snarky-rp-memes · 4 years
Bray Wyatt Sentence Starters
"I am the color red, in a world of black and white."
"If you value your ability to breathe... Don't get too close."
"The wolf will never lose sleep, worrying about the feelings of sheep."
"No one ever told the sheep, that they outnumber the wolves."
"I will build my empire next to the sea, so I can laugh from my throne as my enemies drown."
"The world does not have a voice of its own. It can't tell you what it wants, what it needs."
"Every man has urges. But the true measure of man is to admit them, to learn to control them."
"Their lust and greed and valor for glory, it led them right down in the pit, where they belong."
"Our bond can never be broken."
"Our urges can never be satisfied."
"Just remember... you are the one with everything to lose."
"You will remember me for what I truly am: A God!"
"What makes you smile?"
"I know you're listening."
"Let me in."
"We don't belong here!"
"What happened to you was such a tragedy."
"Limbo is no place for a soul like yours."
"I believe I've found the answer!"
"The angel with burned wings is waving you home."
"I'm not a God, I never was."
"I'm sorry I said it, I was wrong."
"I know the true God now and all his power."
"I feel that I am forgiven for all the wickeness I've caused."
"My soul is clen now. My mind is clear."
"I see what I did wrong, what was done to me."
"They took it all."
"I have so many things to fix."
"I realize that I was sick."
"My mind doesn't work like other people's."
"My next journey will be to find my true calling."
"No matter what beast you make of yourself or how bright one side is, inevitable the darkside comes again."
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snarky-rp-memes · 4 years
No Rolls Barred | Episode 1 Sentence Starters
"Let's do a fight."
"You... you are all weak."
"You know what, you look like you could put up a really good shelf."
"Do you put up shelves or are you just there to get things off the top one?"
"I don't need a microphone, I've got a voice loud enough for this stadium."
"You are very lucky I have a match to fight tonight. VERY LUCKY.
"Please, tell me where you got those bangles from, I LOVE them!"
"YOU'RE minus one!"
"I'm going to summon my jeans."
"I get on the denim horse and stride away."
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall!"
"Milk, and a little bit of blood."
"I'm not good at anything!"
"I'm gonna go old-school."
"Let's see how badly this goes."
"That's the money maker!"
"Bottle caps are just falling out of my pockets."
"That's another six months of rehab."
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Which, to clarify, isn't me!"
"Quick, let's do our double team move! What's it called?"
"Well, dawg, this fart-knocker over here was getting jiggy with my home-slice and that ain't all that and a bag of chips."
"He was hurting my friend."
"I was raised by a good woman to respect my elders and protect my friends."
"Now listen to me, 'dude'."
"You'll have to forgive them, they had to many Opal Fruits today. He's just a bit hyper."
"I am the finest, wholest purest milkman you've ever seen!"
"I've gone off on a different accent."
"And the crowd is wet with anticipation. I mean, HOT with anticipation."
"It's a moist crowd in here tonight, everyone."
"We keeping that in?"
"I'm much taller than my brother/sister, but I love them all the same."
"It's great to be here in... *whispers* What's my line?"
"That's where we are!"
"My time is almost behind me, but you are the future of this business."
"I'm gonna punch this woman in the back of the head!"
"They might say I'm past it. They might say I don't got the stuff anymore cause I don't do soy and I won't do oats! It's not even a milk! IT'S NOT EVEN A MILK!"
"You've taught me so much... It's mostly milk-based but you taught me wrestling too!"
"I grew up without a dad/mom and you've been like a father/mother to me."
"You delivered milk to my mom/dad, I believe."
"You taught me everything I knew but... I need to go a different path."
"I... I'm flippy now. You have to understand that."
"That's me. That's who I am!"
"I want you to step to one side, and let me step out from your shadow."
"It's not a shadow, it's a cast of tradition, an umbrella of tradition draped over all of us!"
"I'll always be there for you, but you be there for yourself."
"You're the closest thing I've got to family- apart from my mom/dad."
"You're the closest thing I've got to a dad/mom, and I just don't want to lose you."
"That's about as much emotion as I can muster."
"It's like a woman's jean pocket, you know, where they don't want you to fit your cellphone inside of it."
"Fighting is in my jeans."
"It doesn't make sense but lean into it."
"God damnit, I thought we weren't allowed to name brands."
"Are they the same? Doesn't matter!"
