, and our first donations!! If I told you that if I had $3 from everyone who has visited that page this far, we would have reached our goal long ago. And we still need a ton more! Please continue helping us out !
With much love, Mackenzie ❤
In order to perform a production, you must first have a theatre to perform in. However, we do not have enough money to rent the theatre we need for our production of “Catherine.” We need the rent by the end of the month, or at least half of it, to be able to reserve the theatre. It would be a shame for us to be out all of our time and effort because we couldn’t get a theatre, especially because we are only broke high schoolers… please help us !
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sonyaoom · 7 years
Imma reblog this to add a reminder:: all the she pronouns belong to the Czarina, Kai uses they/them pronouns. Dont :) erase :) kais :) gender :)
Reasons why Kai is the reincarnation of Czarina Elizabeth
-procrastinated being empress for so long because she loved her freedom -loved her shapely legs -held balls in order to show off her shapely legs -loves Catherine the Great -thinks Johanna sucks, which is true. Very. -Fancy dresses for every occasion -very beautiful -fills in eyebrows super dark -dyed hair, blonde -> black -stunning blue eyes -great bod -super dramatic -cute noses -loves to read but felt as though stressing yourself with your education would kill you -SHAPELY LEGS -Tbh there are are so many reasons that I’m just gonna end the list here
I’m love both Kai and Czarina Liz
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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Wow an actual photo of myself but it's in cosplay and loaded with filters :)
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sonyaoom · 7 years
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So costumes are soon to be underway for Catherine !! And I really want to vlog it or blog it over the course of the process so should I ??
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