This is truly beautiful, all the heart and love between them. Thank you for writing it my dear, thank you so much. <3
History has a habit of repeating itself ||Jack & Merida
Jack and Merida
So Glory has gone from tumblr and we never managed to finish our heart breaking thread, so here is a drabble I wrote to fill the gaps. I’m sorry it’s so bad! It is my first proper drabble. It’s actually meant to be sad… If you want to read the thread then here’s the link.
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Saw this somewhere on Tumblr and had to reblog it here for Merida, because this is how we first met. T.T
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I have a headcannon that Merida would promptly push Jack off the edge after this
dA: http://dewdrop34.deviantart.com/art/Waterfall-358808904?ga_submit_new=10%253A1362955227
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OOC announcement
Hey all, I just want to say one thing. I'm sorry about leaving so long. One day I just snapped and I realized I'd spent too long on Tumblr, doing things for fun and not for my purpose. One day I woke up and I felt different...
That's why I sort of took a hiatus. Tumblr changed me a bit, and I didn't like the way it was making me act and think. I don't deny that I had fun here, and that my time in roleplaying grew me as an author and storyteller. But Tumblr, and roleplaying specifically, made me think too much about popularity and pleasing people, and I almost forgot about what defined me. I need and want to be my own woman, and more importantly, God's own woman. I have a college path I want to give 100% on, because I have so much I want to say when I learn 3D animation. It's been my life dream to write a novel, and I have one right now, which in my roleplaying days, I've lagged on. I shouldn't gyp myself on my life dream, especially when there are huge moral themes in it that I have regretfully forgot about in my days of fun and distraction.
To my RP partners, especially those I tagged, I love you all very much, and I had a blast with you. My Meridas and Jamie and my special twin Jack, and Terra and Hallie and Emma and Aradia my derp gal, I love you all. The more I see your blogs the more I wish I could come back. But I can't dedicate myself to this anymore. I just can't. I'm sorry if I'm cutting into the middle of threads and what not, feel free to strike up another relationship with someone else. But I thought about it, coming back to finish things with you all, and I realized I couldn't. I can't make promises I can't keep, and I can't give false hope or think I can get inspired for this account again. I am truly sorry, but it's just not going to work. I'm at a crossroads, and I must choose. T.T
So let me leave everyone with these inspirational thoughts.
Go find a purpose for your life. Find a joy that you can give to others, find a legacy of goodness and beauty that will better the world that you and the future generations. It doesn't have to be big, you don't have to the world's next Mother Teresa. One act of kindness can move mountains. Just spread goodness and mercy wherever you go. Don't be the bad guy in the world, be something different.
Or as I would aspire for myself,
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).
I'm just as riddled with errors as the next guy ("for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" [Romans 3:23]) but that doesn't mean I can't aspire for doing some good in this world, because God has saved me from myself. With the hope of Christ in me, and His death and resurrection which saves me (John 3:16, I Corinthians 15:1-4), I can work for His goodness and glory in whatever I do. He is everything to me, and I do thank Him for the fun I had with you guys. But I have to move on to other plans in my life now.
"And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power" (Hebrews 1:3).
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen" (Romans 11:36).
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The child laughed as her already messy--and sticky--hair was ruffled. At least he was alright; a melted Popsicle was the worst, after all. Getting the vibe that his mood was beginning to lift, she allowed her playful personality to show. "Free, huh? You didn't try goin' Turbo, did you?" She rose a dark brow and gently nudged her head with his in return.
"Me? Turbo? Nah...." He laughed, squinting up at her. "I just needed some time to think alone, that's all. A guy goes through a lot, especially me." He bent over and hummed an bass airplane sound as he sprinted deftly forward, bobbing up and down. He giggled. "That's what you get riding first class!"
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The little racer blinks before readjusting herself to drape over the boy's shoulder. There were no snarky comments from her though, only a concerned pout. "I've been pretty good, Popcicle. What happened?"
Jack smirked at her, scruffed up her hair with his hand. "Nothing I haven't done before. Kept me longer away, though. Guess I needed a break from things and be free." He rubbed his head against her. "Everyone needs some time to let go of everything. And I've had a good time."
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I missed you! there was a cat in my room a few nights ago and it wasn't mine and it was cute and her owners letting me catsit and I have been trying to talk to you for days and youve been gone and im helping my mom and im worried when i come back youll be gone for another week and i wont get to talk to you and everyones happy youre back and my dash has been boring without you and youre back but i know youll leave cause everyone leaves and theres nothing i can do about it will you be back?
Well I can respond to this one here. :) So we have talked! I did send a message to you, I hope you got it. I'm sure there are lots more people interesting on your dash. Check out those Crush lists. There are some awesome rpers to follow around here!
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"Jack!" The racer leaps up, landing and clinging onto the spirit's back with a grin. She'd missed messin' with him.
"Eheh! You cutie pie. I'm sorry for being away. I hope you've been good. Because I haven't...."
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Nice to see you're back! :) Thanks for the snow the last few days! I loved it!
Awesome! See, I've been busy. ;)
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((You're back!!! And it snowed on my dad's birthday, just like you promised!! :D))
Yeah, well... we'll see. I've still been alive outside this account, you know.
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You're back!!!!! This is the greatest day!
Don't count on it for long, but thanks for being enthusiastic!
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Thanks for being so understanding everyone :) You people are quite amazing. *hugs*
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JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *JUMPS UP AND DOWN HUGGING*
Whoa!! Hold it down...
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You've been gone for like forever u_u I miss our derps. Come baaaaaaaaaaack!
I love you too hon, but like I said, idk how much I can get on. Not because I'm busy (though I am), but because of something personal and rping has opened up a side of me idk if I want to delve into. It's no one's fault, but I just don't know about rping now...
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Hello all. Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. Once I vanished for some days, I was afraid to drop in again, because I was gone so long. But also, things have been happening on my end, serious things, and I haven't logged on in days, and have generally avoided the RotG fandom, perhaps because I want to. idk how much I'd be on or if I'd be roleplaying. I have to think about it. Again, I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt anyone.
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iJackFrost proved that Jack Frost had more than just a fun loving, caring side; but also proved that even someone as carefree as him fell into a dark time. I just really love how the mun fleshed out his character. She is definitely one amazing Jack Frost roleplayer!
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Hey all! Sorry I disappeared for the last couple days. I just had to take a break from my blogs lately and get a couple non-Tumblr things done in my life. Hopefully I can get back soon. :)
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how pitch’s robe works
I just
I just give up
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