"I don't know what it is, but it looks great!"
"I see my mom/dad, they're always there. Hi mom/dad!"
"There's no need to change it. It kind of works for me anyway."
"I see your hand. I can truly appreciate what happened. I am a respectful person who has... no regards to the rules whatsoever."
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snarky-rp-memes · 5 years
Google Translate Lyric Sentence Starters, Part 2
"I was lost all night, and I fought."
"I am still confused, but I'm starting again."
"I keep falling, I'm still hitting the ground."
"By the end of chapter ten, I begin to get started."
"I would recommend it to anyone."
"I failed miserably."
"No, I want to try all the things."
"I want to make sure, but I'm not sure."
"Now you can finish, but... looks good!"
"I'm going to get to the end of the tenth and then I'll start over!"
"Every day I fail."
"Would you like to have a dog?"
"Kill people better!"
"Everybody hates pumpkins."
"No one's waiting for you to jump."
"Do not be yourself!"
"I am a prostitute and I am sorry."
"Life is not enough."
"This is our relationship, but we are not talking."
"This is Halloween, and it's boring."
"Now everyone has a cup of tea!"
"All people hail from butternut bitches."
"Keep your cats at home."
"Please don't sing anything in this pie."
"You have no cowboys in your dreams."
"There will be a spoon shortage."
"I'm having a rave at my place."
"This is a lamp."
"Why do you sing another song?"
"I can not describe the natural area."
"Knowing a tree is now important."
"Honey, I'm for sale."
"Give me freedom."
"If you need me, let me be."
"I'm stupid? Try to prove that."
"He was wrong with the Lord, because he had faith in him."
"And the house will stay with me, okay?"
"I do not know how to make a business force."
"No one is in my heart."
"I have forgotten the rules."
"Blue is very tense."
"Why are you dating?"
"I will never kill you."
"Candles are painful."
"Are you a statue."
"Everyone can be a man."
"Hula Queen. Fresh and tasty. Only seventy."
"Do you have time to live?"
"Dream of white wine."
"This day is fresh and unholy."
"Money is good."
"This is a terrorist country."
"I promise to make a mistake."
"Come on, lee booty drop dead!"
"Do I have a mother?"
"I have changed, the rain did not, I was successful."
"Life is dead."
"Simple, pure, straight trash."
"Mean meals for seven weeks."
"I'm afraid of debt."
"How did my life begin?"
"Join my existing website."
"When will my death start?"
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snarky-rp-memes · 5 years
Google Translate Lyric Sentence Starters, Part 1.
“I am guilty, you do not want.”
“Part time coaches will help me more.”
“Honey, I’m dead and I have been all the time.”
“Oh, what am I doing?”
“What do I do to me?”
“Are you the one who saved me?”
“The next day, in the world, another play plays.”
“But I do not know. I think action is everything, I think.”
“I want to activate your star.”
“No, because you will DIE!”
“Make sure the musical instrument is even more serious than your performance.”
“I will hug you.”
“I will smite you.”
“He is sitting naked.”
“Happiness is bad.”
“Do not worry about the demon.”
“I like shapes.”
“What is your family?”
“I am the Confederate Army.”
“At least I ran away.”
“I really wanted more.”
“I do not know what to do when I was in school.”
“It’s impossible to do anything.”
“Now this part! I really liked it very much! Thank you!”
“I participated without accessing anything.”
“You want to ignore a boy who is in his grave.”
“Just sleep because you think time is annoying.”
“We are free, we can not leave.”
“You already have this sandwich.”
“You only have a lot of money.”
“You are a banana.”
“Pillows are only welcome to the church.”
“No, I can not hear anything. Just translate the words.”
“No, it’s good to take these steps into account.”
“When I love you, I leave.”
“Be scared to be different.”
“Congratulations, I don’t understand.”
“Life is fun, at the cost of death of a bachelor degree.”
“I have no hands, but I’m confident.”
“On the road I was defeated by an old man.”
“I think some of the words have been written and the subtitles have been written.”
“I will take your lunch away from you.”
“You can not seduce hundreds of people.”
“I’m having ice cream.”
“Time to get drunk.”
“I just want to sleep.”
“I try to feel deep about myself.”
“Surprisingly, life does not make sense.”
“Your understanding is infinite.”
“Hi, you are not very funny.”
“My country is dead.”
“I’m not fucking tired.”
“Unfortunately, we are very wealthy.”
“Hey! Why are you here?”
“I know we missed every good customer.”
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snarky-rp-memes · 6 years
“Illegal Danish” Sentence Starters
"It's not easy being a diabolical genius, WHEN YOU HAVE TO PAY THE BILLS!" "Man, this hill is kicking my ass." "The danish is not safe!" "There's an impostor amongst us, and he touched my ass!" "Primitive man did not have access to portals, but they were also stupid." "This is not the time for dwarven river dancing!" "Can I get five minutes of sanity in this zoo!?" "Seize the ass-toucher!" "You need to stop wasting money on stupid crap!" "Stop judging me, they were on sale!" "Shouldn't you be wearing a dress?" "Hey! I only wore it once... and I was sexy." "I bless people. Here, I'll bless you right now!" "Come on baby, I got blessing of protection!" "This ain't going to look good on the insurance claim." "As long as you expect no man-lovin' afterwards." "Why do I feel dumber for even coming out here?" "I'm not leaving until every one of these cakes are in my mouth!" "Could you stop with the constant chattering? It's making me want to kill myself." "Some would consider it to be the last thread on a very thin rope." "I should've worn a dress." "You should ask me that again later, when I'm really, REALLY drunk." "Your fan just totally ate a squirrel!" "Those aren't even real trees!" "YOU! You're paying my repair bills!" "They weren't the most qualified, but they did give me this free pet walrus." "It's too dumb not to love." "Has anyone seen, _____ ? I think they might be dead." "I was enslaved by pants." "God I hate escorts. It's like trying to save one of _____'s kids." "Just follow me and... try not to do anything stupid." "Will you stop playing with that damn walrus!?"
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snarky-rp-memes · 6 years
“Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos” RP Sentence Starters
"The sands of time have run out."
"This is not the time for rambling prophets."
"I failed humanity once before, and I will not do so again."
"Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do."
"If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as them."
"It's your inquisitive nature that I've come to rely on."
"That crazed fool's convinced that the world is about to end."
"It's been awhile since a prince(ss) escorted me anywhere."
"Your curiosity will be the death of you."
"The harder you strive to slay your enemies, the faster you'll deliver your people right into their hands."
"This entire city must be purged."
"How can you even consider that?  There's got to be some other way."
"Then I must consider this an act of treason."
"Treason?  Have you lost your mind, _____?"
"Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me!  The rest of you... get out of my sight!"
"You've just crossed a terrible threshold, ____."
"I'm sorry.  I can't watch you do this."
"As you can see, your people are now mine."
"I will now turn this city household by household, until the flame of life has been snuffed out... forever."
"Better that these people die by my hand than serve as your slaves in death!"
"I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to!  Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!"
"No one goes home until our job here is done!"
"Is vengeance all that's important to you?"
"I would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland."
"Forget this business and lead your men home."
"Nothing shall prevent me from having my revenge. Not even you."
"I will give anything or pay any price, if only you help me save my people."
"(Sh)He tells me that the time for my vengeance has come."
"You no longer need to sacrifice for your people."
"You no longer need to bear the weight of your crown."
"This kingdom shall fall. And from he ashes shall arise a new order,
which will shake the very foundations of the world."
"I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved in his/her name, and I still feel no remorse.  No shame.  No pity."
"Told you my death would mean little."
"I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you."
"Death itself has come to your land."
"Finish it!  I deserve... a clean death."
"After all you've put me through, the last thing I'll give you is 
the peace of death."
"I have given you ample opportunities to surrender, but you have stubbornly refused!"
"So, you're not upset about me killing you that one time?"
"Seeking destiny?  It will find you in time."
"It's too... quiet.  Almost like we're being watched."
"We can't let rage overcome us again!"
"We must become the vessels of destruction that we were meant to be!"
"_______ was considered a great hero once, I believe he will become one again."
"After all these ages spent in darkness, your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind."
"We could go on fighting like this forever."
"If pride gives us pause, then perhaps we have lived long enough already."
"The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands."
"And now that my task is done, I will take my place amongst the legends of the past."
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snarky-rp-memes · 6 years
Send "Welcome back, to the stage of history." for a one-on-one duel starter between our muses.
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snarky-rp-memes · 6 years
Marx. Bros. (Mainly Groucho) Sentence Starters
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.”
From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.”
Go, and never darken my towels again.”
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.
Please, accept my Resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
It is better to have loft and lost than to never have loft at all.
If I hold you any closer I'll be in back of you!
And stop pointing that beard at me, it might go off!
Oh, we got into an argument and he pulled a knife on me so I shot him.
"The party of of the first part..." is hereinafter called: "the party of the first part..." and "The party of of the second part..." is hereinafter called: "the party of the second part...
Well, I wouldn't know about that.  I haven't been to ______ in years.
... and two hard boiled eggs ...
I came here for a party and what do I get? Nothing. Not even Ice cream.
Do you mind if I don't smoke?
If I were a man, you would resent that.
I'll show you a thing or three.
Well, all the jokes can't be good.  You've got to expect that once in a while.
That's a date, now, Saturday at three.  No, you better make it Tuesday.  I'm going to _____ on Monday.
Tell me, what do you think of the traffic problem? What do you think of the marriage problem? What do you think of at night when you go to bed, you beast?
One woman and one man might have been OK in your grandmother's day, but who wants to marry your grandmother? No one.  Not even your grandfather!
You know, I'd buy you a parachute if I knew it wouldn't open.
Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?
I could dance with you till the cows come home...But I would rather dance with the cows till you come home.
Why a four year old child could understand this! *whispers* Run out and get me a four year old child, I can't make head or tail out of it.
Remember men, we're fighting for this woman's honor; which is probably more than she ever did.
I've got a good mind to go out and join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Why don't you bore a hole in yourself and let the sap run out?
Well, I thought my razor was dull until I heard his speech.
And that reminds me of a story thats so dirty, I'm ashamed to think of it myself.
Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
I intend to live forever, or die trying.
Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
Don't look now, but there's one too many in this room and I think it's you.
Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot.
My mother loved children - she would have given anything if I had been one.
Years ago, I tried to top everybody, but I don't anymore. I realized it was killing conversation. When you're always trying for a topper you aren't really listening. It ruins communication.
Why a duck?
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snarky-rp-memes · 7 years
Infinite’s Theme (Sonic Forces) Sentence Starters
“I'm the tallest of mountains.”
“I am the roughest of waves.”
“I'm the toughest of terrors.”
“I am the darkest of days.”
“I'm the last one that's standing.”
“Don't try to stand in my way.”
“Cause if you're messing with me, I am a dangerous weapon.”
“I am the sharpest of blades; I'll cut you down in a second.”
“Cause I was born in this pain, it only hurts if you let it.”
“So if you think you can take me, then you should go and forget it.“
“And after all this time, you're back for more.”
“I won't stop until they know my name.”
“So I'll take what's mine and start this war.“
“I'm coming at you like a tidal wave.”
“You are at your lowest, I am rising higher.“
“Only scars remain of who I was.“
“What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire!“
“This is an illusion, open up your eyes.“
“But that's what it takes to be infinite!”
“So look around you, and tell me what you really see?“
“I never end.”
“That's the difference in you and me.“
“It's only me and you - who is gonna save you now?”
“I have the power, let me show you what it's all about.”
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snarky-rp-memes · 7 years
TheRunawayGuys Mario Party LP Sentence Starters
"How do you feel about multiple failed recordings of Mario Party?"
"Why did you actually pick up the phone?"
"You just sight gagged for an audio recording!"
"Mario Party has canon?!"
"Alright, so who's gonna explain how a dice works?"
"How is that racist!? It's a dinosaur!"
"Dinosaurs are people too, you know!"
"No, they're not! They're dinosaurs! That's why they're called dinosaurs!"
"D'oh, I missed!"
"I hate your face."
"_____ is DEAD! The jungle killed him!"
"So _____, I hate to tell you this, but... your test results came back positive... positive for communism."
"See, this is why communism never works."
"So three humans versus the AI, alright! Time to see who is mightier: the brain, or SILICONE!? "
"You never need the brakes! I'm a professional mine cart driver! "
"I was saying it out loud to try to not jinx it, though, but now that I've said that out loud, now I've jinxed it, though, but now that I've said that out loud, I haven't jinxed it, and now that I've said I haven't jinxed it, now I have."
"You know what, ______, you're okay. I don't think I'll shank you."
"I'm a beefcake monkey. That's what the brown is. It's beef."
"This is exciting, folks. Running around in circles. Really bad sumo wrestling right here."
"Agh, (s)he's hugging me! (S)HE'S HUGGING ME!"
"Hump that chest, _____! Hump that chest! You show it who's boss!"
"...Why did you feel the need to point that out to everyone?"
"Hey guys, I don't live with my mom! Stop saying that on the internet, I don't! I swear!"
"I'm not an idiot... I'm just an asshole!"
"Why did you kiss my controller?"
Yup, I know a little bit about mah balls."
"Uh... this guy looks fast! He has no legs!"
"NO! Why am I so bad at this? I know how to count!"
"_____, how 'bout you fire the friggin' torpedo!"
"I wanna hootenanny! I wanna hoot all the — No. I'm not going to finish that."
"Is this where I throw my controller at you?"
"(S)he sees too many dead people. More than the standard amount of dead people."
"Apparently we all killed its children this time!"
"(S)he's crying 'cause she has 0 coins. That's pretty sad that 0 coins is third place..."
"That was... the dumbest amount of luck I have ever seen."
"That's why we're all wearing pointy hats."
"Day at the Races! Day at the Races! I heard you like races— here are some days. You can spend them at the races. Day at the races..."
"Yes! YES! There is a god! And he really likes Mario Party!"
"Well, never mind. I guess it was a good thing you stole that money from me."
"Really?! Punching yourself hurts?!"
"Oh no! I'm a millionaire!"
"Turnabout is fair play, motherfucker!"
"Even when you are incredibly lucky, you still have shit luck."
"Let's have a nice clean game, and by clean, I mean bloody."
"He's learned the English language. Good job, native speaker."
"But this is my house! I pay the money to live here!"
"I'm from _______ which is dead last in the nation for education."
"I told- YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE ME! You didn't believe me! It's almost like I know what I'm talking about sometimes."
"If you say anything, my first response is going to be to put the controller down and punch you. That's your warning."
"Goodbye, sanity."
"I sent him a picture of the result screen and said "fuck this game."
"Yeah, take those 8 coins of mine, you piece of shit. I didn't lose enough money anyway!"
"I'm holding down A, I don't want to see this any longer than I have to."
"I'm okay with that now. I am more than okay with that now."
"Why would that be in this game?!"
"In your words, fuck this game."
"Look, I'm sorry. I just thought the shells were made of candy. No one told me this in advance."
"I like how they thought this mini game was good enough to be televised."
"_____'s sucking down on that pipe really well."
"I'm still in it because the controller is vibrating on my crotch."
"I know, but you're you, you have terrible luck."
"Hope you enjoy that star you bought with my pay cheque, _____."
"You're lousy!"
"How big of a dick do you want to be, _______?"
"I mean, I know you have to land it though, but the rules don't say you have to live when you land it!"
"I wanna know how it is you're winning, 'cause..."
"Yeah, I think I used up all my good luck rolls. My demon rolls, on the other hand, are apparently in abundance."
"That is evil and I love it!"
"I can't beat you guys, so I'm just going to go play by myself."
"He put food colouring in the cloning machine so he could tell them apart."
"And now, _____ will set a world record in this mode as (s)he rolls a one 31 times in a row."
"Today, we're gonna be shouting at a tampon."
"Tampons suck, never use them again."
"I'm scared of clean! Aaaah, soap bubbles!"
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snarky-rp-memes · 7 years
asdf movie (1-10) RP Sentence Starters
"Look out, he's got a nose!"
"You gotta help me, man! My tie is evil and it's gonna kill me!"
"I'll save you! TREE POWERS ACTIVATE!"
"Die, potato!"
"Hey you know who's gay?"
"I baked you a pie!"
"I like trains."
"Oh so it does- Ooooooh, you stole my lungs."
"Not today!"
"Haha! They said I could never teach a llama to drive!"
"I think I might be a homosexual!"
"How did I...get here?"
"Hahaha... I can't read!"
"No wait! I'm allergic to adorableness!"
"I can't wait to eat this bagel."
"Oh no, I spilled my milk!"
"Who parked thier car on my sandwich!?"
"Feed me paper."
"[name], did you eat my sandwich?"
"I am your sandwich."
"Pfft! Screw gravity!"
"*gasp* There's something on your face! IT WAS PAIN!"
"Now son, don't touch that cactus."
"Honey, why is the baby on fire?"
"I'm gonna do an internet!"
"Hey kid, you can't skate here!"
"I wanna be a pie!"
"Well I stole your face!"
"You are a chair, darling."
"It worked my time machine worked!"
"I am a stegosaurus."
"Quick! Shoot me in the face!"
"Banana fight!"
"I wanna go to the moon!"
"HEY! You two should kiss!"
"Sir, you appear to have a very severe case of...baby voice."
"Man, you ever going to run out of muffins!?"
"I wonder if my pony can fly?"
"I'm going to punch you in the face!"
"But it's opposite day."
"You ever get tired of being random?"
"I'm going to punch your face. IN THE FACE."
"Hello, and welcome to standing up school."
"Annnnd, you fail."
"I used to be a cow!"
"Shoot it down."
"I have no idea how to breathe."
"Quick! Don't think about cats!"
"Hey! You wanna play 'Catch The Knife'?"
"Ma'am/Sir, I'm afraid I caught your son doing... HOMEWORK."
"But I wanna die!"
"Oh I'm sorry, but I'm a ghost."
"Why won't you let me die!?"
"Hey baby are you an angel? Cause I'm allergic to feathers."
"I am a very tall midget."
"Who wants a muffin!?"
"Suddenly, pineapples!"
"Haha! Now you're blind!"
"You need to stop breaking people's necks."
"Well, the good news is you don't have brain cancer anymore!"
"Well, we failed. Don't look."
"But mother/father, I love him."
"I'm afraid of backstories."
"[name], are you a cow?"
"You guys want to go skateboards?"
"The orphans... they're all dead... what kind of man would do this?"
"~It's a lovely day to walk down the road, and if I ever stop singing I will explode!~"
"Oh, I'm gay now..."
"Hey, wanna see an impression of my dad?"
"Heeey, I'm not like other girls/boys/people. I have SNAKE ARMS."
"Beep Beep, I'm a sheep. I said beep beep, I'm a sheep."
"Have you seen mah lemons? I want mah lemons!"
"I don't wanna be fat anymore..."
"Meow meow, I'm a cow. I said meow meow, I'm a cow."
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snarky-rp-memes · 7 years
Dead Girl Walking [Reprise] (Heathers) Lyric Sentence Starters
“I wanted someone strong who could protect me.”
“I let his anger fester and infect me.”
“His solution is a lie.”
“No one here deserves to die, except for me and the monster I created.”
“I’m a dead boy/girl walking.”
“And there’s your final bell.”
“It’s one more dance and then farewell.”
“_____ told me you just committed suicide!”
“Yeah, well, he/she’s wrong about a lot of things.”
“I threw together a lovely tribute, especially considering the short notice.”
“Step away from the bomb.”
“This little thing? I’d hardly call this a bomb.”
“The only place that _____ and ______ can get along is in heaven.”
“I wish your mom had been a little stronger.”
“I wish she stayed around a little longer.”
“I wish your dad were good!”
“I wish grown ups understood!”
“I wish we met before they convinced you life is war!”
“I wish you’d come with me!”
“I wish I had more TNT.”
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snarky-rp-memes · 7 years
Dead Girl Walking (Heathers) Lyric Sentence Starters
"Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?"
"I don't have to stay and die like cattle."
"But I don't own a motorbike."
"Here's an option that I like: Spend those thirty hours gettin'... freakay!"
"I need it hard."
"I'm a dead girl/boy walking!"
"Sorry, but I really had to wake you"
"I decided I must ride you till I break you."
"You're my last meal on death row."
"Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!"
"Tonight I'm yours!"
"Get on all fours!"
"I'm hot and pissed and on the pill."
"You know, it's 'cause you're beautiful."
"You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree."
"So the world's unfair. Keep it locked out there... 
“In here, it's beautiful."
"Let's make this beautiful!"
"That works for me!"
"Yeah! Full steam ahead!"
"How'd you find my address?"
"Let's break the bed!"
"I think you tore my mattress!"
"No sleep tonight for you, better chug that Mountain Dew!"
"Okay, okay."
"Get your ass in gear, make this whole town disappear!"
"Slap me!"
"Pull my hair!"
"Touch me there and there and there!"
“No more talking!”
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snarky-rp-memes · 7 years
Send “Tales of the Past” for a thread with a muse from the mun’s past.
Alternatively, send “Tales of the Future” for a muse the mun wants to play as.
(adapted just for you!)
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